Teacher Education Executive Council Oct. 30, 2012

Teacher Education Executive Council
Oct. 30, 2012
10:00 - 11:00 Seerley 119
1. Updates:
Selection of Coordinator of Elementary Education (Dwight)
Ramifications of Praxis II, timing of effect dates, etc. (Melissa)
Change in LAC Math requirements for admission to TE (Cherin)
2. Change (internally) in admission or exit requirements - admission: 2.75 GPA
3. ed TPA as final assessment
4. Cost of Teacher Preparation from admission though licensure
5. Panther Caucus Day at the Statehouse - Feb. 11, 2013. Use of TE funds (TE Office budget?
The SING account? A proportional split based on number of majors to each college?) to develop
a “Teacher Education” Banner.
6. Building leadership in Teacher Education
Teacher Education Induction Convocation
This Thurs. Nov. 1
Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Art Center
Next Executive Council Meetings
Fall Semester
November 27 10:00 a.m.
December ???
Teacher Education Senate Meetings - Fall 2012
Elementary Education Senate
Secondary Education Senate
November 8
November 15
December ??