IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon him by articles ... Education Act (Cap. 327), the Chancellor of the University... As approved by Senate of 19 June 2014

As approved by Senate of 19 June 2014
(CAP. 327)
Admission Regulations, 2014
IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon him by articles 74 (5) and 75 (6) of the
Education Act (Cap. 327), the Chancellor of the University of Malta has promulgated
the following regulations made by the Senate of the University of Malta by virtue of the
powers conferred upon it by articles 75 (3) and 79 (b) of the said Act:
Citation and interpretation
1. (1) These regulations may be cited as the Admission Regulations, 2014 of
the University of Malta.
(2) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires, the terms
used shall be taken to mean as indicated hereunder:
“the Board” means the Board of a faculty, institute, centre or school of the
“the Dean” means the Dean of a faculty or the Director of an institute, centre or
school of the University;
“the Faculty” means a faculty, institute, centre or school of the University;
“the Senate” means the Senate of the University; and
“the University” means the University of Malta.
2. These regulations shall apply for admission to the University as from 1st
October 2014 onwards.
Admission to a Programme of Study
3. (1) Doctoral Courses. To be admitted to a programme leading to a doctoral
degree applicants shall satisfy the requirements set out in the General Regulations for
doctoral degrees and in the degree bye-laws, or the degree regulations, as applicable.
(2) Postgraduate Degree, Diploma and Certificate Courses. To be admitted to a
programme of study leading to a postgraduate degree, diploma or certificate applicants shall
satisfy the requirements set out in the General Regulations for University Postgraduate
Awards, 2008 and in the course bye-laws, or the course regulations, as applicable.
(3) Undergraduate Degree, Diploma and Certificate Courses. To be admitted
to a programme of study leading to an undergraduate degree, diploma or certificate
applicants must:
(a) be eligible for admission to the University as a regular student in terms of
regulation 4 of these regulations; and
(b) satisfy such other requirements as may be set out in the General Regulations
for University Undergraduate Awards, 2004 and in the course bye-laws or the course
regulations, as applicable.
Non-Tertiary Courses
(4) Junior College. To be admitted to the Junior College of the University
applicants must satisfy the requirements for admission as a Junior Student in terms of
regulation 5 (1) of these regulations.
(5) Foundation Studies Courses. To be admitted to a programme of study
leading to a certificate which qualifies the holder for admission as a regular student in
an undergraduate course of the University applicants must:
(a) be eligible for admission to the University as probationary students in terms
of regulation 5 (2) of these regulations; and
(b) satisfy such other requirements as may be set out in the course bye-laws or
the course regulations, as applicable.
(6) Pre-Tertiary Certificate Courses. To be admitted to a pre-tertiary
certificate course which is not a Foundation Studies course, applicants must satisfy such
requirements as may be set out in the course bye-laws or course regulations, as
applicable (see also regulation 5 (3) of these regulations).
Regular Students of the University
4. (1) Applicants may be admitted to the University as regular students if they:
(i) satisfy the general entry requirements and any special course requirements
as defined in regulation 7 of these regulations; or
(ii) are graduates of a university recognised by the Senate for this purpose; or
(iii) have been judged eligible to be admitted to a doctoral or postgraduate
course in terms of regulation 3 (1) or (2) of these regulations; or
(iv) are in possession of an approved diploma by an institution of tertiary
education recognised by the Senate, as suitable and sufficient for this purpose; or
(v) have been awarded a Certificate on successful completion of a Foundation
Studies course of the University; or
(vi) have successfully completed a specified part or all of a course after having
been admitted to the University as a probationary student in accordance with regulation
5 (2) of these regulations; or
(vii) have qualifications and/or experience that together are deemed to qualify
the applicant for admission by the Admissions Board established in terms of regulation
6 of these regulations.
(2) Applicants may also be admitted as regular students of the University if
(a) (i) have been registered as students at this or at another university
recognised by the Senate for this purpose; or
(ii) have qualifications of similar academic standard to those specified in
regulation 4 (1) of these regulations; or
(iii) will have reached the age of 23 by the beginning of the course for
which they applied; or
(iv) have at any time satisfied the general entry requirements prescribed
at that time; or
(v) suffer from some severe physical disability which would have made it
difficult for them to obtain the required entry qualifications;
(b) have been judged eligible for admission as regular students by the
Admissions Board.
Junior, Probationary and Provisional Students of the University
5. (1) Junior Students. Applicants may be admitted to the University as Junior
Students at the Junior College of the University if they are in possession of six passes in
the Secondary Education Certificate (SEC) examination at Grade 5 or better. The
subjects offered at SEC Level must include:
Maltese, English Language, Mathematics, and
one of Physics, Chemistry or Biology,
provided that one of the remaining passes may be offered from a list of vocational
subjects, as approved by Senate, as detailed in Appendix I and published on the
University’s website.
(2) (a) Probationary Students. Applicants may be admitted to the University
as probationary students if they:
apply for admission in accordance with regulation 3 (3) of these
regulations and satisfy the requirements for entry into a preparatory programme
stipulated by the bye-laws of the Diploma Course to which the applicants seek admission,
when such a preparatory programme is provided for by the course bye-laws; or
(ii) apply for admission in accordance with regulation 3 (5) of these regulations
and satisfy the entry requirements as defined in the regulations for a Foundation Studies
Course; or
(iii) satisfy the general entry requirements in terms of regulation 7 (1) of these
regulations and the bye-laws of the course of their choice allow their admission, under
special conditions, although they lack a pass/grade or have a lower grade in only one of
the subjects of the special course requirements for that course. Such applicants may be
admitted in the first year of the course only once and under those special conditions as
the Faculty may impose to compensate for the missing element. If, by the end of the
first year of the course, such students do not successfully complete all the requirements
to progress regularly to the second year, they shall be required to withdraw from the
course, and shall neither be entitled to repeat the year nor to progress conditionally as
normally permitted under the General Regulations for University Undergraduate
Awards, 2004.
(b) Applicants who are accepted for a course as probationary students in
terms of regulation 5 (2) (a) (iii) of these regulations shall not be re-admitted to any
other course as probationary students.
(3) Provisional Students. In the case of pre-tertiary certificate courses for
which eligibility for admission as regular or probationary students is not a requirement,
applicants shall be admitted as provisional students of the University for the duration of
the course,
provided that applicants who are in possession of the general entry requirements shall
be registered as regular students.
The Admissions Board
6. (1) The Admissions Board shall be composed of the following members:
The Rector or his nominated delegate, as ex officio Chairman
Three members appointed by Senate
The Registrar (acting also as Secretary).
(2) The term of office of the Admissions Board shall be of one year and the
quorum for meetings shall be of three members.
(3) The Admissions Board shall have the power:
(a) to decide on the eligibility of any applicant for admission to the University as
a junior, regular, probationary or provisional student and for admission to a programme
of study;
(b) to decide on the eligibility of any applicant for admission as a regular student
of the University in terms of regulation 4 (2) of these regulations, and, where it deems
(i) to require such applicant to satisfy additional conditions before being
admitted as a regular student; and /or
(ii) to restrict the choice of course, or of areas of studies within a course, to
which such applicant may be admitted;
(c) to decide on who is admitted to a course to which admission is limited, in
accordance with the provisions of the regulations or bye-laws for that course and any
other criteria established by resolution of the Senate;
(d) to seek the advice of a Faculty Admissions Committee (consisting of the
Dean or his delegate and at least two other academic members appointed by the Board
of the Faculty concerned) on any matter concerning eligibility for admission to a
programme of study in that Faculty, and in particular on whether any applicant seeking
admission as a regular student in terms of 4 (2)(a)(iii) of these regulations has the
necessary academic background to follow the programme of study with profit, normally
after having assessed the applicant through an interview or some other form of
(e) to consider the admission of applicants into full-time doctoral or
postgraduate courses, who are engaged in full-time employment and who provide
evidence to show that their employer is willing to grant sufficient time off from work to
allow them to engage in full-time study. Students engaged in part-time employment must
inform the University about the extent of their employment commitment and require
permission from the Faculty Admissions Committee to register as full-time students.
(f) to advise the Senate on all matters regarding admission to the University and
to programmes of study.
Entry Requirements
7. (1) General Entry Requirements (see regulation 4 (1)(i) of these regulations).
Subject to any other provision of these regulations, the general entry requirements are
the following:
(a) the Matriculation Certificate, which is awarded to candidates who pass
examinations in a wide range of subjects that must include a language, a humanistic,
and a science subject, and Systems of Knowledge, as specified in the Matriculation
Examination Regulations; and
(b) passes in the Secondary Education Certificate at Grade 5 or better in Maltese,
English Language and Mathematics,
provided that if a pass in Maltese, and/or English Language, and/or Mathematics is
obtained at Advanced or Intermediate Matriculation Level, a pass in the Secondary
Education Certificate Examination is not required.
(2) In the case of applicants who pursued their secondary education outside
Malta, the University may consider and accept qualifications comparable to the
qualifications in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this regulation, provided that the mix of
subjects and levels of the qualifications obtained from overseas examining boards
would be comparable to the subjects and levels required for the award of the
Matriculation Certificate.
(3) Corresponding Examinations. The Admissions Board may recommend
to Senate the acceptance of passes at corresponding levels of other examinations and at
grades as equivalent to the Matriculation Examination and the Secondary Education
Certificate for the purpose of admittance.
(4) (a) Special Course Requirements. The regulations or bye-laws for a
programme of study may specify other requirements for admission to that programme.
In particular, they may limit the choice of subjects that may be offered at Advanced and
Intermediate Matriculation Levels and specify the grade to be obtained in such subjects,
or specify alternative qualifications for admission which would be acceptable, in whole
or in part, as 'qualifications of similar academic standard' for the purpose of regulation 4
(2)(ii) of these regulations.
(b) Where a Faculty indicates special course requirements for a particular
area of study which it offers, those special course requirements shall always apply
irrespective of the course in which the area of study is being taken,
provided that a Faculty may indicate additional requirements for that area of study taken
in courses which it offers.
(c) An applicant who is a graduate of a university or has other
qualifications considered to be sufficient may, on the advice of the Faculty Admissions
Committee concerned, be exempted by the Admissions Board from any subject in
which a pass is required for admission to a course in that Faculty.
(d) The regulations or bye-laws of a course may require applicants to
pass a proficiency test in one or more subject/s as approved by the Faculty offering the
(e) When the regulations or bye-laws of a course stipulate that an
aptitude test is required for admission to that course, Senate shall appoint a Board of
Examiners normally composed of:
The Head of the relevant Department or the Director of the relevant
Institute, Centre or School or the nominee of such Head or Director,
as chairman;
The Head of Department of Psychology or his/her nominee; and
The Registrar or his/her nominee.
(5) Alternative Compulsory Subjects in Special Circumstances. The Admissions
Board may, in special circumstances and subject to the conditions set out hereunder,
allow an applicant to offer another subject instead of Maltese as follows:
(a) it may allow a non-Maltese applicant to offer, instead of Maltese,
his own language or a language approved by the Admissions Board; or
(b) it may allow a Maltese applicant who for reasons of residence or
education abroad over a significant period during the previous four years, has not
received adequate teaching in Maltese, to offer instead of that subject another language
or another subject,
provided that where course regulations or bye-laws specify Maltese as a special course
requirement, such a pass in Maltese must be obtained at the specified level and grade.
Further Provisions
8. (1) Admission to a Course after its Commencement. An applicant who is
qualified for admission to the University as a regular student may be allowed by the
Admissions Board, subject to any conditions it may impose, to join a programme of
study in the second or any other year of the Course.
(2) (a) Concurrent Courses. Unless with the special permission of the
Senate, a student may not register concurrently for more than one programme of study
leading to a degree, diploma or certificate except in the cases listed in regulation 8 (2)
(b) of these regulations.
(b) The following courses may be followed concurrently:
(i) any two programmes that do not exceed 75 ECTS credits per
academic year;
(ii) the courses leading to the degree of LL.D. and to the Diploma of
Notary Public;
(iii) the courses leading to the degree of Bachelor of Laws and to the
Diploma of Legal Procurator; and
(iv) a part-time or full-time course leading to any award, and a parttime course leading to an undergraduate certificate.
(3) (a) Occasional Students. The Rector may allow a person to attend
study-units as an occasional student, provided that the lecturer concerned is willing to
accept the person and is satisfied that the person has the necessary academic
background to follow the units with profit. The Rector may, at his discretion, withdraw
such permission at any time.
(b) Occasional students shall not be entitled to the rights and privileges
accorded to regular students and may not sit for any assessments of the University. Such
students shall nevertheless be bound by the disciplinary regulations of the University.
(4) (a) Visiting Students. The University may allow persons who are not
registered in a programme of study leading to one of its awards to register as visiting
students for:
(i) individual study-units that are offered within University pre-tertiary,
undergraduate and postgraduate courses subject to approval by the Faculty;
(ii) study-units that are designed ad hoc for particular needs, and
approved by Senate on the recommendation of the Board; and
(iii) study-units offered within the Programme in the Liberal Arts and
Sciences offered by the University.
(b) Visiting students shall be eligible for certification if they:
(i) complete the study-unit, are awarded the credits assigned to it, and
pay any applicable fees; and
(ii) satisfy any other requirements prescribed in any other relevant
statutes, regulations and bye-laws of the University.
(5) A student who discontinues a course or is not permitted by course
regulations or bye-laws, as applicable, to continue a course, may not be allowed to reregister as a student in any course before the lapse of one year from withdrawal, unless
with the permission of Senate acting on the advice of the Admissions Board.
Applications for Admission
9. (1) Applicants wishing to join courses in terms of the Admission Regulations
shall apply by the prescribed date unless in special circumstances and with the
permission of Senate.
(2) (a) Senate shall approve that for courses which involve work with
vulnerable persons, applicants shall submit an original recent Police Conduct
Certificate. A list of such courses shall be approved by Senate and shall be published
at the time of call for applications
(b) In cases where the certificate of police conduct includes any
declaration, the certificate shall be considered by a sub-committee of the Admissions
Board appointed by Senate for the purpose.
(3) Applicants shall submit all supporting documents, including an original
recent Police Conduct Certificate, if required, within the deadline stipulated by the
Office of the Registrar. Should they fail to do so, applicants shall be considered as no
longer interested to pursue the course/s they applied for.
General Provision
10. (1) Wherever in any course regulations or bye-laws, made under the
Education Act, there is a reference to “regulation 2.2 (a)(iii) of the Admission
Regulations”, that reference shall be substituted by the words “regulation 4.2 (a)(iii) of
the Admission Regulations”.
(2) Wherever in any course regulations or bye-laws, made under the
Education Act, there is a reference to “regulation 8.1 of the Admission Regulations” or
“regulation 8.1.1 of the Admission Regulations”, that reference shall be substituted by
the words “regulation 8 (1) of the Admission Regulations”.
11. The R01 - Admission Regulations of the University of Malta, published as
Legal Notice 183 of 1997, shall be deemed to cease to be in force as from 1st October
2014, provided that the admission of applicants before the 1st October 2014, shall
continue to be governed by the regulations that were in force at the time of their
Appendix I
Vocational Subjects acceptable for admission to Junior College, in terms of
regulation 5 (1) of these regulations
BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate in Engineering
BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care
BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate in Hospitality
BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate in Information Technology
S – 19 June 2014