MASTER SCHEDULE NCATE/DC CONTINUING ACCREDITATION VISIT FOR THE MARCH 1 – 3, 2015 NCATE BOARD OF EXAMINERS DR. JOHN W. RHODES, CHAIR MR. JOSEPH M. BONILLO DR. CONNA BRAL MS. ELIZABETH SHEVLIN DC BOARD OF EXAMINERS DR. AGNES CAVE, CHAIR MR. ORMAN G. FERES, III DR. THOMAS BULLOCK DR. PAMELA H. LAWTON AMERICAN UNIVERSITY DR. SARAH IRVINE BELSON, DEAN MS. JULIE SARA M. BOYD, DIRECTOR OF THE OFFICE OF TEACHER EDUCATION, NCATE COORDINATOR MS. DANIELLE G. SODANI, DIRECTOR OF PROJECT DEVELOPMENT & COMMUNITY OUTREACH, NCATE COORDINATOR PROGRAM DIRECTORS DR. SARAH IRVINE BELSON, SPECIAL EDUCATION MS. JULIE SARA BOYD, ELEMENTARY, K12 AND SECONDARY EDUCATION DR. VIVIAN VASQUEZ, EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION CAEP STAFF JENNIFER E. CARINCI MONICA CROUCH NCATE WEBSITE (INCLUDING ALL REPORTS AND EXHIBITS) -1- Saturday, February 28, 2015 Time 7:15pm Activity/Meeting Location 3228 Wisconsin Avenue NW Dinner at Café Deluxe for out of town BOE Team NCATE Team Members John Rhodes Conna Bral SETH Members Dean Sarah Bolson Julie Sara Boyd Danielle Sodani NCATE Team Members Dr. John Rhodes Dr. Agnes Cave SETH Members Sacha Sharp Logistics SETH team members will pick up NCATE team at 7pm from Savoy. Sunday, March 1, 2015 Time Activity/Meeting 12:00pm Chairs to meet in the Savoy Suites Conference Room (7th floor) 12:00pm Local team members check-in at Savoy Suites 12:30pm Travel to American University 1:00pm – 2:00pm 2:00pm – 3:00pm BOE team chair, and state co chair in joint visits, provides an orientation for team members that includes: ! Current issues and recommendations from BOE Update and other correspondence from NCATE ! BOE Style Guide ! Team work, code of conduct and confidentiality ! Conduct of the Onsite visit (See Appendix for details) ! Validating that standards continue to be met ! Resolving any areas of concern noted by Offsite BOE Team ! Providing feedback on the unit’s progress toward the target level on one or more standards Orientation by the Institution and State ! NCATE/State protocol ! Orientation to unit conceptual framework, assessment system and other areas as appropriate ! Orientation to exhibit room website Location Rm. 710/711 Capital Meeting Rm. Savoy Suites Lobby Savoy Suites Lobby MGC 330N All MGC 330N All -2- Escorted by Sacha Sharp AU Leadership available in MGC 330L (Danielle Sodani’s Office), if needed. Dean Sarah Belson Julie Sara Boyd Danielle Sodani Logistics Van to AU Tunnel Lunch: Roti Sunday, March 1, 2015 Time Activity/Meeting 3:00pm – 5:00pm Team Meeting ! Discuss findings on documents reviewed after offsite meeting and prior to arrival at the onsite visit: ! Institutional Report (IR) ! Offsite BOE Report ! IR Addendum (institution’s response to Offsite BOE Report) ! Updated exhibits ! Results of national program review reviewed by Specialized Professional Associations (SPA) and relevant state reports since the offsite meeting ! AACTE/NCATE Annual Reports recently submitted ! Third party testimony ! New information in NCATE’s Accreditation Information Management System (AIMS) 4:30pm – 4:45pm Leadership Meeting Interviews 5pm – 6pm Interviews Session I (Standards 3 & 4) Interview Room I: P12 Administrators Interview Room II: Cooperating Teachers 5:00pm – 7:00pm 7:15pm 7:30pm Interviews 6pm – 7pm Interview Session II (Standards 1, 2 and 3) Interview Room I: Supervisor Leads and Supervisors Interview Room II: Alumni Team leaves AU campus for Savoy Suites. NCATE Team Members All SETH Members AU Leadership available in MGC 330L (Danielle Sodani’s Office), if needed. MGC 330L Danielle Sodani’s Office Reception: MGC 200 Interview Room I: MGC 245 Interview Room II; MGC 247 Reception: MGC 200 Interview Room I: MGC 245 Interview Room II: MGC 247 MGC 330N Dr. Agnes Cave Mr. Orman Feres Dr. John Rhodes Dean Sarah Belson Julie Sara Boyd Danielle Sodani Reception: Julie Sara Boyd Savoy Suites All Location MGC 330N Team Dinner and Meeting -3- Logistics Escorted by Danielle Sodani Reception: Julie Sara Boyd Escorted by Danielle Sodani All Escorted by Sacha Sharp Van to Savoy Dinner delivered to Savoy Conference Room. Monday, March 2, 2015 Time 6:30am – 7:30am 8am – 8:30am 10am 10:30am Activity/Meeting Location Savoy Suites Leadership Team Meeting (Leadership Team Only) via Skype Unit Head, NCATE Coordinator(s), NCATE Chair(s), State Co Chair and State Consultant (when appropriate) meet to discuss progress and needs of the accreditation visit. Team members going to school visits will be picked up at Savoy Suites. Team members not going to school visits will take van to AU. MGC 330L Danielle Sodani’s Office Chairs Dean Sarah Belson, Julie Sara Boyd, Danielle Sodani Savoy Suites Lobby All Savoy Suites Lobby All Dean Sarah Belson Dr. Amy Simonsen Escorted by Sacha Sharp 10am Dean Belson to pick up team at Savoy Suites Each site will visit and interview P12 administrators, cooperating teachers, teacher candidates and alumni. (Standards 3 & 4) School Visits Group 2 Wilson High School, escorted by Amy Simonsen 12:00pm1:00pm 1:00pm – 1:45pm Logistics Van to AU Tunnel 10am Amy Simsonsen to pick up team at Savoy Suites Each site will visit and interview P12 administrators, cooperating teachers, teacher candidates and alumni. (Standards 3 & 4) 11:00am12:00pm SETH Members Breakfast (Individual) School Visits Group I Lab School, escorted by Dean Belson 10:00am12:00pm NCATE/DC Team Members 11am Gamze Zeytinci, Associate Dean for Budget & Administration, College of Arts and Sciences (Standard 6) Battelle 269 11:30am Dean Peter Starr, College of Arts and Sciences Dr. Ximena Varela, Chair of Education Policy Committee (Standard 6) SETH Curriculum Committee (Standards 2 & 6), Faculty Council, Teacher Education* Committee (Standards 5 & 6) Interview Group I Conceptual Framework Alignment Standard 1 Dr. Vivian Vasquez Battelle 200 Gray Hall Bentley Lounge MGC 205 -4- Escorted by Danielle Sodani Fantastic Frio: AU Catering Escorted by Dr. Vivian Vasquez Monday, March 2, 2015 Time 1:45pm – 2:30pm 1:00pm – 1:45pm 1:45pm – 2:30pm 2:30pm – 3:30pm 2:30pm – 3:30pm 3:30pm – 4:30pm 3:30pm – 4:30pm 4:30pm 4:45pm Activity/Meeting Location NCATE/DC Team Members SETH Members Escorted by Julie Sara Boyd Interview Group II Stakeholder Involvement Standards 2 and 3 Julie Sara Boyd, Dr. Jennifer Durham, Dr. Amy Simonsen MGC 205 Interview Group III Assessment System Standards 2, 5, 6 Danielle Sodani / Julie Sara Boyd (Overview / Assessments) Dean Sarah Belson/ Sacha Sharp / Valerie Rauenzahn (SETH Unit operations) Gray Hall Bentley Lounge Escorted by Julie Sara Boyd Interview Group IV Qualification of Faculty Standard 5 Dean Sarah Belson, Associate Dean Stacey Snelling Gray Hall Bentley Lounge Escorted by Dean Belson Session open for candidates and graduates Session open for institutional faculty and P12 partners MGC 205 Escorted by Julie Sara Boyd GoEd Drop-In Session Gray Hall Bentley Lounge Escorted by Danielle Sodani Standard 2 Follow-Up Interview Gray Hall 120 Meeting with Dean Belson Gray Hall 117 Danielle Sodani Julie Sara Boyd Dean Sarah Belson Team travels back to Savoy Suites MGC 330N Team Meets and Dinner ! Discuss findings from review of data, exhibits and interviews ! Identify remaining areas of concern and areas for improvement related to standards ! Work on first draft of the BOE Report Savoy Conference Room -5- Joe Bonilla Escorted by Sacha Conley Logistics Van to Savoy Dinner, delivered to Savoy Conference Room Tuesday, March 3, 2015 Time 6:30am – 7:30am 8:00am– 11:00am 9:00am – 10:00am 11:00am – 12:00pm 12:00pm – 1:00pm 1:00pm – 1:30pm 2:00pm Activity/Meeting Location Breakfast (Individual) Savoy Suites Team Meeting ! Requests for materials and/or interviews regarding “areas of concern” and/or “areas for improvement” (if any) ! Status on Draft BOE Report Savoy Suites Follow-Up Interviews On Campus, if needed • Team finalizing sections of the BOE Report at Savoy Suites Review of the BOE Report and Confirmation of Recommendations on Standards ! Review, revision and approval of the BOE Report (Teams members must make these written responses available for all team members to review in AIMS) Working Lunch MGC 330N Exit Report ! The BOE team chair, state team chair, and state consultant meet with the unit head and NCATE coordinator and other institutional representatives (such as the president and chief academic officer) to present a summary of the team’s findings and describe the next steps in the accreditation process, including the unit head’s review of the draft report for factual errors and submission of the rejoinder. The team chair(s) also reminds institutional representatives that the team is making recommendations to the Unit Accreditation Board (UAB), but the UAB makes the final decision about whether standards are met and the areas for improvement (AFIs) to cite. Team Departs President’s Office NCATE/DC Team Members SETH Members Logistics Savoy Suites Savoy Suites Savoy or Jetties Dr. Agnes Cave Mr. Orman Feres Dr. John Rhodes President and Provost Uber pick-up at Savoy for 12:30pm Car service to airport provided. -6- Interview List* Sunday, March 1 P12 Administrators BASIS DC: Head of School Cameron Louis Key Elementary (DC): Assistant Principal Bryan Riley** Thurgood Marshall Academy PCS (DC): Academic Dean LaRita Williams** Wood Acres Elementary (MD): Assistant Principal Travis Wiebe** Cooperating Teachers Sarah Bax (Hardy MS, Math) Josh Biedermann (Thurgood Marshal Academy PCS, SS) Nicole Scifo** (Lab School) Christopher Zukoski (Bethesda ES) Supervisor Leads and Supervisors Susan Stewart (Supervisor Lead) Debbie Kleinbord (Supervisor Lead) Susan Jaffe (Elementary Methods Lead) Kim Block Yvonne Coates Betty Shamwell Amy Kemper-Moore** ** = Alumni Alumni Molly Beyer (G, ESOL) Madeline Burkett (UG, ELED) Alex Capestany (G, ELED) Josh Halpren (UG, SS) Ariel Kramer (G, Math) Kristen Luppino (G, ECE) Kathy Pomernek (G, ELED) Robin Schneider (UG, ELED) Nicole Scifo (G, SPED) Ariel Villano (UG, ELED) Christine Zink (G, ECE) * Sign in sheets and nametags will be provided -7- Monday, March 2 School Visit Group 1: Deal Middle School and Wilson High School* Deal Middle School, escorted by Hilary Gates (Adjunct Faculty, Supervisor) 8:15am – 10:30am 1st- 8:45-9:35, Homeroom- 9:35-9:50, 2nd- 9:54-10:44 If teachers are not in the classroom, 6th grade performance in the auditorium. Time 8:15am 8:30am – 9am 1st Period Homeroom Homeroom 2nd period 2nd Period P12 Members Amy Trenkle, Adjunct Faculty James Albright, Principal Hannah Whitaker (TC)/ Jan Schuettpelz (CT) Keelan LoFaro, Adjunct Faculty Brett Imamura (TC)/ Michael Martini (CT) Location RG03 Front Office W200 W101 C130 Megan Huber, Alumni E306 Wilson High School, escorted by Dr. Amy Simonsen, Field Placement Coordinator 10:45am – 12pm Time P12 Members 10:45am Tenille Bowser, Assistant Principal 329 11:15am Alex Hitchens (TC) / Gabrielle Riesner (CT) 224 11:30am Mustafa Nustrary (TC) / Mark Fioril (CT) 215 11:45am Dylan Coster (TC) / Jacqueline Beliveau (CT) 406 12pm Katie Doughtery, alumni 427 Location School Visit Group 2: Horace Mann Elementary School and The Lab School* Horace Mann Elementary School escorted by Caryn Ash (Adjunct Faculty, Supervisor) 8:30am – 10am Time P12 Members Location 8:30am - 8:45am Welcome from Principal Whisant Atrium and Art Gallery 8:45am - 9:00am Conversation with Katie Rincon (TC), Feven Art Gallery Ghebremedhin (TC) and Matthew Koh (TC) 9:00am - 9:10am Visit with Feven Ghebremedhin (TC) / David Magee 229 9:10am - 9:15am (CT) Conversation with Dave Magee (in the hallway) 9:20am - 9:30am Visit with Matthew Koh (TC) / Megan Ullo (CT) 201 9:30am - 9:35 Conversation with Megan Ullo (in the hallway) 9:40am - 9:50am Visit with Heather Clark and Katie Rincon 146 9:55am – Conversation with Heather Clark (CT) and Molly 154 10:00am Martling (Alumni) The Lab School, escorted by Dean Sarah Belson 10:15am – 12pm Time P12 Members 10:15am Emily Treiber (TC), Hali Lapidus (TC) 10:30am Tour 11am Charlotte Crowley (CT), Kira Sonberg (CT), Amanda Palmer (CT) Dr. Jennifer Durham, Curriculum and Technology Coordinator: AU Intern Supervisor, Adjunct Faculty Katherine Schantz, Head of School 11:30am TC = Teacher Candidate (Student Teacher) CT = Cooperating Teacher * Sign in sheets and nametags will be provided -8- Location Lab School Foxhall Campus Lab School Foxhall Campus Lab School Foxhall Campus Lab School Foxhall Campus Morning Interviews, 9am – 12pm* 9am – 9:45am Gray Hall: Bentley Lounge SETH Curriculum Committee Dr. Vivian Vasquez, Chair Dr. Elizabeth Cotter Dr. Dara Ford Dr. Thomas Nassif Ms. Amelia Tseng Dr. Elizabeth Worden 10am – 10:45am Gray Hall: Bentley Lounge SETH Faculty Council Dean Sarah Belson Associate Dean Stacey Snelling Dr. Alida Anderson Dr. Cathy Crocker Ms. Marilyn Goldhammer Mr. Alex Hodges** Dr. Illana Lancaster** Dr. Lauren McGrath Dr. Cynthia Miller-Idriss Mr. Jason Snyder Dr. Jennifer Steele Dr. Charlie Tesconi Ms. Amelia Tseng Dr. Stephen Vassallo Dr. Vivian Vasquez Ms. Rebecca Wilner Dr. Elizabeth Worden Ms. Avery Luck** (Teacher Candidate): Ms. Luck is the student representative on the Teacher Education Committee. She will be in the Gray Hall Lobby, outside of the Bentley Lounge interview room. She is available to be interviewed during the 10am time or the 2:30pm Open Session. * Sign in sheets and nametags will be provided ** = Teacher Education Committee member who may be interviewed separately after the SETH Council -9- NCATE Visit: Monday EPP Course Meeting Times Course Number & Title: EDU-251-001: Math for Elementary School Teachers II Professor: Cathy Crocker Class Meeting Time: Monday 2:35-3:50pm Location: SPRT 235 Description: With EDU-250, a two-semester sequence for prospective elementary teachers. Extends the foundational ideas of mathematics and conceptual understanding of topics typically taught in elementary school classrooms, including numbers and numeration, fractions, decimals, ratio, proportion, percents and integers. Usually offered every spring. Prerequisite: EDU-250. Course Number & Title: EDU-371-001: Foundations of Reading Instruction Professor: Tracey Marks Class Meeting Time: Monday 8:55-10:10am Location: SPRT 235 Description: This course explores the fundamentals of literacy instruction. Attention is given to research that informs reading instruction, looking specifically at models and theories of reading over time. Special attention is given to constructing ways of supporting learners from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and abilities. Usually offered every spring. Prerequisite: EDU-205, EDU-321, and EDU-420. Course Number & Title: EDU 542-001/906: Methods, Materials, and Management in Secondary Education II: Mathematics Professor: Sareeta Carter Schmitt Course Number & Title: EDU 542-002/900: Methods, Materials, and Management in Secondary Education II: Social Studies Professor: Trenkle, A. Course Number & Title: EDU 542-003/907: Methods, Materials, and Management in Secondary Education II: Science Professor: Garcia, M. Class Meeting Time: Monday 5:30-8:00pm Location: Woodrow Wilson High School Description: This course is the second in a two-part sequence designed to develop knowledge and understanding of effective instruction and classroom management in secondary education. The course focuses on the development of instructional methodologies, research skills, content area knowledge, and inquiry strategies used to understand assessment and evaluation in the classroom. Usually offered every spring. Prerequisite: EDU-540. Course Number & Title: EDU 604-001/900/901: Teaching Science in the Elementary School Professor: Mark Hannum Class Meeting Time: Monday 5:30-8:00pm Location: Asbury 226 Description: Strategies, materials, methods, and classroom management for teaching science in elementary schools. Examines pedagogy and best practices for effective science education for diverse learners. Includes practical application in local elementary schools. Usually offered every spring. Course Number & Title: EDU 625-001/900/901/902: Advocacy in Early Childhood Education Professor: Carol Felderman Class Meeting Time: Monday 5:30-8:00pm Location: TBA Description: The development of collaborative and mentorship skills to work effectively with families, communities, professionals in the field, and other adults in connection with early childhood education and schooling. Usually offered every fall. -10-