Cabrillo College Staff Development Spring Flexible Calendar February – February , Talking About Teaching . . . >> Workshops for ALL The following list of Flex Calendar activities are highlighted to indicate they may be of particular interest to both staff AND faculty. Join your friends and colleagues this flex week to learn about student support strategies, best practices for retention, building a classroom community, model outreach programs, serving our diverse student population, and smarter ways to use technology in teaching and learning. Dotted descriptions indicate workshops after 4pm. The calendar website is located at TUESDAY Breakfast with the President Dancing with the Stars—Meet the Dance Department Behind Many a Successful Student... CabrilloArts: Redefining the Arts in Summer Toward a Second Annual Social Justice Conference Getting Comfortable with Web 2.0 WORKSHOP TRACKS Academic WEDNESDAY iTunesU @ Cabrillo Our Gang Goes to the Big City Stretching and Sketching Education for Ecoliteracy: Continuing the Conversation Are You Ready for the Next Emergency? Vacated Spaces — Who Gets It? Sustainable Cabrillo Working Effectively THURSDAY Strength and Conditioning for Performance and Injury Prevention Not Just Bathing Beauties, But Gutsy Gals as Well — Women in Santa Cruz History Apples, Leopards, and Video. . .Oh My! Visual Impact—Teaching Astronomy in the Planetarium Blending Concepts of Yoga and Strength Training Strategic Master Planning Process Health & Wellness FRIDAY Division/Department Meetings Ecology Cultural Awareness Technology Safety TUESDAY, FEBRUARY , Web-Enhanced Teaching with Blackboard CE6 Join us in the Teaching and Learning Center for an overview of how course management system technology is used to augment a face-to-face course. Learn about facilitated online discussions, chat, plagiarism software, gradebook features, the assignment dropbox, assessment tools, and grade forms. 8–10AM 1096 Francine Van Meter Dancing with the Stars—Meet the Dance Department This is a fun and informative chance to see the work, both choreographic and pedagogical, of Cabrillo College’s Dance Department. We will be discussing our individual artistic/teaching work while showing media excerpts to illustrate our creative process. The Dance Department faculty work professionally in a variety of dance forms, from hip-hop to ballroom to ballet. Come share some of the excitement and creative excellence. You will not have to dance, we promise. (Well, only if you want to...) 10–12NOON 309 Programs beginning the instructional planning process this spring will meet to review the process and obtain planning data specific to your department. This is a mandatory meeting for those faculty whose programs are beginning the instructional planning process in spring ’08: Astronomy, Biology, Criminal Justice, Philosophy, Reading, and Adaptive PE. 10–12NOON Hort 5005 Renée Kilmer Learning Communities—New thinking about general education This seminar intends to provoke thoughtful conversation and consideration of improving the structure and approach to general education. Creating thematically linked clusters between general education courses is one way to increase student retention, improve time on task, collaborate with colleagues—all while creating a stimulating, supportive learning environment for Cabrillo College students. Come to learn, brainstorm, and discuss exciting alternatives to traditional non-integrated approaches to general education. 10–11:30AM 1096 Skye Gentile How to Write a Student Learning Outcome Come learn how to write an SLO for courses on CurricUNET and for your syllabi. The SLO Subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee will teach the secrets of SLO writing such as how to distinguish an SLO from a course objective, the proper verbs to use, and how to turn this new curriculum requirement into something both useful and fun. 312 Dave Schwartz, Michael Mangin, & Winnie Baer Interdisciplinary Teaching in Health and Wellness Join faculty from multiple disciplines to discuss the challenges of creating occupational, transfer and life-long learning classes in Health and Wellness. Identify distinct student interests and learning goals that could be served by a Wellness major. 12NOON–2PM 1522 Breakfast with the President Join Cabrillo College President Brian King for a wide-ranging dialog on Strategic Planning, the evolving process for reallocation of space as new buildings are completed, and other topics of interest to our college community. Continental breakfast will be served 8–10AM Hort 5005 Brian King Rhonda Martyn Instruction Program Planning 1–3PM >>Tuesday Highlights Debora Bone & Patrick Meyer – page 2 – Behind Many a Successful Student... We are the hidden services that can help Cabrillo’s students be successful. Come and find out what we do and how you can let your students know about us. Retention is our middle name! 10–12NOON 826 Fast Track to Work, EOPS, DSP&S, Job Placement, Digital Bridge CABRILLOARTS: Redefining the Arts in Summer In the summer of 2006, a new program in the visual arts was designed, exploring areas of interest to working artists and delivered in a short, intensive format. The concept has been strongly embraced by the community, leading to expansion into Music and Dance. The presentation will explore the genesis of the program and look at strategies used to make it a reality. 1–3PM 454 Dan Martinez TUESDAY, FEBRUARY , The “A” Word! Active Approaches to Teaching and Learning This seminar is intended to introduce both novice and seasoned instructors to interesting and fun ways of weaving “active learning” into your current courses. If you have great assignments or techniques that you utilize in your classroom (or online using blogs) — help get students talking more, and you less. Please come share your ideas among friends. You will leave with a few golden nuggets that you can implement immediately, and others that you will nurture for future use. 1–2:30PM Hort 5005 Skye Gentile Great Student Writing: English Writing Awards All English and ESL faculty are invited; full-time English faculty may be solicited to assist with reading entries. Come and be a part of selecting award winning essays, stories and more for the 2007 Writing Awards. Participants will work in small groups reading and discussing entries and ultimately choosing a first and second place winner for each category. We’ll wrap up with a discussion of how the process worked and what makes for outstanding writing in various genres. 1–3PM 406 Barbara Bloom & Diane Putnam Toward a Second Annual Social Justice Conference The 2nd Annual Social Justice Conference will be held on Saturday, April 19, 2008 from 9-3:30. Please join us to learn the specifics about this year’s conference and how you can help behind the scenes and with students. Last year’s conference was a success, and over 350 Cabrillo students, faculty and staff attended. The conference placed a spotlight on Cabrillo achievement, and more than 30 panels, papers, and creative works were presented in fifteen break-out sessions; we hope to do the same or more this year. Please join us and support social justice here on campus! 1–3PM 515 Sesario Escoto, Geneffa Jonker, Adela Najarro, & Diego Navarro Faculty Senate Meeting Come to the first faculty senate meeting of 2008. For Spring Flex we meet at the Watsonville Center. Take advantage of this opportunity to catch up on the latest news affecting faculty and get a chance to visit Watsonville. At this meeting you’ll learn about how the senate functions as an integral part of the shared governance process on campus. Help plan our future adventures and find out how to participate in senate activities. As always, light refreshments will be served. 3–5PM Watsonville Center Steve Hodges & Rory O’Brien Getting Comfortable with Web 2.0 Web 2.0 refers to web activities that turn viewers into contributors by giving them tools to write, post, comment and upload their own creative thoughts and work. We can all experience participating and creating web content. “Learning 2.0” is an online learning experience that introduces the emerging technologies on the web that are changing the way people, society and libraries access information and communicate with each other. This workshop will introduce a sequence of activities with these emerging technologies: blogging, image sharing, RSS feeds, Wikis, and more. Snacks will be served! 3–5PM 1096 Debra Roussopoulos, Johanna Bowen & Laura Dickie The Latino/a Connection: Strategies and Content for Student Success Members of CHAC, the Cabrillo Hispanic Affairs Council, will present teaching strategies and course content suggestions that lead to academic success for Latino/a students. Please join us for this cross-disciplinary session to share and gain ideas of how to best meet the needs of Cabrillo’s growing Latino/a student population. 3–5PM 515 CHAC: Cabrillo Hispanic Affairs Council – page 3 – TUESDAY, FEBRUARY , Managing Student Behavior for a Healthy and Secure Learning Environment Have you or your students ever felt threatened or unsafe in class? Do you know your rights as an educator? Do you know the resources to support you in classroom management and issues of student discipline? Are those cell phones still going off? Are your students still arriving late to class and leaving early? Is it free speech or a disruption to your classroom? Come to this interactive workshop and pick up some tips for ensuring a healthy and safe learning environment for all. 3–5PM 833 Sesario R. Escoto Scotts Valley Center Orientation Please join the Scotts Valley Center staff for a faculty orientation. Site Coordinators Pearl Mendes and Laurie Shipley will provide a tour of the facility and present information about building policies and procedures. Other Cabrillo staff members are also welcome to visit in order to become acquainted with this most recent Cabrillo College addition. 6–8PM SV 4 Pearl Mendes & Laurie Shipley – page 4 – WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY , >> 2-Day Special Event Keeping Students On Course This is a two-day workshop provided by On Course consultants and designed for college faculty in all disciplines, student success instructors, counselors, and administrators looking for a proven approach to dramatically improve student success and retention. Part-Timers’ Solidarity Breakfast Do part-timers have academic freedom? In an environment where the majority of faculty are not tenure track, how does this lack of security inhibit teaching and professional development? All part-time faculty are invited to discuss this and other issues, network with colleagues, and explore ways to promote part-time solidarity. Food and beverages will be provided. 8–10AM Hort 5005 John Govsky & Vicki Fabbri Individual Creativity in Math Teaching Math department members will share their individual perspectives, techniques, and concerns in the teaching of selected math topics. 8–10AM 708 Math Department Included in this two-day, interdisciplinary workshop are activities and materials reflecting best practices that you can use in your classroom to help students learn more deeply. These learner-centered structures empower students to become active, responsible learners by: iTunesU @ Cabrillo • creating motivation • promoting time-management • setting goals • developing relationships for academic success • increasing self-awareness • honing critical thinking • developing emotional intelligence and self-esteem Our Gang Goes to the Big City This workshop provides class materials to put these best practices into effect in Cabrillo College classes and labs, and guides participants to create a personal plan for implementing new educational strategies. Participants must attend both days and lunch and a light breakfast will be provided. This workshop can serve up to fifty people; contact Diane Putnam by Wednesday, January 30 to reserve your spot: diputnam@cabrillo. edu or x6184. For more information about On Course and its workshops, visit Wednesday, Feb. 6 & Thursday, Feb 7 Sesnon 1804 8:45AM–4:15PM Dr. Jonathan Brennan, Mission College iTunes U is a free, hosted service for colleges and universities. Through a partnership with Apple, Cabrillo students can listen to and view podcasts on their Macs or PCs, or transfer content to iPod for listening or viewing on the go. Learn how podcasts are created using GarageBand software. 8–10AM 1096 Francine Van Meter Does interdisciplinary thinking promote student learning? As a result of sharing between the departments of anthropology and economics, Paul Harvell now includes in his class a discussion of the use of cacao as money in historic Mexico (the topic also appeared on the midterm). Has this been a frivolous self indulgence or does this help promote student learning? We’ll take up this question as Our Gang looks at chocolate. The plan: a tour of the Scharffen Berger chocolate factory in Oakland (it’s a bit of a drive). If time allows, we’ll take a look at more examples of the cocoa industry in the East Bay. Recommended reading: The True History of Chocolate by the Coes. Space is limited, so contact Spanky to reserve a spot and receive additional information (email: We will gather in front of the HASS Division (Room 420) to carpool at 9am. 9AM–4PM Off Site Spanky & Alfalfa Dental Hygiene Clinical Educational Methodology A look at the trends and changes in teaching and evaluation methodology as related to dental hygiene clinical teaching. 9–12NOON 610 Dental Hygiene Faculty Ruby Make My Rubric Pretty… This seminar is designed as a “hands-on” workshop for individuals beginning to use rubrics as a method of assessing student learning. This event works best when colleagues from same the same departments attend together with “virtual” rubrics, or assignments that need rubrics. You can bring your questions, and craft your rubric on the spot! 10–12NOON 1096 Skye Gentile – page 5 – WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY , Remote-Controlled Student Response “Clicker” Systems The Physics department has been using a remote-controlled student response system for the last five years. This system allows students to respond anonymously to multiple choice questions and provides both the class and instructor instant feedback on the results. Students can exercise communication and critical thinking skills without fear of embarrassment. Many publishers are now supporting these systems with bundled software and/or hardware. Come see the Personal Response System (PRS) in action. 10–12NOON 825 Joseph McCullough Simulation: Realism + Safety = Efficient Student Immerse yourselves in an interactive high technology learning activity in which you can suspend disbelief and learn “as if” you were in a real situation. This session is particularly suited for those involved in allied health programs, health and human services, prerequisite science, psychology, public safety and wellness courses and anybody dealing with the public. Opportunities will be provided for group development of scenarios to use in simulation. 10–12NOON 1520 Nursing Faculty Stretching and Sketching Let’s talk less and loosen up by gesture drawing. This is for all creative folks who want to be free of language and be creative with our colleagues. A brief demo and slides will be presented to inspire. Bring a sketchpad or newsprint pad with charcoal or graphite sticks and pencils. 10–12NOON 315 Ron Milhoan Music Technology Committee Meeting This workshop will update recent developments in the new Music Technology and Recording Arts program. Parti cipants will discuss equipment usage in the new Music facility, software and equipment needs, program planning, Piano program technology requirements, distance education, funding, budgets, grants, and staffing. 10–12NOON 202 James Durland Cabrillo Classified Employees Union Spring Luncheon We will look back one year, see how far we’ve come, discuss current challenges and plot our future course as a union. If you are just figuring out that you are part of a union, this is a perfect opportunity to join us, see what we are about, and meet your co-workers. Bring yourself and a coworker, hike or drive on up, and join us at the top-o-campus. 12NOON–2PM Hort 5005 Stephanie Stainback Education for Ecoliteracy: Continuing the Conversation Before the sea rises to flood Santa Cruz, please join us to continue discussion about what you do or would like to do in class to address issues of ecology and the environment. Our cultures, our economies and our communities all rely on a healthy, functioning biosphere. Solutions for sustainability will come from smart people working across discipline boundaries, finding the ways that environmental concerns can be addressed throughout the disciplines. Let’s discuss strategies for presenting information on the various global environmental crises and their possible solutions. 1–3PM 406 Michelle Merrill, Elissa Wagner, and Panel Are You Ready for the Next Emergency? Pat Jocius is an emergency services consultant and school preparedness specialist who has assisted in updating the Cabrillo College emergency preparedness plan. This interactive session will focus on practicing creative preparedness, discussing hazards facing Cabrillo, and introducing the District Emergency Operations Plan. 1–3PM 314 Doug Deaver – page 6 – WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY , What’s New? WebAdvisor for Faculty News Beginning Spring 2008 semester faculty will drop students (including First Census) using WebAdvisor. No more paper Census Reports to keep track of! Many improvements to the Class Roster on WebAdvisor have also been made. Paper rosters (except for Grade Reports) are now a thing of the past. The first hour will be a presentation of the functionality and the second hour will be hands-on. 1–3PM 513 The Roster Team Program Chair Meeting We will meet to discuss issues related to teaching. In addition, our guest, Sesario Escoto, will discuss handling problem students. 1–3PM 311 Michele Rivard & Debora Bone More Than Meets The Ear— Innovative Ways to Teach the Listening Class This is a chance for Comm 6 instructors to gather and discuss new and different ways to approach teaching the Listening class. Come prepared with your ideas, and new material you’ve been working on, including multi-media ideas for livening up this course. We’ll brainstorm, share ideas and come up with new and fun ways to engage students and help with their mastery of listening skills. 3–5PM 834 Charlotte Morrison Vacated Spaces — Who Gets It? The space planning firm hired to address secondary effects will discuss the process they will be using to make recommendations regarding allocating the existing space that will be freed up as new buildings are occupied. Th is will be an opportunity to ask questions and provide input as the process begins. 3–5PM 314 Doug Deaver Sustainable Cabrillo Now that Cabrillo has signed on to the President’s Climate Commitment, how will we approach zero greenhouse gas emissions? What innovations will we create towards educating and evolving our campus to a fully sustainable institution? What new or existing best practices in course design, interdisciplinary courses, task forces, community outreach, student-run programs and activities will help us move toward climate neutrality and improve our ecological footprint as a campus community? Open to all members of the Cabrillo community—staff, faculty, students, administrators—who would like to be a part of the greening of our campus. 3–5PM 406 Karen Groppi, Lisa McAndrews, & Michelle Merrill Technology Fresh Start Update your website, your directory page, and grab your online rosters, spring term is ready to begin! There will be a special presentation by Dave Balogh on Parscore software for automated Scantron test scoring. Get assistance updating your online resources and let us show you what technology is available to all faculty and staff. 3–5PM 1095 TLC Staff Managing Your Virtual Classroom Do you teach online or hybrid courses or are you considering teaching online? Instructors are encouraged to bring stories about topics such as ways to improve retention in the early weeks, facilitating discussions, building a learning community through assignments, or strategies to assist underprepared students. This discussion will include best practices from the book A Fieldbook for Community College Online Instructors by Kent Farnsworth and Teresa Brawner Bevis. 3–5PM 1096 Francine Van Meter – page 7 – WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY , Talking Teaching and Governance with the Board The Governing Board, an important part of the Cabrillo community, can seem a distant group to many faculty and staff. The purpose of this flex activity is to foster better communication and closer connections between The Board, faculty, staff, and management so that the college can better serve its mission. 5–7PM Sesnon 1804 Co-Sponsored by CCEU, CCFT, & Faculty Senate Watsonville Center Faculty Meeting and Orientation For new and returning faculty, this is an opportunity to learn current information regarding developments at the Center and meet with colleagues to share expertise and resources. Get critical information regarding the technology in the classrooms, instructional and student service resources available to students, operational procedures and keys, copier/alarm codes and office assignments. 5:30–8:30PM Wats 4330 Rachel Mayo, Marcelo Nogueira, & Tera Martin THURSDAY, FEBRUARY , Strength and Conditioning for Performance and Injury Prevention This workshop includes strength and conditioning topics directed at enhancement of athletic performance and injury prevention. Included will be key elements of a dynamic warm up, appropriate progression of strength and conditioning programs, shoulder stabilization and mobilization exercises, and upper and lower body core-based exercises. There will also be a discussion on year-round strength and conditioning programs for your specific athletic interest. 9–11AM 1118 Pool Ken Dobberpuhl & Mark Ramsey CurricUNET: Programs, the Next Step Programs in CurricUNET are the next step in the curriculum database implementation. This is a “must” for anyone working on development of new programs or revision of existing programs and those involved in instructional planning. The session will be hands-on in the testing area of CurricUNET. 9–10AM 1096 Claudi Close & Dale Attias Curriculum Business Regular curriculum discussion. Mandatory for all curriculum committee members. All others are more than welcome to attend. 10–11:30AM 1096 Claudia Close & Dale Attias Increase Classroom Retention, Improve Your Connection with Students— Digital Bridge Academy Faculty Training Participate in a discussion about building student persistence through curriculum approaches and hear from 15 Cabrillo faculty who experienced the Digital Bridge Academy Faculty Training last summer. This workshop will begin with an overview of the DBA Light the Fire curriculum, and curriculum and pedagogical approaches. A panel of DBA instructors will seed a discussion by describing their experiences of the training and its effects on their classroom teaching and retention. You will also receive an invitation to participate in the Digital Bridge Academy Summer 2008 faculty training to be held near Cabrillo College. The 2007 DBA faculty training evaluation report conducted by UCSC’s Center for Justice, Tolerance and Community will be available for review. Please contact Beth Nelson ( for an advance copy. 10–12NOON 909 Digital Bridge Academy Faculty – page 8 – THURSDAY, FEBRUARY , Not Just Bathing Beauties, But Gutsy Gals as Well—Women in Santa Cruz History Ever wonder who lived on this hillside, this county, this bay before we did? For centuries women have participated in shaping local history: resisting colonization, owning huge amounts of land, agitating for suffrage, saving the redwoods, creating art and music, and running businesses and schools. Come share your stories and find out curious tidbits to impress people with at parties. There will be pictures, stories, film clips and suggestions for how to work this material into your classes! 10–12NOON 405 Cheryl Barkey & Rosemary Brogan Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome—What is it and how can we help students who have this? This workshop will discuss what is now known as Irlen Syndrome or Scotopic Sensitivity, a visual perceptual disorder affecting primarily reading and writing based activities. We will discuss the history, current research and accommodations that can be used for students with this disability. 10–12NOON 833 Helene Jara CCFT Luncheon You are invited to join your faculty union for a delicious meal, a chance to mingle with colleagues, and an opportunity to learn more about union history here at Cabrillo. We advise you show up a few minutes early to maximize your experience. 12NOON–1PM Hort 5005 Paul Harvell CCFT General Council Meeting The theme of our first council meeting will tie into “talking about teaching” as we step out of our standard “union” role and into the perspective of teachers doing what we do best. All faculty are welcome. 1–3PM Hort 5005 Paul Harvell Apples, Leopards, and Video. . .Oh My! This popular Apple presentation will highlight Podcast Producer, a complete, end-to-end solution for encoding, publishing, and distributing high-quality podcasts. Ideal for employee training, lectures, or whatever audio or video podcasts a college requires. Also, come see the new features in iLife, including iMovie, and the new Leopard operating system. 1–3PM 1096 Jane Pimentel, Apple Computer The Cabrillo College Honors Program Find out about the new Cabrillo College Honors Program targeted to begin in Fall, 2008. The workshop will include information on developing honors courses and the timelines for the approval process as well as ideas for teaching honors sections of courses. Eligibility requirements and the advantages for students will also be discussed. 1–3PM SAC 202 Michael Mangin, Mary Ellen Sullivan, Donna Mekis & Bill Hill Visual Impact —Teaching Astronomy in the Planetarium It is vital to stimulate curiosity in a relaxed, fun atmosphere when teaching an abstract science like Astronomy. In this workshop, I’ll demonstrate this strategy by giving a planetarium show designed for young and old which teaches the movements of the sky, the constellations, and some of the incredible pictures from space of the denizens of our solar system. 2–4PM 706 Rick Nolthenius – page 9 – THURSDAY, FEBRUARY , Blending Concepts of Yoga and Strength Training Come join us for a fun and interactive workshop that will explore the blending of yoga poses and core/strength exercises. Learn how to enhance alignment through stabilization and strengthening, improve postural endurance for optimal efficiency in yoga poses, and increase range of motion and flexibility by focusing on opening joints and reducing resistance within your muscle tissue. This workshop is open and appropriate for anyone from couch potatoes to athletic stars! 3–5PM 1118 Pool Paula Saraga & Ken Dobberpuhl Strategic Master Planning Process As Cabrillo College begins our next master planning cycle, it’s important for faculty and staff to learn about what the College Planning Committee has already done to start the process. Here’s your opportunity to find out what the strategic master plan is all about and how you can participate. Join faculty and the members of the CPC to discuss the future of the college through the master plan. 3–5PM Hort 5005 Rory O’Brien, Dan Rothwell, Steve Hodges, & Paul Harvell The Balancing Act: Teaching and Caregiving This workshop is designed for instructors and staff who are parents/caregivers, although anyone is welcome to attend. The purpose is to provide a supportive and relaxed family-oriented space where we can meet one another, talk, and share collective experiences, survival strategies, and tips on how to successfully balance the difficult demands of teaching/working and caregiving. We will meet at the “Big Blue Balls” Park in Soquel on Old San Jose Road. Children, spouses/partners, other family members, or pets are most welcome! If there is rain (not drizzle) we will meet at the Capitola Mall (Children’s Play Area/Food Court). 4–6PM Off Site Victoria M. Banales & Geneffa Jonker Book Discussion on The Courage to Teach by Parker Palmer Bring an inquiring mind and open heart to this gathering on a book that “is for teachers who have good days and bad—and whose bad days bring the suffering that comes only from something one loves. It is for teachers who refuse to harden their hearts, because they love learners, learning, and the teaching life.” Participants may read the book beforehand or just bring your curiosity and readiness for heart/mind engagement! Several copies will be available on reserve in the library. We will hold this gathering at Vicki’s house, 1967 Newport Ave. Santa Cruz. Please email her at for directions. 5–7PM Off Site Vicki Fabbri & Teresa Macedo – page 10 – FRIDAY, FEBRUARY , DIVISION/DEPARTMENT DAY DIVISION/DEPARTMENT TIME Business, English, and Language Arts Division Meeting 8:30–10:30AM BARE Accounting and Finance 10:30AM–12:30PM Business Real Estate Computer Applications and Business Technology 10:30AM–12:30PM English 10:30AM–12:30PM ESL 10:30AM–12:30PM Foreign Languages/BBS 10:30AM–12:30PM Journalism 10:30AM–12:30PM Reading 10:30AM–12:30PM Counseling Division Meeting 9AM–12NOON Health and Wellness Division Meeting 8:30–11AM Adaptive PE 12NOON–2PM Dental Hygiene 12NOON–4PM Health Science 12NOON–2PM Medical Assistant 12NOON–4PM Nursing 11:30AM–2:30PM Physical Education/Athletics 11:30AM–1:30PM Radiologic Technology 1–3PM Stroke Center 12NOON–2PM ROOM DIVISION/DEPARTMENT TIME ROOM Instructional Development 9–10:30AM 1093 Library Division Meeting Reference/Instruction 9–10AM 10–12NOON 1040 1040 508 506 507 510 ESL lab 1093/4 407 1062 833 1522 1107 610 831 514 1520 1118 1603 Stroke Center Human Arts and Social Sciences Division Meeting 8:30–10:30AM 1804 Anthropology 11AM–1PM 431 Archaeological Tech 1–3PM 431 Communication Studies 11AM–1PM 834 Culinary Arts & Hospitality 11AM–1PM 1803 Early Childhood Education 5:30–8:30PM* 1508 *Thursday, February 7 Global Studies 11–11:30AM 425 Global Studies Dept Mtgs 11:30AM–1PM 425 Economics, Education, History, Geography/ Meteorology, Political Science, Womens’ Studies (WS invited to attend ANTHRO/SOC meeting) Human Services 11AM–1PM 426 Philosophy 11AM–1PM 403 Psychology 11AM–1PM 401 Public Safety 11AM–1PM 1605 Sociology 11AM–1PM 432 – page 11 – Natural and Applied Sciences Division Meeting 9–11AM 5005 Horticulture Center Astronomy 2–4PM* Obsrv *Wednesday, February 6 Biology 10AM–12NOON* 616 *Wednesday, February 6 Chemistry 11:30–1:30PM 614 CS & CIS 11:15–12:45PM 2502 Construction and Energy Management 12–2PM 1301 Digital Management Career Preparation *Thursday, February 7 3–5PM* 511 Engineering 11:30–1:30PM 715B Engineering Technology 4–9PM* 715 *Wednesday, February 6 Geology/Ocean 12NOON–2PM 705C Horticulture 1–3PM 5015 Math 12NOON–2PM 713 MESA 2–4PM 714 830 Physics 11:30–1:30PM Welding 9AM–7PM* 1306 *Tuesday, February 5 Visual and Performing Arts Division Meeting 9–11AM Art History 11AM–1PM Dance 11AM–1PM Digital Media 11AM–1PM Music 11AM–1PM Photography 11AM–1PM Studio Arts 11AM–1PM Theatre Arts 11AM–1PM Forum 450 454 1117 517 204 352 309 208 Guidelines for Flex The flex calendar affords faculty the time and format in which to examine instructional concerns outside the traditional classroom setting. It offers an appropriate prelude to the school year as well as a checkpoint between semesters to refresh our sense of educational mission. This publication is your guide to the principles and process of staff development flex days at Cabrillo College. If you have any questions after reading it, please consult with your Dean or the staff development coordinator. General Guidelines: 1. Required flex time: Faculty may fulfill their flex requirement by attending workshops on flex days, participating in advisement at registration, or performing individual projects on designated flex days. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by your Dean. Full-time faculty have a minimum time commitment of 24 flexible hours per year plus two fall semester mandatory days and one spring semester mandatory day. Partial contract faculty are required to participate in a specific number of days, which is prorated on a percentage basis of an individual’s contract. Adjunct faculty are required to participate in at least one hour of flex activity per teaching unit each semester. 2. Special exception: You may perform flex activities on days other than the scheduled flex days, as long as they are not your regular teaching days. Weekends and holidays are permissible as are days when you are only teaching in the evening, or evenings when you are only teaching during the day. You must obtain approval of your Dean. 3. Deadlines: The deadline for submitting your flex agreement is the end of flex week. This contract needs to be signed by you and your Dean. The deadline for submitting your individual activity is the end of flex week. This contract needs to be signed by you and your Dean. 4. Nonparticipation: Should you decide to refuse to participate in the flex week, you will have your pay reduced by the number of days of nonparticipation (maximum of five days fall semester and four days spring semester). All flex activities must be completed within the academic calendar. Cabrillo Staff Development Committee Renée Kilmer, Johanna Bowen, Shirley Flores-Muñoz, Mark Hopkins, Adela Najarro, Dan Martinez, Rory O’Brien, Beatriz Perez, Sue Slater, Francine Van Meter, John Govsky, Vicki Fabbri, Sesario Escoto, Loree McCawley Acknowledgements Special thanks to Diane Putnam, Writing Center Director, for assistance with editing. – page 12 – 100 BLDG – Admissions & Records – College Bank – Counseling – Career Center – Financial Aid & Scholarships – Transfer Center Human Resources is located in the 900 BLDG Pres and VP Offices are located in the 800 BLDG 1000 BLDG First Floor – Mail Room – Gallery Second Floor – Library Third Floor – Writing Ctr & ESL Lab – Learning Skills – Math Lrng Ctr – Tutorials Behind Library – Teaching & Learning Ctr 800 BLDG – Disabled Student Programs & Services – Fast Track to Work Pa – Cabrillo Advancement Prog rk i ng P – Student Employment – President’s Office – VP Offices Visitor Parking Student Activities Center Future Allied Health Center 900 BLDG – Cafeteria – EOPS – Student Health Center – Human Resources SAC – Student Affairs – Assessment – Bookstore – Instr/Matriculation – High School Outreach – Puente Future Arts Education Complex Building Directory 2100 BLDG – Cabrillo Extension – Cooperative Work Experience Educ free parking Parking S 1400 BLDG – Computer Technology Center (Open Access Computing) Santa Cruz HIGHWAY 1 free parking Visitor Parking Top level of Parking B Structure Watsonville – page 13 – Admissions & Records (100) Assessment (SAC) Bookstore (SAC) Cabrillo Extension (2100) Cafeteria (900) Career Center (100) College Bank (100) Childcare Center (1300) Computer Technology Center (1400) Cooperative Work Experience Educ (2100) Counseling (100) Disabled Student Programs & Services (800) EOPS (900) Fast Track to Work (900) Financial Aid & Scholarships (100) Health Center (900) Human Resources (900) Instructional Dev/Matriculation (SAC) Job Placement/Student Employment (800) Learning Skills (1000) Library (1000) Math Lrng Ctr (1000) President’s Office (800) Puente (SAC) Student Affairs (SAC) Transfer Center (100) Tutorials (1000) Vice Pres Offices (800) Writing Ctr & ESL Lab (1000)