RESOURCES Resources Some resources are listed below. These are suggestions only and are not intended to be a definitive list. Textbooks Barnett, A, Understanding Ingredients. Oxford: Heinemann, 1998. Blythman, J, Bad Food Britain: How a Nation Ruined its Appetite. London: Fourth Estate, 2006 Clayton, P, Health Defence. Bucks: Accelerated Learning Systems Ltd, 2004 Brownsell V L, Griffith C J and Jones E, Applied Science for Food Studies. Essex: Longman, 1989. Lawrence, F G, Eat Your Heart Out. Essex: Penguin, 2008. Fox B A and Cameron A G, Food Science, Nutrition and Health. London: Arnold, 1995 Gaman P M and Sherrington K B, The Science of Food. Oxford: Heinemann, 1999. Insel P, Turner R E and Ross D, Nutrition. London: Jones and Barlett Publishers, 2001. Kershaw AL (ed), Food File – Facts, issues and controversies. Carlisle: Carel Press Ltd, 2008. Mann J and Truswell A S, Essentials of Human Nutrition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. Proudlove R K, The Science and Technology of Foods. London: Forbes Publications, 2000. Piper B, Diet and Nutrition. Glos.: Stanley Thornes, 1999 Ulene A and V, The Vitamin Strategy. California: Ulysses Press, 1994. Wardlaw G, Kessel M, Perspectives in Nutrition (5th edn). New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2002. Webb G P, Nutrition – a health promotion approach. London: Hodder Arnold, 2008. HEALTH AND FOOD TECHNOLOGY (AH, HOME ECONOMICS) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 1 RESOURCES Publications/Reports British Nutrition Society Briefing Papers, for example: Physical activity and health (2007) The health effects of dietary unsaturated fatty acids (2006) Nutrition in pregnancy (2006) Dietary calcium and health (2005) Vegetarian nutrition (2005) Choosing the Right Ingredients: the Future for Food in Scotland . The Scottish Government 2008. Healthy Eating in Schools – a guide to implementing the nutritional requirements for food and drink in schools (Scotland) regulations 2008. The Scottish Government 2008. Review of the Scottish Diet Action Plan: Progress and Impacts 1996 –2005, NHS Health Scotland, 2006. National Consumer Council: Your Food: Whose Choice, London: HMSO Publication, 1992 Websites – The British Dietetic Association – The British Heart Foundation – Department for Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) – Food and Behaviour Research – The FairTrade Foundation – The Food and Drink Federation – The Food Standards Agency – The Institute of Food Science and Technology .uk – The British Nutrition Society 2 HEALTH AND FOOD TECHNOLOGY (AH, HOME ECONOMICS) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 RESOURCES – Office of Public Sector Information, updates on legislation – Organic Consumers Association – The Scottish Government – The Soil Association – Sustain: The alliance for better food and farming – The Vegetarian Society – EUROPA Food labelling and nutrition HEALTH AND FOOD TECHNOLOGY (AH, HOME ECONOMICS) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2009 3