March 7, 2011 and AB 131 (Cedillo)

March 7, 2011
Resolution 018-11: In Support of the California Dream Act AB 130
and AB 131 (Cedillo)
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At the request of a trustee, Resolution 018-11 in support of AB 130 and AB 131 (Cedillo), the California
Dream Act, has been prepared for the consideration of the Cabrillo College Governing Board
Fiscal Impact:
Resolution 018-11: In support of the California Dream Act is provided for Governing Board information.
The resolution will be brought back as an action item at the April Governing Board meeting.
Administrator Initiating Item:
Brian King, President
Academic and Professional Matter
If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement
Senate President Signature
 Yes  No
 Yes  No
Final Disposition
On the motion of Trustee
Duly seconded by Trustee
The following Resolution is adopted:
Resolution 018-11
Resolution in Support of the California Dream Act
AB 130 and AB 131 (Cedillo)
WHEREAS, the mission of Cabrillo Community College District is to enhance the
intellectual, cultural, and economic vitality of its diverse community by assisting all
students in their quest for lifelong learning and success in an ever-changing world;
WHEREAS, the California Dream Act falls in line with our mission to promote
economic development by allowing AB 540 students attending community colleges to
apply and compete for student aid; and
WHEREAS, the California Dream Act promotes individual responsibility by
encouraging students who have been raised as Californians to become responsible
educated adults and productive members of our communities; and
WHEREAS, AB 540 students should be encouraged to become teachers, doctors,
engineers, and productive members of our workforce; and
WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of our state’s economy to have an educated
workforce to provide the innovation necessary to keep California competitive in the
global economy; and
WHEREAS, under current California law, students applying for public colleges and
universities who do not possess lawful immigration status are eligible to receive instate tuition if they have signed an affidavit stating they will apply for legal status,
attended a California high school for at least three years, and graduated from a
California high school; and
WHEREAS, many of these students who are in
immigrants and eligible for in-state tuition do not
student aid even if they are financially needy,
unattainable for many of these students who have
the process of becoming legal
qualify for any state or federal
and college is still financially
grown up in our neighborhoods;
WHEREAS, the California Dream Act would allow U.S. citizens and undocumented
AB 540 students to apply and compete for institutional and state administered
student aid; and
WHEREAS, the California Dream Act would allow U.S. citizens and undocumented
AB 540 students to apply for the Board of Governors Community College fee
waivers; and
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WHEREAS, the California Dream Act would make clarifying changes to the
education code by using the term “secondary school” in place of the existing term
“high school”;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Cabrillo Community College District Board
of Trustees feels that it is important for this district to continue encouraging students,
regardless of immigration status, to strive to gain a higher education; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Cabrillo Community College District Board of
Trustees encourages all California legislators to fully support legislation to enact the
California Dream Act in the coming legislative session.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, on this 11th day of April 2011 that the Cabrillo
Community College District Board of Trustees adopts Resolution 018-11 in support of
the California Dream Act, AB 130 and AB 131 (Cedillo).
Chairperson of the Board
Secretary to the Board
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