Itron Case Study Xcel Energy Enhancing & Streamlining Operations Using the Itron Meter Data Management System “To minimize the risks associated with implementing a new billing system, we looked for ways to use a standard, proven package for meter data management,” said Xcel Energy Data Acquisition Systems Team Lead, Steve Moschkau. “Our goal was to avoid customizing the billing system if at all possible.” background As the product of a merger between Minneapolisbased Northern States Power Company and Denver-based New Century Energies, Xcel Energy emerged in 2000 as the nation’s fourth largest combination utility, serving 3.3 million electricity customers and 1.8 million natural gas customers throughout 12 states. However, the Minneapolisbased operations, Xcel Energy North, and the Denver-based operations, Xcel Energy South, each operated using different and sometimes conflicting business rules, data formats, and customized legacy systems. For example, each had its own Customer Information System and neither system interfaced with the other. The organization lacked an enterprise view of its meter-reading and billing operations. Once bills were produced, Xcel Energy could not distinguish which data came from an interval data system, which data originated from meter readers, or what information was delivered from a fixed network or automated mobile data collector. Xcel Energy wanted to change this environment to improve its operations and evolve its business. opportunity In 2002, Xcel Energy elected to implement a new billing system in order to benefit from a single enterprise-wide solution. This large-scale project created an opportunity to revisit the structure of the billing system and its interfaces with other local applications used by the North and South operations. “To minimize the risks associated with implementing a new billing system, we looked for ways to use a standard, proven package for meter data management,” said Xcel Energy Data Acquisition Systems Team Lead, Steve Moschkau. “Our goal was to avoid customizing the billing system if at all possible.” “We recognized that if we separated the meter reading data from the billing system, we could realize a number benefits,” he added. “Separation would enable us to avoid customizing the billing system, streamline processes company-wide and better ensure the integrity of the data used throughout the organization. At the same time, we could more easily pursue supplemental functions that were outside the scope of the billing system project.” Xcel Energy contracts with IBM for the majority of its IT services, leaving IBM to chart the best course to achieve the company’s IT goals. Bryan Groll, IBM Global Services metering account manager for Xcel Energy, said, “We had a pretty tight timeframe for implementing a new billing system, yet we knew revamping the system also created a unique opportunity to help Xcel Energy improve its overall business processes. Sometimes the best way to change business processes is to change the systems that drive them. The challenge was to find a way to implement a new billing system and the meter-reading database solution within the utility’s parameters. We found the solution when we found Itron’s Meter Data Management system.” solution & results The Meter Data Management system essentially creates a centralized repository where premise, meter and register data for Xcel Energy meters is stored. As an independent entity in the overall IT network, this solution provides a scalable platform for collecting and storing meter data from any number of data collection systems. It functions as a one-stop point from which the billing system can request and receive billable readings and interval data in a consistent format. Xcel Energy customers receive energy bills via the Peace Energy Billing System, a complementary customer information system that integrates seamlessly with Itron’s Meter Data Management System. At the same time, the system provides accurate, up-to-date information to other utility enterprise systems using application program interface (API), industry-standard query tools and reports. Another benefit is that all versions of data are stored along with the original, which helps Xcel Energy satisfy the requirements of the SarbanesOxley Act of 2002. “With the meter functions separate from the billing, we have better, more clearly-defined functionality lines established between our delivery and retail business units,” states Moschkau. Flexible Meter Data Acquisition Another area notably altered by the new databasebilling structure was meter-reading data collection. With its new IT structure, Xcel Energy is poised for the future. Because of the open-platform nature of Itron’s Meter Data Management system, the plethora of data stored by the system is now available for use by a variety of other information systems at Xcel Energy. “Between our North and South operations, we collected meter data using four different meterreading methods,” said Moschkau. “In the South, reads were obtained primarily using a mobile collection system and Itron’s Integrator software. Commercial and industrial meters were read by one of four copies of MV-90. The North had a large implementation of Cellnet AMR, with handheld readings through a second copy of Itron Integrator and more interval data collected by MV-90. There were also differences in reading schedules, billing windows and a number of other operating parameters. The CIS implementation project gave us an opportunity to standardize operations between the two groups.” Another advantage was that in the past, each time Xcel Energy selected a new meter-reading technology, they had to customize the billing system. With new technologies becoming available, and the potential for older systems to be retired, Itron’s solution allows Xcel Energy to avoid the cost of writing and maintaining interfaces. At the same time, it prevents disruptions to the billing process. In fact, during the installation of the billing system, Xcel Energy added the ability to read with SmartSynch meter-reading technology. With the Meter Data Management system in place, the addition of SmartSynch was virtually transparent and didn’t disrupt or delay the billing system implementation schedule. Billing Flexibility While the meter-reading database interfaces help minimize billing system maintenance costs, it also provides a place to prepare and pre-process data for use by standard features in the billing package. In this respect, Itron’s Meter Data Management system provides a one-stop point from which the billing system can request and receive billable readings, register and interval data. “The flexibility of the data management system has allowed us to easily adapt to billing system changes,” said Moschkau. “For example, our billing engine had certain requirements for calculating on-peak and off-peak consumption. The meter repository has been able to calculate the appropriate values and respond to those requested from the billing engine. That has saved us from making changes to the billing engine, which would have proven very costly. “Multiple readings for the same meter are handled smoothly as well,” Moschkau added. “For example, if readings come in for the same meter from a handheld and the AMR system, the meter data repository stores both readings. But with special business rules, only the billing quality reading is passed to the billing system. The non-billing register reads, meter attributes and route attributes, however, remain accessible from the meter data repository. This feature provided the traceability we required.” Improving Operations Xcel Energy significantly enhanced the meterreading/billing process, and realized a number of other benefits throughout their organization. For example, now when a customer service representative processes a move-in/move-out or meter exchange, that data is automatically synchronized with the CIS and meter-shop functions. This automatic updating has eliminated inefficiencies such as hand-entering the changes at multiple places. Currently, Xcel Energy has about 12,000 meterreading routes throughout its 10-state territory. Changing existing routes and adding new ones triggers updates in other systems. To keep route information up-to-date in all these systems, Xcel Energy uses an automated synchronization process wherein the CIS, meter data repository and route management application are synchronized whenever data in any one of those systems changes. The interface capabilities of Itron’s Meter Data Management system makes this task easy and saves valuable resources. From a customer standpoint, customer service has been enhanced as well. Customer representatives access the origin of all meter reads and respond to customer queries with web screens using XML interfaces. For the majority of Xcel Energy North’s Minnesota metropolitan customers, customer service is now able to respond to tenant changes with meter readings from its Cellnet AMR system. Rather than estimating a closing account bill by prorating the last month’s billing read, the new system allows Xcel Energy North to use all of the daily data to generate the bill. For other utility operations, the elimination of legacy restrictions in the prior systems has allowed Xcel Energy to merge new data with existing data and phase in new business processes, thereby taking advantage of new system functionality. For example, since beginning the Meter Data Management project, Xcel Energy has worked with Itron on its Distribution Asset Optimization and Utility Innovations projects, which leverage customer meter data for use across distribution network and outage management systems. These projects have led to better asset utilization and understanding of outage reasons and accurate restoration times. thinking ahead With its new IT structure, Xcel Energy is poised for the future. Because of the open-platform nature of Itron’s Meter Data Management system, the plethora of data stored by the system is now available for use by a variety of other information systems at Xcel Energy. This unprecedented access to company-wide data provides Xcel Energy with the flexibility to develop prototypes and employ new system functionality. For example, should new rates or calculations be proposed, the Meter Data Management system will make it easy to preprocess data so that existing billing functions do not need to be changed. conclusion Xcel Energy selected Itron’s Meter Data Management system to help facilitate its consolidation of two legacy customer information systems into one central billing system. By implementing Itron’s meter data repository solution, Xcel Energy was able to eliminate legacy system restrictions, consolidate data sources and phase in new business processes. With Itron’s meter data repository solution, Xcel Energy finally has all the necessary elements in place to address ongoing concerns such as demand-side management, procurement, curtailment and customer service issues. Given the system architecture of the Meter Data Management system, Xcel Energy has a flexible system that addresses present-day needs, while providing a platform for growth. Publication 100540CS-01 06/05