131 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE February 11, 2013 FROM: PRESIDENT SUBJECT: ENCLOSURE(S) 2011-12 Contributions to Cabrillo College from the Foundation REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ITEM NUMBER INFORMATION Page 1 of 2 C.9 BACKGROUND: Through the generosity of our community, the Cabrillo College Foundation has been able to support students and the college in 2011-12 by providing $4,301,119 in total support to Cabrillo College. $1,923,840 DIRECT SUPPORT TO STUDENTS, DEPARTMENTS, AND PROGRAMS Funds available for 2011-12 for student scholarships, departments, and programs (includes non-endowed gifts and annual payout from endowed gifts): $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 569,528 295,355 146,037 100,000 83,598 68,190 63,646 54,933 49,823 48,737 41,700 30,000 24,891 19,364 15,050 14,194 12,527 12,000 10,058 8,120 7,526 Scholarships Cabrillo Advancement Program (CAP) Stroke Center Bay Area Community College Consortium Health Careers Partnership Visual and Performing Arts Medical Assisting Cabrillo Stage Women’s Educational Success (WES) Academy for College Excellence (ACE) Grants for Faculty and Staff Health Career Academy Allied Health Chinese Class Foster Youth Program Early Childhood Education (ECE) Peace Library Disability Students Programs & Services Veterans’ Services Margo Trombetta Infant Center Solari Green Technology Center Engineering Radiologic Technology Continued next page Administrator Initiating Item: Melinda Silverstein/ Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 132 $1,923,840 $2,377,279 DIRECT SUPPORT TO STUDENTS, DEPARTMENTS, AND PROGRAMS, CON’T: $ 6,390 Nursing $ 6,100 Social Justice Conference $ 6,070 Softball $ 5,220 Student Emergency Support Program $ 5,000 Men’s Water Polo $ 219,783 Direct support to departments and programs with total gifts less than $5,000 NEW PERMANENT ENDOWED GIFTS TO PROVIDE STUDENT, DEPARTMENT, AND PROGRAM SUPPORT IN PERPETUITY New endowment funds providing annual support for scholarships, departments, and programs: $1,027,902 $ 691,006 $ 250,000 perpetuity $ 150,000 $ 112,556 $ 100,000 $ 25,000 $ 20,815 $4,301,119 Endowed Scholarships provide $41,116 annually in perpetuity CAP Endowment provides $27,640 annually in perpetuity Samper Recital Hall Preservation Endowment provides $10,000 annually in Solari Green Tech Center Endowment provides $6,000 annually in perpetuity WES Endowment provides $4,502 annually in perpetuity Samper VAPA Endowment provides $4,000 annually in perpetuity Griffiths Nursing Program Endowment provides $1,000 annually in perpetuity Endowed gifts to various departments and programs TOTAL SUPPORT TO CABRILLO COLLEGE 2011-12