May 7, 2012 Award of Contract: Maas Companies, Inc.,

May 7, 2012
Award of Contract: Maas Companies, Inc.,
Educational and Facilities Master Plan
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In 1992, Cabrillo completed a comprehensive Educational Mater Plan for the District through 2006. The
goals of the plan were to address the need to:
 support current successful instructional programs and student services,
 keep pace with and anticipate the changing needs of the students and communities served by the
 develop partnerships with business and industry within the service area
 develop alternative strategies for delivering instruction to students
 develop a Technology Plan that will fully incorporate technology into all aspects of the operation of
the courses, programs and services of the college
 consider the development of planning strategies for additional educational centers to be located in the
 Develop a facilities Plan that will support anticipated courses, programs and services of the District
for the next decade and that are flexible in design to permit for change in the physical structures as
instructional needs change.
The Educational and Facilities Master Plans need to be updated. MAAS Companies, Inc. will develop new
comprehensive Educational and Facilities Master Plans.
Scope of Work
Online Campus Wide Survey -- Questions will be developed and provided to the committee for input,
revisions and approval. The online survey will be deployed and maintained by MAAS Co. The survey
will be live for 3 weeks. A summary of the results and recommendations based on the findings will be
incorporated into the plan.
Continued next page
Total project cost not to exceed $159,320; bond funds
It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to
execute an agreement with MAAS Companies, Inc. to develop the Educational and Facilities Master Plans.
Administrator Initiating Item:
Victoria Lewis
Academic and Professional Matter
If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement
Senate President Signature
 Yes  No
 Yes  No
Final Disposition
Internal Scan -- Assess the internal environment of the college and the District relative to the current
composition and profile of the students served.
On-Campus Interviews -- Conduct on-campus interviews and meetings with the various stake holders at
the District. Interviews will be conducted over two full days and the committee will determine the list of
participants for the interviews. The findings and a summary of the interview process will be incorporated
into the plan.
External Scan -- Conduct an overview and assessment of the District and the area it serves. Correlate
conditions in the service area, state and nation and identify the potential impacts on the college and District.
Program of Instruction Analysis -- Conduct a section level analysis of the current program of instruction.
Create a baseline curriculum report that reflects the current WSCH values by discipline or program, by
instructional divisions in the college. Create a WSCH generated forecast for each discipline or program.
Open Forum/Campus Wide Presentation -- Hold an open forum to present the draft of the plan and obtain
input from the college stakeholders.
Integrated Planning Cycle -- Connect the integrated planning efforts at the college through a section that
ties together previous accreditation recommendations and progress towards these recommendations,
program review data, student learning outcomes, student success and retention data and enrollment trends
for each discipline.
Future Space Calculations -- Complete a facility capacity analysis to determine the viability of the
physical space to support the current educational program and student support services. Quantify the
total space needs for the college, both instructional and support, in assignable (ASF) for the future.
Evaluate space needs for consistency with the Title V, state Administrative Code standards. Produce a
surplus/deficit analysis for future space requirements. Provide a Financial Plan to fund new facilities; if
it is determined that new facilities are required to serve the programs to be offered. Provide a Total Cost
of Ownership for new facilities if new facilities are needed.
Cabrillo College Educational Master Plan Timeline
April-May 2012
June-July 2012
August 2012
September 2012
October 2012
November 2012
December 2012
January 2013
Online Campus Wide Survey
On-Campus Interviews
Internal Scan
External Scan
Program of Instruction Analysis
Open Forum /Campus Wide Presentation
Integrated Planning Cycle
Future Space Calculations
Open Forum
Final Edits and Formatting
Presentation of Plan to Governing Board
Cabrillo College Facilities Master Plan Timeline
May - June 2012
May - June 2012
June - Aug 2012
June - Aug 2012
Nov - Dec 2012
Nov - Dec 2012
Jan - Feb 2013
Jan - Feb 2013
March 2013
March 2013
April 2013
Historical Analysis /
Summary of Existing Conditions
Physical Capacities Analysis of all campus space
Summary of Interviews Conducted by BFGC Architects
Integration of Schematic Drawings of all rooms &
buildings on campus
Incorporation of Future Facility Projections
Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
Analysis of Facilities Utilization
Proposed Scheduling Matrix by Room & Building
Master Plan Secondary Effects Recommendations
Estimated Financial Plan and Recommended Phase Planning
Presentation of Plan to Governing Board