INTRODUCTIONS Section 2: Introductions jièshào 介紹 How will I achieve my targets? Targets for this section My learning targets Done? 1 to be able to give my own name when asked 2 to be able to ask someone else for his/her name 3 to be able to say which country I live in and my nationality when asked 4 to be able to ask someone in which country he/she lives and his/her nationality 5 to be able to give my occupation and to ask someone else for his/her occupation When? TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (ACCESS 3, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2008 1 INTRODUCTIONS Key words for this section Mandarin English nǐjiàoshénme 你 叫 什 麼? What’s your name? nǐshìshuí 你是 誰 ? Who are you? wǒdemíngzishì 我的 名 字 是 / My name is wǒ jiào 我 叫 wǒshì 我是 I’m xìng 姓 surname míng 名 míngzi 名 字 nǐzhùnǎ 你 住 哪? nǐzhùzàinǎli 你 住 在 哪里? wǒzhùzài 我住 在 2 first name Where do you live? I live in Mandarin English xiānggǎng 香 港 xiānggǎngrén 香 港 人 taiwān 臺 灣 taiwānrén 臺 灣 人 Hong Kong měiguó 美 國 měiguórén 美 國 人 rìběn 日本 rìběnrén 日本 人 fǎguó 法國 fǎguórén 法國 人 déguó 德國 déguórén 德國 人 xīnxīlán 新 西蘭 xīnxīlánrén 新 西蘭 人 dìzhǐ 地址 TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (ACCESS 3, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2008 People from Hong Kong Taiwan Taiwanese USA American Japan Japanese France French Germany German New Zealand New Zealander address INTRODUCTIONS dàbúlièdiān 大不 列 顛 dàyīngliánhéwángguó 大英 聯 合王 國 yīngguó 英 國 yīngguórén 英 國 人 yīnggélán 英 格蘭 yīnggélánrén 英 格蘭 人 sūgélán 苏格 蘭 sū gé lán rén 苏 格 蘭 人 ài ěrlán 爱 爾蘭 ài ěr lán rén 爱 爾 蘭 人 wēiěrshì 威 爾士 wēiěrshìrén 威 爾士 人 zhōngguó 中 國 zhōngguórén 中 國人 xīnjiāpō 新 加坡 xīnjiāpōrén 新 加 坡人 Great Britain United Kingdom niánlíng 年 齡 age suì 歳 years old rìqī 日期 date yóubiān 郵 編 postal code guójí 國籍 nationality chéngshì 城 市 city jiē 街 street qiānmíng 簽 名 signature qiānzì 簽 字 to sign (a signature) British England English Scotland Scottish Ireland Irish Wales Welsh China Chinese Singapore Singaporean TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (ACCESS 3, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2008 3 INTRODUCTIONS Exercise 2.1 On the recording you will hear six people saying in Mandarin what their names are. Write down in the grid below their names as they speak. Peter bǐ dé 彼 德 Hannah hán nà 涵 娜 Maria mǎlìyà 瑪麗亞 Order Becky bèijí 貝吉 David dà wěi 大 偉 Karen kǎirén 凱 仁 Name 1 2 3 4 5 My name is David. wǒ de míngzi shì dà wěi 我 的 名 字 是 大 偉。 My score 4 TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (ACCESS 3, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2008 INTRODUCTIONS Exercise 2.2 Listen as a teacher calls out a class register in Mandarin. In which order does (s)he say the names? Write the number (1, 2, 3, etc) beside the name as it is read out. shèngtángmǔxuéxiào St. Thomas School 聖 唐 姆 學 校 nǚhuángzhēn Queenstown 女 皇 鎮 bānjí Class 班 级: 1D pānlǎoshī Teacher: 潘 老 師 nián yī jiǔ jiǔ qī nián Year 年 : 1997 一 九 九 七 年 sì yuè Month月: April 四 月 TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (ACCESS 3, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2008 5 INTRODUCTIONS Name Emma Young àimǎ 愛瑪 Young Catriona Wright kě tíng nà 可 婷 娜 Wright Li Dalong lǐdàlóng 李大 龍 Liu Dehua liúdéhuá 劉 德華 Jack Cairns jiékè 杰 克 Cairns Lynn Chung zhānglín 張 琳 Andrew Chan chénānzhú 陳 安竹 Harry Smith hāli 哈里 Smith 6 TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (ACCESS 3, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2008 Order INTRODUCTIONS Exercise 2.3 Eight people will tell you where they live. Printed in the grid are eight sentences telling you the nationality of these people. Match the number of the spoken sentence with the printed one. My nationality Goes with number 1 I am British 2 I am from China 3 I am Russian 4 I am French 5 I am from Hong Kong 6 I am Taiwanese 7 I am Singaporean 8 I am American My score TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (ACCESS 3, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2008 7 INTRODUCTIONS Mandarin spoken here! You will be asked two of the following questions: what would you say in Mandarin when … 1. You ask someone of your own age for his/her name 2. You ask someone of your own age where he/she lives 3. You give your own name 4. You say in which country you live 5. You say what your nationality is My score 8 TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (ACCESS 3, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2008 INTRODUCTIONS Where do you live? Tell your teacher/lecturer the answer to the question above, using the information below, starting like this … I live in … wǒ zhù zài 我 住 在 China Hong Kong Scotland Singapore Taiwan England 1 2 3 4 5 6 TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (ACCESS 3, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2008 9 INTRODUCTIONS And your nationality is …? nǐ shì nǎ guórén 你 是 哪 國 人? Tell your teacher/lecturer the answer to the question above, using the information below, starting like this… wǒ shì 我 是 。。。 I am … Scottish Chinese English From Hong Kong 1 2 3 4 10 Singaporean Taiwanese 5 6 TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (ACCESS 3, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2008 INTRODUCTIONS Introductions! Imagine you are one of the people whose details appear on the cards below. Read out to your teacher your name, your nationality and the country you live in. Name: Name: Name: Name: Andrew Chan John Smith Michelle Yuen Maria Chang Occupation: Occupation: Occupation: Occupation: Engineer Electrician ICT specialist Teacher Country: Country: Country: Country: China United Kingdom United States Scotland TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (ACCESS 3, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2008 11 INTRODUCTIONS Have a conversation with your teacher. You will be told to follow a route through the conversation, 1, 2, 3 or 4. Use the Chinese words best suited to that route. T/L: 1 Hi! 2 Have a good day! 有個愉快 的一天 3 Good Evening 4 Good Night 2 Fine, thanks 3 Not very well 4 Very well You: (give the best answer) T/L: How are you? You: 1 OK T/L: What’s your name? You: (say your name) T/L: Where do you live? You: (say the town and country you live in) T/L: Goodbye You: ......?...... 12 TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (ACCESS 3, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2008 INTRODUCTIONS My mini dictionary Mandarin dì zhǐ 地 址 niánlíng 年 齡 nián 年 English address age year tián biǎo gé 填 ( 表 格) biǎo gé 表 格 rì qī 日 期 fill in (a form) qǐng 請 xìng 姓 wǒ jiào 我 叫 wǒshì 我是 please form date surname I am called I am Mandarin guójiā 國 家 zài 在 é guó 俄 國 é luosī 俄 羅斯 sū gé lán 苏 格 蘭 sū gé lánrén 苏 格 蘭 人 sū gé lán fù n ǚ 苏 格 蘭 婦女 xīzàng 西藏 fǎ guórén 法 國 人 xīlà 希臘 yīng guó 英 國 English country in Russia Scotland Scottish Scottish woman Tibet French Greece Britain/UK de nǐde 你的 的 makes possessive taiwān 臺 灣 Taiwan your/yours TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (ACCESS 3, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2008 13 INTRODUCTIONS nǐjiào 你叫 zhíyè 職業 gōngchéngshī 工 程 師 yǐshēng 醫生 yàzhōu 亞洲 yàzhōurén 亞洲 人 ōuzhōu 歐洲 ōuzhōurén 歐洲 人 xìnxījìshùzhuān 信 息技 術 專 jiā 家 zī xùn y ǔ tōngxìn 資訊 與 通 信 kējìzhuānjiā 科技 專 家 tàiguó 泰 國 měng gǔ 蒙 古 wǒ de 我 的 14 xīn jiā pō 新 加 坡 àiěrlán job/profession 愛爾 蘭 zhōngguófùnǚ engineer 中 國 婦女 yīng gé lán fùnǚ doctor 英 格 蘭 婦女 You are called Asia Asian Europe European ICT specialist Thailand Mongolia my Ireland Chinese woman Englishwoman yīng gé lán 英 格 蘭 England diàngōng 電 工 electrician lǎoshī 老 師 teacher àodàlìyà 澳大利亞 nán fēi 南 非 yìdàlì 意大利 TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (ACCESS 3, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2008 Singapore Australia South Africa Italy INTRODUCTIONS yuè 月 míng 名 nuó wēi 挪 威 xīzàng 西藏 àodìlìrén 奥地利 人 bō lán rén 波 蘭 人 bō lán 波 蘭 pú táo yá 葡 萄 牙 yóubiān 郵 編 luomǎníyà 羅 馬尼亞 Months are formed numerically by putting the numbers one guójí to twelve 國籍 yuè before 月 ’month (or moon)’ name Norway Tibet Austrian Pole Poland Portugal postal code Romania chéng shì 城 市 jiē 街 jié kè rén 捷 尅 人 jiékègònghéguó 捷 尅 共 和國 qiānmíng 簽 名 míng zì 名 字 jièshào 介 紹 wēiěrshì 威 爾士 wēiěrshìrén 威 爾士 人 Nationality is formed by rén putting 人 after the country city street Czech Czech Republic signature first name introductions Wales Welsh TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (ACCESS 3, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2008 15 INTRODUCTIONS é guó 俄 國/ é luo sī 俄 羅 斯 sūgélánrén 苏格蘭 人 sū gé lán 苏 格 蘭 xué xiào 學 校 ruìdiǎn 瑞 典 ruì shì 瑞 士 ruì shì rén 瑞 士 人 16 Russia Scottish Scotland school Sweden Switzerland Swiss zěnme 怎麽 nǎ li 哪 里 wǒ zhù 我 住 nǐ zhù 你 住 àidīngbǎo 愛丁 堡 gé lā sī gē 格 拉 斯 哥 lúndūn 倫 敦 TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (ACCESS 3, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2008 how where I live you live Edinburgh Glasgow London INTRODUCTIONS Questions and answers When people have a conversation, it is often in the form of question and answer: one person asks a question and the other gives an answer. Here are the important questions and answers in this lesson. Try to remember them! Question Answer What are you called? I am called (name). nǐ jiàoshénme 你 叫 什 麽? wǒjiào 我 叫 。。。 Question Answer What is your name? My name is (name). nǐ shén me míngzi 你 什 麽 名 字? wǒ de míngzi shì 我 的 名 字 是 Question Answer What is your job? I am (job). nǐzuòshénmede 你 做 什 麽的? nǐ de zhíyè shì shénme 你 的 职 业 是 什 麽? wǒ shì 我 是 。。。 Question Answer Where do you live? I live in (town/country). nǐ zhù zài nǎli 你 住 在 哪里? wǒ zhù zài 我 住 在 。。。 Question Answer What is your nationality? I am (nationality). nǐ shì nǎ guó rén 你 是 哪 國 人? wǒ shì 我 是 。。。 TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (ACCESS 3, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2008 17