Who and how many trains Russia's system of education Analysis of human resources in Russia in general gives only a rough idea of trends in the market supply of labor resources. Russia-wide labor market is formed and exists as a set of regional and sectoral labor markets, which have their specificity, their status is determined by many factors: the structure and level of economic development, population mobility, infrastructure, etc. Alumni and university students Of the 1.3 million college graduates is about 40% - lawyers and economists (Fig. 9). According to the forecast MES in the near future the number of lawyers and economists, who are already too many, will grow. In 2004 the college of economic and legal profession received 231.1 thousand people (will graduate in 2009), which accounted for 17% of the total number of accepted students against 20.5% a year earlier (Rosstat data). According to the head of Ministry of Education Andrei Fursenko, not every university is able to produce a good professional economist. The experts call among the universities, whose graduates have a system of knowledge, and training plans are built to meet modern trends of economic development, Moscow State University, CEA them. Plekhanov, SU-HSE. The other institutions are not peculiar to fully mentioned characteristics, they are not focused on practical work, and employers are much more difficult to adapt their graduates. Figure 9. The number of graduates in specialties (thousands) In high schools, administered by the Federal Agency for Education, the number of budget places on the field of economic and management in 2008 decreased by 8,4%, on humanitarian fields, including legal, - by 7,7%. At the same time will increase the number of budget places in occupations related to information and computer technology that meets the market trends - the specialists of IT-sphere is one of the most popular over the past five years. While the gap between the needs of the market and the release of young professionals in the IT-industry small, but, as predicted by the Rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy, Russia in the coming years will face a shortage of specialists in the field of high technologies. From 2004 to 2006 the number of graduates by field of computer science and computer science increased from 17.5 thousand to 20.5 thousand. A significant proportion of higher education issues remain the teachers (11,4%) and humanities (14.6%). Universities of the country are preparing a sufficiently large number of engineers in all specialties. However, the overwhelming part of them does not go after studying the production of a number of reasons: short term planning. Youth in the short term can make more revenue in other sectors of the economy than in material production (excluding oil and gas sector); lack of young people the necessary motivation and the need for "soft" money, which is difficult to get working on the engineering professions; remoteness of new production from the residence. The country has relatively weak in the internship system, as well as the transfer of practical knowledge and experience from the old to the new generation. Metallurgy In the legacy of the Soviet Union, Russia inherited dozens of specialized high schools, preparing a metallurgical engineer. Now there are about 40 and none of them are private universities. After the crisis of the mid 1990's, in the late 1990's - early 2000-ies Again, students were pulled in industrial high schools, the number of students in just a few years grew by more than 1,5 times. Having reached the mid 2000's about 25 thousand people, it has stabilized. Thus, in the late 2000's in Russia will finish the year higher education institutions 5 thousand engineers, metallurgists-essential personnel a source of growing metallurgical industry of the country. Now in nonferrous and ferrous metallurgy in Russia, employing about 1.2 million people, of which higher education are about 100 thousand people. Metallurgical engineer, as a rule, cook college, located in regions with large and Steel Works (Novokuznetsk, Lipetsk, Magnitogorsk). Construction of railways In Russia currently are 8 universities and 22 of the head of the branch, preparing engineers, railwaymen for the construction of railways and track facilities. Lead universities located in each federal district (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk and Khabarovsk) - in cities where the largest branch railways. Like other technical universities in many of the "transport" universities shifted, opening new non-core areas and entering the paid training. For example, Rostov State University of Communications now has 10,1 thousand students, while non-core departments to learn more than 3 thousand students. Specialty "The construction of railways and track facilities" are only about 800 people, of whom about half are enrolled in absentia and fee . Quality of education is low, respectively, although the gains from the university is high. And the labor market as a result gets half-taught "experts". Similar situation in the Siberian Transport University, where more than half the students are not on the profile of high school. Total in Russia, specializing in the construction of railways and track facilities, trained about 10 thousand people, half of whom are studying in absentia and another 40% on paid departments. Accordingly, the labor market every year comes with a full-time office about 1 thousand engineers, railwaymen. And this situation persists over the last 5-7 years. Automotive In Russia 24 University prepare specialists in the automotive industry. Specializing in automobile and tractor "learns about 8 thousand students. Their number has increased in recent years, slightly increasing the number of students of correspondence courses, which account for about 40% of all future engineers carmakers. The main part of their education on a fee basis. The annual output is about 1.5 thousand people. Leading training centers - Moscow State Industrial University (about 1,6 thousand students) and Moscow State Technical University "MAMI" (1,4 thousand students). Higher education with a specialty automotive, located in practically every city in Russia, which has a large automobile assembly plant (Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Ulyanovsk, Izhevsk, Kurgan, Naberezhnye Chelny, the exception is Togliatti), as well as centers of tractor (Volgograd, Lipetsk, Chelyabinsk and etc.). Unlike Moscow university number of students in universities in these cities is stable, although in some cases, existing specialty closed. A common argument that the domestic auto industry will not survive, corresponds to reality, given the trends in the technical training industry. Power Currently, full-time faculties, designed to serve such a complex industry like electric power and energy engineering, finishing about 5-6 thousand engineers a year, which is not enough for modern Russia, and for the realization of future large-scale projects. It is characteristic that in Russia practically discontinued Engineers hydropower, as the Millennium new hydropower plant were not built. In Russian universities and virtually no training of engineers specializing in non-conventional and renewable sources of energy. " From 1998 to 2003 there was almost a doubling of the number of the students in the "Power Plants", "Electric Power Systems and Networks, thermal power plants," "industrial combined heat and power, but the main growth took place in the external students and externs, whereas the increase in the number of full-time students form of training was not more than 30%. Nanotechnology The government has identified the development of nanotechnology a priority, equal in importance to national projects. To facilitate the implementation of state policy in nanotechnology, the development of innovation infrastructure, projects a future of nanotechnology and nano-created state-owned corporation Rosnanotekh. At its funding will be allocated about $ 7 billion. But in Russia there is no certified specialists in this field. Specialty, as such, appeared only in 2003 and since then has taught in several universities. In 2006, at a special "nano", "Nanotechnologies in electronics and nanomaterials" uchilos about 770 students in 19 universities of the country. The leader in the number of students is the Kabardino-Balkar State University X. M. Berbekova (about 110 students), which this year was the first in Russia produces graduates "nanotechnology." Characteristically, in the South of Russia has the largest concentration of universities, offering an education on these specialties (in Stavropol, Novocherkassk, Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog, Nalchik). In Moscow, the four "nanovuza" cook until 230 students per year. Figure 10. Admission to universities for specialization schools thousands A leader among federal districts of Russia by the number of students receiving higher education - Central Federal District, in the 2006/07 academic year there studying 2.3 million college students, representing 31.5% of the total number of students in Russia. Then after the CFA should Volga Federal District with 1.46 million students, South Federal District - 964.7 thousand people, Siberian - 938.9 thousand, Northwest - 742.3 thousand, Urals - 586,3 thousand. All federal districts from one year to increase the number of university students by an average of 3,5%, with the exception of the Far Eastern District, where higher education in 2006/07 academic year, received 318.4 thousand students against 319.5 thousand a year earlier. In the Central Federal District leaders in the number of students of public and private higher educational institutions - Moscow (1.28 million), Moscow (165 thousand) and the Voronezh region (128,3 thousand students). In the North-West Federal District in this indicator is leading St. Petersburg (439,5 thousand students), followed by a wide margin followed Vologda (50.6 thousand), Arkhangelsk (48.1 thousand) and the Kaliningrad region (40,5 thousand ). In the SFD most university students in the Rostov region (220.1 thousand), the Krasnodar Territory (176.3 thousand), Stavropol Territory (136.4 thousand) and Dagestan (118.9 thousand). In the Volga Federal District, the bulk of the students have to Tatarstan (228 thousand), Nizhny Novgorod region (192.4 thousand), Samara region (177.5 thousand) and Bashkortostan (161.5 thousand). In the Urals Federal District high schools are concentrated in industrial regions - in the Sverdlovsk region learns 211.1 thousand students, in the Chelyabinsk -171.1 thousand. In the Siberian Federal District on the number of university students lead Novosibirsk region (170.9 thousand), Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk region (on 130,6 thousand). In the very smallest number of students in the Far East Federal District, the bulk of specialists with higher education is being prepared in the Primorsky Territory -101.9 thousand. Figure 11. The leaders among the regions on the number of university students in 2006/07 academic year, thousands of people Regarding secondary education, the bulk of the Specialists level (25%) is prepared in the Volga Federal District - 633.8 thousand people. Total in Russia, according to the 2006/07 academic year, about 2.5 million people were receiving secondary vocational education. At the same time on all the federal districts the number of vocational school students from year to year decline, and this trend is observed since 2003. In general, Russia, they have dropped in 2006 to 3%. Thus, we can state that the focus of new training centers in Russia are the Central and Volga federal districts: in CFD studies third Russian university students and 22% of students in specialized secondary schools in the PPO - 20% and 25% respectively.