AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT November 1, 2010 SUBJECT: Information Technology Update REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION INFORMATION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 2 E.9 Technology Planning The creation of a Tech Plan Development Committee was approved by the Tech Committee at its October 14th meeting. The charge of the Tech Plan Development Committee is to recommend an overall organizational approach for the Technology Plan and to gather additional information where necessary via task forces, surveys, and/or focus groups. The Tech Plan Development Committee has three meetings scheduled for the fall 2010 semester with an additional three meetings anticipated in the spring. A first draft of the 2011 – 2014 Technology Plan is expected by January 2011 to allow time for further input and development before going to the Board of Trustees in June 2011. The Tech Plan Development Committee had its kickoff meeting on October 20th to discuss the organizational structure of the 2011-2014 Technology Plan. The committee reviewed the structure of the current Technology Plan and found that it provided a good general outline. The committee did recommend the deletion of some organizational areas, such as student printing, which are associated with projects that have already been successfully completed. There were recommendations for some additional organizational areas, as well, such as green computing, server virtualization, and mobile computing. Finally, the overall organization of the plan will be modified to further highlight how technology at Cabrillo facilitates the delivery of student services and instruction in ways that contribute to student success. Web Advisor The electronic version of Late Add Codes was fully implemented for the Fall 2010 Late Add period. Feedback from both students and faculty was very positive. Paper add slips are no longer accepted and A&R no longer manually enters the Adds. This was an extremely complex project and Marcy Wieland is to be commended for her research, excellent programming skills, and problem-free implementation. In order to comply with the Higher Education Opportunity Act Section 133, we added functionality for students to be able to link to the bookstore’s extensive database to look up the price of their textbooks at the time of registration. Administrator Initiating Item: Brian King Craig Hayward Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition (Continued on next page…) We went live with the Verify My Student Information form where students are able to update items required for MIS state reporting such as major, educational goal, special services needs, disadvantaged status (CalWorks, AFDC, SSI, GA), single parent status, displaced homemaker status, and migrant worker status. We delivered functionality requested by faculty that allows them to email all students enrolled in a section from their online roster. For Spring 2010 we plan to deliver WebAdvisor functionality that will involve all employees of the college. This will include pay advices (direct deposit notification), and W2 information for tax purposes. WebAdvisor login id’s and initial passwords will be created and distributed to all employees who do not already have access. There will be savings as printing and mailing costs are eliminated. Also in Spring 2010, we will be delivering 1098T’s to students via WebAdvisor. This form is used to claim tax credit for higher education. The 1098T is an informational statement that lets the student know what information has been sent to the IRS. Cabrillo is required by the IRS to issue 1098T’s. Document Imaging Update We continue to work to bring phase I of the Document Imaging Project (Financial Aid) to successful completion. The core of the system is functional, but he project team remains focused on finding solutions for three areas that will bring additional functionality online: automated demographics fill for students when they logon; managing automatic server updates in a way that does not interfere with automated software processes; and resolving final issues around automated communication with students. Additionally, the project team will be installing a self-serve scanner for students. We are encouraged that Softdocs staff reports that Cabrillo has brought Softdocs functionality up faster than any other college has before and that our project scope is wider and includes more functionality than that of other colleges. Phone System Cabrillo staff worked with AMS engineers to upgrade the Cisco software that controls our VOIP phone system. The Call Manager and UCCX upgrades (call center) were conducted on Saturday October 16th, with the majority of the work happening after 6 PM in order to minimize the impact on campus staff and students. Cabrillo’s upgrade to Communications Manager 8.0 went very well, except for a lack of Cisco documentation regarding the end of support for the Attendant Console plugin, used by campus operators. The disruption in the software that campus operators had been using to route incoming calls required some fast problem solving by Cabrillo staff and the AMS engineers. Fortunately, a hardware solution was found which involved adding additional hardwired buttons (via “sidecars”) to two operator workstations, replacing the functionality that had been lost by the end of the day on Monday, October 18th. -2-