American University – School of Education, Teaching, and Health Onsite Exhibit March 1, 2015 Key Assessment Rubrics Aligned with Conceptual Framework • • • • ! Elementary Education Impact of Student Learning o Highlighted ACEI standards that align with conceptual framework (diversity, equity, excellence) Secondary English Impact of Student Learning o Highlighted NCTE standards that align with conceptual framework (diversity, equity) Parent Conference Assessment o Highlighted rubric categories that align with conceptual framework (community, excellence) Final Evaluation of Student Teaching Evaluation o Highlighted InTASC Standards 9 and 10 that align with conceptual framework (community, excellence) Elementary Education Impact of Student Learning Key Assessment Subject((drop.down(box(of(Reading,(Social(Studies,(Math,(Science,(Language(Arts)( ( Scoring(Rubric( Needs Improvement (1 point) Meets Standard (2 points) Exceeds Standard (3 points) ( Rubric(Category( ACEI(Standard( Needs(Improvement((1)( Acceptable((2)( Distinguished((3)( Pre.Assessment! • Pre.assessment!is!inadequately! ACEI%3.1%Integrating%and%applying%knowledge% described!or!inappropriate! for%instruction%–%Candidates%plan%and% • Pre.assessment!description!does! implement%instruction%based%on%knowledge% not!clearly!relate!to!identified! of%students,%learning%theory,%connections% learning!objectives!or!describe! across%the%curriculum,%curricular%goals,%and% appropriate!strategies!! community.% ! ! • Description!of!the!pre.assessment! Instruction(Design! ACEI%3.2%Adaptation%to%diverse%students— Candidates%understand%how%elementary% students%differ%in%their%development%and% approaches%to%learning,%and%create% instructional%opportunities%that%are%adapted% to%diverse%students.% % • Instruction(is!inadequately! • Description!is!of!adequate( • Description!is!of!exemplary! described!or!inappropriate! • Instruction!description!does!not! clearly!relate!to!identified!learning! objectives!or!describe!appropriate! strategies!! • Instruction(doesn’t!connect!to!data! from!the!pre9assessment.! ! instruction!and!mentions!how!it:! o promotes!student!learning!and! employs!appropriate!strategies! to!support!students!in!reaching! objectives! o is!based!on!student!needs!and! prior!knowledge! o connects!to!pre9assessment! data!! • Instructional!goal!is!connected!to! Common!Core!standards.! ! instruction!and!clearly!explains! how!it:! o promotes!robust!student! learning!and!employs! appropriate!strategies!to! support!students!in!reaching! objectives! o is!differentiated!based!on! student!needs!and!prior! knowledge! o clearly!connects!to!pre9 assessment!data!! • Exemplary!instruction!includes! multiple!lesson!plans!that!convey! evidence!of!progress!monitoring!to! determine!instruction.! • Instructional!goal!is!connected!to! Common!Core!standards.! of!student!learning:!! o describes!adequate!pre9 assessment!which!uses! appropriate!strategies!to! measure!objectives!! o provides!adequate!detail! o includes!a!discussion!of!pre9 assessment!results! ! • Description!of(the(pre.assessment! of!student!learning:! o describes!exemplary!pre9 assessment!which!uses! appropriate!strategies!to! measure!objectives! o provides!informative!detail! o includes!a!discussion!of!pre9 assessment!results!that!clearly! connects!with!several!learning! goals! Rubric(Category( ACEI(Standard( Post.Assessment( ACEI%4.0%Assessment%for%instruction— Candidates%know,%understand,%and%use% formal%and%informal%assessment%strategies% to%plan,%evaluate%and%strengthen%instruction% that%will%promote%continuous%intellectual,% social,%emotional,%and%physical%development% of%each%elementary%student.! Needs(Improvement((1)( • Post.assessment!is!inadequately! described!or!inappropriate! • Post.assessment!description!does! not!clearly!relate!to!identified! learning!objectives!or!describe! appropriate!strategies!! Acceptable((2)( • Description!of!the!post.assessment! Distinguished((3)( • Description!of!the!post.assessment! of!student!learning:! o describes!adequate!post9 assessment!which!uses! appropriate!strategies!to! measure!objectives!consistent! with!pre9assessment! o provides!adequate!detail! o includes!a!discussion!of!post9 assessment!results! of!student!learning:! o describes!exemplary!post9 assessment!that!is!very!clearly! aligned!with!the!pre! assessment!and!which!uses! appropriate!strategies!to! measure!objectives! o provides!informative!detail! o includes!a!thorough!discussion! of!post9assessment!results! ! ACEI(Reflection( • Reflection(does!not!clearly!relate!to! • Includes!reflection!on!the!impact!of! • Insightful(reflection!on!the!impact! 5.1%Professional%growth,%reflection,%and% identified!learning!objectives!or! actions!on!student!learning!as!it! of!actions!on!student!learning!and! evaluation—Candidates%are%aware%of%and% describe!appropriate!strategies!! relates!to!relevant!ACEI!Standard(s)! how!changes!in!instruction!and! reflect%on%their%practice%in%light%of%research% ! and!selected!objectives.! assessment!could!have!influenced! on%teaching,%professional%ethics,%and% ! the!results!as!it!relates!to!relevant! resources%available%for%professional%learning;% ! ACEI!Standard(s)!and!selected! they%continually%evaluate%the%effects%of%their% objectives.! professional%decisions%and%actions%on% • Reflection!includes!a!discussion! students,%families%and%other%professionals%in% related!to!future!instructional! the%learning%community%and%actively%seek% needs!to!impact!student!learning! out%opportunities%to%grow%professionally.! Artifact(Submissions( N/A% ( • There!is!no!artifact!or!the!artifact!is! NOT!one!of!the!following:! o a!graph,!gradebook!page,!or! table!showing!growth!from! pre9!to!post9assessment! o a!pre9assessment! o a!post9assessment!! • There!is!at!least!one!artifact,!which! can!be!one!of!the!following:! o a!graph,!gradebook!page,!or! table!showing!growth!from! pre9!to!post9assessment! o a!pre9assessment! o a!post9assessment!! (additional!artifacts!may!be! included)! • There!is!at!least!two!artifacts,! which!can!be!of!the!following:! o a!graph,!gradebook!page,!or! table!showing!growth!from! pre9!to!post9assessment! o a!pre9assessment! o a!post9assessment!! (additional!artifacts!may!be! included)! ! ! Secondary English Impact of Student Learning Impact on Student Learning – Secondary English The guiding principle of the teaching profession is that student learning is the goal of teaching. This assessment reinforces and evaluates that responsibility by requiring that teacher candidates provide clear evidence of engagement with student learning and the effects of such engagement. In meeting the requirements of this assessment all English Language Arts candidates must demonstrate the ability: 1) to plan and carry out a particular teaching task with students; 2) to generate student performance data with respect to the task 3) to analyze the data for its impact on student achievement 4) to examine, through candidate reflection on the outcomes, what changes in teaching might improve results. Description The assessment should be carried out during student teaching or field experience through a set of required activities, ideally, but not necessarily, developed as a direct follow-up from the Integrated Language Arts Unit Plan you created in the courses Methods, Materials and Management in Secondary English I and II. The following activities are required: 1. Undertake a diagnosis (pre-test) of student learning in some area you will teach. 2. Plan an appropriate sequence of instruction to advance student learning based on the results of the diagnosis 3. Teach the material in a way that engages students who bring differing background experiences, knowledge, and learning needs to the classroom 4. Conduct a concluding assessment (post-test) 5. Document student learning that did or did not occur 6. Prepare a reflection on changes in teaching that might improve results that includes theoretical analysis of unit To document the above requirements, the following must be entered on the Impact on Student Learning page of the portfolio system. This entry will be evaluated using the Secondary English Impact on Student Learning Scoring Rubric. a. Describe learning objectives, the pre-test and the results b. Describe the instruction, including how it was shaped to meet learner needs c. Describe the post-test and results d. Reflect on the process as described in #6 above e. Include at least one artifact which must be one of the following: the pre-test, the post-test, or a graph, table or chart illustrating student learning Because the focus of this assessment is engagement with student learning and providing an analysis of your impact on that learning, you must provide evidence for meeting NCTE standard 2.0, Candidate Attitudes. It is our opinion that dispositional considerations are paramount for ensuring student engagement and for effectively planning and carrying out a program of evaluation to that end. In short, this requirement aims at making this assessment authentic in terms of English Language Arts instruction. In thinking about each of the activities included in the instructional unit—content, the sequence of instruction, the diagnostic, instructional methodology, the post-test, the purpose of the results, and reflective practice, you must be a model practitioner and display the professional attitude expected for English Language Arts teachers. Secondary English Impact on Student Learning Scoring Guide Directions for Evaluators: Please use the following performance scale to indicate the candidate’s ability to meet the specific performance criteria (Required Assessment Activity) listed below for the aligned NCTE standards Needs Improvement (1) Acceptable (2) Target (3) Performance task requirements, criteria, and/or levels of performance are not sufficient or do not appear to cover the elements of identified standards or data provided do not offer convincing evidence of having a sufficient content knowledge base to meet the ELA content standard listed. Performance task requirements, criteria, and/or levels of performance appear sufficient to cover the elements of identified standards, and data provided offer convincing evidence of having a sufficient content knowledge base to meet the ELA content standard listed. Strong performance task requirements, criteria, and/or levels of performance are more than sufficient to cover the elements of the identified standards, and the data provided offer evidence of high levels of candidate performance that, in turn, suggests an in-depth content knowledge base for candidates Required Assessment Activity NCTE Standard(s) undertakes an effective diagnosis (pre-test) of student learning in some area the candidate will teach which: demonstrates knowledge of students’ language acquisition and development 3.1.1 plans an appropriate sequence of instruction to advance student learning which: assists students in developing habits of critical thinking makes meaningful connections between the ELA curriculum and developments in culture, society, and education uses instructional materials that are consistent with what is currently known about student learning in ELA integrates assessment consistently into instruction by establishing criteria and developing strategies for assessment that allow all students to understand what they know and can do in light of their instructional experiences 2.4, 2.5, 4.1, 4.1 (a) teaches the material in a way that engages students who bring differing background experiences, knowledge, and learning needs to the classroom by: creating an inclusive and supportive learning environment in which all students can engage in learning using ELA to help their students to become familiar with their own and others’ cultures engaging all students in reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and thinking as interrelated dimensions of the learning experience in ELA employing effective classroom management strategies with varied structures and techniques for group interactions and opportunities for feedback and reflection 2.1, 2.2, 3.1.2, 4.2 conducts a concluding assessment (post-test) which: assesses reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and thinking as interrelated dimensions of the learning experience in ELA assesses the effectiveness of strategies to interpret, evaluate, and appreciate texts in promoting student learning 3.1.2, 3.3.3 documents student learning that did or did not occur – including the inclusion of at least one artifact which is either the pre or post assessment, or a table, graph or gradebook page illustrating student learning – including: interpreting the individual and group results and drawing upon the information to inform instruction 4.10 (b) prepares a reflection on changes in teaching that might improve results that includes theoretical analysis and which: examines their own teaching performances in light of research on and theories of how students compose and respond to text uses a teacher-researcher models of classroom inquiry assists students in becoming monitors of their own work and growth in speaking, listening, writing, reading, enacting, and viewing 3.7.1, 3.7.2, 4.10 (c) reports the results to their cooperating teacher (or unit head in case of alternative route candidates), field supervisor, and the ELA program coordinator including: explaining how students are assessed and interpreting assessment results 4.10 (d) Parent Conference Assessment Rubric Teacher candidates will attend at least one formal or informal parent-teacher conference during the student teaching semester. You will summarize the conference, create strategies for implementing your own conference and reflect on the experience. Refer to the following prompts and rubric: Prompts Summary • Provide objective background on the school, the student and the parent or guardian. • Describe the purpose of the conference? Did it occur during school-wide parentteacher conference or was it held at the parent or teacher’s request? If it was held at the parent or teacher’s request, explain why. • Provide an objective summary of the conference. • Describe the outcomes of the conference, including any documentation of plans for the student. • Describe any follow-up meetings scheduled. Strategies for Preparing and Implementing Parent-Teacher Conferences • How would you prepare for effective parent-teacher conferences? • What strategies would you implement that would contribute to establishing and maintaining positive relationships with parents and families? Reflection • Describe how this experience impacted idea about building relationships with the parents or your future student? Base your reflection on your observation of this conference and other knowledge gained from your coursework and fieldwork. Parent Conference Assessment Rubric Criteria Conference Summary 4 – Exemplary Candidate provides a full and detailed description of the conference, from preparation to follow-up. 3 – Proficient Candidate provides an objective description of the conference, from preparation to follow-up. 2 – Progressing Candidate provides a summary of the parentteacher conference, but makes more than one subjective statement. 1 - Unsatisfactory Candidate is unable to objectively describe and summarize the parentteacher conference. Recommendations and Strategies for Preparing and Strengthening Positive ParentTeacher Relationships Candidate demonstrates thorough understanding of how to prepare for effective parent-teacher conferences. Candidate demonstrates an understanding of how to prepare for effective parent-teacher conferences. Candidate demonstrates some understanding of how to prepare for parentteacher conferences Candidate is unable to describe how teachers can prepare for parentteacher conferences. Candidate describes how certain documents and observations aid in developing positive parent-teacher interactions. Candidate provides a deep and rich reflection on his or her experience with parent-teacher conferences Candidate demonstrates an understanding of how the conference contributes to establishing and maintaining positive relationships with parents. Candidate reflects on his or her experience with parent-teacher conference. Reflection Candidate elaborates how and why this experience has impacted his or her philosophy of education. Candidate discusses how this experience has impacted his or her philosophy of education. Candidate demonstrates some knowledge of strategies for productive conferences with parents. Candidate briefly reflects on his or her experience with a parent-teacher conference. Candidate fails to reflect on his or her experience with a parent-teacher conference. Little thought is given to how this experience will shape his or her philosophy of education. Average Score out of 4 Any assessment turned in where readability of the work is seriously hampered by grammatical errors will be returned to the candidate without a score. The assessment must be resubmitted with appropriate corrections to be scored. goEd Form Close without saving Edit Parent Conference Assessment Rubric Person Completing Form: (choose one) Parent Conference Assessment Rubric complete directions (PDF) Directions: Please mark the box that best describes the appropriate level of performance for each element. Conference Summary Scoring Rubric: Unsatisfactory (1) (must be resubmitted) Candidate is unable to objectively describe and summarize the parent-‐‑teacher conference. Progressing (2 points) Candidate provides a summary of the parent-‐‑teacher conference, but makes more than one subjective statement. Proficient (3 points) Candidate provides an objective description of the conference, from preparation to follow-‐‑up. Exemplary (4 points) Candidate provides a full and detailed description of the conference, from preparation to follow-‐‑up. Score N/A 4 1 2 3 Recommendations and Strategies for Preparing and Strengthening Positive Parent-‐‑ Teacher Relationships Scoring Rubric: Unsatisfactory (1) (must be resubmitted) Candidate is unable to describe how teachers can prepare for parent-‐‑teacher conferences. Progressing (2 points) Candidate demonstrates some understanding of how to prepare for parent-‐‑teacher conferences Candidate demonstrates some knowledge of strategies for productive conferences with parents. Proficient (3 points) Candidate demonstrates an understanding of how to prepare for effective parent-‐‑ teacher conferences. Candidate demonstrates an understanding of how the conference contributes to establishing and maintaining positive relationships with parents. Exemplary (4 points) Candidate demonstrates thorough understanding of how to prepare for effective parent-‐‑teacher conferences. Candidate describes how certain documents and observations aid in developing positive parent-‐‑teacher interactions. Score Reflection N/A 4 1 2 3 Scoring Rubric: Unsatisfactory (1) (must be resubmitted) Candidate fails to reflect on his or her experience with a parent-‐‑teacher conference. Progressing (2 points) Candidate briefly reflects on his or her experience with a parent-‐‑teacher conference. Little thought is given to how this experience will shape his or her philosophy of education. Proficient (3 points) Candidate reflects on his or her experience with parent-‐‑teacher conference. Candidate discusses how this experience has impacted his or her philosophy of education. Exemplary (4 points) Candidate provides a deep and rich reflection on his or her experience with parent-‐‑ teacher conferences Candidate elaborates how and why this experience has impacted his or her philosophy of education. Score N/A 1 2 3 4 Save : Choose this option to Save the Form and return to the Forms List. You may return to this form to edit it later. Save and Stay : Choose this option to Save the Form and continue editing. Save and Submit : WARNING! Choose this option to Save the Form and Submit it. Once you submit the form, you will no longer be able to edit it! The student will also be automatically notified that the form has been submitted. goEd Form Person Completing Form: Boyd, Julie Sara Form Type: (choose one) Evaluation Date: School: Grade: Subject: Cooperating Teacher (first/last): : The ten standards of the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (INTASC) provide the framework for this evaluation instrument. Included under each standard are elements by which students should be assessed. Every element of a standard has five levels of performance ranging from unsatisfactory to proficient. The levels range from student teachers who are still striving to master the rudiments of teaching (unsatisfactory) to accomplished student teachers who demonstrate consistently high teaching skills (proficient). Please mark the box that best describes the appropriate level of performance for each element. After scoring the ten standards, please complete the written summary and evaluation. : Check the N/A button if you are unable to comment on a particular element. : The student teacher does not yet appear to understand the concepts underlying the component. Working on the fundamental practices associated with the elements will enable the student teacher to grow and develop in this area. : The student teacher demonstrates limited understanding of concepts underlying the component. : The student teacher appears to understand the concepts underlying the component and attempts to implement its elements. Implementation is usually successful. Additional reading, discussion, visiting classrooms of other teachers, and experience (particularly supported by a mentor) will enable the student teacher to become proficient in this area. : The student teacher demonstrates solid understanding of the concepts underlying the component and is usually successful at implementing its elements. : The student teacher clearly understands the concepts underlying the component and implements it consistently in a highly effective manner. The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences. Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Basic The teacher creates developmentally appropriate instruction. Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement The teacher differentiates instruction to meet particular learner Basic differences or needs in each area of development (cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional and physical). Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Basic The teacher scaffolds instruction when necessary. Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Basic Vocabulary is appropriate to students' age and interests. Developed Proficient N/A The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards. Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Teacher implements a variety of instructional strategies to meet the Basic Developed needs of diverse learners. Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Teacher displays knowledge of students' skills, knowledge for groups of students', and uses the information to inform instruction. Basic Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement The teacher brings multiple perspectives to the discussion of content, including attention to the learners' personal, family and community experiences and cultural norms. Basic Developed Proficient N/A The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-‐‑ motivation. Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Tasks for group work are organized, and groups are managed so students are engaged Basic Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Basic Transitions occur smoothly, with minimal loss of instructional time Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Routines for handling materials and supplies occur smoothly with minimal loss of instructional time Basic Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Basic The teacher establishes or maintains classroom rules and procedures. Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement The teacher enforces consequences consistently, critiquing the action, not the individual. Basic Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement The teacher establishes and maintains respectful relationships with the students. Basic Developed Proficient N/A The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content. Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement The teacher effectively uses multiple representations and explanations that capture key ideas in the discipline. Basic Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Basic Student's prior knowledge is utilized. Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory -‐‑ The teacher recognizes learner misconceptions in the discipline and creates experiences to build accurate conceptual understanding. Needs Improvement Basic Developed Proficient N/A The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues. Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Teacher's questions are of high quality. Adequate time is available for students to respond. Basic Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Classroom interaction represents true discussion, with teacher stepping to the side, when appropriate. Basic Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Basic Teacher engages students in the discussion Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement The teacher develops and implements projects that guide students in analyzing the complexities of an issue or question using perspectives Basic from varied disciplines and cross-‐‑disciplinary skills. Proficient Developed N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement The teacher engages students in applying content knowledge to real world problems through the lens of interdisciplinary themes. Basic Developed Proficient N/A The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher and learner's decision-‐‑making. Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Basic Assessment is aligned with the lesson objectives. Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Assessment criteria and standards are clear, and have been communicated to students. Basic Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Teacher uses assessment results to plan for individuals, and groups of students and evaluate the lesson's effectiveness. Basic Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Basic The teacher tracks student progress. Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement The teacher provides effective descriptive feedback to guide the learner's progress. Basic Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement The teacher creates opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning in different ways. Basic Developed Proficient N/A The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-‐‑disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context. Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement The teacher individually and collaboratively selects and creates Basic developmentally appropriate learning experiences that are guided by curriculum goals and content standards. Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Basic Assignments are clear, purposeful and instructive. Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement The teacher chooses appropriate strateges, materials and accommodations to differentiate instruction for individuals and groups of learners. Basic Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Activities and assignments are appropriate for students. Students are cognitively engaged in them. Basic Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Basic The teacher organizes the materials and activities in advance. Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement The lesson has a defined structure around which the activities are organized. Pacing of the lesson is appropriate for students. Basic Developed Proficient N/A The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways. Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Teacher directions and procedures are clear to students and contain an appropriate level of detail. Basic Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement The teacher varies his/her role in the instructional process (e.g. instructor, facilitator, coach, audience) in relation to the content and Basic purpose of instruction and the needs of learners. Proficient Developed N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Materials and resources support the instructional goals, and engage Basic students in meaningful learning. Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement The teacher uses the appropriate instructional strategies to meet the needs of individuals and groups of learners. Basic Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement The teacher uses a variety of instructional strategies to support and expand learner's communication through speaking, listening, reading and writing. Basic Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Teacher makes minor adjustments to a lesson when necessary and adjustments occur smoothly. Basic Developed Proficient N/A The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner. Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Teacher assesses a lesson's effectiveness and the extent to which it has achieved its goals. Teacher can cite general references to support Basic the judgment. Proficient Developed N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Teacher makes specific suggestions of what he/she may try another time. Basic Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Teacher seeks out opportunities for professional development to enhance content knowledge and pedagogical skill. Basic Developed Proficient N/A The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession. Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Teacher volunteers to participate in school events, making a contribution. Basic Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Teacher communicates with parents about students' progress as appropriate and is available as needed to respond to parent concerns. Basic Developed Proficient N/A Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Basic Teacher engages families in the instructional program. Developed Proficient N/A Written Summary and Evaluation (Include specific evidence where appropriate) Save : Choose this option to Save the Form and return to the Forms List. You may return to this form to edit it later. Save and Stay : Choose this option to Save the Form and continue editing. Save and Submit : Choose this option to Save the Form and Submit it. Once you submit the form, The student will also be automatically notified that the form has been submitted. Copyright 2014 Help2Go Networks, LLC