Responsibility of All Workshop Task: What are the first steps that will allow all practitioners to contribute effectively within LIT-NUM-HWB across learning? Individually Department/school Cross sector Whole school community Literacy Across Learning Do all staff understand what is meant by literacy? Have they had the opportunity to explore what the implications are for them? Do they understand the wider definition of text? How will opportunities be provided for staff to collaborate in order to: Ensure that all of the experiences and outcomes are met across the young person’s learning? Make decisions about where the responsibilities lie for meeting individual outcomes? Promote growth and progression within a line of development? Challenges Opportunities First/Next Steps Individually Department / school Cross sector Whole school community Curriculum for Excellence Health and wellbeing How do we ensure that all staff have a common understanding of what is meant by ‘health’? How can you provide opportunities to explore the implications for them of ‘the responsibility of all’? To what extent have you mapped existing practice in Health and Wellbeing? (You may wish to provide examples) What will be your next steps in taking this forward? What supports do you need to drive this forward? What are the main implications for: Authority Early Years Primary Secondary Partner Agencies?