Report of International Scientific and Technical Conference of Students and Young Professionals from the RCC Countries on Information Technologies and Communication Systems Moscow, Russian Federation, 11-16 May 2015 The International Scientific and Technical Conference of Students and Young Professionals from the RCC Countries on Information Technologies and Communication Systems, took place in Moscow, Russian Federation, within the framework of 8th International Youth Forum on Information Technologies in the World of Communications, dedicated to the ITU 150th Anniversary, which was held by Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUCI) from 11 to 16 May 2015. The Forum was organized with the support of Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, the Federal Communication Agency, the Regional Commonwealth in the field of Communications (RCC). The partners of the Forum were: ITU Area Office for CIS, Association of Document Electric Documentation, Mobile Tele Systems OJSC (MTC), Space Communications Federal State Unitary Enterprise. The Forum events were attended by leading Russian and foreign professionals in the field of communications and information technologies, managers of big corporations of the CIS countries, and over 100 students and young professionals from 14 leading telecommunication universities of the Russian Federation and 7 communication universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Belarus, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, and Republic of Armenia. The dates of the Forum coincided with the dates of International Exhibition of Telecommunication Equipment, Control Systems, Information Technologies, and Communication Services Svyaz Expocomm-2015. Therefore, all participants of the Forum had an opportunity to participate in the Svyaz Expocomm-2015 as well. Apart from the Conference on Information Technologies and Communication Systems, the Forum agenda included: • • • • International Conference on Ethic, Culturological, and Civilizational Issues of the Work in the Internet; International Student Olympics for Communication Universities of the CIS Dedicated to the ITU 150th Anniversary; Innovation Project Competition on Innovation Solutions in Modern Infocommunications; Team competition among the participants of the Olympics and the Project Competition. The Conference on Information Technologies and Communication Systems was held on the second day of the Forum and consisted of following sections: • • Network Systems and Technologies; Information Technologies and Cyber Security; • • Social and Cultural Processes; Modern Radiocommunication Technologies and TV. Of 70 reports presented at the Conference, following report were acknowledged to be the best ones: Mr. M.Kelvakin (Ural Technical Institute of Communications and Informatics); Mr. P.Rodyakin (MTUCI), Mr. Yu.Morgachev (Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics), Mr. A.Agoronyan (Russian and Armenian Slavonic University), Ms. E.Pustokhailova (Astrakhan State Technical University), A.Butskikh (Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics), V.Gerasimenko (MTUCI), N.Sorokovaya (Academy of Civil Defense under the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations). The Innovation Project Competition was aimed at revealing of youth innovation potential and advanced innovative ideas in the field of telecommunications and gave to the university graduates and opportunity to make themselves known as deserving candidates for starting positions in the leading telecommunications companies. Of the 40 innovation projects submitted, 20 were read over to the expert council, consisting of scientists and experts in the field of telecommunications and professionals in the field of financing of innovation projects. The winners of the competition were students of Academy of Civil Defense under the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations (Ms. R.Belousova and N.Sorokovaya); 2nd place was shared between Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Ms. V.Shapel) and MTUCI (Mr. O.Yegorov); 3rd place belongs to the project of Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics (Ms. Yu.Seregina). The laureates received prizes from Mobile Tele Systems OJSC. The International Student Olympics on Infocommunication Technologies dedicated to the ITU 150th Anniversary was held by the MTUCI in partnership with training centres of Alcatel Lucent and Huawei companies, as well as the ITU Area Office for CIS. 11 teams from 4 CIS countries (Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation) took part in the Olympics. The Olympics consisted of two rounds. Based on the results of the preliminary written elimination round, the best five teams were identified, which then came together in the head-to-head final competition. The participants competed on the following topics: • International Telecommunication Union: history and today; • 4G Mobile Communication Networks (LTE); • Optical Transport Networks and Transmission Systems; • Data Communications Networks (Commutation and Marchrutization); • Big data. The MTUCI team got the winner of the Olympics. The teams of Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Informatics and Volga Region State University of Telecommunications and Informatics) were second and third relevantly. Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications under Kyrgyz State Technical University was fourth. The Forum Closure Ceremony took place in the MTUCI Congress Centre on 15 May 2015. AT the Closure Ceremony, the speeches were delivered by Mr. Artem Adzhemov, acting Rector, MTUCI; Mr. Oleg Dukhovnitsky, Head, Federal Communication Agency; Ms. Natalia Zorya, Deputy Director General, RCC Executive Committee; Mr. Andrei Untila, Programme Officer, ITU Area Office for CIS; Ms. E.Seregina, Mobile Tele Systems OJSC. Mr. P.Lanchikov, Director General, Huawei Training Centre and Ms. G.Burova, Director General, Alcatel Lucent Training Centre handed over to the winners of the Olympics and the Team Competition the certificates for free training. According to the participants, organizers, and partners of the Forum, the Forum was successful and drew a positive response and interest of the CIS countries. The Forum got a huge international youth event in the region, which united students and young professionals in the field of telecommunications and furthered personal fulfilment of young people and raising the youth role in the ICT development and, therefore, will allow to as high as possible use the youth potential for advancing the CIS countries to the leading positions in the world’s infocommunication space.