Matters Reading .

The Monthly Newsletter of Kansas State University's Department of English
Reading Matters
Vol. 27, No. 3.
November 2012
Elizabeth Dodd, review of Zfte 'Education I Oct.2012. <httpt I
Face of the Earth: Natural
Landscapes, Science, and
advice/20 12 / 1 0 /0 1 /essayCuhure by SueEIlen Campbell,
moving-adj unct-tenure-trackTom Lynch, Alex Hunt,
Richard Kerridge, and Ellen
. Dave Smit, Ingrid Bergman:
Wotl. cozon@: European
The Life, Career and public
Journal of Literature, Culture
and Enyironment 3.2 (2012)
^Izage. Jefferson, NC:
<http ://
index.php/j oumal/issue/
"House Sparrow at Skara Brae"
and "How Fragile Is" (poems).
The Laurel Review 46.1
(2012): s8-60.
"Long Count in the Present
Time" (essay). A
Journal ofthe Built and
Natural Environments 30
(2012). <htlp'// 0/
Daniel A. Hoyt, "A Bus Full
of Hemingways" (short story).
Denver Quarterly 47 .1 (2012):
"From Adjunct to the Tenure
Bloomington, IN. 20 Oct.
Track;' Inside Higher
Philip Nel, "Adjunct to the
Tenure Track -- Part II."
Inside Higher Education 3 Oct.
2012. <http:l/
adv ice 120 12/ 1 0 /03/essay-howadj uncr got-j ob-tenure-track>.
the Study
Women's Work in FifteenthCenttry England." 20I2
P A ML A C o nfe r e nc e. S eattle,
WA.20 Ocr.2012.
. Phitip Nel, "Crockett Johnson
and Ruth Krauss: How an
Unlikely Couple Found Love,
Dodged the FBI, and
Transformed Chil&en's
Literature" (invited).
Children's Literary Salon.
New York Public Library. New
York, NY. 27 Oct.2012.
American Women Writers
Internationcl C onfer ence.
Denver, CO. 13 Oct.2012.
Theatre Research.
Bromley, Rachel Davidson,
Rachel Dunleavy, Kelsey
Hixson-Bowles, Dan Martin,
Emily Miner, Jessica Reyes,
and Faye Wang. International
Il/riting C e nter s As s ociat ion
Conference. San Diego, CA. 27
Nashville, TN. 3 Nov. 2012.
"The Production of Stupidity:
Scattered Speculations on a
Theoretical Problem." Institute
for Culture and Society, Simon
Fraser University. Vancouver,
BC. 28 June 2012.
. Phillip Marzluf, "'A Mouth
for Speaking, Hands for
Writing' : Twentieth-Century
Socia.list Literacy Sponsors in
Communist Mongolia."
C e ntr al Eur as ian Studi e s
Society Conference.
Kara Northway, "CrossInstitutional Writing Center
Focus Groups: Benefits,
Surprises, and Pitfalls," with
Kanika Agrawal, Pam
Don Hedrick, "Shakespeare's
Assemblages." lmerican
Wendy Matlock, "'For all the
yerne that I may spynne':
Gregory Eiselein, "'Darkness
Made Visible': Louisa May
Alcott and Charles Dickens."
Anne Phillips, Kirsten
Hermreck, and Cara
Langston, "'More Complex
than I Originally Anticipated':
Understanding Mildred
Taylor's and Harper Lee's
Multifaceted Characters."
Kansas Association of
Teachers of Englisft. Wichita,
K5.25 Ocl..2012.
Anne Phillips and Caley ColeRobinson, "'My Soul Has
Grown Deep Like Rivers':
Teaching Jacqueline
Woodson's Zoco motion rnthe
context of Langston Hughes
and the Harlem Renaissance."
Kansas Association of
Tecchers of Englisfr. Wichita,
K5.26 Oct.2012.
Dave Smit and Richard Hoag,
"Perception and Memory:
Multimodal Rules for
Designing Graphic Displays."
B i annual C onfe r e nc e of t he
Design Communication
Association. Stillwater,
riday, November 30,2012,
Union Little Theatre, 3:30
PM. Fiction Reading by
novelist Lauren Groff.
Saturday, December l, 2012,
Manhattan Public Library,
1:00 PM-4:00 PM Join
CMLC to discuss the most
distinguished pictwe books of
Sunday, December 2,2012,
Union Little Theatre, 3:00
PM. Extreme Shakespeare.
Don Hedrick's ENGL 660
class will perform selected
OK. 22Oct.2012.
. Karin Westman,
"The Absent
Presence?: Seeing Children's
Literature and Modemism
through Voyant." Seminar:
"Using Digital Humanities:
Tools to Consider tl-re
Spectacles of Modemist
Scholarship." I 4 th Annual
Modernist Studies Association.
Las Vegas, NV. 20 Oct 2012.
. Donna Potts, "Shared
Govemance in Kansas and
Missouri." Joint meeting of the
Kansas and Missouri State
Conference executive
committees of the Association
of American University
Professors. University of
MissourlKansas City. 20 Oct.
"Performing History through
Genre." Round-Table:
"Beyond Modemist
Periodization: Altematives to
the Canonical Half-Century. "
I4th Annual Modernist Studies
Association. Las Vegas, NV.
19 Oct2012.
"The AAUP: First Principles,"
and "How a Chapter can
Transform your Campus. "
Student Union, University of
Kansas. Lawrence, KS. 18 Oct. AWARDS
. Don Hedrick, Kansas
Humanities Council Grant, for
"How a Chapter can Transform
"Camp Shakespeare," 8-12
your Campus." St. Louis
Jluly 2012.
University. St. Louis, MO. 18
"Strengthening Chapters. "
Nebraska AAUP State
Conference Meeting.
University of Nebraska.
Lincoln, NE. 13 Oct. 2012.
"Occupying the Corporate
Carnprx." AAUP State
Conference Meeting.
University of Colorado.
Boulder, CO. 6 Oct. 2012.
Maggie Borders (MA2012),
"Fulfrlling Expectations: An
Reading Matters is a monthly publication
Examination of Fat Phobia."
ofthe Dcpartment ofEnglish, 108 ECS
Writing by Degrees.
Building, Kansas State University, ManBinghamton University.
hattan, KS 66506-6501. Editors: Philip
Binghamton NY.20 Oct. 2012. Nel, Enily Richards, and Sarah Stueder.
Tuesday, November 13,2012,
Union Little Theatre, 4 PM.
Poetry Reading by Janice
The deadline for the next issue ofReading
Mane,.s is November 281012 at 5 p.m.
Centra.l Time. Please send your news to
Philip Nel, care ofthe above address or
via email at <>.
Thank you.
Reading Mafters is on the web at http://
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