Project Selection Advisory Council September 16, 2014 Springfield, MA 1 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | September 16, 2014 PSA Council Meeting #8 Since July 29: Developed objectives, metrics, scoring guidance, and weights and ran a set of projects through the formula. Today’s Goal: To respond to proposed prioritization formula and provide feedback on outstanding items and next steps Agenda • Review Proposed Metrics and Scoring Guidance • Results and Observations • Remaining Schedule • Asset Categories and Project Costs • Next Steps 2 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | September 16, 2014 Criteria Objectives Metrics To what extent does the project address strategies in Strategic Highway Safety Plan for identified problems along the corridor? (includes reducing collisions involving Safety/Security pedestrians, cyclists, truck/bus) Does the project improve an identified issue along Improve evacuation route evacuation route or strategic corridor? To what extent does the project support mode shift from Support mode shift single occupancy vehicles? To what extent does the project improve the reliability of Mobility Improve reliability the transportation system? Does the project efficiently increase persons per hour Improve efficiency capacity? To what extent does the project support smart growth Support sustainable development development? Economic Development To what extent does the project support efficient Ensure efficient movement freight movement of freight vehicles? To what extent does the project benefit an Environmental Equity Targeted underserved communities Justice community or Title VI populations? What is the estimated change in GHG emissions? Reduce GHG To what extent does the project have the potential to Reduce incidents of chronic disease increase physical activity in areas with high levels of Health/Environment obesity? To what extent does the project reduce exposure to Reduce incidents of chronic disease noise, air, and water pollution in areas with high exposure levels? Ensure maintenance of existing How cost effective is the system preservation investment (based on PSI, PONTIS, SOGR database, etc.)? infrastructure Preservation Does the project address future climate change resiliency Ensure resiliency planning measures? Reduce frequency and severity of collisions for all modes 3 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | September 16, 2014 Explanation of Selected Metrics Mode Shift: To what extent does the project support mode shift from single occupancy vehicles? System Preservation: How cost effective is the system preservation investment (based on PSI, PONTIS, SOGR database, etc.)? System Efficiency: Does the project efficiently increase persons per hour capacity? 4 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | September 16, 2014 Scoring Guidance Improve Efficiency + 3 = Project significantly increases persons per hour capacity on the existing transportation network + 1 = Project moderately increases persons per hour capacity using existing facilities or improves persons per hour capacity by expanding the existing network 0 = Project has no impact on travel speed or efficiency 5 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | September 16, 2014 Scoring Guidance Reduce exposure to noise, air, and water pollution +3 = Project significantly reduces exposure to noise, air and water pollution in an area with high exposure levels +2 = Project moderately reduces exposure to noise, air and water pollution in an area with high exposure levels 0 = Project has no impact on noise, air and water pollution either because of no significant changes or because negative impacts have been mitigated with trees or other exposure mitigation efforts -2 = Project increases exposure to noise, air, and water pollution -3 = Project significantly increases exposure to noise, air, and water pollution 6 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | September 16, 2014 7 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | September 16, 2014 8 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | September 16, 2014 Project Illustrative Project Scores Project Type Location Score Reconstruction of Causeway On-Road Bike/Ped Boston 66.33 New DMU Service Transit Lynn/Chelsea 57.33 Bus Rapid Transit Transit Springfield 47.33 Twin City Rail Trail Off-Road Bike/Ped Fitchburg/Leominster 46.00 Route 2 Safety/Roadway Realignment Erving 45.00 Ferry Street/Elm Street Traffic Calming Everett 44.33 FRTA Maintenance Facility Transit – Maintenance Greenfield 42.67 Route 24/Route 140 Interchange Reconstruction Taunton 28.33 Fenway Multi-use Path Off-Road Bike/Ped Boston 24.33 East Street Roadway Widening Pittsfield 17.33 I-495/Route 1A New Ramp Construction Wrentham 9.00 9 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | September 16, 2014 Illustrative Project Analysis: Bike/Ped Projects Causeway Reconstruction vs. Fenway Multi-use Path Propensity for mode shift Potential reliability improvements 10 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | September 16, 2014 Illustrative Project Analysis: Highway Expansion Projects Rt 2 Erving vs. East Street, Pittsfield Potential impact of pedestrian improvements Range of improvements: safety, reliability for all users 11 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | September 16, 2014 Illustrative Project Analysis: Examples of Scoring Inflexibility Interchange Projects – Route 140/24, 495/1A • Proposed system is not currently structured to rate auto-centric projects highly Non-Revenue Transit Facilities – FRTA Garage • Transit projects without a service improvement component may have an upper limit to how high they can score (benefits are more indirect) 12 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | September 16, 2014 PSA Council Schedule September 24 – Haverhill – Merrimack Valley Planning Commission October 20 – Hyannis – Cape Cod Commission October 31 Draft Report November 12 – Worcester – Union Station (Union Hall) December 31 Final Report 13 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | September 16, 2014 Other Considerations: Asset Categories - Optional Consideration weMove Massachusetts asset categories already developed Additional established funding sources: Strategic Highway Safety Program; etc Project Costs - Required Consideration When and how should it be considered? Total Cost or Cost/Benefit? What role should designated funding sources play? 14 | Leading the Nation in Transportation Excellence | September 16, 2014