Cabrillo College is entering an agreement with San Jose State... Department to offer a 2 + 2 program for Cabrillo... March 7, 2011

March 7, 2011
Cabrillo College and SJSU Global Studies Partnership
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Cabrillo College is entering an agreement with San Jose State University’s Global Studies
Department to offer a 2 + 2 program for Cabrillo students. SJSU offers an online degree program
in global studies, which provides foundational knowledge about the economic, political, social
and environmental forces that are transforming our world. Students will be able to complete a
degree online from anywhere in the world. It will prepare students for careers in government, the
non-profit sector, pubic health, international business and law, and global journalism. Under this
agreement Cabrillo College students with 60 transferable units, including the CSU GE breadth,
are eligible for priority admission at junior level status.
It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the Partnership Agreement between
Cabrillo College and SJSU University. It is further recommended that the Vice President,
Instruction be authorized to make all necessary arrangements in relation to this agreement.
Administrator Initiating Item:
Renée M. Kilmer, Vice President, Instruction
Academic and Professional Matter
If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement
Senate President Signature
 Yes  No
 Yes  No
Final Disposition
Tabled until April
University Partnership
Cabrillo College
San Jose State University Global Studies Online Program
The San José State University Global Studies Online program is a degree-completion program. It is designed for
students who have completed their lower division coursework and who wish to complete the remaining, upper
division courses required for a Bachelor of Arts degree in Global Studies while taking advantage of the flexibility and
convenience of online learning.
To be admitted to the program, Cabrillo College students must be eligible for admission to San José State University
with Junior-level standing. Completion of a transferable degree including 39 units of General Education at Cabrillo
will fulfill all the lower division requirements for the Global Studies major. Although a foreign language is not
required for admission, in order to graduate, candidates for the Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies at San José State
University must demonstrate college-level, intermediate speaking, reading and writing ability in a language other
than English. Two years of college-level language study is usually sufficient to prepare students to satisfy this
Cabrillo College and San Jose State University Global Studies Online Program are entering into a partnership that
will benefit Cabrillo College students.
According to this Agreement, Cabrillo College will provide a link to the Global Studies Online (GSO) program on
the Articulation Website and provide all online students with the information about the program:
 Introduction of San José State University’s Global Studies Online program and contact information
 Brief description of the program and program requirements
 Summary of program benefits, which include the ability to complete the degree online from anywhere in the
 List SJSU Global Studies Program as a college partner on the Cabrillo College Distance Education website
 List of current fee structure of the program, as the online fee structure differs from that of the face-to-face
undergraduate programs
According to this Agreement, San Jose State University Global Studies Online program will:
 Allow Cabrillo College students to complete a transfer agreement with the Global Studies Online program
up to their last semester at Cabrillo
 Provide priority registration and enrollment privileges for eligible Cabrillo College students
 List Cabrillo as a community college partner on SJSU’s website
The Global Studies Online program is modeled on the residential program offered by San José State University.
Successful completion of the program leads to a Bachelors of Arts degree in Global Studies granted by San José State
University. The program is being implemented in collaboration with San Diego State University and California State
University, Monterey Bay, and draws its faculty from all three campuses. The Global Studies Online program is
separately accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).
This agreement shall be in effect for three years, at which time the parties have the option to renew for another three
Cabrillo College
Renée M. Kilmer
Vice President of Instruction
Cabrillo College
Organization: SJSU Global Studies Online Program
Michael Conniff
Global Studies Int’l & Extended Studies
San Jose State University