Stakeholder Summary Report Report on Questionnaire and Interview Outreach for the MA Multimodal Project “Transportation is a barrier to pulling people out of poverty.” prepared for the Massachusetts Department of Transportation prepared by Regina Villa Associates, Inc. Cambridge Systematics, Inc. August 13, 2012 Table of Contents Executive Summary ...................................................................................................... ES-1 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1.1 Background ............................................................................................................ 1.2 Approach and Outreach ....................................................................................... 1.3 Interviews ............................................................................................................... 1.4 Questionnaire......................................................................................................... 1-1 1-1 1-2 1-2 1-3 2.0 Summary of Interviews ............................................................................................... 2.1 Interview Questions .............................................................................................. 2.2 Summary ................................................................................................................ 2-1 2-1 2-7 3.0 Questionnaire ................................................................................................................ 3-1 3.1 Methodology .......................................................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Respondents ........................................................................................................... 3-2 3.3 Respondents’ Transportation Choices ............................................................... 3-9 3.4 Transportation Attitudes...................................................................................... 3-11 3.5 Attitudes toward Roadways ................................................................................ 3-13 3.6 Attitudes toward Walking……………………………………………………. .. 3-14 3.7 Attitudes toward Funding…………………………………………………….. . 3-15 3.8 Other Transportation Options………………………………………………… . 3-17 3.9 Summary………………………………………………………………………… 3-18 4.0 YMM and WMM Themes ........................................................................................... 4.1 youMove Massachusetts ....................................................................................... 4.2 weMove Massachusetts......................................................................................... 4-1 4-1 4-2 5.0 Recommendations and Next Steps ............................................................................ 5-1 Appendix ........................................................................................................................ A1 A Questionnaire (English)........................................................................................ A1 B Questionnaire (Spanish) ...................................................................................... A8 C Questionnaire (Portuguese) ................................................................................. A14 D Questionnaire (Haitian Creole) ........................................................................... A20 E Questionnaire (Vietnamese) ................................................................................ A26 F Massachusetts Towns by MPO Region……………………………… .............. A31 G Massachusetts Towns by UZA..………………………………………….……. A39 H Open-Ended Responses………………………………………………… ............ A48 I Word Clouds……………………………..……………………………………… A230 J Neighbor To Neighbor Summary Report ......................................................... A234 K Additional Comments .......................................................................................... A240 List of Tables 1.1 Top Referrer Sites .......................................................................................................... 1-4 2.1 List of Stakeholder Interview Participants ................................................................ 2-8 2.2 Map of Stakeholder Interview Participants………………………………………… 2-9 3.1 Demographic Results of Respondents Compared to 2010 Census ........................ 3-3 3.2 Ages of Respondents .................................................................................................... 3-3 3.3 Education of Respondents ........................................................................................... 3-4 3.4 Ethnicity of Respondents ............................................................................................. 3-4 3.5 Language of Survey ...................................................................................................... 3-4 3.6 Race of Respondents ..................................................................................................... 3-5 3.7 Income of Respondents ................................................................................................ 3-5 3.8 Number of Vehicles (per household) of Respondents ............................................. 3-6 3.9 Comparison of MPO Region of Respondents (live) and 2010 Data ....................... 3-7 3.10 Comparison of MPO Region of Respondents (work) and 2010 Data .................... 3-8 3.11 Geographic Region (live) of Respondents ................................................................. 3-8 3.12 Respondents Who Live in Environmental Justice Areas......................................... 3-9 3.13 Typical Trip of Respondents ....................................................................................... 3-10 3.14 Average Number of Trips per Week .......................................................................... 3-10 3.15 Frequency of Public Transportation Use ................................................................... 3-11 3.16 Average Rating of Transportation Factors ................................................................ 3-11 3.17 Average Rating of Transportation Factors by Subgroup ........................................ 3-12 3.18 Reasons Respondents Do Not Use Public Transportation ...................................... 3-13 3.19 Desired Types of Roadway Improvements ............................................................... 3-13 iv 3.20 Average Rating of Factors to Improve Walking ....................................................... 3-14 3.21 Average Rating of Factors to Improve Walking by Subgroup ............................... 3-15 3.22 Average Rating of Transportation Funding Priorities ............................................. 3-16 3.23 Average Rating of Transportation Funding Priorities by Subgroup ..................... 3-17 Executive Summary The Massachusetts Multimodal Project, known as weMove Massachusetts (WMM), is a strategic planning process developed by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT). The project is designed to improve how the agency does business, responds to customers, and provides transportation services that are a crucial foundation for the Commonwealth’s sustainable economic development. WMM includes development of a data-based process for prioritizing transportation investments. The product will reflect good transportation policy, modal shift, and public opinion. In 2009, as part of the youMove Massachusetts project (YMM), MassDOT undertook a series of public engagements to involve customers in the ongoing process of transforming transportation in the Commonwealth. The agency invited people across the Commonwealth to learn about the transportation challenges they face on a daily basis. From these conversations, MassDOT developed a list of ten core themes: statements of fundamental importance that articulate the concerns, needs, and aspirations of Massachusetts customers for their transportation network. As part of weMove Massachusetts (WMM), the next step in the transforming initiative, MassDOT continued to focus on involving its customers in helping set transportation investment priorities. The goal of the WMM outreach effort was to learn more about the transportation experiences and needs of a focused set of stakeholders. In particular, WMM targeted populations who did not fully participate in the original process at the level MassDOT wanted to see. The WMM team focused on outreach to Environmental Justice and Title VI populations. This effort included conversations with leaders of environmental, community, transportation, and public health groups, who work with low English proficiency, low income, elderly, and transit-dependent people. At the same time, MassDOT continued to welcome comments and participation by the public. The team developed two approaches: conducting interviews with the leaders of specific populations and groups; and developing a questionnaire in multiple languages that was made available on a website and in print. MassDOT used media, social networking, community groups and postings, and outreach to health, transportation, and senior communities. The team found that personal contacts and repeated efforts to reach the targeted groups were the most successful strategies. Despite the fact that this outreach took place while the MBTA was proposing fare increases and service cuts, when invited to participate, stakeholders easily focused on their transportation needs. The team conducted 19 interviews with leaders of stakeholder groups (and one group conducted and reported on its own mini-focus group). The WMM interviews identified a consistent set of needs across primarily urban areas around the Commonwealth focused on public transportation and other alternatives to private automobile use, such as walking and bicycling. These leaders suggested that MassDOT: Provide expanded hours of regional transit service (outside of the MBTA’s service area); currently, night and weekend service is the exception and limits economic and social opportunities. Strengthen dependability/reliability of regional transit service to ensure that customers can reach jobs, appointments, and remain mobile (whether without a car due to choice, age, or income). Update transit service to reflect demographic and employment changes. Maintain and improve walking and bicycling infrastructure: build sidewalks, use MassDOT’s Complete Streets policy as a model, consider lighting and crosswalk conditions and improve them. Consider the economic impact of the cost of transportation as it affects accessibility and disabled, lower income, and limited English proficiency populations. Provide travel training, more and better information on transit and multimodal travel. 1,893 respondents participated in the questionnaire. The results provide valuable themes and topics to be investigated and/or considered as MassDOT begins to implement a system, including public input, for responding to transportation challenges in the Commonwealth. The respondents identified the following themes: Expand the regional transit system to add more service and longer hours. Provide more reliable transit service – respondents pointed to the unpredictability of using public transportation. Better maintain existing public transportation vehicles, stations, and roadways. Increase and improve infrastructure (sidewalks and bike lanes) for pedestrians and bicyclists. The WMM responses suggest examining priorities by subgroups. For example, the needs of customers may differ by geographic regions (Metropolitan Boston, other statewide urban communities, and rural areas) and they may have different priorities. Data from the interviews and questionnaire responses affirm the themes developed in the YMM process while providing more specific recommendations for serving targeted stakeholders in Environmental Justice and statewide urban communities. The most striking comment in the interview process - transportation is a barrier to pulling people out of poverty – was affirmed by many of the leaders and reinforces the importance of transportation to economic development and quality of life in the Commonwealth. The team suggests that MassDOT develop a process for continuing these conversations as it makes decisions on prioritizing transportation investments. ES-2 1.0 1.1 Introduction Background The Massachusetts Multimodal Project, known as weMove Massachusetts (WMM), is a strategic planning process developed by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT). The project is designed to improve how the agency does business, responds to customers, and provides transportation services that are a crucial foundation for the Commonwealth’s sustainable economic development. The project includes development of a process for prioritizing transportation investments in a way that reflects good transportation policy, modal shift and public opinion gathered during an earlier civic engagement initiative called youMove Massachusetts (YMM). MassDOT’s customers participated in the youMove Massachusetts process to share their vision for the transportation system of the Commonwealth. The weMove Massachusetts process is MassDOT’s first comprehensive, data-based effort to prioritize transportation investments. Between now and early 2013, weMove Massachusetts will: Clearly articulate MassDOT’s goals, priorities, and policies, which are based on public input. Advance important statewide policy goals for improving mobility, protecting the environment, promoting economic growth, and improving public health and quality of life. Better use available information to allocate funding and prioritize projects in a clear and transparent way. Communicate with stakeholders about their ideas on improving transportation services. Engage all of the MassDOT staff in the weMove Massachusetts process via interviews, an advisory committee, and consultation on technical approaches, planning and implementation of a new prioritization system. The youMove Massachusetts process identified ten core themes that articulated the expressed concerns, needs and aspirations of Massachusetts residents for their transportation network. The ten themes are: reliability, maintenance, design, shared use, capacity, user friendly, broaden the system, funding and equity, environment and access. In the current phase of implementing transportation reform, MassDOT undertook public outreach to meet the following goals: MassDOT sought to broaden and deepen its contacts and dialogue with Environmental Justice and Title VI communities. MassDOT felt that the youMove Massachusetts process may not have reached enough of these stakeholders, including elderly and rural populations, and sought to gather more input on transportation challenges and needs from these populations. 1.2 Based on responses to interviews and a questionnaire (available online, in print and in English, Spanish, Haitian Creole and Vietnamese), MassDOT sought to compare data and key issues identified in the WMM outreach to those compiled during the YMM process with the goal of better understanding the challenges faced by the populations participating in the WMM outreach. Approach and Outreach To develop a successful outreach program, the WMM team spent several months generating a database and developing relationships with community groups and leaders. Based on experience, the team felt that working with and through community leaders could enhance the outreach and result in more participation in the interview and questionnaire information gathering. This compilation of contacts was completed through the use of new and traditional methods of engagement, including: Email to existing contact lists (including the original YMM database), Targeted outreach to the communities of interest, Media releases, which invited participation in the process and were distributed statewide, Use of social media and the MassDOT blog, Postings on websites of community organizations, Discussions with local health staff and leadership and legislative staff to get contacts at key community groups, and Reviewing and revising contacts to ensure diverse geographic representation across the Commonwealth. MassDOT’s project manager also sent an email to every local public health director (or head of the Board of Health) in the Commonwealth (each municipality has its own Health Department or Board), requesting EJ and Title VI contacts in the community. The consultant team searched for key statewide organizations and leaders from “gateway” communities. This information was combined into a master database of more than 4,000 contacts. Since the YMM effort relied on public meetings/workshops and website input, the new approach had two prongs: (1) key interviews with stakeholder leaders and (2) a questionnaire (available online and in print). This research was strictly qualitative in nature. It was intended to provide MassDOT with user insights about existing (transportation infrastructure) problems as well as generating ideas for later quantitative research. 1.3 Interviews The team developed an outreach approach to potential interview subjects based on a number of factors. The first step was drafting a Civic Engagement Plan targeting potentially underserved populations, including: 1-2 Residence in or representation in a gateway community as designated by the team in conjunction with MassDOT; these are primarily Environmental Justice communities; and Representation of stakeholder groups including low level of English proficiency; elderly or elder services; rural; low income; minority; community action or economic development; disabled; Latino, African-American, or other minority group; or transit focused. Based on these priorities, team members reached out (by phone and/or email communication) to more than 100 representatives of stakeholder groups in communities around the Commonwealth. A total of 19 people participated in phone interviews, and one group (Neighbor 2 Neighbor) conducted its own discussion and provided a set of responses (see Appendix J). 1.4 Questionnaire The team worked closely with MassDOT staff to develop a 26-question survey (see Appendix A). The questionnaire was prepared in five languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole and Vietnamese (online only). (See Appendices B-E for the non-English questionnaires.) The online version of the questionnaire was available through a link on the YMM website ( and the WMM website ( For the YMM site, the home page and “Share Your Views” pages were also available in multiple languages. The interactive map on the YMM website is available in English and Spanish. The team also provided print copies of the questionnaire upon request and provided copies to community leaders for distribution. Print responses were mailed to the consultant offices and the data was entered manually. The questionnaire was accessible via screen reader. In addition, the team also complied with a request to read the survey to a blind respondent over the telephone, with the reader coding the responses. The team sent an email to the database contacts announcing the availability of the questionnaire in February 2012. In April 2012, MassDOT sent a press release promoting the questionnaire (in English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, and Portuguese) to all English and non-English media outlets in the Commonwealth. A reminder email was sent to the project database at the same time as the release. The questionnaire closed on April 23, 2012. There were 1,893 responses to the questionnaire, with 109 of these submitted as print copies. For respondents who completed the questionnaire online, more than 50 percent of the respondents clicked directly into the survey page, suggesting that the source of the link was access via an email blast (either directly or forwarded) or through the press release. Both the eblast and press release had the direct links embedded in the text. 1-31-.3 1-3 Table 1.1 Top Referrer Sites Top Referrer Sites (over 2%)1 Direct Link to weMove Massachusetts site youMove Massachusetts site (various pages) 2 Percent (Frequency) 55.6% (1044) 2.8% (53) 22.9% (426) A referrer is the webpage a respondent visited immediately before beginning the survey. The table lists the referrer webpages that at least 2% of respondents visited. 2 109 hard copies of the survey were entered via a link from the youMove Massachusetts website. 1 1-4 2.0 Summary of Interviews RVA interviewed 19 stakeholders in leadership or executive positions in a variety of organizations across Massachusetts. The communities were prioritized in discussions with MassDOT's Offices of Transportation Planning and Civil Rights. The team reached out – via email and phone calls – to more than 100 organizations or individuals. Some did not respond to the interview request; others forwarded information about the questionnaire and did not participate; and one organization – Neighbor 2 Neighbor – organized its own meeting and provided a summary of key issues (see Appendix J). The groups included councils on aging, neighborhood and family alliances, economic development agencies, community action councils, planning commissions, community health centers, homeless programs, and low-income and minority groups. The participants outlined a wide range of transportation concerns, but the most powerful was a feeling of isolation prompted by the lack of access to public transportation. Throughout 19 interviews, the conversations repeatedly circled back to the lack of sensible and reliable access to transportation in communities facing high poverty rates, high unemployment rates, limited education, and limited English proficiency. 2.1 Interview Questions 2.1.1 PART I: What do you consider to the most important transportation need for your community of interests right now? The most frequently highlighted transportation needs were expanded hours of service, strengthening dependability/reliability, maintaining infrastructure, the economy’s impact on transportation costs, and transportation accessibility and sensitivity to disabled, lower income and limited English proficiency populations. The most frequently mentioned need was extended hours of service. The majority of stakeholders said the most common mode of transportation for their constituents is the bus. Many stakeholders would like to see longer hours and more frequent service, specifically on evenings and weekends. Those working second or third shift jobs, as office and hotel cleaners, hospital staff, etc., can’t reach or leave their place of employment by public transportation during these times. Dependable and efficient service also rated high. The inconsistency and multiple transfers of the current bus schedules were discussed many times. The two most affected groups identified in many of these conversations were the elderly and low-income. The elderly often rely on car and bus services to bring them to and from appointments. Michelle Brace of the Brockton Council on Aging said that if elderly people felt they could depend on reliable transportation, fewer seniors would be on the road driving. Many public transportation system trips are destinations for essential, day to day errands. In Lowell, Marianne Gries, Director of the Lowell Alliance for Families and Neighborhoods, said it is common for many of the agency’s clients not to have cars. She said transportation must be “efficient enough to get to medical appointments, kids’ schools, social service appointments, and the grocery store.” Without cars, many people are forced to take expensive cab rides because public transportation does not run where they are trying to go. The Worcester Community Action Council serves hundreds of young people who need transportation for essential tasks -- taking summer classes to earn their GED or look for summer jobs. Access to these jobs would benefit the community’s residents, who already live in an area with a high unemployment rate, high teen birth rate, high high-school dropout rate, and high poverty rate. There was a sense of hesitation about whether the MBTA or other Regional Transit Authorities (RTAs) cater to a vulnerable population – the disabled, low-income, minimal education, limited English proficiency, and the elderly. To increase sensitivity, recommendations include more signage and directions in multiple languages, better equipment to accommodate physical disabilities, and training for drivers in respecting cultural competencies. Frank O’Connor, an Economic Development Officer for the City of Lawrence, said the train system in the Commonwealth “is set up for failure, especially for those with kids.” He said he used to take the commuter rail into Boston, but now that he has a wife and child, he cannot rely on something so undependable and infrequent in case there is an emergency. This opinion, shared by commuters, keeps at least one parent on the road commuting into a city until he or she regains trust in the transportation system. Maintaining infrastructure and sharing it with different modes of transportation were very important for many communities. Michelle Bourdin, Program Director of Mass in Motion, asked, “Are the infrastructures in good enough condition to get people out and walking and get eyes on the street watching the neighborhoods?” There is a view that proper maintenance will result in safer communities. A shared concern was the current state of the economy and its effects on lower-income populations and their access to transportation. Darnell Williams, President of the Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts in Roxbury, was especially concerned with the effect fare increases will have on organizations that subsidize passes for low-income populations. He said this is a common concern for nonprofits: how will the economy directly affect the people they serve. Tricia Pistone, Associate Director at Montachusett Opportunity Council, said education about the public transit system is essential, especially in more rural areas. “It can take three years to build ridership; you have to train and educate people. Education is not just about routes; there is fear from riders who have never had this service before so how will they get home if it disappears or they don’t know how to use it.” 2-2 More frequent route assessments or Comprehensive System Analyses would help to direct service to needs; for example, at the Barbara McInnis House, Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program, patients constantly have to go to the methadone clinic at the Shattuck Shelter, which is particularly tough to travel to and from. There are no shuttles to the major Boston hospitals, and multiple transfers to get to the Boston Medical Center. In Chelsea, one bus stops at Market Basket every hour; it took years to petition the MBTA successfully to change the stop in front of the Market Basket after the facility was built. 2.1.2 PART II: Follow up: Do any of these transportation needs (mentioned above) pertain to environmental justice, Title VI, or the disabled communities? 82% of interviewees responded “YES.” Below are some highlights: Community organizations that work with these groups suggested that programs such as The Ride are funded by the state and the “legislature needs to step up to increase tax revenue to support the transportation system,” Darnell Williams, President of the Urban League of Eastern Massachusetts, said. The Community Economic Development Center of SE MA provides travel training and translates travel training information into Spanish for new-comers who use transit because these services are not provided by the transit agencies in the area. Poverty-stricken families without cars use public transportation. These populations are often restricted in job choice because of their limited English proficiency, and unreliable transportation without good connections makes it difficult for them to search for a job, reported The Community Health Improvement Center at MGH Chelsea. Construction can have unreasonable impacts on these populations; for example, the Bridge over the Merrimack was closed, which denied reasonable access to the commuter rail from the housing projects on the other side of the bridge. “Before, a low income or handicapped person could walk 3 blocks but now they are forced to take an expensive cab ride,” said Frank O’Connor from the City of Lawrence. Regarding environmental justice, Jeffrey Scavron, Medical Director at Baystate Medical Center, said where buses idle is in areas that are already polluted, and where the buses are repaired is an EJ issue. Interview subjects recommended driver training in cultural sensitivity, especially in urban areas. 2.1.3 PART III: How well do you think MassDOT is doing in addressing these needs? Many stakeholders said they can’t say what MassDOT is doing well or what it should be doing because they aren’t familiar enough with the organization. Some interpreted this as MassDOT not doing enough marketing and campaigning for initiatives and others interpreted their lack of knowledge about MassDOT as “no news is good news.” 2-3 Some expressed support for MassDOT, and they recognized the challenges implicit in improving transportation with limited funding. “I see such great projects starting, like rail trails and biking paths, but they aren’t ever finished or are on hold for five years because of funding issues. It’s sad because those are such a great resource and we really need to implement them,” said Eric Smith, Principal Planner at Montachusett Regional Planning Commission. Others said the DOT needs to more publicly address affordability and cost issues. Kathleen McInnis, NP and Director at the Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program, said fare discounts should solely be based upon income, not mental or physical health status. She would like the agency to help people with disabilities navigate the T system, not give them a discounted fare. “Our patients bring in a form that asks them to provide documentation and signature from a physician proving they have a disability. I don’t know how a disability should allow for a discount that should be directly related to income. Instead, the T should help the disabled navigate the system. The form takes a lot of time to fill out.” Others admitted focusing during this period only on the MBTA’s proposed fare increases, which in a round-about way, have created negative feelings about MassDOT. Overall, the organizations interviewed seemed distant from MassDOT and surprisingly unfamiliar with its initiatives. The communities queried, all over Massachusetts, reported they often feel ignored because they are outside of the Hub and funding is concentrated in the Greater Boston area. The DOT is unable to reach its ridership demographic, “minority customers like the Vietnamese and Asian communities prevalent in Lawrence who are not connected,” Frank O’Connor said. He believes MassDOT only reaches those who are online and well connected. Suggestions for MassDOT include: 2-4 Work with community organizations to host open meetings to identify more real and personal information about transportation directly from the community; Offer free bus rides to people at terminals who offer valuable feedback; Provide more physical information/maps/assistance at bus terminals; Integrate MassDOT transportation staff more fully with healthy living staff; Increase rail service between the Worcester area and Boston; Do more work toward implementing Complete Streets; Provide more support for all modes of transportation; Analyze bus ridership so service is better during rush hour and people don’t have to wait for the second or third bus; Work with communities to sponsor a career fair to get under- and unemployed people access to jobs; Collaborate more with local RTAs; and Undertake more outreach, such as door-knocking to get people at public meetings (LAFN went door-knocking before an MBTA hearing and the director reported it was “packed to the gills with lower income residents, students, the elderly, and a good representation of Lowell”). Compliments included being impressed with comprehensive plans to promote livable communities; safe routes to school and bicycle paths; South Coast Rail project and its significance for the community and connections to jobs. 2.1.4 PART IV: Are you directly or indirectly involved with any initiatives involving MassDOT? Many organizations did not know about and are not involved in any specific initiatives MassDOT is currently working on, and a majority of the stakeholders said they would like to form stronger relationships with MassDOT. The most focused involvement the organizations had with state agencies was being recipients of funding. Most work with local RTAs, so their involvement with MassDOT is minimal and indirect. Other state agencies these organizations are involved with include: Department of Housing and Community Development, Department of Education, Workforce Development, SRPEDD (regional planning agency), Department of Children and Families, Mass Office of Business Development, MPOs, Mass In Motion, Department of Transitional Assistance, Department of Health and Human Services, and Department of Public Health. 2.1.5 PART V: How have transportation needs in your area changed over the last decade? Those interviewed said that trends and changes in the economy have had a large impact on transportation needs over the last decade. More families than ever now rely on public transportation with the downturn of the economy and the rise in gas prices. Unemployment rates, pinched salaries, increasing household costs, and home foreclosures have changed transportation patterns. Many said that employment locations have shifted and bus routes have not changed to meet these needs. A worker can take a bus to a job at the regional mall, but he or she is forced to spend a good percentage of earnings on a cab ride back home. As these trends change, bus routes must be reevaluated. Changes in home and job proximity result in people being unable to walk to and from their work. In addition, some jobs have moved out of center cities to industrial parks, which often offer no bus or train access. Michelle Brace, from the Brocton Council on Aging, said the baby boomer population drives less than middle age adults, and there is a real need for transportation for them. “They have access to Boston Monday thru Friday, 9am to 5pm, but they would enjoy having transportation for church or for leisure,” she said. Other changes over the last decade include: schedule changes, relocation changes, more cab services, demand for bike lanes and pedestrian sidewalks, less transportation available in the downtown area, new hub in Worcester for bus services, more green and energy saving efficiencies, major budget cuts, adding bike racks onto buses, and affordability changes. 2-5 2.1.6 PART VI: Is there anything else you would like to tell us about how transportation options could be improved? The interviews confirmed that transportation is always an issue for communities faced with high poverty, high unemployment rates and high immigrant populations. The communities surveyed all include some element of Title IV populations and felt that enhanced transportation funding and infrastructure would be beneficial in the growth and development of their respective communities. They concluded that MassDOT needs to prioritize enhancing transit and put a greater emphasis on helping people reach jobs, education and other opportunities and investing in smart growth studies, creating connections among where people live, work, shop and play. This question gave interviewees an opportunity to stress the importance of their transportation concerns discussed in the first question; most strongly, these issues are related to the local or regional bus service. The interviews raised the lack of evening and weekend service, the need for fewer transfers, re-evaluation of bus routes based on real life needs and better conditions at bus stations. Other needs identified were better train connections and more options for service from Boston to the Springfield area. A general call for reconsideration of train hours was a priority. Among this discussion, those working second and third shift jobs as hotel and office building cleaners could take a train one hour earlier, or a few hours later than the scheduled train, but those options don’t exist. Youth who go out at night have limited safe options for getting home after midnight. Youth would be willing to pay the fares to get a safe ride home. “We need to give these kids access to a safer ride home. Merrimac students often go into North Station for concerts and events, go to the local bars after and then get into cars and drive home when we are sending off deadhead trains just an hour or two before this,” O’Connor said. Another suggestion was to send transit representatives to various bus stops to connect with riders and collect their experiences, opinions, and suggestions as to the most efficient way to improve the bus systems. There were also comments on infrastructure needs and options for bicyclists and pedestrians. There are many bike riders in communities, but in many places there are no bike lanes, infrastructure, or education to support bicyclists. 2.1.7 PART VII: Are there any specific infrastructure improvements you would like to see in your community? The most important general need identified is to build and maintain infrastructure for all modes of transportation to co-exist safely. This includes more Complete Streets investments, more sidewalk crossings, better intersections, better markings for street crossings, bike lanes, pedestrian bridges, and better lighting. Ten of fifteen respondents to this question said that maintaining safe sidewalks is an essential need for their communities, one even asserted it was “criminal things are being built without sidewalks.” Without safe sidewalks, the elderly can’t get out of their homes (especially in the winter), parents 2-6 can’t push strollers, and letter carriers can’t go about their business without having to walk out into the street. 2.2 Summary The leadership interviews conducted for the questionnaire provided the following observations: Transportation is a barrier to pulling people out of poverty. The agency needs to plan for and accommodate a burgeoning senior population. Bus schedules need to reflect needs of low income people to reach jobs. Service should be more reliable and efficient, particularly for low income people who depend on it. In more rural areas, more service and connections are needed for low income people and seniors. Service needs to be updated to reflect demographic and employment changes (for example, jobs are moving to suburbs and are not always in central cities; low income people depend entirely on public transit, so buses get them to these jobs as they can’t always afford to commute to Boston or other metropolitan areas). Lack of night and weekend service in many communities is a major issue for jobs (weekdays) and for visiting, family and church (weekends). Sidewalk conditions and other infrastructure (bike lanes, crosswalks) are very important to people who walk (seniors and low income) and they are mentioned frequently. Lighting is a safety issue. There should be more linguistically appropriate marketing and travel training for low English proficiency customers. Bus service in general needs more marketing, kiosks and information. Most people don’t understand financial and other challenges MassDOT is facing. MassDOT should meet directly with people, host open houses and job fairs (see: transportation is key to moving out of poverty). Some respondents have no idea what MassDOT is doing; others are peripherally connected through other state agencies. 2-7 Table 2.1 List of Stakeholder Interview Participants Name (Last, First) Town Organization Bourdin, Nicole Springfield Mass In Motion, Springfield 10-May-12 Brace, Michelle Brockton Brockton Council on Aging 3-Apr-12 Chiang, Sylvia Revere Revere on the Move, Revere Cares, MGH Revere 15-May-12 Dagilis, Jill Worcester Worcester Community Action Council 11-Apr-12 Diamond, Melissa Chelsea Community Health Improvement 17-May-12 Gries, Marianne Lowell Lowell Alliance for Neighborhoods & Families 4-Apr-12 Langille, Juliana Brockton Community Connections of Brockton 4-Apr-12 Luna, Ivette Boston Neighbor 2 Neighbor 25-Apr-12 McGrath, Donna Worcester Worcester Community Action Council 11-Apr-12 Neighbor 2 Neighbor General O'Connor, Frank Boston Neighbor 2 Neighbor 1-May-12 Lawrence Office of Economic Development, City of Lawrence 5-Apr-12 Pistone, Tricia Fitchburg Montachusett Regional Planning Commission 1-May-12 Saunders, Kathleen Boston Barbara McInnis House, Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program Scavron, Jeffrey Springfield Baystate Medical Center Scibinico, Laureen Malden Malden YMCA Smith, Eric Fitchburg Montachusett Regional Planning Commission 8-May-12 Walsh, Deborah Lynn Lynn Community Health Center 10-May-12 Williams, Corinn New Bedford Community Economic Development Center of SE MA 21-Mar-12 Williams, Darnell Roxbury Urban League 2-8 Date Interviewed 17-May-12 1-May-12 25-May-12 7-Feb-12 Figure 2.2 Map of Stakeholder Interview Participants 2-9 3.0 Questionnaire As noted in Section 1.2, Approach and Outreach, this research effort is qualitative in nature. The intention was to reach a large number of Environmental Justice and Title VI populations since these populations were not strongly represented during the YMM process. Most of the surveys were conducted online, and the team collaborated with community leaders to provide paper or telephone questionnaires when access to the internet was limited. 1,893 respondents participated in the questionnaire. While not all of the 26 questions were completed in full by each respondent, the team is confident that the results provided valuable themes and topics to be investigated related to existing transportation challenges in the Commonwealth. 3.1 Methodology While the advantages of online surveys are that they save time and can provide access to diverse groups of individuals, sampling issues result. All of the demographic information provided by respondents is self-reported, and the non-response rate is difficult to estimate. For example, we do not know how many people learned about the survey and chose not to complete it. There is also a self-selection bias in terms of who responds to the questionnaire, primarily people who already have an interest in transportation issues or otherwise have the time or inclination to participate. Therefore, the results of the survey are not intended to be statistically significant using scientific sampling methods. The results of the questionnaire provide insight, however, into existing transportation challenges these communities face and can help to generate hypotheses for future work. Combined with the themes of the interviews, the results focus on elements of the list of challenges and solutions identified in the YMM process. The data outline specific difficulties and suggest solutions in new voices that MassDOT sought to hear. In addition to typical demographic categories (age, race, gender, income, etc.), the team was also interested in analyzing the data based on several subcategories specific to this effort. Environmental Justice (EJ): Respondent lives in a municipality that has an EJ population (Source: MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, 2000 Census); see Section 3.2.4 for a definition. Environmental Justice Plus: Respondent lives in a municipality that meets at least 3 of the 4 Environmental Justice criteria (Source: MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, 2000 Census); see Section 3.2.4 for details. 3.2 MPO Live: Respondent lives in one of the 13 Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Regions in the Commonwealth.3 MPO Work: Respondent works in one of the 13 Metropolitan Planning (MPO) Regions in the Commonwealth. Geographic Region: In WMM, the project team wanted to differentiate urban areas from rural areas of the state. These areas were developed by running a spatial query that compared the urban areas to each township. For towns on the margin, professional judgment was applied to determine which urban town belonged by considering where the heart of the population was located. (See Appendix G for this breakdown.) These individual urban regions were then collapsed into two categories: Statewide Urban and Boston. Rural remained the third category. Low-Income: Respondents who reported less than $25,000/year in household income. Non-English: Respondents who completed the questionnaire in a language other than English. Non-white: Respondents who did not report "White" as their race. Respondents 3.2.1 Demographics The team compared the self-reported demographic characteristics of the respondents to the 2010 Census data. When looking at the data as a whole, it is apparent that while outreach was more successful than past efforts to Environmental Justice and Title VI groups, there needs to be increased outreach to these populations. Specifically, there was significantly less participation by AfricanAmerican and Hispanic individuals than the team had hoped for. On the other hand, there was an over-representation of highly educated individuals; see Tables 3.1 – 3.7. 3 Pembroke and Stoughton are members of both the Boston and Old Colony MPOs. For the purposes of this effort, they were designated as Old Colony only. 3-2 Table 3.1 Demographic Results of Respondents Compared to 2010 Census Demographic <= 18 >=65 Female White Black, African-American American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian American Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Hispanic Median Income Under $25,000 $25,000-$50,000 Table 3.2 Response MA Census (2010) 21.7% 13.8% 51.6% 80.4% 6.6% .3% 5.3% 0.0% 9.6% $64,509 Questionnaire 0% 11% 49.6%4 88% 3% 1% 3% 0% 4% 7.6% 10.8% Ages of Respondents Chart Percentage Count Under 18 0% 7 18-24 5% 82 25-34 20% 317 35-44 18% 291 45-54 23% 363 55-64 23% 372 65 or older 11% 176 Total Responses 4 1608 This does not include the 310 individuals who did not respond to the question. 3-3 Table 3.3 Education of Respondents Response Chart Percentage Count Less than high school graduate 2% 29 High school graduate 4% 67 Some college/technical/vocational school 13% 202 4-year college graduate 25% 395 Some post-graduate work 13% 213 Post-graduate degree 44% 700 Total Responses Table 3.4 1606 Ethnicity of Respondents Response Chart Percentage Count Hispanic or Latino 4% 61 Not Hispanic or Latino 96% 1497 Total Responses Table 3.5 1558 Language of Survey Percentage Count English 94% 1849 Spanish 1.2% 22 Portuguese 0.2% 3 Vietnamese 0.3% 5 Haitian Creole 0% 0 3-4 Table 3.6 Race of Respondents Response Chart Percentage Count White 88% 1388 African-American, Black 3% 41 Asian 3% 41 American-Indian, Alaskan Native 1% 8 Native Hawaiian, or other Pacific Islander 0% 2 Other5 6% 100 Total Responses Table 3.7 1580 Income of Respondents Response Chart Percentage Count Under $25,000 10% 144 $25,000 to just under $50,000 14% 204 $50,000 to just under $75,000 18% 270 $75,000 to just under $100,000 20% 301 $100,000 to just under $150,00 24% 352 $150,000 or more 15% 226 Total Responses 5 1497 Top other response: respondents who identify as multi- or biracial – either as a category or specifically (e.g., African-American/white). See Appendix H for the complete list of responses. 3-5 Table 3.8 Number of Vehicles (per household) of Respondents Response Chart Percentage Count None 16% 256 One 36% 573 Two 37% 589 Three or more 12% 192 Total Responses 1610 The analysis shows that 78% of respondents who do not own any vehicles have two or fewer individuals in the household. In fact, 48% of respondents who do not own vehicles are the only member of their households. As household size increases, the number of vehicles also increases. 3.2.2 Geographic Region As noted in the Approach and Outreach section, it was very important that this effort include participants from all regions in the Commonwealth. Respondents were asked to include the zip code where they lived and where they worked or went to school. This information was then broken out by MPO Region (see below). 6 Comparing the breakdown of respondents against 2010 forecasted household data (Table 3.9) demonstrates that the Boston Region was overestimated in the questionnaire and the Southeastern MPO was underrepresented. Comparing the employment breakdown (Table 3.10) demonstrates that the Boston region is overrepresented and the Pioneer Valley region is underrepresented. 6 "Not Valid" refers to municipalities outside of Massachusetts. 3-6 Table 3.9 Comparison of MPO Region of Respondents (Live) and 2010 Household Data MPO Region Berkshire Boston Cape Cod Central Mass Franklin Martha's Vineyard Merrimack Valley Montachusett Nantucket Northern Middlesex Old Colony Pioneer Valley Southeastern Mass Other/non-Massachusetts No Response/Not Valid 7 Respondents (Live) Percent (Frequency) 1.7% (32) 55.6% (1045) 1.1% (20) 5.7% (108) 1.9% (36) 0.1% (1) 1.5% (29) 2.6% (48) 0.1% (1) 1.0% (18) 1.1% (21) 8.2% (154) 0.1% (41) 0.6% (11) 16.7% (314) 2010 Household Forecast by Region7 1.6% (52,400) 30.8% (1,035,191) 1.8% (58,556) 4.6% (154,017) 0.8% (24,228) 0.1% (3,872) 2.7% (92,524) 2.1% (69,688) 0.1% (2,155) 2.2% (74,983) 2.7% (90,883) 6.0% (202,280) 5.5% (184,633) N/A N/A Source: Office of Transportation Planning. Note: The total of the regions do not equal the statewide total because two towns have dual membership in the Boston and Old Colony MPO. 3-7 Table 3.10 Comparison of MPO Region to Respondents (work) and 2010 Employment Data MPO Region Berkshire Boston Cape Cod Central Mass Franklin Martha's Vineyard Merrimack Valley Montachusett Nantucket Northern Middlesex Old Colony Pioneer Valley Southeastern Mass Other/non-Massachusetts No Response/Not Valid Table 3.11 Respondents (Work/School) Percent (Frequency) 1.4% (26) 55.1% (1035) 1.4% (26) 6.0% (113) 1.1% (20) 0.1% (1) 0.9% (17) 1.7% (32) 0.1% (1) 1.1% (21) 1.1% (20) 0.3% (5) 8.5% (159) 1.6% (30) 19.9% (373) 2010 Employment Forecast by Region8 2.0% (60,900) 57.6% (1,793,400) 2.9% (88,900) 7.2% (224,000) 0.8% (25,800) 0.2% (7,700) 4.1% (128,700) 2.5% (78,500) 0.2% (5,731) 3.6% (112,000) 4.0% (124,400) 8.1% (251,200) 7.4% (229,400) N/A N/A Geographic Region (Live) of Respondents In addition to breaking out the respondents by MPO region, the team broke them out by the geographic regions developed for WMM (see Appendix G). Geographic Region (Live) Boston Statewide Urban Rural Non-Massachusetts No Response/Not Valid Percent (Frequency) 60.5% (1137) 18.2% (342) 4.0% (75) 0.6% (11) 16.7% (314) 3.2.4 Environmental Justice The Executive Office of Energy and Enviornmental Affairs (EOEEA) uses specific criteria to define cities and towns in Massachusetts as Environmental Justice (EJ) communities. The elements used to label a community as EJ are income, minority, foreign-born, and Lacking English. The following criteria is used to define each element, respectively: (1) household earns 65 percent or less of the statewide household median income; (2) 25 percent or more of the residents are a minority; (3) 25 percent or more of the residents are foreign-born; and (4) 25 percent or more the residents are lacking English language proficiency. If a town or city has one or more of these elements, it is considered an EJ community (Based on the 2000 Census, 108 of 351 communities in Massachusetts are considered 8 Source: Office of Transportation Planning. Note: The totals of the regions do not equal the statewide total because two towns have dual membership in the Boston and Old Colony MPOs. 3-8 EJ). For study purposes, the team has also developed an "EJ Plus" category. To be considered EJ plus, a community must have three or more EJ elements (2000 Census); see Table 3.12.. Table 3.12 Respondents Who Live in Environmental Justice Areas Slightly more than 65% of respondents live in EJ communities, while almost 50% live in EJ plus communities (see table below). Environmental Justice EJ9 EJ Plus10 3.3 Percent (Frequency) 65.7% (1235) 48.3% (907) Respondents’ Transportation Choices 3.3.1 Transportation Mode An important aspect of the questionnaire was to find out the type of transportation choices respondents typically make. They were first asked to report their primary mode of transportation when making a typical trip (going to work, shopping, etc.). More than 50 percent of respondents (see Table 3.13) reported that they use a personal car for these trips and 23 percent said they used public transportation. Respondent lives in a municipality that has an EJ population (Source: MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, 2000 Census). 10 Respondent lives in a municipality that meets at least three of the four Environmental Justice criteria (Source: MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, 2000 Census). 9 3-9 Table 3.13 Typical Trip of Respondents Response Chart Percentage Count Personal car 51% 914 Someone else's car 2% 42 Bus or other form of public transportation (ferry, train, light rail) 23% 409 Private shuttle/Private bus service 1% 10 Walking 8% 138 Bicycle 11% 204 Taxi 0% 7 Other11 3% 57 Total Responses 1781 3.3.2 Non-work Trips On average, respondents report making about 7 non-work or school-related trips per week (Table 3.14). Of these trips, on average, they say they drive about 4 of them. Table 3.14 Average Number of Trips per Week # Trips/week (non-work) # Trips/week - driving Mean 7.49 4.41 3.3.3 Frequency of Public Transportation Use Respondents were also asked about the frequency of their public transportation use. Consistent with results from the previous question, most of the respondents are not regular public transportation users. Over 50% of respondents reported they use public transportation less than one day per week (see Table 3.15). 11 Top other responses include "staff," "staff car," or "support staff." See Appendix H for a complete list of "Other" responses. 3-10 Table 3.15 Frequency of Public Transportation Use Response Chart Percentage Count Never 12% 220 Less than one day per year 7% 120 Less than one day per month, but at least one day every year 21% 379 Less than one day per week, but at least one day every month 16% 283 1-3 days per week 15% 264 4-5 days per week 16% 285 6-7 days per week 13% 242 Total Responses 1793 Walking is used much more frequently as a mode. Almost 68% of respondents say that on a weekly basis, they walk at least 10 minutes to get to a destination. For bicycling, the numbers shift back. Only 27% of respondents bicycle weekly to reach a destination. 3.4 Transportation Attitudes The team was interested in existing attitudes toward these different travel modes. Why are most respondents choosing to use their personal vehicles? 3.4.1 Transportation Factors Respondents were asked to rate which factors were important to them, using a scale from "1" ("Not at all important") to "10" ("Extremely important"). While, on average, nearly all factors were rated quite highly for all respondents, "reducing pollution/conserving energy" was seen as the least important factor. The two most important factors were "travel time" and "convenience/flexibility." Table 3.16 Average Rating of Transportation Factors Travel time Cost Convenience/flexibility Comfort and safety Reduce pollution/conserve energy Mean 8.10 7.21 8.58 7.77 6.75 3-11 3.4.2 Enviornmental Justice and Title VI Populations Because of MassDOT’s interest in EJ and Title VI populations, it was also important to analyze these attitudes by different subgroup; see Table 3.17. Subgroups that did not show much variation from all respondents were "Non-white," "Non-English," "Seniors," "EJ (Live)," "EJ Plus," or whether they lived in the Boston region.12 There is variation in the importance of travel time savings among the three geographic regions. Travel time savings is much less important to rural respondents. Cost is relatively more important to low-income, non-white, and low education respondents. Convenience/flexibility is relatively less important to non-English and rural respondents. Comfort/safety is relatively more important to nonwhite, low educated, and statewide urban respondents. See Table 3.17 for the breakout by subgroups. Table 3.17 Average Rating of Transportation Factors by Subgroup 8.12 7.05 8.65 7.62 6.80 Low Education 8.21 7.51 8.62 8.31 6.97 Boston 6.73 6.92 7.88 7.47 6.31 Statewide Urban 8.17 7.26 8.63 7.68 6.96 Rural 8.14 7.24 8.64 7.75 6.92 EJ + (live) 7.77 6.75 8.49 7.89 6.82 EJ (Live) 8.37 7.56 7.71 7.38 6.88 Seniors 8.32 8.23 8.82 8.28 6.83 Non-English 7.54 7.94 8.28 7.90 7.15 Non-White Low-Income Travel time Cost Convenience/flexibility Comfort and safety Reduce pollution/conserve energy 7.84 7.85 8.55 8.28 6.92 3.4.3 Respondents Who Do Not Use Public Transportation Respondents who answered that they use public transportation less than 1 day a week were then prompted to answer a series of questions about why they do not use it.13 Of the responses (see Table 3.18), most said they do not use public transportation because it does not go where they want it to go and because they like the personal car convenience. Least important factors were issues of safety (either for waiting or while on the public transportation). There may not be much variation seen between "All respondents" and "Boston" because so many respondents live in the Boston region. 13 As a result, 786 respondents were not prompted to answer this question. 12 3-12 Table 3.18 Reasons Respondents Do Not Use Public Transportation Response Does not run frequently enough Does not go where I want it to go Too slow Station/stop too far away Do not feel safe walking/waiting Uncomfortable/unsafe on public transportation Like personal car convenience Need to make many stops Service hours do not work with my schedule Percent who Agree (Frequency) 28.7% (539) 35.7% (670) 24.2% (454) 23.4% (440) 9.9% (186) 8.4% (158) 39.2% (737) 27.0% (508) 22.7% (427) Respondents who answered that the "service hours do not work with my schedule" were also prompted to be specific about the kinds of schedule changes they want to see. Many of these respondents pointed to a need for more frequent service and expanded hours (later nights and early mornings). This was true for bus and commuter rail. They also pointed to the unpredictability of the service. Respondents were also asked if there were any other reasons people do not use public transportation. Many pointed to the unpredictable and unreliable service and the convenience of using a personal car. Some also addressed issues of crowding (lack of seats), personal disability issues, and the perceived stigma in using public transportation. (See Appendix H for Open-Ended Responses and Appendix I for Word Clouds.) 3.5 Attitudes toward Roadways Respondents were asked a series of questions about what kinds of roadway improvements (if any) they would like to see happen. They were asked to agree or disagree with each type of improvement. The majority of respondents only agreed with one type of roadway improvement – upgrading traffic signals. The responses are listed in Table 3.19. 48% of respondents wanted to see improvement on snow removal. Table 3.19 Desired Types of Roadway Improvements Response Add more travel lanes Add carpool lanes to the highway system Upgrade traffic signals Increase number of "Fast Lane" lanes Improve snow removal Percent Agree (Frequency) 26.0% (489) 36.2% (681) 54.5% (1024) 32.1% (604) 48.5% (912) Respondents were also asked an open-ended question about other types of roadway improvements they would like to see in their region. For all respondents, improved bike lanes was the most popular 3-13 option, but many other respondents pointed to the need for better roadway maintenance – specifically the fixing of potholes. (See Appendix H for Open-Ended Responses and Appendix I for Word Clouds.) 3.6 Attitutes toward Walking Respondents were asked what changes would make walking easier in their community, with "1" being "Not at all important" and "10" being "Extremely important." Of the choices listed in Table 3.20, pedestrian safety and enforcing laws governing pedestrians were seen as least important by all respondents on average. Respondents were also asked an open-ended question about other changes that would make walking easier in their community. Table 3.20 Average Rating of Factors to Improve Walking Response More facilities Improve existing facilities Enforce laws governing motorists Enforce laws governing pedestrians Enforce laws governing bicyclists Provide pedestrian safety education Improve snow removal Mean 7.07 7.58 7.18 5.59 6.23 4.95 7.38 These attitudes were also examined by subgroups (see Table 3.21). Respondents believe that of all the factors listed, improving existing facilities (reconstruct existing sidewalks and curb ramps for increased accessibility) is the most important change to make walking easier in the community. Providing more facilities is more important among low-income, non-English, and statewide urban respondents. In general, rural respondents rated these factors relatively lower than other respondents. Much more variation was seen around the issue of pedestrian enforcement and safety education than the other factors. This was much more important to non-English, statewide urban and low education respondents. Non-English respondents placed relatively more importance on snow removal than other subgroups. 3-14 Table 3.21 Average Rating of Factors to Improve Walking by Subgroup Low Education Rural Boston EJ + Community Statewide Urban EJ Community Seniors Non-English Non-White Low-Income14 More facilities Improve existing facilities Enforce laws governing motorists Enforce laws governing pedestrians Enforce laws governing bicyclists Provide pedestrian safety education Improve snow removal 7.61 8.06 7.17 7.82 7.64 7.73 6.70 7.26 7.01 7.64 6.94 7.69 6.59 6.63 7.72 7.88 6.91 7.57 7.34 7.83 7.71 7.54 6.46 7.07 7.36 7.47 6.48 7.14 7.24 7.63 6.11 6.01 7.25 6.07 5.64 5.53 4.72 6.77 5.31 6.59 6.72 6.89 8.07 6.71 6.30 6.31 4.90 6.78 6.16 6.89 6.33 5.38 7.08 5.34 4.97 4.87 4.22 6.03 4.64 6.19 7.74 7.74 9.07 7.27 7.53 7.58 6.78 7.67 7.29 7.82 All respondents were also asked an open-ended question about other suggestions to improve walking in their communities. Better sidewalks and traffic calming measures (including more crosswalks) were noted. Respondents also noted that the questionnaire did not ask about improvements for bicycling. For these, some pointed to more (and safer) bike lanes. (See Appendix H for Open-Ended Responses and Appendix I for Word Clouds.) 3.7 Attitudes toward Funding All respondents were asked a series of questions about Massachusetts spending money on various priorities, with "1" being "Not at all important" and "10" being "Extremely important." When asked to rate the importance of spending money on various priorities, "improving existing rail and transit services" and "maintaining existing roads, highways and bridges" were given the highest ratings (see Table 3.22). "Building new roads and highways" was overwhelmingly perceived as less important among all the respondents. 14 Respondents who reported less than $25,000/year in household income. 3-15 Table 3.22 Average Rating of Transportation Funding Priorities Maintain existing roads, highways, bridges Improve existing roads, highways, bridges Build new roads and highways Maintain existing bicycle facilities Improve existing bicycle facilities Maintain existing sidewalks and paths Improve existing sidewalks and paths Build new sidewalks and paths Sustain the existing level of transit services Improve existing rail and transit services Expand public transit services Improve services for seniors and disabled Mean 8.57 7.68 4.17 7.47 7.49 8.46 8.30 8.00 8.46 8.68 8.46 7.80 These attitudes were also examined by subgroup, with the results in Table 3.23. There is a lot of variation among geographic regions regarding the issue of improving existing roads, highways, and bridges. This factor is much more important to statewide urban and rural communities than it is to respondents who live in Boston. There is variation by subgroup around the issue of building new roads and highways. It is much more important to non-English respondents, and relatively more important to low-income, statewide urban, and less educated respondents. Sustaining the existing level of transit services is relatively less important for non-English respondents. Improving services for the disabled and seniors is much more important for low-income and non-English respondents than others. 3-16 Table 3.23 Average Rating of Transportation Funding Priorities by Subgroup Low Education Rural Boston EJ + Community Statewide Urban EJ Community Seniors Non-English 3.8 Non-White Low-Income15 Maintain existing roads, highways, bridges Improve existing roads, highways, bridges Build new roads and highways Maintain existing bicycle facilities Improve existing bicycle facilities Maintain existing sidewalks and paths Improve existing sidewalks and paths Build new sidewalks and paths Sustain the existing level of transit services Improve existing rail and transit services Expand public transit services Improve services for seniors and disabled 7.99 8.45 8.00 8.79 8.48 8.42 9.06 8.73 8.45 8.68 7.83 7.90 8.50 7.81 7.55 7.45 8.45 8.46 7.36 8.26 5.33 4.65 7.75 4.43 4.04 3.86 4.64 5.28 3.76 5.49 7.53 6.85 8.73 7.38 7.58 7.64 7.09 7.07 7.61 6.76 7.83 6.77 8.53 7.41 7.61 7.70 7.17 7.00 7.66 6.77 8.60 8.13 9.06 8.50 8.50 8.55 8.35 8.37 8.51 8.23 8.40 7.88 8.11 8.19 8.33 8.40 8.29 8.22 8.34 8.14 8.26 7.27 8.33 7.87 8.03 8.10 8.08 7.91 8.08 7.74 8.27 7.99 7.44 8.43 8.58 8.70 7.82 7.75 8.75 7.92 8.85 8.39 7.81 8.88 8.78 8.82 8.65 8.55 8.76 8.27 8.63 8.07 8.13 8.41 8.54 8.59 8.97 8.67 8.39 8.24 8.91 7.67 9.18 8.38 7.83 7.80 8.55 8.19 7.61 8.31 Other Transportation Options Respondents were then asked open-ended question about how transportation options could be improved to serve them better. Many called for increased and more reliable service, maintenance and 15 Respondents who reported less than $25,000/year in household income. 3-17 repair of existing infrastructure, improvements to bicycle lanes and facilities, and system expansions (Commuter Rail to New Bedford and Springfield). (See Appendix H for Open-Ended Responses and Appendix I for Word Clouds.) 3.9 Summary Information gathered from the WMM questionnaire is generally consistent with attitudes seen in the YMM effort, although there is much more specificity in the recommendations. With regard to the public transportation system (bus, commuter rail, etc.), most of the respondents still reported using cars as their primary vehicles. They said this was due to issues of reliability, limited service hours, convenience and the fact that the existing public transportation system does not take them where they need to go. With regard to roadway improvements, there is a strong desire to see increased maintenance of existing infrastructure. Respondents pointed to poor road quality and potholes as important concerns. In some cases, they would like to see widening of specific roads, but maintenance is of higher priority than expansion efforts. There is overwhelming support from respondents for increased bicycle infrastructure, such as dedicated bike paths and traffic calming measures. For pedestrians, many communities point to lack of sidewalks and crosswalks and poor lighting. There is a strong desire for these types of improvements as well as traffic calming efforts. Although there was not a scientific sample done of this questionnaire, the preliminary data does indicate that specific geographic regions in the Commonwealth may have different priorities. Respondents in the Statewide Urban region demonstrate more overall dissatisfaction with their existing transportation. This is unsurprising since they have the densities of cities without much of the same infrastructure. Future research in these communities should be considered. 3-18 4.0 4.1 YMM and WMM Themes youMove Massachusetts The youMove Massachusetts project sought customer input to help identify travel patterns, transportation needs and future priorities. MassDOT received more than 700 individual comments on mobility gaps and challenges in public forums, a web-based questionnaire, an online mapping tool, and other methods. Based on this wealth of information, the team recognized a number of common issues and developed ten core themes. They are listed – with their thematic logos – below: Theme 1: Improve Transportation System Reliability Theme 2: Focus More Attention on Maintaining our Transportation System Theme 3: Design Transportation Systems Better Theme 4: Encourage Shared Use of Infrastructure Theme 5: Increase Capacity by Expanding Existing Facilities and Services Theme 6: Create a More User-Friendly Transportation System Theme 7: Broaden the Transportation System to Serve More People Theme 8: Provide Adequate Transportation Funding and Collect Revenue Equitably Theme 9: Minimize Environmental Impacts Theme 10: Improve Access to Our Transportation System These themes articulated the concerns, needs, and aspirations of Massachusetts residents for their transportation network. Details on the responses, sample challenges presented by consumers, and other data can be found on the YMM website at 4.2 weMove Massachusetts The themes developed in the YMM initiative served as the basis for learning more about customer needs and challenges in WMM. Although the WMM work coincided with a lengthy public discussion of potential fare increases and service cuts by the MBTA, MassDOT found that stakeholders easily focused on challenges, needs, and potential solutions for their transportation challenges. The WMM interviews identified the following themes and suggestions: Provide expanded hours of public transportation service (outside of the MBTA’s service area). Strengthen dependability/reliability of service to ensure that transit users can reach jobs. appointments, and remain mobile (whether without a car due to choice, age, or income). Update public transportation service to reflect demographic and employment changes. Maintain and improve pedestrian infrastructure: build sidewalks, use Complete Streets as a model, and consider lighting and crosswalk conditions. Consider the economic impact of the cost of transportation as it impacts accessibility and disabled, lower income and limited English proficiency populations. Provide travel training, more and better information on transit and multimodal travel. The WMM questionnaire identified similar themes: Expand public transportation service (more frequent and longer hours). Provide more reliable service – respondents pointed to the unpredictability of using public transportation. Maintain existing public transportation and roadways more efficiently. Provide more and better infrastructure (sidewalks and bike lanes) for pedestrians and bicyclists. The WMM responses also suggest the need to examine priorities by subgroups. For example, the needs of customers may differ by geographic regions (statewide urban, Boston and rural) and they may have different priorities. 4-2 How do the WMM responses correlate with the themes developed in the YMM process? The analysis shows similar concerns and suggests actions that MassDOT may consider in its transportation prioritization effort. The WMM ideas and challenges reported in the questionnaires and interviews fit comfortably within the framework of YMM’s ten themes. The difference is one of emphasis, with the WMM report stressing themes and needs related to economics, access to service, transit that connects people to jobs, multimodal infrastructure improvements, sensitivity to cost, and more education and travel training. Access, reliability, and transit linked to jobs were topics strongly represented in the information provided from the communities described as Rural and Statewide Urban for the WMM data analysis. These communities are served primarily by regional transit agencies, commuter rail, and private bus service. The respondents seek more frequent service, longer hours of service and better connections to jobs and economic centers, suggesting that service patterns are out of date and failing to connect the lowest income workers in many communities to economic opportunity. Many of the Rural and Statewide Urban communities have high population density and low incomes; in the views of respondents, they also offer insufficient transportation infrastructure. Related YMM themes: Reliability, Capacity, Broaden the System, Access The responses show support for Complete Streets approaches, multimodal facilities, and improved pedestrian safety (sidewalks and lighting) in almost every type of community, from rural to urban. More funding is needed for transportation, according to the respondents, and it should be equitable, especially for seniors and the disabled. Many interviews described a large number of seniors across the state needing education to navigate the transportation system efficiently, especially because so many have driven cars their entire lives. Related YMM Themes: Funding and Equity, Access, User Friendly, Reliability, Shared Use Respondents stressed the need for linguistically appropriate materials and rider and driver training to improve the riding experience and make it user friendly. Related YMM Themes: User Friendly, Broaden the System 4-3 5.0 Recommendations and Next Steps As MassDOT implements a robust system for prioritizing its transportation investments, customer input will remain an important factor in planning and implementing policies and programs. Through the youMove Massachusetts and weMove Massachusetts outreach projects, MassDOT learned about the concerns, needs, and aspirations of its customers. The difference between the two sets of data is largely one of emphasis, with the WMM respondents focusing on themes and needs related to economics, reliability, access to service, longer hours of transit service, transit that connects people to jobs, sensitivity to cost, and more education and travel training. The team suggests two steps for MassDOT to consider as it moves forward with its multimodal program: 1. Maintain and enhance customer relationships. The WMM interviews revealed that many stakeholder leaders had little knowledge of or direct contact with MassDOT statewide. Leaders of transit-oriented groups had more knowledge but, in some cases, not a deep understanding of the range of challenges MassDOT faces in maintaining or expanding infrastructure. Providing regular updates and occasional briefings could broaden knowledge and understanding on the part of stakeholder leaders and customers, as well as provide input to the prioritization process. As the Commonwealth seeks to develop a comprehensive transportation financing plan, input by stakeholders and leaders could translate into support for long-term financing changes. In addition to the leaders who participated, the team can point out where better relationships could be developed in areas where outreach was not as successful or there should be further dialogue. MassDOT will continue to benefit by working with the voices heard in the YMM and WMM projects. 2. Continue and deepen the assessment process. While the team is confident that the WMM interview and questionnaire results provide insights into existing transportation challenges, the data are qualitative. MassDOT could undertake more systematic testing of the themes with rigorous sampling of specific populations and sub-groups. This analysis could inform specific policies or changes. In addition, this outreach did not, in the team’s judgment, reach enough non-English speakers. More work with these communities and more systematic testing of hypotheses could generate ideas and support for future projects and financing. Appendix A: Questionnaire (English) 1. When you make a typical trip (for going to work, shopping, etc.), what is your primary mode of transportation? Personal Car Someone else's car Bus or other form of public transportation (ferry, train, light rail) Private shuttle/Private bus service Walking Bicycle Taxi Other ______________________ 2. During a typical week, how many times do you run errands or take non-work or schoolrelated trips out of the house? (# trips per week) 3. Of these trips, how many times did you, yourself, drive? (# trips per week) 4. On a scale from 1 to 10, please let us know which factors are important to you when choosing your mode of transportation. ("1" being "Not at all important" and "10" being "Extremely important.") 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Travel time Cost Convenience/flexibility Comfort and safety Reduce pollution/conserve energy 5. How often do you use public transportation (subway, bus, ferry, commuter rail)? Never Less than one day per year Less than one day per month, but at least one day every year 1-3 days per week 4-5 days per week 6-7 days per week If you answered "1-3 days per week," "4-5 days per week," or "6-7 days per week," please skip to question 12. 6. We are interested in understanding why people do not use public transportation. Please let us know if you agree or disagree with each statement. If you don't know, feel free to mark "Don't Know." Agree Disagree Don't Know The public transportation fare costs too much Public transportation does not run often enough The public transportation service does not go where I want it to go Public transportation is too slow The nearest station/stop is too far away I do not feel safe walking or waiting for public transportation I feel uncomfortable and/or unsafe on public transportation vehicles I like the convenience of using my own personal vehicle I need to make many stops The service hours do not work with my schedule If you selected "Disagree" or "Don't Know" to "The service hours do not work with my schedule," then skip to Question 8. 7. In the previous question, you agreed that the public transportation service hours do not work with your schedule. Please tell us what schedule changes you would like to see: 8. Are there any other reasons you think people do not use public transportation? A4 9. In a typical week -- weather permitting -- do you walk for at least 10 minutes at a time to get to and from places for any reason? Yes No 10. On a scale from 1 to 10, please tell us which of the following changes would be important in making walking easier for you in your community ("1" being "Not at all important" and "10" being "Extremely important"). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Provide more facilities (new sidewalks, better signals at intersections, better crosswalk markings) Improve existing facilities (reconstruct existing sidewalks and curb ramps for increased accessibility, clear sidewalks of snow and ice) Enforce laws governing motorist behavior Enforce laws governing pedestrian behavior Enforce laws governing bicyclist behavior Provide pedestrian safety education Improve snow removal 11. Are there any other suggestions you have for how to improve walking in your community? 12. In a typical week -- weather permitting -- do you bicycle at least once to and from specific destinations? Yes No 13. We are interested in understanding what sort of (if any) roadway improvements people are looking for. Please let us know if you agree or disagree with each type of improvement. Agree Disagree Don't Know Add more travel lanes Add carpool lanes to the highway system Upgrade traffic signals Increase number of "FastLane" lanes Improve snow removal 14. What other types of roadway improvements would you like to see in your region? 15. On a scale from 1-10, please let us know how important you think it is for Massachusetts to spend money on various priorities ("1" being "Not at all important" and "10" being "Extremely important"). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A5 Maintain existing roads, highways, and bridges Improve existing roads, highways, and bridges Build new roads and highways Maintain existing bicycle facilities Improve existing bicycle facilities Maintain existing sidewalks and paths for walking and bicycling Improve existing sidewalks and paths for walking and bicycling Build new sidewalks and paths for walking and bicycling Sustain the existing level of transit services (vehicles, schedule, routes) Improve existing rail and transit services (new vehicles, rail cars, track improvements, shelters) Expand public transit services (additional routes, longer service hours) Improve services for seniors and the disabled 16. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about how transportation options could be improved to serve you better? 17. What is your gender? 18. Which zip code do you work or go to school in? 19. Which zip code do you live in? 20. What is your age? Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65 or older 21. What is the highest grade or year of school you completed? Less than high school graduate A6 High school graduate Some college/technical/vocational school 4-year college graduate Some post-graduate work Post-graduate degree 22. How many vehicles are owned, leased, or available for regular use by the people who currently live in your household? Please be sure to include motorcycles, mopeds, and RVs. None One Two Three or more 23. How many people live in your household? 24. To be sure we have a fair representation, which of the following groups best describes your ethnicity? Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino 25. Which of the following groups best describes your racial background? White African-American, Black Asian American-Indian, Alaskan Native Native Hawaiian, or other Pacific Islander Other ______________________ 26. Which income group roughly includes your household's total yearly income? Under $25,000 $25,000 to just under $50,000 $50,000 to just under $75,000 $75,000 to just under $100,000 $100,000 to just under $150,00 $150,000 or more A7 Appendix B: Questionnaire (Spanish) 1. ¿Cuál es el principal medio de transporte que utiliza para hacer viajes comunes (para ir a trabajar, a hacer compras, etc.)? Automóvil personal Automóvil de otra persona Autobús u otro medio de transporte público (transbordador, tren, tren ligero) Transporte privado/servicio de autobús privado Camina Bicicleta Taxi Otro ______________________ 2. Durante una semana habitual, ¿cuántas veces hace diligencias o realiza viajes fuera de la casa que no están relacionados con el trabajo o la escuela? 3. En estos viajes, ¿cuántas veces condujo? 4. Según una escala de uno a diez, ¿qué factores son más importantes para usted al elegir un medio de transporte? (El número “1” significa “No es importante en absoluto” y el número “10” significa “Es extremadamente importante”). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Tiempo de viaje Costo Conveniencia/flexibilidad Comodidad y seguridad Reducción de la contaminación/conservación de la energía 5. ¿Con qué frecuencia utiliza el transporte público (subterráneo, autobús, transbordador, tren interurbano)? Nunca Menos de una vez por año Menos de una vez por mes, pero una vez por año como mínimo Menos de una vez por semana, pero una vez por mes como mínimo Entre uno y tres días a la semana A8 Entre cuatro y cinco días a la semana Entre seis y siete días a la semana Si respondió “Entre uno y tres días a la semana” o "Entre cuatro y cinco días a la semana“ o " Entre seis y siete días a la semana”, vaya a la pregunta 12. 6. Nos interesa comprender por qué la gente no utiliza el transporte público. Indique si está de acuerdo o en desacuerdo con el contenido de cada afirmación. Si no está seguro, marque “no sabe”. de en no acuerdo desacuerdo sabe El precio del pasaje del transporte público cuesta demasiado. La frecuencia del transporte público no es suficiente. El servicio de transporte público no llega hasta donde necesito ir. El transporte público es demasiado lento. La parada o estación más cercana se encuentra demasiado lejos. No me siento seguro de caminar o esperar el transporte público. Me siento incómodo o inseguro en los vehículos del transporte público. Me gusta usar mi propio vehículo personal. Necesito hacer muchas paradas. Los horarios del servicio no son compatibles con mi horario. Si respondió “En desacuerdo” o “No sé” a la " Los horarios del servicio no son compatibles con mi horario," vaya a la pregunta 8. 7. En la pregunta anterior, indicó que los horarios del servicio no son compatibles con su horario. Indique qué horarios quisiera que se implementen: 8. ¿Hay algún otro motivo por el que cree que la gente no utiliza el transporte público? 9. En una semana habitual, siempre y cuando las condiciones atmosféricas lo permitan, ¿camina al menos 10 minutos seguidos para llegar a algún lugar o regresar de algún lugar por cualquier motivo? Sí No A9 10. Según una escala de uno a diez, indique cuáles de los siguientes cambios serían importantes para que le fuera más fácil caminar en su comunidad (El número “1” significa “No es importante en absoluto” y el número “10” significa “Es extremadamente importante”). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ofrecer más servicios (nuevas aceras, mejores señales en las intersecciones, mejores marcas de cruces peatonales) Mejorar los servicios existentes (reconstruir aceras y rampas existentes para mejorar la accesibilidad, quitar la nieve y el hielo de las aceras) Aplicar las leyes que rigen el tránsito automotor Aplicar las leyes que rigen el comportamiento de los peatones Aplicar las leyes que rigen el comportamiento de los ciclistas Proporcionar herramientas educativas de seguridad para los peatones Mejorar la remoción de nieve 11. ¿Tiene alguna otra sugerencia para que caminar en su comunidad sea más fácil? 12. En una semana habitual, siempre y cuando las condiciones climáticas lo permitan, ¿utiliza la bicicleta por lo menos una vez para transportarse desde y hasta destinos específicos? Sí No 13. Nos interesa comprender qué tipo (si hay) de mejoras viales buscan las personas. Indique si está de acuerdo o en desacuerdo con cada tipo de mejora. de en no acuerdo desacuerdo sabe Agregar más carriles de circulación Agregar carriles para vehículos de uso compartido al sistema de carreteras Actualizar las señales de tránsito Aumentar el número de carriles “rápidos” Mejorar la remoción de nieve 14. ¿Qué otros tipos de mejoras viales le gustaría ver en su región? A10 15. Según una escala de uno a diez, indique cuán importante es para usted que Massachusetts gaste dinero en diferentes prioridades (El número “1” significa “No es importante en absoluto” y el número “10” significa “Es extremadamente importante”). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ¿Mantener las carreteras, las autopistas y los puentes existentes? ¿Mejorar las carreteras, las autopistas y los puentes existentes (carriles especiales para vehículos de uso compartido)? ¿Construir carreteras y autopistas nuevas? Mantener los servicios para bicicletas existentes Mejorar los servicios para bicicletas existentes Mantener las aceras y los senderos existentes para caminar y utilizar bicicletas Mejorar las aceras y los senderos existentes para caminar y utilizar bicicletas Construir aceras y senderos nuevos para caminar y utilizar bicicletas Mantener el nivel actual de servicios de tránsito (vehículos, horarios, rutas) ¿Mejorar los servicios ferroviarios y de tránsito actuales (vehículos y vagones de tren nuevos, mejoras en las vías, paradas cubiertas)? Ampliar los servicios de tránsito públicos (rutas adicionales, horarios de servicio extensos) Mejorar los servicios para ancianos y discapacitados 16. ¿Se le ocurre alguna sugerencia adicional para mejorar las opciones de transporte y ofrecer un mejor servicio? 17. ¿Cuál es su sexo? 18. ¿Cuál es el código postal de su trabajo o escuela? 19. ¿Cuál es el código postal del lugar donde vive? 20. ¿Qué edad tiene? Menos de 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 A11 65 o más 21. ¿Cuál es su nivel educativo máximo alcanzado? Secundario incompleto Secundario completo Colegio o escuela técnica o profesional completos Universitario completo (carrera de cuatro años) Estudios de posgrado Título de posgrado 22. ¿Cuántos vehículos pertenecen, son alquilados o están disponibles para el uso regular de las personas que actualmente viven en su casa? Asegúrese de incluir motocicletas, ciclomotores y vehículos recreativos. Ninguno Uno Dos Tres o más 23. ¿Cuántas personas viven en su hogar? 24. Para garantizar una alta precisión de los datos recopilados, ¿cuál de los siguientes grupos describe mejor su origen étnico? Hispano o latino No hispano ni latino 25. ¿Cuál de los siguientes grupos describe mejor su origen racial? Blanco Afroamericano, negro Asiático Amerindio, nativo de Alaska Nativo de Hawái u otra isla del Pacífico Otro ______________________ 26. ¿Cuál de los siguientes grupos de ingresos se ajusta con los ingresos totales anuales de su familia en términos generales? Menos de USD 25.000 Entre USD 25.000 y USD 50.000 Entre USD 50.000 y USD 75.000 Entre USD 75.000 y USD 100.000 A12 Entre USD 100.000 y USD 150.000 USD 150.000 o más A13 Appendix C: Questionnaire (Portuguese) 1. Quando você sai normalmente (para ir ao trabalho, às compras, etc.), qual é o seu meio primeiro de transporte? Carro próprio Carro de outra pessoa Ônibus ou outro meio de transporte público (barca, trem, metrô) Serviço de transporte/ônibus fretado Caminhada Bicicleta Táxi Outro ______________________ 2. Durante uma semana normal, quantas vezes você tem que realizar tarefas fora de casa, ou tem que viajar por objetivos não relacionados ao trabalho ou relativos à escola? 3. Nessas viagens, quantas vezes você mesmo dirigiu? 4. Numa escala de 1 a 10, informe-nos quais fatores são importantes para você ao escolher o meio de transporte. ("1" sendo "Sem qualquer importância" e "10" sendo "Extremamente importante.") 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Tempo da viagem Preço Conveniência/flexibilidade Conforto e segurança Reduz poluição/preserva energia 5. Com que frequência você usa transporte público (metrô, ônibus, barca, trem de passageiros)? Nunca Menos de uma vez por ano Menos de uma vez por mês, mas pelo menos uma vez por ano Menos de uma vez por semana, mas pelo menos uma vez por mês De 1 a 3 dias por semana A14 De 4 a 5 dias por semana De 6 a 7 dias por semana Se você respondeu “De 1 a 3 dias por semana” ou “De 4 a 5 dias por semana” ou "De 6 a 7 dias por semana," pule para a Pergunta 12. 6. Estamos interessados em entender porque as pessoas não usam o transporte público. Informe-nos se concorda ou discorda com cada afirmação. Se você não souber, sinta-se à vontade para marcar “Não sei.” Condordo Discordo Não sei O preço da passagem do transporte público é muito caro O transporte público não funciona com regularidade suficiente O serviço de transporte público não chega onde eu quero ir O transporte público é muito lento A estação/o ponto mais próxima(o) está muito longe Não me sinto seguro(a) andando ou esperando para usar o transporte público Eu me sinto desconfortável e/ou inseguro(a) nos veículos de transporte público Gosto da comodidade de usar o meu próprio veículo Preciso fazer muitas paradas O horário de funcionamento do transporte não é compatível com o meu horário Se você respondeu “Não concordo” ou “Não sei” à "O horário de funcionamento do transporte não é compatível com o meu horário," pule para a Pergunta 8. 7. Na pergunta anterior, você concordou que o horário do serviço não adéqua o seu cronograma. Conte-nos que horário gostaria que existisse: 8. Você acredita em algum outro motive para as pessoas não usarem o transporte público? 9. Em uma semana normal, caso o clima permita, você chega a caminhar pelo menos 10 minutos para chegar e sair de lugares por qualquer motivo? Sim Não A15 10. Em uma escala de 1 a 10, conte-nos quais das seguintes mudanças seriam importantes para tornar a caminhada mais fácil para você, em sua vizinhança ("1" sendo "Sem qualquer importância" e "10" sendo "Extremamente importante"). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Oferecimento de mais instalações (calçadas novas, melhores semáforos nos cruzamentos, melhores marcações de faixas para pedestres) Melhoria das instalações atuais (reconstrução das calçadas existentes e controle dos declives para um melhor acesso, calçadas limpas de neve e gelo) Execução das leis que regulam o comportamento dos motoristas Execução das leis que regulam o comportamento dos pedestres Execução das leis que regulam o comportamento dos ciclistas Oferecimento de educação para a segurança dos pedestres Melhoria na remoção de neve 11. Você tem alguma outra sugestão para melhorar a caminhada em sua vizinhança? 12. Em uma semana normal – se o tempo lhe permitir – você anda de bicicleta pelo menos uma vez para ir e voltar de lugares determinados? Sim Não 13. Estamos interessados em saber quais tipos (caso haja algum) de melhorias nas rodovias pelas quais as pessoas estão esperando. Informe-nos se você concorda ou não com cada tipo de melhoria. Condordo Discordo Não sei Aumento do número de pistas Aumento do número de pistas de transporte solidário no sistema rodoviário Melhoria dos semáforos Aumento do número de pistas de alta velocidade Melhoria na remoção de neve 14. Quais outros tipos de melhorias nas rodovias você gostaria de ver na sua região? A16 15. Em uma escala de 1 a 10, conte-nos quão importante você acha que é para Massachusetts gastar dinheiro em diversas prioridades ("1" sendo "Sem qualquer importância" e "10" sendo "Extremamente importante."). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Manutenção das estradas, rodovias e pontes existentes? Melhoria das estradas, rodovias e pontes existentes (pistas especiais para transporte solidário etc.)? Construção de novas estradas e rodovias? Manutenção de instalações atuais para bicicletas Melhoria das instalações atuais para bicicletas Manutenção das calçadas e vias existentes para caminhadas e circulação de bicicletas Manutenção das calçadas e vias existentes para caminhadas e circulação de bicicletas Construção de novas calçadas e vias para caminhadas e circulação de bicicletas Manutenção do nível atual de serviços de trânsito (veículos, horários, vias) Melhoria de nossos serviços ferroviários e de trânsito atuais (novos veículos, trailers, melhorias nas vias, marquises)? Expansão dos serviços de trânsito público (vias adicionais, horários longos de serviços) Melhoria dos serviços para pessoas idosas e deficientes 16. Há algo mais que você gostaria de nos contar sobre como as opções de transporte poderiam ser melhoradas para lhe servirem melhor? 17. Qual é o seu sexo? 18. Qual o código postal do local onde você trabalha ou da escola que frequenta? 19. Qual o código postal da sua residência? 20. Quantos anos você tem? Menos de 18 De 18 a 24 De 25 a 34 De 35 a 44 De 45 a 54 De 55 a 64 A17 65 ou mais 21. Qual é o grau mais alto ou ano escolar que completou? Abaixo do ensino médio completo Ensino médio completo Faculdade/curso técnico/escola vocacional imcompleto Graduação de 4 anos Pós-graduação incompleta Pós-gradação completa 22. Quantos veículos são de propriedade, estão alugados ou disponíveis para uso regular das pessoas que vivem atualmente na sua casa? Assegure-se de incluir as motocicletas, ciclomotores e trailers. Nenhum Um Dois Três ou mais 23. Quantas pessoas moram com você? 24. Para garantir que tenhamos uma representação justa, qual dos seguintes grupos melhor descreve a sua etnia? Hispânico ou latino Não hispânico ou latino 25. Qual dos seguintes grupos melhor descreve os seus antecedentes étnicos? Branco Afro-americano, negro Asiático Índio americano, nativo do Alasca Nativo do Havaí ou de outra ilha do Pacífico Outro ______________________ 26. Em qual grupo de renda a soma total do rendimento dos residentes de sua casa se inclui? Abaixo de US$ 25.000 US$ 25.000 – pouco menos de US$ 50.000 US$ 50.000 até pouco menos de US$ 75.000 US$ 75.000 até pouco menos de US$ 100.000 US$ 100.000 até pouco menos de US$ 150.000 A18 US$ 150.000 ou mais A19 Appendix D: Questionnaire (Haitian Creole) 1. Lè ou fè yon vwayaj nòmal (pou ale nan travay, pou al achte, elatriye), ki kalite sèvis transpò prensipal ou itilize? Vwati pèsonèl Vwati yon lòt moun Otobis oswa lòt kalite sèvis transpò piblik (feri, tren, tren lejè) Sèvis transpò komen prive/sèvis otobis prive Mache Bisiklèt Taksi Lòt ______________________ 2. Pandan yon semèn nòmal, konbyen fwa ou deplase pou al fè komisyon, oswa konbyen vwa ou kite kay ou san se pa pou al travay, oswa san se pa pou zafè lekòl? (# vwayaj pa semèn) 3. Nan vwayaj sa yo, konbyen fwa ou te kondi poukont ou? (# vwayaj pa semèn) 4. Sou yon echèl 1 a 10, tanpri fè nou konnen ki faktè ki enpòtan pou ou lè w ap chwazi kalite sèvis transpò ou ("1" vle di "Pa enpòtan ditou" epi "10" vle di "Trè-trè enpòtan"). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Tan vwayaj la Pri Itilite/fleksibilite Konfò ak sekirite Redui polisyon/konsève enèji 5. Konbyen fwa ou itilize sèvis transpò piblik (tren, otobis, feri, tren fobou)? Jamè Mwens pase yon fwa pa jou Mwens pase yon jou pa mwa, men omwen yon jou chak ane Mwens pase yon jou pa semèn, men omwen yon jou chak mwa 1-3 jou pa semèn 4-5 jou pa semèn A20 6-7 jou pa semèn Si ou te reponn “1-3 jou pa semèn” oswa “4-5 jou pa semèn” oswa "6-7 jou pa semen," tanpri ale dirèkteman nan Kesyon 12. 6. Nou enterese konprann pou kisa moun yo pa itilize sèvis transpò piblik. Tanpri fè nou konnen si ou dakò oswa si ou pa dakò avèk chak deklarasyon. Si ou pa konnen, tanpri pa ezite make "mwen pa konnen.” Dakò Pa Mwen Pa Dakò Konnen Tikè transpò piblik koute twòp lajan Transpò piblik pa bay sèvis ase souvan Sèvis transpò piblik la pa ale kote mwen vle ale a Sèvis transpò piblik la twò dousman Estasyon/arè ki pi pre a twò lwen Mwen pa santi mwen pwoteje pou mache oswa pou rete sèvis transpò piblik Mwen santi mwen pa alèz ak/oswa pa pwoteje nan veyikil transpò piblik yo Mwen renmen avantaj pou itilize veyikil pèsonèl mwen Mwen bezwen rete anpil kote Orè sèvis la pa bon pou orè pa mwen Si ou te reponn “Mwen pa dakò” oswa “Mwen pa Konnen” nan "Orè sèvis la pa bon pou orè pa mwen," tanpri ale dirèkteman nan Kesyon 8. A21 7. Nan kesyon anvan an, ou dakò pou orè sèvis la ap bon pou orè pa ou. Tanpri di nou ki orè ou ta renmen wè ki genyen: 8. Èske genyen nenpòt lòt rezon ou panse ki fè moun yo pa itilize sèvis transpò piblik? 9. Nan yon semèn nòmal—si gen bon tan—èske ou mache pandan omwen 10 minit nan yon moman pou fè ale-vini nan kote yo pou nenpòt rezon? Wi Non 10. Sou yon echèl ant 1 ak 10, tanpri di nou kilès nan chanjman sa yo ki ta enpòtan pou fè li vin pi fasil pou ou mache nan kominote ou ("1" vle di "Pa enpòtan ditou" epi "10" vle di "Trètrè enpòtan"). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bay plis fasilite (nouvo twotwa, pi bon siyal nan kalfou yo, pi bon makaj sou twotwa yo) Amelyore enstalasyon ki la deja yo (rekonstwi twotwa ak ranp koub ki la deja yo pou bay plis mwayen pou moun yo jwenn yo, retire nèj ak glas ki sou twotwa yo) Aplike lwa ki kontwole konpòtman chofè yo avèk plis severite Aplike lwa ki kontwole konpòtman pyeton yo avèk plis severite Aplike lwa ki kontwole konpòtman siklis yo avèk plis severite Fè edikasyon pyeton yo sou sekirite Amelyore fason y ap retire nèj yo 11. Èske gen nenpòt lòt sijesyon ou genyen pou fason pou amelyore mache nan kominote ou? 12. Nan yon semèn nòmal—si gen bon tan—èske ou monte bisiklèt pou fè ale-vini nan kèk kote espesifik? Wi Non 13. Nou enterese konprann ki kalite amelyorasyon wout (si genyen) moun yo ta renmen ki fèt. Tanpri fè nou konnen si ou dakò oswa si ou pa dakò avèk chak amelyorasyon. Dakò Pa Dakò Mwen Pa Konnen Mete plis liy pou machin pase Mete liy ko-vwatiraj nan sistèm otowout la Modènize siyal sikilasyon machin yo Ogmante kantite liy “FastLane” yo Amelyore fason y ap retire nèj yo 14. Ki kalite amelyorasyon wout ou ta renmen wè ki fèt nan zòn ou a? A22 15. Sou yon echèl 1 – 10, tanpri fè nou konnen kijan ou panse li enpòtan pou Massachusetts depanse lajan sou plizyè priyorite diferan ("1" vle di "Pa enpòtan ditou" epi "10" vle di "Trètrè enpòtan"). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Fè antretyen nan wout, otowout, ak pon ki la deja yo? Amelyore wout, otowout, ak pon ki la deja yo (liy espesyal pou ko-vwatiraj, elatriye)? Bati nouvo wout ak otowout? Fè antretyen nan enstalasyon ki la deja pou yo bisiklèt Amelyore enstalasyon ki la deja yo pou bisiklèt Fè antretyen nan twotwa ak chemen ki la deja yo pou mache ak pou monte bisiklèt Amelyore twotwa ak chemen ki la deja yo pou mache ak pou monte bisiklèt Bati nouvo twotwa ak chemen pou mache ak pou monte bisiklèt Sipòte nivo sèvis transpò komen ki la deja (veyikil, orè, wout) Amelyore chemennfè ak enfrastrikti transpò komen ki la deja (nouvo veyikil ak otoray, amelyorasyon chemennfè to, abri yo)? Ogmante sèvis transpò piblik (wout anplis, orè sèvis ki long) Amelyore sèvis yo pou granmoun aje yo ak moun andikape yo 16. Èske gen nenpòt lòt bagay ou ta renmen di nou konsènan fason posiblite sèvis transpò a ta ka amelyore pou sèvi ou pi byen? 17. Ki sèks ou? 18. Nan ki kòd postal ou travay oswa ale lekòl? 19. Ki kòd postal zòn w ap viv la? 20. Ki laj ou? Mwens pase 18 ane 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 A23 65 ane oswa plis 21. Nan ki pi gwo klas oswa ane ou fini nan lekòl? Mwen pa diplome nan lekòl segondè Diplome nan lekòl segondè Kèk nivo nan kolèj/lekòl teknik/lekòl pwofesyonèl Diplome nan pwogram kolèj sou 4 ane Kèk nivo nan twazyèm sik Diplome nan twazyèm sik 22. Konbyen veyikil ou posede, lwe pou anpil tan, oswa ki disponib pou moun k ap viv lakay ou kounye a itilize souvan? Tanpri asire ou mete motosiklèt, velomotè ak RV. Okenn Youn De (2) Twa (3) oswa plis 23. Konbyen moun k ap viv lakay ou? 24. Pou asire nou gen yon reprezantasyon ki jis, kilès nan gwoup sa yo ki pi byen dekri gwoup etnik ou? Ispanik oswa Latino-Ameriken Pa ni Ispanik ni Latino-Ameriken 25. Kilès nan gwoup sa yo ki pi byen dekri orijinal ras ou? Moun Blan Afriken-Ameriken, Moun Nwa Azyatik Amerendyen, Moun ki fèt nan Alaska Moun Natifnatal Hawayi, oswa Lòt Moun ki Fèt nan Zile Pasifik Lòt ______________________ 26. Ki tranch revni ki apeprè endike revni total lakay ou chak ane? Mwens pase $25,000 $25,000 – apèn mwens pase $50,000 Ant $50,000 ak apèn mwens pase $75,000 Ant $75,000 ak apèn mwens pase $100,000 Ant $100,000 ak apèn mwens pase $150,000 A24 $150,000 oswa plis A25 Appendix E: Questionnaire (Vietnamese – online only) 1. Khi quý vị đi đâu đó (ví dụ như đi làm việc, mua sắm), phương tiện đi lại chính của quý vị là gì? Xe hơi riêng của mình Xe hơi người khác Xe buýt hay phương tiện đi lại công cọng khác (phà, tàu hỏa, tàu điện (light rail)) Xe buýt trung chuyển (shuttle)/Dịch vụ xe buýt tư nhân Đi bộ Xe đạp Taxi ______________________ Phương tiện khác 2. Trong một tuần bình thường, quý vị chạy đi làm việc lặt vặt hay đi ra khỏi nhà mà không phải đi học hay đi làm bao nhiêu lần? (# lần mỗi tuần) 3. Trong những lúc đi ra ngoài này, quý vị tự mình lái xe bao nhiêu lần? (# lần mỗi tuần) 4. Trên thang điểm từ 1 đến 10, hãy cho chúng tôi biết các nhân tố nào là quan trọng đối với quý vị khi chọn loại phương tiện đi lại. ("1" là "Chẳng quan trọng chút nào" và "10" là "Cực kỳ quan trọng.") 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Thời gian đi lại Chi phí Tiện lợi/linh hoạt Thoải mái và an toàn Giảm thiểu ô nhiễm/tiết kiệm được năng lượng A26 5. Quý vị thường sử dụng phương tiện đi lại công cọng (xe điện ngầm, xe buýt, phà, commuter rail) thường xuyên đến mức nào)? Không bao giờ Chưa đến một ngày mỗi năm Chưa đến một ngày trong mỗi tháng, nhưng ít nhất một ngày mỗi năm Chưa đến một ngày mỗi tuần, nhưng ít nhất một ngày mỗi tháng 1-3 ngày mỗi tuần 4-5 ngày mỗi tuần 6-7 ngày mỗi tuần 6. Chúng tôi muốn biết tại sao người ta không sử dụng phương tiện đi lại công cọng. Hãy cho chúng tôi biết liệu quý vị đồng ý hay không đồng ý với mỗi nhận định sau. Nếu quý vị không biết, xin đừng ngần ngại đánh dấu “Không biết.” Đồng Không Không ý đồng ý biết Chi phí phương tiện đi lại công cọng quá đắt Phương tiện công cọng không chạy thường xuyên đủ để tôi dùng Dịch vụ phương tiện đi lại công cọng không đưa tôi đến nơi tôi cần đi Phương tiện đi lại công cọng quá chậm Ga/trạm gần nhà tôi nhất thì quá xa Tôi không cảm thấy an toàn khi đi bộ hay trong lúc chờ đợi phương tiện công cọng Tôi cảm thấy không thoải mái/hay không an toàn khi ở trên phương tiện công cọng Tôi thích sự tiện lợi của phương tiện cá nhân Tôi cần phải dừng lại nhiều chỗ Giờ hoạt động của phương tiện công cọng không hợp với lịch trình của tôi 7. Trong câu hỏi trước, quý vị đồng ý rằng giờ hoạt động của phương tiện đi lại công cọng không hợp với lịch trình của mình. Hãy cho chúng tôi biết quý vị muốn có những thay đổi lịch trình như thế nào: 8. Quý vị có cho là còn có lý do nào khác khiến người ta không muốn sử dụng phương tiện đi lại công cọng không? 9. Trong một tuần bình thường – nếu thời tiết cho phép—quý vị có đi bộ ít nhất là 10 phút mỗi lần để đến và về từ những nơi nào đó vì bất kỳ một lý do nào không? Có A27 Không 10. Trên thang điểm từ 1 đến 10, hãy cho chúng tôi biết thay đổi nào trong các thay đổi sau là quan trọng khiến quý vị dễ dàng đi bộ trong cộng đồng quý vị hơn (“1” là “Chẳng quan trọng chút nào” và “10” là “Cực kỳ quan trọng”). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Có nhiều tiện nghi hơn (vỉa hè mới, các biển báo tốt hơn ở các giao lộ, các vạch băng qua đường tốt hơn) Cải thiện các phương tiện (xây dựng lại các vỉa hè hiện tại, các gờ đường để dễ đi hơn, dọn dẹp tuyết và băng ở vỉa hè) Thực thi các điều luật kiểm soát hành vi của người lái xe Thực thi các điều luật kiểm soát hành vi của người đi bộ Thực thi các điều luật kiểm soát hành vi của người đi xe đạp Tổ chức giáo dục về an toàn cho người đi bộ Cải thiện việc dọn dẹp tuyết 11. Quý vị có đề nghị nào khác để tăng cường việc đi bộ trong cộng đồng quý vị không? 12. Trong một tuần bình thường--nếu thời tiết cho phép--quý vị có đạp xe ít nhất một lần đến và về từ một nơi nào đó không? Có Không 13. Chúng tôi muốn biết người ta đang muốn đường sá được cải tạo theo hình thức nào (nếu có). Hãy cho chúng tôi biết là quý vị có đồng ý hay không đồng ý với mỗi hình thức cải tạo sau. Đồng ý Không đồng ý Không biết Làm thêm các làn đường cho xe chạy Làm thêm các làn đường ưu tiên (carpool) Nâng cấp các tín hiệu giao thông Tăng số lượng “ Làn đường nhanh”(Fast Lanes) Cải thiện việc dọn dẹp tuyết 14. Quý vị muốn thấy hình thức cải tạo đường sá nào khác không ở địa phương mình? 15. Trên thang điểm từ 1-10, hãy cho chúng tôi biết việc Tiểu bang Massachusetts bỏ tiền ra để thực hiện các ưu tiên khác nhau thì quan trọng đến mức nào (“1” là “Chẳng quan trọng chút nào” và “10” là “Cực kỳ quan trọng”). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A28 Duy tu các con đường, xa lộ, và cây cầu hiện tại Cải tạo các con đường, xa lộ, và cây cầu hiện tại Xây các con đường và xa lộ mới Duy tu phương tiện dành cho người đi xe đạp hiện tại Cải tạo phương tiện dành cho người đi xe đạp hiện tại Duy tu vỉa hè, đường đi bộ và đi xe đạp hiện tại Cải tạo vỉa hè và đường đi bộ và đi xe đạp Xây vỉa hè và đường đi bộ và đi xe đạp Duy tu mức độ dịch vụ đi lại hiện tại (xe cộ, lịch trình, tuyến đường) Cải tạo đường tàu lửa và dịch vụ đi lại hiện tại (xe cộ mới, toa xe lửa, cải tạo tuyến đường, nơi trú ẩn) Mở rộng dịch vụ đi lại công cọng (thêm tuyến đường, thêm giờ hoạt động) Cải thiện dịch vụ cho người già và người khuyết tật 16. Quý vị có muốn kể cho chúng tôi biết điều gì khác về các lựa chọn cải thiện phương tiện đi lại để phục vụ quý vị tốt hơn không? 17. Xin cho biết giới tính của quý vị? 18. Sở làm hay trường học của quý vị thuộc mã bưu cục (zip code) nào? 19. Nơi quý vị đang ở thuộc mã bưu cục (zip code) nào? 20. Xin cho biết tuổi của quý vị? Dưới 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 Từ 65 trở lên 21. Xin cho biết lớp học hay năm học cao nhất mà quý vị đã hoàn tất? Chưa tốt nghiệp trung học Tốt nghiệp trung học A29 Tốt nghiệp một trường cao đẳng/ kỹ thuật/hay trường nghề tốt nghiệp đại học hệ 4 năm Theo học cao học Có bằng cao học 22. Có bao nhiêu chiếc xe quý vị sở hữu, thuê, hay có thể mượn dùng thường xuyên từ những người hiện sống trong nhà quý vị ? Kể cả xe mô tô, xe mô-li-let và xe RV. Không có chiếc nào Một Hai Hai hay nhiều hơn 23. Có bao nhiêu người sống trong nhà quý vị? 24. Để chắc là chúng tôi có đại diện công bằng, nhóm người nào sau đây mô tả tốt nhất nguồn gốc dân tộc quý vị? Người gốc Nam Mỹ (Hispanic hay Latino) Không phải người gốc Nam Mỹ (Hispanic hay Latino) 25. Nhóm người nào sau đây mô tả tốt nhất chủng tộc của quý vị? Da trắng Người Mỹ gốc Phi, Mỹ đen Châu Á Người Mỹ da đỏ, Người Bản Địa Alaska Người bản địa Hawaii, hay Người gốc Đảo Thái Bình Dương Khác ______________________ 26. Thu nhập của gia đình quý vị hàng năm thuộc vào nhóm nào sau đây? Dưới $25,000 $25,000 đến dưới $50,000 $50,000 đến dưới $75,000 $75,000 đến dưới $100,000 $100,000 đến dưới $150,00 Từ $150,000 trở lên A30 Appendix F: Massachusetts Towns by MPO Region Municipality Adams Alford Becket Cheshire Clarksburg Dalton Egremont Florida Great Barrington Hancock Hinsdale Lanesborough Lee Lenox Monterey Mount Washington New Ashford New Marlborough North Adams Otis Peru Pittsfield Richmond Sandisfield Savoy Sheffield Stockbridge Tyringham Washington West Stockbridge Williamstown Windsor Acton Arlington Ashland Bedford Bellingham A31 MPO Region Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Berkshire Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Belmont Beverly Bolton Boston Boxborough Braintree Brookline Burlington Cambridge Canton Carlisle Chelsea Cohasset Concord Danvers Dedham Dover Duxbury Essex Everett Foxborough Framingham Franklin Gloucester Hamilton Hanover Hingham Holbrook Holliston Hopkinton Hudson Hull Ipswich Lexington Lincoln Littleton Lynn Lynnfield Malden Manchesterby-the-Sea Marblehead Marlborough Marshfield Maynard Medfield Medford Medway Melrose Middleton Milford Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston A32 Millis Milton Nahant Natick Needham Newton Norfolk North Reading Norwell Norwood Peabody Pembroke Quincy Randolph Reading Revere Rockland Rockport Salem Saugus Scituate Sharon Sherborn Somerville Southborough Stoneham Stoughton Stow Sudbury Swampscott Topsfield Wakefield Walpole Waltham Watertown Wayland Wellesley Wenham Weston Westwood Weymouth Wilmington Winchester Winthrop Woburn Wrentham Barnstable Bourne Brewster Chatham A33 Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston/Old Colony Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston/Old Colony Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Boston Cape Cod Cape Cod Cape Cod Cape Cod Dennis Eastham Falmouth Harwich Mashpee Orleans Provincetown Sandwich Truro Wellfleet Yarmouth Auburn Barre Berlin Blackstone Boylston Brookfield Charlton Douglas Dudley East Brookfield Grafton Hardwick Holden Hopedale Leicester Mendon Millbury Millville New Braintree North Brookfield Northborough Northbridge Oakham Oxford Paxton Princeton Rutland Shrewsbury Southbridge Spencer Sturbridge Sutton Upton Uxbridge Warren Webster West Boylston West Cape Cod Cape Cod Cape Cod Cape Cod Cape Cod Cape Cod Cape Cod Cape Cod Cape Cod Cape Cod Cape Cod Cape Cod Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass A34 Brookfield Westborough Worcester Ashfield Bernardston Buckland Charlemont Colrain Conway Deerfield Erving Gill Greenfield Hawley Heath Leverett Leyden Monroe Montague New Salem Northfield Orange Rowe Shelburne Shutesbury Sunderland Warwick Wendell Whately Aquinnah Chilmark Edgartown Gosnold Oak Bluffs Tisbury West Tisbury Amesbury Andover Boxford Georgetown Groveland Haverhill Lawrence Merrimac Methuen Newbury Newburyport North Andover A35 Central Mass Central Mass Central Mass Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Franklin Martha's Vineyard Martha's Vineyard Martha's Vineyard Martha's Vineyard Martha's Vineyard Martha's Vineyard Martha's Vineyard Martha's Vineyard Merrimack Valley Merrimack Valley Merrimack Valley Merrimack Valley Merrimack Valley Merrimack Valley Merrimack Valley Merrimack Valley Merrimack Valley Merrimack Valley Merrimack Valley Merrimack Valley Rowley Salisbury West Newbury Ashburnham Ashby Athol Ayer Clinton Fitchburg Gardner Groton Harvard Hubbardston Lancaster Leominster Lunenburg Petersham Phillipston Royalston Shirley Sterling Templeton Townsend Westminster Winchendon Nantucket Billerica Chelmsford Dracut Dunstable Lowell Pepperell Tewksbury Tyngsborough Westford Abington Avon Bridgewater Brockton East Bridgewater Easton Halifax Hanson Kingston Pembroke Plymouth Plympton Merrimack Valley Merrimack Valley Merrimack Valley Merrimack Valley Montachusett Montachusett Montachusett Montachusett Montachusett Montachusett Montachusett Montachusett Montachusett Montachusett Montachusett Montachusett Montachusett Montachusett Montachusett Montachusett Montachusett Montachusett Montachusett Montachusett Montachusett Montachusett Montachusett Nantucket Northern Middlesex Northern Middlesex Northern Middlesex Northern Middlesex Northern Middlesex Northern Middlesex Northern Middlesex Northern Middlesex Northern Middlesex Northern Middlesex Old Colony Old Colony Old Colony Old Colony Old Colony Old Colony Old Colony Old Colony Old Colony Boston/Old Colony Old Colony Old Colony A36 Stoughton West Bridgewater Whitman Agawam Amherst Belchertown Blandford Brimfield Chester Chesterfield Chicopee Cummington East Longmeadow Easthampton Goshen Granby Granville Hadley Hampden Hatfield Holland Holyoke Huntington Longmeadow Ludlow Middlefield Monson Montgomery Northampton Palmer Pelham Plainfield Russell South Hadley Southampton Southwick Springfield Tolland Wales Ware West Springfield Westfield Westhampton Wilbraham Williamsburg Worthington Acushnet A37 Boston/Old Colony Old Colony Old Colony Old Colony Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Pioneer Valley Southeastern Mass Attleboro Berkley Carver Dartmouth Dighton Fairhaven Fall River Freetown Lakeville Mansfield Marion Mattapoisett Middleborough New Bedford North Attleborough Norton Plainville Raynham Rehoboth Rochester Seekonk Somerset Swansea Taunton Wareham Westport Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass Southeastern Mass A38 Appendix G: Massachusetts Towns by UZA Barnstable Town, (Statewide Urban) BARNSTABLE BOURNE BREWSTER CARVER CHATHAM DENNIS EASTHAM FALMOUTH HARWICH MARION MASHPEE MATTAPOISETT MIDDLEBOROUGH ORLEANS PLYMOUTH ROCHESTER SANDWICH WAREHAM WELLFLEET YARMOUTH Boston, MA--NH--RI ABINGTON ACTON AMESBURY ANDOVER ARLINGTON ASHBY ASHLAND AVON AYER BEDFORD BELLINGHAM BELMONT BERKLEY BEVERLY BILLERICA BOSTON BOXBOROUGH BOXFORD A39 MA BRAINTREE BRIDGEWATER BROCKTON BROOKLINE BURLINGTON CAMBRIDGE CANTON CARLISLE CHELMSFORD CHELSEA COHASSET CONCORD DANVERS DEDHAM DIGHTON DOVER DRACUT DUNSTABLE DUXBURY EAST BRIDGEWATER EASTON ESSEX EVERETT FOXBOROUGH FRAMINGHAM FRANKLIN FREETOWN GEORGETOWN GLOUCESTER GROTON GROVELAND HALIFAX HAMILTON HANOVER HANSON HARVARD HAVERHILL HINGHAM HOLBROOK HOLLISTON HOPEDALE HUDSON HULL IPSWICH A40 KINGSTON LAKEVILLE LAWRENCE LEXINGTON LINCOLN LITTLETON LOWELL LYNN LYNNFIELD MALDEN MANCHESTER MANSFIELD MARBLEHEAD MARSHFIELD MAYNARD MEDFIELD MEDFORD MEDWAY MELROSE MENDON MERRIMAC METHUEN MIDDLETON MILFORD MILLIS MILTON NAHANT NATICK NEEDHAM NEWBURY NEWBURYPORT NEWTON NORFOLK NORTH ANDOVER NORTH READING NORTON NORWELL NORWOOD PEABODY PEMBROKE PEPPERELL PLAINVILLE PLYMPTON QUINCY A41 RANDOLPH RAYNHAM READING REVERE ROCKLAND ROCKPORT ROWLEY SALEM SALISBURY SAUGUS SCITUATE SHARON SHERBORN SHIRLEY SOMERVILLE SOUTHBOROUGH STONEHAM STOUGHTON STOW SUDBURY SWAMPSCOTT TAUNTON TEWKSBURY TOPSFIELD TOWNSEND TYNGSBOROUGH WAKEFIELD WALPOLE WALTHAM WATERTOWN WAYLAND WELLESLEY WENHAM WEST BRIDGEWATER WEST NEWBURY WESTFORD WESTON WESTWOOD WEYMOUTH WHITMAN WILMINGTON WINCHESTER WINTHROP WOBURN A42 WRENTHAM Leominster--Fitchburg, MA (Statewide Urban) ASHBURNHAM FITCHBURG GARDNER LEOMINSTER LUNENBURG TEMPLETON WESTMINSTER WINCHENDON New Bedford, MA (Statewide Urban) ACUSHNET DARTMOUTH FAIRHAVEN NEW BEDFORD WESTPORT Pittsfield, MA (Statewide Urban) ADAMS CHESHIRE DALTON HINSDALE LANESBOROUGH LENOX NORTH ADAMS PITTSFIELD RICHMOND Providence, RI—MA (Statewide Urban) ATTLEBORO BLACKSTONE FALL RIVER MILLVILLE NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH REHOBOTH SEEKONK SOMERSET SWANSEA Springfield, MA—CT (Statewide Urban) AGAWAM AMHERST A43 BELCHERTOWN CHICOPEE EAST LONGMEADOW EASTHAMPTON GRANBY HADLEY HAMPDEN HOLYOKE HUNTINGTON LONGMEADOW LUDLOW MONSON NORTHAMPTON PALMER PELHAM RUSSELL SOUTH HADLEY SOUTHAMPTON SOUTHWICK SPRINGFIELD WARE WEST SPRINGFIELD WESTFIELD WESTHAMPTON WILBRAHAM WILLIAMSBURG Worcester, MA—CT (Statewide Urban) AUBURN BERLIN BOLTON BOYLSTON CHARLTON CLINTON DOUGLAS DUDLEY GRAFTON HOLDEN HOPKINTON LANCASTER LEICESTER MARLBOROUGH MILLBURY NORTHBOROUGH A44 NORTHBRIDGE OXFORD PAXTON RUTLAND SHREWSBURY SOUTHBRIDGE SPENCER STERLING STURBRIDGE SUTTON UPTON UXBRIDGE WEBSTER WEST BOYLSTON WESTBOROUGH WORCESTER RURAL ALFORD AQUINNAH ASHFIELD ATHOL BARRE BECKET BERNARDSTON BLANDFORD BRIMFIELD BROOKFIELD BUCKLAND CHARLEMONT CHESTER CHESTERFIELD CHILMARK CLARKSBURG COLRAIN CONWAY CUMMINGTON DEERFIELD EAST BROOKFIELD EDGARTOWN EGREMONT ERVING FLORIDA GILL A45 GOSHEN GOSNOLD GRANVILLE GREAT BARRINGTON GREENFIELD HANCOCK HARDWICK HATFIELD HAWLEY HEATH HOLLAND HUBBARDSTON LEE LEVERETT LEYDEN MIDDLEFIELD MONROE MONTAGUE MONTEREY MONTGOMERY MOUNT WASHINGTON NANTUCKET NEW ASHFORD NEW BRAINTREE NEW MARLBOROUGH NEW SALEM NORTH BROOKFIELD NORTHFIELD OAK BLUFFS OAKHAM ORANGE OTIS PERU PETERSHAM PHILLIPSTON PLAINFIELD PRINCETON PROVINCETOWN ROWE ROYALSTON SANDISFIELD SAVOY SHEFFIELD SHELBURNE A46 SHUTESBURY STOCKBRIDGE SUNDERLAND TISBURY TOLLAND TRURO TYRINGHAM WALES WARREN WARWICK WASHINGTON WENDELL WEST BROOKFIELD WEST STOCKBRIDGE WEST TISBURY WHATELY WILLIAMSTOWN WINDSOR WORTHINGTON A47 Appendix H: Open-Ended Responses When you make a typical trip (for going to work, shopping, etc.), what is your primary mode of transportation? (Taxi) # Response 1. Staff 2. staff car 3. support staff 4. Staff 5. Staff Which of the following groups best describes your racial background? (Other) # Response 1. fighting whitie 3. why ? 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Come on. This is not a racial thing prefer not to mention Black and white mixed Mixed Jewish Mixed White - American-Indian Anglo-Celtic 10. Finno-Ugric 11. European 12. Human 13. American 14. Italian 15. multiracial 16. Puerto Rican 17. Multiple 18. White/African American 19. PR 20. I check more than one box. 21. Cape Verdean A48 22. race is artificial 23. white + native American 24. Jewish 25. Italian-American 26. Hispanic & Black 27. Puerto Rican 28. English, Dutch, French, Abenaki Indian 29. Belgian 30. Mixed White-Native 31. Portuguese 32. European Ancestry 33. Europian 34. Biracial 35. european 36. mongral 37. 23 and me 38. european-american 39. HISPANIC 40. shouldn't matter! 41. Asian/White 42. Mixed Race: Asian & White 43. mixed race 44. african american and white 45. multi racial 46. I choose not to share this 47. African & Caribbean American, Black 48. Italian American 49. native americam 50. Dominicano 51. American 52. Euro-American 53. Puerto Rican 54. Irish-Portuguese-German American A49 55. light but not white 56. Colombian 57. African american/white 58. HISPANIC 59. white/american indian 60. caucasian, italian, indian, irish 61. Human 62. white/Asian 63. Portugese 64. Latino 65. moreno C-A 66. Guatemala 67. moreno centro americano 68. spanish 69. black and white 70. puerto rican 71. Uruguayan In the previous question, you agreed that the public transportation service hours do not work with your schedule. Please tell us what schedule changes you would like to see: | # Response 1. more frequent commuter rail service and evening service 3. The T should run until after the bars close. It's a ridiculous concession to the taxi lobby that it does not. And don't give me the Night Owl bus business, as that's absolutely not the same. If the T ran until 2:30am, people would take it here like they do in every other city when the bars/clubs close. N.A. No public transportation in my town. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. I Work #rd shift. Run it 24/7/365.If NYC can do it, what is preventing Massachusetts and the MBTA & regional services from doing it? We have the resources, we need the resolve of your leadership.Many people work 2 or more job including 2d & 3d shift. Public transportation is not an option. Trains "dead-head" outbound from Boston in the morning to Lowell & Haverhill. At the end of the day, the same trains run empty back into Boston. The more frequent / convenient the trains and buses are, the more people will use them. NYC does it, so can we with your help. There is no public transportation available for the trips I take Better reverse commute options to Brockton. Trains to Brockton from Boston in the morning and then home in the afternoon are too infrequent and arrive/depart at inconvenient times for a typical 8:00-4:30 workday A50 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. A51 The Route 132 line runs very eratically making it impossibly undependable for students trying to commute to school/work or for adults to use public transit to access Boston's nightlife conveniently. Trying to get to places in a busy schedule means not waiting for public transportation I live near Medford Sq. On an MBTA it appears that there are many options for service. However, during non-comuniting hrs, the service is infrequent and the wait times to make connections make a short trip very long. Medford to Watertown for example can take more than 1.5 hrs.Also, parking at subway stops is insufficient.Alewife parking is prohibitively expensive which is a disincentive to take public transportation.Parking near the Red line in Cambridge and Somerville is impossible on Saturdays or weekdays, so I drive places rather than take public transportation (I would rather use public transportation( MORE FREQUENCY so that you can get into town and back in a resonable time ALSO, you could take a train to Fitchburg (from Shirley), grab the bus to a doctor's appointment and get home in less than 6 hours. OR a train to concord, shuttle to Emerson and home in less than 6 hoursKEY to seniors who do not drive today and the rapid increase in that demographic coming in the next 10-15 years. more hours to serve 8:30 - 5:30 work schedule. More frequent service. Traveling from NH to Cambridge, MA every day, I use highways (vanpool) because the commuter rail does not serve my needs adequately. I therefore begin my commute at 5:15 am, in NH, and begin the reverse commute at 4:00 pm, to NH, once again. While there is service at 4:00 pm, it does not serve my needs with regard to connectivity to NH. There is no public transportation available where I live - to get to it, I would have to either drive to it or walk for @ 45 minutes. If it were more accessible, I would use it. No I didn't Hard to say. Local suburban transit too infrequent when compared to drive time. Not sure about frequency during my sporatic trips into Boston from either Lexington and/or Hudson (home/work respectively). Make frequent trips in to the city for meetings 1-4 times per week but don't commute there "normally" and thus am unfamiliar with exact service hours and whether or not it works for me. Living on cape cod, there is very limited access to public transportation. It needs to be available very often to meet a varied schedule of work, errands, socialzing etc. I'm not in the MBTA area but Onset on the SouthCoast. There is GATRA/MBTA service to Boston, but it takes up to 3 hours one-way. There is NO service to New Brdford or Fall River. I expected to drive more than I did in Boston, but there is almost no other option. Purely on schedule, commuter rail must not end weekend coverage. And it it so oriented to commuters it is not practical for medical trips. More public transportation in Central Massachusetts. I would have to drive almost an hour to get a train going anywhere. There is a limited bus service in the area I believe, but it's still more than 5 miles from my house. I work in a location that is a 15 minute drive from my house but a 1-hour trip by public transportation. I work 7am to 7:30pm in Boston. Taking the North Sation at 8:35pm is not convienent. I would not get home until 9:15pm. Public transportation that runs from 6:00 AM through midnight would work well for me. None - I have child care duties, drop off and pick up, and extra curricular activities each day for two children. It is 100% inconvenient for me in this city. I live in Western Mass with very few public transportation choices. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. I would love to see the commuter rail run on an hourly schedule throughout the day and into the night (maybe end at 1 or 2am). If it did I would definitely take public transit to get to Boston instead of driving. Right now the schedule is too infrequent for me to bother. Because of where I live and where I work, the runs do not begin until after I have to be to work. The gaps between the daytime trains are too large. You are either going to really early to your destination or really late. (I mainly use the commuter rail if I use public transportation) More commuter ferry service from Hingham to Boston. When I am traveling to areas where public transportation would work - I find trains are not always available to return to my office area/residential area when needed. In other words - reverse commute schedules out of Boston are extremely limited. There is no Public Transportation in my town or immediate area. 32. Bus schedules are unknown, I do not commute.I want to go directions other than into Boston-no north-south service. I live in an unwalkable area. While there is bus service within Metrowest, there is no bus service to other areas, north shore, south shore, where I would go. This affects areas where I would work as well. It is impractical to reverse commute from Boston to suburbs due to schedules. More frequent service to my neighborhood. 34. 24 hours a day....just like NYC. 33. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. More than twice a day. Buses should run just as often on weekends and in the evening as they do the rest of the time. More frequent travel in evening hours Service after 1am. I work 3 miles from home but the bus schedule connections would make my 10 minute caar ride become a 45-minute bus ride because of the connections. Later hours for buses from Alewife to Lexington and Bedford more frequent commuter rail trips (or alternative modes like buses that would fill in the gaps when the train doesn't or can't run) Commuter rail is much less convenient than bicycling for our trips between Natick Framingham and Wellesley The commuter rail to Newburyport, and likely to all other stations, does not run late enough. If you attend an evening concert, sporting event, etc. in Boston you need to leave early to catch the last train back home to Newburyport. I would love to see a few late night trains to allow people to get home after late nights in the city. Perhaps there could be more of these late night runs on weekends, but at least one late weeknight train would be very helpful. I would take the train to Boston much more often if there were late night options, mostly to attend events at the Garden, plus concerts, occassional dinners, etc. More evening hours Earlier and later hours and more frequent commuter rail trips In New Bedford,No Sunday transportation & no buses after 6pm at anytime of week.An probably most important no train service to Boston or points north of New Bedford. I work 11am-8pm A52 47. I live in Wendell. there is no public transportation here. none. 49. Evening bus schedules not conducive to using public transportation. Weekend bus and commuter rail schedules not frequent enough. More service in general on the Worcester/Framingham line, especially on off hours. My options right now are to get to my meeting in Boston 2 hours early or 1 hour late! And now I am commuting from Westborough to Worcester, and I pretty much have one option in the morning. If I miss that train, I'm out of luck. Needs to run before 6am 48. 50. 51. 52. There is no public transportation tn/from my town! 55. I need to take a bus to catch the train (red line) - those buses do not run frequently enough during the day. THe bus also adds travel time on to the total trip and figuring in the bus schedule is difficult at times. Too complex to answer. THe bottom line is that public transportation cannot serve all needs. 1, THEY DO NOT TRAVEL THE SAME ROUTES AS ME2, iF I WAS TO TAKE THE BUS I WOULD HAVE TO TRAVEL 30 MILES OUT OF THE WAY There is no public transportation in my part of the State. 57. earlier in the day 53. 54. 56. 58. 59. 60. 61. Later hours, more frequent trains on weekends 24-hour trains. None. none 63. Maximum service between 7 am and 7 pm weekdays.Commuter rail service between greatern Springfield area and points east (Worcester and Boston) non-existent. I would take the T into Boston for some things, but the current schedule of commuter trains means that I have to go in early and stay later than I intend. And the plan to eliminate weekend completely definitely will not help More frequent times. 65. more frequent trips 62. 64. 66. I would make the Needham commuter rail line run on Sundays. 67. We are retired. Off-peak schedules are just too sparse. Increased commuter rail from West Medford to North Station would be a help. Green Line extension will help too. 4 am to 2 am service 69. Having the T run later at night during the weekends 68. 70. 71. 72. A53 I would like to see more #94 buses. busses running more often (say every 10 minutes) for the entire time they run. If I have to stay at work late, I may have to wait up to an hour at Sullivan Square and not only is it a waste of my time, I do not feel safe. Early morning and late evenings I wish there was an easily accessible bus/train from Westfield to Boston 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. My schedule changes weekly so adapting public transportation to my schedule is impossible. There is no public transportation in my area. Late night subway service Inrreased ferquency of trians to accommodate flexibility in working hours. i.e. Gloucester Rockport trains sometimes only run to Beverly. Better timing for connections between bus and subway there is no public transportation from my home to work 82. Public transportation(WRTA bus) does not come to Brookfield often enough to make it a viable form of transportation & the bus stop is 1 mile from our house. Buses curently run on a 50-60 minutes schedule, I beleive a 20-30 minutes schedule would work best for me and others. I commute from Shrewsbury to Westfield. I found that I could take a bus from Worcester to Springfield, and then a bus from Springfield to Westfield, but one of these buses only runs twice a day, and not at times that coincide with my commute. This is odd because I work 9am-5pm, so I do not work odd hours. I would like to see the public transportation more often. Once an hour is too long 84. Better weekend schedules - more frequent weekend service is needed. 80. 81. 83. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. increased frequency of fixed routes for local buses more frequent trips, west of 495 More than 2 departure/arrival times Topsfield/Bosotn late night Specific to commuter rail from Worcester to Boston - trains need to run much more frequently to make it convenient and usable. I have one monthly meeting in Boston and I can chose to either arrive an hour early or get to my meeting at least 15 min. late. And I have to leave it early to make the train home. transportation to Boston/Cambridge on weekends (early and late) and more frequently during weekdays. run more often, and be on time earlier and later and more often I have meetings downtown that go until 9 or 10 pm. The bus stops running to my side of the city at 7. It is impossible for me, thus, to use the bus for these meetings. Additional workday trains between Worcester and Boston, as well as better reversecommute times from Boston to Worcester. I would like to see trains run later. Oftentimes if I am downtown I am forced to take a cab home. I would like to see more weekday evening service. Right now, MBTA service is very much geared towards M-F/9-5 commuters, which I am not. The best transportation option available to me is commuter rail, but I don't often use it because the trains when I need to be coming home are 2 hours apart.Sometimes I will choose not to take the chance of taking, for example, a once-per-hour bus, because of what would happen if I missed that one bus, or it didn't show up. The bus that runs from the main street near my house leaves me only an hour down toen A54 97. 98. 99. before it comes back...if I don't take that one, it's five hours. That makes no sense to me. I could walk faster and more conbveniently. the last time I tried to take a bus it never showed up. I waited along with a woman with 2 children for 25 minutes and the bus never came. I walked home a little over 2 miles in the dark following a bus route and the bus still never came. By the time I got home and called the WRTA customer service center everyone there had gone home and the message said to call back during business hours on Monday. They didn't even have an answering machine to let me vent Every 15 minutes in stead of 1 hour or 30 minutes i often have multiple places to go each day and i frequently have meetings in the evening 100. More frequent service on the weekends and after 7 pm. 101. Commute to work. run errands at work, pick up children from after school activites 102. I need more late evening and weekend hours 103. Being retired and living in a suburb, I usually don't go where there is service. 104. More and longer hours plus hours on Sunday. they run hourly if any at all 105. need my car during the workday to travel to many different locations and other company worksites. 106.’s more that the schedule and LOCATION do not fit my schedule. 7am Sterling to Worcester. 107. More weekend service. 108. more connections to transfer to another bus 109. run later in the evening and more frequently during the day 110. better off hour service as well as better weekend schedule 111. For me personally, I need to be at work at 8:30 but have to drop my children off at daycare in the vicinity of my work. If I take the 7:40 bus, it does not give me quite enough time and the next bus isn't until 8:40. In the morning, the busses to downtown Worcester need to run more often with traditional working start hours and need to connect to the train's schedule (as an aside). 112. later services 113. I would be interested in hourly direct service (high speed) to Logan without multiple stops in between. 1-3 stops would be fine if they are quick.I am interested in express service to Boston on weekends (1-3 stops) 114. Go from Rt9-rt20 down rt148 115. Public tramsit does not exist within walking distance for me. 116. I live near the 5-Colleges. The frequency and routes of buses is tied to the college/university schedule here in W. MA.There is no service that makes it feasible for me to get my child to the YMCA, or to school, from our home, by using public transit. 117. the repairs on red line on weekends make it more challenging to schedule weekend errands 118. I stated that the nearest stop is too far away. I wish we had the option in Southbridge 119. Many flexible returns A55 120. We live in Brookfield. We have no public transportation to Southbridge where I work. This is why I take my car. 121. later evenings and more times for weekends. 122. It would be great if the public transportation method in my city, Worcester, ran later in the evenings - never mind my wish to run 24 hours. 123. Later hours, especially on the weekends 124. hourly train service throughout the day; right now there is a large gap (3 hours) without service in the morning and a similar situation in the afternoon 125. More direct trips to Major link stations 126. Only one transit option goes near my house and near my work - LRTA bus. It only runs after I need to leave my house in morning and before I need to leave my work in evening. 127. The 325/326 Express Busses do not run late enough and do not go deep enough into Boston. They should run later in the evening and terminate/start at South Station, or at lest the Financial District. 128. I would like to see public transportation in the 128 corridor. I can't get from home to work via MBTA under 2 hours and four transfers. I miss taking public transportation to work. I would be fine with up to a 45 to 60 minute ride if I could get within a 1/2 mile of my house and work locations with transfer. I travel 12 miles each way five days a week up and down 128. But there are no suburban linkages on a north/south corridor. Replace 128 with a commuter train and link local bus routes for office park and other shopping destinations or current routes. 129. late night service 130. There is no public transportaion in Charlton and Southbridge MA where I spend most of my time. 131. It's uncoordinated connections that prevent my use of public transportation to get to work - Bus to commuter rail, and end of line station to office. 132. More commuter rail (Fitchburg line) trains, especially on weekends. I'm car free by choice and this is an important part of my transportation needs. 133. More frequent choices during most waking hours (5 a.m. to 2 a.m.). 134. A reverse commute on the Fitchburg line that would get to Ayer before 8AM 135. The bus to the Berkshire Mall takes too long and there is only one arrive and return. the return bus leaves less than one hour after the arrive bus gets there. If I need to take my car to get to the bus, what's the point? 136. More frequency in reverse commuter mass transit scheduling (for instanct Boston OUT to Fitchburg in the morning, and Fitchburg INTO Boston in the evening. CAPACITY is not needed for such service to be viable and successful, but FREQUENCY is. 137. There is no public transportation where I live. 138. I don't have any set schedule but commuter rail does not run often enough. For example, commuter rail does not stop at North Wilmington between 6:43am and 9:37am going inbound towards Boston, not very convenient for normal work time start hours.Most of my trips are local or where there is no other public service lines. 139. Improve the frequency of the bus schedules. Depending on the location certain routes should have schedules more in line with commuter rail schedules. 140. Ideally, later hours in the evening. 141. evening and weekend hours needed and shorter headways A56 142. More frequent train service during the day 143. I live in rural Western Mass. While there is an FRTA bus stop in my town, it does not get me to work and back at the times that I work. 144. 24/7/365 Operation, like NYC. Don't stop @ 1:00A.M.! 145. more information regarding schedules, routes, times, and cost, hard to navigate on the website 146. More frequent buses. Wait time is too long at night and non-rush hours. 147. More density during the day. Don't typically use it at night as it isn't available. 148. I would like to see them run later into the evening during the weekdays not just on the weekends. 149. cabagbha 150. I would like more inter-state transportation. I live in Longmeadow, MA and work in Manchester, CT. 151. Run later than 1am, please! 152. A stop closer to home without any transfers of buses along with it available on the hour and half hour. 153. More frequent service on commuter rails outside of Boston. 154. I work a varied schedule with odd hours. It is impossible to use public transportation, in my situation, unless it ran 24 hours/day. 155. more frequent trains from Worcester to Bostonmore frequent buses from Brookfield to Worcester 156. Start at 6AM, run until 9PM at least, and run on weekends and holidays also 157. Service does not run late enough. I don't have a car and taxis are too expensive. Taking the T home from a show means I have to leave before the music ends. 158. Early train from S. Acton station to Fitchburg. I need to be at the Fitchburg Station by 8:45am most semesters, and by 7:20 am some semesters. 159. Do not use public transportation now, and do not see using it in the future. Where we live, there is no opportunity to participate in public transportation. 160. I personally do not use public transport, but work with people who do. I would like to see the system more flexible with schedules and ableto access more places off the "route". 161. The low frequency in the middle of the day prevents me from using it. I have a limited time during the day to get things done and waiting for a bus or train would use that time up. 162. I live in Wareham and we only have bus service to Boston in the morning. I would have to drive to lakeville to hook up with the T. It is not convenient. Going to New Bedford/Fall River (west) there is no alternative to driving ones own car. 163. Location is the problem. To go to Two of my stops using PT would cause me to lose productivity. 164. More frequent and less expensive commuter rail service, later return service from Boston 165. Once when my car was being repaired I tried to take public transportation to my job 2.5 miles away. It was faster and fit my schedule better to walk. 166. There is no public transportation propoerly aligned from one municipality to another in my region. It would take me a half a day to get to work in the town I work in 20 miles away. 167. Maintain weekend and weeknight service for commuter rail. More frequent rapid transit. A57 Utilize bus as a flexible alternative to rail. 168. I AM RETIRED AND LIVE ON CAPE COD. I HAVE NO FIXED SCHEDULE FOR TRAVEL OR ERRANDS. I DO NOT HAVE A PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SCHEDULE AND DO NOT KNOW WHERE A BUS WOULD PICK ME UP. i BELIEVE IT IS OVER A 1/4 MILE AWAY. 169. I live on Cape Cod; I would like to see busses more frequently 170. I would like to see evening, night and weekend schedules. 171. Evenings weekends and more often with more convenient stops 172. Sometimes I return home late at night. 173. We need service in New Bedford after 6 PM and on SundaysBuses should also run more frequently 174. There is no transportation where I often am. 175. Operating every half hour, 24/7. 176. Mid Day gaps in commuter rail schedule means that you hae to spend a entire day in the city for a half day meeting. 177. More weekend hours 178. There is no public transportation near me 179. There is no public transportation where I live 180. I mostly use the LRTA which doesn't run in the evening or very often on weekends. 181. in my town . . . evenings and weekends are pretty poorly served. 182. 24x7 would be ideal. MBTA boston to lowell an hour later would be good 183. The outbound Haverhill commuter rail line does not pick up passengers outbound until 8:30 am. It “dead-heads” past stops (does not pick-up fare paying passengers) so it is not a viable option to take people to work from Gr. Boston to Wilimington / Lawrence /Haverhill.The rail system needs to run 24-7 and more frequently, since so many people work 2nd & 3d shift or second jobs and cannot rely on public transportation to get them to/from work. 184. My schedule is all over the place and changes regularly. I need the flexibility of a vehicle for work. 185. I would love to take the train into and out of Boston, but many stops, causing long rides, do not work with my scheduling needs. 186. There are almost no decent options for getting from the Marlborough area into Boston without driving a large part of the way. 187. Lowell: LRTA Schedules posted anywhere visible for the public and at bus stops, later evening services 188. I would need to take the commuter rail which runs too infrequently for my needs. 189. Longing running hours on the MBTA subway Blue Line & buses in East Boston 190. Need South Coast Rail as soon as possible. What are you guys waiting for?Also - it takes me 60-65 minutes to drive to Boston from Westport. You guys better have that train doing it in well less than an hour to make it worthwhile. 191. Job is in sub-urbs - express transportation competes with cars for road use and sits in congestion. Would have liked to see a more serious effort at the urban ring. A58 192. It's actually not scheduling. There is very limited public transportation service in the area that I work and live. 193. More small trains on Bos-Prov, Stoughton, Brockton lines. Small trains, like trolleys could be effective in your non-peak hours IF you find one the is inexpensive at first cost, maintainence, power or fuel and simple operation. Look up "Buddliners". They were good but rickety and probably expensive to run; BUT, this is the type of vehicle you need, but modern and better made. 194. More transportation in the evening especially in the warmer weather when more can be done after work hours and more weekend options for shopping and visiting sites in and around Boston but not Boston exclusive. 195. Would like to see a return to frequently scheduled neighborhood bus runs such as those on the Holyoke Street Railway and Springfield bus systems of the past. Since this is unlikely, perhaps a return to trolly lines is in order. 196. I wish the MBTA could run 24 hours. If thats not possible then at least run until 2AM and start again at 5 or 6AM 197. put transportation in Metrowest 198. Frequency of service makes it difficult to plan a transit trip. 199. more morning and evening hours to meet my commuting to work schedule, and optional express service 200. i travel all over the state, which is inaccessable by public transportation, when in Boston i would have to travel a couple different lines and then wait for a train-too much time wasted 201. Would need to run much more frequently and reliably for me to consider taking regularly. Would also need to cut across town. I would now need to go into town and come back out to do errands. Would take 1 hour of transportation rather than 15 minute car ride. 202. Evening and weekend service is not available or frequent enough. Would love to take the bus to go out at night or weekend errands, but no service. 203. More commuter rail lines - especially to New Bedford Boston along the Rt-24 area to serve Taunton 204. Sometimes need to return from work after the CT2 has stopped running. Also sometimes need to ride it on weekends. 205. I us an electric wheel chair many bus stops are not wheel chair accessible. I also have chemical sensativities and many riders smoke or wear heavy purfumes or body sprays which trigger my asthma. Also many buses drop off in locations where locations have very poor air quality or heavy pollen in the spring time or heavy polluted oil operated heating systems on college campuses in the winter time that are also asthma triggers. 206. I commute out of the South End to Mansfield. Since this is a reverse commute, the off-peak hours are opposite of my needs. Morning times are generally ok, but an additional train in the evening (between 7 and 8 PM) would benefit me. 207. More frequent commuter trains from Leominster/Fitchburg later in the morning. 208. An early morning (7am-ish) Downeaster headed Northbound. Ability to take bikes on trains during commuting hours. 209. Bus service on Central Street, Stoughton is run by BAT. I have to travel to Boston/Mattapan a lot and there is no convenient way to do so. 210. I live in East Weymouth, only a 10-minute walk from the East Weymouth commuter rail station. I would love to take the commuter rail into Boston, but I have to be in Boston at 5:15 AM. I would love to see trains begin service earlier on weekday mornings. A59 211. More frequent commuter rail service on Fitchburg line, but don't close any stations to make that happen! 212. 1Service closer to my home2service hours after 6pm3why bus stops can't have schedules listed4why no sunday service.5serta no consumer friendly 213. More frequent weekend and non-rush hour service, especially commuter rail. Overnight service. 214. More PVTA service on weekends and summers; more frequent service during regular workday hours. 215. Need morning train to Boston and return in early evening 216. I would like to see am outbound (southbound) commuter rail train that arrives into Brockton sometime during the 8:00 AM hour. The existing reverse commute (Boston to Brockton/Bridgewater) options are either extremely early or too late for the start of a typical work day 217. Duh! The T shuts down at 1am. That's absurd. 218. I live in a rural area. Public transportation is not practical at that location. 219. Greater frequency of bus service would be key. There used to be service every half hour. That would be workable. Also, they shut down the buses at night so I can not go to an night or evening meeting and have a way of getting home. 220. higher frequency of routes during morning and evening peak hours 221. I would like more trains running and have them running later at night. I get out of work at around 11-12 midnight. 222. Later evening service 223. I don't care. I have too many different places to go and time is scarce. Public transportation would have to be far more efficient, comfortable, cleaner, and less crowded for me to even consider it. I'll buy a hybrid car. 224. more frequent headways 225. WEEKENDS 226. The bus and T need to run later. If bars close at 2am, public transport needs to accomodate this! 227. Haverhill Commuter Rail - earlier AM outbound and an additional PM inbound between 4:30 and 6:00 228. bus schedule is sometimes 1 hour apart; too long to wait 229. I would like extended hours of service at night. 230. Evenings until 9:30 pm and weekends (Sat: all day until 9:30 pm, Sun: 8:30 am - 3:30 pm) 231. The services are simply too slow to count on for my schedule. When I had to stop riding my bike to an injury, I marveled at how people got to anywhere on time since there were delays so often. 232. More commuter rail trains-- one does not leave at a time that is convenient for when I need to be at work (no trains leave Porter on the Fitchburg line between 820-905, and I need to be at work at 9, but killing time once I get to work isn't really an option, or appealing). In the afternoon, I can either get out of work early to catch a 443 back, or wait until 535-- so when I finish work at 5pm, there's a long of hang-time. Fine for reading but annoying when I just want to get home. When we have to work late, the trains then only come every 2 hours, making arrival at home verrry late (or way later than necessary). A60 233. more frequent and extended service on the 51 bus --- specifically by extending the 86 beyond Cleveland Circle (perhaps to Forest Hills via Putterham, Hancock Village, and West Roxbury by a simplified route that might also include Hammond Street in Chestnut Hill instead of Lee St) 234. It would be convenient if the T were still running at 2 or 3 in the morning (red line and green line in particular). 235. more frequency during the day, more trips in the later evening 236. A Framingham/Worcester Commuter Rail Line train that departs Worcester at ~8am and another train that returns to Worcester ~5:50pm would make trying to integrate the commuter rail into my schedule more convenient. 237. I live in a very rural area where public transportation is good, but not effective for multiple tasks, work, vote, see a friend, drop off info, work out, shop, and head home. 238. I work for IBM in Littleton and the hours of the commuter rail get me in too late and get me out too early. Need more frequent rail doing a reverse commute! (at least to the 495 belt!) 239. If I am expected to rely on public transportation and, therefore, not to invest in private transportation, I need the flexibility to travel 34/7 as my work schedule is so variable. 240. Outbound service on the Worcester Line is very infrequent. 241. The service schedule is too infrequent, especially on weekends. 242. Service after hours, especially on weekends. 243. more frequency 244. later hours and weekends 245. I live to far no buses to take 246. I am speaking for the many people served both day and evening by our nonprofit service agency, Valley Opportunity Council in Chicopee. I register adults for evening English to Speakers of Other Language (ESOL) classes. We asked that one bus be diverted from Walmart along an alternate route so that students from Springfield and other communities would have a way to get home from class. At the present time, I have to inform people that we have no transportation at 8:45 p.m. when class is over. As a result, they are unable to participate in class and gain the skills they need from our program in order to make a better life for themselves. I spoke out about this at a public forum, and never received halp or a response. Many of the people we serve are very low income, do not have a car, and depend on public transportation to meet their needs.The outcome requested would be to get a bus which stops at Walmart in Chicopee to take Pendleton Avenue to Chicopee Street, stopping at our Mount Carmel address or on Chicopee Street at a time when students would be able to take it (8:50 p.m. or close to that time). The bus would then turn on to Grattan Street and continue to the Exchange Street plaza and then following the normal route back to Springfield. 247. More than once an hour on busy streets. 248. More frequent commuter rail and bus routes. Commuter rail should run later. 249. Bar Hours 250. Not scheduling in terms of hours of operation, but in terms of flexibility and convenience. Example if I have to run home (Waltham) and get back to the city, this cannot be done in a competitive time-window. A RT in my car takes 1/4 the time it would take to use public transportation. This vast difference in time required to travel meaningful distances and A61 react to a demanding schedule efficiently is something I feel makes using public transportation for anything shy of convenience on specific trips an impossibility. 251. evening commuter rail and bus service in teh merrimack valley 252. I would appreciate 24 hour service (but I typically just ride my bike anyway). 253. the main problem is public trans is not valued and supported so it can be avail 7 days week all day long 254. frequency 255. The trains run only a few times a day. I would rather have something smaller that runs more frequently. If I am in town and my children's schools calls i really can't wait a couple of hours for a train to come. It makes more sense to run something like the people movers in vancover . 256. in my area, buses run every 20 minutes at rush hour and at non rush hour times they go down to once an hour (starting at 7 p.m. for instance). That means if I take the T to work and get stuck working later than 6, I could wait up to an hour to catch my bus at the station (not a great place to hang out). The alternative is to walk a few miles through a bad neighborhood as a female to get to my neighborhood. Having to wait an hour for a bus is ridiculous, and even waiting 20 minutes during rush hour is an eternity. Taking public transportation to work is 1 hour if everything goes smoothly plus a walk on either side, and has taken up to 2 hours when there are problems. Compare this to driving in rush hour traffic in 35 minutes or less reliably for a few dollars more a month, you bet I'm driving. My time is too precious to hurry up and wait in the ghetto. 257. It would be insane to believe that at 5 am the bus would be at my house than bring me to the gym, than take me to work and then drive me around and then take me home. Who writes these q&A's? 258. More service on the North Shore. Easier connections to the Blue Line and more frequent communter rail service for weekend and evening travel. 259. I would like to see the commuter rail have one very early train into Boston and add one or two more express commuter trains to the outer zone stations. This would make rail much more attractive for me coming from Newburyport. 260. More frequent commuter trains and available parking, specifically at the Andover commuter train station. 261. I wish the train or bus were frequent, and that there were express trips offered. 262. service in the town of paxton ma 263. Have bus # 16 increase his schedule. If you miss one you have to wait to long for another. 264. WEEKENDS AND EVENINGS 265. I leave home at 6:15. 266. The schedule is not convienent, too many stops and changes to get to work 267. I need to be at work for 7am and sometimes leave later than 3pm.Where I live, I would have to be at the bus stop 1/2 hour before I need to leave my house (6am) and there are 3 stops around the city to get to work.Thus, making me late. 268. First off, I live in Agawam, MA on River Road. I would have to walk a couple of miles to catch the bus. Then I would have to take 3 different buses to get to my place of employment. 269. I'd like to see public transit run continually overnight (i.e. 11:00pm -- 6:00am) for commuter rail, buses, and subway service. A62 270. There's no way you would be able to accommodate my needs. I never know when I need to travel in advance so there would have to be a bus waiting for me all the time. 271. More frequent routes 272. I really dont care as I would never use public transportation. I own a vehicle. 273. I would like to see more frequent trips and later schedules. 274. I have a very flexible schedule. 275. I live in belchertown and i work in springfield. there is nothing that goes on my route 276. it runs every couple of hours, not very conducive to reliable transportation 277. I would like to see a direct route small bus, van or light rail from Northampton, MA to Springfield, MA. Right now there is a bus but it takes 1.5hrs to get to Springfield. Baystate is right off 91 and another stop could be court house near Bball Hall of Fame. I would like to see it run several times from 7am to 9ish and then 3 or 4pm to 6ish. I know many people that would take public transport to Springfield from Norhtampton if it was more direct and quicker. The population in Northampton is very enviro-aware and generally could afford "special transportation". 278. My hours change from week to week 279. More than one am commuter train from the end of the line (inbound). Extending the lines further west. 280. No options Lawrence to Gloucester 281. On a more regular schedule to suburban areas 282. Don't know anything about the service hours 283. The bus tend to run to far apart.I have a teenager that is dependent on the PVTA and has to leave 1-2 hour early to take a 20min trip.Another thing is if the buses ran closer people would not be runing in front of the bus to stop it or cutting through two and tree lanes of moving traffic to get a bus,however for the price is ok 284. I live in Middlesex County, which does not offer public the places I need to go to for school, work, and medical appts.I have to rely on family and friends to assist me in all areas relatingto transportation. 285. T running later 286. Not enough trains from Worcester. Would like to take one, but with my schedule it is always full.... 287. i live in belchertown and have to make it to springfield to work. there is no public transportation that brings those of us out here into the city. so we all have to drive in. 288. Trains and buses should run later at night. Even if I had to wait awhile, I would appreciate being able to take trains home after 1 am. 289. college students are fairly nocturnal, let's see some more late night/early morning transportation 290. More frequent off-peak 291. earlier morning hoursalso there should be later evening hours toaccomodate those that work late 292. More frequent trains during off-peak hours, and especially in the evening. 293. Usually at work by 7am, then may have to leave for meetings off idea how to do that. Some days I leave later and some earlier. No set schedule. A63 294. Having more commuter rail service between Worcester and Boston. 295. I live in the country. FRTA provides some door-to-door services for elderly and infirm. I would not be interested in using it as I do several errands each time and visit my mother, etc. 296. Earlier start times 297. Buses during the day run very slowly. And public transit does not work for me when I have to make many stops during the day in different areas. 298. I used to take the 325 Express Bus but my office moved next to South Station and the bus does not stop anywhere near it. The 325 Express also stops running at 06:29pm. The T should try to make at least a little effort on making the Bus routes go where riders want to go. The T is still using 50 year old bus routes. Maybe if they updated the Bus routes they would attract more riders. I would consider using the 325 Express Bus again if the route terminated closer to South Station or Downtown Crossing. 299. Cape Cod does not have transportation for wheelcahir users 300. buses and paratransit under ADA stop at 7 and do not run on Sundays. In order to fully participate in the community evening and Sunday service would greatly enhance service. 301. more early morning and late evening runs during the week and especially on the weekends 302. 7 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. 303. takes me over 1 hour to reach my destination by bus, when it takes 10 minutes by car. In order to reach STCC (after having to walk from Main St) for 8 am, I would need to catch a 6:30 bus. 304. I have lived in a number of different countries and in the past, in Asia, Africa and Europe I have either used public transport or, more frequently walked. Cities in the US are not designed to be pedestrian friendly. Fortunately I live within walking distance of my workplace, but for regular household errands I most often drive. I haven't made myself familiar with the public transport system here, but compared with the convenience of driving oneself it would be too time consuming. I try to compensate for this selfindulgence I drive a small fuel efficient car. The US needs to reinvent street life in its cities, it would make them happier, safer and more economically productive places to be. 305. more frequent runs in the a.m. commute and pm commute. 306. unsure at this time 307. more routes. more frequent 308. Bus run much later to locations where people do work and at least be open or have later transportation such as past midnight or later. Specially for those who work late or have later shifts and have more locations where buses go so it is more versitile and not visit the station as often. 309. Buses don't run to and from Wilbraham enough and I would have to make several transfers to get where I want to go for errands. I would use this service for work if it were available. 310. more often, more stops. 311. I would use transit late at night on weekends if it existed. I appreciate this in other cities I visit. 312. I would like for the subway to work at least until 2am A64 313. T doesn't run late at night, but I bike which will always be more convenient than taking public transit no matter what the schedule is. 314. Later hours 315. I am a single girl in my 30's with a condo in Ashland, who grew up in Plymouth. I would love late night service on the weekends- particularly for socializing in the city and not commuting by car late at night back to the suburbs. Both Ashland and Plymouth lack in commuter rail service outside regular commuting hours. Also, I would love to take a train to Burlington for work, but there is no train or bus service that is convenient. A carpooling option would be fantastic, if it only existed. I am not the only one commutin from the Framingham area to Burlington. 316. I live in the Berkshires. You couldn't afford to run buses to be convenient. I'd want one that ran from my house to the shopping area and then one for the return trip without having to wait an hour or take a bus to downtown, then to shopping and the same procedure in reverse. Turns a half-hour round trip into a 2 to 3 hour trip. 317. The frequency of the bus route through my town would need to be increased if I was to use public transportation. The bus only runs through our town a few times per day, and stops early in the evening before I would need to be home. 318. It is not specific but more in a timely manner, it takes longer to get to where I need to travel on public transportation. 319. I am a carpenter and have to carry my tools to where I am working . public transportation won't work for me. It's not really a matter of scheduling 320. I would like to see transit operation hours run past 1 PM every night 321. you could not possibly manage it, i live far too far away from a main road, and we will never get the funding. peace. edn 322. Expand the Green Line to Route 16 in Somerville/Medford. If this were to happen, I could walk to the train and am far more likely to use the T more often. 323. Early morning and late night trips to the Airport are very difficult to take. Trains start after 5:30 and stop at mid-night. I wish trains woudl astart at 4:30 AM and end after 1:00 am. 324. More N-S Lines and feeder trains and buses 24 hours a day 325. Later hours on the Greenbush Commuter Rail. The last train is 10pm for a weekday, and soon to be nothing for weekend service. You can't even see a show or go to dinner in Boston and make the 10pm train. Service is generally OK for a weekday during the day, but more frequent service would be nice. 326. More frequent Saturday/Sunday buses (#86!) Also late nights after 10/11. 327. Later services for after hours especially on the weekends. 328. more daytime service for shopping, doctor appointments 329. I've seen the "Boston After Hours" film however I still believe it is important to stay open until the bars close on weekends. Friday and Saturday night service until 2:30AM would be excellent! 330. Destination locations do not align with routes.The subsidized cost of Public Transportation isvastly out of proportion with the benefit.I would like public transportation in urban areas and limited to the needs of elderly in rural areas like the Cape. 331. Later evening and more weekend runs 332. Transit doesn't go where I go - I work in the suburbs. Occasionally I take commuter rail into town. There is a huge inequity with the pricing of passes - a commuter rail pass from my town to Boston is $223 - with service every hour or so - plus $5 a day to park - a combo A65 pass is $59 with very frequent service. So the rich and poor people in Boston get cheap rides - while the middle class gets priced out. 333. There is little or no public transportation in North Central Massachusetts that allows for daily access to shopping or work. Additionally - there is no train service beyond Fitchburg - leaving the towns further out without any means of meaningful public transportation. Trains should and must be reinstated to the Gardner region. 334. there is no public transportation in north central that is available to all folks 335. Longer hours for buses on routes. Public transportation needs to run longer. They need to be available at least until 8 or 9 at night 336. No, I did not. The closest service to my home is at least five miles away, although I have two state highways and a rail line within walking distance. I do not consider that I have any transit service.It is not a schedule change but new transit service that is needed. 337. earlier in day and more pick up locations in suburb areas of towns 338. I like to go out more at night with friends. 339. more hours and more better times 340. more times, hour for more buses 341. more frequent train hours especially on weekends 342. Public transportation should run later at night. 343. More afternoon and evening. 344. evenings 345. Extended hours 346. commuter rail having more stops to Ipswich and the Newburyport line, I have to go to Beverly then someone has to pick me up to get me home to Ipswich 347. fit my schedule better 348. earlier and more often pick up 349. 5am a 10pm 350. 5am a 10pm 351. 5am to 9pm 352. I'm probably not going to use public transportation much anyway. 353. Commuter Rail available on weekend evening hours, to go into Boston on weekend evenings 354. Public transportation stops around 5:30 in our town. That is too early. 355. The main reason I stopped taking public transportation in my last job was the infrequency of the trains after 6pm. I know this is an issue for others. I would like to see more trains run until 11pm. Since I live only 4 miles from my new job, I can bike or easily drive my Hybrid vehicle, so adding public transportation does not affect me at this time for work.On weekends or evenings however, it would be nice to be able to take the train in to Boston and not have to deal with the traffic and expensive parking. 356. More frequent service during the non peak hours. Trains that come at least every 30 minutes, not every hour. A66 357. none, I won't use it for myself. As far as change, 1 bus I need would have to run 30 minutes earlier or later not hourly. 358. more available times 359. more buses, more trips 360. Night hours 361. bus direct from Salem to Marblehead at convenient times 362. Extended hours and more frequent service. Public transit outside a major metropolitan area is abysmal. The schedule is not designed for the people who need the most (i.e., after normal business hours and late nights for custodians and laborers). 363. It depends on the mode of public transportation. Generally my schedule is very tight. I'm not sure there is anything realistically that could be changed to make it more convenient for my schedule. 364. later evening buses Are there any other reasons you think people do not use public transportation? | # Response 1. It does not serve enough of the State 3. Here in Somerville there is an appalling lack of subway/rail stations. Hopefully that will be rectified by the Green Line Extension some day. I'll believe it when it happens. overcrowded vehicles, very rude customers, rude drivers,no consideration for elderly or handicapped Don't know. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. A67 Crowding on certain routes at certain times uncertainty of real time arrival at stop. Round trip costs nearly equivalent to owning a car, but doesn't have the same comfort, flexibilty or payement schedule. It does not run frequently enough, so people are trapped with out transportation. More people would use the trains and buses if the trains and buses were available to use. Most rural areas (e.g., where I live) lack regular public transportation. Seniors are able to request specific transportation trips and some public public transportation is available for group shopping trips for seniors, etc. These options don't seem to be available for other age groups. Public transportation is just not available where I live and work. People do not have extra time needed to factor in public transportation and you could possibly become stranded if there is a break-down or other inconvenience, with no way to get to your destination Not really a factor in my life as a real estate agent, so not a decision I need to make. I would assume convenience is the biggest factor. If anything, I think you should increase service, not decrease it. I recognize it might require a fare increase. I also think the T should try harder to stick to a schedule. I waited an hour for a bus that should have been every 15 min. because most of the drivers on duty were hiding somewhere. That was a management issue. Even if they aren't hiding, bus bunching can be a problem. Also, the T can be bureaucratic at times, unable to see an unconventional solution to some problem. 14. Homes and jobs do not always connect via public transportation 16. Does not go exactly to where they want to go. They have become accustomed to driving. The taxpayer does not have to provide door to door service. When the cost and pain of driving gets too high, they will return to public transportation. There is very little (perhaps none rith now) public transportation to my Town (Middleton. I would love to drive someplace and take public transportation into Boston. The only place where I know I will find a parking spot is Wonderland. I think more people would use the train or subway if they knew they could park. Can be crowded. Inconsistent service. Most days are fine, but when there is a delay it is horrible. Satellite parking is also expensive. Not fun in poor weather, which is common in MA. It is also not easy to use for persons with impaired mobility. Inconvenience, takes too long. Insufficent parking near public transportation subway stops.People's lives these days are rushed and it is more convenient and faster to drive, when people have options.Also, depending on locations, safety is a factor Cultural... that takes time to change but frequenct, reliablity.. word of mouth succees (instaed of failure today) will help move it along Laziness. Public transport involves some perceived and some actual limits to flexibility and schedule needs. But again, most people are lazy and will drive given the option. Don't know about it. Schedule is inconvenient. 15. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Does not go to the places I am going Poor reliability; trains and busses could be cleaner; Can't understand the attendant on the MBTA trains (announcing stops and direction). They speak way too quickly and don't annunciate clearly. Stations are not very clean. 1) too crowded2) health concerns-try riding in a crowded subway car when the person next to you doesn't cover their mouth properly when they cough. It is not reliable, especially on bad weather days when it is needed most. My bike is more reliable and faster. In general, it is too slow.Doesn't always go the to necessary destinations, especially beyond the city of Boston limits.I usually do frequent errands in Quincy, Milton & Braintree, and would have to go inbound to JFK station on the Red Line, before heading outbound again, too time consuming. I used public transportation a lot when I worked in Boston. I'm now retired, living in the suburbs, and there is no public transportation (except expensive taxi) in my town. Costs, availability, convenience, safety I don't need to - very short commute. time to travel from point A to B in my case with point-to-point public transit nearly at my door, what takes 20 min in my auto jumps to 60 min by transit Reputation of T being unreliable. Not enough parking at Alewife and/or other commuter rail parking locations. Subway stations could be cleaner, brighter, and less dirty. Here, on cape cod, because it is difficult to access, no sidewalks to the bus stops, no bus shelters, not enough stops (bascially need a car to get to the pickup locations) As a person who is blind, I require door to door, and only Paratransit, as in The Ride, can provide that. It is rather unpredictable. As an over three-decade resident of Allston, I dreaded the downtown commute every day. The on-line apps were a big help, but they don't cover the Green Line. A68 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. A69 Unreliable It is difficult to use public transportation unless you are going into downtown Boston. In other cases, it usually takes much less time to drive. Many people would love to use the Stoughton train into Boston on Sat and Sundays if it was running during thoses days. Not convienent. No public transpertation in North Reading. No choice but to drive my car. Bike racks are not on all busses and are too small on the busses that do have them. If you want to ride your bike to the bus stop, you have no assurance that the bus can accommodate your bike once you get there. There is no public transportation, including taxis and buses, in my town. They don't want to sick next to the wine-swilling sticking, profane bum. There is no public transportation available for the route that I take. It is 2 mile walk to get to nearest public transportation stop. I do use it when I go into Boston for events, I do not feel threatened as a female using public transporation. In my region (Cape Cod), using public transportation is not a viable option for most people. Fixed route bus service is limited and does not adequately serve even the most urban areas. TRAVELING FROM THE SOUTH SHORE IS INCONVENIENT TO SWITCH FROM COMMUTER RAIL TO SUBWAY AT SOUTH STATION. I USUALLY BY-PASS COMMUTER RAIL TO GET TO RED LINE STATIONS. inconvenience in rural areas It takes too long to get places because of all the stops. I think people (particularly those who live in the suburbs) are used to the convenience of their own vehicle. They don't want to conform to someone else's schedule and the hassle of getting to a public transit stop. Also, they see the up front costs of each trip of public transit, whereas the costs of driving your own car are typically spread out over several days (not to mention they are not calculating the environmental externalities caused by driving their own vehicle). More complicated than taking one's own car or bikeNote - given one choice I have to say car, but I bike to work daily... I have two small children and traveling with stroller, particularly with snow on the ground, just isn't worth the effort. I hope to use more public transportation when they are older. I would use it more for going to work and other places, and not as much for running errands when I will have heavy things to carry. I will never use public transportation to grocery shop. My husband, however, takes public transportation to work every day. Here on Cape Cod many have to actually drive somewhere to pick up the public transportation. Not alway convenient. The parking is expensive for everyday users. On top of the fares. I think if you buy a monthly commuting pass, parking should be included. 1) My work commute via public transportation (to Brookline Village) currently requires a minimum of 3 seats and 1hour+, compared with 25 minutes via car. Combined with my need to make childcare stops along the way (to East Arlington from Medford, where there are no direct public transit routes), it is not possible for me to use transit. 2) My neighborhood is served only by buses and commuter rail, both of which have much less frequent, much less reliable service than the subway. With advanced planning, our buses are convenient - but they are no match for the certainty of being able to go where I need to 53. go within a reasonable amount of time which the Green line would provide us (Route 16), or private cars currently do. most trips out of area 55. Habit. 54. 56. 57. 58. The time it takes to find schedules and uncertainty of how long they will have to wait. Public transportation facilities appear dirty and don't feel clean. Laziness: it's hard to change habits. 63. Schedule and convenience I think are the main reasons why people outside of Boston might choose personal vehicles vs. public transportation. There is no public transportation to speak of in our area. What exists provides only limited access to Boston and none anywhere else. need a car for occasional work site visits to carry large and/or heavy objects to remote locations not served by public trans. Inconvenient to get to where public transportation is offered - @ that point easier just to continue to destination. The look of buses is low-class and degrading and people who can afford cars think it is unappealing; buses look very institutional and suggest discomfort, slow travel, and inconvenience. If I want to do a short errand, a lot of planning and waiting will be involved and will take most of the day. Commuter rail looks appropriate but in outlying areas is becoming prohibitively expensive. No 65. No 59. 60. 61. 62. 64. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. I don't know about other people. I thought this survey was about my own use. Not available in our town. Overcrowded trains and buses; annoying passengers; rude T employees; buses never on schedule Inconvenient (my home, for instance, is only near bus stops, due to the MBTA's reneging on its promise to extend the Green Line to Union Square); bus drivers sometimes speed/run red lights; buses not on schedule. The infequency of public tranportation Using a bike is easier. 73. In the Berkshires, public transportation takes way too long, doesn't go where I need to go, doesn't run when I need to get somewhere. I bicycle and walk, but don't take public transportation. Working long hours, very early AM and later PM, so safety and convenience are issues. Plus, Multiple errands, child-related appointments, etc. too many transfers to get to final destination 75. it doesn't go where they need to go or it isn't available around them 72. 74. 76. 77. Availability and convenience does not take them where they need to go or is not close enough. public transit is not well integrated into where the population has migrated (i.e. to the suburbs and exurbs) Diry. Inconvenient. A70 78. 80. I think there is still a perception that the trains and buses are dirty and home to unsavory characters. This is somewhat true - my wife had her monthly commuter rail pass stolen by another passenger. This leads to another issue - there was essentially no help for her after this happened. Individual conducters were helpful and nice, but she received unhelpful responses to calls and emails asking about how to deal with the situation. Public transportation needs to be more friendly and inviting! For those of us who live in a rural area, there are no options available for using public transportation. Crowded; inconvenient schedules; need to make stops during tip 82. Commuter rail takes twice as long as driving and the schedules are not good 79. 81. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. A71 There is no public transportation offered in Sturbridge! Cannot by passes easily wouldn"yt know where to get one.If you don't have exact change no ride,give me a break that's being consumer friedly.Every bus stop should have schedule posted of timesbus show's up. high cost on weekends - it is almost as cheap to park in boston than at Oak Grove on Saturdays! The fares are reasonable on weekdays but it's just as expensive on the weekends. The system is not unified. If a bus were to meet the commuter rail train, I would seriously consider changing to public transportation. If the bus was tied to the subway schedule (77 bus from Harvard aligned to outbound train arrivals) I would use transit more often when going to Boston. I don't expect a one-seat ride, but I would hope the different modes of transportation would be coordinated. Not convenient enough to all city or town centers it is so easy to drive a car and go where you want to go when you want to go. Public transportation doesn't cover a lot of towns. I have to schlep sheets back and forth to work and this would be difficult, although not impossible, on public transportation if there were any. Yes; there is NONE! If you already have a car it is cheaper and more convenient to use it rather then using public transportation unless you are going somewhere that parking is limited especially for multi-stop trips or trips involving packages. There is no public transportation where I live, so when I do use it, I drive to a T commuter line. Lack of parking has been a problem in the past, but has let up during this recession. Perception that they can drive there less expensively, which, in my opinion is not true. No; I think schedule convenience is huge. I WANT to use commuter rail every time I go into Boston but the schedule never lines up with the time that I need to be there. The system is not user friendly.The Charlie Card system is poor--need larger discount for pre-pay card, no expiration, easier/friendlier machines to pay and top up. Schedules and costs posted and machines to use to top up WHILE WAITING, after entering for the current trip. Many people are either handicapped permanently or handicapped for a short period of time. Springfield has only one form of public transportation, buses. They do not come near my home and honestly its faster and easier to drive myself even though it is more expensive. What is needed is a mono rail system. It could be constructed down the median strips of Rt's 93 and 495. Imagine how that would boost the economy. Ed R 97. 98. 99. Not reliable. Limited destinations beyond Boston and core routes. lack of east to west routes outside of the city. we need something that mirrors 495 linking say burlington, reading, beverly etc. 100. some of us people with disabilities can not get to it because of poor street crossings and winter sidewalks that aren't plowed. 101. I would think the BIGGEST reason is because you can not easily get to where you need to go on the T - generally by bus. 102. no 103. In Medford Square there is no centralized bus stop. Bus stops get pushed to wherever is convenient for automobile access not the T, even though there are 6 lines there. This makes Medford square terrible as a point to make connections. It seems to me many people do not use buses as they don't know certain routes even exist. In addition, off peak hours for Somerville and Medford buses are terrible. Buses usually (and regrettably) are viewed as very low grade in terms of mass transit. I believe this is a factor of the present state of bus service. Inconsistent (late or missing buses are the norm), slow (buses are constantly being caught up in traffic) and infrequent (who would wait an hour for a bus when they can do a 1/2 hour walk). 104. Availability of info is not sufficient for some 105. What other people think and what I think are likely to be different. 106. The previous answer is a pretty big one. 107. I live in a rural area with no public transportation. I also use a motorized wheelchair, have MCS, and can't drive. So I need an MCS-safe ride (fragrance-free people and vehicle) that also has a lift for my chair. My only solution is my cargo van, and have my assistants drive me. In Boston, I used THE RIDE and it was awful for my MCS and utterly exhausting -- too long sitting up for my health. 108. less convienient 109. convenience, or lack thereof 110. Not efficient (compared to cycling) -- frustrating to have to go in to a center hub to then go back out. 111. odd routes, poor connections, and slowness are big factors, especially compared to bikes. 112. It is not flexible for their schedules, it is not safe, it is dirty 113. filty.........unreliable......routes poorly configured 114. Not a practical option for our geographic area as the MBTA does not extend to the SouthCoast.The subway & especially commuter rail do not operate late enough at night.The subway & commuter rail operate far too slowly making busses or cars a more pratical option. 115. 1) Habit2) Lack of awareness or concern for the environment3) Selfishness 116. Limited access points. Not like the old days of the Holyoke Railway Bus service or other similar services. Now PVTA only runs on main routes between main points, not up neighborhood streets. 117. Lousy attitude of T employees toward the public. A72 118. In my area you have to drive to the T lot, which fills at 6AM. 119. I live in Southern Berkshire County and no public transportation serves my town (Monterey). I suspect that this lack of service is a primary reason that many people in Western Massachusetts do not use public transportation. 120. Parking spaces during work can be TOO conveniently located versus taking public transit. 121. Not reliableDirtySafety concerns 122. Lack of shelter at bus stops; vehicles falling behind schedule. 123. Needs a more positive image.People need to understand that auto travel is subsidized to a great extent.Buses need to run more frequently. 124. lack of adequate shelter from the elements for many bus stations. delays. 125. UnsafeReliabilityDirtyCost 126. not really, I think accessibility, safety and length of route to get to where you are going and cleanliness. 127. Not conveniently located to their homes. 128. Some people need to drive places during their work days. Some workplaces are not convenient to any public transportation, i.e. most workplaces outside the Route 128/95 "belt." 129. no 130. Too many disincentives versus driving. We say with our actions (e.g. the big dig) that we want people to drive. We subsidize roads, bridges, highways, and constantly talk about cutting public transit service, raising prices etc. It's a clear message: we support people driving more than other modes of transit, especially public transit. 131. not available where people live in Western Ma 132. It is not available where people are going. If you miss a bus you have to wait a long time for the next one. 133. The waiting stations/platforms as well as the buses, trains, and T's are dirty. Depending on the transportation - there can be a lot of issues with it staying on schedule (showing up to the stop on time). 134. Not very cleanEmployee's attitude 135. because they think it makes them look poor 136. the busses not running often enough, and not having public transportation near enough to where you live or go regularly. I live in the area that will be serviced by the green line extension, but am currently 1.5 miles or more from any T station. 137. Local travel is time sensitive. Out of town travel: There is no train or bus service from many local communities to Boston or NY. The Springfield Bus & Train stations are in highcrime areas that are very forbidding after dark. Terminals are needed in suburban communities 138. We are selfishly accustomed to our own schedules and convenience. 139. once in your car to get to a pub trans. why not just go the rest of the way to your destination. it;s getting obsoleat way of travel, there where many more factories yr;s ago and people gravatated towards them , So it was the mew modern way to get around , Now things r just way to far spread around for fixed tracks or bus roots , better go for newer infrastructer , car pooling and or simelar kinds of methods A73 140. Public transportation does not exist here. 141. fear of crime"nothing beats the car" 142. Often very complicated & slow when bus connections are involved, and few of us can live our whole lives a mile from the subway; some City employers pay for parking, which makes transit uneconomical esp. for people who otherwise must park (for $) in commuter rail lots; squeamishness about the diversity of people on the train, or about crowding 143. THere is no public transit option coming from my home to work. 144. No need to use public transportation due to job location. 145. there are no public transportation options in the taunton,bridgewater area 146. There is no public transportation available in central Massachusetts where I live (between Springfield and Worcester). I work in Western Mass. Even if I were interested, there is nothing available to me. 147. I love the commuter rail, but it does not go to the office building on Route 128 where I work. 148. Cannot get a seat 149. I prefer walking when I can. 150. Perception of it not being safe, incorrect perceptions of type of people who use it and not convenient 151. I think time reliability is huge. I go by bike to work every weekday, and I can count on it taking between 40 and 45 minutes. While it is probably faster to take transit or drive, the reliability of these two modes is much lower - thus, on average it might only take 25 or 30 minutes using transit, there is the possibility of a train breaking down, missing the bus, or getting stuck in traffic, which would throw my whole travel schedule off. 152. no 153. It is difficult to determine schedules and transfers. Public transportation across the state is not streamlined. I used to take the commuter rail twice a week on the Worc/Boston line, and there were constant significant delays, which was extremely frustrating. 154. The commuter rail is the only public transportation around where I live, and that doesn't work well for running errands. 155. lack of availability to places people want and need to get to 156. they are used to driving 157. We really don't have very much public transportation here in Western Massachusetts. If we did, I would use it. 158. We don't have sufficient public transportation. 159. Travel time. 160. There is no public transportation in my town, Wendell Mass. I see this as a serious issue as many of us grow older and unable to drive, get groceries, etc. 161. I live in the hilltowns - no service available. I would love to have easier and cheaper access to a Western Mass/Boston or Western Mass/New York run. 162. weather conditions. 163. unaware of current availability 164. Location, location, location. There is no public transportation in my hometown. A74 165. access to stops, connectivity between transit uses 166. need more bus shelters! 167. It just is barely available in this area. I would use it if it exists, particularly cheaper access Westfield to Boston 168. Perception of unreliability 169. Free parking is a big reason why people don't try and use public transportation. In many instances it is cheaper to drive in your car than to use public transportation 170. It takes longer and is much less convenient than driving. For instance, with the commuter rail, it takes twice as long to take the train into Boston from Worcester as it does to drive. And the schedule is so restrictrive it doesn't help. 171. Yes. I would use public transportation to get to my job at Anna Maria college in Paxton (from Worcester) if there were public transportation available. I would take the bus downtown if it ran more often. I once beat the bus by walking across town, stopping at each bus stop until I got bored. 172. lack of knowledge about the system 173. Perception. Mass transit needs a marketing campaign. 174. In Fall River the service is so poor that I never consider it. 175. No 176. The biggest one that was not mentioned in the previous list is unreliability.I think there are many people who choose not to take public transportation because they cannot rely on it to show up on time, run smoothly, and arrive on time.Additionally, when service is infrequent people can't count on there being a bus or train when they need it, so might choose other methods of transportation. 177. Bad reputation (unsafe)...too costly for what you get (and I have four kids that need to travel with me) and the main station is in a bad part of town. 178. They are not reliable 179. Some bus drivers are not polite to the riders, especially those who are new to the country and cannot speak English. 180. Too many switches between service providers. To get from home to work I would need to take a bus then the train then another bus. To visit my family takes 3 different buses. 181. I would have to transfer often to get to my destinations. 182. Lack of parking near stations. 183. Safety? some buses I havce seen run lights, cut people off and drive like if there is no one else on the streets 184. in Worcester, compared to larger cities I've been in, I think its mostly convenience. 185. Cleanliness?Routes between cities 186. It has a stigma: they think only poor people use it. 187. In my case there are none in Wendell, and once in Greenfield it is more the ease and scheduling 188. service delays, buses and trains not cleaned 189. At least for buses, the route system is pretty confusing and strange unless you know the streets well. Something computerized would be better. Or a system based on landmarks in A75 addition to intersections. 190. More investment needs to be made in public transportation to expand service so that it is more convenient and flexible for its users. For instance it would be useful if the bus service ran more often. 191. Worcester's low transit ridership has been impacted by low downtown parking costs, low congestion, and excessive/inaccurate public judgement about relative convenience/cost, but all that may be changing. 192. Public transportation is not widely available in my community. There is a bus but it doesn't stop where I live or where I work. I walk/bike for exercise but never for commuting. 193. No, I think you covered most of it. 194. Requires a time consuming transfer from one mode (car) to another (train or bus). 195. No public transportation between home/work 196. rural routes are too infrequent 197. I don't use public transit very often because just about everything I need is in walking distance of my house. If there was a train that went from here to Lexington, I would happily take it to work daily, even if it cost more than driving. Unfortunately, taking the bus from Somerville to Lexington takes far too long. I am better off riding my bike on the Minuteman path during the warmer months.As for why people do not take public transit more, I think it has a lot to do with the buses. People don't understand where buses go as easily, since they do not follow a physically defined path like a track. iphone aps have been very helpful and have encouraged my use of the bus! But buses can still be annoying, because they get stuck in the same traffic the cars do AND have to make a dozen stops. It's often easier to drive one's own car and pay up the wahzoo for parking that waste time on the bus in traffic.Lastly, I'm glad to see the efforts that the state is making to encourage biking and I hope they continue those efforts. 198. Awareness of options. 199. In my world most people i know own their own vehicle, so they don't consider public transportation as an option. I think that many people think in our region that using public transportation has a negative stigma. One of my brothers who is handicapped from a brain injury used to use the bus system daily was harrased by other patrons of the bus, so has stopped using public transportation. I also just think that the frequency of the system and its reliability is a turn off to many people. 200. There are not many options and service is very limited 201. it's scary!!! 202. Because it is not available to them in the town they are living in. 203. I don't know enough about what other people think 204. in my case, physical disabilities make it less safe to walk in the winter when there is snow or ice, so I end up driving. Also, my job requires many meetings around the area-many of which are not on bus or subway lines. 205. It doesn't exist here so people couldn't use it if they wanted. It is a far more cost effective alternative which would be welcomed 206. We have none in Sturbridge - although I would use it if it was offered 207. not available in Southern Worcester County A76 208. We do not have any! 209. There are not enough available stops in certain areas. Routes are limited or not available in certain areas (i.e. Southbridge) 210. I think people do not use it because it is not offered frequently enough, nor late enough. Also, people are largely ignorant concerning how public transportation operates in my city, as well as where to find the information 211. They may feel it's beneath them 212. Lack of knowledge of how the sytems work - also, perception that it is for poor people and overall trasnit time is genreally longer than by POV 213. no 214. I live in Sturbridge and work in Southbridge - we do not have ANY public transportation. This is not a huge concern for me as I maintain my 10 year old car, though this is a huge barrier for many individuals and families. Focusing on urban transportation is neglectful of large parts of the state. 215. car is more convenient and can reach more destinations flexibly 216. Poor weather-- 217. inconsistent service 218. Convenience, time and cost. I can drive into Boston/Fort Point Channel in 35 minutes. Taking the T I can take a minimum 1 hour Express Bus to Haymarket Station which is quite far from where I work. Or, I can drive to Wellington Station and take the Orange Line & Red Line. This is another minimum 1 hour commute. I pay $200/month to park. The T would cost me $90/month for the Express Bus or $150/month for the parking and Orange & Red Line. 219. reliability and employee attention to details resulting from poor management leadership from MassDOT 220. poor service 221. For me, its not convenient to take to work. TO get to work, i would need to take a bus to the T, then the T to commuter rail. This would almost double my travel time. Also, since I have night meetings, I may not be able to then take the commuter rail at the later hour. 222. afraid of catching colds 223. there is no public transportation. I don't choose my mode nor do I know about fares or scedules 224. I dont have a need i work in the same city that I live 225. There is none available in this area. 226. Bicycling or walking is more convenient, easier parking, for all trips within 10 miles. I have paniers and can carry most things. When I cannot or the trip is too far, or weather is really unfavorable, I take the car I share with my wife. I am 79 years old; if I still worked, I might well take public transit 227. we do not have public transportation where I live and the closest transit stop is a 10-15 minute drive from my home. I can be in the city in 20 minutes if I drive and I would rather drive and pay to park in a garage than drive to the train station, wait for the train then walk to my destination. 228. I think a lot of people don't live near pub. transportation. A77 229. The only option for public transportation in W. Mass (in the area I reside) is the PVTA. I think it provide an important service to help people w/o a car reach certain amenities (Holyoke Mall, H.C.C., downtown Springfield, etc.). It would not help me reach my place of work. HOWEVER, I'm interested in having us in W. Mass expand use of the existing RAIL infrastructure even if it's for tourism. Moreover, recreational use of AMTRAK would be popular IF said use was more convenient: for example, Northampton to Springfield to Worcester to Boston (and back) would be great. AMTRAK south to NYC is an option but it's also a tiring trip as after the trail leaves Springfield it stops in Windsor then Windsor Locks (!) then Hartford (reasonable) and then more than a couple of more times before it hits New Haven where the cars must be switched from diesel to electric (15-25 minute delay). Does that make sense? RATHER, I suggest having a rail system that stops in major hubs (Pittsfield, Greenfield, Northampton, Holyoke, Springfield, Westfield, Worcester, etc.) and then leads to Boston would do wonders for tourism and the economy. 230. cost, schedule, and for those friends I have that own cars, parking in the western suburbs is an issue. 231. In our area it is not reliable enough not sure if it has to do with the routes or the drivers not paying attention to the times but the first time I went out to catch the bus and it had already blown by the stop time early it was the last time I used it to travel to work. 232. Not Convenient or realistic 233. The price of using mass transit must ALWAYS be significantly LESS than driving one's car to one's work destination. Once the price of using mass transit even BEGINS to approach the price of using one's car, the commuter/user will always choose the freedom of using one's car. 234. none 235. Don't know. 236. Not convenient unless you are going to Boston or places enroute to Boston from this area. There are no cross town routes. 237. Improve the amenities associated with the bus service. Install bus shelters, benches as well as provide locations outside the core service area where riders can purchase and refill T passes rather than conducting transactions on the buses which impact the routes schedule. 238. Not everyone lives in Boston and there is no public transportation in our area (Metrowest). 239. Families who have a choice between public transit and personal vehicles will tend to use personal vehicles for convenience and flexibility. 240. image is unclean/unsafe and only used by people with no other choice (not actually true, but the perception is still there) 241. "what if I need to get home in a hurry" 242. Convenience, too slow 243. In western Mass, there is very little public transportation, and even less information about how FRTA works. I think many people do not understand that they can flag it down along the way, or that it even comes to their town. There are no signs where the buses stop, no real outreach or advertisements about the schedules. 244. Doesn't go where I want, when I want to get there. I live and work in the suburbs, where my only options other than private cars ate taxicabs or airport limos. No buses, trains or subways are available. 245. Don't know how to use it! A78 246. The 4.oo parking fee at the commuter rail stations is too high. 247. Yes, but i do not share them. 248. In our community,the only real public transportation that we have outside of the area is our commuter rail. Very limited feeding system to get to and from the train station. 249. I do not typically use public transportation because I bike almost everywhere I go. If I don't bike, I usually walk. 250. Faster to bike! 251. I cannot think of any other reasons why people do not use public transportation 252. I find that the bus routes are not inclusive of the places people need to go. 253. ccccleC 254. I would LOVE to travel to Boston more often. Where there would be a lot of walking, I bring my scooter. So many times I was on my own when trying to get from the platform to the scooter. Sometimes the patron's actually helped me when the doors started closing and I wasn't yet on the T. The last time I went on the T was very discouraging. The conductors ignored me, didn't get out to open the ramp for me... I almost got left on the T because I couldn't get off, the conductor didn't put out the ramp; so a stranger on the T with me stepped in between the door so it wouldn't close, then the conductor came out! It needs to get better for people like me!! 255. The convenience does not compare to cars. 256. It's healthier to bike! 257. It is not convenient in my area, which is rural 258. Safety filth 259. no access in my rural town 260. Many bus lines have been too unpredictable/unreliable in my experience - it's the combination of not running often and not running on schedule, where there's a good chance of waiting 45min or more. I also find myself going between places that are both served by public transit, but not conveniently for the combination of start and end points either having to go out of the way (in and then out again, say) compared to driving or even walking, or connecting between bus lines that each run infrequently/unreliably. 261. If I answer this question, all I'll be doing is perpetuting heresay myths. 262. Fear of being underground on the subway and in crowded trains. 263. limited location of stations (rail) 264. inconvenience of station access (w/strollers etc) 265. lack of parking near stops (especially in suburban area). Bus routs can be miles from home, necessitating a place to park a car. 266. It is not available at all in many locations of the state. And where it is available, it is too infrequent to be practical if there is any other alternative. (I am talking about outside of Boston.) 267. In southeastern MA we have very few choices. There is no public transportation in my town, but I drive to the MBTA commuter lot to go to Boston. Driving is the only choice for any other destination. A79 268. Buses often have inconvenient schedules. Especially buses that do not run at all on the weekend (eg #85, CT2) which leaves entire neighbourhoods with no weekend or evening service. 269. LOCATIONS,MY LOCATIONS ARE IN RORAL AREAS OUTSIDE TRANSPORTATION 270. I am going to take a different slant on this. We have GATTRA buses running around empty wasting both money and fuel, that should be stopped. Public transportation should be "costed" out so that it supports itself, we are kidding ourselves by paying for it indirectly through taxes.As to helping "seniors" I am a senior and saved all my life, why should I have to now pay for other people who did not save. 271. No 272. Unless you reside near the bus route there is no opportunity to participate. 273. Most people drive 274. I enjoy the serenity of my own vehicle. It is a sanctuary from the maddening crowds.Every time I ride public transit it seem the "crazy person" zones in on me. 275. The perception might be that it is for a low-income population, and that one might encounter unsavory characters while riding. I personally do not feel this way, though. 276. Environment is often not good - dirty and poorly maintained, both in equipment and stations. Standards need to be higher.This is partially because it is underfunded - treated as a subsidy rather than an investment. 277. Some people believe that taking public transportation would lower their perceived social status 278. Not timely, Easier to just drive to destination rather than park at a T station to complete the trip. I always use Braintree bus when I fly out of logan. 279. Costs and travel time. 280. Cost 281. They like to smoke and listen to the radio in their car. It's less walking and you can come and go on your own schedule. The last time I used public transportation, 2/8/12, I was very glad that I am healthy enough to walk all those stairs. Plus, between parking and tolls, it was less expensive than driving. 282. In the region I work in (rural, small town), there is is no efficient public transportation, linking the community to larger work, educational, or social service centers. There is a transit dependent population that uses the in-town shuttle--and then relies on social services or social networks for trips out of town. In short, it's not available! 283. Cost is becoming more of an issue for commuter rail. For improved mobility, increase commuter bus options as an alternative by implementing park and ride along limited access highways throughout the state not just those without commuter rail Coast. Attleboro and Worcester area for example. 284. SEE MY LAST COMMENTS. THERE ARE A LOT OF PEOPLE IN THAT CATAGORY. CONVENIENCE OF A CAR SEEMS PARAMONT TO MOST PEOPLE WHO ACCEPT THE COST AS A NECESSITY OF LIFE AND DON'T EVEN THINK OF THE POLUTION FACTOR. 285. Public transportation options frequently require me to use other modes such a drive a car to a stop or station. Once I am in my car the temptation is to stay in my car. If there were more options for living close to transit routes and not have to drive I would be more likely to take trasit. 286. In New Bedford and Fall River, there aren't enough routes and many people would have to A80 go from one stop to the station to board another bus to get to their destination. Also, the hours of operation aren't accommodating for many people's school and work schedules. And finally, the buses don't run frequently enough. These are reasons I and many others don't use the transportation system in my community. 287. As a senior citizen, I suppose we use our own vehicle as a testament to our independence. We, as an age group, tend to use public transportation when we lose our ability to drive for ourselves. 288. complicated to get from one end of the city to anothercost 289. Circuitous routes combined with infrequent buses make trips take much too long. 290. Some people don't know how to use the bus system 291. Dirty, unreliable, often unavailable, unsafe, too close to too many people. 292. Yes, they are filthy crowded conditions & poor customer relations/information. 293. filth 294. Lack of connectivity. Have to travel across many modes to proximity to destination. 295. Dislike black/white questions, don't show my needs. I walk on the bike path to the store and the banks because I live in town. It takes me the same time to get there then the bus considering that I have to leave the house early to not miss the bus. There are no bus stop signs and schedules. The made a big splash (the PVTA) last spring showing off their nice signs but never installed them. The bus used to be convenient: I could take it to the store for a short shopping spree and get tight on again to go home after it completed the downtown loop. Then they added more stops to the route and now I would have to wait about an hour before the return trip. 296. I live in Waltham and work at the Ruggles T stop. Can I get there in less than 1.5 hours one way without moving my car? Not often. I tried buses, and the Waltham, Newton, and Needham commuter rails lines. It's a joke! We need PRT. Does anyone at the T take this new technology seriously? No. You're all locked into buses and light rail. Phooey! Do us ALL a favor and get REALLY creative. PRT is like taking your own car - you go point to point without having to wait at intervening stops while others get on and off. And you don't have to drive. It's the only public transportation solution that will get folks out of their cars. 297. A lot of towns/sububurbs do not have public transportation. 298. The system is old and not well-maintained. 299. I have used bicycle and public transportation fairly frequently for many years, and have not owned my own car since 1995. But in the past couple of years, I have started getting more rides from friends, business colleagues, and now a girlfriend to work, shopping, for errands, and to her house in Cambridge. So that's why I, personally, have been using public transportation less than I have been. But I'm a big believer in it, and feel it should be funded and given more support, political and otherwise. 300. inconveniance 301. Flexibility, convenience and comfort 302. There is a need for expanding the MBTA service map. 303. Big crowds 304. I think most people think that using their own car is easier. A81 305. don't want to wait at bus stop, new smart phone technology is helping with this as people can track buses en route. 306. In my town public transport all heads to the train station . . . to get from one end of town to the other requires too much of a detour. 307. They have already bought a car. Once you've spent that money, the cost of making a trip by car is less. 308. because it is set up for failure. 309. Cleanliness 310. mostly for convenience....old enough to have own car and do what I want! 311. If I had to drive to the subway, find a place to park, wait for the train and do it all over again at the end of the day that would deter me. 312. cost, convenience, cleanliness 313. not enough service frequency and routesnot an option for most of Barnstable County 314. The expense of getting TO the public transit is too great. 315. Aside from work travel, I do mostly local travel. When traveling to Boston, it's just quicker to drive [although more expensive for parking]Also, I don't think that public transportation is well advertised or encouraged. 316. In Lowell I think that the LRTA does not have a system of bus stops and schedules that make the bus accessible to customers that would ride the bus and happily pay the fee if they believed that it would work with their schedule and save on their parking fees. 317. It is inconvenient for almost everyone outside of the inner city. 318. Passangers who eat inside public transportation vehicles and leave their trash; and are otherwise discourteous and hostile make the experience highly unpleasant. Additionally, the appearance of most stations and vehicles are sad and worn out. Compared to other US city transportion systems, our's is embarrasing. 319. This isn't "another" reason but an elaboration. I'm in my 60's and have foot and back issues and, recently, a debilitating cancer. I was much more willing to take public transportation when I was younger and healthier. The last time I asked a young man in a red car "priority seat" if he were disabled or if I could have the seat, I got a lecture on racism from about 6 people because he was black. I'd said nothing racist or rude, but he and apparently several others thought I was being sarcastic when I asked if he were disabled. He could have been; I'm not obviously disabled either, and people are sometimes shocked when they learn my age. (My white hair looks platinum in some lighting, especially if you didn't grow up among many blonds.)Another recent ride involved a woman pushing me very aggressively and becoming more hostile when I asked her to stop. A much younger friend with a broken ankle, temporarily on crutches, has horror stories. My pretty young daughter, who has a problem that makes it painful for her to grasp a railing when standing, reports no problems at all asking for seats.I see posters on the T urging courtesy, but I think it would take "bus monitors: or even a system of fines (maybe humorous tickets?) to make it better. Generous free passes to people seen giving up seats? 320. There are three reason I do not use public transportation - slow, inconvenient, unavailable. 321. Public transport does not fit a sub-urban lifestyle, i.e. 'soccer mom' of shuttling children around to several locations for activities and running multiple errands. Serious urban transportation must accompany transit-oriented development. 322. With 17 medical conditions; 9 prescription pills daily,+ 4 medical devices; these take their A82 toll on my energy level; I get treatment for 1 medical problem in Burlington-had tried MDs in Boston area little improvement,the Burlington-Waltham round trip would zap my energy/take all day to complete; ditto for 2 other conditions treated in different towns; I see 4 specialists, + my PCP + paraprofessionals; grocery stores here are pricey, my religious observances are in Camb. 323. Limited to no public transportation in the Taunton, Bridgewater areas! 324. A problem you didnt ask about is the availability of parking. The parking is provided by the towns for their own residents. in some this is reserved for town residents (Sharon, Mansfield. Unless you catch the 5:52 train at Mansfield, you dont park. Race to Sharon. Its filled. Race to Westwood, OK. So far, Westwood, 128 is great. Many trains [pass thru so you usually can find something, even at mid-day. At least, up to a year ago. Its been a while. 325. inconvenient and crowded. especially the #1 bus! 326. I try to stay local to my community, so I end up walking everywhere in my local area. you also missed a factor of why people walk rather than take public transit: exercise. 327. I think people are ignorant about transit, and are creatures if habit. Than sit needs to be more frequent and faster 328. Crowded buses and cars jammed in with the public that constantly invade personal space. To be perfectly frank no one wants to take their child on a bus or train to have them sit or stand next to someone who is drunk or has no personal hygiene this is not something the MBTA can manage but let me tell you it is a total none starter when your crammed toe to toe. I would drive first or not travel at all. 329. dirty, CROWDED, really difficult to transport large items, or even small items when its crowded, more convenient to drive 330. It doesn't exist 331. Bus lines are not enough, and that's what you give us in Somerville. 332. Poor reliability. If I am going to take public transit, I need to know that I will get to my destination at a reasonably expected time at least 80% of the time, preferably 90%. 333. * Not enough parking facilities around T stations* T doesn't go out far enough from Boston in most directions.* Schedule on weekends and after commuter hours. 334. Not convenient for travel times and not fast enough.Costs can be prohibitive compared to car and lost time 335. I live in suburb, so have to drive first just to get to public trans, so might as well just drive a little longer. 336. when I lived near the rail I took it every day! Make a commitment to bring rail to New Bedford and the Southcoast! It is essential and long overdue! 337. there is no public transportation to the hockey rinks, ball fields, supper market, restraunts, dry cleaner, etc 338. Signage and notice are inadequate 339. Not bicycle friendly 340. COST, SAFETY 341. Some cars are filthy; I'm not talking about graffity; I'm talking about dirt. 342. Dirty, slow, when hot there is no air. When cold no heat. People are rude.... 343. 1) Parking is free to private auto drivers (subsidized by developers); 2) Auto fuel prices and taxes are artificially now and do not reflect the real costs of fuel and road construction/maintenance; 3) Public transportation does not run frequently enough; 4) A83 Public transportation is not marketed well; and 5) New developments and redevelopments are not required to include public transportation facilities (but they are required to provide roads and parking for private autos). 344. Not enough rail lines and hours of service 345. Its image is associated with poverty and the inner city. For suburbanites public transportation is not trendy. 346. There are also safety issues on many campuses and high crime areas where it is unsafe to use the buses because the drivers are not able to screen unrulley passengers when they are trying to keep on schedule and keep their riders safe. Some of the buses need an extra staff person on board to keep down on crime on drug sales like springfield, holyoke and possibly some boston and other low income high crime areas. It would provide more comfort and safety for the passengers and more protection for the drivers and less damage to the buses. 347. Lack of parking availability at busy stations. 348. biggest reason is convenience.. routes aren't conducive to accomplishing where one wants to go 349. For me it is almost entirely about the fact that I usually have to take at least one bus and one train to get anywhere I want to go. I think once the green line comes to Medford/Somerville I will be taking it much more often.Also, there is really no way (that I know of) to get from Medford to Waltham in any timely fashion via the MBTA, so I doubt I will ever find myself taking public transit to get to work. I would if I could. 350. Variability of travel times, no service at night 351. In western MA, we don't HAVE public transportation! 352. I answered previously that the transit fare costs too much, but what I really meant is that it costs more than using the car for transporting two people commuting. That cost factor and the need for making several stops on the way home or on the way to work, or going to appts during the work day make personal car travel a more rational choice. 353. Buses, especially, are often unreliable ("Out of Service") so you have no idea when the next bus actually will arrive, too infrequent, slovenly service, etc. All bus stops should have GPS enabled arrival information, common in so many cities. 354. Not allowed to put bikes on trains. Stop locations do not have enough parking. 355. Paying fare via charlie cards etc limits you. Credit card, cash option needed. 356. In my case, the bus runs about once an hour and for short trips for local errands in and around downtown Winchester I would walk. Occasionally I go to the Burlington mall and again, the schedule of once an hour would never make me want to take the bus. Also, since I own a car it is more expensive per trip to go to the mall. 357. I live in Weymouth and have to be in Brighton at 5:15 AM. Aside from earlier weekday commuter rail service, I would love to see quicker connections between South Station and Brighton. 358. need shuttles to commuter rail 359. I also feel personally that not accepting cash or correct change more pr about getting bus passes should be explained.If it were for not seeing a bus on street you wouldn't know they exist.Bus company should have outreach program. 360. Using a private car is generally faster. People don't like to be tied to a specific schedule. 361. Location A84 362. Too infrequent; perceived as unreliable; perceived as used only by low-income people who don't own cars. 363. Usually I am dropping kids off at school ( 1st grade, kindergarten and daycare). It is easier to drive everyone since there is a lot of gear (bags, diapers, wipes, snacks, lunch,ect). I am also concerned about the hand to mouth touching of common hand rails with disease transmission in younger children out in public. Also concerned about air circulation and disease transmission in subway (dust from rat feces or any potential passengers with tb or related illness that could become airborne or aerosolized when breathing. 364. I live in rural Berkshire County where low population density makes public transportation difficult and expensive. 365. Cars are too cheap. Either make public transportation free, or charge people more to drive. Also, transit providers usually do not follow basic planning principles when designing transit systems. For example, the stops are too close together, or the routes are circuitous.Also, the people who design American transit own and drive cars, so they are not sensitive to the needs of people who rely on transit. It would be very interesting for you to do a survey of the service planning department at transit agencies to see how many people use transit as their primary mode of transportation. This should be a requirement for planners. 366. No same as mine 367. does not fit in with my time 368. Stigma attached. 369. Neighborhood safety around stations. Muggings/etc are a risk for people walking to and from transit stations, particularly in Quincy 370. Convenience. More hours, more stops. 371. Personal transportation is too easy and accessible 372. Your survey is too simple. We use a lot of different forms of transportation, but it is mostly walking, biking and car. Student passes are too inflexible in terms of time restrictions. My daughter's pass doesn't accommodate her weekend needs for school or late stays at the school for sports and other meetings. 373. sometimes, when erranding, it's too crowded to be hauling groceries, dry cleaning, large items, my dog, etc. etc. 374. The stops are too far from where they want to go. 375. The amount of time it takes to get from point A to point B. 376. Primarily out in a rural area like the Berkshires - lack of public transportation in many places and, if it is available, it is not convenient (1 hour between buses), if are combining trip purposes (which I often do), it doesn't work at all. 377. I think convenience is king - the closeness of the stops to where you need to go is the determining factor for everyone I know. 378. People need to walk a distance to access the system. It takes extra time which can be difficult in adverse weather conditions, rain, snow , cold, etc. The route may not bring them to their destination. 379. no 380. Negative stigma associated with "taking the bus". No commuter rail available in Berkshire County. 381. Weather A85 382. I enjoy the solitude of being alone in my car, listening to my radio stations or music, going my speed, avoiding eye contact with complete strangers and mentally challenged individuals, not having to sit next to "chatty Cathy", etc. 383. More Public involvement:1) Day a year for each town to promote ONLY Mass Transit, walking, biking (a no-car-day), you get the idea.2) Random escort by "friendly" City or State Police of transit buses to promote deference (not right-of-way) and (also) regular use of bus turnouts. 384. Like me, perhaps they do not live in an area serviced by Public Transportation. I use it whenever I can when I travel. 385. no 386. because of the people that are forced to use it. Thant and no WiFi. 387. IF YOU NUMBERALE OF STOPS AND GROCERIES IT CAN BE HARD TO TAKE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 388. Because the frequent delays, breakdowns, etc. are too much trouble to be worth it. 389. Many origins/destinations are suburb to suburb, not easily served by public transportation. The reverse commute options are limited. 390. have too much to carry; late in the evening do not feel safe using public transportation; too crowded 391. Many lack the physical and/or mental health ability to successfully ride (and make transfers)on public transportation—older (70+) riders simply lack the mobility needed to feel safe and comfortable. Further, seniors/elder feel that riding on public transportation is beneath their dignity—they have never had to be dependent before—they are terrified of losing their INDEPENDENCE! 392. a lot of people who choose to drive cars live in a public transportation dead spot. Certain parts of JP and Somerville are very difficult to get to or from compared to the rest of the metro area. 393. It doesn't serve their locations, or the service is too infrequent, or it doesn't have a convenient route (thinking of the sparse bus lines). Frankly, I used to take the T a lot more before your stupid Charlie card/ticket (why have two things, and why can't I get a card in the stations? and why the heck don't you publicize where one CAN obtain a card?) -- the cost is now significant enough to be a deterrent, whereas before it was not. Also the fact that you made my ticket expire EVEN THOUGH IT DID NOT SAY SO with more than $10 still left on it is BAD CUSTOMER SERVICE. I am in favor of public transportation but I am not in favor of being cheated. ALSO, while I am at it, your trolley drivers that start at BC frequently actually prevented me from putting in my money, which I always have ready in my hand -- that is not good policy. 394. Stigma against buses, when they are really awesome. Riding a bike is a lot more convenient, and free (other than upkeep). 395. No. Make service frequent and people will use it -- look at the MBTA trains and buses along any route with frequent service. 396. In Worcester, there are NO direct routes from the west side to the east side of the city. To take public transportation, with a needed transfer of bus, it would me 2 hours to go 9 miles across the city! The bus stops are unsafe and too far away. 397. It's unpredictable. Even if the bus goes almost directly from my house to my friend's house and theoretically takes less time than biking, I hate going to the bus stop and not knowing whether I'm going to have to sit there 15 minutes past the scheduled arrival time before it gets there. Also, with public transportation you can't control where you are, so if you go the wrong way, you can't just turn around, you have to go wait for another bus or A86 something. The fact that you are not the one controlling the vehicle makes you have a much worse sense of where you are. 398. inconvenience is main issue; cost is second. 399. laziness, inconvenience 400. Too crowded (Green line) 401. To save the environment! 402. No 403. T is pretty loud sometimes. sometimes stinky stations. hot stations in the summer. Buses are nice, but the old buses still in service can't be lowered for wheelchairs or strollers, so that discourages riding by those folks. Buses still aren't on time in Somerville. Especially #80. 404. Yes, all those reason I have checked off. 405. No 406. Easily taking your bike on every train is important for a multi-modal lifestyle. 407. UNRELIABLE. If I need to get to work, I can't trust the MBTA to get me there in a timely fashion. 408. maybe they don't like being crowded into a full train or bus. 409. There is none available in Upton. Lots of people would use it, but there isn't anything. 410. The amount of time it takes to take multiple public transportation modes then compared to taking one vehicle. 411. No direct access to the airport and downtown Boston from the North Shore. 412. Distance to trvel to stops. Amount of time for next bus (some stops it is one hour between buses). 413. When I look at the City of Chicopee, I think some routes are drawn well, going along Front Street to Walmart, Stop and Shop, Big Y, and Riverbend, but it seems that other areas of the City do not have bus transportation that meets their needs ( Granby Road...)I'm not sure that people living in projects off of Meetinghouse Road have a way to get to Price Rite which is a popular, low cost grocery store. With the Holyoke bridge (Cabot Street), and the Davitt bridge to Chicopee Center closed (soon), this might be a good time to evaluate the bus routes and who has the greatest need for public transportation. 414. No 415. The subway cars are too crowded on some lines. No train stations in outlying areas. Not enough parking areas in present outlying area stations. Not enough coordination between train schedules and other public transportation or private business shuttles for commuters. 416. Primarily because the nearest T stop is too far for me to comfortably by walking. I can't wait for a T stop to be built near me! 417. as a general statement, the public has become over-dependent on the automobile. there are likely as many reasons as you can think of to explain this. to list some in no special order:the automobile was the most significant american invention and the industry over time has attempted to put more than one car in every massachusetts we have the most arcane transit system. some would tout the aged trolley system as quaint history. unfortunately we have an inconvenient and baffling subway system. the hub and spoke A87 pattern creates inconvenient and lengthy routes. without cross-town trains some of the larger stations are not connected. noticeably absent are suburb to suburb routes. no longer are the daily throngs of people just travelling into boston. and in boston the two major stations are not connected - build the north-south link.despite traffic driving has become preferred because a greater emphasis has been placed on highways. as population expanded away from the network of subway stops, the system was less accessible. expansion of the public transportation system did not follow population growth, but the highways did.books have been written on this subject by authors more knowledgeable than i. these are some of my thoughts 418. I worked as a carpenter. Like most tradespeople I needed tools. I did actually work for months carring my toolbox on the T, but my truck is more convenient - if there's parking. Now I'm retired. I seldom go to the center of Boston, which is where our radial T lines go. And since I have more time, I walk, which I prefer. 419. Gas is too cheap 420. I live in Somerville (Winter Hill). I would use the T subway every day (and leave my car off the road) if I had a green line T stop near my house. The Green Line Extension cannot come soon enough! 421. habitlack of knowledge about how to use the system 422. Inconvenience, and for those who DO make the commitment and must commute for work from the greater Boston area, the cost is starting to get beyond a break even point for owning a low-cost-of-ownership car. 423. expensive cost per trip for less the regular users 424. Late night service not available. Routes from north to south lacking (i.e. Somerville to Cambridge) 425. Not enough "loop the loops". 426. I'd rather ride my bicycle. More flexible, cheaper, more fun, etc.Others? Lazy and unconcerned w/ planet -- they'd rather drive. 427. life is too busy and a car is faster and you can get more errands done in a shorter time. 428. bus is the loser cruiser of last resortit is not electric and on tracksour town hates mass transittown has no trouble getting money from state to make car use all but compulsory through getting free roads and land use policy 429. I believe that the key reason is that public transportation doesn't go where they want to go, or, if it does, it takes too long to get there. 430. If you want to take a late train there is never any parking at the station. Many people take and early train just to find parking. 431. There should be more frequent bus and train service outside rush hours 432. I think some people feel there's a stigma attached to it -- along the lines of "mostly people who can't afford cars use public transportation" Also, plain laziness, which I admit to -- it's much easier to just jump in the car. 433. lazy, too col, too hot 434. I live in the neighborhood that will be serviced by the green line once it is extended. Right now to take the T to work I have to walk to a bus, wait for a bus, take the bus, wait for a train, ride the train, and have a 15 minute walk once I arrive to the T station closest to my work. From all this I'm exhausted and sweaty (in my business suit) before I even start my day. If the green line extension was in, taking the T would be a much more viable option for me since I could just get on the train and enjoy the ride for a bit. A88 435. Green line is slower than walking 436. Most people don't live in propor proximity of this kind of transportation. This transportation only works for people in the cities. 437. Muchas personas no conocen el transporte publico debido a que no saben leer o hablar el idioma donde puedan comunicarse con el personal. 438. In the suburbs it's very harsh to wait for the train on winter days. 439. many don't know how or it may not be the times that they need. or maybe the bus doesn't stop near their street 440. Accessiblity is the main reason people give me. 441. In my case I am mostly doing things within walking distance at the moment. 442. Just not available especially in Western Massachusetts 443. Where I live, buses are the only option and they are perceived as unreliable. Particularly on the weekend, the service is so infrequent that it makes it much easier to drive my personal vehicle. 444. I think the major issue is the longer travel time with public transportation compared to a personal car - especially coming in from the outer suburbs. 445. Wheelchair and mobility challenges. The commuter rail is fantastic; the conductors are completely aware of passengers with needs. The subways are horrible; the gap between the platform and subway cart is wide and sometimes almost a step high or low. There is NEVER anyone to put the 'plate' down to bridge the gap, nor does the conductor acknowledge you on the platform if no one is there to help...PLUS, once the passenger is on the subway, how do they get off without the same plate? Who is there to put it down? I've been stuck many a time on a subway because my stop wasn't safe for me to jump the gap. It's a terrible system. 446. Most of my errands require carrying a number of things, so I need the car. But when parking at the other end is a problem, I take the T. It is a good service, and we bought our house to be located near the T and bus service. Many people don't use it because they don't live near it. 447. There should be an easy way to get from North Station to the Red Line (South Station). Due to the lack of this connection, if I were to commute via public transportation, it takes me an extra 30 minutes to get to my destination and therefore I drive.We had a chance during the Big DIG to make this connection, but our city planners failed to make it happen. 448. For it to become a way of life, buses, trains etc. need to be frequent and near. 449. not available 450. Public transportation does not serve my neighborhood. If it did, I would use it when time and schedules allowed. 451. 1. $7 is TOO expensive for for parking elderly having to go to appts in Boston.2. Public Transportation should be low or fress so many more people could use it. It is one of the most polluting sources of the environment and the pollution has to STOP TODAY!3. There is no bus service on Rte 53 in Hingham any longer so there is no option to take public transportation. Residential development is occurring and employees could use the service as well. 452. For me this is the only reason, I would like to use public transportation if this could work better with my schedule. 453. It is too cheap and easy to drive, use gas, and park. The American mindset is individualism, so people want to be in their own vehicles "king of the road."Inter-city A89 public transportation - trains! would be the best thing, especially on the east coast. right now trains are very expensive compared to buses and even driving. 454. Buses make too many stops, gets very tedious and slow. 455. AFRAID OF SYSTEM UNTIL THEY HAVE TRAININGCOGNITIVE ISSUES MAKE IT DIFFICULT FOR SOME TO UNDERSTAND SYSTEMNOT NEAR HOME--I HAVE NO BUS STOP ANYMORE NEAR MY HOME, OTHERWISE I WOULD RIDE DAILY 456. parking and security in available parking. Parking cost too much! 457. There is not much available in our sparsely populated areas. 458. I live in southern NH. It would be 20 mins driving to the train, park, transfer to train and subway to Chinatown T. Around 2 hrs minimum. I need a walker to ambulate and this is too difficult. I can drive in 1.5 hrs with mental stress but less wear and tear on my body. I would rather relax and take the train. $$$ is not the issue. 459. I prefer to bike, especially in nice weather. When the weather is bad, especially with my kids, I like the T. I'd like to have better bike access on the T (peak hours, etc.)If I can take the T instead of driving, I do. If I have cargo or kids for a long trip, I drive.Parking, gas, and highways are way too subsidized! That is why people do not take public transportation. We should have high gas taxes and congestion pricing!Public transportation is comparatively expensive, so this is another reason people choose to drive instead. I wish it were free, like in this article:BBC News -German drivers offered free public transport: 460. No 461. not sure 462. Inconvenience of bus stops 463. Yes, it is not convienent, weather in MA is unpredictable, children-if I need to get to my son in a hurry it would be impossible on the bus. 464. I think most people who don't use public transportation, don't because they have their own personal vehicle. It is just more convenient to get from point A to point B in the time that i want by driving my own vehicle. 465. Uncomfortable, not enough information on routes and times, worried about accurate arrival and departure times. 466. It takes too much time. I commute from Roslindale to UMass-Boston. There is no direct public transportation that is efficient. Plus once I get to JFK-Umass I have to take another shuttle. It would take me an hour or over to get to work using public transportation. I can drive to work in 25 - 35 minutes. 467. Not available where they live. 468. Social status and concerns about crime are likely drivers of non-use of public transit by professional workers in the Springfield area. 469. Some have told me they don't feel safe or have to walk too far. 470. Stigma of being on the public bus and convenience of their own vehicle; needing to make multiple stops, etc. 471. no idea 472. NO 473. There are plenty of stops in and around cities like Northampton, Amherst, or Springfield, but it is very, very, very difficult to get between them. Increasing links - fast links - A90 474. 475. 476. 477. between the valley's cities would be an excellent step towards sustainable, filled to capacity public transportation in Western Massachusetts. the nearest stop is over a mile from my house with no parking. As I hear the fair keeps increasing and schedule reducing Rural towns, tough to get to where you want to go, particularly work in a reasonable amount of time. In Berkshire County the routes and times that are available are extremely limited. A route that used to run near my home has been eliminated and now the closest but is 1/2 away. It is quicker to just walk to work or drive my car. Many times when a car is not available I have chosen to just walk to work. Transportation does not go to rural neighborhoods. 478. Cannot take a bicycle on commuter rail during rush hours. 479. No 480. The B line is outrageously uncomfortable with the new cars. They are packed and the seats face inward, leaving no personal space for comfort or security of purses, skirts, etc. Please please go back to the old cars where the seats face forward. Also the cars are packed, totally beyond civilized standards. 481. Safety issuesInconvenienceLack of flexibility 482. people like to be a lone it looks. I ride a nice bike where I go now. Stinks when it snows or rains. 483. time factor 484. A lot of people have their own car 485. There are no places to wait at a stop that protect you from the inclimate weather conditions. Many people who use public or who would use have a disability that would prevent them from driving, therefore, they need public transportation, however, they cannot afford to wait in the rain and hope they do not exacerbate their medical problems by getting wet. 486. to slow it take all day for a few stops 487. No, I think people who do not have cars use public transportation.However, if my car were broken down, I would use a cab to go to work. 488. Taking public transportation always takes longer than driving--not that it is slow, but getting to and from and changing (from train to T, for example) takes more time than the door-to-door convenience people experience with driving. Everyone is in such a rush all the time. 489. Affordability, accessability, and lack of services routes to the areasthey need to get to. 490. confusion with how the system works 491. classism, status 492. It is not nearly efficient enough as compared to other major cities in this country. If it were absolutely reliable and consistent AND less expensive (BECAUSE this CAN be done) it would be hard not to use. Unfortunately, right now my job requires a car. 493. Price and proximity 494. Because it is not readily available. 495. Destinations difficult to get to with public tansportation. Many of the destinations are in A91 the suburbs where public transpotation is minimal. In-town destinations are easier and cheaper to get to through public tansportation.For coastal communities, the ferry is convienient and nice but expensive. 496. Inconvenience 497. Being in Western Massachusetts, where public transportation is sparce outside of Springfield, I believe there is a stigma attached to "taking the bus" for anyone other than college students. 498. No 499. For some people (not me), perhaps people who move to the city from the suburbs, they are nervous about it or think it has a stigma. I used to use it regularly, but since moving I have found that my current commute is faster on a bicycle. I will likely use transit this summer. 500. When I lived on the Red Line, I used it all the time. The Green Line has been my line for 20 years. It is very slow. Trains sit in the tunnels once they enter downtown Boston. I would prefer to see money spent on modernizing the downtown tunnels of the Green Line than on expanding service. Even with expanded service, the trains will still move too slowly. The Green Line is very inefficient especially the E Line. 501. My reason is I live in Loweel area and work in Somerville. Although the comuter ral runs through Somerville there's no stop. So I either get off in W.medford Sq or North station. Not very workable if you are going to Somerville. 502. Even the best bus routes do not have sufficiently frequent service and some bus routes come very irregularly. 503. safety/convenience. It's not NYC, so public transportation is not that popular, places you want to go are usually far away, it's just easier to take a car. 504. Driving is convenient and relatively inexpensive. 505. the green line is too slowpurported bus schedules are unreliable 506. other than the schedule and safety reasonsthat's what i think 507. I see people at the bus stops looking down the block for a do you go for a big shop at the grocery store? Buy a TV? 508. Buses get stuck in traffic and take forever to get anywhere. The Greenline is crowded and painfully slow. The T fails to keep undesirable unpleasant homeless types off of the system. 509. Not always accessible to folks, especially people with mobility impairments. 510. reliability 511. A lot of people in my town simply do not know about it, mostly because it would not meet their needs so nothing much is being done to let them know about it. 512. no, they're pretty much the same as mine 513. It does not compete with the automobile in terms of being able to make many stops in different areas. 514. I live rurally and I have a substantial commute to work. That in a nutshell is why I drive. I LOVE public trans... but it has no bearing on the reality of my geography. 515. Yes, the public transportation is inconvenient. For me to go 7 miles to work I either need to take an Express Bus/Orange Line/Red Line, Bus/Orange Line/Red Line or Car/Orange Line/Red Line. All 3 take at least an hour. I can drive into Boston in 30 minutes and park 5 minutes away. A92 516. I do not know 517. Buses only run once an hour in most cases so it is not convenient and it does not alway coordinate with epople's work schedules. 518. time and convenience 519. In the Springfield area, the only option is a bus.Springfield area needs trains. 520. if you have to drive to it, it's hardly worth the time and would be better to carpool to work, which is what I'm currently doing. 521. Inconvenient, makes too many stops, and transfers aren't convenient 522. Service is not common in the suburbs 523. I live in Palmer and work in Spingfield. Palmer has rails that cut through it and if the total cost of operating my vehicle (28 mpg)+ other costs exceeds the cost of the fare by say 30%, I might consider public transportation. Otherwise- no. 524. Physical laziness and the fact that the car industry has somehow gotten a stranglehold on modern culture. The car has become the biggest status symbol, and consequently become increasingly bigger, faster, more powerful and more wasteful of resources (including building and maintaining highways). 525. I don't use it, but I hear other people complain that in Springfield, it is not frequent enough and not enough stops to be convenient. I have used the Boston subway and my complaint is it shuts down too early at night for events and bars- it encourages drinking & driving by not being available when bars close. 526. Location of bus stops 527. It takes a long time to go from point A to point B and many times the routes are not as many. People have to cater to the routes instead of the routes catering to the people. 528. Limited routes and not enough runs 529. no stop announcements. 530. no 531. Boston's transit infrastructure is poor for going places other than downtown. 532. Can't get to Holyoke from Belchertown 533. cost and convenience - there is no convenient way to get where i want to go from my home. would take 2+ hours instead of 30 min to get to work 534. The buses that serve satellite T stations aren't given priority over passenger cars, so getting to the station takes as much or more time than just driving. If there were express buses to the stations, it would be faster to use public transit and more would use it. Or at least, I think so. 535. People don't think it's convenient enough, the T is actually pretty quick (at least on the Orange line). People need to try other types of transportation and get out of their cars. They need to be convinced its cheaper, convenient, and better for their health and the environment. 536. unreliable service (for buses, they may get stuck in traffic; for subways, they may break down). Fear of getting sick during flu season. 537. Not available 538. Not sure A93 539. Laziness 540. Slow, unpredictable delays 541. It breaks down a lot! 542. We are so reliant on our cars- we grow up with cars, and mentally become dependent upon them. There is such a convenience with them too. We don't think about the cost of maintaining them or the effect on pollution. It's hard to think about other travel options in our daily life. Our transportation thinking has to be reworked. 543. fear of the unknown, they never have so they think the worst. Also, the thought of giving up the 'freedom' of driving their cars. Public transportation is seen as something 'poor' people do, which makes many of my fellow middle classers not want to use it in my experience. needs to be marketed so its not seen as 'beneath them' 544. would take me at least 45min to 1 hr to make it to work on a bus, requiring a bus change. I can drive from door to door in 8 minutes. 545. Safety, overcrowding, waiting time....and probably not enough stops 546. It does not go to the places they want or need 547. Sometimes for rail use there is a considerable expense and not enough planned stops and varied hours. 548. Too round about to get where you are going 549. It's not convenient enough 550. If you're going to charge the same rates as New York City, then the MBTA could at least try to provide as much as them. I understand the city is smaller and the MBTA is having a major budget crisis, but it doesn't provide nearly enough to meet my needs. Even though it's more expensive to pay to drive and park, it will always take less time, often substantially less time, to drive myself. I feel like this is especially true living in Somerville (near Union Square). It's just not a reasonable alternative to having a car. 551. Stigma 552. I like to smoke when traveling 553. Need more advertising so I know schedules - can you send something to my home once a year? 554. High parking fees at the commuter lots. It is unnecessary to charge so much for parking. 555. Small Children, 556. No 557. Because it's too expensive and poorly run/operated. 558. Difficult to carry many items if shopping 559. we cannot get the buses to run concurrent with the work hours of service establishmentsfoolishness, cussedness, etc 560. There is no public transpotation near me so I have to drive as far to it as to the store or P.O. 561. There is a stigma that if you use public trnasportation, you can't afford a car. If it were expanded, and the true costs of gas were applied via a gas tax, more people would take public transportation, 562. In some urban areas of Mass., people are fearful of crime. A94 563. I ride my bike because I always have a seat. 564. It is unreliable. 565. I would ride my bike more, however we don't have enough safe bike lanes in my community... yet. 566. Bikes are faster, more convenient, cheaper, and better for the environment, if you are a healthy individual. I think people drive cars over using public transportation because they do not know how much harm they are causing to the environment. 567. It's just not built up enough and doesn't serve the sprawling metro area. And the 1:00AM last service is really outdated, and rather stupid 568. I work in high-tech in Waltham, and it's not easy to service many office parks. It would take me 3 hours or more to commute via public transportation from Scituate. Commuter rail to South Station, then red line to Alewife, and then shuttle to office parks. It's not worth wasting all that time. 569. Cult of the Auto as an extension of Self 570. filth 571. Not dependable, can't guarantee get places on time. Unsafe waiting at stops/stations, particularly for women at night. Felt very vulnerable waiting for buses after dark- or even just walking to stations. 572. Boston is a car city we need to change that. If we invest in public transportation and heighten our ability to make the streets more friendly to cyclists then people will feel better about leaving their cars behind. We need to improve services on the trains and busses and possibly highlight perks to commuting. 573. Cleanliness concerns, unreliable, cost. 574. primary reason=not convenient; no ease of access; once in my car, I just continue to my destination 575. Reliability/unpredictable delays compared to cycling, Hubway or walking. 576. The United States of America economy is over 99% dependant on the automobile. To spend more on the 1% than the 99% is foolish. 577. Convenience 578. There isn't a lot of service outside of Boston and what there is runs hourly until 7 pm. Service needs to be at least every 30 minutes - and available on the weekends and nights! 579. For people who live in a rural area - like the lower Cape - the public transportation options are minimal - with infrequent service and very few options for people who live on the lower Cape but work in the mid-Cape. 580. phương tiện đi lại công cộng mất quá nhiều thời gian để chờ chuyển tiếp từ địa điểm này đến địa điểm khác 581. Cost 582. cost, schedule, logistics 583. too expensive, not enough buses so they become overcrowded, not enough seats 584. El horario - no transportente temprano para poder ir al trabajo. La falta de frequencia del transporte 585. Because it such on The Cape 586. no A95 587. Cac phuong tien giao thong cong cong cu ky va thoi gian cho doi cho moi luot qua lau 588. Outside downtown Boston, driving is faster and cheaper. 589. First mile and last miles needs. 590. Better intermodal options would be good- bike racks on buses, better foul weather shelters. 591. It's not available and/or accessible. 592. There is no public transportation service where I live. 593. central mass is a forgotten place when talking about useable public transportation 594. Schedule hours not always convenient.Do not know how to use it.Does not run the hours they need.not available in the evening.Does not go where they need easily. Multiple stops to get to location. 595. Public transportation is an unorganized department, particulary when it relates to small towns and cities. Obtaining efficient and accurate transportation is an impossible feat. 596. Travel time from origin to destination is five times the driving time in some instances-because there is service, but it is circuitous instead of directly across from Route 28 to Route 6A. 597. The stops are too far away or they can't read. 598. no reason 599. It's not accessible!! 600. They don't come all the time. 601. Public transportation is not always reliable. 602. inconvenient 603. no 604. no 605. If they don't live in the Boston area or near a major city it's not practical. Other than that, it's probably because of the convienience of using your own vehicle 606. it is just gross on the buses 607. WAIT TIME 608. They don't run in enough places and most buses are an hour or more wait for the next one to arrive. 609. No, like to use my car 610. Convenience 611. Trains are not always reliable. I use to use the train, went back to my car for reliability. 612. I would prefer to bike but do not feel safe biking on the street 613. I believe the quality of services offered is not adequate and the frequency of services not appropriate. 614. no 615. more frequent neighborhood bus service A96 616. Safety issues 617. Lack of availability where I live and go most often. 618. I would have to take approximately 3 busses in order to get to work and I work in the next city. 619. It's not clean, or safe, and not very child (stroller) friendly 620. when I worked in Boston as a Health profession transportation was best for those working 9-5p, not shifts like 3 til7p or 11p or 11p-7p. 621. I have my own personal car. 622. The public transportation system in Massachusetts is dirty. The system needs a complete overhaul. 623. Too many crazy people that like to grop women and or steal from another rider. 624. safety is the big concern. 625. don't have the money 626. don't know how to acquire it 627. no 628. unsanitarytoo many creepersalready have a car, why use public transportation? 629. easier to take personal vehicle, matter of personal preference, too crowded, congested. 630. not at all 631. everyone I know 632. not sure 633. don't feel safe 634. I used the subway most times going to Boston. The cost of parking now $5.00, subway ride for two people and another subway ride for two people if we went to another part of the city - the cost was just about as much as using my car and using a parking garage. I use the subway less now. 635. por el horario 636. quizas por el horano 637. por horario 638. Cleanliness, and safety. 639. takes longer than driving door to door 640. Less access in central ma area and western areas 641. to get to their destination, oftentimes that means going to city center (hub) to transfer... that adds time onto commute. 642. In our town, public transportation is very limited and there are only one or two routes so you have to transfer and that takes time. It's inconvenient. 643. Safety issues (real or perceived) at many stationsIncreasing costs and decreasing service in many areasLack of progress (real or perceived) with the MBTA getting efficiencies and costs under control A97 644. no 645. OCD, selfish, scared, don't know how 646. safety 647. no 648. available stops 649. need better route! 650. they don't run late 651. Schedule is not flexible, routes do not accommodate people's needs 652. Perception that other than urban populations who rely on public transport it is the socalled "poor" who must rely and do use PT 653. one reason is that they might not understand the bus schedule and don't like towait to long for the bus to arrive. 654. Stigma and lack of confidence in service.Where are the bus stops??? Except for terminus stations, it's impossible to find a bus stop. They should be marked with signage and shelter. 655. Boston's public transportation system is slow and outdated. Personally, I do not use the commuter rail because it is uncomfortable and crowded. If there were more express trains that didn't make such frequents stops, I would consider using it more frequently. It is also a hassle to commute from North Station to Kendall Square when taking the commuter rail from the north shore. I commute on I-93 from Andover in my personal vehicle during rush hour and I arrive at Kendall Square more quickly than I do when taking the commuter rail. 656. safety, no direct routes to destinations. It takes longer to ride than drive Are there any other suggestions you have for how to improve walking in your community? | # Response 1. 2. 3. 4. Construct more sidewalks. I think it would be helpful if MassDOT ramped up its Complete Street initiatives to include more thought into pedestrian comfort, and did more to think about how sidewalks are designed. The sidewalk just shouldn't be added, but added in such a way to encourage people to use it. Create a denser town center with pedestrian friendly design 6. Widen sidewalks. In downtown Boston there are more people than space on sidewalks, especially in the vicinity of South Station. Narrow or eliminate driving lanes to accommodate more walkers. Add more street trees. Around North Station, Causeway St. is too wide. We don't need 7 lanes while sidewalks are narrow. Narrowing lanes will also, hopefully, get drivers to slow down. Make it easier to walk/use transit than take a car. More frequent trains and lower cost of public transit. More crosswalks! 8. better signage, wayfindingbeautification of public realm, trees etc. 5. 7. 9. none besides above Randolph does a fair job of plowing and the main street sidewalks are plowed as well. I live far enough away from the center of town that I usually drive when I have to, but A98 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. A99 commute by bus and train. Make walking paths available off highway. "If more people were walking, still more people would walk."Suggestion: one day a month-"Walking Day". Require housing/shopping to be at a higher density by zoning laws or require by law a higher urban density. The closer we live together, the less reason to drive. The nearest store is about 1.2 miles from my house... Fund the building of the Somerville Community Path Extension! Prevent water from pooling near curb ramps. I can't walk to work with wet shoes, and I shouldn't have to buy rain boots for a small walk.Prevent water from pooling on the street near sidewalks. Cars will frequently drive by splashing me. Have the cross walk & pedestrian lights work. Cyclists frequently do not observe traffic laws in Cambridge, and are a great hazard, especially at night. I obtained $600K+ in enhancement funds to rebuild Conway's sidewalks in 2005-2006 and make other improvements enhancing pedestrian safety. The town has been unable to develop a plan for clearing snow from the sidewalks, making them unusable for most of the winter (the plowing of Rt 116 puts the snow and slush on the sidewalks, most of which are in the state layout; if not removed immediately, these snowbanks become rock hard within hours). MassHighway has refused to regularly and fully repaint high visibility crosswalks along Route 116 in the center of Conway (design elements that were all approved by MassHighway prior to the construction which installed them!!!). As a result, most drivers are unaware of cross walks most of the time because they aren't evident. Maintaining sidewalks and enforcing the law around crossing in crosswalks would be key. OUr community is very spread out, so there is often not enough time that would be required to get from point A to point B.Many activities and shopping are several miles away more sidewalks I live in a country town in southeastern MA and walk every day for pleasure. We all need to get tougher! Life is busy. Walking takes too long, besides, almost where ever I go, I'll need my tools with me.My life and my work don't lend themselves to walking, though I don't dislike walking. What I dislike a lot it spending a bunch of money messing up traffic arteries in the interest of bike lanes and crosswalks. I'm happy to ride a bike or walk if I can, but mostly driving is what works. See the comment about tools above. When I do walk or ride, I DO NOT need any special lanes or walkways to get where I want to go. I am a Bostonian. No matter what form of transportation I'm engaging in, I can fit into existing traffic, and do not need any "help" Require waljking paths/sidewalks to and from all major commercial destinations Creation of trails in wooded area or around town. DO NOT EXPECT DRIVERS TO PAY ATTENTION TO "YIELD TO PEDESTRIANS" SIGNS. GIVE THEM A RED LIGHT AND DO NOT ALLOW RIGHT TURN ON RED. My community is not conducive to walking. We need more investments in walkways that are enjoyable to walking/biking. Rail-to-Trails and waterfront walkway/bikeways, are a start. Developers should be encoursged to include walkways in their plans. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Actually, none of the above are relevant since there is no place to walk to. I assume you are not interested in recreational walking for which we have many wonderful trails. Bicycle lane construction/improvement separate from pedestrian/motorist lanes. Enforce parking regulations, especially for business delivery vans double parked recklessly on a regular basis that impair visibility. Better lighting. Better lighting on side streets.As a woman, I will always be hesitant to walk alone in the dark. capital plans to add sidwalks to towns (not just cities) and not just to schools More rapid, ped cycles at trafffic lights. Enforce against left turning motorists turning through ped cycles to gain the red light advantage. The "1-10"question above asked from the perpective of a walker, but how does it account for bias as drivers and cyclists against one group or another? i.e as a ped, jay walking by other peds not a concern, but turning vehicles is. As a cyclist, jay walking peds and driver error make it unsafe to ride. My community is good. 38. I live in a town with a bike path. It has cyclists that RACE along the bike path at phenomenal speeds past little kids trying to learn how to skate, mothers pushing strollers, and older people trying to get some exercise. I would like bikes to be licensed so there is some accountability for their actions and I would like to see a bike officer on the path occasionally to enforce any regulations. Right now it feels like a free for all. Besides, the state or towns could use the revenue from requiring a license plate on the bike to improve roads and bike paths. increase the crossing time allowed at some traffic light crosswalks; especially those on divided roadways. On many of those, crossing the street is a 2 part operation. First you cross to the half-way point - then you have to wait for the next crossing cycle to reach the other sidewalk. This is particularly true for seniors who are no longer as quick as they used to be. It can get rather scary waiting on those little traffic islands while the cars zip by eiher side of you. Get the pedestrian signals to work correctly:1) many do not respond to the push button2) many in Boston, particularly, do not show WALK during protected phases. (Being a civil engineer, I am very aware of this!) Fixing this would maximize the pedestrian crossing time at Zero impact to vehicle time.3) ensure that private land owners responsible for shoveling sidewalks do the following: a) shovel out wheelchair ramps at intersections b) do not shovel/plow their driveway in a manner that leaves a snow bank blocking those walking along the sidewalk c) shovel out bus stops Education of DPW & Police how important pedestrian access is. Improve accessiblity using Accessible Ped signals, placed of curbcuts, etc. Better street lighting. 40. there are sidewalks along most but not all major roadways - we need more 35. 36. 37. 39. 41. 42. 43. 44. Cure my arthritis. Special lanes on roads, bike paths, short cut trails Better trail system in and around town -from outskirts into the village of Ipswich. Enforce laws governing motorist behavior Get communities to all adopt Complete Streets policies. Provide matching funds to communities through an MPO/TIP program to share capital costs of building sidewalks. ie A100 45. increase fund for Clean Air Mobility Program but make the program easier to use (local design and implementation instead of MassDOT consruction implementation w/ FHWA design review - takes too long). Better Lighting 47. This village of Onset is remarkable for drivers stopping for predestians. 46. 48. 49. 50. 51. No because, as a person who is blind, I need to ride door to door. It all starts with infrastructure I live in Somerville, which is extremely walkable. Cleaning the stop areas....Stoughton is filthy. Provide shelter from the eliments. 54. Being a single parent, I am always in a race with the clock. Walking or riding my bike takes to long. Really fix the pedestrian access to and from Forest Hills Station.Fix pedestrian acess to and from Dudley Station and inside Dudley Staion Many area of the twon where I live do not have sidewalks a lot and construction of sidewalks is needed. Build more sidewalks and off-road bike paths 56. Add pedestrian walkways under/over passes crossing limited acess highways 52. 53. 55. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. A101 I live in a rural area. There is very little to walk to within a 10 minute walk. Put police back on the streets - this city is so unsafe my child, who lives 1/2 mile from his school, cannot walk to and from, More bike lanes! Improved snow removal on sidewalks would be nice.Improving snow removal in the streets is unnecessary and usually counterproductive (when I'm driving a car, I can drive on the snow without any trouble; when I'm riding a bike, I would be safer if there weren't a large snowplow berm filling the side of the road).Many communities in the Boston area have made great improvements in pedestrian and bicycle-related signage over the past several years. This is fantastic, though we still have a long way to go -- keep it up and do more. Concentratate destinations in walkable locations. Too many crosswalks are poorly visible, have huge turn radii that let motorists speed, and the crossing distances are excessive. We need more curb extensions, raised x-walks, and other traffic calming measures. Some intersections don't have crosswalks on all four sides, which is very bad. Every pedestrian desire line should be served. OUTLAW CELL PHONES WHILE DRIVING. THIS IS THE MOST HAZARDOUSE TO PEDESTRIAN SAFETY. PEOPLE ON PHONES ARE NOT PAYING ATTENTION. Add some more pedestrian crosswalk lights at some particularly hard to cross intersections. Also make the walk portion of the cycle longer in some intersections. imrpoved coordination between modes, locations (municipalities and regionally), and integration with points of interest (shopping, events, parks) my city (Lynn) allows parking on sidewalks, this is anti-pedestrian, unsafe and deplorable! If the sidewalk were clear, flat, and wide enough for my double stroller I would walk more places, particularly in the winter (assuming those sidewalks were also clear of snow). More and better sidewalks! 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. Crossing major state roads in Somerville (ex. Rt 28 and Mystic Valley Parkway) is very difficult and dangerous. The duration of walk times at the cross walks really needs to be extended. a) Better streetscape design - sidewalks, trees, furniture, curbcuts.b) More walking trails and clear pedestrian paths, i.e. along Mystic River.c) Street/intersection improvements with structural pedestrian safety/traffic calming enhancements - especially near bus stops. More sidewalks are the biggest improvement and cross walks at busy intersections. Make sure that the sidewalks are clear of snow and make sure that drivers and Bicycles know to yield in crosswalks. better enforcement of vehicular laws If you build it, they will come. If you plow the snow, they will continue to come. I live in a rural area where one should be able to walk but the street design does not accommodate safe walking. extend the green line so that it goes close enough to my house to walk to a station. The walking infrastructure is fine (although the biking infrastructure is definitely NOT fine), just need a reason/destination to walk to. I currently drive to a place where I can walk for exercise because of high speed traffic and few destinations nearby. When I ride my bike it is dangerous and there are steep hills here. Roadway edges are poorly maintained and dangerous for bikes. Walkways are rough and poorly maintained. Bike paths are not considered valuable enough to plow in winter. Make health insurance companies offer incentives for walking as a healthy solution to weight management. I don't like being hot or cold. The climate is not conducive to walking for about 8 months per year. Slow down vehicular traffic; provide more amenities (shade, benches, crosswalks); provide more interseting walks better lighting Better street amenities -- shade trees/benches -- would improve the walking experience. As we age, it is helpful to have a spot to sit while on a long walk. doggie bags and waste receptacles at more locationsthe use of de-icing materials that don't hurt dog's paws (or that aren't laid on too thickly so dogs can get around them)better street lighting Encourage pedestrians to take responsibility for their own safety - i.e. not to rely on walking into an unsignalized crosswalk and assume everyone will see them and stop for them. Ice is probably the biggest impediment to walking. The river paths are now being plowed, but sometimes ice is still a problem.I walk a lot and it is better than it used to be. Finish the green line extension. MA drivers often try not to yield to pedestrians when turning right on red or green, when pedestrians have a walk sign-- enforcent might help. Create or improve off-road trails or sidewalks between towns. Need a sidewalk along Adams Street in Burlington from Lexington border to Middlesex Turnpike, or a foot trail through the forest between North St. in Lexington and Wheeler Road office park in Burlington. All of the above are important, but are currently being performed at an acceptable level. Bikeway over Tobin Bridge to Boston. Poorly worded question. A102 89. no 91. 92. Many old sidewalks have highly irregular surface, many tripping hazards.Community bike path between north Cambridge and Davis Square has serious flooding problems in any rain, a primary route for me and many pedestrians and bikers. 1) Enact law prohibiting driver use of mobile phones2) Enforce existing traffic laws 94. No 90. 93. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. my community West Concord IS walkable. I moved here specifically because of this. No Again, in a rural area, driving is easiest. Enforce ordinances against bicycles on sidealks Sidewalks are essential My neighborhood is very walkable - short blocks, good sidewalks and crosswalks, desirable destinations. T bus service could be improved. No. Melrose is a very walking-friendly community. 100. Enforce parking rules, so crosswalks are not blocked. 101. Better street lightening.Crosswalk signals that work when pressed.Have police/fire sirens sync to stop traffic lights. 102. Put crosswalks at street corners. No one is going to use a crosswalk if they need to walk 20 feet down the street in the wrong direction to where the handicap ramp is. 103. regular policing by foot patrols 104. make sure there is no ice on the sidewalks 105. There is good walking in our community. 106. Some sidewalks are in disrepair i.e. uneven because of tree roots. 107. Pedestrians need shortcutsBig intersections and 4 lane roads are barriers. 108. Reduce speed limits/allow municipalities to adjust speed limits without state approval.Require some percentage of Chapter 90 funds to be spent on pedestrian infrastructure. 109. In the winter, the city DPW piles snow at each corner, making sidewalk use difficult, even if residents clear their area. There should be a STATEWIDE ban on DPW an private contractors piling snow on the corners. 110. Snow removal is most important than all of these. Walking on ice and through puddles are so uncomfortable. The same as driving on black ice or slushy slipper snow. 111. Reduce lane widths to stop the induced speeding. More traffic calming measures. 112. No 113. no 114. Educate and enforce crosswalks. Eliminate right on red or enforce stop regulations. 115. Bicyclists going the wrong way on one-way streets is a great danger. Sudden silent crash can cause great harm to pedestrians. And, great liability to auto drivers. Bike lanes are a horrible danger for all--see Cambridge for examples, particularly Central Sq. Slow and inadequate snow removal in commercial areas is a problem. A103 116. Overhaul of pedestrian access, light signaling, safer timing with the traffic etc. at Wellington and Medford Square. 117. better street lights, more of them 118. Improve Motorist Safety Education!!!(the driving tests are a joke, and any muppet is given a license) 119. As a person with a disability I find that pedestrian and bicycle behavior is atrocious. When in groups of 2 or more, pedestrians do not yield to allow other pedestrians to walk in the same area. This situation is also true as well for my husband who has mobility impairments. Folks will not yield in courtesy to allow him to walk with his can. Bicyclist in down town Boston in particular do not obey the law and I have often had to dodge from getting hit by a bicyclist in the crosswalk, even when I am half way across the street. People walking with hand held devices often stop short in front of you while walking, not paying attention and you accidentally bump into them. I am visually impaired and this is a major problem for me. 120. Provide street lights. A light both allows you to see animals, obstructions, and people directly, but also provides a light source against which you can see silouettes of objects that would otherwise not be visable. 121. I do not walk in Springfield because the stores near my house are a 20 minute walk (at least). 122. I walk across Wellington Circle in Medford almost every day, I obey the traffic/walk signals and I come close to being struck by an automobile at least 1x per month. The traffic turning from Rt28 Northbound onto Rt16 Eastbound rarely if ever stops at the red light. 123. My community (Brighton) is very pedestrian friendly. 124. Improve on bicyclist need to use a bike as transportation. With bike safety on the roads I would use a car far less. 125. Get people to use the crosswalks already in existence. 126. More consistent 77 bus service, which would encourage me to take it rather than drive (and therefore walk to and from the bus stops). 127. Provide safe walking routes to schools. 128. improved lighting, shelters at bus stops, timed walking signals in good repair, smooth pavement 129. In Somerville there is a "Linear" park. Sometimes it is referred to as "the bike path". It serves many purposes and is a joy to walk on. More facilities like this would make walking beter. As a rule, contact with cars is the worst part of walking. 130. Reduce perception in some communities that it is unsafe to walk due to criminal activity. 131. Need more places/reasons as destinations. 132. Curb extensions at crosswalks to slow down aggressively turning traffic and allow better pedestrian visibility at intersections where cars always either blow through or do a dangerous half ass "rolling stop". 133. Allocate resources to sidewalk ADA compliance 134. Why didn't you include "Provide motorist safety education" Cars cause the most damage and death out of all transportation options. If you want to improve walking, then zoning laws need to be changed to allow mixed use development in dense residential areas. You also need to give pedestrians the priority at intersections and not cars. For example, if it is raining or snowing, the act of pressing a pedestrian actuator button should immediately allow peds to cross. Also, there are a lot of intersections in MA where cars have the green A104 light for a turn over a crosswalk with a walk signal. This has caused many deaths and is a flaw in design.Connectivity is also important. Many roads in MA do not have sidewalks and cross walks. It is very unfortunate that so much connectivity exists for motorists but not for peds. For example, if I want to walk to the subway in Malden, I have to cross the Fellsway and there is no crosswalk where I want to cross. Pretty simple solution, yet it is far down on the list of things to do.MA should not be afraid to raise taxes on gasoline and use this revenue to pay for ped and cyclist improvement and re-engineering of non-ped friendly intersections and roadways. 135. better lighting near crosswalks and MBTA train station/tracks 136. In my rural town, the roads are dirt and there are no sidewalks. As a powerchair user, during the winter, this makes it impossible for me to get out and about. In the summer, there is the problem with potholes and loose gravel, and always the steep hills, but it's more possible. 137. I don't walk much in "my community" - I do walk from the commuter rail station in Cambridge to my work place in Somerville, but I live in western Mass. where I don't walk as much. 138. more specific suggestions: snow and ice removal is huge. Also, narrow sidewalks can be a problem on busier roads, as can trees and tree branches hanging down blocking the sidewalk. Better crosswalks, and somehow forcing cars to actually SLOW DOWN when someone is at a crosswalk. 139. Walkability means nothing if "proximity to services" is not married to: safe, accessible, code-compliant (521 CMR) pedestrian facilities. Mass DOT has a perfect platform to help the public understand how necessary it is to remove all carrots from cities and towns (such as Somerville) that routinely use State funding to construct pedestrian facilities and city-owned transportation amenities in a manner that is not even minimally compliant with State architectural accessibility code and other safety standards that are triggered by State-funded projects.When MassDOT leaders and Gov. Patrick engage in public interviews and press statements about walkability, transit-oriented development, TIP projects etc., these are ripe and ready opportunities to educate the general public about what we should learn to expect in local and state-funded transportation investments. The time is NOW for Massachusetts to be a real mover and leader in "doing things right" and "reversing the trend" of noncompliant, wasteful infrastructure construction.When a MA municipality fails to ensure compliance with 521 CMR (and other industry safety and architectural standards) while reconstructing and altering and even "beautifying" pedestrian facilitiesusing State funding, such as Chapter 40B, TIP, MPO, Mass Highway- they should be PENALIZED.For example, the Architectural Access Board is a key State Agency that has the authority to enforce the regulations where violations are found, with FINES that are triggered, for example, whenever 521 CMR violations are cited on facilities that were altered, constructed or renovated using State funding in that design and construction (for example, in all public pedestrian work, municipally-owned bus stop locations, and public rights of ways leading to MBTA facilities).The State has been, and continues to, waste an enormous amount of time and money by investing in noncompliant streetscape construction statewide. These as-yet unacknowledged and unsustainable construction practices are harming the work and objectives of MassDOT in the short term as well as the long term. Please end this trend now.Bottom Line: Raise the level of public understanding about the importance of 521 CMR in ensuring the long-term viability of State-funded transportation investments. 140. Re. enforcing laws governing motorist behavior, I would *love* to see a campaign to get more motorists to use turn signals. It seems no one does any more, and it can become very problematic for walkers, cyclists, and other drivers. A105 141. Make using a cell phone while driving illegal. 142. Improve crosswalks in vicinity of rotaries 143. no. It is a personal choice 144. Build covered bike storage on the streets for heavy duty utility bikes (with a trailer, back flatbed, etc) that are too heavy to lug up three fl;ights opf staris 145. connecting sidewalks to adjoining communities 146. Setup community/collective walking targets, get to know which of your neighbors walk to the same transit destinations (but a different time), health care deductions for HDL increases. 147. Fix sidewalk and road potholes. Remove snow and ice on sidewalks so a stroller and children can pass. 148. More grant money for (a) more city parks and (b) more city walking paths similar to the one in Chicopee extending from Front Street across from City Hall to Grape Street. 149. The biggest one here in winter is snow removal. Just a couple of residential homes not shoveling their walks can make an entire trip on foot practical. Even worse, one of my most common walks is about a mile to the Medford library, and the bridge where Winthrop St. crosses over the Mystic River, which must be city owned, never has shoveled walks. 150. If there is a "walk" button, it should work and do so promptly. When a walk light is illuminated, pedestrians should have exclusive right of way. 151. Better street lighting. 152. Reduce motor vehicle speedsReduce the number of cars 153. provide better lighting 154. Make more crosswalks and maintain them! 155. Not in my community, but having places worth walking to is important - I used to work in an industrial park on the North Shore where you had to drive even to get a cup of coffee (unless you wanted to drink the bad workplace coffee). The nearest businesses of any kind, outside a small deli open for breakfast and lunch, were about a mile away. This was for a large industrial park with probably hundreds if not thousands of workers in all the businesses. 156. Keep pedestrian and car traffic lights operative by cheking on condition of those lights on a regular basis. 157. Sidewalk snow plowing.Illumination 158. sidewalks 159. Larger sidewalks, more salting in winter months, better understanding of how to use the traffic lights and knowing when to cross streets 160. have a store that sells fresh fruit in town 161. I'd love to see better bus shelters at busy locations! 162. Study ways to improve crossing safety on DCR parkways; drivers have been known to honk at other drivers who commit the apparent offense of yielding to pedestrians at unsignalized crosswalks on Memorial Drive near Ames St in Cambridge, and the intersection of Alewife Brook Parkway and Rindge Ave in Cambridge is pedestrian hostile.Develop standards that encourage pedestrian refuge islands down the middle of A106 streets, so that a pedestrian only needs to find a gap in traffic large enough to cross half the street at a time. 163. Better street lighting, get rid of the hoodlums roaming around my neighborhood 164. Longer lights to allow people who can't run across the street to get across safely. 165. The new downtown green is Westfield is difficult to cross. 166. Direct more transportation funding from auto-focused improves to pedestrian/transit improvements 167. Streets need to be narrowed and traffic slowed not by regulation but by design speed. Sidewalks need to be cleared of snow, but the cities can't take that on proactively. We need a clearer system of citizen self-enforcement, whereby residents can report uncleared walks and expect that followup will take place. We do not ask too much of residents, and it is fair to ask them to plow.A secondary but important issue is that our beautiful trees often tear up sidewalk pavement, which makes it impossible for wheelchair users to roll effectively. And... brick is quaint and lovely but only for the segment of the population that doesn't have to roll on it. 168. Walking is great here, but I would normally bike anywhere that took 10 minutes to walk.I like the consistency I find in Cambridge, with nearly every light in town having the same program of non-exclusive pedestrian signals, no useless buttons, with a few seconds' advance on the green light. 169. Increase use of traffic circles and other technologies for managing traffic that do not involve traffic lights, which primarily cater to serving the needs of motorists. 170. encourage communities to enforce residential snow removal 171. As I stated above provide sidewalks on all roads. I live off of Rt 138 in Canton and I would love to walk to and from the market and other shops instead of driving but there are no sidewalks. 172. Improve the weather! 173. In my community (Brockton) a more visible police presence downtown would make a huge difference in people's willingness to walk around. Also, zoning that better concentrates commercial nodes. 174. There is no sidewalk in front of my house. 175. Snow removal is a huge issue in my community. I also think improvements to lighting and visual features (trees, trash removal) would promote more walking. Finally, cars should not be permitted to park on sidewalks at all. 176. Make Charles Circle more pedestrian friendly 177. better lighting at crosswalks 178. Slow traffic down (traffic calming, speed bumps, road narrowing) and improve safety (better crosswalks and lighting.) 179. mixed-use development - it doesn't matter if there are sidewalks when the nearest destination is miles away. 180. Enforce the rule that prohibits parking on sidewalks. Enforce speed limits. Install raised walkways across streets to discourage speeders. 181. no 182. I live on Route 20 in Shrewsbury. I live within walking distance of many shopping plazas, but there are no sidewalks along route 20 for a pedestrian to walk on. I feel as though I would risk my life if I were attempt to walk outside of my apartment complex. A107 183. I often walk with my daughter in her stroller and with my dog on a leash. As much as I love the older trees in the community, many of them have roots that have made the sidewalks impassable to anyone who is not walking alone, or single file. This needs addressing in Somerville, Cambridge, Arlington especially.In addition - many homeowners are allowed to let large bushes grow beyond the edges of their property, again impeding onto the sidewalks and - especially when combined with one of those root-filled trees or even with a fire hydrant - making it again impassible for any pedestrian who is not walking solo or single-file. 184. Finish the construction 185. i live in cambridge and walking facilities are quite good 186. No other suggestions. 187. Walking is usual adjunct to bus travel, so better frequency, reliability and comfort (enough seats) would improve the experience. 188. I live in Arlington; a major problem esp for the 'littlest' walkers getting to school is the large amount of private ways. The town and state currently have no jurisdiction to make private ways safer (sidewalks) on these streets. If an alien came down from space and saw some of the private ways with terrible road conditions and lack of sidewalks, they wouldn't say 'can't do it, it's private', it would say "it should be fixed because it's unsafe". 189. audible signal at Rt 16 and Mass Ave 190. If public money is spent to remove snow from streets for cars, then it should be spent to remove snow from sidewalks for pedestrians. It is unfair to remove snow from streets with public funds but ask residents to remove snow from sidewalks themselves. It leads to more car trips, isolation for those who can not travel on foot on ice and snow, heart attacks from shoveling for residents, and much reduced physical activity in the form of reduced walking in the winter. 191. Traffic calming - raised crosswalks and tabled intersections PLEASE!Reduce speed limit to 20mph everywhere! 192. need streetlights 193. more sidewalks on route 30, southborough, westborough area 194. Treat it like it's the most fundamental and important form of transportation to protect....then take care of the other modes. 195. A community walking center, where weather is not an issue. 196. Have stiff penalties for aggressive motorists. 197. Better lighting and clear passage after snow falls. 198. Improve lighting. Improve the general community - when I have to walk past/through trash, pockets of people who make me uncomfortable, in neighborhoods/areas that are very run down it decreases the level to which I feel safe and/or enjoy the experience, which then influences how often I"ll endure it. 199. Provide more adaptive technology for those who need it (tactile indicators at intersection curb cuts, chirping lights to indicate safe crossing at lighted intersections, etc.). 200. sidewalks; greenery; places to stop & sit; stop & get warm; places to grab hot tea along the way 201. improve driver safety and awareness 202. Snow is a big one! A108 203. Decrease the size of roadways and intersections so they're less intimidating for pedestrians to cross. Add street trees and other buffers between pedestrians and vehicles. 204. Make sure dogs cannot get to you. 205. Prioritize walking as transportation and not just recreation: have paths that actually go places, and provide useful short-cuts, rather than just a pretty place to walk for pleasure or exercise. 206. 1. Pedestrians, esp. seniors, need to have many more public restrooms available. A suggestion: Impose a new tax on bars and restaurants, then exempt the establishments that make their restrooms available to the public.2. Put scales in all public buildings so that people can weigh themselves to see how they're doing in controlling their weight.3. Every intersection should have signs indicating what the streets are in both directions.4. Make the default speed limit for cars in cities 25 mph. 207. Fix the sidewalks, they are all up and down and non-existent and also have phone poles and mail boxes in the middle of them. You have to walk with your head down all the time in order not to twist an ankle. 208. Improved signals at crosswalks. It takes a really long time for the walk signal and then the amount of time to cross the street is extremely short. 209. More off-road, mult-use paths. 210. add places to walk to! no destinations in my rural community. I walk to the conservation land to walk, but would walk to commercial if there was some within a couple miles. 211. Educate property owners on the importance of keeping sidewalks clear of vegetation and vehicles. 212. Street lighting is very iomportant also retaining business will also encourage folks to take a walk to places. being that a lot of business are moving out of mass folks don't see the need to walk any where. 213. Make it easy to walk instead of drive. We need sidewalks and safe ways to cross busy intersections. My neighbohood, in Worcester, has no sidewalks. The streets around here are narrow, winding, and unsafe, day or night. The main street here is an old farm road, I think, that were never designed for cars or pedestrians. It is a challenge to walk in this area for exercise or any other reason. 214. More sidewalks! 215. Put in the damn green line extension to Union Square 216. Sidewalk snow removal on STATE maintained roads,cross walksPOLICE speed limit enforcements 217. There needs to be communication between plowing needs for motorist and those of pedestrians. Plowed in crossing ramps is a pet peeve. This winter has been kind so far with the lack of snow. 218. Use automated enforcement against red light runners and speeders 219. I live a min of .75 of a mile from any shopping 220. Try to time Ped crossing to encourage people to cross at the lights. 221. Make it look nice. Worcester is just ugly and it makes you want to not go outside. 222. Visible street signs for each street at each intersection, no matter how minor the roads. 223. Moar subway stops! 224. Organize more walking events. A109 225. There are few sidewalks in my community. A sidewalk project is underway, but it only provides for a short distance of sidewalk. 226. reduce vacant window syndrome / blight 227. Make walking the easiest choice 228. My community is pretty walkable. Shovel curb cuts during winter. 229. Personal safety depending on the time of day. 230. Increasing the number of police officers who are walking themselves to give the impression that city streets are safe. Do a better job of keeping sidewalks clean, do a better job of making the sidewalks a friendly place to be. 231. get rid of the street rats and pan handlers!! 232. Ensuring that residents clear their sidewalks of ice. And if they are elderly or disabled, providing them with services or volunteers to help. This is critical not just for walkers, but also for people in wheelchairs. How can they get anywhere on their own and not worry or get discouraged? 233. Need places to go to 234. cross walks that work 235. Create, or enforce, shrubbery/tree/ground cover laws to prevent intrusion over walkways. You can have the best physical walkways, but if there is intrusion on the walkway or intrusion at the body/head level, the usability of the walkway is compromised. 236. We live in a rural area 237. Walking route information. Organized walking groups. 238. Take lighting into consideration as well for safety 239. planning and design encourages building to meet needs of automobile drivers - so, big parking lots, separated from walking routes - poor lighting and maintenance 240. better lighting 241. We have a very spread out community and not many places to walk to. We have recently had sidewalks installed which helps, but there are very few crosswalks in Sturbridge. 242. more sidewalks; seems like they could be thinner to avoid impairing wetlands and scenic routes 243. Improved lighting - would increase my willingness to walk before dawn/after dark 244. Repair sidewalks and streets 245. By far snow removal is the largest impediment to walking comfortably and safely. Last winter, when I walked to the bus stop (approximately 1/2 mile) I counted that only five homes in that entire distance had properly removed their sidewalk snow. I would also add drainage is a problem. During rain or snowmelt, pools of water form at curb cuts forcing you out of crosswalks and into the street. 246. provide side lanes for bicycles in addition to better sidewalks. Maybe more people could ride bicyces and walk as well. Better sidewalks a must. Many of our roads do not have them at all!!! 247. Better street sweeping to keep the trash off the streets and side walks 248. Join committees which promote these alternatives at local and inter-community levels as I have. It's well worth the effort A110 249. My town was designed to be sprawling and it is not safe to walk to stores because there are few continuous sidewalks. Just like roads are built for cars, sidewalks should be constructed for the people that live in the community. 250. I'm afraid to cross the street even when I have a walk signal, because cars rarely stop even for red lights anymore, and there is no enforcement. Drivers are insane now. 251. improve pedesterians motorist interaction at crosswalks. If you observe safe walking practices,mostdrivers will reciprocate with similar courtesies. 252. Walking is easy and safe in my community 253. Snow removal is a huge issue in the winter. Otherwise, I live in a very walkable area. 254. Better planning is needed overall, walkable destinations (shopping centers, etc) need to be design with a multimodal approach and not so car-centric 255. Wow, your questions as to enforcement and education are spot on. I would add this: having police on site during certain PEAK TIMES would possibly improve traffic flow. I give as an example MA Pike exit 17 (leads to rotary in Watertown/Newton/B.C. area) during rush hour. How about having a State Trooper get the hell out of a vehicle and guide traffic M-F from 430 to 630? Local police, too, could positively effect traffic flow just by adjusting light signals during certain peak times and then hand directing traffic. As for cyclists, when did it become the norm to bicycle AGAINST the traffic? 256. Fine dog owners who 1) allow dogs out without a leash.2) Do not clean messes made by their dogs. Big dirty problem . 257. Streets are more level due to cars impacting. Sidewalks seem to crack raise up and overall twist my ankles as I do not see the small obstacles well in snow or night. 258. plow the sidewalks!!! and enforce motorist laws such as speed limit. 259. Sidewalks, curb cuts and signalized intersections are all necessary for me to walk anywhere. I do not like feeling unsafe when walking. 260. Develop more (narrow) stonedust footpaths for exclusive walking and jogging. And develop more (wider) bicycle paths for walking, jogging, wheelchair movement, and bicycling EVERYWHERE. In the cities, in the suburbs, and in the rural and open space areas of the Commonwealth. Separate these pathways from congested sidewalks in commercial areas. Furthermore, separate bicycle lanes from as many roadways as possible. 261. Having individuals keep their dogs on leashes. I live in an upscale community and many of my neighbors walk their “security” dogs without a leash or have dogs outside not fenced in and dogs have jumped on people walking down the street. This also happens at public parks in my area. 262. Relamp streetlights as they burn out.Repair pedestrian activated button switches for walk signal at traffic light controlled intersections. 263. Better long term planning of developments that are compatible and promote walking people need places to walk to which will encourage more walking. 264. 1. Cedar Street (between Highland and Broadway): Cars drive much too fast making it dangerous to walk across, or enter/exit your parked vehicle. I would LOVE to see trafficcalming devices added here.2. More pedestrian zones and corridors in general, following the examples of Southwest Corridor Park, Quincy Market and Downtown Crossing. Harvard Square, Newbury Street, and the North End should go car-free at certain times each day, or just on weekends for starters.3. Prevent any vehicles (or just those taller than an average person) from parking too close to crosswalks. With so many people driving tall SUVs, minivans and trucks, it can be hard to spot pedestrians about to cross the street. 265. More walking paths, like the Linear Park in Somerville. A111 266. The biggest issue is lack of crosswalk and traffic calming. 267. Look at the sidewalk width on primary commuter paths. I regularly walk to and from north station to the financial district and in peak time the sidwalks are overflowing. 268. local regulations requiring that homeowners clear the snow from their sidewalks. You cannot walk into town in this town during the winter because the sidewalks are covered in ice. 269. Put sidewalks on both sides of the street, not just one side, or worse, none at all. 270. Scenery, plant trees, 271. Redesign streets to provide more pedestrian space, and fix walk signals to operate automatically. Narrow crossings with curb extensions and strictly enforce crosswalk yielding laws. Put all bus stops at curb extensions and aggressively keep them clear. Make snow removal a public service rather than blaming property owners as it goes undone. 272. In my community, walking is very safe,and there are many sidewalks. How about havenig the dogwalkers moved aside, rather than the non dog walker having to walk around (often into the street)to avoid the dog on the leash. 273. Make pedestrian crosswalk signal respond quicker. Often when I push the button I have to wait several minutes to get a pedestrian signal. 274. Cambridge, Central Sq. is pretty good, thank you. 275. Since I live within the city, I am disheartened by parking lots for most of the newer shopping areas. There is no thought to pedestrians, or we are an afterthought. The focus is on cars, traffic flow, etc., so if they have to send us around the moon on foot, it doesn't seem to be a concern. Who are the people who design these things? When they rearrange a parking lot, i.e. Porter Square, the traffic can become even more dangerous for us to navigate. And why does someone who is sheltered, sitting down with heat need the shortest, most convenient route, and heaven forbid you have to make them stop for me to get across a street as a trolley is coming. I am expected to miss my trolley, stand in the pouring rain and be splashed by puddles, etc. so that I do not interfere with one car being made to stop on demand. We need the city to be more pedestrian friendly. And by the way - not everyone who is disabled is on wheels. The hike I have to take to get to an elevator or a ramp is sometimes more of a strain than taking the stairs. 276. create more mixed-use opportunities to walk to and from and/or bike. 277. More bike lanes and fewer cars. 278. Pedestrian signal timing is a big issue for me. Cambridge does it better than anyone, with automatic walk signals (they don't even provide pushbuttons) that are timed concurrently and include a leading pedestrian interval, as well as countdowns to how much time you have left to cross. I never have to press a button, worry if my button press worked, or wait very long for a walk signal! Boston, Somerville, and Brookline are a mish-mash of some automatic signals, some where I must press a button, and MANY where I wait up to 2 or 3 minutes only to get 10 seconds or less to cross the street. Metro-Boston cities should follow Cambridge's example! The signals work very well and people actually tend to obey them!Also, I really like the zebra-striped crosswalks that are standard marking in Cambridge and Somerville. I wish all cities in the Boston area (and especially that MassDOT and DCR) would adopt this striping pattern, as it is FAR more visible than just two parallel lines.Furthermore, I'd like to see more raised crosswalks and raised intersections. The ones in Cambridge and Somerville really make it easier to cross the street and force motorists to slow down. A112 279. Wider sidewalks is a big one. If there were less congestion and traffic (and associated fumes, noise pollution, etc) along the Charles River, I think more people would walk there regularly. 280. The Surveys above are confusing and counter intuitive. Many people will not read the instructions and will use '1' as most important, 10 and 'east important.'Also - I wanted improved snow removal on sidewalks and Paths; this does not differentiate from roads. 281. can't walk from my neighborhood to any stores, places of business etc. - too rural 282. Fix Southwest Corridor secondary paths to eliminate standing water 283. Build the Community Path, connecting the Minuteman path and the Charles River paths. 284. New road construction that has included pedestrian bump-outs at crosswalks has been helpful. Also, traffic calming measures are important -- it's unpleasant to walk along a high-speed throroughfare. 285. Better design of intersections, especially on wide streets, making it less threatening and making it easier for cars to see you. Better lighting too. 286. no 287. Bicyclists need to figure out how to either be motorists or pedestrians and not try to walk the line between that. I've seen bicyclists get hit because they think they have the right of way when they don't. 288. Slow down traffic on corridors likely to have pedestrian traffic, by designing roads that do not encourage high speeds. Improve awareness of pedestrians through signage, marked crosswalks, barrels in crosswalk, etc. Improve accessibility of pathways--remove barriers, curbs, fences, broken pavement, obstacles in middle of sidewalks. 289. some streets feel a little dark and thus kind of scary for walking alone at night 290. Plant trees. Shade and wind protection, as well as aesthetic attractiveness, are more important to me than newly painted crosswalks. 291. UPDATE PRESENT SIDEWALKS AND LOOK INTO COMPLETE STREETS. WE HAVE SIDEWALKS GOING TO DEADENDS 292. Children are obese, school buses are expensive, change the law and mindset so that kid walk to school (eg Google Lake Como, Italy) 293. I live in a suburban community, and nothing is within walking distance 294. Construct more bike and pedestrian "bike paths" that restrict any motor vehicle interaction with the trip taking place between two destination points. 295. consistent and improved signal timing so that there is predictability for pedestrians and driversslow traffic speeds in many urban locations 296. employ a shared space model for transportation infrastructure 297. Construct new or connect existing bicycle/walking pathes. 298. Ramps and snow removal for the stroller families would make it more family-friendly. 299. Design urban streets, light timing, crossings, and corners for slower, local speeds so it is safe for everyone [walkers and drivers and kids and old people!]. 300. As an able-bodied, healthy person, I have a fairly easy time walking around. In the winter, it becomes increasingly difficult with poor sidewalk clearance in the snow and terrible drainage in the streets. I have a friend in a wheelchair whose mobility becomes extremely limited in the winter due to Cambridge's narrow/uneven sidewalks especially when they're not shoveled. Cobblestone and brick are charming but I think serious consideration should be made for the disabled, the elderly, parents with strollers etc with concern for A113 retrofitting sidewalks. 301. Increase use of sidewalks. Safer bike paths 302. Make it easier to get the schedule for the local GATRA. 303. More sidewalks of reasonable width. 304. PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN COMPLETELY RESIDENCIAL AREAS CAN'T WALK TO THE LOCAL STORE, RESTAURANT, ETC.i WALK FOR EXERCISE ONLY. WHERE I HAVE TO GO IS TOO FAR AWAY. DON'T KNOW BUS STOP OR ROUTE OR SCHEDULE. 305. Posted travel speed are insane. The "theory" that the correct speed is the speed that most cars travel, flies in the face of logic. Please stop this. The correct speed is the speed that functions adequetly for all users. We have too many places where people (young and old) are trapped in their homes simply because "someone" used this extremely poor methodogy for establishing speed limits. Speed kills. It destroys our neighborhoods, our communities, it fractures our lives. The best speed for a road should not be determined by how wide the asphalt is. Give community leaders the authority to post speeds that they feel will best serve the residents. 306. retail store frontage, street trees, on-street parking and lights! 307. Improve sidewalks or at the very least maintain the current sidewalks. They are overgrown with weeds and encroaching shrubbery and no longer wide enough to walk with a friend. 308. Better signage and maps 309. Clearer,more well Painted Cross-walks. More Police vigilance & stiffer penalties for Drivers who do not respect pedestrians rights. Cars drive too Fast in the 1st place. More Police vigilance & stiffer penalties for those who use cell phones & text while driving. More StateWide & Community Education about these issues. God Bless!! 310. more public awareness - encourage smart growth 311. better timing of lights for per crossing 312. Making sure sidewalks at intersections whether they are two way threeway or fiveway intersections are easily linked and that traffic flow allows for time for crossing. All traffic intersections (because of visual impairment) should be required to have audible signals for crossing. Traffic signals should have an audible beep if cars pulls up beyond a certain point. Intersections should not start or stop at the very top or very bottom of a hill -- it is too dangerous. Strong enforcement of vehicles that block accessibility ramps or crosswalks (including police and public safety and works vehicles because they are the biggest violators). More trimming of tree branches above standard head level. Signage along walkways should be heightened above head level. 313. not realyy 314. We need less government interference, sevice & regulation.Contract out construction, maitenance & clearing of side walks, lighting, etc. 315. THe city should get a small machine to clear sidewalks. We need to keep the bike path cleared of snow everywhere. 316. Better audible walk signals would be helpful to my visually impaired friends.Better lighting would be helpful at night. 317. Teach drivers to behave more responsibly. Many drivers go too fast, don't yield to pedestrians as often as they should. Actually enforcing moving violations and taking drunk driving seriously might help. I think there is a role for more speed bumps and/or elevated A114 crosswalks to emphasize the pedestrian right-of-way and reduce vehicle speeds.Massachusetts has low pedestrian and driver fatality rates because of old and narrow street layouts and generally small scale, not because of any real good traffic enforcement or compliance. 318. Walking is just fine where I live. 319. I am a daily walker, but I have to drive to work. My suburban town is geographically spread out. I walk every morning and often during my lunch hour. I liive six miles from where I work, too far to walk every day. 320. I wish there wasn't on and off ramps from I-93 right where I walk to the T station every morning. Motorists are still in "highway mode" when they get off the exit and want to speed through and not stop at the stop signs. There needs to be better enforcement, especially in the morning and at night-drivers typically do not stop at the stop signs (blow right past) and they run red lights at full speed. 321. Make it easier for pedestrians to get from one side to the other of Alewife Brook Parkway at the Concord Ave circle in Cambridge 322. Longer crosswalk times. 323. there are no sidewalks 324. There are no barriers to walking where I live (Arlington Heights) and work (downtown Boston). If I didn't live at the top of a big hill, with shopping, restaurants, PO, etc. at the bottom, I might walk or ride my bike more to do these errands 325. Longer traffic signals for pedestrian crossing. Boston's traffic lights are designed to make driving easier, many busy roads have very very short time periods for pedestrians. 326. Require snow removal from sidewalks.Stop building sidewalks with utility poles, signs, etc, right in the middle. Provide a buffer between roadway and the sidewalk to make them more usable. 327. Market the health benefits. 328. improve sidewalks and do not put telephone poles in the middle of new sidewalks. Improve curve cuts. 329. Most important is forcing the cars & pedestrians to abide by the walk/stop signals!!! 330. decrease cars parking on the sidewalk 331. sidewalks on all roads (at least on one side of the road, please). 332. Have police ticket people who park on sidewalks, thereby forcing pedestrians to walk in the street. 333. Bad legs so won't consider walking much. 334. fix the broken sidewalks and put sidewalks in where there are none 335. adding lights at dangerous crosswalks, 336. no, I live in a small town where walking is no real issue. I do walk and bicycle, but only for recreation. 337. Pedestrians jaywalking and crossing against traffic signals create life-or-death situations, and in the best light cause inordinate delays. 338. My neighborhood already has excellent pedestrian infrastructure, which I why I didn't rank it as "high" above. 339. Add benches or even small stools where people canrest. A115 340. Need more sidewalks in better repair. 341. Invest in traffic-calming road engineering like somerville and cambridge, MA such as raised intersections and curb-cuts. 342. my reasons are medical; I need to continue loosing weight; and tackle 17 medical conditions; wish me luck + perserverance 343. Crosswalks emplaced and marked on all sides of each intersection 344. Improve intersection crossings. Install traffic lights to control speeds of vehicular traffic on one-way streets. Repair crosswalks. 345. Improve sidewalks where they are non-ADA compliant 346. media campaign to encourage walking, healthy behaviors! 347. I am a cyclist. Bicycle and Moctorcycle. I sometimes ride my MC to work. Nice. The bicyle I use for fitness. In th old days i used to roam far and wide. Now I cnat do that because of traffic volumes and disdainful moterists. Its dangerous out there. On my workout days i stay on the few remaining back roads suitable to ride. 348. More dedicated bike/walking paths! 349. More paths and rights of way. Better lighting 350. More trash cans, so peds arent' tempted to throw trash on the sidewalk. Water fountians wouldb e nice, but that's asking a lot :) 351. More Pedestrian bridges. So many of the bridges in my community are clear obstacles to foot travel because of lack of proper sidewalks and the overall condition of them not the least of which is the actions of trucks on the bridges I will not usually walk to someplace that I have to cross a bridge. They are just not user friendly. 352. More painted crosswalks and enforcement of the stop for pedestrians in cross walk laws even police cruisers do not stop as required. 353. start cracking down on the more offensive jaywalkers 354. Signage -- improved walk/bike access to transit. Post signs on escalators, e.g., at South Station, to stand to right so others can walk up escalator on right. It's standard around the world and makes all more efficient. 355. Zoning. Quit laying out our suburban towns so that people need to drive everywhere. 356. None. Walking is easy. 357. Better walk signals - show how long til the signal change. 358. More crosswalks and better enforcement 359. We use the Community Path/ Bikeway heavily in Somerville, but it becomes impassable due to flooding during rains; the landscaping is beat down to dust, with silt building up in drainage; and serious slope erosion and retaining wall rot threatens abuttors properties as well as mature trees that are losing root anchoring. Remedial maintenance needed on drainage problems and slope stabilization. 360. Require sidewalks to be cleared of snow and overhaning tree branches. Require sidewalks in housing areas 361. Make areas more walker friendly - wider sidewalks, more prominent crosswalks, more trees, plants, etc. (no one likes walking past a dump). 362. I live in a seaside community where people walk for recreation. The nearest supermarket is 8 miles away in another town and there is only spotty transportation to get there. A116 363. we have many streets that do not have sidewalks 364. Improve the area shopping. That will allow for more walks in the neighborhood. People are visual. If they see things that are worth walking and stopping in to have a look, that (I believe) would benefit the community. 365. Perception of safety is always an issue.MBTA delays to my place of work is a serious problem which got me to reduce my use of public transportation.Public transportation services to lower income communities like Chelsea are not sufficient particularly during mid day hours. 366. Create walking paths. 367. Build more sidewalks and cycle paths. Require all new developments and redevelopments to build and maintain pedestrian facilities. Require all developments to follow MassDOT street design guidelines. Reduce parking requirements and charge for parking. 368. More sidewalks and require removing any overhanging brush /limbs 369. Change existing Massachusetts laws to have bicycle lanes and have riders to rider towards on coming traffic so the drivers can see the bicyclists and the bicyclists can see the drivers. Also Pedestrians need to be re-educated to walk in the opposide direction of on coming traffic so that they can see the cars approaching them. This would be easier if we had sidewalks on both sides of the road. Many school districts and heavily walked shopping centers and malls and intersections do not have sidewalks on both sides of the road. 370. Time the walk signals to align with the traffic lights. There are far too many walk/don't walk lights that signal 'don't walk' when it is safe to do so. This frustrates pedestrians and encourages them to ignore the signals all together. 371. Education is more productive, than regulation. Educate the kids in schools about walking and the rules of the road. Kids will then educate their parents. 372. Install traffic signals at cross walks across major streets. 373. have local planning boards understand urban design 374. Make it mandatory to clean up after animals. 375. Creat a state statute that all bridges that go over interstates and state highways that link municipal roads on either side be the responsibility of the municipality to clean and to remove snow and ice on both the roadway and the sidewalks of that bridge. It is ridiculous to have a town or city say it is a state bridge, therefore the state needs to do that removal. If the underlying highway did not exist, the municipality would have to remove snow and ice on the road portion at least. It should also have to do this on the sidewalks of the bridge too. 376. Fewer cars, better public transportation, easy to understand transfer among bus, subway, train, agressive litter removal and sidewalk and gutter washing. 377. Reduce encroachment of shrubs on sidewalks. 378. I chose to live where I live because I can walk places so it is not too bad. The worst thing is when there is a lot of snow and the town does not deal with it quickly or at all. 379. Do as New York does, and time crosswalks with traffic signals so that when motorists have a red light, pedestrians crossing that roadway have a "Walk" sign, and turning vehicles must yield to pedestrians in the crossing. At present, you can be standing at an intersection with a "Don't Walk" sign in either direction. 380. ensure sidewalks clear of over grown branches and snowenforce traffic laws esp left turns 381. Slow down speeding traffic! There's no excuse for driving any faster than about 30mph A117 382. 383. 384. 385. through congested, historic neighborhoods with many pedestrians. Traffic calming should be the norm: Narrow travel lanes, wide sidewalks, raised ped xwalks and raised intersections, curb extension, chicanes, bike lanes. I'm very tired of dodging bikers who don't stop at crosswalks, blow through red lights and stop signs. Improve the number of curb cuts for handicapped rampes at sidewalk intersections. It is usefull for baby carriages, strollers, wagons and for children learning to ride bicycles. Right now, i avoid certain streets if i know that there are not any handicapped ramps in place at the sidewalk. Traffic speeds are a major issue for pedestrian safety. Currently people expect to drive fast in urban areas (more than 20 MPH)-- this even when the average speed is about 15 MPH or less. We should design our streets for a maximum speed of 20 MPH or less. This would make streets much more walkable.Pedestrian desire lines are also useful. Often we channel pedestrians where it's convenient for cars, not pedestrians. We should map where pedestrians actually walk, and place the crosswalk there. Hint: this may be midblock.If people who relied on pedestrian planning made the rules instead of car-drivers, the streets would be much more pedestrian friendly. Unfortunately, most traffic engineers own and drive cars as their primary mode of transportation. More bus shelters needed, with heat. 386. Specially during the snow season, the sidewalks get blocked by snow. It would be a great improvement for everyone if that wouldnt happen! 387. Improvement,enforce speeds nad rules of moving vehichles 388. My sense is that walking is most helped by (1) better urban planning, making walks 'feel' shorter (2) get the cars to behave better, they run amok and it's unsafe, could be a good revenue source too (3) better transit leads to more walking (make mixed mode easy) 389. Pedestrian behavior is intollerable, attitudes about the drivers right to travel along streets are nasty. People deliberately stride slowly across a street, when there is a green light for the car to continue on, J walking which takes more time in crossing a street. Enforce no Jwalking and do not cross on green light should be put into action. 390. undergrounding utility lines 391. The brick sidewalks in Cambridge can be a PAIN to walk on both literally and figuratively. I end up staring at the ground when I walk to make sure I don't twist my ankle from a missing brick, or from a section of the sidewalk where tree roots and the weather have made a roller coaster of the bricks. 392. Pedestrian signals are largely ignored in the Boston area. Either pedestrians should be encouraged to abide by them via education or enforcement, or else money should not be wasted on them. 393. Fix the roads so bicycles can ride on them. Provide wider shoulders. 394. Change the Zoning. More mixed use zoning overlays are needed so that there is a better mix of commercial and residential and the distances are walkable. 395. Add more trees and landscaping....a greener community actually reduces stress. 396. More off-street paths! People love walking on them, rather than being subjugated to cars on the streets. 397. walking parks, trails 398. snow and ice removal are by far the most important! A118 399. Better crosswalks, better education to motorists about pedestrian priority at crosswalks. 400. wider sidewalks, narrower intersections, more reconstruction of sidewalks 401. Traffic calming to slow motorists down. Probibiting "short cut" turns through residential areas to avoid traffic congestion. 402. Remove growth over sidewalks, especially poison ivy. 403. Providing safer pedestrian access to the surrounding area. Russell transportation uses the sidewalk to park trucks during transition and they block safe access to the area. Could there be concrete barriers from the corner and part way under the bridge to provide a buffer from cars speeding through the area and prevent trucks from parking on the sidewalk? A wider sidewalk would create a reasonable place to walk. Currently one is forced to use the street because people use the sidewalk to park vehicles. Clear stripes and a caution light on both sides of route 28 would be great. During a typical winter the steps from the bridge are covered with snow as well as the bridge. I have two children and I find it difficult to walk anywhere with them during the winter months. 404. no 405. Walking routes are somewhat roundabout in the the Brickbottom industrial area. More direct underpasses/overpasses for crossing large roads and, especially, the train tracks would be great. 406. Make the education part of driver licensing and part of the school system 407. Walk signals that change quickly after people press the button. It shouldn't take 30-60 seconds.Repair and maintain sidewalks. 408. Winter snow removal of bus stops and sidewalks. The snow removal on streets actually usually piles up on sidewalks and crosswalks encouraging pedestrians to walk on the roads with traffic. 409. Have more exclusive pedestrian phases at signalized intersections. 410. Keep pedestrian and bicycle traffic away from vehicular as much as possible. Do not require that bicyclists ride on the street. Provide bike lanes on highways separated from vehicular traffic. 411. Please get the City of Medford to take snow removal seriously, and start looking at improved traffic flow through Powderhouse Square (as well as policing the ass-hats that blow through lights and ignore crossing guards). 412. Key: Clear and frequent crosswalk marking to ensure safe crossing for pedestrians -- and enforce pedestrian yield laws so drivers pay more attention. 413. Enforce, no parking on sidewalks! Fresh Pond Parkway between Huron Avenue and Brattle Streets (out-bound) 414. Get more frequent commuter rail/ bus especially in the evenning 415. Enforce cars to stop for pedestrians at crosswalks. I have witnessed countless times in which cars do not yield to pedestrians at crosswalks, particularly for elders. I'm interested in improving pedestrian areas in places such as Somerville, MA by limiting the speed and access of cars through major pedestrian thoroughfares such as Davis and Union Squares. As a cyclist, pedestrian, and someone who drives once every three months using a zipcar, I am familiar with all the gripes of each cohort. I practice courteous behavior no matter what mode I am using. In a dense city such as Somerville, I believe facilities should be created to support more pedestrians and bikers. As far as bike enforcement goes, if the roads were safe enough to ride a bike (I am not afraid to ride them), then more people would be on the roads versus the sidewalks. I do not appreciate bikers riding on the A119 sidewalks. 416. no 417. you are not considering the extent of people that use ambulatory assistance devices in this community. 418. REDO SIDEWALKS, MOST ARE WARN AND OR DAMAGED 419. I find walkability and bikability go hand-in-hand. They ought to be equal, and primary, concerns when planning road projects through residential and commercial corridors. 420. Eliminate push button walk lights, they encourage jaywalking. Find whatever state has a model that makes it easy to fine and collect fines on bicyclists and pedestrians who violate traffic laws and pass that law in Massachusetts. 421. make it safer; better lighting; clean sidewalks; have bicyclist obey laws 422. I live near downtown, and walking there is generally easy and safe. Enforcing crosswalk laws I think need to be stepped up for both cars and bicycles (bikers are often the worst transgessors)... I would like to see more attention paid to sidewalks that have become very uneven/broken. 423. Better sidewalks, better busses, quicker response to crosswalk buttons 424. Ensuring that the sidewalks are the appropriate width -- narrow sidewalks to allow for 7' of a parking lane isn't always the right way.Also, when a driveway intersects the sidewalk, the black pavement should be bisected by the concrete sidewalk, not the other way around. This way, there is a visual cue that the motorist is invading on the sidewalk and ought to yield to the peds. 425. As a walker AND a sometimes driver, I think pedestrians really need to stop walking out into the road when they do not have the right of way. I see so many walkers ignore DON'T WALK signals and really snarl traffic. This also creates unsafe conditions for everyone involved. It's my biggest city pet peeve. I guess maybe more enforcement or education for pedestrians? I'm not sure what would actually improve things b/c people seem to be selfcentered when it comes to getting around the city, no matter how they are getting around. 426. Brookline is very walkable, save for the errant bicyclists that disobey the laws. 427. "Everything" is so convienient in Coolidge Corner don't need much improvement. 428. NO ONE stops for pedestrians in the crosswalk. I live by the Market Basket in Somerville, and almost get hit by a car nearly every day while crossing in a crosswalk. It is ridiculous and dangerous!!! 429. Walking in Davis/Porter area is pretty easy. 430. Just a note that in my community (N. Cambridge) walking is quite easy. However, I have noticed that some communities walking is much more difficult due to a lack of pedestrian infrastructure. For example, I took the bus to Waltham for a work event, and was dismayed to discover that there were no sidewalks or cross walks at the bus stop or surrounding areas. 431. Make signage esier for low-visition pedestrians, including greater contrast and larger print street signs, audio street crossing, reflective paint cross walks, longer time to cross streets. 432. Many of our sidewalks are in hideous shape, full of potholes, frost heaves, etc., which really do need fixing. Also, the area between Brickbottom and Union Square, in the McGrathObrien highway overpass should be made more pedestrian-friendly and safer to walk around in at night. A120 433. Enforce cars actually stopping at stop signs. The corner of Day Street/Orchard and Dover Street/Orchard in Somerville consistently has ppl slowing down to see if anyone's coming... and then running the stop signs. Terrifying. 434. IMPROVED LIGHTING 435. Make the city more welcoming as a whole 436. More/brighter streetlights, especially on the McGrath highway overpass (right behind Shaw's). 437. Lighting the sidewalks is VERY important! For a woman it is not safe to walk home in the dark. Also the stairs are not lighted from the Mcgrath Bridge down to Fitchburg Street! Very Dangerous!I would love to use public transport as it was always my choice form of transport when I lived in England, Switzerland and France. But the times are so unreliable and infrequent that it makes it impossible! Pair that with walking home on condemned sidewalks...That's why I drive! 438. I live in Somerville & work in Allston, both of which are already pretty walkable as it is, so no, not really. 439. Smaller storefronts, less parking lots directly off the street. 440. More bike path and improve access for people with disabilities. 441. Bicyclist are the real problem. 442. law enforcement!!!!!!!!!!!!!driving schools!!!!!!!!!!! 443. Get bicyclists off the sidewalks!!! When they come up from behind you, it can be frightening and throw you off balance. 444. Mark Streets more clearly for shared-use. 445. add bike lanes to the 128 underpass next to Burlington Mall. 446. I work in Beacon Hill and live in Somerville (Winter Hill). If there was a way to walk to my house, I'd walk home when the weather is nice. However, I'd have to walk along side highways, and there's one part where there is no sidewalk at all (part of Medford St, Somerville as it exits from McGrath Highway). 447. In somerville the pedestrian signals could be a bit more intelligent. The signal at School and Highland doesn't take into account that School is ONE WAY at that point, so if the traffic light for School traffic is RED, then just automatically turn on the pedestrian signal on the city-hall side. One of many examples. 448. Provide any public transportation at all as a start. 449. Periodic inspection of pedestrian operated push-button switches for requesting a "walk" light. In my town the controlled intersections that I use have usually two corners with non-operational pedestrian operated push-button switches and telephoning city hall does Not get this some remedial action. 450. improve crossing lights at coolidge corner:all red for crossing then green for traffec 451. Homeowners are required to clear snow but don't. There is no enforcement. They need to get tickets or they will not clear.Motorists are too aggressive and do not stop for pedestrians in the road/crosswalk or at stop signs. There needs to be a LOT more enforcement. 452. Need traffic and walk light controls at Rte 16 and Rte 28 (Mystic Valley Parkway and the Fellsway in Medford--it's terrifying to cross Rte 16 to get to McDonald Park where I would like to walk my dog. A121 453. Light all urban streets.Bycyclists of all ages are now routinely using the sidewalk for the duration of their travel. I do not mind children traveling alone using a bike on the sidewalk. Everyone else should get a $1,000 ticket.Keep the motorized vehicles (tyhe kind ylu stand on, with two wheels) off of the sidewalk at all times. Anything motorized, other than a wheelchair, shluld not be allowed, by law, on the sidewalk. 454. litter cleanup (look at the MBTA Yawkey station fence area along Beacon St) would help foster a safer walking route for me. Car break-ins along that area also leave a lot of broken glass. 455. teach the building inspectors how to inspect accessibility. withold chapter 90 funding for inaccessible sidewalks, curb cuts and other inaccessible "ped improvements." talk about Walkability in terms of SAFETY and ACCESSIBILITY instead of merely proximity to stuff.teach the public that accessibility is everyone's safety concern, not "just" people with disabilities. 456. Enforce Motor vehicl elaws. 457. Traffic calming measures would be very helpful 458. better lighting 459. more sidewalks 460. Connect one facility with another such that any one person can get from one part to another without any issues. Have local towns create bike and walk maps so that residents can view them either at the town halls or onlines. That way people can plan their activities better. 461. While I use my car, I completed this for the many low income people who come to school here. For the most part day students must walk 1/2 mile in all kinds of weather, and generally take two buses to get here for day classes. The lack of a bus at the end of evening classes severely limits adults from Springfield who would want to learn more English. While Chicopee has sidewalks,little enforcement happens requiring individuals to shovel the sidewalks in the manner required by local ordinance. Such an effort would require the Mayor and Police Department to use the ticket ( and fine) to enforce the law. 462. No 463. Availability of drinking fountains 464. Enforce illegal parking on sidewalks (either partially on roads/sidewalks, or people's driveways protruding onto sidewalks) 465. Sidewalks on both sides of streets and as many miles of them as feasible. 466. Reintroduce local shopping areas. My use is not recorded above because I'm a five minute walk from drug store/supermarket/bookstore, etc. Not many are as fortunate and malls, etc. are not well served by mass transit. 467. Make sure the walk signals are long enough for people to actually walk from one side of the street to another. Also, make sure the green lights are long enough for pedestrians crossing with traffic (like when people cross a main street when the cross street light turns green). 468. the bump-outs that reduce the width of the street at the cross walk are great - more of those.public information campaign to improve driver behavior (to try and reduce left turns into cross walk, etc..) 469. Widen the sidewalks. 470. blowing trash, more trash receptacles. A122 471. Better lighting 472. More facilities that are within walking distance 473. Provide more reasons to walk: decrease traffic flow, noise, and pollution; add more interesting things along the way (less purely residential areas, more mixed shops/cafes/homes); keep safety high.. 474. Narrowers vehicle lanes, mid-crosswalk Yield to Peds signs, raised crosswalks/tables, speed and red light cameras, tighter corner radii at intersections, bump-outs. Wider, smoother sidewalks without obstructions. ADA ramps at *all* crosswalks. Removing all the push-button pedestrian signals and implementing concurrent pedestrian signals with a leading pedestrian interval (this is standard in Cambridge). 475. Since you asked about snow removal, one of the biggest problems is the unwillingness of communities to cite (and fine) property owners who fail to clear the snow on their sidewalks. I don't care if you feel uncomfortable giving fines to "little old ladies." Being a property owner comes with responsibilities, and one of them is clearing the snow. If someone can't physically do it themselves, they should hire someone. If they can't afford to hire someone, they should sell and move. There are condos where the building association will do it for you. If you're afraid to fine "little old ladies," maybe you should consider the "little young kids" that have to walk in the street to get to school. 476. Continue to provide healthy street trees and public parks. 477. Transit is too unreliable unfortunately; I use it a lot, but prefer to walk or bike because I'm then in control of how long a trip takes me - even if it takes longer. Trains and buses stop all the time with no obvious reason, they do not run on schedule and then 2 or 3 buses come at a time. Bus drivers also usually do not wait even if they see you running to the bus, and my pregnant wife had buses drive by when they had a green light when she was at bus stops. Other than that, continuing to fix potholes (as they do in Cambridge very quickly when reported) and loose bricks on sidewalks will help. 478. Somerville seems to have a lot of push button signals for pedestrians. Pedestrians should have concurrent signals at most intersection instead of the push button. Davis Square in Somerville is Particularly bad for this. Since there are so many pedestrians entering and exiting the T there and crossing traffic there should be more opportunities to cross for pedestrians. 479. Get owners to cut back overhanging shrubbery that block sidewalks. 480. My big problem is that because of back problems I can walk very little these days. None of these things has as much impact as my condition. 481. I live in Brookline. Walking is already good there. 482. Extending the walking path in Somerville cannot come soon enough -- I would use it every day. 483. encourage it! In the Brookline TAB there is a weekly column that encourages recycling, and I believe it has been effective. Similarly, a regulr upbeat promotion of walking AND CYCLING woudl make a difference! 484. Fine buildings that put sandwich ads, or other obstructions in the middle of sidewalk, making access difficult for people with disabilities. Also give fines to buildings that allow vendors/contractors to block sidewalk by placing hoses, etc. across walkway, blocking access to people with disabilities, and not having a staff person monitor the sidewalk and need of people to walk on it. 485. In particular the clearing of snow from publicly owned properties. A123 486. Install crosswalks; fix broken pedestrian signal 487. green the streets 488. Relax zoning regulations so more (clean) businesses can open in residential areas. Take more cars off the road (by raising the cost of driving by instituting a "congestion fee" and by raising parking fees. San Francisco has done very well raising parking fees in highdemand areas. Less car traffic means faster buses, which means more walking. 489. enforce cross walks, build bigger sidewalks, plant shade trees, clear snow 490. Add more cycle lanes to promote less sidewalk bike riders. 491. stick to the plan of removing the McGrath overpass and don't waste money and time rebuilding it. This is the kind of short sighted thinking that has us in this mess in the first place. 492. incentives away from suburban zoning mentalitystop rewarding suburbs for doing it wrong with free highway money in lavish amounts 493. Improve traffic light schedule to allow more time to cross street 494. bump out curbs to make crossing distances shorterenforcement of cars running stop lights and not stopping at crosswalksreduce waiting time for pedestrians at intersections with traffic signals (these are long in Boston!) 495. we need wider sidewalks and grade separated bike lanes, better sidewalk ramps, less onstreet parking (space better used for wider sidewalks and/or grade separated bike lanes) 496. I would go for an automobile-less society. If we have to go to another planet, will we only be able to go where there was a history of dinosaurs or other fossils for organic fuels? I would go for a planet that provided eletromagnetic energy in abundance which is a much more likelier find. 497. Footpaths around the city, and into Boston and Newton. 498. The sidewalks are the biggest problem. Roads are really narrow and two cars and a pedestrian cannot coexist. 499. Walk signals should be in sync with traffic signals (when cars move through intersections pedestrians should get the "walk" signal to go in the same direction, with turning cars yielding to the walkers). Having to press a button to be able to cross a street as well as all the illogical "Don't walk" signals when there is absolutely no reason not to walk (for instance across a one-way street where no vehicle can turn and pass through that crosswalk) are just two of the major reasons we have such an extraordinary culture of jaywalking in this region. Pedestrians are constantly taking the right of way away from vehicles, or pressing for "Walk" signals when they have no intention of waiting for it to appear, again reinforcing the endemic culture of jaywalking we have. Fix the walk/don't walk signals to make them more logical. It will slow the vehicles, too. 500. Emprove lighting 501. Encourage homeowners to cut back shrubs that partially block the sidewalk. 502. more trash cans. cleaner sidewalks. longer "WALK" signs at large intersections. Police presence during rush hour, to avoid "gridlock" and people running red lights. Enforce bike rules. Speed bumps. Better lighting on crosswalks at night. perhaps using a color that will glow at night 503. Reduce motor vehicle traffic 504. More trees along sidewalks to make walking in summer more pleasant, for god's sake fix that whole thing where the turn light goes green at the same time the pedestrian light tells A124 you to cross, so the cars turning are mad that you're walking in front of them and vice versa. Also I think it would be great to have covered corridors along major walking paths, like leading to Market Basket where so many older folks walk to and from. Covered to shield from hot sun, cut into the sidewalks that are very deep and put strips of soil with plantings to break up the oven effect and improve air quality. 505. Reduce speed limits.Charge to get into the city center.Widen sidewalks, reduce the number of car lanes.Shade, street furniture. 506. Better street lighting 507. Put some sidewalks in, at least on the main roads. 508. 1. Snow removal in my town and in boston are pretty good already. In fact they go down the street 5x and just scrape pavement! I'd rather see that wasted money spent somewhere else.2.Give tickets for cars that park on the sidewalks! 3, Take away all the "junk" that take up all the sidewalk space like marketing signs, poles, excess paper boxes,etc. 509. IF there are sidewalks, many have roots pushing them up, or are broken, or don't drain. Enforce parking bans or parking NOT on the sidewalk. You can't walk to school or to a store without walking in the street. 510. Educar mas a los residentes a mantener su comunidad en mejor mantenimiento. 511. working crosswalk signals 512. Studies and evidence show that the litmus test of "making cities and towns safe for children" ends up being the ultimate benchmark that just automatically, by default, will result in near-perfect safety and liveability conditions for all. So when you improve and prioritize cycling infrastructure and pedestrian infrastructure, interesting, you also reduce motor vehicle accidents in those areas as well. Just do this research - this has been demonstrated consistently in other cities and represents "Vulcan logic." It's time to deemphasize cars and actually prioritize, through funding and projects, safe walking and biking routes, as well as making mass transit a convenient option for everyone living in "smart / dense" cities, towns and village centers. 513. Clean streets, better lit streets, infrastructure that is safe (i.e., the underpass of the McGrath Highway is crumbling away and pieces have fallen apart recently), rodent control such as pigeons that leave guano all over the place, clean up of dead animals such as dead pigeons and rats. Much of the streets in Somerville are a disgrace and it's not a pleasure to walk anywhere. 514. Provide my town with money to build sidewalks. We need sidewalks, sidewalks, sidewalks! 515. Living in a fairly urbanized area of Somerville, I think a lot of the necessary improvements have been made already. 516. NO 517. Improving sidewalks and signals will do a lot to improve motorist, pedestrian, and bicyclist behavior, I think, without spending specific money on enforcement. But who knows. 518. More community paths for pedestrians and cyclists. 519. More indicators in a crosswalk would help. Improving sidewalks would be great. 520. We need paths created and sidewalks. 521. The only factor that could improve walking in my community is improved snow removal on the sidewalks. This is not a concern for me, but it probably is for other people. A125 522. SNOW REMOVAL IS ALWAYS A PROBLEM ON THE HARVARD STREET BRIDGE/OVERPASS BETWEEN GLENWAY AND NORWELL. NO ONE EVER SHOVELS THE SIDE WALKS!!! EVER!! AND THEY ARE NOT SANDED EITHER. 523. I highly believe that bicyclist need to be educated about the laws. Motorist are doing thier part but with more people bicycling and not obeying the laws of the road makes it pretty tough on both the motorist and the pedestrian. As far as the inner city pedestrians also need some education on what is not only the law but what it logic. 524. Need new side walks, new street pawing 525. again it has to do with the way a community is designed. we live close to shops and public transportation - by choice and design.Motorist and cyclist and pedestrian behavior could be improved!!! 526. PUBLIC EDUCATION 527. Better system for snow clearing in winter- the current system has plows clearing the road, but pushing snow up onto pedestrian and wheelchair ramps, with no apparent follow up to shovel out. 528. Enforce laws against vehicles running through stop signs, red lights, etc. 529. Safer roads better signage for safe bicycling, enforce motorist/ bike laws. reaffirm bikes have reasonable rights on roads. 530. Boston sidewalks are horrible for people using things like rolling walkers. I fall weekly due to poor sidewalks. 531. More visible cross walk lanes that make people aware of pedestrian presence and right to be there. Fix sidewalks with broken surfaces from tree roots, make neighbors cut overhanging vegetation that narrows the width of the walkway, and enforce snow removal with a wide enough space for passage. 532. Walking is good in my community (Beacon Hill).I'd like more bike infrastructure.I DO NOT want police or anyone "governing pedestrian behavior." That is insane and would significantly reduce my quality of life. Cars and bikes, fine. 533. Should have sidewalks available on most major streets 534. more sidewalks! 535. I'm disabled and use a motorized wheelchair so any improvements to sidewalks and more curb ramps would increase my mobility. 536. Oh yes. Make it safer. Is a bullet going to go whizzing by my head? 537. NO 538. Promote it is the healthy and economical way to travel. 539. Mandate that ALL sidewalks be TOTALLY CLEARED when only a small path is cleared in the winter it forces pedestrians to walk in the street. 540. remove bricks 541. Engineer walkways and streets so pedestrians and motorists can see one another (no blocked views). Educate pedestrians on "distracted walking". Too often I've seen pedestrians step off the curb into traffic while on the cell phone. Ban cell phone use for drivers unless stopped. Educate them on safe places to stop and use the phone. 542. safety must be improved 543. Provide compleat streetscapes A126 544. need security in crossing streets. traffic signals not properly set; walk, don't walk signs out of synch and often direct pedestrians to cross at dangerous times, some lights too short for comfortable pedestrian crossing. Also cars make right turns whenever they want to, whether or not pedestrians are seeking to cross. Suggest ending right turn on red signs in particular; right turn on right is the most dangerous practice 545. Homeowners should trim hedges that grow out onto the sidewalks. Homeowners living on sloping streets should shovel more promptly after storms. Storefront owners should shovel more than their doorway and not block access to the sidewak with shoveled snow piled at the curbs and corners. 546. all my life I have riding bike on the sidewalk. I am sure aI won't run over anyone yet I am breaking the law. dang 547. Brookline is extremely walkable 548. sidewalks in my town are in need of repair. Tree roots have damaged many. More than walking, I am most interested in a bike way to Boston. I would like to see the bike way discussed with the Greenline extension project constructed. There is no safe way to bike to Boston from Medford. 549. No 550. Not at this time. 551. side walks there are no side walk people with small children, eldly,walk and runs have to walk a the street not safe 552. No sidewalks in my community it is unsafe to walk rural area. 553. When I was younger, I did not like to walk in the city because of people bothering me. In addition, a couple of times people tried to grab my purse while I was walking. (I held on to it both times, and the person ran off.) 554. Replace brick sidewalks with concrete and never do brick in the walking R0W. Keep cafes from encroaching on walking ROW. Speed changes to concurrent signal timing; make cycles short and Walk time long; add LPI. Keep crosswalks painted and across both crossings. Commit city to keeping curb ramps clear of snow and some jurisdiction ditto for bus stops. And lots more. 555. Complete construction and always consider pedestrian flow when setting up construction sites. 556. More frequent weekend transit options. 30-60 mins between buses/trains is not going to encourage people to use transit 557. I think ensuring sidewalks is important. It is not neccessary tomake elaborate or grandeous improvements-just the simple ones!! 558. I do not drive, and as a frequent pedestrian, I am very concerned about distracted drivers-either in cars or on bikes. I would like to see a total ban of cell phone use while driving, including a ban on the use of hands free cell phones, which still contribute to distraction. 559. motorist behavior is a real issue--for peds and bikers. not so much a matter of enforcing laws for peds and bikes but more making laws that are actually relevant. Many laws-jaywalking, complete stops, etc- make zero sense from a non-car perspective. 560. Get rid of Mcgrath Obrien overpasses. addmore direct paths to centers 561. wider sidewalksstreet treespublicity pointing out the cost savings and health benefits of walkingguerrilla signs as in this article A127 562. Smarter signals for pedestrians--why shouldn't I be able to cross a one-way street where traffic is stopped? 563. Provide funds for extending the Ashuwillticook Trail into Pittsfield 564. No 565. Incease the number of bike/walking trails that are free of traffic noise and mayhem. Our community is a commuter cut-through community that has no bike/walking trails. 566. make sure that people are not allowed to use cellphones while they drive!!!! 567. no 568. Wider sidewalks 569. Facillities for walking are fine in Brookline 570. More Pedestrian Paths 571. Not really. I live in Davis Square and I count myself very lucky. I think it's extremely walkable. A few more street lights along Elm St. at night might make me feel a little safer, but that's all I can think of. 572. Around Boston University on Comm. Ave., the pedestrians and cyclists --- especially the students --- completely ignore all laws. I have to go there daily, and it's terrifying every time. 573. walking in brookline is great. enforcing rules about snow removal would really help in the winter. enforcing red light running by autos would also be great. 574. There is a cultural problem that fosters a disdain for all non-car transportation. Pedestrians are inherently wrong when crossing, cyclists are inherently taking up too much space in virtue of existing, and buses are deemed too slow-moving at all times. The car is perceived as king, and systemic steps must be taken in order to quell this misnomer. Perhaps a public awareness campaign that tames the driver's ego would manage this task. 575. I think that my community is great for walking. 576. Implement traffic calming measures, such speed humps, parking on alternate sides of the streets, narrower motor vehicle lanes, one-ways.Plant more and larger shade trees.Make sidewalks wider.Encourage small-scale neighborhood commercial activity imbedded into residential neighborhoods.Build the green line.Don't cut buses. 577. I walk all the time - Cambridge is perfect for walking. 578. Encourage people to learn about safe walking routes in their communities... 579. Look at the major walk linkages first and make sure they are in place and are safe and convenient. With limited funds there needs to be a prioritization based on use. 580. Walking is an extremely dangerous urban activity. There are holes,broken sidewalks and, even the people who repair these are negligent. Work areas are left unmarked after the workmen leave.I even found a hammer in a cut away while the workers were a few feet away. . . 581. my community is very walkable. In fact, most trips are 582. At some point, turning on a red light is going to have to be phased out. As a pedestrian, there is really no good time to cross since people can turn even when you have the crosswalk sign. 583. Get rid of cars.....or make crosswalks more visible...enforce laws...obey stop signs, one way streets, speeding. A128 584. Somerville is already a great place for walking. 585. Educate pedestrians on how to cross the street. I see so many people who push the walk button and then walk out across the street anyway (against a green signal). Motorists get rightfully pissed and don't yield anymore. The worst law we have is that the pedestrian always has the right of way. Now they just walk out in front of cars often pushing their baby carriage out in front of them. This law should be changed to except when light is green for cross traffic. We have created a dangerous hostile pedestrian vs. motorist environment. 586. Time the light signals better and slow down motorists. 587. What about wayfinding signs with walking times on them? If people knew it was only a 10 minute walk (or 3 minute bike) from point A to point B they may be more likely to walk. You could probably even add "calories burned" to that sign. People may not think of walking & biking as a great weight management tool, but it's so much better than sitting in a car all day. 588. streets are not welcoming, and sometimes don't feel safe 589. I live in Wendell. There are many miles between "here and there" and biking, not walking, is the way to go. 590. Consistent enforcement of driving laws that protect pedestrians. I can't tell you how many cars continue through intersections while I'm standing in the crosswalk. More stop signs, speed bumps and blinking yellow lights. 591. On Huntington near South Huntington a lot of people leave trash on the sidewalk. It would be much nicer if they would use trash barrels , and wait for trash day if it is bags of household trash !Next to where I live by the corner of the J-Way and Huntington, there is a sidewalk that could really use repair . It's the one that curves around the gas station by the exit ramp from the J-Way. It is really crumbling badly.Thanks! 592. I am a person with a disability and I find pedestrian's and bicyclists very rude to my community. Pedestrians walk side by side not making room for others coming in the opposite directions and bicyclists do not watch for pedestrians and cut you off at cross walks. 593. Get the recycling companies to be accountable for the objects that blow off of their trucks and litter pedestrian paths alongside the side of the road. 594. Your questions were for people not in wheelchairs! 595. I work in on State/Armory/Federal area. I walk often on STCC campus, but would be too afraid to walk on the streets. MORE POLICE PRESENCE IS MANDATORY. ALSO POLICE MUST FOLLOW PEDESTRIAN SAFETY RULES...NEVER STOP FOR CROSSWALKS. 596. connect rail trails to shopping areas 597. safety 598. build more sidewalks and bike paths 599. I'm in a rural area. 600. Invest in local economic development and community building 601. No more brick. You can't imagine how difficult and dangerous it is to navigate brick with any kind of mobility or balance issue. 602. Make using a cell phone while driving completely illegal and socially unacceptable. Promote walking and cycling as sensible and healthy alternatives to driving everywhere. Demolish all shopping malls and bring commercial life back to downtown areas, and A129 illegalize those loud car stereo systems that make the entire neighborhood vibrate. 603. make sure there is police presence in some of the high crime areas. make sure street lighting is working. 604. more sidewalks 605. Promote traffic-calming by redesigning streets & intersections to slow traffic and increase the safety & desirability of walking & public transit. 606. More police patrol 607. Walking in Wilbraham is very convenient 608. more snow removal is highly needed for wheelchair users. 609. After snowstorms clear snow & ice from all sidewalks or institute walkers' lanes in the streets. To avoid falling on icy sidewalks I walk in the bike lanes because they have been plowed & sanded and usually no bikers are using them. Enforcing laws is great but punitive. How about a courtesy campaign that asks everyone - walkers, bikers, skateboarders, drivers - to look out for each other? Biking has become safer but I still observe impatient and unsafe behavior daily. 610. better walking signals 611. It's good 612. Knock down the elevated section of McGrath! 613. walking on the hill. gina's car with tommy and brittany be with close friends and i will behavior and follow the rules and van 96 gina 614. Infrastructure. Both sidewalks, better signal timing, crosswalk timing - and also, benches, and lights! 615. Provide LPIs (leading pedestrian intervals) for pedestrians crossing busy signalized intersections with permitted turns. Allowing peds to get into the road before vehicles start turning will help peds cross roads safely. Providing concurrent ped phasing is also nice because peds don't have to wait as long for their turn to walk. 616. No 617. Try to encourage as much high-density, transit-oriented, mixed use developments as possible. Limit car amenities as much as possible to encourage more pedestrians and cyclists to enjoy commercial, cultural, and civic opportunities. 618. My community (Cambridge) has great access but many areas in the suburbs it's literally impossible to walk anywhere because there are no sidewalks. 619. In Somerville, I've noticed a trend of shifting side-walk ramps and crosswalks to the side (ie, Broadway St. crossing Willow). I assume this has to do with sewer grate placement and sidewalk ramp grade, which are good concerns. However, it would be nice if the crosswalks and ramps were more in line with pedestrian desire lines. As is, most people just step of the curb and walk across the street next to the crosswalk, as you would expect. 620. More raised intersections, narrower lanes, narrower streets. 621. Mixed use zoning and development. Don't design for the passenger vehicle - use a complete streets model - multi modal. More Bike Lanes - Less traffic lanes 622. The most dangeros condition I encountered recently was an uneven concrete sidewalk, near the JFK building in downtown Boston. I tripped and nearly fell forward but caught myself in mid-fall. Otherwise it would have been extemely painful. Women complain about bricks. Uneven concrete is the worst problem for me as a pedestrian and a rider on bike A130 paths. More bike lanes. During winter time, bike lanes are more likely to be plowed and allow an alernative to slippery sidewalks for walking. 623. Slow cars down. Deprioritize driving infrastructure, parking, etc. 624. Make it a health issue, obscenity is out of control in this country people need to start walking short distances. I think in my neighborhood (Roxbury) some people find it too dangerous. Also cars do not respect cross walks or lights so it's dangerous for people to walk...also people walk on the SWC bike path which is frustrating when there's another path or sidewalk right next to it. 625. I think the biggest thing is mixed-use development, making sure that origins and destinations are close together. 626. Keep the "T" going as often as it does. Maybe it could be more on time! 627. More cycletracks and off street paths for cycling will help with all modes of transit. 628. Provide more maps and guides. Reconfigure dangerous intersections 629. Most sidewalks are far too narrow and result in pedestrians being forced to walk in the street. 630. Many sidewalks do not have adequate space to walk.....because of trees and roots ... home owners bushes that extend over the the uneven sidewalks....It these issues could be could walk, not to trip and fall, with out obstructions ....Thank You for asking... 631. I think there needs to be MUCH more emphasis on providing bicyclist safety education and getting across the message that bicyclists are required to follow many of the same rules of the road that motorists do (i.e. not ride on the sidewalk when there are bike lanes; not run through red lights; yield to pedestrians in crosswalks; not go the wrong way on one-way streets; etc. -- I have had many close calls (as a pedestrian) when bikes have nearly hit me while I crossed in a cross walk with the green light! 632. Remove barriers on sidewalks like signs for businesses. Also make beautification improvements for encourage businesses to do so. Like plant grass or plant shade trees for a cooler walk in the summer. 633. I am a wheelchair user and rough, unkept sidewalks are very tough for me to navigate. Brick sidwalks are also extremely difficult. The most significant improvement, from my perspective, would be to re-pave the sidewalks we already have with smooth concete surfaces, and replace bricks with concrete (or a similar smooth surface) as well. This would make a tremendous impact on my quality of life. 634. better monitoring of cars @ dangerous intersections; 635. Plan areas such that preference isn't given to cars, i.e. plan for the pedestrian instead of the car. In areas such as these that already exist, safety doesn't have to be at the fore front of your mind all the time. Crosswalks are good, but they don't go far enough. 636. Walking is fine, but our climate could be better. 637. The most dangerous condition I encountered recently was an uneven concrete sidewalk, near the JFK building in downtown Boston. I tripped and nearly fell forward but caught myself in mid-fall. Otherwise it would have been extremely painful. Women complain about bricks. Uneven concrete is the worst problem for me as a pedestrian and ride on bike paths.More bike lanes. During winter time, bike lanes are more likely to be plowed and allow an alternative to slipper sidewalks for walking. 638. In Ashland, I am located off Route 126, near lots of stores and conveniences. However, there are no sidewalks!! I could walk everywhere if there were sidewalks and better cross signals. I find this to be the case in many suburban areas. A131 639. The traffic signals in Davis Square are a disaster, for all modes of transportation. For the City of Somerville, improving the timing of these lights should be the highest priority. They significantly hinder the flow of buses exiting the station, the long waits anger drivers which leads to reckless driving through the square, which in turn is a huge danger to bicyclists and even pedestrians. There has got to be a better system here. 640. there needs to be a crosswalk across Belgrade Ave where the steps from the commuter rail parking lot come down 641. we need to make there be places to walk to. in springfield we don't have a lot of destinations or small businnesses, restaruants, etc that deserve to be walked to 642. Visible policemen walking around 643. Build infrastructure that lowers the speeds of cars in neighborhoods. Cambridge does a pretty good job of this. Great examples here: 644. Better road conditions for bikes to share the road with cars. 645. Sidewalk bump outs are not suitable to a state which has snow 5 months out of the year. They are a hindrance to plows which give them a wide berth and thus the adjacent parking spaces are lost to snow mounds. They are not statistically proven to improve safety, unlike medians which are sensible as long as they don't block side street and driveway access. Unruly bicyclists are a scourge on safety. Eliminating travel lanes to add bike lanes is a travesty and harmful to our economy. China is adding travel infrastructure while we eliminate travel lanes and increase driving times. Which practice do you think enhances an economy? Duh. 646. raised intersections 647. more lighting at night do not have obstacles on the sidewalks 648. Promote "Let's Move" walk in the community! 649. Safety: Good lighting in public places, lighting that is reflected down at the sidewalk and that is regularly maintained, cross walk signal buttons that actually function and are maintained many simply don't work, signs in crosswalks telling drivers that they must yield to pedestrians in cross walksPurposefully thinking about walking when designing/improving city spacesAdditionally mixed zoning so that things are within walking distance - again tied into planning 650. Ever since Brookline redid Beacon street, access for handicapped, old, and parents of young children has become impractical. This is a huge segment of the population that is denied access to the city. 651. Removal of snow, sleet and ice are paramount; Chelsea has many trucks - difficult to walk around them. 652. There are many sidewalks that are 'wheel chair accessible' but as soon as it rains, giant puddles form making them inaccessible for everyone. I have seen blind members of the community struggle with these giant puddles and almost walk right into them. These passage ways need to include proper drainage! 653. Require that residents trim plantings to keep branches from growing out over and narrowing the sidewalks. 654. Simplify street traffic patterns. In Boston motorists have too many options. They are accustomed to doing whatever they want. This breeds impatience. Coupled with poor enforcement of all sorts of motorist laws, the roads are lawless and seem dangerous. 655. get rid of the McGrath bridge between Twin Cities Mall and Brickbottom. Provide green space in it's stead. Don't wall off communities with expressways and transportation rails this is a city after all, of PEOPLE NOT CARS OR THE RAILS. These decisions will effect the A132 city for the next century. 656. no 657. No 658. Develop the two rail trails that are under study and planning in Sudbury 659. No 660. fix the bridges, signage, pave the roads and sidewalks, and Massachusetts will be fine. 661. provide more sidewalks in non-urban areas 662. we could never get the funding, but wider shoulders would be good 663. Wider shoulders or paths by the roads. 664. Fortunately, I live in a pedestrian-friendly community. But there are still some change that could be made. Walk signals on traffic lights should cycle to "walk" a lot takes forever to get a walk signal at some intersections. Also, more sidewalks, with shade trees for summer. Good lighting during the dark winter months. Enforce laws for motorists to yield to pedestrians, and to bikers. 665. Too many busy intersections do not have turning lanes and people have to take their lives into their hands to cross. 666. The walk signal at intersections should be simultaneous for people crossing at all four corners, such as what there is at Longwood and Brookline Avenue. That is standard in The Netherlands. It is unsafe to have cars turning into a pedestrian's path as the person is trying to cross the street. Walk signals need to accommodate longer crossing times. People should not have to wait longer than 20 seconds for the walk light. 667. Give cyclists a separate place to travel if possible, keeping them off crowded sidewalks. Demand that drivers observe laws concerning care with pedestrians. Keep up with sidewalk repair (have fallen in the past). Maintain night lighting to keep sidewalks safe and pedestrians visible to each other. 668. At least, include walking strip on roadside. 669. get people to shovel their sidewalks better, but this winter, it was not an issue. 670. My neighborhood is relatively pedestrian friendly, but there are several improvements that could be made to increase pedestrian safety and convenience, including sidewalk bump-outs, Leading Pedestrian Interval signaling, traffic calming, and improved bicycle facilities, among others. 671. Enlarge the sidewalks so that 2 wheelchairs traveling in opposite directions can comfortably pass each other. Clear the sidewalk for 2 way pedestrian traffic. Don't make pedestrians have to stressfully dodge tree pits, misplaced bike racks & mbta bus stop shelters on busy streets. 672. Reduced the number of surface parking lots. Make the city vibrant at a human scale. Create a sense of enclosure with street trees and buildings with small setbacks. Provide separate facilities for bicyclists, pedestrians and automobile drivers. Outlaw building big-box stores with large lots and blank walls and fastfood establishments with drive up and parking in the front. 673. no 674. Dense neighborhoods and not typical sprawl. A133 675. Our streets and policies need to be designed first with the pedestrian in mind, then the cyclist, then the car. Always begin with the most vulnerable user and work toward the least. Only this way can we truly make our streets safer. 676. Get serious about eliminating cars from city centers. Remove parking, fund public transport and cycle hire, build real bike lanes, build raised crosswalks, give pedestrians and cyclists right of way over all car traffic. 677. Make it accessible to handicapped & elderly- both better sidewalks and light timing. Seen people in wheelchairs having to go down middle of street, or elderly not having enough time to cross. Enforce cars, particularly right turns. Had cars honk at me to move while they are taking right on red and I have a walk signal. Perhaps more restrictions of rightturn on red. Also, when a traffic light goes out they fix it. But many walk signals/buttons do not function forcing pedestrians to play chicken with cars. Broken walk signals should be equal priority to broken car traffic signals! 678. Make the "walk" signs last longer. Some are insanely short for someone who isn't sprinting across the street. Also make more "no turn on red" signs. Often I have been nearly hit by cars clearly not looking for pedestrians while turning right while I have the walk sign. Finally, create more multi-use roads. I feel the more roads that have many uses (separate but adjacent bike, walking, and car facilities), the safer everyone will feel, the more bikes & walkers will come out of the wood-works, and the safer the roads will actually be. Also, reduce the driving speed to 19mph in the city (Boston). This is proven to radically reduce accidents. Enforce instances of cars parking or traveling in bike lanes and stopping on top of crosswalks. I've never seen this behavior enforced, even when police were present. 679. Sync up the street lights with crosswalk signs. Too many pecs just jaywalking it's dangerous. 680. More raised intersections, pedestrian priority signals 681. Close Newbury Street to vehicular traffic, or restrict it to early mornings. 682. More sidewalk cleaning. 683. Provide four crosswalks at typical 4-way intersections no matter what! I'm tired of seeing only three crosswalks because of turn phases etc. Please prioritize pedestrians. 684. As students people do not learn or understand walking against traffic and biking with traffic.Ignorance is bliss. 685. We have no sidewalks! And very few crosswalks! 686. Bike paths, public art - make it interesting, mixed use zoning 687. Clease sidewalks of utility poles hydrants, mast arms, signs to the greatest extent possible. 688. I live in a very walkable community. I had trouble answering this question because none of the measures would make walking easier for me since it already is easy. Your survey shouldnt assume that respondents a) dont walk or b) would walk more if... 689. Better lighting at night on busy roads. 690. MORE sidewalks 691. Traffic Reduction. Most pedestrians have to fight traffic, even when they have a signal in their favor. Everything in our city planning is set up for cars. We need to take better care of pedestrians. 692. Increase the gas tax (increase the number of people walking) A134 693. Tener la temperatura agradable todo el tiempo... 694. Sidewalks! 695. Local public transit connectivity, so that people can walk to a bus to get to places too far away to get to on foot. 696. Consider where pedestrians are crossing consistently and repeatedly where there are no facilities (e.g. Cambridge St in Allston near N.Harvard intersection) Peds walk for efficiency though the city often ignores these realities. 697. Sidewalks are great, but in a suburban/rural community unlikely. Establish and mark bike lanes and "walking lanes" on the side of the road and educate the public- and enforce rules. 698. Sidewalks 699. I live in a rural town and most streets don't have side walks. Having side walks is much saver and easier if you want to walk somewhere. I work in Leominster and walk at lunch times and some of the streets in the city do not have sidewalks either. 700. Good lighting, good sidewalks, improve safety. 701. Reduce speed limits on state and regional roadways with higher development density to provide for improved bike ped safety. 702. Sand is another big issue this time of year there may be no side walk but a large pile of sand on the side of road, forcing you to walk further into the road. Also the pot hole/ road conditions can be cause for concern. If there are no sidewalks and poor condition bumpy roads, same as sand, you walk further out into the road with cars trying to avoid you, pot holes, etc, not safe for all. 703. Better and more abundant streetlights. More APSs. 704. Add more of the yellow bumps for the blind 705. yes 706. Put more sand on walkways. 707. more street lights 708. no 709. better sidewalk and lights 710. lights 711. Funding for sidewalks near/around school areas and downtown/community facilities (city hall, post office, shops etc) 712. too many times people are hanging on the streets. safty becomes an issue. harrassment is an issue. 713. Clean the street more often 714. Neighborhood watch, better lighting. 715. no 716. no 717. Safety issues 718. Walking is good where I leve. Where I work the streets and side walks are dirty, including a lot of animal filth. A135 719. Make people responsible for clearing their sidewalks of snow and ice, especially private homes near public buildings. (school, library, etc) 720. Walking trails 721. At many lights motorists do not stop. This is very dangerous especially for children. Many times there are not lights and it is too dangerous to cross without one. 722. Remind drivers to stop at stopwalks.Remove snow from sidewalks. 723. no 724. yes, less money for the transportation 725. better sidewalks 726. more street lights and stop to make sounds for the blind 727. cars should stop and let people go by 728. cars should stop and let people go by 729. no 730. provide better lighting at night 731. better lighting at night, safety improvisions 732. penalize people that do not walk on the pedestrian lane 733. make sure all street lights are working and have access to payphone for emergency purposes. 734. for people when crossing the street to use crosswalks 735. no 736. use caution 737. put a working traffic light for pedestrians in front of Union Hosp in Lynn,Ma. Far too many pedestrian accidents including fatality. People get of the bus and try to cross Lynnfield St, Lynn,Ma 738. en carro 739. Reinforcing snow removal during heavy snow days would be very helpful as it is nearly impossible to walk on snow/ice covered sidewalks and walking in the street amongst cars is dangerous. 740. get rid of potholes so cars don't have to swerve to avoid them thereby endangering pedestrians & cyclists 741. none 742. improve infrastructure making it safer to walk. (sidewalks, traffic calming measures, dangerous intersections, no crosswalks) 743. improve lighting and police patrol for safety 744. more traffic lights 745. If time permits, I gladly walk, but I do not often have the time, as things are far away. 746. Rail trails 747. not at this moment. A136 748. Perhaps way-finding maps and linkage of neighborhoods and shopping districts through parks and side streets. Landscaping - where possible - between sidewalk and road to improve safety - whether real or perceived. 749. Improve existing sidewalks 750. it's tough where i live, in a suburb roughly 25 miles from boston. but services have moved out of downtown to malls in other towns. much harder to get to groceries and other services. 751. Complete streetsTraffic calmingImprove esthetics of walking areasImprove lightEngage law enforcement 752. Our sidewalk conditions on Dudley Street and Columbia Road are very poor dispite repeated requests to the City of Boston; to rate this as a 10 does not adequately reflect the drastic improvement to walkability that flat surface sidewalks would make. 753. Improve sidewalks on Topsfield Road leading to Ipswich commuter rail station. What other types of roadway improvements would you like to see in your region? | # Response 1. 2. Repaving 3. better traffic signaling, especially where I have to stop at 8 traffic lights, at 6:30 in the morning, when there are no pedestrians or cross traffic, but there I am, sitting at a red light on my way to catch a train.Also, improve road surface Fix The Rt 2 Rotary in Concord 5. Clearer sight lines at intersections 4. 6. Pervious pavement should be used. 7. Improve merges on highways. The southbound Mass Ave to SE Expressways is stupid. Also 44 east to 3 north has a lane drop and a merge in the same place. Dumb. More Train transit options, more frequent commuter rail trains. 9. traffic calming for safety of vehicle bike and pedestriansmart signalization for efficiency 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. A137 see above Would love to see rt 28 Randolph/Milton thru the Blue Hills upgraded to two lanes since the backup at rush hour is rediculous. It takes an hour for the bus to go from Avon Square to Ashmont. Enforce speed laws on residential roads. speed timed traffic lights on Fresh Pond Parkway, Cambridge Raise the speed limit. Higher speeds increase the flux of traffic. Require police cars waiting for an incident to be concealed from traffic. Too many slow-downs and fender benders from people reducing speed to below the limit, because they see the police.Build curtains/wall between lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions... too many times a traffic accident in the opposite direct of traffic causes curiosity delays.Require tow truck/police/fire to erect visual barriers around an accident, so people know to slow down for safety, but not just for morbid curiosity./ I notice you ahve not asked about bike-friendly road improvemnts...Traffic calming measure for dangerous intersections (see to see what i mean), minimize traffic lanes and increase bike lanes -- protected bike lanes. Step into 21st centruy and do not give higher 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. priority cars over ped/bike modes. And build the Green Line Extension -- that would help roadway congestion a lot in Somerville. DEDICATED BIKE LANES FOR TRANSPORTATION, NOT JUST RECREATION Better road quality. Bumps and potholes and uneven surfaces are not only dangerous while driving but increase auto maintenance bills. Toll both at the Zakim Bridge on I-93 for all (especially the NH plates). timely maintenance The time is coming to expand Route 91 from Holyoke to the VT border from four to to six lanes. Passenger car and truck traffic to and from VT and NH from CT, NY, NJ is very heavy and increasingly dangerous. A minor incident or accident currently can entirely stop north or south travel for hours at a time. I'm familiar with the long lead times required for projects like this (planning, funding, construction)...often 15-25 I hope it's on the drawing board...And then there's Route 2. The divided highway that ends west of Gardner needs to be extended all the way to Greenfield. In many places the right of way already exists. The current two lane road remains extremely dangerous despite safety improvements and is a major impediment to car and truck transportation to and from northern Western Mass.And finally, worsening congestion on the stretch of the Mass Pike from Sturbridge to Auburn clearly indicates the need for more lanes, Traffic on weekend afternoons is predictably bumper-to-bumper and can be stopped or slowed to Traffic and Pedestrian Enforcement The roads are in terrible physical shape. I wouldnt think of biking on them because of the potholes and general disrepair. I am not looking for anything new, just repair what you have! bike lanes 1)Third travel lane on I-90 from Sturbridge to West Springfield. Both directions. 2) "Open Road" tolling. More sidewalks. More crosswalks. More pathways that are not necessarily on streets. Why are you asking this if you are going to reduce commuter rail. The fact that I might walk to a store if I now have to drive in more becuase I can't take a train at night means that you have improved my life 1% if you make it easier to walk, and made my life 99% worse by forcing me to drive to work when I otherwise should not have to road resurfacingdeal with Middleboro Rotary Circle -- make it less of a logjam Snow removal is a sore spot. Mass DOT is using highly corrosive chemicals on the roads that are eating our bridges, signs, pipes, trucks and anything else that is metal alive. STOP IT. I don't care if somebody wants to drive their BMW at 80 MPH in a snow storm. Black roads is a terrible policy that is costing us a fortune. The Town of Lincoln does fine with a little sand, and snow covered roads. Sand with enough salt in it to keep the sand from freezing goes a long way. Depending on the weather conditions,(eg. freezing rain) yes, there are times when straight salt is required, but you guys way overdo it. You should NEVER use any of the more corrosive chemicals. On another note, adding the forth lane to 128 is good. Maybe even 5 lanes, 128S @ I95 to Rt. 24. The bridges on I93 are much improved. Never let bridge surfaces get that bad again. Do the I93/128 interchange ASAP. Add a hill climbing lane at 128N and Rt 3 Lexington, Add dedicated entrance lanes to 128N at the Pike and Rt 30 that run up to Rt 20 or even Winter St. (I know, there are bridges in the way) and stop wasting money on bike lanes. I could go on and on, but I'll stop here Specific requireemnts for pedstrian and bicycle access for ALL projecs paid for by DOT. The state currently does NOT do a good job including pedestrain access when it does its roadwork. A138 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Fix roads - provide funding Rather than zipper lanes, split bridge underpasses into 3 sections. The middle passage could be opened/closed according to rush hour directions and construction needs. Coastal communities should utilize ferry commuting in a more bus like manner (as in Bermuda) and with an understanding of destination needs such as U Mass Boston. "Add more travel lanes" - I don't understand what this is referring to - do you mean on the highway? We don't need more lanes - we need to encourage people to get out of their cars and use public transportation more. More bike lanes on roads are the best travel lanes you could add - even better would be dedicated lanes that are separated from the car lane with some kind of barrier. It increases one's sense of safety when biking."Upgrade traffic signals" again, I'm not really sure what that means. It makes sense to review traffic signals in an area to make sure that they are timed correctly. Also, as a pedestrian, it would be nice if pedestrian signals worked all the time, and were better maintained.I would like to see more speed bumps and traffic calming techniques employed in residential areas. I think these types of measure work much better than traffic enforcement to slow down vehicles. More bike lanes with improved safety. Smoother pavement. Fewer or shorter construction disruptions. Better-maintained roads, regarding drainage, pavement markings, sweeping, filling pot holes and clearing/cutting vegetation. bus/van lanes and the public transit system to use them 36. Better on-road bike accomodation and maintenance, icluding bike lanes and stop-as-yield laws for cyclists. Make more bicycle and pedestrian friendly 38. I have never driven so I don't think it right for me to offer any opinions on this page. 37. 39. in my town i would like to see restricted street parking during snow storms. 44. Smart sensors in the pavement to tell the maintenance operations center what the environmental conditions are and how they are changing.Use high-speed tolls with transponder readers overhead - like weigh-in-motion. Improve signage on roadways:--steet signs that inlcude both the main road and the side road (and not just the side road, as is the case in many locations)--signs to clearly indicate the continuity of state numbered highways. Examples: a) Route 28 through Boston b) Route 38 between Woburn and Medford c) Route 99 south out of the Route 16/99 rotary in Everett Better signage.I don't think car pools really work as well as they should since most folks need to go different places before or after work (school drop offs & pick-ups, errands, etc.) We don't just go to directly to work & home anymore. On main freeway commuter roads such as southeast expressway, masspike,rte 128, & Rte 193 add aerial reversible lanes down the median with very limited access. Say for masspike have access at Alston/Brighton, Rte 128, & 495 Set signal timing to accommodate actual traffic needs. A lot of fuel is wasted when you have to wait a minite or so for the light to turn when there is no traffic on the crossing street. More frequent pot hole repairs in winter. 46. sidewalks 40. 41. 42. 43. 45. 47. A139 Extend the red line to a large, inexpensive parking lot on Route 128 near Route2. Special bicycle lanes for all future road constuction. More bike paths. highways to include bicycles and walkers. Accommodate mopeds/scooters. Widen narrow 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. More bike trails/lanes/shoulders. Improved lane markings and more reflective lane markers for better navigating in poor weather, and more of the high speed fastlane tolls (you maintain roadway speed) similar to that on I-95 in NH Faster road repair. Build more sidewalks and trails to encourage multimodal roads. Improve drainage of water off higher speed roads. Make small intersection upgrades to reduce idling time (let the communities implement themselves with state funding as locals know what to fix). Allow The Ride to use any and all roads that would make travel more direct, quick, and efficient. Add a lane each way on Rt. 495, from Rt. 24 to Rt. 44. It is a bottleneck in both directions. Better pavement conditionsBetter pavement stripingBetter use of pavement area (road diets)Make the main routes function better so that motorists don't need to resort to taking side roads to avoid problem areas Dedicated bicycle lanes and multi-use paths. Even a small increase in the number of people walking and biking would yield tremendous benefits in terms of public health, emissions, and energy use. Roadway maintenance and upgrading the phasing of traffic lights to reduce travel times. Phasing traffic signals to the speed limit would reduce speeding and traffic. Paint lane lines for saftey and visiblity. Repaving rutted roadways. Having tracktor trailer truck travel in slow lanes only. Carpool lanes do not work. We should use this lane for general public. Make sure the roads are pitched so that water goes into street drains and doesn't pool in the street. Complete streets with bicycle lanes, right there is only very few streets with bicycle lanes present. More off-road bike paths, extend the Ashuwillticook at either end. Buy the Housatonic Railroad right-of-way NOW while it is being offered for sale. Reduce (not eliminate) traffic law enforecment during rush hours which tie up traffic and increase enforecemnt during "off" hours. reconstruct Rte 2 between the rotory in West Concord and I95 adding overpasses and off/onramps at the interestions. Make Rte 2 4-lane between Greenfield and Athol. Relocate Rte. 2 to the south side of the Millers River instead of going through Erving. Pedestrian crossing lights I marked "disagree" on "add more travel lanes", but if we're talking about adding bicycle travel lanes, I would agree to that.I marked "Don't know" on "improve snow renoval" because I believe snow removal is already more than adequate on the streets. But we need bike paths and sidewalks to be plowed as well. Fewer potholes - roadway resurfacing. Greater capacity(more lanes/expanded roadway width) wherever possible, particularly on highways. Complete streets - accommodate all modes, not just SOVs. Reduce vehicle lane width to 10 feet to keep cars from speeding. Prioritize bike lanes, buffered bike lanes/cycletracks, and high-visibility x-walks. Put advance stop lines at all intersections and eliminate wire-suspended traffic signal heads so that cars cannot block the x-walk without no longer seeing the signal. Standard practice in many European cities is to only install post-mounted signal heads IN ADVANCE of crosswalks--let's do the same here in A140 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. urban areas. IMPROVED PAVEMENT AND STRIPING CONDITIONS. FASTER MAINTENANCE ON POTHOLES. Bike lanes! better maintenance activities to improve and maintain the current transportation system Fix potholes, not just an asphalt patch, but really fix the potholes so they do not return. 75. better and more consistent signage, especially for complicated intersection, better light timing and considerations for both local and regional throughput -- look directly at travel paths and times for common destinations to improve overall flow. pothole filling is an issue. We spend $gazillions on roads and although they're not great they do get the job done. More bike lanes and bike paths 77. Fill potholes. More bike lanes. Better signage, particular street names. 74. 76. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. A141 None. Please expand transit, pedestrian, and bike service. Bike/Pedestian lanes or separate paths. Rt. 2 needs more lanes! 1) I want to see improvements such as raised intersections and bump-outs that enhance pedestrian safety.2) I want to see major intersections signalized which currently are not.3) I want to see bridge repairs. And roads and sidewalks.1) I want the Green Line to terminate at Route 16, with pedestrian access across the river and from all sides of the station. less pot holes and more lanes Strict rules penalities and training for cab drivers and police. These drivers should be a role models rather than the worst offenders. Raise the price of gasoline, so people wouldn't drive so much. Increasing Fast Lanes would be a relatively inexpensive and possibly quick solution to some of the peak travel problems on our toll roads. Improved design would also help in terms of some weaving challenges along interchanges with I-495. Open road tolling should be explored with greater urgency. And yes, capacity is a major challenge but not always the ultimate solution. It really needs to be a combination of expansion, improved design, more transit options and innovative technologies such as open road tolling. Paving to improve road conditions. better signage and lane line marking. There are a lot of "games of chicken" set up by lack of a yield sign, and people inventing new lanes because the lanes aren't marked. Also some poorly designed intersections out there. Would love to see dedicated bicycle lanes separate from vehicles. High speed routes without on-street parking in commercial areas make these areas less walkable. Deep setback sprawl development discourages walkability. Shading in summer is critical, trees are useful. Many recent traffic signal "upgrades" have resulted in far worse driving situations with long light cycles restrictive lane use to no advantage. Bike lanes would be good, going back to 4 way stops rather than more and more stop lights and expensive intersection beautification. Raised intersections are good though. Fill potholes. have farmstands at service centers and make them a destination spot. Turn them into entertainment centers. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 10 0. 10 1. 10 2. 10 3. 10 4. 10 5. 10 6. 10 7. 10 8. 10 9. 11 0. 11 1. I would like to see the intersection of Route 116 and Route 63 in Amherst changed from a signal to a roundabout. This is a dangerous intersection that is prone to high speed crashes. Also the 5-way intersection in Amherst of Route 63, Montague Road, Sunderland Road, Meadow Street and Pine Street needs state assistance for improvements. Eliminate potholes and bumps in the road Highway, Road and Bridge repair and maintenance better signage; including street names; improve the condition of the roads; rest stops; bike routes separate from vehicle routes Better signage! bike lanes visible, well-maintained lane markings on highways; reduction of visual clutter so driver can focus on important signage Good sidewalk access More bike lanes Better sidewalks. The BU bridge is a step in the right direction. I hope the Longfellow has the same commitment to non-motorized traffic. Light rail. More bicycle facilities (ie bike lanes and cycle paths) Have bike lanes. Create better awareness that bicycles are allowed in the lane, especially in downtown Pittsfield. Get rid of rumble strips on Route 7 & 8 - or make them bike friendly. Any improvements that will decrease the traffic in Somerville. I have a one year old and worry about the air quality since many delivery truck and commercial vehicles cut through Somerville. More bike lanes, more dimensional traffic calming. 1 - Every street sign should identify BOTH streets, not just the minor crossing street. On most major streets, it is difficult to know what street one is on.2 - Better bike lanes. Allow FastLane in ALL toll gates at MassPike Sturbridge plaza. Speed regulations and attention to right of way issues for pedestrians not sure repair the roads that exist now, add bike and pedestrian facilities. Make all of the street signs larger. Remove old signs, obstructions to existing signs, etc. Car pool lanes have not proven to be useful, probably because people are not commuting to a "central city" the way they used to. They are traveling to AND around the city (on 128, 495, Rts 3, 95, etc to get to work. Coordinated traffic lights wherever possible.Review restrictions on 'right turn on red' corners -- inconsistent standards for which intersections get this designation, and many more should be considered to keep traffic moving. traffic-calming, incentives for car-pooling, designated lanes for commuter buses: ANYTHING to get people OUT of their cars in into public transportation/reduce fossil fuel emissions! Construction projects take an extraordinary amount of time and usually end up reducing the ease of getting from one lane to the other. Rather than reduce the number of car lanes, it would be nice to see more creative ways of incorporating bicycle and pedestrian traffic. A142 11 2. 11 3. 11 4. 11 5. 11 6. 11 7. 11 8. 11 9. 12 0. 12 1. 12 2. 12 3. 12 4. 12 5. 12 6. 12 7. 12 8. 12 9. 13 0. 13 1. A143 Better shoulders and bike lanes, and I notice dozens of "For bicycle signal stop here" but have seen very few of the bicycle logos actually painted on the roads. Anything that removes cars from the roads. Encourage carpooling, improve public transit so people get out of their cars, etc. bike lanes. pedestrian only areas. traffic calming. parking garages None REPAVING! Not all roads are state roads, but there are major streets in my neighborhood where you could dorwn in the potholes. I don't want to see any roadway improvements, aside from maintaining what is there, because I would rather see the money spent on highly efficient rail lines which are not dependent on fossil fuels. I'd love to see a line along Rt 2 from Boston to Greenfield. Better lighting and lane markings, e.g. reflectors Add a reversable express lane in the median which people can pay to use Speed controled on streets of city,I'm sure tax money and grant money have paided for radar guns which I feel are very seldom used in city. too many one way streets concentrate cars and increases aggravation, traffic, and rude driving. Bike lanes Move the I-95/93 interchange project in Woburn forward! This cloverleaf is a huge backup even during a reverse commute. Highway improvements - interchange improvements are the key. Backups of traffic waiting to get off Route 2 at 128, or getting off Route 128 at Route 3, are the choke points in my ride. Major routes like Middlesex Turnpike, where the lights are timed to stop at every intersection, would be a help. Prohibiting left turns and moving traffic along Mystic Valley Parkway and Fresh Pond Parkway would help. Unclog Alewife, and find a way for buses to get in and out without major delays. The one place there should be widening is the Mass Pike between Exits 9 & 10. More, many more, rotaries, or round-abouts, at busy intersections so as to decrease the delay posed by the sequence of stopping traffic at traffic lights.There is a new one at the UMass Amherst campus thta works very well and tow in Keene NH thta alsl allow for a steady flow of busy traffic. More bus and HOV lanes on crowded inner city roadways to promote use of other modes as opposed to cars. More bicycle lanes paving better snow removal Repair trucking bridge over the Connecticut River/canal in Turner's Falls Fix potholes in a timely manner, even if it is a temporary fix until it can be done correctly in the spring. Not only for ware and tear on vehicles, they collect water and splash people that are walking. Traffic calmingStreet trees 13 2. 13 3. 13 4. 13 5. 13 6. 13 7. 13 8. 13 9. 14 0. 14 1. 14 2. 14 3. 14 4. Improve snow removal by: including full bike lanes/shoulders and sweeping sand and glass regularly.De-emphasize car culture. Lanes should be reconfigured to provide wider curb lanes so that bicycles and automobile traffic can more easily share lanes on major arteries and smaller connecting roadways. stripe roadways with wider outside lanes for so bicyclists can share lane safely with motor vehicles. repaving; better striping More "road diets" please. There is room to widen a great deal of i93N, primarily between 128 and 495 and much of 128. When the new concrete guards were installed in the median in Woburn, a 5th lane could have been added. During i93 Fast 14, the movable jersey barriers could have remained and HOV lanes created between Winchester and the central artery. My suggestion was not followed through on by DOT traffic engineering.Not a single state highway with a speed limit of 55 should remain. All should increase to 65. Any state highway with a speed limit of 65, should increase to 70.Most residential speed limits on state roads should increase by at least 5 miles per hour, especially 2 lane per side with a median.90% of all No Turn on Red signs should be taken down.Passing should be allowed on single lane back roads with long visibility.Snow Removal in some areas is poor and create very dangerous road conditions.Special funding should be given to Chelsea, MA to improve their streets that haven't been paved in 30 years.Overall, more work should be done to get people to where they are going faster, without sacrificing safety. Doing things as simple as adding breakdown lane use during rush hour on any highway with room to create periodic pull off lanes, i.e., 128 N between 93 (woburn) and Rt. 9 in Natick.I know construction is expensive but simple changes like this can reduce congestion, road rage, and the overall satisfaction of lifelong Massachusetts drivers, like myself. Beltway around worcester n/a Better striping and signage would go a long way in reducing road rage. Many highway markings are gone or improperlyapplied. Better optimize lights. Too many poorly timed traffic lights impeding the flow of vehicles--and pedestrian respect for signals.Ongoing driver education and enforcement: stay in lane, signal before turning or changing lane, keep safe distance behind, keep slower to right lane, preference to right at stop, preference to changing to right lane, KEEP INTERSECTION CLEAR... better striping of roads, paving of roads more frequently, more street sweeping Much clearer road markings (hasn't anyone here heard of thermoplastic paint?), signage, and BETTER DRIVER EDUCATION I believe it would behoove the state to require driving education courses every five years for current drivers to refresh and reinforce the need to drive safely. We need more state patrol enforcement. My husband and I drive throughout the year to different states and find HOV lanes much more productive and more numerous in other states along with better enforcement. Also in states use to a lot of traffic flow, they put work signs up way in advance of the construction site to warn travelers. Massachusetts is not good at providing either street signs for travelers not familiar with an area nor in posting warning signs in advance. It is almost as if the state is unwelcoming of people. A144 14 5. 14 6. 14 7. 14 8. 14 9. 15 0. 15 1. 15 2. 15 3. 15 4. 15 5. 15 6. 15 7. 15 8. 15 9. 16 0. 16 1. 16 2. 16 3. 16 4. 16 5. A145 Widening of route 2 to provide for different speed choices and limit intrusions from the roadside. More 'Smart Signals'. The signals that can detect when a car is waiting and act accordingly. Paving - fix potholes for pedestrians and drivers Let's continue to work on taking down the elevated portion of Rt28 in Somerville and Cambridge.... Don't focus on roadway improvements. They provide little net benefit. Focus on mass transit, carpool lanes, bike lanes, etc. Make it safer to ride a bike. Educate drivers of their responsibility when dealing with a bike in traffic. Don't give licenses to teenage girls. I think that MassDOT needs to demonstrate that autos are not necessary in the city. Money spent in improving sidewalks and crosswalks benefits more people than any road project. Bicycling needs to be on equal funding with the auto for every MassDOT proposal. As a bicyclist, potholes and gravel from road degradation are the worst. Street sweeping to remove gravel and sand would help. More attention to potholes would help also. Curb extensions and better connectivity of bike lanes. REPAIR THE ROAD SURFACES A POT HOLE SHOULD NOT EXIST LONGER THAN 48 HOURS ONCE REPORTED Create better multi-modal options, better sidewalks, bike lanes where appropriate, and better walking environments On road bike lanes or shaared lane markings (Sharrows) Improve bicycle lanes and traffic signals to accommodate cyclists More bike lanes IN the above question, what kind of "travel lanes" are you referring to? Yes for bicycle and pedestrian travel lanes, no for motorist travel lanes, unless the engineering dictates it would provide a safer, more efficient travel environment. Traffic calming at rotaries and at some of the intersections that are particularly wide better road surfaces - more money in Chapter 90 Ideally, paving some of the dirt roads, but I think that's unlikely. Failing that, maintaining the dirt roads better. And adding sidewalks. I don't see the need for roadway improvements in my region. I do see the need for more transportation alternatives. Every roadway improvement needs to come with a concurrent effort to enhance the surrounding pedestrian environment. Accessibility issues should be raised to a top tier priority and the scope of every project should involve evaluations and planning and construction of feasible accessibility upgrades adjacent to the roads. The State needs to review its policies and practices in order to ensure that safety and access for pedestrians is adhering to Federal statutes, regulations and codes. 16 6. 16 7. 16 8. 16 9. 17 0. 17 1. 17 2. 17 3. 17 4. 17 5. 17 6. 17 7. 17 8. 17 9. 18 0. 18 1. 18 2. 18 3. 18 4. 18 5. 18 6. I'd love to see more "left turn only" lanes at intersections. The light could be a green arrow or a "yield on green" type of situations. I've seen these lanes in other states, and they work well to keep from getting gridlock in intersections. Improved pavement quality in terms of smoothness and cleanliness. This is very important for bicyclists. ALL ALL ALL Traffic signals should be smart signals and avoid idling traffic with no one coming in the other direction. Also detection should be able to tell when a vehicle going the opposite direction cuts the turn too sharp and trips the loop detector in the opposite direction. Surface improvements to roads like Boston Avenue in Medford and Mass Avenue in Boston (between Berklee and Symphony) would do more to encourage bicycle riding. more bikelanes; putting large city streets on a diet More bike lanes, more bike boxes. Better biking infrastructure. Bike lanes that are NOT in the "door zone," next to parked cars. Separate traffic lights for bikers. Roadway projects, sidewalk projects, traffic signal upgrades, bridge rehabilitation, noise barriers, streetscape projects Only improve roads that support transit ortented development. Put more money to mass transit, less to road pedestrian crosswalk lights 1. Extend the North i93 inbound H.O.V. lane from Somerville to Woburn-Anderson.2. Create a H.O.T. zipper lane in each of the inbound and outbound directions on i93 and assign the funds to transit funding and OM cost to run it. Add more public transit options Better attention to potholes. Remove most of the "No Turn on Red Light" signs. Fix potholes and any road impediments that damage tires and cars More crosswalks with lighting or overhead cross walks on busy highways such as Route 33 in Chicopee at each rotary and across from mall and other shopping areas. The best thing you could do to improve roads around here is extend the Green Line all the way to Route 16, so that traffic congestion would lessen. I want to get out of the car. Fill those potholes more promptly. improve intersections to include roundaboutsinclude traffic calming when possible Road surfaces should be repaired (e.g, there were major potholes on I-93 S just N of I-95 for many months). More signs are needed; existing ones are confusing and should be improved. Also, signs at intersections should show the names of both streets. Timed traffic signals and smart traffic signals would help reduce pollution and fuel wasted while idling at red lights. Fix potholes; replace signs that have been damaged and removed; remove McGrath/O'Brien elevated structure and replace with boulevard at grade. A146 18 7. 18 8. 18 9. 19 0. 19 1. 19 2. 19 3. 19 4. 19 5. 19 6. 19 7. 19 8. 19 9. 20 0. 20 1. 20 2. 20 3. A147 Why didn`t the questionnaire ask about improvements for bicycling? More separated bicycle facilities should be built to make it safe and easy for everyone - including children - to bicycle.Motorist education should include more focus on bicycling and walkingThere should be more enforcement against motorists who double park in bike lanes and don't drive appropriately around bicyclistsMassDOT should overall do more to focus on bicycling and walking bike lanes/cycle tracks, raised intersections/crosswalks. Improved signal timing. Dedicated lanes and preference at traffic signals for buses. I'd rather see the money spent on public transportation than the roadways. Signage Reduce construction projects during the day. Improve pothole repair. Crackdown on people running red lights Better maintenance - fewer potholes More pedestrian walkways properly indicated by the upkeep of painted lines. Maintenance is an issue. Expanding roads it the most expensive way to invite more people to drive. bikeways I'd love to see the following roadway improvements: 1) Eliminate the HOV lane which is costly and under-utilized, making traffic worse during rush hour, and do not consider it for other roads in the future; 2) congestion pricing to discourage drivers in Downtown Boston during peak times; 3) In addition to increasing the number of Fast Lanes, make it easier to sign up for it (ask people when they renew their license if they want Fast Lane? or when they change their address with the Post Office?); 3) Encourage all cities and towns to adopt similar snow removal ordinances so that the best practices in some places (such as Somerville, which has exemplary local snow plowing) can be spread around, improving snow removal and compliance with sidewalk clearance laws everywhere; 4) coordinate traffic light timing in key congestion areas; 5) Instead of adding more travel lanes or HOV lanes, why not dedicate certain lanes for buses and rapid transit vehicles (even things like private vans run by corporations) to fill gaps in areas where transit isn't as accessible, such as the WestonWaltham-Burlington corridor? Fix the potholes in a reasonable amount of time.Enforce cyclist laws.Enforce pedestrian laws.Enforce motor vehicle laws. More law enforcement re speeders and DWI / OUI offenders. maintain pavement markings Improved safe areas for bicycles and pedestrians. Reduce road widths - will force drivers to drive slower and less recklessly There are a lot of dangerous oblique-angle intersections around here. I am always happy to see them rebuilt to be closer to perpendicular. Longfellow EB approach is nice e.g. How about 20 4. 20 5. 20 6. 20 7. 20 8. 20 9. 21 0. 21 1. 21 2. 21 3. 21 4. 21 5. 21 6. 21 7. 21 8. 21 9. 22 0. 22 1. 22 2. 22 3. Brattle & Mt. Auburn in Camb or Forest & Trapelo in Waltham, More use of traffic circles and other traffic management technologies that do not involve use of lights. Massachusetts has been very slow to adopt many of these approaches, which generally tend to improve safety and reduce long-term costs. Repair potholes. Upgrade Route 128 between Peabody and Beverly to three lanes NB and SB.Please construct the 128 and I-93 Interchange!!! More frequent resurfacing of major arterials. Bike lanes Improve ITS100% Electronic TollsMake texting illegal PLEASE address the fact that people go through red lights ALL the time. This is a disaster waiting to happen for pedestrians and other drivers. (it already has been the cause of many accidents) Keep current roads in good repair. We should also eliminate manned toll booths. There is no reason not to use Fastlane or EZpass. More traffic calming infrastructure, and a lower default speed limit - 20 mph. Raised walkways crossing streets to deter speeders. I live near Winthrop Street in Medford...drivers race down the hill not caring about pedestrians, spraying filthy slush in our faces in winter. don Better repair of road surface defects for smoother roads.Smart signals that sense traffic to improve flow and save energy and time. Addressing major traffic problem areas with better traffic signals and more rational traffic flow. Alewife Circle and Fresh Pond rotaries are huge impediments to getting around in the Somerville/Cambridge area. Better planning on projects so they don't take as long to complete. The 128/rt1/93 project in and around Dedham has been going on for YEARS with very little to show. More bicycle friendly street markings. better maintenance of local roads - Cambridge is OK but many local roads have potholes that makes it hard for cyclists and motorists.also, we need seperate bike lines - between parked cars and the side walk and with a barrier so cars can't use them to double park or idle.. No other suggestions at this time. Highly visible signage at major intersections, like Arlington MA center (Mass Ave/PleasantMystic Sts)that make it absolutely clear to motorists that bicycles may take entire lane. Better yet, bike priority lanes with signage like: "Bicycles have priority in this lane. Please maintain safe distance." By this, I don't mean bike lanes, although they can work in some circumstances. I'd say that on roads that can handle the additional 3-5 feet, bike lanes should be made where they are needed. bicycle facilities! A148 22 4. 22 5. 22 6. 22 7. 22 8. 22 9. 23 0. 23 1. 23 2. 23 3. 23 4. 23 5. 23 6. 23 7. 23 8. 23 9. 24 0. 24 1. 24 2. 24 3. 24 4. 24 5. 24 6. 24 7. A149 road diets on busy streets so it is easier for pedestrians to cross. Remove double jeopardy for peds wherever possible. Roads, trucks and cars should get their fair share of funding to repair and improve infrastructure. Right now, they get far more than their fair share. Motorists and trucks need to share the road and the money more fairly. Build in traffic calming and separated bike lanes! reduce pot holes and time to repair them; use pavement materials that reduce road spray in rainy weather; bike lanes Public financing of roadway improvements that improve public access rather than waiting for private funding, which is nonexistent in this economy. more sidewalks!better lights; some of them are way to short; especially improvement in the mount auburn/route 2/alewife brook parkway interchange Fix potholes, more streetlights Potholes fixed. My car is ruined every winter. pothole and asphalt repair/resurfacing More bike lanes and education for motorists to share the road with bikes! More bicycle lanes and greenways. More signals and less potholes bike lanes on all roadways, except high ways. bicycle lanes bicycle lanes Roads are not my big concern. We spend enough money on cars already! Eliminate the tolls on I-90 and add high-speed rail up the center. less potholes, they wreck my bike wheel alignment and force me into traffic to avoid them I would not like to see any types of roadway improvements. There is too much attention and money paid to roadways as it is. Reduce the number of lanes and parking for autos and trucks. Add bike lanes and cycle tracks. In general de-incentivize driving. Remark the lanes and arrows. After a snowy/icy winter, the paint wears away and you can't see the markings anymore. more bus waiting shelters Resurface areas with large amounts of potholes- some of Boston's major roadways are crumbling, and we really need to allocate resources accordingly to address these problems- its 24 8. 24 9. 25 0. 25 1. 25 2. 25 3. 25 4. 25 5. 25 6. 25 7. 25 8. 25 9. 26 0. 26 1. 26 2. 26 3. 26 4. 26 5. 26 6. 26 7. 26 8. 26 hard on vehicles and is absolutely unsafe and unacceptable that these conditions exist better street signs. Impossible sometimes to know what is the name of a street. And better signage to be able to anticipate turns in unfamiliar areas. Add bicycle lanes, enforce motor vehicle laws, fix potholes bicycle accomodation on the the roadways through wide shoulders instead of in the vehicle lane Bike lanes or at least fog lines at least 2 feet from the edge of the road. more toll workers so more booth are opened. reduce the amount of tolls. Sidewalks, street designs that are pedestrian friendly, and safe ways to cross busy streets and intersections. more sidewalks Add more bicycle lanes and infrastructure The roads get beat up every winter, but I believe they are adequately maintained. Clean up Union Square to make it less of a driving disaster and put in the Union Square T station Better bike facilities like in New York add bike lanes Better maintained street lighting More bike lanes MORE BIKE LANES. MORE BIKE LANES. MORE BIKE LANES. Or, even better, bike paths that are separated from the road by a divider. This does so much to increase cycling and make people feel safe. I would love it if they build these in Worcester. More bus lanes and bus signal priority. Snow removal went really well, then again only one snow storm this year (knock on wood!) Bicycle is my main mode, so I'm concerned that there be attention to bike flow. I like bike lanes, but sharrows can work if attention is paid to layout to be sure that are legal negotiable paths at all points. Police education about cyclist rights is also paramount, this seems sadly lacking. Please recognize that Worcester should have a better commuter rail and that the main stop shouldn't be Framingham More analysis of local traffic safety, road conditions, and calming measures. bicycle paths Improve highway pavement and lane marking quality, especially for evening commutes. More use of civic art and landscaping in roadway projects. Better use of alternatives to traffic signals at intersections (more roundabouts). Improve road conditions A150 9. 27 0. 27 1. 27 2. 27 3. 27 4. 27 5. 27 6. 27 7. 27 8. 27 9. 28 0. 28 1. more and higher tolls Please make streets more bike friendly. Smart Signals with sensors that can change light length depending on time of day and number of cars waiting. I would like to see more "complete streets" in the Boston area to improve walkability/bikeability Keeping the roadways and ramps better looking. The trash at many on and off ramps are disturbing. Do a better maintenance job of the grass and greenways on the roads and ramps. I travel to other destinations and the roads and greenways are in much better shape and appealing to drive by. Some of my biggest gripes are the way that median strips look as you enter a city. Many are overgrown with weeds and filled with trash. This is not a welcoming sight to travelers, and bring to mind if you are not taking care of the items that are visible, what else are you not taking care of. less potholes Improvements of Route 9 through Hadley. Improvements to pavement and re-timing of critical traffic lights to improve flow. more policing for traffic violations fill pot holes Improve ment of "main" or arterial streets Overall improvement of infrastructure- potholes, etc. It would be great if highways on/off ramps were designed in a safe manner. Specifically, why do the on ramps enter the highway just before the off ramps? It would make sense for this to be reversed so exiting vehicles aren't avoiding the new vehicles entering the highway. Better quality roads: why the same potholes year after year? Better quality cross walks: why does the paint fade and disappear every year?More traffic calming and general planning for how to deal with more cars than our region was built to accomodate. Implement greater use of dotted-lane lines at transition points such as lane shifts thru intersections, or for multiple turn lanes at intersections. In my extensive travels, and longperiod stays to other states, I have seen and experienced much better use of this feature than here in Mass.. Also, design roads to eliminate dead-ending drivers into forced turn lanes. Eliminating Mass Turnpike tolls would be better for the environment, reduce accidents, eliminate travel time, and save money. Southbridge needs to do a better job cleaning them. 28 2. 28 3. 28 better road repairs 4. 28 Better paving of the highway. The pot holes are horrendous 5. 28 Use bus on shoulder to make transit more time competitive with POV - provide more effective 6. linkages among modes to encourage leaving the car behind. 28 Don't underestimate the importance of cosmetic improvements - better landscaping, lighting, 7. etc, would motivate me far more than any of the above. 28 Clean up the litter.Complete highway projects more efficiently, e.g. add a lane along 128. 8. A151 28 9. 29 0. 29 1. 29 2. 29 3. 29 4. 29 5. 29 6. 29 7. 29 8. 29 9. 30 0. 30 1. 30 2. 30 3. 30 4. 30 5. More signage for attractions. less salt usage More bike lanes Extend car pool lanes north of Boston on I-93 to the Wilmington town line where the highway goes from 3 to 4 lanes. Then add Express Busses from the Anderson Transportation Center in Woburn to downtown Boston. Be better about fixing potholes Fix the poor design recently completed at Route 27 and West Streee in Brockton. Many drivers are confused and go through red lights from all directions The maintenance of and snow removal on freeways and major interstates tends to be good, but local and side roads need better attention, especially in communities that may not have the budget/means to adequately maintain their roads. I drive on Route 1A. The condition of the road through the City of Lynn is appalling. Also, with crumbling infrastructure, I want to see continued investment in bridge improvements. Some interchanges could use more ramp exit/entrance length for safety and traffic flow, along Route 128 specifically. Traffic and congestion are not bad here. I've lived in Atlanta and D.C., those areas are bad. bike lane I dont know if I would say upgrade the traffic signals but a better understanding of the dynamics of demand at individual traffic signals. For example the other day I was on foot at the corner of congress and state street in downtown and the cross walk had atleast a 75 second cross walk for a road that doesn't take more than 15 seconds to cross. This was at 8pm when there are minimal pedestrians out. I know if I was in a car I would have started to get irritated after 30 sceonds of waiting at the signal. I would like to see better enforcement of cars blowing through School Bus stop arms. It is outrageous that people put students in jeopardy. Communities and Schools do not always have a choice of right side pick up/Drop off and children need to cross streets in order to board or alight from a bus. This has to end. Students are getting killed in this country because of bad driving behavior. FIX THE POT HOLES ASAP rural area, most do not apply More "sharrows" (share the road arrow/symbols) on busy streets. I do not think dedicated bike lanes are generally helpful because this encourages motorists to believe that bicyclists should always ride therein and not share lanes for turns and travel. Dedicated bike lanes also need extra-lane space to avoid "dooring" of cyclists by parked cars, using inordinate road space Turn lanes on roads like the one I live on. It is very dangerous to turn into stores or turn into my condominium complex. Bike lanes. Wider sidewalks. Improved enforcements. locating high density parking facilities like those at park and ride lots near the ends of all subway transit and bus lines in metro Boston and get more commuters to and from workplace A152 30 6. 30 7. 30 8. 30 9. 31 0. 31 1. 31 2. 31 3. 31 4. 31 5. 31 6. 31 7. 31 8. 31 9. 32 0. 32 1. 32 2. 32 A153 using subway and bus as part of the ride. better than current approach, I believe. keep more cars out of interior Boston. *** more bike lanes and cycle tracks In this area, I think roadway maintenance (potholes!) and better signage/striping are the most important issues. Many areas are striped/signed so poorly that only people who drive them every day know which lane they should be in. Within the Boston metro area, smart design of travel lanes is more important that quantity of lanes - sometimes reducing the number of lanes actually improves things (for instance, Prospect Street in Cambridge). Better synchronization of traffic lights, working loop sensors (especially during low-volume nighttime periods) Be proactive on potholes. Don't wait until a small hole becomes large and a driving hazard. bike paths and better shoulders for cyclists. Better lighting on rural roads for night driving. Very dark and could have lights that turn on as you approach or just use solar lamps at lower levels. Actually, painting the lines would help when lights illuminate the path. Lights triggered by bicycles, especially crossing Route 2. Piper Rd, Old Rd. to 9 Acre Corner, Rt. 62, Sudbury Rd all need light trips by bicycles. If there isn't a car, the only way to cross is against the light. Better paved and patched roads so cyclists don't have to use the center of the lane (though it is legal to ride there) to avoid debris or pot holes. More marked bike lanes. More sidewalks. Better lane markings - once painted they fade away in no time. In SC the middle lane is marked with reflective lights so the road always appears well lit whether there are street lights or not it would also make it easier for older drivers. With all of the technology that we have today we should be able to better mark roads and streets for safety sake. Resolve the Braintree Split to Route 24 backups. install traffic calming measures How about a train from Pittsfield to Boston and return that gets in and returns on the same day that would actually allow you to spend the day in one place or the other without having to stay overnight? i.e. one that does not rely on the Lake Shore Limited -- which was 6 hours late earlier this month. More "smart-eye" traffic signalization at intersections to reflect exisiting traffic status. More exclusive "left-turn" turning singnals at all traffic lights. More timely pavement repair of potholes and road deterioration. More bike lanes on state roads. The constant traffic jams during road repair and construction when three lanes merge into one. Also the work is intermittent, on for a few months and off for a few months, just fix it and be done. Adding bicycling lanes. Snow removal operations should not block pedestrian walkways with removed snow at intersections as the roadway is cleared. Maintenance of lane striping throughout the municipalities needs to be improved. Having less lanes where analysis warrants removal to open up land for better developments 3. 32 4. 32 5. 32 6. 32 7. 32 8. 32 9. 33 0. 33 1. 33 2. 33 3. 33 4. 33 5. 33 6. 33 7. 33 8. 33 9. 34 0. 34 1. 34 2. that promote alternative modes of transportation. 1. Please re-pave Cambridge!Primary and, to a larger extent, secondary roads are in rough shape, and have been for years. Potholes and cracks are patched, but rarely repaved. Patches are a very temporary solution. Driving around my city often feels like navigating a minefield.2. Remove parking from streets that are too narrow to accommodate it on both sides. Replace parking lanes with bike lanes and wider sidewalks. Install curb extensions at more crosswalks. Please use reflective white paint for lanes, instead of flat white. In Arlington specifically, Mass Ave does not need four travel lanes, or does not need to be nearly as wide as it is. There are blind spots for drivers and bikers all along Mass Ave. Maybe better street lighting at dark intersections, but really I'd reather see train improvements not roadway. No talking on cell phones bike lanes Reconstruction of existing roadways and bridges - not expandsion. Spot fixes of congestion points. e.g., traffic signal timing that creates a multi-mile backup, widening by a couple of feet at a key spot where left-turning cars block the road and create major backups. This is Route 117. better bike lanes Build I-95 thru Boston and the Inner Belt (I-695), build the Route 2 extension into Cambridge, build the Route 3 extension from Burlington to Belmont, expand Route 128 from four (4) lanes to eight (8) lanes between Peabody & Beverly MA, Extend the Orange Line to Univ. Ave. station in Westwood, Extend the Blue line to Northshore Mall in Peabody, extend the Orange line from Malden to Wakefield. Bike racks, lanes less construction during peak hours Fewer distractions, e.g., commercial signs, billboardsBetter-maintained road markingsStreetname signs for main & side streets at all intersectionsMore police presence on Memorial Dr. Bike Lanes, please :). Maybe even bus only lanes during rush hours? In these times - climate change, the price of gas, etc. we should be making it more pedestrian and bike friendly, not less. Adding bike lanes only to the sides of the roads, where there are ruts, gutters, trash, parked cars, opening doors, etc. gives a false sense of safety, while making it more hazardous. And as a pedestrian dealing with dueling bikes and cars, this is insane. I think most of the above are done fairly well here. Sometimes lights could be better timed, but they are generally quite good, especially compared to other parts of the country. More bicycle lanes, including where possible, barriers from cars, better pothole repair, allow bikes to start a few seconds ahead of crs, along with pedestrians. designated bus/taxi lanes How about just repair the roadways as they are. The roadways are in terrible condition and not just normal winter pot holes, but many of the commonly traveled roads are in desperate A154 34 3. 34 4. 34 5. 34 6. 34 7. 34 8. 34 9. 35 0. 35 1. 35 2. 35 3. 35 4. 35 5. A155 need of basic repairs. Some roads get repaired when they aren't that bad while other roads are totally ignored year after year. Bicycle lanes in hospital area egE safe, dedicated bicycle lanes I don't think we need more motor vehicle lanes of any kind - I don't drive and I don't particularly think it makes sense to do so in Cambridge. More bicycle lanes would be welcome, though. In general, I think traffic improvements in Cambridge should favor bicycles at this time. We do NOT need to be adding more general travel lanes to our roadways. If anything, we should be reallocating space to pedestrians, bicycles, and transit (i.e. road diets). ALL of our major roads should have adequate sidewalks and bicycle lanes or cycle tracks. There are far too many with little or no sidewalks and little accommodation for bicycles. MassDOT's policy of including 4' shoulders that taper in and out as a bicycle accommodation is a total joke and does nothing to encourage more people to bicycle or to even properly accommodate the ones who are bicycling now. 5' continuous bike lanes should be the MINIMUM accommodation.DCR roadways are even worse, and often include multiple high-speed lanes with zero shoulders at all. These parkways are more like highways. DCR should be reducing the number of travel lanes and adding bike lanes (and left turn only lanes where needed) to help calm traffic and make them more multi-modal. Because DCR roadways are often the only connection between certain neighborhoods, bicycling to certain places is almost impossible in many cases.On our highways, we should be converting existing lanes to HOV/HOT, especially so that buses can use them and not get stuck in traffic. (Perhaps the new lanes on Route 128 could be converted into HOV/HOT lanes!) We should also be adding tolls to our highways in the Boston area to further encourage transit use and help properly fund our transportation network. More bike lanes, please. The lack of bike lanes means we bicyclists anger either automobile drivers, who don't think we should be on the road or pedestrians, who resent that we are on the sidewalk. Thank you! I'd rather see bus and rail improvements. More bike lanes Enforce traffic laws - speeding, carpool lanes, idling, parking on sidewalks.For snow removal stop using salt! Use cost-saving, greener alternatives to rock salt like this: ads_getting_greener/?page=2Better and more bike paths and facilities.The lowering of MacGrath and the bridge in JP/Forest Hills, surface option for Rutherford Ave - all good. snow removal should happen during night and be cleared by morning commute- especially when we know ahead of time about sotrms and snow Road Diets. Simplify and calm traffic. Add more bike lanes and improved sidewalks where there are none or where in poor condition. In spring/summer/fall, I like to bike with my children to school and work but don't feel safe biking on the roads with them, but know that we shouldn't be biking on the sidewalks. Presents a dilemma. Build the Community Path, connecting the Minuteman path and the Charles River paths. 35 6. 35 7. 35 8. 35 9. 36 0. 36 1. 36 2. 36 3. 36 4. 36 5. 36 6. 36 7. 36 8. 36 9. 37 0. 37 1. 37 2. 37 3. 37 4. 37 5. 37 More left turn signals (and fewer delayed greens), improved signal timing/engineering. Signage that tells me what road I'm on (in addition to cross streets). These options all seem to be highway-oriented. I rarely travel by highway, even when I drive. I'd like to see more pedestrian improvements to residential areas. The biggest change I'd like to see made to highways and state roads is to reduce their footprint on communities (e.g. Rt. 28 through Somerville cuts through the community and is extremely difficult to cross.) 1. Improve signage, both on highways and on city streets. It is more often than not IMPOSSIBLE to know were you are, because THERE ARE NO SIGNS. Why are there no signs on the main streets, only on the side streets in most places? How can there be multi-approach intersections with NO street signs? Why are there no advance signs for rotaries showing the differen exits from the rotaries?2. Replace rotaries with real roundabouts. Consider real roundabouts in many more locations. Systems to decrease traffic jams during rush hour, such as traffic light timing. better enforcement of driving regulations Make sure all intersections have street signs for both streets. Bypass around Boston metro area Actually, less travel lanes improve safety, and as I am primarily a walker, I would rather have less travel lanes. more bike lanes please removal of select trees at curves in roads on back roads. Correction of blind knolls & blind corners (there are far too many of these), and many could be corrected with modest changes. Information about problems ahead on congested roads. more bike lanes! for work and play. SIGNAGE. Make signs clearer and larger so that motorists aren't always doing crazy things at the last minute. INTERSECTION DESIGN. Congestion is really uneven throughout my neighborhood, and my impression is that it has a lot to do with poor intersection design impeding the flow of traffic. Snow removal is expensive, use the old Cambridge, Ma. system "God put it there, he will take it away." Improve pothole repairs -- less patches more renovation of roadway First, create more bike lanes on existing roads. Second, create more dedictated bike paths, as commuter options, throughout the State. Don't improve roadways! Spend the money on public transportation. Roadway improvements just encourage more use of private automobiles and do not solve the problem. create more complete streets that accommodate pedestrians, transit, bikes AND vehicles in such a way that all are safer and better served employ a shared space model for transportation infrastructurereduced speed limits Do not know better drainage especially on rural roads A156 6. 37 7. 37 8. 37 9. 38 0. 38 1. 38 2. 38 3. 38 4. 38 5. 38 6. 38 7. 38 8. 38 9. 39 0. 39 1. 39 2. 39 3. 39 4. A157 Increase repaving schedules. Pot holes throughout Massachusetts roadways system are ever present. Residential areas need traffic calming in my area (Medford). narrower lanes. fewer lanes. BRT lanes. human scaled edges and lights Street signage in Boston and Cambridge is horrible, often even on major streets there are no signs for cars or pedestrians to now which street they are turning onto it. The potholes in Cambridge (Boston, too) are extremely dangerous. I was thrown off my bicycle last week when I went over a pothole at night at a very safe speed. Items have also dropped off of my racks when bicycling over potholes and rolled into moving traffic. Pllllease make this a priority item. Improve public transportation BEFORE improving roads. If you increase road capacity, it will just fill up again with more cars. We need to get people out of their cars. Bike paths, expansion of roadways where there are traffic issues. Convert to smart streets more chapter 90 money to the towns, use virgin asphalt on the main highways. Have time penalties for road reconstruction projects. Road repair. Bike lanes, separate pathways Clearer signage (for instance, street signs) Bicycle paths, walking trails, transit enhancements, exclusive bus lanes. IMPROVE TWO LANE ROADS ( ONE LANE EACH DIRECTION)TO FOUR LANE (TWO LANES EACH DIRECTION).DO THIS AT LEAST AT BUSY INTERSECTIONS. ON TWO LANE ROADS (ONE LANE EACH WAY) SOMEONE TAKING A LEFT TURN CAN REALLY SLOW DOWN TRAFFIC. bicycle lanes Add wide shoulders where bicycles can ride There are many roads that have excess capacity. They were planned for "future" growth that did not happen. The extra capacity and right-of-way should be devoted to improved sidewalks and bike lanes. Remove one way streets. 2 way roadways make for better neighborhoods and foster local businesses.Adopt "Complete Streets" principals in roadway design. narrow over-designed highway systems and repave and paint deteriorating facilities. Focus more on pedestrian environment. I'm very concerned about proposed traffic/roadway plans for the Walmart project in Wareham. Although they have increased lanes, they refuse to recognize the safety risk for an over 55 park that is 350-400 ft. from the entrance. There is only one egress and the residents of 226 homes will have GREAT difficulty turning left onto Rte 28. Although residents have voiced this at each Planning/Zoning meeting, Walmart has no plans to address this serious safety flaw in their traffic plans. Bicycle Lanes & more Sidewalks. God Bless!! 39 5. 39 6. 39 7. 39 8. 39 9. 40 0. 40 1. 40 2. 40 3. 40 4. 40 5. 40 6. 40 7. 40 8. 40 9. 41 0. 41 1. 41 2. 41 3. 41 4. 41 5. 41 6. Improve signage- both directional and street signs. Fix potholes. Better management of detours during construction to alleviate congestion build/redesign roads for all users, not just motorists. dedicated bus lanes? bike lanes/sharrows? neck downs and bump outs to narrow pedestrian crossings but not impede traffic flow? all great ideas Repaving or resurfacing existing roadways. Repainting lines not just in the middle of the road but crosswalks. Spend more time looking at traffic or flow patterns. repaving, some bridge reconstruction. On major roadways, numbered routes and highways, do away with left hand turns at traffic lights and intersection; they serve only to enduce accidents. I'd like to see a mroe mixed approach: not all the money for cars. Repair of bridges, potholes Reduction/elimination of intrusive and overbuilt infrastructure: Bowker Overpass, Storrow Drive, New Rutherford Ave, McGrath Highway, etc. Add PRT On the highway, I think the merging lane and exit lanes are too close together. One very bad stretch is coming from the Pike towards Boston and merging onto I-93, drivers have to first merge over to the left and for some of us who exit at Andrew (exit 18), you have to quickly merge over 4 lanes of traffic in order to exit, it is very dangerous. I would also like to see traffic reduced in most areas, especially on Dorchester Avenue and Boston Street to about 20mph I don't drive. Would like any improvements that improve pedestrian and bicyclist accessibility and safety. traffic calming, bicycle lanes, more crosswalks. Don't drive enough to know what to contribute here. bike lanes The roadway system is fine. What would be great would be fewer cars using it. Bicycle lanes I see traffic as a problem because of people's driving habits and methods, rather than because of the infrastructure. repair bridges Bike lanes or sharrows turn arrows when a light has a protected greenbike lanes! bike lanes A158 41 7. 41 8. 41 9. 42 0. 42 1. 42 2. 42 3. 42 4. 42 5. 42 6. 42 7. 42 8. 42 9. 43 0. 43 1. 43 2. 43 3. 43 4. 43 5. 43 6. A159 Reduce time for construction projects. sidewalks and crosswalks Stop making so many one ways....more time traveling around the city! improve condition of roadways (pot holes) bike lanes sharrowsenforcement and education for motorists to share the road Replace toll booths on the Mass Pike with ZipCash lanes (See the recent improvements in the Dallas, Texas toll system.) Slowing down to nothing is a waste of everyone's time, gas, and patience. more lanes on rte. 128 north [Salem, Peabody area]-improved road surface more lanes or other better traffic control at one-lane corners where often traffic gets backed up because someone needs to make a left turn. left turn signals at corners like prospect/broadway and prospect/harvard in cambridge. crosswalks and walk signals on all 4 sides at corners like wendell/mass ave and linnaean/mass ave (stupid to cross three streets when you only need to cross one, so make that one a little safer) Enforce existing rules. "No turn on red" does not mean zoom through without looking! This is the most abused rule. The condition of the worn-out pavement in Massachusetts is horrendous. My two-car family has huge expenses repairing our vehicles from damage caused by lack of road surface maintenance. The City of Chelsea particularly has the worst roads I have ever experienced in any location in the US. How about adding street signs? The state should make it nearly mandatory for people to buy FastLane. Bicycle comment -- I did bicycle some until my own weakness made it unsafe in ways unrelated to the roadway. Designated bike lanes for all roads.More street cleaning. Glass punctures tiresTrash pick up and enforce anti-littering to make it more pleasant.Fill potholes more regularly MORE BIKE LANES The Braga Bridge in Fall River has been under repair for at least 10 years. This is a major Southcoast nuisance. When are you guys going to finish the repair - never? more bike lanes or just a couple of extra feet on the shoulder. Towns such as Burlington and WOburn have given commercial development free reign to build office buildings and strip-malls without the necessary traffic study and improvements. This has contributed to congestion on roads and highways in and around these suburbs. I live in a complex of some 250 seniors/disabled people. there is a traffic light just before the rail road tracks, we could use another 1 closer to our building; 1 that is 'on demand" +/or 1 that allows seniors more time cross the street. Drivers here are inconsiderate of the pedestrian walk lane + some several speed thru to avoid being held up by the commuter rail. More Complete Streets redesigns 43 7. 43 8. 43 9. 44 0. 44 1. 44 2. 44 3. 44 4. 44 5. 44 6. 44 7. 44 8. 44 9. 45 0. 45 1. 45 2. 45 3. 45 4. 45 5. 45 Simple maintenance. Add travel lanes only where essential to relieve congestion and where environmentally sound. Very few opportunities for new travel lanes. Add more bike lanes, transit accommodations, and sidewalks where they fit or are environmentally sound. pot hole repair. I dont agree with the proliferation of signalized intersections. Oter people want them and then after they are placed, they complain of congestion. Roundabouts are good but Mass drivers dont give right of way, they seize it.Cities and towns are realiy into double yellow lines, NO PASSING, everywhere. This is nutty, BUT, with the caliber of the avaerage massachusets driver, this is safe, and thats she shineing buzzword; "SAFETY" Increase number of "FastLane" lanes - and make them the high speed ones like in Southern California, where you can drive through the toll collectors at full highway speed. I HATE the traffic that backs up at tolls, like Sturbridge! More transit service with Parking at key locations, ie exit 24 on 128. Saugus branch at route 1. More transit options Improve the interchanges 128-95/93, 128-95/3, improve rte 2 interchange at 128 as well. Route 128-95 is just a joke mass transit is none existent and travel at peak commute times is a parking lot and getting worse. Get employers to stagger start and stop times and fix the on and off ramps the full length Elimination of tolls on Mass Pike outside the west side of Rt. 128. fix potholes Complete Streets -- better accommodation of walking and biking. Where demand calls for it, add protected bike paths. Improve connectivity to transit from longer distance destinations like Portsmouth-Seacoast. Car from NH is every bit as much of a Boston traffic concern as one originating in Boston communities. Take down toll booths. Mass Turnpike authority is an overbloated, unionized bureaucracy. Bus lanes and bus signals. Enforce traffic laws on pedestrians and, particularly, bicycles. roadway surface improvements. Traffic signal timing to better reduce congestion. Better separation of cyclists and motorists on roadways Maximize bike supports (bike lanes, bike parking).Maintenance of roadways (potholes, etc.) Maintain the qulity of pavement. Build more commuter rail lines.Build the Boston to New Bedford commuter rail line. This vital rail line has been promised for years to relieve congestion on Rt 24 and expand business in SE MA. Better bike lanes and better bicyclist education Crossing signals should be better timed with the lights. A160 6. 45 7. 45 8. 45 9. 46 0. 46 1. 46 2. 46 3. 46 4. 46 5. 46 6. 46 7. 46 8. 46 9. 47 0. 47 1. 47 2. 47 3. Improve technology to accept Fast Lane passes at highway travel speed. The current mode of slowing to 5, 10, or 15 MPH defeats the concept of Fast Lane. If other states can use the technology I cannot see why Massachusetts remains in the technology past. Unfortunately I have to drive 100 miles each day to commute to work. The pavement on Route 495 between Rt 24 and Rt 95 interchanges is breaking down and there are numerous potholes out there now. repair the roads and bridges more aggressively Signage - how to get to major highways Bike paths MORE POLICE TO ENFORCE LAWS No comments. Pedestrian friendly sidewalks and crosswalks.Safer bicycle paths.Better driver's education.Smaller cars in the cities.MBTA keeping their bus route schedule.Commuter rail line should get less polluting engines,current fumes are detrimental to customers and residents near track health. Don't put bike lanes on roads that are already narrow. Makes for traffic congestion and dangerous. Complete Streets. Incorporate sidewalks and bike lanes into street reconstruction and improvements. Like the MassDOT roadway design guidelines call for. Come on! Why wasn't this option included in the survey questions above??? Upgrade traffic signals. Include more protected left turn signals. Improve pavement conditions, reduce bottleneck locations, reduce incident response times, coordinate signals De-elevation of McGrath overpass to allow beter east-west movement in Somerville. I would really like to see more bike lanes in Quincy, especially on major routes. More updated traffic signals with audio and visual signals for the hearing impaired. also we need to have better curb cuts that are sloped atless of a incline. Many curb cuts are too steep and follow regulations that are not appropriate for todays electric wheel chairs which are heavy and need a longer incline to provide safety indepenance. Improved bicycling access to encourage bike use for a greater number of casual bicyclists. provide narrower roads to decrease speed on the local roads. widening roads just increases speed and decreases safety. add bike lanes and/or multi-use paths. better bike/ped education for drivers. better lighting at crosswalks (i.e. blinking bollards, blinking signs) More/better bike lanes! REAL bike lanes that aren't just part of the standard traffic lane... lanes like that are worthless and scary to ride in. More dedicated bike lanes, especially connecting the Minuteman to the Charles. 47 4. 47 5. 47 maintain or add shoulders on roads for safe bike access 6. A161 47 7. 47 8. 47 9. 48 0. 48 1. 48 2. 48 3. 48 4. 48 5. 48 6. 48 7. 48 8. 48 9. 49 0. 49 1. 49 2. 49 3. 49 4. 49 5. 49 6. More traffic enforcement the bridges are in bad shape and need much more investment Add/repair sidewalks & cycle tracks - remove excess auto lanes Repaving of some rough local and state roads. FastLane isn't fast if the number of those lanes are restricted -- the folks who don't use transponders should be the ones waiting on lines, not the transponder users.Also, we need to go to a system where via wireless sensors we can track use of roadways by each car so that we can pay for car travel that way rather than the gas tax. Better litter removal. Repair potholes. Too many to mention. Nothing in particular. but since I have to walk to the T (at Mattapan), snow removal (meaning ability to walk on sidewalks) is a particular issues...others not so much. I think bike lanes are awesome. The last bike trip I took I fell because I did not feel safe on the roadway and wiped out trying to get to the sidewalk. I would like to see lane reductions for vehicles on wide avenues with light rail. Brussels is changing over to a system on such avenues where private vehicles have only one lane in either direction, while buses and taxis travel on the designated light rail tracks in the middle, with sidewalks on either side of the light rail tracks. bike lanes/markings/signage encouraging share the road In New Bedford,Left turn lanes & signals at busy intersections.more traffic enforcement red lights & speed enforcement. More road based bike accomodations Generally smoother pavement, especially city streets. Wider curb lane on major arteries. Signs indicating bicycle traffic and that bicycles may use the full lane at all times. Larger Street Name Signs, More Of Them Carpool lanes/express bus lanes/bike lanes taken from existing cross sections can very negatively affect congesion. Congesion means air quality degradation. Most congestion occurs in urban areas where most minority and EJ populations exist. Health impacts to abutting neighborhoods has to have an important role in the decision-making on these issues. See above: most roads are perceived as for cars only. Need to adopt "Complete Streets" policies, and make sure streets are welcoming and safe for all road users: bike, ped, transit, handicapped, as well as motorists. Carpool lanes make no difference unless there are at least three people in the car.Very tired of traffic signals being staggered to keep traffic from flowing. Highways without traffic at every time of day. The big dig was nice but it didn't solve any traffic problems from the Braintree split to Boston. It appears that the big bottle neck in the morning is the HOV lane merging with the normal traffic near the yacht club / Boston Globe area. The next major hurdle is the merge from Columbia Road on ramp. The biggest tie up is A162 49 7. 49 8. 49 9. 50 0. 50 1. 50 2. 50 3. 50 4. 50 5. 50 6. 50 7. 50 8. 50 9. 51 0. 51 1. 51 2. 51 3. A163 the off ramp for Melena Cas Drive / Mass Ave / Boston Medical Center. After that it usually frees up. It is very frustrating to commute every morning. Lately, it is bad all the time no matter what the weather is doing. Mass Tpk is a critical factor to Berkshires and in needed tolls could be reinstated I live in a suburb of Boston with two major regional highways. There are many studies documenting increased heart attacks and asthma due to the highways located near to homes. These health costs need to be assessed to the drivers using the highways and passed on to the neighboring communities to mitigate the health impacts of driving.We should to the degree possible make driving costs pay as you go, the funds raised could be used to improve transit and compensate neighboring communities for the health impacts that highways have. lower speed limits Better marked roads,cross walks, major hwy middle barrier lane markings seem lacking in many urban areas and allow drivers to make bad choices based on ambiguity. this ends up being bad for other drivers and non-auto users. This was a very poor question; there are far more improvement types that are worthy of mention. Improve/add interchangesReconfigure intersectionsBuild more roadsImprove surface conditionEtc... Pot holes of course, and repainting lines on all roads. Really hard to see if it's raining or no lights are available at exit ramps or ends of streets. better defined shoulders for bicycle travel; shorter crosswalks and longer pedestrian intervals PAINTED LANE LINES, please! It feels like in a LOT of Boston/Cambridge/Somerville/Medford (the places I frequent)... the lane lines are either so faded you can't see them in good weather (which is so hazardous in the rain or snow!) or there are NO lane lines and you're not sure if it's a one or two lane road (going in one direction). More bike lanes We need to invest in transit and active transportation, not automobiles-centered improvements. I would love to see the McGrath Highway de-elevated. Better bicycle accommodation:More signs indicating that it is okay for bikes to use the full lane.More bike lanes.More paths for non-motorized vehicles.Better connectivity of existing bike-related amenities. Full depth reconstruction of most of the roads. They are all deathtraps full of potholes. Add wider shoulders. complete streets Install designated bicycle lanes as a rule on all arterial city streets.Traffic calming measures on city and residential streets are definitely needed.Planting street trees for shade would encourage walking.Install bike racks and bike lockers to encourage bicycle use. I would like to see McGrath Highway rethought as a boulevard ...more integrated into the city it bisects. Too many cars speed on it through Somerville and it is horrible to use as a pedestrian or on a bike. The lights also seem to be timed to move traffic through rather than aid the flow across the city. The overpass is a neglected eyesore and needs curb cuts for 51 4. 51 5. 51 6. 51 7. 51 8. 51 9. 52 0. 52 1. 52 2. 52 3. 52 4. 52 5. 52 6. 52 7. 52 8. 52 9. 53 0. 53 1. 53 2. handicapped access. I would like to see the McCarthy/McGrath highway removed and replaced with a human-scale urban boulevard. I would like to see the Somerville Community Path completed all the way to the Charles River. More safe bike lanes and paths. Bus lanes. More electric public transportation vehicles. Bike share. Fix potholes and smooth pavement! Fix the potholes! Going through every downtown, when on a longer distance trip, is a real problem (it takes about 25 minutes to get to the turnpike from downtown Pittsfield, before driving the 2+ hours to Boston on the Pike. The lack of signal coordination also unnecessarily creates alot of delays for motorists. Improved pedestrian crosswalk markings, particularly when outside of immediate downtowns, is needed. Better maintenance. The potholes are more than bad for cars - they are dangerous. Widen roadway shoulders to accomodate bicycles. more bike lanes More consistent bike signage and designated bike lanes. Education to motorists about being courteous to bikers. I think the biggest improvement for both communities and congestion would be to implement alternative designs to the typical intersection. Removing traffic signals altogether in town centers could reduce bottlenecks, perhaps with roundabouts or other traffic slowing (but not stopping) techniques. Let's do it! I would like to see route 28, Mcgrath highway, made into a Boulevard as originally intended. This a potential critical pedestrian core but the current sidewalk proximity to roadway and volume/speed rate of traffic makes it a very scary place to walk. Trees, stop lights and real sidewalks would be wonderful. Fix Potholes!Improve/add lane markings in confusing intersectionsdecrease traffic backups due to SE expressway, Storrow at Fenway exit, and other traffic bottlenecksAdd dedicated bike lanes which are not sandwiched between parked cars and right traffic lanes. Add bike lanes especially as roads are repaved. Feels like MassDOT overlooks good opportunities for encouraging alternative transportation. Repaint lines and other markings on the streets so that they are visible.Maintain street signs and prune trees and bushes that obscure them. Bike lanes Full implementation of complete streets. more & better bicycling inclusion in planning, design & maintenance. Conflicting patterns at intersections are by far the biggest cause of congestion in the city and at highway exits Restrictions on some streets to local traffic only. Better road repair (of potholes, etc.), wider, well-marked bike lanes. Although I don't bike, this is helpful for me as a pedestrian too. Every mode has their own lane (sidewalk, bike lane, car lane). A164 53 3. 53 4. 53 5. 53 6. 53 7. 53 8. 53 9. 54 0. 54 1. 54 2. 54 3. 54 4. 54 5. 54 6. 54 7. 54 8. 54 9. A165 More round-abouts to replace aging traffic lighted intersections, thus creating safer intersections by slowing traffic down while reducing maintenance costs for towns. Also reduces greenhouse gases by eliminating idling vehicles. Removal of "temporary" yellow cones now over 5 years at the RR crossing of Fresh Pond Parkway between the Circles at Concord Street. I'm starting to see that this survey is not at all intended for people living outside the Boston region. Is the DOT for the whole state, or just the city?All roads need designated bike lanes. On many roads, wider shoulders will do. more bicycle lane (continuous)less road more pedestrian crossing with less waiting time and get rid of the turn right on red light , dangerous for pedestrian and bicycle I am interested in "road diets" in which lanes are taken away from motorists (in urban areas). I am also interested in tearing down specific highways (McGrath Highway in Somerville/Cambridge). I would like to see that torn down, and replaced with a four lane boulevard that allots enough space for bike lanes and pedestrian areas. I am also interested in lowering the speed limit in dense urban areas. Additionally, I would like to see separate lanes for bikers and improve connectivity throughout the Boston-Metro area.While I would like to see efficient travel, it is important to slow motorists down once they enter the city where people live. I am not interested in motorists speeding through an area in which people are active and about.These questions are very car-centric. pave our section roads. Traffic signals and operations here are deplorable compared to similarly sized metropolitan areas across the country. ROAD IMPROVEMENT ESPECIALLY AFTER WINTER FROST HEAVES. Get rid of the toll booths on the Pike. They create traffic backups. If you must keep them, then keep the FastLane booths on the left (passing) side so that faster moving traffic doesn't need to cross over slower moving traffic. Also, if you must keep the tolls, convert the FastLane booths so that you can pass through at higher speed. Fewer signs, better information Road diets - reduce excessive widths and poorly defined paved areas, both of which encourage drivers to travel at speeds above posted limits, contribute to pedestrian perceptions of lack of safety. get rid of potholes; maintain roads; better lighting on some; better snow removal Not many, I would prefer to see investment in improving mass transit and little or no additional new highway construction (maintenance only). More well-designed bike paths.Should be:- At least 2 ft wide- Out of the distance of car door opening- Well signedThe new bike path on Concord Ave. is a good example. more Bike lanes More bike lanes, fewer potholes. Replace highway signs along Rt 6 on Cape Cod—in the daytime they are pretty readable, BUT at night these same signs DO NOT REFLECT properly—in some cases (Rt 130 interchange) the State route number is actually unreadable at night—Example: Route "130" looks like "180". Some signs actually do not show the letters or numbers when car lights hit them. It is a disgraceful way to great our seasonal tourists and guests. I have driven in virtually every 55 0. 55 1. 55 2. 55 3. 55 4. 55 5. 55 6. 55 7. 55 8. 55 9. 56 0. 56 1. 56 2. state in the nation, and I have never seen such crappy signs at night—anywhere! * Bike lanes, both with- and contra-flow. * Traffic Signal Prioritization (TSP) for MBTA Green Line and buses. * A roadway toll system which rewards both carpooling and high MPG vehicle usage. * More roadway tolls, especially on commuter roads in and out of Boston. I follow the law that pedestrians have the right of way in many situations, but sometimes I wonder if that is the safest option. For example, in the middle of a majorly busy roadway, like Beacon Street or Mass Ave, there are occasional crosswalks that are NOT near stoplights. I think these are SO dangerous!! I'd like to see more signage for the crosswalks that are, from a driver's point of view, in the middle of nowhere. Sometimes you'd going 35 and a person appears in the road and it's really scary. Also, people behind you don't know why you're stopping and try to go around you, which is so dangerous for the person in the road. I almost wish that ALL crosswalks would have lights at them, but i know that would be a traffic nightmare. I also don't understand why a driver gets a green light and the pedestrian gets a walk signal for the cross street. This causes major snarls in busy intersections for all people trying to turn right at an intersection. Why can't there be separate walk signals for pedestrians where they don't have to compete with people turning right? I feel that the flow would be so much better. Maybe we can station a police officer at every busy intersection! Ha ha. High-speed Fast Lanes would be nice, such as they have in some other states. Harvard and Beacon is an impossible intersection, something must go over or under. Make gas more expensive so fewer people drive-- use earned money to help the MBTA so it doesn't have to raise fares. We pay too little for gas! Fill potholes and mark pedestrian crossings more clearly, including the "Fine for not stopping" signs. Bike lanes! Bike lanes! I would be more willing to bicycle places if there was better focus on bicycling infrastructure and safety. This would also involve providing better education to bicyclists and motorists about the laws governing sharing the road. improve sidewalks, including repair cracks and holes dedicated bicycle space (lanes, etc.) Runoff of rainwater is important - because one cannot legally park in front of a hydrant anyway, cut the pavement there and let it grow. this reduces load on the storm drain system, reinforces a no parking zone, and improves health of the soil underneath, while reducing roadway upkeep costs and providing additional greenspace/beautifucation.Maybe the small savings can be used to fix potholes. Fixing roadway surfaces has got to be a priority of any government in any era in history. Crosswalks, speed limits. Police enforcement of speed limits on inner city 4 lane roads. I wish that there was a way to make it so that there wasn't such a gridlock at the overpass at the end of Linwood Street during morning and evening rush-hours, and that the DO NOT BLOCKINTERSECTION policy was strictly enforced in Union Square, because traffic really gets horribly backed up in Union square.At one point, there was talk about making Prospect Street and Webster Avenues two-way streets, instead of one-way streets. I think that that, too, might solve a lot of problems, and I hope they do that. A166 56 3. 56 4. 56 5. 56 6. 56 7. 56 8. 56 9. 57 0. 57 1. 57 2. 57 3. 57 4. 57 5. 57 6. 57 7. 57 8. 57 9. 58 0. 58 1. 58 2. 58 3. 58 4. 58 5. A167 Separated bike lanes and roads (i.e. Roadway, parking, bike lane, sidewalk) I'M A WHEELCHAIR USER SO IMPROVED ACCESS IS KEY. more bike lanes; eliminate "right on red"; reduce speed limits POTHOLES! Also Please re-paint the road lines in somerville! you cant see them and I am 28 so It's not like I have cataracts! Hybrid car lanes maybe? Express bus lanes. Tolls on all highways entering Boston. narrower lanes, raised intersections Strictly enforce laws regarding bicyclists. They DO NOT seem to follow basic traffic law and are a danger to themselves and others. Add bike lanes to every road. Improve bicycle travel safety. More bicycle lanes Put up signs telling bicyclists to stay off the sidewalks, to verbally warn people when they are approaching from behind, to observe the traffic rules. Street stencils to show shared-use. Narrow the roads to discourage the use of cars for commuting. Fix the constantly reoccurring potholes on 93N and S. Do something about the Rt3 merge onto 495 North as there's almost always a traffic snarl there. Widen, flatten and straighten 128 as it seems that people can never, EVER drive around curves and up hills without slowing down enough to cause a jam. lordy i hate driving on 128. Removal of unnecessary (i.e. politically required) traffic signals so that minor traffic flows such as those from side streets NEVER have the right-of-way over the busier main traffic flows. Bike lanes and bike parking Effective drainage of standing water in handicap accessible crosswalks. enforcement of speed limits, and all other laws especially for bikes separate bicycle lanes (tracks) on roadways and bridges Protected bicycle lanes. Better roadway markings and street signage More four-way stops instead of lights. 58 6. 58 7. 58 8. 58 9. 59 0. 59 1. 59 2. 59 3. 59 4. 59 5. 59 6. 59 7. 59 8. 59 9. 60 0. 60 1. 60 2. 60 3. 60 4. pothole repair--I have tripped on potholes. Your questions allow me to tell you very little. What is the intended outcome of this set of questions?I am looking for fewer cars on the roadway, not roadway improvements. crosswalks need to be safe for the pedestrian. they need to ALWAYS have accessible (by code and regulation standards) curb cuts on both sides.crosswalks need to be straight across- those wild designs by the city of somerville are really stupid. More accomation for biking, with separation from cars where possible. Bicycle Trails. I would like it made more difficult to drive to places well served by public transporation. Of course we'd need to get the "well served" part down first. But if public transit was the more attractive option, people, including me, would use it more and leave our cars at home. Resurfacing more often & generally better upkeep on the road surfaces in the Boston area. Road surfaces are terrible in many parts of Boston & Brookline. better sidewalks More roadway work to improve traveling efforts in the smallest towns in the region. More education for all users of the roadway and enforce more laws that govern such activities. Create more visible signage such that out-of-towners can clearly see which direction they should go. Upgrade traffic signals so that intersections closer together are timed to reduce the sitting que waiting for the light to change on one end or the other. Complete Streets for every town incorporating safe pedestrian and bicycle facilitiesEstablish a network of separate cycle tracks to encourage many more people to choose to cycle At each turnpike exit, provide parking so that people could park and then carpool with others to a specific location. Often people from diverse areas will be going to the same conference and the only current solution is to park at a McDonalds or Convenience store parking lot and then wonder if anyone will notice you're there all day. If you could pick maybe six locations ( one near Springfield, near Rt 495, Worcester, Boston...) and create 10 new spaces and publicize that commuters could park there or designate private commuter friendly spaces for more Park & Ride, this would be helpful. Don't know More frequent lane painting More traffic calming; more dedicated bicycle lanes; better bicycle lane markings; automated light signal timing that does not force autos to idle at red lights for lengthy periods during offpeak times Frequent full surface repaving of all roads. Shift the income derived from drivers to the MBTA! A constant source of aggravation is the fact that transit users like myself are forced to subsidize the Big Scam. FIX POTHOLES FREQUENTLY! More and safer bike lanes! Better street signage A168 60 5. 60 6. 60 7. 60 8. 60 9. 61 0. 61 1. 61 2. 61 3. 61 4. 61 5. 61 6. 61 7. 61 8. 61 9. 62 0. 62 1. 62 2. 62 A169 more bikelanes that are painted a different color. bike turning signals.reconfigure intersections that are dangerous for pedestrians to make them safer The bottom of storrow drive, turning left onto rt28, the traffic light is too short, around 10 seconds. More separate bike lanes! Bikers like to be cars or pedestrians when it is convenient for them and that makes it very difficult to share the road. Better pavement-- the roads in some areas are almost impassible. Fewer travel lanes for cars, increased speed and travel for buses, trains, bikes, and pedestrians. Although the MassDOT 2006 Design Guide allows 10' wide travel lanes, very few MassDOT projects actually include them! Reducing lane widths in city and town roads improves speed compliance and encourages safer driving.The Route 128 "Add-a-lane" project should only be adding a carpool or bus lane, not a general travel lane. We cannot build our way out of congestion by simply adding more lanes. Adding general lanes will degrade air quality by inducing more congestion while wasting taxpayer money. How about if the police start enforcing traffic laws instead of allowing the "anything goes" culture on our streets? I see people running red lights and failing to yield to pedestrians RIGHT IN FRONT OF COPS who don't lift a finger to do anything about it. "No left turn" signs are treated as a suggestion. separate lanes for bicycles; better road upkeep; lane and barrier reflectors on more highways more bikelanes, and specifically separate cycle paths separate from the roadway used by cars. Also coordination between traffic signals at intersections maintained by different entities - i.e. Memorial Drive. More bike lanes. The lane markings on many streets are complicated and worn out. Refresh the lane markings.Add more of the da-glo pedestrian crosswalk signs so there is warning when we're supposed to stop. I'm often afraid that the car behind me will crash into me if I stop too quickly. Improve pavement, get rid of potholes Better marked bike lanes. More bike Lanes I know there is a boom in bicycling as a mode of transportation, however, I feel like the cyclists have gotten too bold. They expect cars to always yield to them, and don't do a good job of staying aware of traffic around them. I feel pedestrians have gotten too bold too. What happened to teaching kids in school to look both ways before crossing the street? More bicycle provisions, including parking, sharerow street markings, contraflow lanes where appropriate, and safely marked bicycle lanes. Improving road travel starts with driver education and enforcement of laws such as: yielding correctly, tailgating, BLOCKING INTERSECTIONS, etc., the only traffic laws enforced it seems are speeding. Fix potholes. Traffic calming, more landscaping, trash removal 3. 62 4. 62 5. 62 6. 62 7. 62 8. 62 9. 63 0. 63 1. 63 2. 63 3. 63 4. 63 5. 63 6. 63 7. 63 8. 63 9. 64 0. logical user friendly bike lanes and dedicated bus lanes visible crosswalks Better-paved streets! VMT or gas tax that can be used toward public transportation. repavement and prompt filling of potholes. Rt 28, North Main St., Randolph, waits years for repaving while Milton's section is done regularly!!!time given for pedestrian crossing is totally too little, een if you speed walk, you can't make it across before the light changes. Randolph is bad; the intersection at Quincy-Adams is worse, really bad.our sidewalks need repaving as well.Way finding at Logan at night is a real trial. Signs contain lists of up to 10 locations and are NOT lit. Trying to find the cell phone lot was a real challenge and involved more than one trip around the airport. If the signs were lit and the lists shorter and symbols (big enough to see) were used it would help. Better snow removal on local roads, can't speak to highways. In terms of traffic signals, I often find that a larger, high-traffic road is stopped for a red light while a smaller crossing road has a green light but no cars/bikes. I'm not sure how feasible it is to add sensor lights (and I do not drive much myself, but in other places I have lived, it has made traffic smoother along such stop-start routes (i.e. Mass Ave). Also - I have commuted by bike in other places, and would do so more often here if there were more bike lanes and/or community paths that went most of the way to where I needed to go. As stated before, congestion fee like London, and higher parking meter fees. Also, in congested neighborhoods like Beacon Hill, the resident parking permit should cost a LOT more (triple digits!). more bike lanes, calm (slow/reduce) auto traffic Please keep on top of pot hole repair for bikers. bike lanes should be on all roads and on the INSIDE of the parked cars as they do in Europe. In Kendall Sq area there are some such. streetcar tracks Fill potholes create designated lanes for buses so they don't have to wait in traffic!make intersection more pedestrian friendly!more designated bicycle routes on roads! (i.e. make space on roads, not necessarily separate lanes or paths) More bike lanes! Better organization of traffic: designated turning lanes, well maintained crosswalks where pedestrians are visible, bike lanes on heavy-biking routes. less $ going to highway, more to transit and bike/pedestrian facilities. I would like to see trackless railroads, unpaved roads and biways taking advantage of wheeled vehicles for land transporta5tion. Also multimode transportation devices. i.e. bring a bike on a catamaran to a harbor say Providence and anchor and bike the final leg. Won't need interstates. Bike lanes, sharrows A170 64 1. 64 2. 64 3. 64 4. 64 5. 64 6. 64 7. 64 8. 64 9. 65 0. 65 1. 65 2. 65 3. 65 4. 65 5. 65 6. 65 7. 65 A171 More bike lanes The highways are overcrowded. Before we increase population we need to improve the roads. All anyone needs to do is drive on 95 at rush hours to wonder why the politicians want to increase the population. I am glad people are leaving the state if it means traffic will improve. The only place I know of where more traffic lanes are needed is the I85/I90 interchange in Charlton. An incredible amount of time is lost there by motorists and truckers during the high driving seasons. Besides that, we are only dealing with rush hour jams and where that is the case in this region there is no room for additional lanes. More bike paths and bike lanes!!!!!!!!!!!!! traffic calming projects Synchronize traffic lights. speed bumps near crosswalks and intersections. repaving; better lane markings; more bike lanes More bicycle lanes Install the smart bikelanes that are wide or have slight barrier from the car lane; Smoother bike lanes -- all construction seems to happen in the bikelanes, and they're not filled well. Fill the big potholes on Rt. 28 north from Boston to Somerville. I hit them every time. Spend a little money on repairing highways and roads so people whom are walking or riding their bikes can safely do so. More bicycle lanes. 1. Get rid of pot holes. 2. Roads are very crowded and people run red lights etc. It's every person for themselves. Cops need to enforce traffic rules not just give speeding tickets on the highway. 3. I hate when traffic backs up in my direction and it takes 3 light cycles to get through but the cross direction has a green and there are no cars even there! Que los trabajadores gubernamentales se dediquen mas a sus tareas diarias en vez de estar en los establecimientos tomando cafe y leyendo el newspaper. more bike lanes By "Add more travel lanes," I mean bike lanes. The age of the car (and the ensuing unhealthy urban sprawl and national obesity epidemic) is thankfully coming to a close. There is a shift of consciousness - Americans are doing the research, seeing the results in other places in the world, and want bike lanes, bike signal lights incorporated into city intersections, dedicated bike highways and roadways linked intelligently, safe pedestrian ways that lead to mass transit hubs - in short, all roadway improvements, from highways to smaller roads to bridges need to not just "include" cyclists and pedestrians, but actually PRIORITIZE them. This is fast becoming, if you look at the increasing numbers (coinciding with decreasing car use), the preferred way to travel, not an "alternative" way to travel. It's not just because gas is expensive. Even then, people are preferring, and will continue to prefer walking, biking and mass transit. It would be wise to consider this. fix up the pot holes on streets and do over the crossing paths on the streets 8. 65 9. 66 0. 66 1. 66 2. 66 3. 66 4. 66 5. 66 6. 66 7. 66 8. 66 9. 67 0. 67 1. 67 2. 67 3. 67 4. 67 5. 67 6. 67 7. 67 8. 67 9. 68 0. 68 1. Roadwork that allows for smoother travel. Lanes that are clearly marked. Clear signs. high speed rail, build better highways. Update traffic signals to work together so you do not block traffic at every other light so there can be a flow of traffic Bicycle lanes and cycle tracks Potholes need better repair. Pavements are in bad condition. Beyond basic safety upgrades for roadways, I am MUCH more interested in improvements to public transportation. More bus routes, more frequent service, quick completion of the green line extension, etc etc. Snow removal is good in Somerville but surprisingly crappy in Cambridge... Demolish the McGrath Highway bridge in Somerville. Gas tax, more public transit to get people out of cars. More law enforcement to witness and stop smart-phoning and driving as well as basic road laws.. Add more bike lanes! Fix potholes! They are everywhere, particulary in Boston and I-93 North. Today, ther are MASSIVE potholes on the entrance to Storrow drive, next to Mass Eye and Ear. more dedicated bike lanes and motorist awareness of bike lanes Sidewalks and bike lanes more lighting on side st. Add left turn lanes POTHOLES OF COURSE Add more, and SAFER, bike lanes. Add more rental bikes and car sharing. hmm y ou didn't make it clear that this is for cars. I would like more travel lanes for bikes. making driving easier, faster, cheaper will kill any effort to improve public transportation. Time traffic lights better, fix poor pavement conditions Better traffic enforcement on parkways Get rid of bike lanes. Bikers are hazardous as they do not use proper road etiquette. They slow traffic around the city. More right and left turn lanes at busy intersections. Add more bike lanes. A172 68 2. 68 3. 68 4. 68 5. 68 6. 68 7. 68 8. 68 9. 69 0. 69 1. 69 2. 69 3. 69 4. 69 5. 69 6. 69 7. 69 8. 69 9. 70 0. 70 1. A173 more people cited for making illegal u turns on interstates like 107 in Revere where it happens all the time. This would make for a better roadway. Having done this for 20 years, the big dig helped a lot. The tunnels are fine. That snarl though coming into Boston from 93 southbound, by the old cinemas is ridiculous. The lane drop is a problem, but people being selfish is the real issue. More signals that are triggered by cars so you don't have to spend time waiting in off peak hours. Enforcement of no turn on red! Our roads and highways are just fine, please maintain, but expense on improvements would be a waste. More lanes invite more traffic, discourages carpooling, if you don't believe me ask a Southern Californian. I don't drive typically, but I know many friends are concerned about potholes. Having a leading bike signal would be great and more bike lanes where possible. However, more than roads or sidewalks, I want investment in the T. I can bike safely, walk safely, etc., but I want to make sure that the T is functional when I want to use it. More lanes on routes such as 110 or 113. Create "cars only" fast lanes. Better maintained, or rebuilt to current specs Restrict use of bycicles on major routes that lack sufficient bike lanes or sidewalks.Enforce jay walking laws in Springfield. Re-pave side roads Fix bad roads (potholes)Stop people from parking on side of road (in no parking zones) and blocking traffic in the lane.enforce laws in turn only lanes (ticket people who go straight in turn only lanes) it causes traffic backups NO Continual repair of potholes, including in residential neighborhoods. less patches Sidewalks - there are none in my area (Barre) bike paths that are safe more space/design for bikes would like to see more bike lanes and the lanes WIDER than they are. They are generally so narrow that bicyclists are vulnerable to car doors opening into them and to moving automobiles brushing them on the side.The biggest safety feature, though, would be the END of cell phone use while driving. I have had a number of brushes with death on the streets and it has always been when the automobile driver is using a cell phone and the driver never has a cluse how close he came to killing me. Fill the never ending potholes. Fix potholes 70 2. 70 3. 70 4. 70 5. 70 6. 70 7. 70 8. 70 9. 71 0. 71 1. 71 2. 71 3. 71 4. 71 5. 71 6. 71 7. 71 8. 71 9. 72 0. 72 1. 72 2. a speacial lane for bikers additional bike lanes better lane markings and wide, well maintained shoulders for bicyclesreduction in on-street parking where door opening is a hazard to bicyclists Fix the roads and fix potholes More consideration of improving traffic congestion, such as better driving instruction/signage at Sullivan Square rotary and maintaining the Rutherford Avenue underpass. Potholes are of a major problem, as well as the bridges and overpasses are no t well kept. carpool lane would be nicesnow removel is awalys good Billerica roads are unsafe for bikes and pedestrians. For driving in the cities: Cars parked illegally slow down traffic. Poor road conditions (potholes, uneven road surfaces, etc) slow down traffic and cause damage to cars.For highways: Road surfaces need to be kept up meticulously. Good paving. Slower speeds. Curb extensions. Enforcement of law (Boston) requiring parking 20 feet back from intersection. Lights progressively timed for cars. More stop signs, fewer signals. More central-paying meters and reduction of sidewalk schlock--meters, signs, signal boxes, poorly placed bus shelters, trash cans. Bike lanes are the travel lanes I'd like to see more of. I would definitely bike a lot more than I do, but the roads close to my home are not safe for cycling. This is regarding local roads: as a frequent bicyclist, I wish the roads were better maintained (pot holes are much worse for bikes than they are for cars) and cleaned (of broken glass and metal debris), and that they were wider (although I know this is often impossible). Less traffic signals, less one way streets. I think the roadways are being adequately maintained. Earlier parking ban along Trapelo and Belmont Road into Harvard Square Taking care of potholes. traffic calming. Lowering lanes and speeds. wifi and satellite radio reception in big dig tunnels. less tolls, better road surface maintenance!! too many pot holes, etc protected bike lanes Improve lines on highways. Repair potholes. My biggest complaint is that they start road work projects and then do not act quickly to get it done. There should be a penalty for not completing work in the agreed time. I have watched projects started and then left for 2 years. Meanwhile expensive equipment just sits there. Traffic signals for bicycles A174 72 3. 72 4. 72 5. 72 6. 72 7. 72 8. 72 9. 73 0. 73 1. 73 2. 73 3. 73 4. 73 5. 73 6. 73 7. 73 8. 73 9. A175 Provide more OFFROAD bike paths Better paving of city roadways in both Amsbury and Merrimac, MA. Add overhead signage to highways with slow/55 mph, travel/ 60-65 mph, passing lane 65+ mph. When I first learned to drive, the left lane was for passing only and the right for slow traffic. Now slow traffic will go to left lane and cause bottlenecks while the right lane has speeding traffic. Also on the overhead sign would be speed guns that would cause a flashing light when travel is too fast. put in cycle paths that are separated from main car traffic Complete highway projects more quickly, thus allowing traffic to move at a better pace. Also increase the amount of projects done at night if possible, to decrease the affect on the traffic during the day. Upgrade traffic signals so motorists do not have to sit at red traffic lights at 4:30AM! It would be good to coordinate lights a bit better to improve traffic flow and avoid back ups into intersections caused by red lights.The new lanes on Beacon Street, Brookline, are ridiculous. Driving is on Beacon like being on a slalom course as the lanes swing around to accommodate left turn lanes and try to find room for bikes, but I think it is hopeless to improve that now. We spent a bunch, I assume, to create this silly configuration. Bike lines that are separate from motor vehicle lanes. Most bike lanes are dangerous as they are right next to parked cars; thus the chance of a cyclist being "doored" is high. Fund bike lanes!!!!!!!!! Bicycle Lanes There are a lot of poorly paved roads on my bicycle commute route. The bumpiness has been bad for my computer (lost the hard drive!) but also, it's dangerous for me. When there are bad potholes I sometimes have to swerve into traffic to avoid them. Beacon Street (the one that connects Inman Square to Somerville Ave) is very, very bad on the northbound side, even though there are bike lanes most of the way. Also, the northern part of Oxford Street, just before it connects to Beacon, is terrible! In Boston and east Somerville, the roads are in miserable shape. The McGrath Hwy is actively falling apart.In addition, there are huge areas of town where no lanes are painted, and it's utterly unclear where one is permitted to drive. The result is dangerous chaos. We don't need more lanes; we need lane paint!! Please make YIELD signs larger. People ignore them when entering rotaries. An especially dangerous rotary is the BU Bridge rotary where people entering form Memorial Drive heading east routinely ignore the Yield law. Redesign major intersections (such as Sullivan Square) to reduce congestion, after appropriate traffic pattern analysis Get rid of all the bike lanes. I don't seehow it improves traffic flow to change roadway from two lanes, to one lane and a bike lane. Especially for people (bicylists) who pay no road user fees. do anything you can to get cars off the road more tolls 74 0. 74 1. 74 2. 74 3. 74 4. 74 5. 74 6. 74 7. 74 8. 74 9. 75 0. 75 1. 75 2. 75 3. 75 4. 75 5. 75 6. 75 7. 75 PLEASE, DO NOT ADD MORE LANES. There is not a single instance in the history of the world that doing so has permanently improved transit times. Increasing the number of lanes temporarily speeds traffic, but the result is that it ends up attracting proportionately more motorists, and the problem is then regenerated anew, but this time on a larger scale. More bike lanes. more bike lanes! Make roads better for bikes and pedestrians. Devote more space on roadways to bikes and pedestrian facilities.Build bicycle lanes, cycle-tracks and counter-flow bicycle lanes.Build speed humps. FIX POTHOLES!!! REPEAT: FIX POTHOLES!! MORE BIKE LANES DAMMIT. i ride the mbta bus from chelsea,ma and they need to fix cary square streets..its ruining the buses with all the mess they're making doing construction. There are certain hot spots ie difficult to cross in spite of markings.Give us forms to fill out as we walk and put up "suggestion" type boxes where the city can be updated regularly re: areas that need to be repaired - a missing brick, etc. Thanks. fix potholessmooth over rough stretches of roads that get a lot of use better signage More bicycle lanes Better signage! More bike paths or bike lanes. Drivers who actually obey the existing tailgating, speeding...unneeded lane changes, texting, phone and generally not paying attention to anyone. Stop the nonsense of removing travel lanes for bicycle lanes. This is insane. Traffic is bad enough and our roads are already inadequate. Treelined roadways. Even when a road is necessary, it doesn't need to be devoid of nature. I suggest lining roads with trees and whenever possible adding islannds with trees/flowers/plantings, etc. Anything which adds more nature and helps improve the air as well as assists in slowing down motorists. These are all ambiguous questions. Does "more travel lanes" mean add more lanes for cars or does it also mean for bikes? We need to have more SAFE biking options. Does "upgrade traffic signals" mean "add timed lights so that cars can go even faster and endanger more pedestrians'/bicyclists' lives"? In that case, I certainly disagree with this. If it means adding better signaling for pedestrians and bicycles, then I'm all about it. Cars get WAY too much attention in American cities, and Massachusetts is no exception to this. Motorists need to know that they do not own the road and that pedestrians and bicyclists have at least as much of a right to the road as they do. Add rebates for folks using FastLane and open more lanes. Biking lanes are sorely needed around here! A176 8. 75 9. 76 0. 76 1. 76 2. 76 3. 76 4. 76 5. 76 6. 76 7. 76 8. 76 9. 77 0. 77 1. 77 2. 77 3. 77 4. 77 5. 77 6. A177 Less and more expensive street parking. The lanes could be used for automobile traffic during rush hours and bike lanes at other times. Or both. Local towns keeping roads in better condition. The state is okay but the cities and towns are generally very poor. Can't think of anything. Since I always take public transportation, I don't pay much attention ! I would like to see a law eliminating cell phone use in cars while driving. They should extend the carpool lane north of Boston to Wilmington as a diamond lane. During the moring rush hour this would eliminate the 4 lane to 3 lane merge Somerville. Then the T should add Express Busses from the Anderson Transportation Center to Boston. This would do more to remove cars from Rt 93 then expanding the Green Line to Medford. Better area's for disabeled folks to be able to get onto transportation bus Springfield has beautiful crosswalks, good street lights and pedestrian lights. What is needed are enforced rules. Young men in cars are traveling dangerous speeds and dangerous in and out of traffic. Spfld residents walk even with babies against the lights. As a pedestrian, no one including Police will stop at a crosswalk.ENFORCE RULES AND EDUCATE THE PUBLIC. enforce traffic laws!!!invest in public transportation condition of streets is awful. Lots of patches, potholes, and poor paved conditions repair ageing bridges Please, please, please fix the broken pavement on the MassPike between exits 8 and 6. It's a shame that I have to pay almost $1 to commute each daywhile NY residents get a free ride to exit 6. And what's most insulting is that the section of the MassPike from exits 1-6 is in far better condition than exits 6-8. I do not like the politics of a free ride from 1-6 but if I have to pay at least the road should be free of broken pavement. There, I feel better. Add more cycle lanes. Try to improve the bottleneck areas on Rt 91 such as the Longmeadow curve, and the Chicopee curve Narrow roadways to slow down speeding traffic. Redesign intersections to increase pedestrian safety while crossing. Cleaning streets better for use of motorcycles Snow removal in Springfield is horrible. The streets are never cleaned properly making commuting to and from work difficult. A typical commute of 15-20 minutes becomes a 40-50 minute commute the day of and after and up to several days/weeks after a snow storm. Cambridge recently re-timed some of its traffic lights after a reading a study that disclosed average pedestrian wait time.Highway carpool lanes sound great but last time they were tried there was not much increase in carpooling. How about parking discounts for carpoolers who commute to work? This would have to be coordinated with worksite parking facilities maybe start with garages or lots where state employees park. improve road conditions, ie fill in potholes, smooth surface 77 7. 77 8. 77 9. 78 0. 78 1. 78 2. 78 3. 78 4. 78 5. 78 6. 78 7. 78 8. 78 9. 79 0. 79 1. 79 2. 79 3. 79 4. 79 5. 79 6. 79 7. no to make less bumpy make the roads smoother less potholes fox potholes fix potholes Knock down the elevated portion of McGrath! yes and accepted keeping roadways under better repair, especially related to potholes fix potholesbike lanes walking space More bicycle lanes, especially separated bicycle lanes ("cycle tracks"). And designated bus lanes. Imagine if Mass Ave could have a designated bus lane for the #1 bus! The bus can move people more efficiently and faster, and it would be more attractive if it was given more of a priority. I also imagine, instead of adding travel lanes, turning a travel lane in to a designated bus lane on the highways, Rt 128, etc... walking walking space Encourage and adequately fund public transportation. This will decrease the demand for more travel lanes by taking the stress off the roads. Adding travel lanes actually INCREASES demand for the highway, which means it rarely helps much, not to mention it's very expensive and bad for the environment. no More bike lanes, and keep the potholes fixed! Bikes lanes and ways! I'd like to see more separate bike lanes placed within existing streets. Commuter options like the RT 128 shuttles (buses) to provide service where there is no commuter rail. the Marlborough area and Framingham could use this. Cooperation between businesses and govt could share the cost burden and improve the MA economy. I don't drive and I could not get a job in many parts of the state. fill potholes More bike lanes and especially some well-designed protected bike lanes. More raised pedestrian crossings. Narrower lanes to slow traffic. Shared streets where they make sense. A178 79 8. 79 9. 80 0. 80 1. 80 2. 80 3. 80 4. 80 5. 80 6. 80 7. 80 8. 80 9. 81 0. 81 1. 81 2. 81 3. 81 4. 81 5. 81 6. 81 7. A179 More comprehensive planning (i.e. no lane drops) along routes. More trees. Build new roads More bike lanes. Segregated ROW transit lanes. road maintainence More Bike Lanes - everywhereCurb extensions and stormwater planterspermeable pavements in parking areasChange some streets to local/bike only More bike lanes! bike lanes Separated bike lanes, with physical barriers between motorists and cyclists. Wider sidewalks. BIKE LANES, CYCLE TRACKS! We need more bicycle facilities to make it safer for all road users, especially people that are thinking about cycling but are worried about safety. We need separate facilities for bikes like cycle tracks. We need to make biking a serious institution so people understand that it's a real option for getting around... Maybe I misunderstood the question, but you asked what "people" are looking for. I imagine that most "people" who by and large use cars for transportation want it to be easier to use their cars. However, I don't think that our tax dollars should be used to add more travel lanes when they only reduce congestion for a brief period. If you want MY opinion on roadway improvements, we should have a strict fix-it-first policy and a moratorium on any capacity enhancements across the state. VMT has declined over the past few years, and per capita VMT has been dropping for the past decade. Let's quick throwing our money away on facilities that in twenty years will seem absurdly overbuilt. more bike lines Pothole filling and paving after roadway has been torn up...Planningin advance so that once it is paved it does not need to be immediately repaved because project have not been coordinated. Potholes and a little common sense scheduling road repair More bicycle infrastructure More bike lanes and less car lanes. Studies show drastic reduction of traffic when road capacity is reduced. Allocate additional space to bikes. Offer more bike racks Traffic calming measuresRoad diets More signs pertaining to bicyclist traffic rules. More clearly marked cross walks. More bike and walk lanes. Traffic calming and police enforcement of traffic laws. Also, better priority for trains There are many parts of the city which have worn lines which leads to traffic. Exit 18 (Cambridge) off the Pike has ridiculous traffic every day because of no traffic guidance (lines 81 8. 81 9. 82 0. 82 1. 82 2. 82 3. 82 4. 82 5. 82 6. 82 7. are worn and nobody knows which lanes to be in) and massive pot holes. Thousands of commuters are affected daily by this poor design. Drive through Fast Lanes that maintain regular speed limit and don't have to slow to 15 mph.Longer walking cycles on traffic signals.More traffic signals that count down time.Police at poorly designed, dangerous intersections during rush hour.Don;t block the grid policy that's enforced. improve driver education - for all ages; potholes Cars, bikes, scooters, peds, etc...everyone should be able to use the roads. Stop wasting money on lane removals, sidewalk widening, landscaping, and increasing greenhouse gas production via traffic calming bump outs and increased turning difficulty which do not save lives. Top priority – No more minimum WALK times for pedestrians of only seven seconds or less – as a proposed for the Casey Overpass Project. (except for rarely used pushbutton exclusives)Absolutely no pushbutton-Concurrent pedestrian operations, as are proposed in the Anderson Bridge.Take the De-elevating of McGrath McCarthy Overpass Project seriously. This 1950s highway construction is nearing the end of its “useful life” and is a monument for bad and ugly highway design. MassDOt should do nothing to perpetuate this mistake.Investigate how to design Cycle Tracks properly. Proposals at River, Western and Longfellow Bridges have many rough edges in design and the Highway Administration could make some fundamental early errors. Unfortunately they do not seem to be listening.We need to do something for high speed traffic calming, such as Storrow Drive. It is posted for 40 mph but many drivers go at 55 or even 60. At 3 AM in the morning crazy motorcyclists like to race along the supper sections of Storrow and Soldiers Field Road. I can hear them from my house in Cambridge. Enforcement….The highway corridor of I-93 up to the Zakim Bridge is a visual horror show, with blighting and ugly uses of land. No one seems in any rush to improve things. We are left with Son-of-Scheme-Z.Something must be done about the alleged “Seaport Boulevard” in South Boston. It is the ugliest road in Boston, even worse than Rutherford Avenue. It is wall-to-wall concrete and blacktop, bordered by chain link fence – without anything green (except for weeds that grow through the pavement). It is the worst product of the Big Dig era.Other than repair and maintenance, I do not see the need to any major roadway projects in the Boston area. I commute by highway, and most of my travel in general is done by highway. I find it safer and faster. I commute from Ashland to the city, to Plymouth- a huge triangle. Route 3 on the South Shore past Exit 16 needs more lanes! Two is not enough. Where the Mass Pike feeds onto 128 in Weston needs more Fast Lanes for commuting hours. It just gets too backed up. On the weekends, these commuting lanes need to be converted back to coin collecting booths, because on the weekend, these lanes get backed up. More versatility in our toll lanes. Road Snow removal and sanding is impressive in Massachusetts. Add bicycle lanesIncrease bicycle lock facilities at T stations More bike lanes! More attention to potholes and surfaces that are damaging to bikes. Wider shoulders and marked bike lanes, not more car lanes. All improvements need to be geared toward green transportation, anything else would be a step backwards and waste of funding. make sure roads are swept all the way to the sides so bikes have clear roads. Increase driver awareness of laws governing bikes. Increase enforcement of bike laws. road surface, especially along Washington Street between Roslindale Square and Forest Hills. The bike lane is nice but the pot holes and uneven road surface make it frequently impossible for a cyclist to stay in the bike lanes A180 82 8. 82 9. 83 0. 83 1. 83 2. 83 3. 83 4. 83 5. 83 6. 83 7. 83 8. 83 9. 84 0. 84 1. 84 2. 84 3. 84 4. 84 A181 bike lanes Additional lanes on the Turnpike west of exit 9 and east of exit 9 Fix these roads my poor car is in good shape now but won't be for long, roads are terrible, holes every where If you do build more travel lanes, make sure they comply with the Complete Streets doctrine. Roads should be for all users: pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and car drivers. Young and old. Fast Lanes for bikes. Stop eliminating travel lanes to add bike lanes!! Eliminating travel lanes harms 99% of the roadway users to the benefit of 1%. This does not make economic sense nor is it a rationale use of taxpayer dollars. extend merge laneslimit number of lanesmake all inner city lanes two-way, two-lane, with additional bicycle lane I do not drive at all. However, snow removal often impacts my ability to access buses and the ability for bus drivers to pick up and drop off passengers in a safe way. For handicap accessibility, this becomes even more important. Often times road crews completely bury curb cuts/ramp areas meant for handicap access. -Increase bicycle lanes to make it safer and accessible to the segment of the population who would ride if they felt it was safe. -Increase security by penalizing motorists who drive on red lights (South End) better lighting Congestion is a big problem causing time delays and extra fuel consumption. An effective way to reduce congestion is through some sort of electronic road tolling system that would vary in fines given the time and day. This would directly encourage the use of less congested roads and alternative transportation modes like public transit, cycling, and walking. Traffic lights along streets should be synchronized with one another. This would decrease time waiting at an intersection thus decreasing gas consumption and carbon emissions. It would also keep vehicles moving at a legal, constant rate of speed and would reduce attempts to run red lights. More bike lanes, or at least more signage or markings that make motorists more cognizant of the need to share the road. Signage- it is HORRIBLE to get around in this city (Boston) the signs are missing, never know what street you are on! Traffic should be manages by computer. A smart highway system could predict traffic and slow down travel to avoid it. With a small amount of enforcement, motorists could learn to obey traffic management instructions to improve flow. Those who won't get fined. Improve toll booths at major intersections on mass pike. The sturbridge toll in particular causes huge delays extending to worcester west bound bound on weekends. This toll is a bottleneck that causes inconvience, excess pollution, etc A suggestion is to raise cash tolls so more people use fastlane. Also install more high speed fastlane stations so cars dont have to slow down at a toll like the one in sturbridge. Change fastlane on exit 6 and put all vehicle exit on right and left. Cross traffic is bad in the morning and trackter trailers make it worse. This exit needs evaluation. Snow removal 2011 made roads impassable due to ice buildup on side streets. Require complete resurfacing after roadway reconstruction. In Taunton, they dig up the 5. 84 6. 84 7. 84 8. 84 9. 85 0. 85 1. 85 2. 85 3. 85 4. 85 5. 85 6. 85 7. 85 8. 85 9. 86 0. 86 1. roadways constantly then only patch the top course causing bumps and frost heaves and damage to snow plows. repair of potholes - enforcement of motorist rules - more marked crosswalks with pylons painted lines on all roadways - electonic speed enforcement like toll gates - license suspension for many more infractions - enforcement of jay-walking statutes quicker repair of damaged roadways None construction get done more adequately more paving Better painted lanes, bike lanes or paths, The state should give more financial support of the public transportation network we have: commuter rail, subway, bus. Increase the number of commuter rail trips. Encourage people to forego cars for more environmental and people-friendly options. Europe does this so well. Send your folks to Germany or Denmark to learn how it's done so they can do it here. Intersection reconstruction that favors pedestrians over vehicles. Improve road surface and add bike paths and lanes where practical. There is a great need to reduce potholes on many stretches of highways. To encourage apprehensive women to bike, wider bike lanes and road markings that provide subjective safety & actual safety are needed.The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, AASHTO now recommends wider bike lanes. A 6 to 7 foot bike lane adjacent to a narrow parking lane with high turnover, provides more operating space, for cyclists, to ride out of the area of opening doors. A 6 to 8 foot bike lane in areas with high bike use, allows cyclists, to ride side‐by‐side or pass each other without leaving the lane.Road markings extending 3 feet from the bike lane, show the distance cars can safely pass bikes.On roads similar to Comm. Ave. between Packard’s Corner & Kenmore Square, removing one of the multiple traffic lanes, or a parking lane leaves space for wider bike lanes.Not only cyclists, but also drivers, benefit from the building of cycling infrastructure and higher rates of cycling. Enforce large heavy vehicles (18-wheel trucks, etc.) not travelling on crowded city streets, which quickly destroys their surfaces and requires more frequent maintenance. More parking spaces off road to prevent so much blocking of bus stops and double parking. Re-time traffic signals to meet current demand. Time signals to increase mobility all modes (peds, bicycles and auto) and prevent speeding of vehicles. I would like to see streets and highways widened with special strip for pedestrians, wheelchairs, mopeds, and bicycles. I'd like to see all major towns connected by bike paths. On major highways and interstates, I would like to see side lanes appropriate for slow alternative vehicles (electric, mopeds, scooters, low cc motorcycles). OR make max speed 45-55 on right lane. repair pot holes Fixing potholes to improve bike travel A182 86 2. 86 3. 86 4. 86 5. 86 6. 86 7. 86 8. 86 9. 87 0. 87 1. 87 2. 87 3. 87 4. 87 5. 87 6. 87 7. 87 8. A183 Increased bicycle facilities, bus right of ways and signal prioritization. Adding travel lanes is the worst thing that can be done! Nothing need so to be added on the highways. Instead, remove a lane from cars and give it to the cyclist and pedestrians! More safe bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure needs to be implemented and improved all across the country. Improved cross walks. Better signal timing.Reopen roads that have been closed.Increase more on-street parking to provide an exhaust buffer for pedestrians & traffic traffic calming. Stop spending money on widening highways! Spend money on creating better cycling facilities. In the future the middle class is not going to be able to afford the 30 mile highway commute from suburbia to the city. Stop encouraging it. We need better active transportation facilities. Forget subsidizing the automobile. eliminate all RR crossings Bike lanes and signals More physically-separated bike lanes (cycletracks) and other ultra-safe bicycle facilities. And slower speeds for cars. Roadways should be reduced or eliminated to discourage car travel. More traffic calming (raised intersections) to improve driver awareness of mixed-use DEDICATED BIKE LANES AND BIKE INFRASTRUCTURE!! Better bike paths More Bicycle infrastructure, particularly separated/protected bike lines like cycletracks to increase safety and accessibility for riders. Currently biking from Mattapan or Dorchester to Jamaica Plain or Brookline via Morton street or Seaver Street is very dangerous for cyclists due to speeding cars, debris piled up along the side of the road, and little to no infrastructure protecting cyclists. Bike lanes and infrastructure, also more infrastructure for pedestrians. Ways to make cars slow down in dense areas! Roads encourage speed for cars, and put everyone else low priority. 1. Cycle-tracks! (separate bike lanes). 2. More normal bike lanes, and ones that go both directions on otherwise one-way streets. 3. Bike lanes that are colored differently than the asphalt to make them very apparent, even when the white lines begin to wear away. 4. Separately marked crosswalks (maybe colored & hashed?) for areas where bike paths cross traffic (ex the SW Corridor in Boston) in cars must yield to bicyclists and a car that hits a mounted cyclists moving at a slow, cautious speed would be equally at fault as a car hitting a pedestrian. 5. Better bike and pedestrian infrastructure on bridges. More bike lanes. Protected ones would be lovely perhaps with a door zone. It's dangerous as a cyclist commuter. narrower travel lanes and less lane drops -- just not have the additional lane there in the first place! More dedicated bike lanes, but *NO* separated cycle tracks. Do not place bike lanes within the door zone. Much stricter regulation of street patching contractors. More expeditious repair of substandard/deteriorated road surfaces. Stricter enforcement of double parking restrictions. Removal of old, outdated, or unnecessary signage. 87 9. 88 0. 88 1. 88 2. 88 3. 88 4. 88 5. 88 6. 88 7. 88 8. 88 9. 89 0. 89 1. 89 2. 89 3. 89 4. 89 5. 89 6. 89 7. 89 8. More bike infrastructure, especially more bike lanes, better signage, and bike traffic signals. Better bicycle lanes Please provide transit priority signals for bus and Green Line routes. The state highway that runs through our town is 4 lanes undivided.... I would like to see it remarked as a three lane (center turn) roadway with bicycle lanes created on each side! Bike paths! I don't feel comfortable riding in/with traffic Update pavement marking more frequently-use reflective markings on high speed highways Road diets to provide more room for bicycling. Better striping of fog lines and lanes. More signage alerting drivers to share the road. Snow removal is already very good.Add carpool lanes, but make them for 3 or more riders. More accesss onto major roadways reducing congestion on the local roads feeding the highways. Longer merging lanes to avoid jamm ups.specific lanes dedicated to exiting.Change the street lights so they can sense on coming traffic and keep the green light on. Typically they are only senbsing the traffic stopped and it is making matters worse. more sidewalks The goal should be to reduce traffic and encourage people to walk and take Public Transit, while at the same time reducing congestion for those who must drive. Most people have to drive once in a while, so traffic reduction will benefit all. But the focus of transportation policy in urban Mass. should be incentivizing walking, cycling and use of Public Transit. Current conditions of road congestion/pollution/hostility are unsustainable and degrade quality of life.Bottom line: we need new and better Public Transit. Yeah, I know there's no money. But guess what? We need to find it, because we will have a dim future unless we decrease our dependence on the automobile. Bike tracks La mejoria de las carreteras. Better roads! Improve multi-modal transportation connections so that car, public transit, and pedestrian options can be easier. Use of shared-use markings for bicycles More bike lanes, more sidewalks, improve outdated highway interchanges. En realidad - si se mejora la transportacion publica no necesitaremos nuevos carriles. A mi me interesa la mejoria y expansion del transporte publico Bicycle lanesBicycle boxesUse of color(paint) in bike lanesBicycle signals at VERY tricky intersections (not all)Bicycle boulevards that route bikes away from general car trafficLower design speedsInnovate design treatments for residential streetstravel lanes that are PAINTED! I think there should be a bus lane, where permitting, so that it is easier for cars to pass the bus and also for the bus to move swiftly through traffic to pick up riders. Bike lanes should be A184 89 9. 90 0. 90 1. 90 2. 90 3. 90 4. 90 5. 90 6. 90 7. 90 8. 90 9. 91 0. 91 1. 91 2. 91 3. 91 4. 91 5. 91 6. 91 7. 91 8. 91 9. 92 0. A185 pervasive around the city and bicyclists should be made to feel safe even in busy downtown areas. I personally do not bike because I am afraid of the cars, especially at rush hour on a road like Mass Ave. in Boston. Better access in and out of the malls. Less potholes, better road conditions, more upkeep of road. complete streets Better signage (slow, yield, caution) More walk and don't walk red hands and white men. More sidewalks. I want roads to be safe. more road work none better sidewalks lights traffic calming, complete streets FastLane should be designed more appropriately and there should not be braking when using it (e.g. like in Florida) Clearly marked lanes and more street signs - many intersections and streets do not have street signs. can they stop digging the streets, finish and fix asap Simply more traffic stops for aggressive behavior, especially during morning peak hours. more lanes just lead to more bottlenecks More bike lanes pothole repairs stricter law enforcement. More pedistrian crossing lights so that people can safely cross the street. More traffic lights at busy intersections. I travel on Hamilton St. in Saugus, MA and have to take a left onto (Lincoln Av/Boston ST). I feel like I am risking my life every day and there is a lot of pressure from the cars behind to get out into the street. Remove the rotaries from the off ramps from any highway, people don't get it even the mass residents don't get it. too confussing. 92 1. 92 2. 92 3. 92 4. 92 5. 92 6. 92 7. 92 8. 92 9. 93 0. 93 1. 93 2. 93 3. 93 4. 93 5. 93 6. 93 7. 93 8. 93 9. 94 0. 94 1. 94 2. 94 3. pothole repair To have them fix some of the roads and bridges new sidewalks on our mail street in athol, mass and all new roads in athol, mass. fix the bumps more transportation for disability. get more self advocacy groups. more fixing backroads fixing pot holes none get more on time, not to wait hours for the bus, want to be on time for appointments, better roads so I can see where I'm going, carpool increased investments in alternative modes of transportation. For example, more trains, buses and bike lanes. bike lanes, large pedestrian sidewalks more strict driving tests to reduce the amount of morons on the road :) clean up more handicap ramps on sidewalk ends more safety, more accessibility Las carreteras en areas residencia necesitan mejorar. Estan muy desinejoradas y arainan las llontas. no sabe repair traffic calming measures, more sidewalks, safer intersections Added bike pathsNot sure that this falls under this category, but better driver education and enforcement of existing laws (Just yesterday I was almost hit by a POLICE OFFICER in an SUV who drove right through a crosswalk in Boston - no lights or siren - there were no traffic lights at this crosswalk and it was very clearly marked) none walkways for bicycles and skates Major accessibility to cities and towns that are not close to the highways A186 94 4. 94 5. 94 6. 94 7. 94 8. 94 9. I would love it if existing lights were timed more often to coordinate and limit traffic jams. I know of a few lights where this is a major problem. More street signs!!!! I can try to find someplace and get completely lost because there aren't any street signs for the road I am look for or signs to tell me if I am currently driving on the right road. Rail trails the road has way to many holes and the streets that need them the most are not being fixed as they should sometimes causing them to harm the vehicles. Make them more pedestrian-friendly. Fix Patholes Stoplights at on-ramps to ease the flow of vehicles entering highways (like they have in the D.C. area). Better lane markings. Better traffic light timing to avoid getting stuck in a long sequence of red lights. More lanes on highways. Eliminate merges at entrance and exit ramps (such as the I-93/128 intersection). Create flyovers instead. On I-93 North, create express lane for those traveling north of 128 so we don't get stuck in the traffic caused by peopole trying to exit onto 128. more attention to road surfaces. 95 0. 95 Better road identifications 1. 95 Complete streets 2. 95 I think pedestrian countdowns on walk signs are helpful to pedestrains, but also to drivers 3. gaging whether or not they will possibly run a light. 95 Improved lighting. 4. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about how transportation options could be improved to serve you better? | # Response 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A187 Expanding commuter rail service to Springfield would be beneficial. Not only could it reduce traffic on the Mass Pike it would be an economic development tool and would increase educational opportunities for residents better service by MBCR personnel, keeps rates the same or reduce. DO NOT RAISE. Improve reliability.Improve PA system on trains.IMPROVE AIR QUALITY AT BACK BAY STATION!!!! Need more funding. Raise the gas tax.Aggressively pursue on-line sales tax collection law.Raise tolls on pike.Add open road tolling on 93 to pay for big dig.Increase property tax rate on parking lots. They are a waste of good land.Add incentives to towns to reduce parking requirements in zoning laws. Make other options as appealing as cars. If you have to wait 30-45 minutes for a bus it will be a last resort. A bus line that follows the Elm/Beacon/Hampshire route through Somerville and Cambridge and then goes to North Station. It's ridiculous that there's a private shuttle from Kendall area to North Station. There should be an MBTA bus. Thank you! no more visable safety presence on transit and around stationsbetter enforcement of mv laws 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. - camera enforcement of intersections DO NOT REMOVE BUS SERVICE FROM THE SOUTH SHORE. I TAKE THE 240 AND IT IS VITAL TO THE COMMUNITY SO THAT WE CAN ALL GET TO WORK AND BACK. In Cambridge, occasionally provide a police car to escort a bus on its route, both to assure better speed and to assure use of bus stop turnouts--for example the one at Star Market on Mount Auburn Street in West Cambridge. Build the commuter rail-line from Boston down to New Bedford.This project has been delayed for too long... Highway 24 is too crowded! Build the Green Line Extension soon, quit dragging it out. In a metro are with so many brains it's shameful how this project has been kicked down the road for so many years.Build the Somerville Community Psth extension.Demand that Patrick admin and legislature to do something about MBTA debt - don't put it on the backs of T ridership.Increase the #85 bus schedule to include nights and weekends. It runs so seldom (which is why it has light ridership) but is an important cross-town route linking central Somerville with MIT/Kendall and would get higher ridership if it had regular hours.Have MassDOT walk the talk on GreenDOT. Right now it looks like GreenDOT is a publicity campaign only. More reliability. Less delays and breakdown in scheduled service. Outbound train from Boston to Haverhill must pick up passengers on all runs. Please stop the "dead-head" runs and the runs that go only to Andover and Reading The MBTA could use existing technology to improve its communication with passengers. fix what is broken! MBTA needs to stop being a haven for political hacks and their relatives. Cushy jobs, overpaid, too many benefits. That's your biggest problem, and it pervades all of Massachusetts government Improving public transportation is too broad a subject. Bus shelters, sure, particularly if they are free 'cause they have ads in them. We should have reliable locomotives and cars, but that means buying the right ones in the first place. Don't make decisions without placing more emphasis on the cost. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the Silver Line cost $600 million to put in buses rather than $140 million for trolleys? And what is this I hear that after spending 100's of millions on CNG buses and compressor stations that the T is now run by diesel guys, and they are just going to run the CNG buses into the ground and abandon the stations? Is that a good use of taxpayer money already spent?Don't let cities and towns declare major traffic arteries off limits to trucks. (eg. Prospect St, Cambridge)Don't get involved in funding non state highway projects. eg. Forest St., and Mass Ave., ArlingtonLet the cities and towns fund their own roads. You concentrate on the State highways, the Interstate highways, and public transportation.Hire people based on qualifications not influence. If we have public employees that know what they are doing, and are cautious(and there are plenty) then we should be able to avoid costly mistakes like trolleys with no back doors and popcorn pavement.I have and idea. Why don't we lay off the entire Mass DOT, subcontract road maintenance and highway design to the State of N.H. , and let them hire back all the Mass DOT folks who know what they are doing. There is some reason why the State of N.H. spends about 1/10 the money per mile we do, and by and large have better roads. The DOT lacks vision. They need to "see outside the box". They have cookie cutter solutions for all their problems. Maybe look at other countries for unique solutions. Utilize the harbor infrastructure. A188 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. A189 Improve bike facilities - it's a huge win in terms of getting people out of their cars, exercising, and improving the environment. That means COVERED secure parking for bikes where possible. Dedicated bike lanes, preferably with a barrier between parked and moving cars where possible (big avenues like Mass Ave, or Boylston Ave, or around the Boston Common, or Comm Ave would be great candidates). Other older densely packed cities have done this; we can too. Sidewalks are not for bicycles. Major streets should have marked bike lanes. Fee schedule on mass transit to correspond with distance traveled. Better facilities for bike parking. Better bike lanes. Spend money on system maintenance, not expansion. Provide better accommodations for bicylists and pedestrians to help encourage fewer trips by car. Indirect congestion improvements can also be realized if more employers allowed flexible work schedules. THINK REGIONAL AND THINK 10 Years OUT.a lack of planning and small town control over decsions, are big reasons we have failed to date.Also recent decisions which require "new services" with a RTA area to be paid for by the town getting the service is unfair since the current system is and has been city focused and towns, which need to service now have to pick up the full freight. Maintain, but to not expand roadways. Increase transit fare oer inflation (CPI) only and do not cut service. Find alternative state transportation funding sources (i.e. gas tax) for transit. Address reality of cyclists as ped with bikes and enact stop as yield laws. Recognize the % traffic law violations by mode and realize drivers and ped violations per capita far outnumber cyclist violations. More extensive public transit would be great. Require bicylists to have a license plate on their bike so there is some accountability for their actions. I see irresponsible bicylists on major roads (MASS AVE for example) not following the rules of the road and endangering the public. Use the revenue from the tag to enforce the laws and maintain bike paths and roadways. since I'm a lifelong non-car owner, I believe the best way to improve public transportation is to get cars off the road. I've noticed on regular work day mornings when the schools are closed (for "professional days" and such), the busses have no trouble with traffic. It seems the main cause of morning rush hour traffic is from people driving their children to school.I am now retired, there is no selction for that in your "Which zip code do you work or go to school in? " Red light running is rampant and police are never around to enforce the law against it!Speeding is also rampant and offenders don't ever seem to be ticketed.Motorists often speed through crosswalks, even when pedestrians are crossing, and when activated crossing annunciators (lights) are telling pedestrians it is safe to cross - a perfect example is on Broadway, at the Marriott hotel, in Cambridge. Interestingly, this is right in front of the U.S. DOT building! I live in Cambridge where the 4 options (car, transit, walking and biking) are equally supported. I'd like to see this in more communities! Better access to transit- I would like to see completion of the Neponset River walk way connect John Pope Paul Park to Milton & Quincy.The park is lovely, but you can't walk all the way up to the Dorchester gas tank nor JFK/U Mass and that would be great I've run out of time. it appears that public transportation along major routes exist, services also exist well for seniors and the disabled - it is however, needed for the general public 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. I walk, take buses, ride bicycle, occasionally use motorcycle to take longer trips. I'm sick and tired of the whole "cars only" mentality that pervades, and would like to see special lanes on all major roadways for bicycles, pedestrians, and slow scooters/mopeds including winter maintenance for those lanes. More options for bike/walking lanes and trails. Do what you can to improve opportunities for plug in vehicles. Be innovative in transit services (ie incorporate more new technologies to expand information). Provide incentives on statewide level for people to live closer to where they work and get employers to participate in supporting more TDM. High speed rail from Cape to boston Do not cut Paratransit service, try to keep costs affordable, and strive to make them more efficient. One story. Yesterday I used the Alewife parking garage for the first time. No clear signs on how to get to the roof (All that was available.) A sign for an "express exit" that led to nowhere. Few clear signs on how to get out. Can't imagine it at rush hour. Two cash-only exit booths. No pre-payment as I find about everywhere else. Again, can't imagine it at rush hour. Make it easier to pay for public transportation, parking, etc. Creating one fare payment system that can be used whenever and wherever you are is the first step. You can increase fares as long as the service is reliable and safe. The MBTA bus network is a diamond-in-the-rough. It could be significantly improved through the use of Transit Signal Priority, exclusive bus lanes, real-time info, and other technologies... all at a fraction of the cost of a new commuter rail expansion or major highway project. Read what I've already noted. Make sure all bus stops are properly marked. Increase the number of bus shelters. Increase in frequesncy of fix route buses would allow me to use buses more often even during work hours. Use of public transportation would be greatly enhanced if parking was increased and more easily accessed to and from the public transportation station/stop. The fact that parking is not free makes the tradeoff for using public transportation and the inconvenience of doing so financially less competitive and less palatable than using a personal vehicle. Raising the commuter rail fares will discourge people from taking the Commuter Rail. I've been taking the Commuter Rail between Leominster and Boston for 5 years, but if the rate increase goes through it will be cheaper for me to drive Crosstown public transit. The MBTA hab and spoke is a 19th century solution to a 20th century problem that does not fit the needs of 21th century. Fully automate the Red Line with platform edge doors (like Paris Metro #1 line). It makes things run much smoother.Then, you could run more, smaller trains to improve quality of service. Come up with a better wway to fund the MBTA (e.g. gas tax). Shift MBTA Big Dig debt to the DOT. I'd like to see existing public transportation infrastructure improved and more new infrastructure projects to provide public transportation to underserved areas. Improved transportation links such as linking North and South Stations, or linking the Red and Blue MBTA lines, would also be great. Support expanded high-speed and commuter rail options, and focus redevelopment opporunities around new stations. A190 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. A191 Why do bus stop signs not have stickers on them with the NextBus stop code? This simple, cheap solution would let me call NextBus on my regular cellphone and get the real-time bus arrival times. Most people (like me) still don't have smartphones, but would like to be able to know when the next bus arrives. Also, next-bus info signs are long overdue at bus shelters throughout the MBTA. Extend Blue Line beyond Bowdoin to Charles/MGH. This would eliminate double transfers between Blue and Red Lines at the four most conjested downtown stations. Connect North and South Station so with thru commuter rail service. RECENT PROPOASALS TO CUT BUS ROUTES AND FERRY SERVICE ARE A VERY BAD IDEA. MANY PEOPLE SOUTH OF THESE CUTS WOULD BE GREATLY AFFECTED. I SUGGEST STOPPING THE QUINCY FERRY, BUT LEAVE HINGHAM AND HULL IN SERVICE. QUICY CUSTOMERS CAN DRIVE ANOTHER 5 MINUTES TO GET TO THE HINGHAM TERMINAL. ELIMINATE GREENBUSH SERVICE ON WEEKENDS, NOBODY TAKES IT. KEEP BUS SERVICE AS IS, POSSIBLY SPREAD OUT STOPS AND AMMOUNT OF RUNS AS A COST CUTTING MEASURE. Keep bicycles off the sidewalks and stricter enforcement of no parking zone at bus stops. Increase in transportation funds available for maintenance activities In your last question, you lumped walking and biking. These are two different modes and questions should address them seperately.Better linkages between the MBTA and the local transit systems, including joint fares.Substitute motor coaches for commuter rail trains at night and off peak. Use motor coaches for improved/additional commuter rail trains. I am particularly interested in more frequent Sunday service Three hours between trains just does not cut it. the fragmentation of systems between modes, municipalities and locations is a hindrance to every form of transportation. Connections, multimodal and within public transit, are essential. I'm specifically wishing for BlueLine to Lynn, Blue/Red Line connection. Improve the bike path through Arlington Center. When my kids get older, I hope to bike much more. Also, finish the green line station in Somerville. Bike Rte along Rte 117. Reduce commuter rail parking fees to ENCOURAGE more to use the system, and thus increase overall fare revenue while reducing individuals' costs. 1) My kids have a lot of friends and activities in Arlington, which is not very accessible via public transit from Medford. Currently they either walk a couple of miles or take bus 80 to Arlington Center and change to the 77 to get to destinations around Arlington. The Alewife Path is a great improvement, but the dedicated pedestrian route is incomplete. Further transit or pedestrian/bike alternatives (say, to the Arlington Boys & Girl's Club) would help. 2) Some bus stops in my neighborhood are hard to walk to because there are no safe pedestrian crossings. Intersections need to be signalized and/or traffic calming structures in place before I am comfortable allowing my children to go to these bus stops.3) My husband works in the Longwood Medical Area, which has inadequate parking facilities to enable employees to drive to work. If all of the buses that serve our neighborhood were eliminated as proposed in the MBTA scenario, he could not continue to work in that location. Hingham commuter boat service is very important to continue. extend the green line! Increase transit circles around the city rather than just spokes running in and out of downtown Boston. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. Let us end our addiction to fossil fuel. Regional equity in transportation investment is extremely important. Also, challenging the the traditional MPO planning process especially when projects occur on the boundaries. I am afraid to bicycle on the streets... it is EXTREMELY dangerous. Bike paths are best, and those are few and far between (and they are disjointed and interrupted) in Mass. Separated bike lanes with barriers are next best, then bike lanes without barriers. Putting bike lanes on sidewalks like they often do in Europe might be better than on the streets. Would love to see some 2 way streets turned into 1 way streets with the other lane becoming part of a bicycle highway system.The green line extension project needs to happen in a hurry. Somerville and Medford are severely underserved. If I had the GLX to ride I would take the GLX (to North Station) and commuter rail to work most days instead of driving. If the bike path to Boston were completed, in nice weather I might sometimes bike to North Station to take the commuter rail to work. As it is, the car is my only realistic option. A balanced approach to vehicle vs. other modes of transport is needed. Addressing the future with regard to development patterns and considering that Boston-Centric patterns are not as sustainable as north-south connections, reverse commuting. As a large and expensive commuting system based on a single assumption of work in Boston may not be the future, a more robust approach to public transit is needed supporting localize work and shopping with the ability to use public transit for trips to other areas or Boston would be more useful. We may end up being a polycentric region in a diminished economic future. We will still need transit betweens sub regions. Could I take transit to the beach, to visit friends in another area? What is a changing work paradigm, where can I get to for work? Now it's hard. It seems clear that either money or capacity of the system may become limited--how do we adapt? Quick responses to accidents along the highway. Please make the traffic cameras on I-91 and other road available to the public. I would like to be able to check my route before heading out on the highway. The MassPike cameras already allow this. As a taxpayer I am paying for these cameras and am entitled to access. The MBTA should be funded appropriately. Local Aid to Towns for road improvements should not go for Flyovers at Route 2 but for more loca improvements. Extend commuter rail service to the western part of the state (past Worcester) transition to zero emmission vehicles - alternative fuels It is essential to find sufficient funding for the MBTA so that riders can depend on the service and so that trains and stations can be cleaned and maintained. Please keep up the quality and amount of public transportation. Don't slash services! Bike paths have nothing to do with transportation!!! They are recreational facilities that people DRIVE their cars and SUVs to. Bicycling for transportation should be on or along roads. Stop building bike paths through open space, wildlife habitat, and wetlands! Focus on maintaining and increasing efficiency of existing transit, maintaining but not expanding highway/road facilities, improving safe bike routes (lanes, etc), and providing safe pedestrian routes (sidewalks) EVERYWHERE. I support raising gas tax and transit fares. It would be very convenient if public transportation was available near where I live, especially transportation to Boston. repair the infrastructure and raise the gas tax to pay for it. Offset the gas tax "hit" on people of modest means by giving them some income tax relief. Encourage folks to use A192 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. alternatives (walking, biking) to accomplish short trips. GET kids back on their bikes! Encourage parents NOT to drive their kids to school (weather permitting) In dense urban areas such as mine, we really need to emphasize public transit as well as support biking and walking. Ideas like the Boston bike system where you can use credit cards for short term use should be developed as much as possible. The MBTA owns an enormous amount of unused rail lines. Dust off all the feasibility studies that have been done on the and CONVERT THEM INTO MULTI-USE TRAILS IN OUR LIFETIME. Remove rotaries wherever possible - the are traffic nightmares wherever I use them and very dangerous. If they are not removed, at least mark them clearly and possibly reduce them all to a single lane. No one knows how to drive in two lane rotaries from what I have seen. No 87. I love the T - and the bus apps make bus riding viable! - but service should be far more reliable.The "security searches" - which impact only 1 entrance at a time and do nothing to prevent a "bad guy" from, say, hopping on a bus and boarding the T at the next stop - do nothing to keep us safe and make even your loyal riders hate riding the T / believe you're wasting giant sums of money. For a focus on safety, make officers a visible presense on the platforms...or an under-cover presense on buses and trains. Money that is invested into infrastructure that promotes transportation that is not dependent on fossil fuels (i.e. walking, biking, rail) will yield a far greater return over the years as energy prices continue to climb. To better understand why this is the case, watch the Crash Course by Chris Martenson at, for free. It will change how you see the world. Waiting for Green Line Extension! 89. Easier access for train going into Boston 86. 88. 90. Make stations brighter...less dingy..not as noisy 93. Medford needs more public transport connecting routes. East of Medford Square, it takes at least two buses to reach the Red line. The 101 bus connects two Orange line stops, when a connection to the Red lien would be more useful. When the Green line extends to West/South Medford, without parking, we will need buses to get to and from the station. Get rid of all the little RTAs and town bus services and create one unified system - think NJ Transit. Build more transit stations near major highway intersections outside of the city to promote transfers to the system and reduce congestion in the city. Add sensors to traffic lights to allow buses and light rail vehicles to have shorter trip times.Build tolls on the southeast expressway. More bicycle lanes and bicycle only (cars prohibited) city center areas 95. more cash lanes on turnpike 91. 92. 94. 96. 97. 98. A193 additional bus routes in Cambridge More train service! Both local and long distance. Driving is very subsidized. I would like to pay less property tax to support driving and have there be a higher gas tax or higher vehicle fees. In the previous questions, you implied that sidewalks were a suitable bicycle facility. This is very wrong. The questions, therefore, are not valid in this survey. I think that sidewalks should be improved for pedestrian access, but bicycles belong on the streets, and they should be improved for bicycle accommodation. 99. Bicycle facilities sometimes good, sometimes poor: Bike lanes should not encourage riding in "door zone." Bike lanes should be striped well before intersection to encourage straight-through cyclists and right-turning motorists to use safe lane position and avoid "right-hook" collision. The design of facilities often teach/encourage good/bad behavior. Very select T-intersections (e.g. Mass Ave north @ Rindge Ave) could benefit from "bicyclist may proceed on red after full stop if traffic permits" -- that is, treat it like a stop sign. 100. More rapid transit maintenance and expansions, please. Blue Line to Lynn NOW. Green Line to Somerville NOW. Red-Blue Connector NOW. 101. I feel every subway car, bus, and rail car should have advertising as well as billboards on state-owned roads. This can bring in additional revenue for a financially-struggling government. The transit system should run until 2:30 am, in the very least on Friday and Saturday... and highways could be improved to reduce congestion. Commuting here through any means is very unpleasant and would love to see useful changes. 102. no 103. Raise the gas tax and fund better mass transit services. 104. DECREASE AIRCRAFT NOISE!!!Pressure FAA and Massport to decrease aircraft noise intrusions.To comply with their Minimum Safe Altitudes Regulations.To move air craft away from homes--over non-residential and commercial and higher.With monitorin, reporting, and enforcement.All aircraft--jet, turboprop, propeller, and helicopters. Cruising, en route, climbout, landing and takeoff.Media helicopters hovering over residential areas, are single greatest abusers--violating FAA Minimum Safe Altitudes and Careless and Reckless Regulations (with blind eye support from FAA Flight Standards and the rest of the pilot brotherhood.Mass State Police Helicopter even greater abusers, but not as often or long. 105. Expand public transportation. If you build it, they will come. 106. EXPAND THE MBTA!! 107. Stop focusing on yesterdays travel patterns. Its near impossible to take transit across town from here in Arlington. Yet many of the people I know work in places like Watertown and Newton. 108. Accessibility on the commuter rail is non existence in several areas. If my husband comes to a meeting in Boston, he cannot take the commuter rail from West Medford. He must drive to Davis Square and then take the Red Line where service is not always great for those with disabilities. Hence, you think a Green Line extension would work for him, this is not the case as he would have to drive there as well. Providing accessibility at commuter rail stations is major since I ride with many people daily who are mobility impaired. Better commuter cars for those with disabilities and education of the general public on why areas are designated seating for those with disabilities and not set up so the able bodied can get off the train first. I gave up a regular seat on the commuter rail for a blind woman because those in the disability seating area would not get up or too busy with their hand held devices to pay attention to their responsibility to others. Also I have ridden the T since my mid 20's when moving to Massachusetts. Before that I rode buses in LA and use buses in other cities when visiting there. First, I find buses more comfortable and more flexible if routes are planned according to ease of transfer. Second now as an older person, I find the T very uncomfortable. The trains and subways are way over crowded and sometime you often have to stand, others often stand on the commuter rail to A194 get out first instead of sitting down so others can get on easily. Last winter the delays and lack of communication was very frustrating and as an older person I find it more difficult to have to try to find another mode of transportation to try to get home during those situations. For example, the commuter rail was delayed last year at one point for over an hour. I then had to get back on the Orangle Line to get off at Sullivan and then catch a bus. Delays were occuring there as well. It took me over 2 hours to get home. This is the kind of situation that makes you wonder why you do not drive your car to work. 109. More attention should be focused to creating smaller vehicle services for the elderly and handicapped and zero-one car households. 110. Extend the T's commuter rail to Springfield. 111. MBTA service cuts in summer will cripple the currently overcrowded system. Govt must stop talking about transit while this private and mismanaged group hacks away. Make it like NY, DC, bonds, receivership? Bring in a real biz to buy them out and turn it around 112. Often too much money and time goes into highways and roadways. Other transit options (biking, walking, and mass transit) need more priority. 113. Having commuted 26 miles each way to work by bike. Make the roads safer for bikes and you will save a ton of money by folks using bikes instead of cars. 114. Keep the Greenline out of Medford. 115. Please use intelligently controlled traffic lights with loop sensors and make it a standard that any intersection which is repaired or rebuilt has curb extensions. Bike lanes when built need to have connectivity as well. Bike lanes only get utilized to their fullest potential when they actually link destinations. 116. GET THE SO CALLED T POLICE OUT OF CARS ON THE ROADWAYS AND INTO TRAINS AND BUSES WHERE THEY BELONG 117. Run transportation like a utility, privately run & publicly managed. Bid out services and maintenance contracts. Have a monthly minimum and usage charges with transit and auto use built into costs based on use above a base level. Support multimodal upgrades based on use/potential use with public input to the public managers. 118. Improve perception of safety on bicycles by improving bicycle lanes, traffic lights and creating coalitions for bicycle commuters from centers of cities around Boston. My husband and I ride our bicycles to work from North Medford to Boston and back almost daily in the Spring, Summer and Fall and I believe a lot of other people would too if they felt safer. I think safer bike lanes that reduce risk of getting "doored," traffic lights that allow cyclists to yield (not stop) at red lights and/or allow cyclists to go first when lights turn green increase safety. Having a group of experienced riders to learn from and tag along with would also help newbies get started on bicycle commuting. 119. Please raise taxes on gasoline. This will get people out of their cars and onto their feet and bicycles. This will provide revenue for the improvements that we'd like to see including better bicycle facilities, better transit facilities, and better ped facilities. This would also lower health care costs and contribute to the the well being of the entire commonwealth.The goals and criteria of designing transportation facilities could be revised to place a higher priority on connectivity for peds and cyclists. Also, the goals and criteria for zoning could be revised to encourage denser communities with more mixed use, connectivity, and wider transit options. 120. I live in western Mass. and commute to Boston two or three days a week. I have to drive for an hour to get to the closest rail station, and would love to see (a) a closer station and (b) an expanded schedule of trains (I currently have to choose between leaving very early in the morning or not getting to Boston until early afternoon). A195 121. Statewide public transportation investments, including Chapter 40B reimbursements to local cities and towns, are unusable unless these projects and ongoing planning, design and construction is mutually reinforced by local governmental compliance with 521 CMR. 122. Please don't let the MBTA go forward with the drastic cuts to service that they propose. Especially their Proposal 2--this would devastate many communities who rely on public trans, and put many cars back on the road at an economic and environment cost that's unacceptably high. 123. I would love to see a dedicated and adequate funding source for the MBTA to allow service expansion and improvement and maintenance of MBTA vehicles and facilities. 124. I feel that more people would bicycle commute if road surfaces were in better shape. I feel, as a veteran year-round bicycle commuter, that my safety would be more improved by surface improvements, bicycle education, and motorist education and enforcement than by installation of bike lanes, etc. 125. A safe way to bike to East Boston. 126. Change the policy of public transpotation from in/out of boston only to suburb to suburb public transportation 127. improve the MBTA system so that T lines do not have to be cut or "scaled back," especially in communities composed of mainly college students, because we do not readily have access to other types of transportation and the T is an a vital part of getting around the city for us. Especially the Northeastern T stop on the Green E line 128. I think there should be smaller and more energy efficient buses during slack hours. It's wasteful to see a huge bus 1/3 full. Maybe you'd save enough money with smaller vehicles to continue the off-hour schedules more reliably. More reliable service would encourage ridership 129. Buses are too unreliable. Seems to be an attitude of discord with passengers against strollers. 130. Have all local police enforce all traffic laws, especially those regarding pedestrian crosswalks and vehicles using breakdown lanes to pass on the right. Have all drivers under the age of 35 be re-road and book tested every four years on the anniversary date of their license. Immediately implement a west to east commuter rail service from western Massachusetts cities and towns. 131. Extend the Green Line to Route 16, please! Everyone who actually lives or works here wants it. 132. A commuter rail system that extended from Boston and Worcester to Western Massachusetts (e. g. as far as Berkshire County) would be extremely beneficial. 133. During off-peak hours, provide single self-propelled commuter vehicles instead of 6-7 car trains. On Lowell Commuter Rail line, provide more frequent service INSTEAD of wasting money building an extended Green Line. 134. Cost of operating the system is too high. 135. Build Green Line extension all the way to Route 16. 136. Build the Community Path in Somerville along with the Green Line ExtensionConstruct the Urban Ring with rail 137. bike racks on all buses including trackless trollies 138. Do not take them away 139. Regional train transport in Western MA 140. Commuter rail from Western Mass to Boston A196 141. Do not diminish the reach of the routes of the buses servicing the South Shore, particularly the 225 bus, which sees a lot of commuter patronage. 142. rail service along Mass Pike from NY to Boston, with as many stops as toll plazas 143. train service from western mass to new york city and boston should be competitive in travel time with going by car 144. I would urge the state to focus their transportation improvements -- both roadway and transit, as well as bicycle and pedestrian -- in disadvantaged areas, such as those communities with large immigrant, youth and elderly populations. I personally would rather pay higher MBTA fares and/or suffer an increase in the gas tax in order to know that our systems will be maintained going forward than have to see something like the Green Line extension come to fruition. Medford doesn't even want it, and the corridor it will serve in Somerville is already gentrified, meaning the extension will essentially improve service for higher-income people when projects like the Blue Line extension and Urban Ring have no future. 145. You could speed up the Green Line extension. Do not reduce service on the T and commuter rail (ok to increase fares - if cost is an issues, why not offer subsidized public transportation in line with food stamps)Somerville could alternate the side of the street the plows push the snow to - my side is allows plowed in. I'm sick of motor-oil tainted snow on my property! 146. Get the green line extension done. 147. do NOT CUT existing public transportation services. as a non-car-owning city dweller, i am very dependent on good quality public transportation. 148. Wheelchair users and others who have mobility issues (some seniors, people who use crutches or other devices or simply have to walk slowly) need safer,less obstructed paths of travel as well as smoother ones (bricks, for example, are difficult for many people including the above groups and folks with baby carriages). This would help blind people as well. 149. Many public minibuses circling towns, especially from outlying strip malls to suburban neighborhoods. 150. The cost of The RIDE and other paratransit--critical services--should be shared by social services agencies and not just transportation agencies. 151. I would like to see more raised and safe bike lanes such as on Belmont street along Fresh Pond Golf course in Cambridge, MA. 152. Walking firstBicycling secondPublic transit thirdEverything else after those modes are fully funded. 153. on snow clearance in Camb and Bos: too much effort is spent going after 3/4" of snow in a travel lane which will disappear promptly under traffic, and not enough removing real accumulation from bike lanes and sidewalks on major streets. 154. The state's primary focus for transportation should be on maintaining and improving existing infrastructure, discourage development of land with poor transportation access, and improve the efficiency of public transportation services. The T is a very critical resource that has seen underinvestment for years. This problem can only be resolved through improved funding and debt reduction, and better efficiency. Boston and Massachusetts will never be competitive when it comes to highway access, nor should it try to. It can, however, with strong public transit. 155. Weather is a big factor in my decisions on how to get somewhere.Sometimes I need my car at work because I have to make multiple trips during the day to places without public transit access.When I take public transit to work, I also embed about 2 miles of walking round trip. A197 156. Take the politics out of the TIP Program and fund the projects that are ready to go. 157. stop wasting my money with the green line extention 158. Would like to get cars off the road via more sidewalks, bike lanes. 159. A side comment: I am concerned about the level of trash I see along the highways and ramps.I would be willing to start a program to change people's behaviors so maintenance money doesn't need to be spent to pick up litter. 160. BEFORE incredible debt is acquired, put price increases and other stopgaps in place. It is outrageous that the exorbitant MBTA debt was not addressed earlier 161. More transportation equity for non-car transportation is essential. 162. Rail service to Western Mass (Springfield/Westfield/Lee from Boston and to destinations north and south. 163. Comprehensive integrated transportation/land use planning with an emphasis on affordable, higher-density housing. The only way our regional transportation system is going to work is if more people can live in Cambridge, Boston, and inner suburbs, meaning that quarter-acre plot housing with minimum setbacks and no overnight parking cannot persist. 164. I ride the #96 bus out of Medford Square. It is also jammed. Even at rush hours the 96 runs only every 20 minutes. The buses are overheated...the MBTA could save money keeping the heat down. 165. do not forget about roller bladers. broken up asphalt or sections of gravel between asphalt sections of paths cut skaters off. non maintained bumpy sections can also be dangerous for the small wheels of skates. 166. Extend the Green Line. Get it built.Improve on-time performance for the commuter rail. 167. We need electronic info on platforms and at bus stops that tells us in real time when the next bus or train is arriving. It cannot be only available to folks with smartphones 168. Expanding transportation options into Western Massachusetts would improve the situation a great deal. 169. On the public transit system: Around the world, these are not usually 'self-supporting'. They are an element of a larger strategy (a cost that the riders subsidize) of making good large metro areas.On Biking: I'd like to see every community have a network of useful bike lanes. Not every road needs or should have a bike lane, but there should be ways of getting from major points of interest to others by bike lanes. Portland Oregon is a good city model to follow here. 170. Pedestrian and bicycle needs and facilities are not the same. Please stop lumping them together. The majority of people who advocate for transit and walking are women. The majority of people who advocate for bicycles are men. Some aggressive men who advocate for bicycles are getting more than their share of attention and money that is not spent on trucks and cars. There must be more fair sharing of space and funds so cars, trucks, busses, trains, boats, bicycles, strollers, wheelchairs, and pedestrians all have safe places to travel. 171. Bring back Jeff Mullan 172. Convince the legislature to adequately invest in transportation with a renewed emphasis on non-highway public transportation. 173. Partner with local initiatives to service senior and disabled riders. 174. Integrate Charlie Card with other RTA services (BAT) 175. Treat fundamental transportaton - our own 2 feet or wheels - like they are very important. A198 Massachusetts does a very good job at this, but let's be even better! 176. Connect bus route directly from Westfield to Northampton, up route 10, which would include towns of Southampton and Easthampton. 177. incentivize the use of Charlie cards 178. Allow bicycles on T during all hours. Maybe have a bicycle-only car at the front or back of train. 179. It disturbs me that "safety" and "comfort" were listed together on this first page of this survey... those are two VERY different issues, with safety being the highest priority. 180. Let the people have more say in transportation needs and less government say. 181. More service outside of Boston. 182. invest in community sustainability more broadly, so that waling, biking, socializing becomes part of the everyday ambiance of the community 183. more facilities and lanes for bicycles 184. Don't cut back on trains to and from Worcester! You're going to add another car to the Pike if you do! 185. No 186. I recently moved to Waltham from Somerville and would desperately love to be able to use public transportation anywhere near as much as I used to. The options available out here are completely focused on in-out commuting. I would love there to be local bus service for travel WITHIN Waltham. At minimum, I would like to be able to use just the local portion of the express bus that serves my neighborhood and pay only a local bus fair. Ideally, though, I'd love to see a local bus running as well.Generally, I would most like to see options improved for other than traditional commuters: more cross-town options, rather than just spoke-hub focused; better service at non-rush-hour times; viable local options in the more suburban areas of service; etc. 187. Install more benches and shelters for users of public transit. Install wifi on all buses and trains. Have maps and schedules at all bus stops. 188. public transportation should be priorty ONE. Fewer cars, better public transit. 189. Shuttle bus between senior housing and senior center 190. Repave existing facilities!! 191. The state legislature needs to allocate more funding for transportation, in particular public transit, and bicycling and walking facilities. 192. none 193. The 'Big Dig' cost were extreme but one way or another, all the citizens of MA benefit from it to one degree or another. Increase the state gas tax, even if just 1 cent, and put all the money brought in toward paying off the Big Dig costs. That debt should not effect the users of MBTA services by less service, higher fees, or outdated equipment. 194. Yes, more enviornmentally friendly vehicles, educate the community about tyoxic exposure when constuction are being done with older construction vehicles. 195. I would like to see more rail service, and more options for rail service. 196. The T has failed miserably the last few years. I know you are broke and have debt thrown on you, but you have to think radical solutions - like making the T unions nad T personnel change and actually increase the level of service. Gladly will pay more if I am not treated so poorly by the T, but to increase fares and treat us as you do is not acceptable. A199 197. I think that public transportation needs support. If users need to pay more, that is preferable to cutting service. Compared to New York and other states our public transit user charges are low. 198. Do more to support children walking and bicycling not only to school but in general -- kids should be able to bike and walk to the parks, libraries, schools, friends houses, etc. 199. How about doing things so cars can't drive as fast on city streets? Some drivers think nothing of doing 40-50 mph on narrow city streets. Forget better pavement---people just drive faster. 200. We need to fight to keep the commuter rail between Worcester and Boston from being shut down on the weekends and cutting hours! 201. Give the T more autonomy to find money - let them set their own taxes, levy new ones, raise fares etc. 202. Maintain and improve public transit! Bike lanes! 203. Partner with non-profits and schools to do outreach comparing the real costs, hazards, benefits of driving compared to transit, biking, walking, and with googlemaps to publicize biking routes/shortcuts. 204. safety is paramount 205. Reduce the total cost of travel to Logan Airport from outside the Boston area. 206. Local transportation in my town 207. users should pay, especially for highways 208. Keep building rail trails, and community walking paths. Just because it is there, I spend a lot of time walking on the Somerville Community path and it has been a great way to meet people and interact with others in my community. 209. I would like walking and biking to be more of a priority to encourage more people to use alternative modes of transportation 210. More needs to be done to look at our overall transportation system in MA and develop systems that will encourage people to get out of their cars and take public transit or utilize healthier options such as biking and walking to get where they need to go. This means schedules should be aligned to minimize transfer times. The system needs to operate in a way that people within the service area will consider public transit a preferable alternative to driving. 211. We need to be on par with countries like Europe with our public transportation. Geographically, this is not a big state - and it's essential to reduce traffic in greater Boston as well as Worcester and Springfield with the innovative light and heavy rail, buses, and carpooling. 212. I hope that bus routes become more frequent and the commuter rail less costly. 250 for a pass is quite a lot of money and discourages people from using public transportation. I spend 2:30 minutes commuting to work each day because the rail and bus is so infrequent and uncoordinated. 213. Maintain existing arterial streets 214. More reliable commuter trains. This winter has been better than average but confidence that your train will arrive on time is still slim in cold weather. 215. I would love the option of being able to commute to a job in VT or CT from where I live in the pioneer valley, via rail. I know there are some improvements in the works, but I want to add my voice to the group that favors rebuilding our railways. 216. the current proposals to reduce service on the MBTA is poorly considered and perhaps A200 disingenuous, particularly the reductions in commuter rail and bus service. Making Boston less accessible to residents and tourists seems short sighted. 217. Display "next train in # minutes/seconds" on status signs. Displaying the next train information will reduce anxiety at rush hour. 218. train and subway 219. Transportation Infrastructure is critical to the health and success of Massachusetts. Everything we do in our personal and professional lives, whether as individuals or companies, is fundamentally dependent on our ability to move ourselves and our products in a safe, comfortable, and timely manner. Do not underestimate or marginalize this need. To do so will be very expensive for the state of Massachusetts, and all of it's citizens. 220. Use civilian flaggers for road detail. Contract with non union workers. Eliminate the Mass pike tolls.. all simple ways to get Americans working, paying their housing, and taxes, reduce wasteful state pensions, and improve the economy. 221. increase the gas tax to make up for the loss of revenue - gas tax not incresaed since 1991 so 20 yhears out of date - explore vmt type taxes - reduce transit costs per user 222. Moving to and from Worcester is not the only needed transportation for South Central Massachusetts. Southbridge is a town of 17000 people and it has NO public transportation. 223. local bus service that's economical; most of my out of town trips are for shopping and libraries, although it would be nice to be commuting and earning an income 224. Cycle Tracks in the Boston Area would improve safety and encourage cycling 225. Fix the potholes in the I-93 bridge service in Somerville and Charlestown. Add transportation options to the Anderson Transportation Center to help get vehicles off of I93. Stop spending tax dollars to expand the T, use the tax dollars to get the existing infrastructure under control first. Once the existing infrastructure is functioning at its optimal level, then think about extending the T service. 226. Bicycles do not belong on sidewalks! They are motor vehicles and belong on streets 227. It's critical that the MBTA financial mess, and transportation funding in general, gets sorted out. Service cuts and dramatic fare increases on the MBTA won't alone solve the problem and will likely do more economic damage than good. The entire transportation system can't continue to be operating the debt burden it is. We need LEADERSHIP and someone who is politically courageous enough to take the transportation funding situation seriously. Enough kicking the can. It's time to level with people, lay the ugly financial situation on the table, and come up with a realistic and cohesive plan on how to deal with it. Our transportation system is so fundamentally important to every aspect of our lives safety, economic prosperity, etc. - we can't ignore it. 228. expand volunteer ride services at senior centers. 229. As far as traffic signals go I think there needs to be a holisitic look at the system. There are a lot of lights that are still running at what their day time demands are at 10pm. I think a lot more flashing lights could be used to eleviate/expedite time of travel.I would debate that in an urban environment you could get eliminate the majority of the pedestrian buttons for crossing the street if the traffic signals were properly sychronized and the cross signal crossed with the red. (But thats another discussion) 230. USE THE BIG RED DURING PEAK HOURS EVERY DAYCLEAN THE TRAINSFIX THE PA SYSTEM SO THE PUBLIC AND HEAR AND UNDERSTAND ANNOUNCEMENTSGIVE ENGLISH LESSONS TO YOUR TRAIN CONDUCTORS SO WE CAN UNDERSTAND THEM 231. Within towns, roadways should have speed platforms that moderate vehicular speeds, particularly around the schools. There should be aggressive enforcement of school bus violations ( S1293) and enforcement of safe vehicle practices near schools. Vehicular A201 traffic should be single lane each direction (except turns lanes) whenever possible 232. No 233. Enforcement of traffic rules at crosswalks and intersections 234. eastern Mass-western Mass rail link 235. Ban all food and drink on MBTA. Be like Washington DC. Less garbage left on train i.e. take out containers, cups and paper bags.Enforce!!!!Hate sitting on train with someone standing over me holding a drink. Also all T surfaces are naturally grossly contaminated and food becomes contaminated by indirect contact. Gross. 236. Rail schedule is insane. Should have increased trains to and from Beverly from NBPT. Should start early both ways. Should have early weekend route before or at 7am. Last train should be 11pm weekends or 1pm Saturdays from Boston and subways should be running all night. Video equipment can show when there is someone waiting. on overnight routes so they are not mugged . Should have more predictive routes on subways. Should have schedule approaching trains on read screens. Need a lot more elevators to exit stations not escalators. Escalators should have plastic guard rails up 12 inches from handrail to on outside of handrails prevent kids from falling over and adults from fear of falling over.Possibly a metal handrail for grabbing that is more finger capable instead of wide handrail to hold on escalators. Plastic walls on elevators would be great except in open areas that project high over 20 feet. That is poor for those who suffer from vertigo. Need some flags hanging in waiting areas. Would add color and warmth to dismal cold drafty places. Could rent flag space to businesses. High enough to not be stolen however. All platforms waiting areas should have a windbreaker seating area that blow all year. All ramps for rail should be a stop car every trip. Trains are still bawking at stops for ramp use. This is ridiculous. 237. Better enforcement of motorist speed limit and passing laws. These two simple laws, if enforced, would make bicycling safer and more of an option for many people. 238. The legislature needs to act to improve and secure financing for Transit - NOW. 239. Increase public transit, upgrade existing streets with better lane markings, provide bike lanes so bicyclists don't have to have special bike paths to feel safe and slow down traffic with more traffic calming measures. 240. At some point we have to admit that we have to invest in serious public transit. Stop enabling more cars and make it expensive to drive in urban/congested areas -- especially in and out of Boston 241. Redesign ALL commuter region-wide and state-wide freight and passenger railroad rights of way---in order to seek to curtail remote and unimpeded access to these rail lines (with the goal of curtailing high speed rail personal injury accidents, including suicides). 242. Safety, people need to feel safe waiting and using public transit. I live in the country and work in the city; there are no buses close to where I live. When I lived in the city, I did not feel safe waiting for a bus in the evening. 243. More crosswalks with pedestrian lights. 244. High Speed rail (200-300 mph) construction to NYC.Build the North/South Rail-Link between South Station and North Station in Boston. 245. Transportation is one piece of a mosaic of a dynamic development puzzle that promotes better developments and neighborhoods that are more closely knit and would promote greater use of alternative transportation modes. Think about how transportation fits into a larger picture! A202 246. Build high-speed rail and rapid bus transit for long-distance travel. (Assign lanes as bus & bike-only for routes such as #1 and #66, something like silver line). The MBTA (esp. trains and buses) needs to be more reliable.The MBTA should receive increased funding from the state.More bike lanes, but not if they run between parked cars and moving traffic.Be bold, be innovative. Make Massachusetts a leader in U.S. transportation reform. If you are not a visionary, hire people who are. 247. I want to emphasize how important extending the hours of the T are, especially on weekends. 248. Now that we own the CSX ROW, and were promised more trains, looking forward to more train options on Worcester line and a new Yawkey station.Need to expand bike network regionally. I bike from Natick to Boston once a week from April to September, and bike for pleasure on weekends. 249. public transit needs improvement and an infusion of $$ (penny on the sales tax to be distributed in the region it is collected); to be forward funded 250. Transit services need to be enhanced - not cut back - Support increasing the GAS TAX!!!!!!! 251. use existing ROW on major highways to construct new mass transit 252. Transit lines should be co-located with highways, so they go where the cars go (Orange Line along an extended I-95, Red Line along Route 2 to Hanscom Field, etc.) , if you want more riders. This also avoids land takings and purchase of scarce and expensive land that could better be used to increase the supply of available housing. 253. Please extend the Green Line into Somerville. The City is densely populated, with many commuters. There is currently an inadequate level of public transportation options there. In addition, if the bike path in Somerville could be extended as well, I think that would be greatly beneficial to the residents in Somerville (and other neighboring cities/towns) and provide for a safe and effective route for commuters to get downtown. 254. Incentives for using bikes, walking, mass transit 255. Don't wait for infrequent major reconstruction projects to redesign streets for safety. Paint and bollards can be used today and for little cost. If we make drivers pay for the costs they incur on the rest of us, our property tax money can be used on sustainable transportation facilities instead. 256. cut the salaries of the execs at the MBCR and MBTA and put the money into new trains 257. The more alternatives and the better the alternatives are to driving the better. It would have the benefit of improving traffic flow on the roads too for the times we have to use our cars.In our 2 person household we have two cars but we often go days without using them. We use them when necessary but as little as possible. We like walking. We like the T. Urban driving is exasperating and inefficient. 258. Buses seem to get clustered together with long wait times in between. Can't they be timed to arrive at predictable intervals? 259. I do not want to see another highway widened or road built that does not add light rail to it. Maybe a monorail down the median strip, with stations at major highway junctions. Our public transportation system is archaic. Everyone does not travel in and out of Boston for work, and hasn't in decades, yet this is how everything is designed. To travel from Woburn to Melrose, you have to go through Boston???? Your new bus shelters are horrible, offering less coverage/protection from the elements. There isn't any consideration for how they are used, the weather/wind directions, how they are open to passing cars that hit puddles and soak us, while we are waiting in all kinds of weather. Also, we do not all work 9-5 anymore. Even lines that go to the hospitals, and a stressed for available parking, do not take second and third shift workers into account, or visitors who would be leaving after A203 8pm. There is no common sense on how your system is used. Or could be used.I wanted to go to a 1/2 day conference in Worcester, but couldn't attend unless I wanted to miss half of it. You do not have trains going out to Worcester from Boston, only in, until too late in the morning.This is a case of "if you build it, they will come." Ridership is up, out of necessity, yet you are trying to cut services. Why not really evaluate your system, and how it could be used. You are stuck in a time warp.And I do not want to hear about fare increases, until I see all fares being collected. The buses wait, refusing to load until they are suppose to be leaving - so they wave everyone on, without requiring payment - your new fare boxes are too slow. You have most stations unmanned, and if they are manned, no one wants to leave the booth every few minutes to stop fair evaders. One out of three times that I enter the platform, someone comes in behind me, setting off an alarm, yet, never has anyone come to investigate.At the same time, your drivers have valid complaints re: break, bathroom, etc.Is there anyone with some common sense their? Do you not know anyone who is dependent on public transportation? You need to increase services, improve schedules - maybe buy shorter buses for less used lines, not cut those monstrosities.One last thing - the new buses, with no way to hold on as the bus is moving, but you haven't gotten to a seat yet, or there are no seats - but lots of strollers in the way - I am going to fall on a child one day, and people will be mad at me.Your service to minority/poor/working class neighborhoods is pitiful. You treat them like cattle. You count on them not having a voice. You should be ashamed. 260. Lets be careful not to penalize drivers be extreme measures to provide bike accomodations. I think the trend is too much towards bike preferance. 261. increase parking at the commuter lots. 262. Cambridge is quite good for bicycling and walking. Boston could be improved. A bicycle lane on Cambridge Street from the Longfellow Bridge to Government center would be great. 263. Think about multi-modal connnection - bikes and public transit in particular - allow bikes on trains, buses , and T more often 264. The proposal to eliminate and stop planned expansion of, as well as cut existing (local and commuter and inter state railway) public transportation routes and reduce the weekend and weekday frequencies is crazy, daft and counter-productive. The Globe reported (possibly in error), that the proposal calls for elimination of the E Green Line trolley. The Commonwealth is under Court Order to extend the E Green Line. I will make every effort to re-involve the Conservation Law Foundation in litigation against the Commonwealth and the DOT 265. Zipper lanes at rush hour congestion areas. 266. The MBTA financial situation needs a long-term fix, not solely with service cuts and fare increases. Infrastructure maintenance and improvements should be a high priority for all modes of transportation. 267. I would love to see train and bus service improved but I understand the MBTA is basically bankrupt. Instead, I would rather see money spent on lower-cost projects with a better return, including bicycle lanes and paths. 268. Expanded and improved transit service would do a lot to increase my transportation options. In particular, I would love to see the following:- running the T until 3 am on Friday and Saturday nights- better cross-town transit connections between Somerville, Medford, Cambridge, and Boston (new routes and more frequent service, especially at night and on weekends)- faster travel times on bus and light rail routes (especially the B Green Line), through stop consolidation, express trains/buses, faster payment, traffic signal priority, etc. A204 269. Please prioritize full funding to support infrastructure for pedestrians and bicyclists. People who move around using modes other than individual automobiles are benefiting everyone (by reducing air pollution and traffic congestion and petroleum use). We should be encouraging this behavior instead of encouraging individual car use. 270. Have a train stop in Athol, MA to go to Boston or Amherst. Train conductors on how to treat people with disabilities. Hire more people to work at the stations in the evenings. 271. Build the Community Path to connect the Minuteman and Charles River Path networks! 272. Add peripheral cross-town public transportation such as a bus route from Forest Hills to Harvard Square 273. Extend T to 1:30-2:00 am! Install T and bus arrival time signs on popular routes (many public transit riders cannot afford a smartphone with apps). Find a different solution to the unfair BigDig debt shift that threatens our public transit options. 274. Speed limits need to be lowered and enforced - people drive too fast in the city only to stop at the next red light. 275. Please build the Community Path to connect the Minuteman and the Charles River paths. 276. It's not currently the case, but in the past I've reverse-commuted by commuter rail (from the city out to Zone 3 or further) and the off-peak scheduling made it possible - evening and weekend service was vital to my commute, and that's still true for several of my acquaintances. 277. I would like more bike/pedestrian transit corridors in urban areas. 278. More frequent bus service to West Medford during non-peak periods would make it much more likely that I would take the bus to Davis Square to pick up the red line. But the buses are so infrequent that I usually drive.Improve signage on highways and streets. It's hard enough for those of us that live here -- imagine how hard it is for out of towners. At least give them a few clues! 279. maintain cleaner facilities (public transportatiuon vehicles and spaces) 280. Save the MBTA! 281. I'd like to see more walking and more bicycling in my neighborhood. I am all for making it expensive for people to park/store/drive their cars which just seem like big moneywasting, dangerous pieces of junk. Oh, wait, we already have made it expensive. I don't know why people haven't given up their dumb metal children. 282. It would be most helpful if there were more 66 buses running or if they ran more often. I, and others, have often been unable to get on a bus because it is too full and it has to refrain from stopping at subsequent stops because there is no room on the bus. This is the route inbound and outbound between brookline and harvard square during the commuting times during the week. This has been a problem for a coulpe of years now. Thanks. 283. investing in the T and in programs to increase cycling safety are high on my priority list. 284. Monitor and improve the timing of buses. Figure out a way to be more flexible with what you have---to quickly divert a vehicle or two from a route that has buses clumped together over to a route where the bus is 40 minutes past due. 285. Use the gas tax as intended, maint & repair of highway infrastucture 286. More trains for Mass commuters, in general, each day.More express trains between further destination stations, and arrival stations.More "all stops" trains added to the daily schedule. 287. More bike racks at commercial sites. I did a survey of bike racks in Acton, and there are almost none at stores and shopping centers, and often no appropriate places to lock a bike. A205 288. employ a shared space model for transportation infrastructure 289. No 290. People who rely on public transport especially disabled and elderly need more flexibility with schedules and routes to be able to access more places(employment) 291. Public transit usually gets treated as an afterthought compared to the highways. I would like to see it become a priority. Improvements would increase ridership. The cost wouldn't be as much of an issue if people felt it was value for that money. 292. Would be great if the MBTA was more centered on the user experience than the employee experience. Would be lovely if the bus and T drivers didn't floor the gas, then slam on the breaks. 293. Some of the bus routes are chronically overcrowded and run off schedule. The 47 to/from Central Square routinely overfills around rush hour in the AM and PM, leaving frustrated and cold passengers waiting at bus stops when the driver of the stuffed bus passes them by at the stop. Please introduce more buses on this route at rush hour. We pay for T services based on the published bus scheduled and it is not fair to advertise these services without adequate capacity to serve all your paying costumers. 294. no 295. Keep the T low cost and very available to all!! 296. A neighbor wondered if there would be a way to provide shuttle service from the bar area in Plymouth Center to cut down on drunk driving. 297. More people would walk or bicycle if they had a safe pathway which would reduce traffic congestions 298. NO. IF SOMEONE READS WHAT'S WRITTEN I WOULD BE HAPPY. 299. more specific walking directions on websites, accessible real time tracking of trains and buses 300. Massachusetts can build smarter. There's a lack of education amoung many professional engineers the public and DPW officials. The state should profile some examples of what really smart,sustainable transportation project look like and help others see what/why these ideas make sense. Education is not easy, sometimes you have to do it over and over and over again until it gets drummed into their head. But few things worth doing are easy. And it takes time. There could be more support for "good efforts" and incentives in the form of funding, recognition and praise. People generally don't want to step away from their peer group, be that engineers,or neighbors. Lets find a way to support them. 301. Having moved from a city to the suburbs, I miss the ability to use the rail service. I would like to see the rail service extend to the Cape area. 302. Please make sure that Bus Drivers wait until people sit down before they take off. This is a problem in my Community. God Bless!! 303. Basic bus service is badly needed in Se MassExpansion of commuter rail is also an important need for this region 304. Balance is's not that cars are bad, it's that choice is good. 305. Paratransit systems (RTA) should run on a more seemless methodology, utilizing resources that in many parts of this state that are mostly used for smaller increments of time (ie elder van services, school transport vehicles for special needs children could be used to offset lapses in service, making it easier for persons with disabilities and seniors to travel from one region to another). Reduce billable services by subcontracting to local taxi services or paratransit services already providing limited service for short trips (under 5 A206 miles). 306. Improved education and enforcement of "Right of Way and Right on Red laws. 307. Transportation reform in this state hasn't worked. Its all smoke and mirrors. A bunch of hype without substance. Don't start over; instead learn from the mistake of the past; rely on what has worked in the past. 308. How about speeding up the recovery and extension of rail service? There no way for me to go north by train and come back the same day and I must use my car to go south by train to get to the station 20 miles away. No rail service going east or west from here. Stop thinking only about cars. 309. Evening commuter rail frequency could be increased or substitute bus service could be provided between trains. 310. The General Court needs to revise the funding mechanism for mass transit statewide; help improve the contribution of the private sector, too. 311. A mature leveling with the realities of building and maintaining a sustainable transportation system that favors walking, biking, and public transportation. The future is unavoidable. 312. PRT PRT PRT I dare you to look this up. Check o7ut Heathrow Airport, though that's not the technology I would prefer. 313. I think MassDot needs to embrace multi-modal transportation. Improve bike parking facilities at T stations and commuter rail stations. Make walking safer by reducing speeds on local roads and better enforcement so drivers are forced to stop at pedestrian crossings and stop signs and not speed through red lights. I think the cost of driving needs to increase so people consider alternative transportation before getting in their cars. 314. Thankful for the new sidewalks and bicycle paths along Concord Ave between the Belmont line and Alewife Brook Parkway. Don't know why the paths around Fresh Pond are not lit; if they were, I'd feel safe running there before or after work. In general, greatly appreciate the efforts to improve pedestrian and bicycle access and would love to see more progress in those areas. 315. The MBTA needs to be relived of its debt, and new subway lines need to be built.Narrow JamaicaWay and Storrow Drive to one lane of traffic, allowing wide bicycle lanes, and an easier connection to the Charles and Jamaica Pond for pedestrians. 316. Although my situation may not work for everyone, I've made many friends and improved relationships by having the time to talk to them when I am getting rides with them to places. There's no substitute for it, and it has helped me in my business, work and personal life very much. 317. Adding bicycle lanes is not the answer to addressing busy streets. Traffic flow and parking concerns need to factored in as well. 318. More bike lanes and bicycle rights awareness 319. Provide weekend service to Middleboro/Lakeville Line more quickly. long. 320. give the town either buses or trains Taking Much too 321. more t cars, esp on the green line 322. I'd really love to see more bicycling and transit infrastructure and improvements. 323. better signage for public transportation, bus stops and routes are unmarked 324. I live in Lowell and work in Cambridge. I am grateful for the commuter rail. Though it can be a shorter trip driving, the commuter rail makes the trip more pleasant and means that I A207 don't have to use gas in my car. it would be hard to give up the train, but if fares increase and flexibility decreases, it would change the picture for me. 325. There need to be more ways to get into Boston from points west. Driving is too expensive, and the public transportation anywhere west of Waltham is laughable. 326. don't make it harder for people who depend on transit to use it (i.e. don't cut routes/schedules or raise rates beyond affordability). people make decisions about where they live and work based on the existing transit -- in general, more important to keep that in place and reliable than to add new. 327. Have more frequent commuter rail service, with newer and more reliable equipment. 328. Again, the deteriorated conditions of Massachusetts roadways (including bridges) are the worst I have ever seen in any US state. Comparing it to worn-torn Bosnia is not inapt. Pavement goes unattended year after year after year. The appearance of the MBTA system is sad and worn out (with the exception of the new stations, such as State and Maverick). 329. There is currently no phone app to tell you when the green line is coming because the MBTA doesn't have the data or doesn't it provide it to app developers. Making it easier for people to use public transportation could boost revenues and reduce traffic. You don't have to buy new subway cars or new buses. You just need to find ways to make them easier to use. 330. I no longer work, but would have ridden the t (red to green to work) if the experience had been tolerable--or if I'd had no other choice. Older, sicker people than me are on the T every day, probably because they have no other transportation. I've often felt guilty about driving as much as I did and do; with a handicapped tag in the works, I'm letting go of that. But I think of all the more visibly debilitated people I see struggling with the system and almost want to cry, 331. Just remember - finish the Braga Bridge repair. 332. the proposed increase for the MBTA's the RIDE is obscene; it is not scaled according to income, nor health care needs. As 1 who goes to several places monthly this is a huge increase. whenever possible I combine visits, it's not possible to schedule 1 day to see providers, 1 sees people only on Tues., another on Fri. etc;going from MGH to the N E Baptist on the same day is squeezing things a lot; I am retired see next question 333. Roll back MBTA service cuts and fare increases 334. Install reliable devices at every boarding stop to indicate waiting time for next transport to arrive. More frequent buses. The reliability should match that of Kyoto 335. I would like to see an entirely altered policy related to public transportation. It should be privately operated and publicly managed as a utility, with monthly utility bills appropriate for the community with performance incentives and a basic fee. 336. Improve the drivers. Get us off the road. Try suburban and rural trolleys. 337. Fast frequent commuter rail service. Affordable 1day multimodal passes 338. More and better transit!!! 339. With an eye on the idea that we want to use less personal transportation trying to upgrade and improve the existing network to make it user friendlier is a key. Adopt a long range vision that rapid transportation is more then just a line running in and out of Boston. Boston is important but as congestion continues to build again more and more people are turned off by it transportation along the 128 corridor is needed if we are going to make the system work where people work 340. Commuter rail service from the greater SSpringfield area linking with Worcester and Boston and perhaps even Rhode Island. If towns such as Gardner and Fitchburg and Acton A208 can have commuter rail service, why can't Western Mass? 341. * Build the Green Line extension* Tear town obsolete highways (e.g. McGrath in Somerville) and replace them with streets that can also be used by bikes/peds 342. Please reduce your bureaucracy, salaries, nepotism, unionized pensions. 343. Show wait time at major stops, and who alternate routes. 344. I would be interested in taking public transit more often, however, service reliability and delays do not make public transit an option for me to commute. My car (and dealing with traffic) is just more reliable, key with making it to work on time. 345. Public transportation needs to be frequent enough that the "convenience" timing issue does not make me take my car. 346. Boston and the surrounding suburbs are not that big, yet the public transportation system is not conducive to traveling around it. To travel even 5 miles (Watertown to Brookline) could take me 1 hour. There need to be more cross town bus lines. I also think it is unnecessary to run certain buses every ten minutes on the weekends. Often times the buses are empty. If they ran less frequently, people would spend more time at their destination and spend more money toward the economy. 347. If Europe can do it we should be able to. Provide rail service, change from diesel buses to CNG transport and get cars off the road. 348. raise revenues, put most of it towards roads and bridges and distrubute it around the entire state, Boston gets most of it now-they complain about fare hikes and the rest of the state don't get nearly the services Boston gets, its not fair 349. Increase commuter rail and rail service to NYC and Newport, VT. 350. Need to make Mass more bike friendly 351. No. 352. The main infrastructure is in place, but there is a need for best management possible and for long term planning of sustained improvements. Public transportation is essential in enhancing the productivity of urban centers and pedestrian and bicycle transportation in a clean and safe can improve the health of residents. 353. They make public transportation work in other countries, some much poorer than we are. We should be able to do it here. 354. Stop the free parking everywhere for private autos. Charge a gas tax or vehicle miles traveled tax that reflects the true costs of the transportation system. Change development patterns so people have more choices to live in areas where they can walk, bike or use transit instead of drive for their typical trips. 355. More commuter rail lines, like the Boston/New Bedford commmuter rail line which has been promised for years, but never constructed 356. Build the Green Line extension! 357. The absolute most important thing is to make sure that what we have now doesn't fall apart. Then we should be making walking/biking a more attractive and safer choice. 358. Extending Night and Providing weekend hours ADA PARA TRANSIT Hours and Fixed Route Services. ManyDisabled individuals and Personal Care Attendants who work 2nd and 3rd shifts need public transportation to work with us. 3 pm to 11 pm. 11 pm to 7 am. shifts find it difficult to get to work in the evening and weekends. Especially people with disabilities and our care givers. 359. For the amount of money the T requires to operate, I generally find the service to be sub par. Regular delays, equipment malfunctions, etc. are frustrating. This includes everything A209 from the doors at the stations, to the Charlie machines, to the actual cars themselves. I would like to see considerable effort/resources put into addressing the T's debt so that the infrastructure can be updated and things can get better. It seems strange that with consecutive years of record ridership, the T has increased fares, cut services, and has greater and greater debt. 360. I would love to be able to stop driving altogether and ONLY bike, walk, or use public transit, but it isn't feasible for my home or work locations. 361. I rely on Red Line and extended means to get to BostonFrequently. 362. Limit "The Ride" to taking passengers to the nearest accessible bus or train stop. 363. Local road construction, things as simple as intersection "improvements" often result in unsafe bicycle access. (The typical situation is new turning lanes being added.) Over time we end up with a road system that poorly supports safe bicycle access. What can MassDOT do to address this death by a thousand cuts situation? 364. Make bus schedules more reliable. It's better to cut back on non-peak scheduling but keep to the schedule. 365. Determine what it would cost & how much ridership would grow over 5 yrs if buses & CR trains ran at least every 30min nights & weekends. When will Fairmount have 7d service every 15min?With the OL and rts 32, 34E 35/6/7/8 generally packed even after 9pm and all weekend, why can't every train stop at Hyde Park, Rosilindale, W. Roxbury, etc. So many trains pass through these stations and the CR fare is higher than a bus/subway fare yet there's capacity on the CR when there isn't on the OL & buses. 366. Transit routes should be given a rational analysis and eliminated if necessary, but these routes also serve vulnerable populations that may have few other transportation options.More walking and bicycling should be encouraged; this will reduce pressure for new roads and reduce congestion on existing roads. New and retro-fitted bldgs in cityies and near transit should have reduced parking ratios, and use of zip car like services. 367. Do not curtail current public transportation, improve it, and keept the cost of fares under control. As a biker, Iwould like to see someone in addition to traffic engineers, who never in their lives commuted by bike, have serious input into how urban commuter biking can be redesigned (get rid of the useless "Share the lane with bicycle" signs). Reduce litter, which makes the walking and biking an unpleasant experience. 368. expand rail services and rail connections. The state doesn't know how badly it needs the green line extension and the urban ring. More lines even if is is only dedicated BRT lines.The State should stop spending money on removing rotaries in front of the Sagamore Bridge just to reduce delays from 1 mile to 3/4 of a mile on Saturdays in July and August. 369. Why are tax dollars being spent to raise bridges for CSX. Why doesn't CSX pay for ALL the work seing it is for their benefit. Some of these bridges are in good shape!!! 370. Complete the rail to trail from Somerville into Boston. 371. It's mostly predictability. The "HOLD" signs for trains at Ashmont (for those using the Mattapan Line) have been helpful compared to previous practices. 372. more weekend hours for the commuter rail. It runs every two hours on the weekend. 373. Alter the traffic signals so that light rail trains automatically trip the lights to green for light rail as they approach the signals. This would make the green line much faster. Brussels is converting to such a system. 374. electric charging stations 375. Bicycling is not walking. The two should not be lumped together when developing transportation policy. Sidewalks should be improved for pedestrians. Roads should be A210 improved for bicycles. 376. Rebuild Rt93/Rt95 interchange in Woburn !!! 377. Better access to commuter rail stations - either by expanding parking and/or transit. Not as easy as you think. 378. Create a ramp from the Neponset Bridge directly onto the Northbound expressway to save the trouble of clogging up the rotary.Connect the Route 2 North with an overpass starting at the Freshpond rotary area. This would clear up the Alwife T stop.Keep the MBTA water shuttle available on the weekends.Remove the Long Island Bridge between Squantum and Long Island. It looks unsafe and it is a navigation obstacle for sailboats that can't fit under the bridge. It forces more boats to go through Deer Island channel. 379. Reduce vehicle speeds to less than 20 MPH. In no case should the top speed of a vehicle exceed the average speed along a corridor. 380. Adhering to bus schedule. Improve courtesy of drivers. Alert when schedule will be disrupted. More flexible with picking up and dropping off passengers. 381. I only have to complain about the snow in the sidewalks, specially because its a problem to people with disabilities. Also, the flow of traffic at Sullivan between 9AM to 10AM it's awful! Would there be a way to divert traffic?Thank you 382. KEEP THE CURRENT FARE STRUCTURE FOR COMMUTER RAIL A 23% Increase this year with a rate increase next year is untenable 383. Fewer office workers; more field workers. 384. Realistically, however, we are facing reductions in transit service as well as increased fares. The questions work in an abstract world, but not the fiscally-constrained world in which we live. Why is there no question about the traditional "third rail" topic of increased gas taxes? 385. Clarify the place of scooters in the urban context. The state regs are hopelessly out of date and allow only for 49.9cc and smaller mopeds and 50cc and larger motorcycles. The place of super high efficiency, low congestion scooters is being missed by Massachusetts due to an out dated regulatory code. 386. More sidewalks, more pedestrian crossings, better bike lanes. 387. Build the Green Line Extension! And build the Somerville Community Path along with it, all the way to the Charles River!Bus prioritization at signalized intersections would increase the fuel efficiency and speed of bus transit. Thinning bus stops which are closer than 200 yards would also improve things. 388. bicycle awareness education for motorists.heated bus huts/green line huts. Chicago has them on the L. restaurants have them in L.A. 389. MBTA improvements and expansion across the board. GPS on the Green Line. 390. Intercity train service, outside the MBTA and Northeast Corridor for Amtrak, is really needed. It is ridiculous that the e-w Amtrak service in Mass is essentially non-usable, unless one wants to spend the night in Boston. For those of us who fairly regularly have business in Boston for a few hours, having to drive is not productive and is very costly (a round trip in a car, including all expenses, runs at least $110). For the Berkshires generally, having usable passenger train service to NYC is even more important. 391. Expand the green line into east Somerville. 392. Make modes of transportation via transit, bicycle, pedestrian more attracting $$ wise to people. Maybe a tax deduction if you take transit or bike/walk to work. 393. Keep buses running frequently and raise gas taxes for single motorists. A211 394. Fare hikes and transit cuts are not an appropriate solution to managing our current debt. The communities that rely on transit are already the most economically burdened in the state. 395. I think that we have to be more creative with our limited transportation dollars and think about multiple modes and connections, rather than megaprojects. We should also streamline permitting and construction processes for biking and walking improvements. 396. Expanding public transportation, in addition to maintaining a state of good repair, is critical to address mobility, economic development, and environmental needs. More resources should be made available for critical beneficial transit projects. 397. Somerville will be a radically transformed city with rail service. This city has suffered as a backwater due to inadequate regional infastructure and transportation. Ikea will be a wonderful boost to city tax revenue, but how will the city handle the increased volume of traffic? This is a city in desperate need of major attention. Please give this city the opportunity it needs to thrive with green line service, new and improved pedestrian access and some peace. It is so hard to find a place of peace in East Somerville. It could happen but it will take a firm level of commitment to big ideas about what this city means to the surrounding area. Not just a way to avoid 93 traffic or a place to run traffic lights. Or in my neighborhoods case, a place to dump garbage and speed through to other places. 398. Expedite the Somerville Green Line extension and include a stop near Brickbottom Artists Building where the planned extension lines will split (Davis sq. line/Medford & Tufts line split). 399. Green line is hardly faster than walking. Waits are long, service is not regular (no trains, then many in a row). If it were more reliable, and less crowded, I would use it every day.Busses are the same-- unreliable and inconvenient. I would use the system if it could be counted on-- if schedules were maintained. 400. The Massachusetts DOT design process is cumbersome so projects take twice as long to complete as they would in other states. 401. The easier public transportation is the more it will be used especially with gas prices on the rise. Taxis should be green and Government drivers should be examples of proper driving rather than acting as though they are above the law. 402. Better route information at bus stops. More shelters at bus stops. 403. No 404. Get the Green Line Extension finished-- no, get it STARTED. 405. Make the web based realtime route service even easier! Promote it by explaining how simple it is to use. 406. People should not be riding bikes on sidewalks. Anywhere. Ever. 407. Very important to do more safety education about bicycle in the city to drivers AND cyclist . Tell cyclist they need to wear light and to follow the road rules. Tell driver to be careful and less aggressive to cyclist.. tell people how many cyclist get killed or hurt every year in MA 408. no 409. parking charges here are unreasonable. 410. T service needs to be more reliable, better run and expanded. 411. If biking is to be a regular part of the transportation system it needs to be funded and regulated like other vehicles. License bikers and bikes. Use the fees to pay for transportation (not bike only but transportation generally)improvements and A212 maintenance. 412. State and regions to take critical look at re-prioritizing transportation investments if possible - through road diets and complete streets approaches. 413. The MBTA should run more express buses during busy commuting hours; tolls and registry fees should be increased to discourage driving, and the city should consider implementing a "commuter fee" to encourage public transportation use into the urban core. 414. too much emphasis on bicycles; some of us cannot ride a bike; bicyclists need to follow rules of the road; they're a hazard on narrow roads; they should have separate paths and need to obey the laws; clamp down on motorist that drive too fast; weave in and out of lanes; cut people off at last minute when changing lanes 415. I would like to see someone give some serious thought about how North Station and South Station could be linked together.Over time, I would like to see all of the commuter rail lines double-tracked, with a subsequent increase in service (frequency), and I would like to see significant investment made in adding to the existing lines as well as new lines (including cross-links rather than the current divided hub-and-spoke system) 416. More frequent off-peak buses and commuter rail 417. I wish the T ran at night. As a young women it can be a little scary trying to figure out how to get home at night with out public transit to fall back on. 418. Outside of road, sidewalk and cycling infrastructure maintenance, I think that education and enforcement of laws involving all traffic participants is incredibly important. Pedestrians jaywalk, cyclists blow red lights, drivers speed excessively, and so on, but they do so because they know they can "get away" with it and see other users breaking the law. 419. Cyclists are always also pedestrians and are typically mass transit users in the Boston Metro. We need to be treated as equals with autos. That means not giving us the scraps once we've made sure the grade of an intersection is a C (or a D in Boston)... but rather acknowledging that the right of way is limited, and sometimes that means congestion for autos because peds deserve enough time to cross the street and shouldn't have to wait 60+ seconds for the privilege. Because bus-exclusive lanes and TSP help move many people along in a small amount of space. Because cyclists deserve safe infrastructure too. 420. I wish there would be more frequent commuter rail trains out to Waltham during rush hours! It's hard to get the train to match my working schedule. Also, I drive frequently in Coolidge Corner during rush hour and it's the worst intersection in the entire world. (Besides Alewife.) People are constantly running red lights and also pedestrians are constantly walking into the road when they do not have the right of way. I have no idea how to prevent this but it really is a nightmare to drive through. Even the officers that are there to direct the traffic don't help much. Sometimes they just stand there and watch all of the mess without intervening. I have seen officers just let pedestrians cut in front of cars without saying anything. It's really unfair to drivers. 421. The newer light rail cars are stupid, going up and down stairs IMO. Seems to me you waste space that way. But mostly my disgruntlement is about the cost. I will likely take the T a lot more when I qualify for the senior fare. 422. bathrooms Park St, Government Center, airport 423. Expand public transit services- I agree with longer service hours but, if bus routes are promoted, there isn't as much of a need to make MORE routes. I think the green line expansion should be on hold until the existing services are maintained and cheaper for everyone to use. 424. MA government can take back the debt it incurred, then foisted back onto the MBTA, thus A213 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. causing a huge percentage of their current debt woes. You can't start a sustainable independent public transit system by saddling it with debt taken on by those who had no vested interest in the system. Also, they can do a better job with funding the MBTA, because their sales tax bit doesn't work when revenue is flat or falling instead of what they grandiosely predicted. I think drivers need to be educated about serving persons with disabilities. Also, persons with low visiion need to be advised before low visition aids are implemented, most of what MBTA believes is easy to read, is not. Please ask stakeholders for their opinions. Don't make cuts in the service and then hike up the rates, becasuse that's really doing a disservice to our communities, their people, and the MBTA themselves. There'll be too many irate people who will opt to drive instead of taking the MBTA to work or whatever, and it'll make already-awful traffic situations here in Boston far worse. Improving public transit will help seniors and the disabled.Public transit in and around the core of Boston is a better use of $ than most other things. I would love the public transport to improve! There are ABSOLUTELY NO LEACHMEAR TRAINS EVER. And when there are they then terminate at North Station! More frequent Busses!This is why you have a lower ridership because the times never line up and are so far apart and unreliable that it is impossible to use! Build the Urban Ring rail route between Somerville, Cambridge, & western parts of Boston, and I for one would actually use the T from time to time. As it is, driving is just 3x faster than taking the bus or train. Increase frequency of reverse commuter rail trains. Do a better job connecting various services together (eg buses should match up with commuter rail trains, when expanding system connect rail lines to encourage transfers outside of central Park Street area). Run transit services past 1 am, esepcially on weekends. The fact that trains do not run past 12:30 is an embarrassment to any civilized society. 432. You should not combine walking and bikes in the same questions. The answers are not the same. 433. Rural roads are not built for shared-use. They need redesigning to notify drivers that cars are not the only vehicles allowed on the road. 434. Get rid of the 1880'S hub and spoke design of the boston-centric MBTA and replace it with a 2000's grid structure to better serve the suburb to suburb transit user 435. If the green line extension were built, it would cut my commute time significantly, and it would increase my use of Public Transportation. 436. Just make the buses actually run on-schedule, and there will be rejoicing in the streets. If small backward cities in Europe can do it, so can you! 437. Comprehensively extend public transportation facilities into outlying areas of urban communities. 438. Commonwealth of Massachusetts to take responsibility for satisfying that four billion dollar debt (from the Big Dig) from the MBTA's debt. 439. don't need new laws, enforce the one's we have 440. create safe bicycle access between boston and the north shore. 441. Do NOT reduce service on public transit that is a sure way to cut ridership and increase per ride costs. 442. As a non-driver who relies exclusively on public transportation, I think it imperative that the state and lottery revenues subsidize and support the MBTA on an ongoing basis-public transit service needs to be expanded, not cut. A214 443. Why not C-line triple cars during rush hour? 444. use disability rights experts- stop talk about us as "the disabled." We are, instead, "the knowledgeable constituents." stop disrespecting us- stop treating us as though we are merely needs-based recipients of services. stop paying people who don't know anything to deal with accessibility and inclusion issues. PAY US, instead, to provide detailed selfevaluations; and to work with the community to develop smart transition plans that have timelines for completion. don't call us "consumers." 445. Better accomnodation for biking, including better arrangements on trains and buses 446. The MBTA owns a lot of unused rail lines in the state. Let's get going and get things out of the feasibility study phase and start turning these unused assets into trails that serve the commumities and the region.l 447. I am legally blind and depend upon family and friends to drive me everywhere. We really need some help in Upton. 448. provide routes that take people from one area to another without getting onto another transit mode. For instance taking someone ffrom Belchertown to Northampton in one trip and that mode of transportation will continue that route for the time frame the route is open. 449. Rapid transit to the North Shore. 450. We need safe protected bicycle storage at every commuter transit stop that can double at shelter for people waiting for the train or bus. 451. I'd like to see the Sturbridge exit from the pike going westward improved so that there aren't 2 mile waitinglines at some times of day.I recognize that money is a problem and that needs in the Western area are not the same as in the Boston Metropolitan area, but keep working at it. Thank you for what you are trying to do. 452. No 453. Gradually phase in buses, trolleys and subways that are more comfortable, able to handle large groups, and all who would use public transportation. Visit Portland, OR to see how they designed their LRVs. 454. enable fare collection at rear doors on MBTA buses to speed up loading/unloading at stops; encourage/enforce employer participation in flexible transit benefit programs that are aimed at reducing single-occupant commuting trips 455. The gas tax could be increased commensurate with the benefits given to drivers and the revenue used to support, maintain, and improve rapid transit. When I drive north to NH (10-12 times/year)I fantasize (while sitting in miles of traffic) about having a high speed rail line right in the middle of the interstate. Nice long open stretches, gentle slopes, reasonable curves - perfect. How happy I would be! 456. Fulfil your obligation to provide Brickbottom T stop. 457. Please do not cut transit service. MassDOT should support MBTA and reallocate the debt that was never supposed to be MBTA's in the first place! 458. Please find sustainable funding for the MBTA and other RTAs. We need public transit in Massachusetts that is affordable and reliable, and reduces our contribution to global warming. Stop increasing fares on the backs of the poor. Find a solution to MBTA debt. Please. 459. bus rapid transit 460. The subway needs a lot of help. The trains are old, the ITS software often says the wrong stops, and there are often track problems and delays. Compared to other cities, it's just not A215 up to par. 461. Fix Trapelo road in Belmont. 462. The legislature needs to finally admit that they messed up BADLY with "forward funding." We need a higher gas tax and we need the state to take responsibility for the mountain of debt that it forced on the T. I don't care whatsoever what people from the western part of the state think. If they don't want tax dollars going to public transit, that's just too bad...they're getting a free ride on the Pike in their part of the state. 463. How about "You Can Get There from Here" ads to promote public transportation.Also, Tdrivers are not always as accommodating as they could be (closing doors in people's faces). 464. More frequent buses. The green line extension project will be very beneficial to me and I hope to see it happen as soon as possible. 465. Please keep the MBTA affordable and accessible! Limiting services would be a REAL hardship for so many. 466. T service should be expanded and made more, not less affordable. The Urban Ring, or something like it would be good. More Federal support. Massport should pay its share for the big dig. 467. make the mbta fares based on distanced travelled 468. The new bike lanes need to be studied and piloted a bit longer before we begin sticking them all over the roads. 469. Encourage more bicycling and walking! 470. The condition of the roads and frequency with which the same roads are repairs are abhorrent. Improve roads to a better standard, require warranty on work for a significant length of time and ensure proper planning and management of the project. 471. Remind people that public transportation benefits even people who don't use it -- by reducing pollution, competition for parking, etc. 472. Not all drivers for the RIDE drive smoothly, many stop short, drive with one hand on the wheel, etc. and it is not good driving for people who already have disabilities. Drivers should get mystery shoppers to confirm that their driving is safe and smooth for the people they are driving. 473. More frequent service on the Green Line north of North Station 474. allow bikes on ALL commuter rail lines at all times 475. Expand bus service in Somerville. Get some funding for the Green Line extension. Improve on-time performance, especially on urban bus routes. Create night bus service or at least have the T run later than it does now. Increase the number of bike lanes in Boston 476. Dedicated Bike paths / bridges into the city and creating special protected "corridors" would promote health, reduce congestion, and would attract new taxpayer citizens to the Commonwealth- too few of our graduates stay to the detriment of our local businesses. Additionally, running the T later at night would be a real quality of life improvement for young adults in the city. 477. Making an unbroken "bicycle expressway" would be marvelous. Imagine if the Minuteman were connected to North Station and the Esplanade! The high-speed expressways in Belgium, Holland, and Denmark provide an example. 478. have a real, complete public trans system 479. stop ripping up railways to build trails A216 480. Do not increase fares. Implement a youth pass for all people to age 21. Improve reliability of bus service. 481. Incentives to encourage bicyclists to obey the traffic rules. I'm frustrated by the frequency of observing their going through red lights. 482. expand options for pedestrians, bicycles and transit and there will be less traffic! Everyone will benefit. 483. we got the steamboat in 1807, the Railroads came in 1826 to replace the horse and buggy, Ford gave us the auto and it is time to realize that the best path for the long-term on this planet is to reinvent the transportation systems. I like trackless railroads, unpaved highways, mulitmode transit, go for low maintenace,and renewable high quality ideas 484. Speaking as a senior, I don't feel that there should be discount rates for seniors. Perhaps there should be discounts based on need, but they should not be awarded based on age.This survey has a flaw. I'm retired and don't have a ZIP code to fill in for work or school. But, it won't let me proceed without one. 485. I think the ride is great for those who need it but too many people are taking advantage of it. People should pay according to their means. Really a cheap ride at taxpayers expense to an expensive restaurant or to get their nails done while the rest of us have a large fare increase to get to work. Doesn't seem right. 486. I am willing to pay more for better and expanded bus and train (T) service. 487. Increase frequency and comfort of mass transitIncrease safety for bicycling and walking 488. I think the improvements to Somerville Ave were well done and I have definitely walked and biked more because of them. I would love to see well-marked bike lanes on more city streets, or the innovative bike/pedestrian lane shares like the recently done stretch in Cambridge from Alewife up toward Belmont - ps next time you develop a survey like this please allow the ability to put more than one zip code in the field below, I work in 2 differnet zips - the same with a few other earlier fields where i had to enter just one choice when my answer was not just one. So the other zip I work in is 02139! And the field that asks about how many vehicles are available to me doesn't take into account car-sharing; I own no car but belong to both zipcar and relay rides, so I have many cars 'available' to me. 489. We need more bike parking throughout the neighborhoods. There's some parking in commercial areas, but very little where folks live. Not everyone can carry a bike up three flights of stairs, and when folks lock bikes up to street furniture [fences, lampposts etc] they get harassed [notes put on them, removed without warning, knocked over] and I've had a bike stolen because I had to lock it with a cable versus a Ulock since there was nothing small enough for a ulock to fit around. 490. Please do a marketing campaign for public transportation riders about how to maintain public health by doing simple things like covering your mouth when you cough and not sneezing on other people. 491. Masshighway employee's need more support. I was talking to this guy in maintenance and he told me his depot used to have 48 employee's and now only has 2. My idea is to use some of the nitwits up in the state house and have them do a litlle HONEST labor for once. 492. make trains less crowded to avoid commuter-rage. Run more trains. Clean subways up. DO NOT make public transit more expensive... make it clean, safe, efficient and attractive for more riders to use. THAT would reduce vehicular traffic on roads. And charge those green line people for taking the train just as we have to do!!!!! Talk about fare evasion!Why do they get free rides during commuter times? I have to pay. 493. MEJORAR LOS EQUIPOS DE TRANSPORTE. 494. Improve and expand late night and weekend commuter rail, subway and bus service A217 495. The commuter rail ought to be rechristened "Regional Rail" to describe the true function it's going to need to be in the coming years. Indeed, it's ALREADY not just for 9 to 5 commuters, and if there were more trains and service (combined with bikeshare / carshare services in the smaller towns and regions like Hubway or Relay Rides or Zipcar, which is expanding), then people WILL use it more. The so-called "commuter rail" is being used more and more to get from point-A to point-B as the primary mode of travel, so more trains that run more frequently is critical. If you build it, they will come - they already are (if the record-breaking ridership is any indication). We are experience a national reneisance in mass transit. Even conservatives are crunching the numbers here and coming around slowly, and it makes more budgetary sense to focus our efforts on rail, biking and walking improvements, and de-emphasize car-culture. The T is no longer "the alternate route," which I believe used to be on signs as I was growing up. It is "THE MAIN ROUTE" and cars will soon be the "if you HAVE to" method of transportation. 496. Improved cleanliness of stations - no one seems to maintain them. 497. Massachusetts should invest in State wide transportation. We need better roads, bridges, public transportation and JOBS! 498. Bike paths 499. Commuter rail is vital. Purchase new engines and improve tracks. 500. Having wi-fi on the commuter rail was a great idea! 501. Please get the Big Dig debt off the MBTA's back! 502. We need safer places to bicycle - cycle tracks (where there is a physical barrier between cars and bikes) are desperately needed. Look to a city similar to Boston for an example: Montreal, where families can bike together throughout downtown because it is MUCH SAFER. 503. To make walking and biking and public transportation a way of life the infrastructure must be expanded. This will cut pollution levels, and improve population health by providing cleanerair, exercise, and car expenses decreased. 504. safer sevice and more routes 505. Increase public transportation to rural areas 506. I THINK ASKING QUESTIONS OF PEOPLE ON A MORE FREQUENT BASIS AT INTERSECTIONS AND T LOCATIONS WOULD BE A START AS NOT EVERYONE IS CONNECTED 507. The Ride is excellent and so is handicapped parking, but T parking facilities are too expensive and fares should not be raised.Most important is to encourage more people to use public transportation, NOT make is harder. 508. I am over all satisfied with my transportation choices, however I would like to see more educatoinal ads on how to assist a person with a disability if they need it. 509. There is a lack of clarity of how cyclists should behave on the road- better education programs for cyclists would help make situations safer for them as well as for pedestrians and cars. 510. Please make the T run on time, with ferwer breakdowns! And why do trains always have to break down on Friday afternoons in the summer? 511. Expedite permitting for conceptually approved bike/walk pathways. 512. End of route into 16 east is a cluster. There are big ugly islands there which can be used to open up two full lanes from 2 to 16 without playing bumper cars. A218 513. I've been to many foreign cities and have experienced far worse driving (Montreal) but everywhere has better mannaered pedestrians than Boston. Drivers can't go through a green light because of walkers going against the signal. It is frightening for all and delays the traffic flow.Stop jay walking! 514. Better communication at T stops. There arae LED displays and nothing that is time relevant is displayed on them. WHen can the T get real time schedules up on the Green line? And while I am on the green line, the new cars are impossible for accessibility for people with knee problems, strollers, or suitcases. If you get on the lower (accessible) section you are told to bring your pass or payment up to the driver but you can't use the steps in between you and the driver!! Also, there are so many non-paying young people using the back doors! Why can't there be a swipe or proximity reader at the back doors for pass users/Charlie card users? 515. Yes - please support the T. And the bridges / tunnels. Everything else is fine. There's always stuff to complain about, but really, the roads / sidewalks / bike lanes are OK. The T needs the most help. 516. No 517. NO 518. Maintain and improve sidewalks and paths for PEDESTRIANS ONLY (no bicycles). 519. designated space on the orange line for wheelchairs 520. Accommodate integrated public transportation services by allowing bikes on commuter rails. Expand commuter rail service. 521. Faster & cleaner updated trains 522. I ride trains, and buses, walk, and bike for work, errands, and entertainment. Please keep and improve access to all of these modes! 523. do everything possible to prevent cell phone use by automobile drivers. 524. Mass Pike needs another lane from route 128 to New York 525. improve roads in general. CT roads are better maintained than MA roads 526. implement the urban ring project 527. Public transit system needs improved budget management and public accountability. It would improve the transit experience and possibly increase ridership if public transit encouraged riders to be respectful and courteous in automated reminders to listen to music privately (not play on speakers or loudly in headphones) and not have loud conversations (on cell phones or with other passengers). 528. If the buses were of less fuel pollution this would be a great personal victory for me. 529. Link the LRTA bus between Chelmsford rt4 and the Bedford VVA Hospital to connect with MBTA bus 62 and the RIDE and Middlesex Community College. There is no public transportation on this side of town for people who dont drive. 530. My car has needed new suspension systems in both the front and rear because of speed bumps and potholes. It has only 36,000 miles on it. Maintaining roads is important to me. There must be a better way to slow traffic without using speed bumps. Some of them are actually high enough to scrape the bottoms of cars. This is great for car repair shops, but it's not so great for drivers. 531. Lots but I will spare you. A219 532. Main roads, like Parker St. and Boston Rd. don't have sidewalks on both sides of the road in business districts. I would be more inclined to walk or bike to some of these local business if I could get there safely. 533. Get car drivers to treat bicyclists with more respect and care, or even just to obey the laws. 534. More frequent buses is a good start. Buses are convenient when they are frequent, they are a last resort when they are infrequent. 535. I think we need to prioritize the investments we make into providing the essentials without all the frills. 536. For bikers, repaired potholes are nearly as rough and frustrating as the potholes themselves. More level patches would go a long ways, particularly given the percentage of such uneven spots that are located in bike lanes on on the edge of the roads where bikes ride. Covered bike parking at T stops would also be amazing. 537. extend green line from lechmere up through somerville and medford. Less buses, more trains 538. Temporary curb cuts need to be installed on the bridge in Alston-Brighton where Cambridge Street crosses over I-90. Construction diverts sidewalk traffic onto the road, but there are not curb cuts. Also, the curb cuts at N Harvard St and Soldiers Field Rd need to be improved. 539. no 540. Stop trying to expand the public transportation system and bring down the debt so commuter costs would be lower and attract more riders. I am a senior. Seniors handicapped may need a slight transportation consideration, but anything above should be their responsibility. 541. How about a better regional transit system with more direct routes to major points fewer stops? 542. Enforce traffic laws to prevent people from running red lights. that and this and 543. New and better cars on the subway would be good. 544. The lack of political will of the legislature over the repairing the inadequate "forward funding" T funding is disheartening. For an area of such brain power MA legitsture is stupid aad irresponsible for treating our 100 year old transit assett like trash at a time many communities around the US are eagerly building new transit becasuse they see hte benefit and econmoic opportunity of public transit in urban areas. 545. Fund public transportation so it is reliable, safe and a convenient and real alternative to driving. Ensure that people who depend on public transportation services like the bus and the RIDE (students trying to get to school and afterschool jobs, seniors, folks with disabilities or injuries, limited income folks) are enabled to get to where they need to go instead of priced out this awesome service. That means fixing the systemic problems that prevent the agency from fixing its maintenance backlog (safety!!!!!!!), and improving on an aged infrastructure. 546. Improve Access To Public Transportation For All People 547. I am a huge fan of what exists now. Please don't cut nighttime and weekend service! You will be restricting the movements of a lot of people who work in the service industry on night shifts, and students. Public transit isn't just for daytime commuters. 548. Things that would help reduce gridlock:* simple improvements to the infrastructure: structurally sound bridges and overpasses; bike lanes that are usable and clearly marked; lane paint on the roads.* enforcement of existing traffic laws: keeping bicycles off the sidewalks; keeping cars out of the bike lanes; ensuring that _everyone_ take traffic lights A220 549. 550. 551. 552. and signals seriously, including the T; train schedules that would allow one to get across town with more efficiency.* more roads where large vehicles, such as trucks, vans, and buses, are not permitted.Things that will make gridlock WORSE:* more buses on the roads; more trucks and vans on the roads. Better driver education. Retest people when applying for license renewal especially on the Rules of the Road.BETTER SIGNAGE!! Some streets have no street names visible. People form other parts of the country notice this. Poor signage slows down traffic. It's harder to find a street when it isn't marked with a name. Improve frequency, punctuality, and reach of public transportation options, especially subway/rail. Rt 93N from Concord st up to the lane drop looks like a highway in some 3rd world country. It's really needs to be re-surfaced. Second, get rid of these bike lanes for people that don't pay any road user fees. getting a senior pass is a chore 553. More taxis and later public transportation options are needed in order to bring the metropolitan Boston area up to speed with the rest of the developed world. 554. The proposed green line extension would radically change how I used public transportation in the Boston area. Right now, I bike everywhere, and would love to see bicycle infrastructure improved, but in the long run (especially when the weather is less than ideal) having better public transportation options matters much more to me than having faster roads. 555. Allow the T and buses to run later in the night. 556. Build the green line extension in Somerville.Make buses faster in Somerville and Cambridge, such as reducing the number of stops, eliminating parking spots at tight intersections that are difficult for buses to navigate, create dedicated bus lanes, make lights shift automatically in favor of buses. 557. Start work immediately on Green Line extension...and finish it without more extensions or excuses. 558. Do better research on how many people actually ride the trains. I ride the B-line, and the MBTA is going into debt, yet when the train is crammed EVERY morning and EVERY evening I ride it people can't even get to the front to pay, so about 80% of the people getting onto that train aren't paying. And it's completely uncomfortable, and it's completely non-family friendly and non-elderly friendly when the only B-line option you have is a train crammed like a tin of sardines. 559. Better communication of transit services and benefits to local governments to build support and ridership. 560. Not right now. I'm glad that you're asking. My concern is that safety changes won't happen soon enough. Please prove me wrong.I hate walking with my head looking down at the ground. 561. more bike racks and bike cagesmore bike lanes 562. Extend the Green Line to Medford 563. secure bicycle parking at commuter rail stops 564. make public transportation easier to use by having GPS triggered sign boards in all bus stops and subway stations saying when the next bus/train is expected.MBTA needs more public funding to operate better. 565. I think the more public transportation, biking and walking are encouraged, the less cars on the road. Biking is such an important transportation mode in Boston, if it were made safer A221 566. 567. 568. 569. 570. 571. 572. and easier, many more people would do it. And less cars on the road the better. Same for the commuter rail improvements. The more commuters feel comfortable and that the commuter rail is easy and clean, the more likey they will use it. Sometimes wish we could have trolleys back. Would love to see a system more like Walt Disney still walk, but something is always nearby and goes to major malls, grocery stores, schools, colleges. Monorail down middle of Mass Pike and 91. I know...not in my lifetime. The bus service is excellent, and any expansion of that would be well used. Get an Orange Line stop at Assembly Square and extend the Green Line, and Somerville residents will use public transportation even more. There seems to be a very real effort to make driving more difficult and more dangerous (poorly designed roadway markings, removing travel lanes, unexpected speed humps, narrowed lanes and surprise bump-out curbs). This is very maddening. As far as the T goes, my experience with buses is that you can literally walk faster then a bus in rush hour, the Greenline is overcrowded, too slow, and the subway stations are hotter than hell in the summer. Also having a subway system that closes before the restaurants and bars is just insane! I'm not fully familiar with MassDOT, but I am afraid that many transit agencies prioritize the movement of automobile traffic over the safe and enjoyable movement of pedestrians and bicyclists. Why are cars more important than pedestrians and cyclists? Automobile infrastructure in cities tends to take away from the quality of places. Where there are major arterials ripping through a neighborhood there is often also a bunch of unsightly strip mall-style development with oceans of parking and dilapidated sidewalks & cycling infrastructure (if any at all). It's hard to add "quality of place" in your traffic engineering computer models, but that doesn't mean that it should not be the driving force behind transportation decisions. Roads need safety improvement for bicyclists, and motorists need better education on how to operate around pedestrians and cyclists. I would like to bike more but find it incredible unsafe. It seems like "bike lanes" are just paint on the street, there's no enforcement of existing laws. No 573. I believe that the MBTA should investigate how cab companies dispatch their fleet. As a former cab driver in my younger years, I think it would improve service on The Ride and save you gas and time. 574. Reverse your incredibly irresponsible decision to reduce MBTA service as of 7/1/12. 575. Regular service creates customers. For example a bus route that comes every 10 minutes, people can rely upon, and therefore will use it with confidence. 576. Cape Cod has very poor bus service and are not good for folks with special needs 577. The cost for paratransit service in this part of the state is not affordable for many. It costs me $20 per day to get to work due my inability to walk safely to a bus stop due to disability. 578. Safety and education are most important. 579. more water shuttles 580. expand roadway and intersection capasity to meet the needs of a growing population and future generations. 581. More trolleys/buses during rush hour. A222 582. Better transit options to Hyde Park from city center (bike lanes, Commuter rail) 583. if i had to rely on bus service, i would want convenient times and frequent runs along with stops on main rds. 584. Increase coverage & frequency of public transportation options!!! 585. Am lucky to have easy T access and live close enough to bike or walk to work safely. In towns where biking/walking is less common, cars are king. Safety awareness that allows us all to share roads may be even more important and effective than building separate infrastructures for walkers/bikers and cars. However I do think many suburbs would benefit from sidewalks because cars travel pretty fast on their roads and there is not always room to get around bikers or walkers. 586. no 587. yes 588. need more vans 589. is so good to have transporatation 590. MBTA fare increases scheduled for July 1, 2012 will definitely cause me to cut back on my use of public transportation. It's making the commuter rail unaffordable and far more expensive than driving. 591. need more pvta vans for elderly peoplemake sure they run on time 592. offer more busses 593. More separated bicycle lanes, more bus designated lanes, improved transit service, and slower speed limits in urban/residential areas. Thank you! 594. offer more busses 595. offer more busses 596. The gas tax should be INCREASED to fund the T. The T subsidizes drivers, and an increased T fare affects the poor disproportionately at the same time as makes a commuter spend MORE money because more people are on the road. A small increase to the gas tax would only cost drivers a small amount per year (less than the burden recently put on users of the T) 597. more services like these: 598. Please find a long-term, legislative funding solution for the T. A good public transportation system makes a city worth living in and improves everyone's lives, whether they recognize it or not. 599. More community focused for all modes. Lower posted speed limits. 600. Would like to see buses from Belchertown to Holyoke 601. Maintain what we have and move towards a Complete Streets paradigm. Follow the MassDOT Design Guide and use contextual design to enhance local areas. Mass Transit is huge - explore more BRT options and get the Silver Line out to Southie 602. More bicycle facilities, bike lanes and cycle tracks. We need as many bicycle facilities as possible to keep people safe who choose to bike, to get more people biking, and to make Hubway even more successful. 603. We shouldn't be building to cater to what we're doing today, but rather what we want to be doing tomorrow. More transit, biking and walking facilities - if you build it, they will come. A223 604. Brookline seems to be doing the best it can. However it could coordinate projects better so that once roadway has been repaired it does not need to be immediately torn up for the next project. 605. I would use public trans but not available where I live 606. More alternative transpo improvements/options, please. Fewer car trips is better for MA. 607. Better information from MBTA/commuter rail about trip planning and schedules. Making sure schedules are keptunderstanding for this survey that some people neither work nor go to school, but are retired! 608. More bicycle and walking friendly focus for new development and road improvements. 609. Improve driver education about how to interact with bicycles and general courtesies. 610. On time 611. Better access to getting on MBTA train and bus....and getting off.....very difficult to reach the steps and grab the existing rail...If possible steps or platform could be lowered to the ground and rail extended...This would allow seniors and disabled to use the service....easier for everyone..Thank You 612. Please make our cities as walkable/pedestrian friendly as possible! 613. Give priority to the most sustainable forms of transportation - walking biking and transit. Don't allow cars to rule the road. Let people rule the road. 614. my commuter rail line is SOOOOO undependable that, even though i live close to the station, i have had to convert to driving, which i REALLY don't want to do--i can't be late a few times a week--i'd lose my job--i'm a teacher 615. Please consider making all curb cuts up to ADA standard, and ensure snow is not blocking the curb cuts in the winter. this has been a tremendous barrier to my mobility in the winter. Thank you for doing this survey. 616. Bike lanes are nice but you need to be consistent with them. Too often a bike lane will jump from the right side of the road to the left. This causes some safety concerns, during mild traffic times on busy roadways. Also there are several roadways and bike lanes which have horrible pot holes which make bicycling dangerous. 617. Restrict eating and drinking on the T and buses. Hurrah for public transportation. 618. less crowded/chaotic buslines in Dorchester; safety in T stations 619. Long term funding plan for public transit. 620. Increase the number of dedicated bike lanes that are separated from roadways by a curb or other barrier. As a bicyclist in greater Boston I feel this is the only truly safe type of bike path, especially during the winter when non-dedicated, ie bike paths not separated from the road, are covered with snow banks piled up with snow from the main roadway. 621. Complete street features are a waste of scarse money and increase greenhouse gas. Only use features which studies show reduce accidents like raised median. Bike lanes do not reduce accidents. 622. The single most important thing is for transportation agencies to resolve their debt problems. Total state transportation debt, including principal and interest is $27 billion. This debt is completely out of hand. 623. On that last question, Maintenance of whatever is currently in place(sidewalks, roads) should obviously be the first priority, but we also need to improve them too, and build new ones. How we can manage the budgets to do all three is beyond me. A224 624. Continue to expand the network of bike/pedestrian routes to fill in the disconnects, and make Boston more accessible to more people on bike and foot. 625. The cycling improvements around Boston in the last five years have been great, keep it up.More bike parking downtown particularly and consistent maintenance of road surface on the shoulder where the bike lanes are would be big steps forward 626. people's mindsets need to be changed 627. This area is difficult for public transportation as the towns are more scattered and distances are further apart. As a region, I think rail transportation to Hartford would help with that commute. 628. Slow down the cars in the cities. Increase the cost of parking on the street. And put more innovative bicycling infrastructure on the roads. This will slow down traffic, increase livability, and make pedestrians feel more safe and comfortable. 629. If MBTA is going to raise rates, service should be improved, the number of delays (e.g. Red Line Fires) are unacceptable. Also, if there are efforts to reduce poor cyclist behavior, those efforts should be extended to include bad pedestrian and motorist behavior (Pedestrians esp. along Cambridge Street in Boston near MGH/Charles Hotel). Last Spring there was a sting operation in Cambridge to catch bicyclists running red lights, the shocking thing was that the officers were blocking the bike lane forcing those law-abiding cyclists to swerve into traffic. These efforts should be done safely. 630. MassDOT and MassHighway need to live up to their oversight function. They are currently either rubberstamps and/or being directed by DCR bike-centric people who are eliminating vital traffic lanes to add bike lanes for the sole benefit of 1% of the public. 631. keep vehicles and stations clean and well-lit in the most efficient and economical way 632. Free transportation for seniors especially those who should not drive or cannot drive. This helps caretakers a great deal. 633. Often public transit plans are put forward by people who do not depend on the T. Consultants are paid to come up with plans for which they don't even bother to gain feedback from the T riders or drivers. Why aren't those using public resources, those dependent on those resources, who have first hand knowledge of those resources, not at the planning table? 634. Make the T accept bicycles on the trains, all the time. Add trains if necessary. That will open transit for an entire segment of the population. Make the T stations handicap accessible. It's important for older people, injured people, and parents with young children as well. 635. I live in Chelsea; it is easier to take a car to Somerville or Cambridge than use any type of transit the way it now stands. A bus from Chelsea to Cambridge near the Red Line would be terrific. 636. Improve Public Transportation!!!!! 637. Additional crosswalks; pedestrians should not have to make long detours to access a crosswalk -- that's extremely inefficient for them. Wider shoulders with plenty of room for cyclists to the right of the fog line. Subway expansion in Boston to connect Harvard Square directly to the Harvard Medical School area. Better public transit access to Logan Airport, including direct subway connections to North Station and South Station. Providing buffer spaces between sidewalks/pedestrian walkways and busy streets wherever practical. 638. Free or extremely cheap public transit would help. Expanding the reach of public transit would be great. Rural residents should have a intuitive and reliable bus network they can use to get around.The gas tax should be raised dramatically. Why are motorists given a free ride, when T riders are expected to pay 'their fair share'? The subsidy for our A225 roadway system must be ridiculous. 639. more hours - less political graft in the MBTA including political appt. scams -traffic enforcement in the city which is almost non existent - less building of new roads at the expense of maintaining existing infrastructure - less reliance on cars within the city vehicle restriction zones in city during specific hours - in depth training for school bus drivers and all public transportation employees - more pedestrian malls without vehicular traffic - restricted hours for delivery vehicles within city. 640. Public use/rental of utility vehicles 641. No 642. I'm interested in having easy access to tricycles because I have a balance problem. 643. they do a great job now, they need more money 644. Support commuter rail financially so that services don't need to be cut on weekends or any other time. 645. Green Line ExpansionGreen Line ExpansionGreen Line ExpansionGreen Line ExpansionGreen Line Expansion 646. Bicycle infrastructure that feels safe & is safe, so that a child of 6 with an accompanying adult riding Along Side or a 90 year old bicycle rider would feel comfortable biking on. And bike lanes that take a person where ever they need to go and that allow faster cyclists to comfortably pass slower cyclists. 647. Chelsea could use a branch of the T running through it. The present location of the blue line is very inconvenient to us as heavy public transportation users. Our bus lines are packed at all hours of day and night (especially 111 and 116/117). 111 could even use expansion of hours if expanding the T is not possible. 648. I wish the transit operators would be glad to serve the transit patrons. 649. It's pretty scary to be on roads and highways built for cars only. I have a 250cc Motorcycle that can go comfortably at 55-60, but it's too much to go as fast as most drivers usually 7075. The least expensive option would be lower speed limits, this would get people thinking about alternatives. Gas prices will do that too. 650. Density should not be allowed to increase in areas where public transportation cannot be maintained or improved. 651. Establish a congestion charge for entering Boston. Stop catering to the automobiles. Reduce North Beacon St to one lane of travel in each direction and build grade separated bike facilities. 652. more of it, expanded, bigger, better and 24 hours a day 653. Late night or 24 hour service in "core area" of Boston. 654. Extend the Green Line and Minuteman Bike path to downtown. 655. Transit needs to be better integrated with bicycling. This means indoor bike parking with video surveillance to prevent theft, and better bike infrastructure leading to and from stations. 656. Better bike lanes, road maintenance 657. If I felt safer on my bike, I would ride it more often 658. Education of drivers and cyclists. Also more enforcement for rules around driving and cycling. Higher penalties for aggressive drivers threatening or hitting pedestrians/cyclists. A226 659. Have a separate subway car where bikes are allowed at all hours. Get bike racks on ALL buses (including the silver line). Repave the Melnea Cass Bike Path. Make car lanes on streets thinner. Enforce a 3-foot distance between cars and bikes. Make bike lanes wider so that cyclists don't feel pressured to ride to close to parked cars (getting doored hurts!). Train buses and taxis on driving with cyclists and pedestrians in mind. 660. More education for drivers. Stop flushing money away on temporary fixing issues, invest in a sustainable solution. 661. As a cyclist, it would be useful to make all roads downhill both ways. Thank you. 662. Better education for the public concerning bicycle and pedestrian rights is important. Drivers continue to misunderstand when cyclists have the right of way, and continue to view us as a nuisance. MBTA bus drivers and taxi drivers are the worst--including more education about cyclists and pedestrian in licensing tests for these drivers, and all drivers, would improve safety a lot. As would stricer enforcement of existing safety regulations. 663. need better access to public transportation; more destinations; walking 1/2 mile to a bust stop is OK if good sidewalks 664. Please prioritize walking, transit and cycling. Expand Hubway. Incorporate walking and cycling accommodations in all MassDOT projects. 665. We need to do something other than roads and bridges to fix our transportation problems. 666. If the bus service on Cape Cod ran regularly from the lower Cape to "employment centers" so people could bicycle at least for part of their commute and take a bus as an option. 667. When a road is resurfaced they apply a skim coat. That is great for repeat business for these contractors. Certainly shows the public employees are not looking out for the tax payers. 668. the lights to show you ARE waiting for the bus - don't work 669. Better Public Transit. Better Public Transit. Better Public Transit. Better Public Transit. Better Public Transit. Better Public Transit. Better Public Transit. Better Public Transit. Better Public Transit. Better Public Transit. 670. vehiculos mas pequenos durantes las horas practicas/rapidas 671. get more busses. Better Public Transit. Better Public Transit. Better Public Transit. Better Public Transit. Better Public Transit. Better Public Transit. Better Public Transit. Better Public Transit. NO pico - para reducir gastos y serian mas 672. Highway and public transportation management and funding has to be structured so that there can be more shared benefit from improvements, not as a competition for limited funds. Get people on public transportation and you don't HAVE to build new roads and maintain them. 673. Reduce default urban speed limit to 25 mph, reduce design speed of new/rebuilt roads. 674. Expandir Servicios, mejorar el horario, Mantenimiento del transporte publico 675. Safety is a huge concern for me, as a cyclist. Education for cyclist AND motorist bad behaivor is needed. However, ENFORCEMENT of motorists and bicyclists is really needed. 676. The buses running in Somerville to and from Lechmere come only 2 or 3 times an hour in many areas, even at the most busy times of the day. I wish this could be improved. 677. Remember that there are people beyond Route 495. 678. More transportation options improves the quality of life for everyone. A227 679. Definitely better access for folks with disabilities. Going to Boston with a person that has walking disabilities was an eye opener. It was not easy, comfortable, or convenient. I don't know how other folks manage. 680. More special vans. 681. when people are really less rude 682. provide services for the sick, to get to hospital and doctor's appointments 683. more safety features 684. More types of transportation, longer hours, more often 685. I wish I can make comfortable. 686. Better shelter from the weather 687. no 688. lights 689. Better roads for bike riding, better sidewalks for walking. have seen people fall and hurt themselves because of the damaged sidewalks. 690. Make information more available to the public 691. Elevators and stairwells smell like Urine. Clear out the bad element, and clean up the public areas. Possibly invest in restroom/bath houses like we use to have on Nahant Beach. 692. no 693. no 694. Just please think of the children in the community and try crossing a busy street when it is difficult for cars to see you. 695. yes, make the bus people stop asking the people with medicare for any mass id. 696. more service for all people with disability 697. better shelter from the weather 698. be on time 699. be sure I got it when I need the transportation 700. there needs to be bike centered downtown bus options so that people can bus to bike 701. more access to bike racks, improve crosswalks and sidewalks 702. more safety 703. mejoran carreteras (pavimentar) 704. no sabe 705. please try to reinforce safe, defensive driving for MBTA bus drivers and courtesy for pedestrians waiting at bus stops (a few times, they do not stop by the curb but stop in the middle of the street for passenger pickup or drop off which is very dangerous). please try to install updated systems in the T to inform passengers when the next train is coming (such as the notification system at Maverick Station). please improve timeliness of trains on the greenline. thanks. A228 706. no 707. There needs to be greater public transportation and access from small cities and towns to major cities and within the small cities and towns. Greater access will allow those who depend on public transportation to be able to move around more easily and those who use private vehicles to take advantage of public transportation 708. I learned a lot when I had a baby and began pushing a stroller and carrying a lot of gear. Public transportation is just not convenient for travelling with infants or toddlers. 709. more buses so that people who take thebus could get to their destination a lot faster with out having to wait long for the following bus. 710. Anything's an improvement! Personally, my commute to work is ~10 miles round-trip. Although I could ride a bicycle to work, I choose to drive, partly for convenience and also b/c the roads I need to travel experience congestion and I believe motorists do not pay attention for cyclists. I also live in a relatively rural part of a city void of any public transit route or stop; however, I have met people who rely on public transit in my city, and the service, frankly, sucks. I lived in Boston for almost 10 and used public transit at least twice a day 5 days a week, so I considered myself a frequent user; however, on weekends offbusiness hours, I typically found it easier to drive my car since frequency plummets in offpeak hours. We need to increase public transit everywhere, not decrease it - make it part of the norm - and perhaps more people will use it. I know I would. 711. To have transportation 24 hrs 712. More express commuter trains to and from the north shore, redesign the 93/128 intersection, create new route of train service from north shore to kendall square. 713. Education is a critical element to increase walkability and bikeability in communities. 714. Clean up commuter rail rights of way. They're particularly lttered with debris in urban areas, which reflects badly on the system and the communities they serve. A229 Appendix I: Word Clouds A230 A231 A232 A233 Appendix J: Neighbor2Neighbor Summary Report N2N Transit Visioning Questions: Collective results – from all chapters, base organizers, & Central Staff Conducted in the Month of April 2012 – 60 participants 1. How is the current Public Transportation System in your area? • Bad service • Not enough services both during weekdays and weekends • A great deal of areas not covered by public transportation (coverage) • Not sensitive to disabled riders – not using the right equipment to accommodate • Rudeness from drivers (cultural competency) • Riders feeling unsafe 2. What is your personal experience? • Arriving late to work, appointments, activities • Long waits for services – some places (WMA) 30 min wait. Due to this the buses tend to be crowed A234 • High costs – fare • Bad treatment from drivers • Feeling like we’re on a “curfew” due to operating hours so restricted • Not feeling safe – in WMA recently a rock was thrown through a window, breaking it • Lack of respect (cultural competency) • Lack of cleanliness of buses • Short-time to use transfers 3. What do you want to know about our Public Transportation System? a. How it works? What areas are covered? (example) • How can services be extended – not just to cover certain areas but also with regards to operating hours • How the input of the community used/taken into account • How do DOT, RTAs, MBTA, etc – feedback– community input • What process does the WRTA use decide on expansions or changes services A235 is being analyze our to to • • • • • • o Can the riders participate in such a process What systems are in place to make decisions What systems do they have in place to clean up the buses, Ts, commuter rail, etc o Enhancing that system Bettering the operating system How can the drivers professionalism be increased How we can prioritize school kids to ensure that they can get to & from school on time – enhancing the frequency of services for them during particular times – in the AM and afternoon How can the community/riders be educated on the operating schedule – understanding frequency of services during peak and off peak hours 4. What effects does Public Transportation have in your community? • Huge impact in the community • A great deal of people use. Most people don’t have private cars – most can’t afford taxis to take them to and from places. Heavy reliance on transit • If you want to be on time for work or appointments you have to leave 2-3hrs before – north shore A236 o Here there’s heavy reliance on taxis – but taxis don’t use meters so they abuse on prices. They also tend to pick up other people while – no sense of security • Slow services in the evenings – making hard to get home after long day at work • Loss of work due to unreliable public transit systems • Sets our community backwards • People get sick – during bad weather – due to long waits. 5. What would a high quality Public Transit system look like? • Restructuring the current system – implement new ways & taking other places- states- experiences o A system similar to NYC – with regards to hrs of operation (maybe midnight – WRTA), areas covered, services • Electric trolleys throughout the city – can help increase ridership and expand services • On time services – frequency of services maybe every 15min • High quality service • Respectful drivers & riders • Drivers to use hydraulic system • Reasonable fares • More routes & more direct routes – with little transfers A237 • A system that can help increase our quality of life • Reduction of emissions • All areas covered • More security – one that would make community feel more secure when riding • Renewable sustainable system • Have smaller buses but more frequent 6. How would you create it? Achieve this? • Working together/united in community • Bldg coalitions to make change – including all stakeholders • Visiting Legislative @ all levels – voicing our concerns o Asking for funding to better support transit *this one came up overwhelmingly – across the chapter • Providing trainings to drivers – enhance their costumer services & cultural competency skills • Creating a community advisory group/commission – to more thoroughly investigate the community’s concerns – should have reps from all over the city • Creating a systems within the buses, commuter rail, MBTA, etc – where riders can place their feedback – commentary box – community advisory group can do follow up • Increase personal – to accommodate for the expansion of services etc. • Looking at other states/cities/countries that are positive example that we can implement A238 • Better administration 7. What benefits would you see for you, your family, your community if you had your desired transportation system? • We won’t lose our jobs • Being able to get on time to work (& workers would be able to work different shifts), appointments, activities • Less stress • Increase in ridership • Save $$$ • More security – as we ride • Mobility • Economic would be better because more people would be able to get out there to look for employment • Commerce would benefit – if people are working & more money invested in community – through shopping etc • Less cars on the road – would benefit the environment and our health • Cultural development – now folks are able to travel freely throughout the city and attend different cultural activities etc • Better quality of life • More leg room in buses – comfortability • Efficient services • More vibrant/active community A239 Appendix K: Additional Comments |-----Original Message----|From: Joel N. Weber II [] |Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2012 10:24 PM |To: Wadsworth, Trey (DOT) |Cc: Davey, Richard (DOT);; |;; |; Joel N. Weber II |Subject: YouMove Massachusetts comments: audible pedestrian signals and |countdowns | |Many traffic signals in Massachusetts have visible countdowns showing |the number of seconds remaining in the blinking don't walk phase. | |Many of these traffic signals also have audible indications of walk vs |don't walk. | |However, I'm not aware of any traffic signals where the countdowns are |audible. | |Providing audible countdowns would provide pedestrians with visual |impairments the same information available to people with full visual |abilites, and it may also increase awareness of the countdown for those |who could look at the countdown but who may be looking elsewhere. | |I would like to see MassDOT explore ways to provide audible as well as |visual countdowns for pedestrians when traffic signals are upgraded |throughout the Commonwealth, regardless of whether those traffic |signals are owned and maintained by MassDOT or by municipalities or the |DCR. | |Joel N. Weber II |225 Summer St #3 |Somerville MA 02143 A240