The Ports of Massachusetts Strategic Plan Technical Memorandum Number 1 Port-Related Investments and Strategies Evaluation Criteria Ports of Massachusetts Strategic Plan Technical Memorandum Number 1 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Background and Approach .................................................................................................................. 1 3.0 Evaluation Criteria ............................................................................................................................... 1 4.0 Process ............................................................................................................................................ 6 List of Tables Table 1: Evaluation Criteria and Ratings ................................................................................................. 2 September 12, 2013 i Ports of Massachusetts Strategic Plan Technical Memorandum Number 1 The Ports of Massachusetts Strategic Plan Port-Related Investments and Strategies Evaluation Criteria 1.0 Introduction This technical memorandum presents the approach and criteria that will be used to refine and prioritize port-related investments and strategies recommended as part of the Ports of Massachusetts Strategic Plan. For the purposes of this memorandum, the term ‘alternative’ is used globally to refer to both potential investments and strategies, which could include construction, organizational changes or policy actions. Once a list of reasonable Plan alternatives is developed, each will be assessed qualitatively by applying the evaluation criteria listed below to determine their relative effectiveness in realizing the goals of the Plan and the Massachusetts Ports Compact. The purpose of applying the evaluation criteria to the alternatives will be to assign an overall numeric rating to each. This rating will then be used as the basis to refine and prioritize the list of alternatives to be included as recommended actions in the Plan. 2.0 Background and Approach Each of the Massachusetts ports has unique physical infrastructure, including water depths, and accessibility to local and international markets; operating infrastructure, and varied water-dependent uses at their existing facilities. The uses at each port range from ocean cargo vessels to small and large cruise ships, commercial fishing vessels, ferries, commercial charter and excursion vessels, research vessels, water taxi services, and personal recreational vessels. The mix differs between ports, as do their competitive market positions for each type of use. Understanding the special characteristics of each port, therefore, and how these currently match market opportunities and constraints, is key to understanding what can be obtained in additional cargo, fisheries, passenger and other use throughput. These traits are also critical to understanding the kinds and levels of investment that will be required in both physical and operating infrastructure to maintain existing, and capture additional market opportunities. From the Commonwealth’s perspective, a successful investment strategy must include not only a grasp of realistic market opportunities at individual ports, but also potential synergies between ports that can increase the economic benefits to each, as well as to the Commonwealth overall. The evaluation criteria are designed to assist in further developing those alternatives that will help prioritize investments and strategies that best position Massachusetts ports for economic growth at all levels. 3.0 Evaluation Criteria The goals of the Ports of Massachusetts Compact guide the development of the Ports of Massachusetts Strategic Plan. The following are preliminary goals that are intended to frame the key issues and criteria to be addressed in the Strategic Plan: • Increase mobility for people and goods within and through the Commonwealth in a safe, secure, environmentally sustainable, and efficient manner; • Promote and adopt administrative efficiency and program improvement initiatives between and among transportation agencies, authorities, and municipalities; • Share best practice techniques for project implementation across the Commonwealth; and, • Better integrate delivery of transportation services and goods across the Commonwealth. September 12, 2013 1 Ports of Massachusetts Strategic Plan Technical Memorandum Number 1 Using these goals as a backdrop, criteria were developed in consultation with the Ports of Massachusetts Compact with the purpose of supporting its mission and developing strong and effective recommendations. The general criteria developed at the April 30, 2013 Compact Meeting included: • Preserving existing capabilities and strengths at the Compact ports; • Creating new economic opportunities for local communities but also the broader state economy; • Building on investments made elsewhere in host communities; • Being a good neighbor; • Seeking the highest return; • Improving delivery to market; • Transportation infrastructure connectivity; • Right-of-way impacts, • Consistency with existing plans; • Impact on the environment; and, • Capital cost. The general list of criteria above was then organized into five categories: operational, economic, land use, environmental and financial. Within those categories, sub-criteria and values or ratings were developed for each. Table 1 below shows the criteria and ratings for each: Table 1: Evaluation Criteria and Ratings OPERATIONAL Physical or functional impact on existing port operations (cargo, passenger, fishery or maritime use). Impact to Existing Port Operations 2 - Enhances an existing port operation 1 - No impact on existing port operations 0 - Displaces or severely impacts an existing port operation Effect on current throughput volumes (cargo, passenger, or fishery as applicable) Capacity 2 - Increases overall throughput 1 - No effect on throughput 0 - Overall throughput decreases as a result Connection to land-side infrastructure (highway, rail, sea or processing facility) Connectivity 2 - Provides new connections 1 - Improves existing connections 0 - Does not affect connectivity Upgrades or modernizes the operation of a port facility of business Operational Efficiency 2 - Improves port facility operation 1 - No impact on port facility operation 0 - Negatively impacts port facility operation September 12, 2013 2 Ports of Massachusetts Strategic Plan Technical Memorandum Number 1 Ability to increase market share Market Share 2 - Significantly increases market share (for any specific commodity/service) 1 - Moderately increases market share (for any specific commodity/service) 0 - Does not affect market share (for any specific commodity/service) Ability to compete with outside ports Competition 2 – Improves competitive advantage 1 – No improvement to competitive advantage 0 – Impacts competitive advantage Ability of port to manage improved asset(s) Organizational 2 - Improves operational management of asset 1 - Does not affect management of port of asset 0 - Complicates ability to operate of asset Economic Impact on employment in cargo, passenger, fishery businesses or maritime production facility in the port or in businesses immediately related to them Maritime Jobs 2 - Creates new jobs 1 - Retains existing employment 0 - No impact on employment Impact on regional employment related to the port Regional Employment 2 - Creates new jobs 1 - Retains existing employment 0 - No impact on employment Opportunity created in a new industry New Industry 2 - Supports new industry expansion/development 1 - Neutral regarding new industry development 0 - Discourages new industry development Long term outlook for the investment or operational strategy Long-Term Sustainability and Resilience of Investment 2 - Investment has multiple alternative uses and benefits 1 - Investment has an alternative use or benefit 0 - Investment tied to one product or scenario Long-Term Sustainability and Resilience of Port Operations Long term outlook for port sustainability 2 - Investment improves sustainability of other port operations 1 - Investment is neutral 0 - Investment undermines sustainability of other port operations Land Use Consistency with the Local, Regional, and transportation, economic development and harbor visions, plans and objectives Consistency with Plans 2 - Directly implements specific elements of Plans 1 - Generally consistent with Plans 0 - Inconsistent with existing Plans September 12, 2013 3 Ports of Massachusetts Strategic Plan Technical Memorandum Number 1 Compatibility with existing land uses Land Use Impacts 2 - Enhances existing and future land use 1 - Generally compatible with existing land use 0 - Incompatible with adjacent land uses Impact on the effectiveness/value of past or concurrent investments (air, rail, highway, economic development or other port) Leveraging Other Major Investments 2 - Builds on or directly utilizes past or concurrent investments 1 - Does not affect/is unrelated to any past or concurrent investment 0 - Negates a past or concurrent investment Extent to which property must be acquired for expansion 2 - No additional property is required, Right- of-Way 1 - Acquisition required but would not adversely affect property/owner/existing use, 0 - Acquisition required and would result in change of use or other hardship. Effect on sister Compact ports Secondary Impacts 2 - Improves any aspect of another port 1 - Would not affect other port use/market position 0 - Degrades any aspect of another port Effect on upland areas Upland Resources 2 - Enhances use of upland resources 1 - No effect on upland resources 0 - Restricts use of upland resources Consistency with DPA requirements 2 - Fully consistent, requiring no relief or change. Designated Port / Chapter 91 1 - Generally consistent with the DPA but requires some relief or change (e.g., minor boundary adjustment, change in existing DPA plan, etc.). 0 - Generally inconsistent, requiring DPA boundary change. Environmental Impact on wetlands, parklands, and natural habitats Natural resources 2 - Improves air quality 1 - Does not affect natural resources 0 - Impacts natural resources Effect on emissions Air Quality 2 - Improves air quality 1 - Does not affect air quality 0 - Degrades air quality Effect on water quality Water Quality 2 - Improves water quality 1 - Does not affect water quality 0 - Degrades water quality September 12, 2013 4 Ports of Massachusetts Strategic Plan Technical Memorandum Number 1 Susceptibility to climate change effects Climate Change 2- Not affected by climate change 1 - Moderately affected by climate change 0 - Substantially affected by climate change Impact on host and surrounding communities Community 2 - Community would likely support 1 - Community would likely be neutral 0 - Community would likely oppose Financial Projected timeframe for full payback of investment Recovery of Capital Investment 2 - Less than 7-year payback 1 - 7 to 10-year payback 0 - More than 10-year payback Demonstrated availability of long-term revenue stream to operate and maintain the improvement Availability of O&M Funding 2 - A clear, dedicated revenue stream is identified, committed, and of sufficient size to support the estimated O&M costs, including capital repair as applicable. 1 - O&M costs are modest and the sponsoring agency has a future cash flow that appears sufficient. 0 - Future O&M and revenues are not credibly aligned. Likelihood of securing funding for the investment: Prospects for Public Funding 2 - The project is eligible for a specific funding program(s), the program(s) is/are funded in the relevant time frame, and based on specific interaction with the relevant source(s), the project would be competitive. 1 - The project is eligible for a specific funding program(s) but its prospects are unclear. 0 - The project is either not eligible for public funding, or it is nominally eligible but unlikely to be competitive. Potential for public-private partnership or other form of significant private participation in project costs. Joint Public-Private Investment 2 - The project specifically involves private participation in project costs. 1 - Private participation is possible but prospects are unclear. 0 - No meaningful or probable opportunity for private participation. September 12, 2013 5 Ports of Massachusetts Strategic Plan 4.0 Technical Memorandum Number 1 Process The study team, based on input from the Ports Compact members, community and port representatives and industry input, developed the initial set of criteria, which was discussed at the April 30, 2013 Compact meeting. Following that meeting, the general criteria were then expanded further to include the more detailed sub-criteria and potential values/ratings for each. The expanded list was then reviewed with the Compact at its July 10, 2013 meeting to finalize the criteria and ratings that will eventually be applied in the alternative screening process. Once alternatives are developed, each will be evaluated against the criteria and given an overall rating. The overall ratings will then be reviewed as part of the effort to refine the preliminary list of alternatives down to a more reasonable set of implementation strategies. This refined list will then be presented to the Ports Compact, who in consultation with MassDOT, will decide on the final implementation strategy, the results of this process will be reported in the recommendation section of the Study. September 12, 2013 6