NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Chinese Languages Education and Work – School and College Traditional Mandarin Teacher’s Guide [HIGHER] The Scottish Qualifications Authority regularly reviews the arrangements for National Qualifications. Users of all NQ support materials, whether published by Learning and Teaching Scotland or others, are reminded that it is their responsibility to check that the support materials correspond to the requirements of the current arrangements. Acknowledgement Learning and Teaching Scotland gratefully acknowledges this contribution to the National Qualifications support programme for Chinese Languages. © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 This resource may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes by educational establishments in Scotland provided that no profit accrues at any stage. 2 EDUCATION AND WORK: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 Contents Introduction 4 Answers to activities Unit 1 中学生活 Activity 1: Listening comprehension Activity 2: Reading comprehension 9 10 Unit 2 中考和高考 Activity 1: Listening comprehension Activity 2: Reading comprehension 12 13 Unit 3 暑假打工 Activity 1: Listening comprehension Activity 2: Reading comprehension Activity 4: Reading comprehension 15 17 18 Unit 4 考研与就业 Activity 1: Reading comprehension Activity 3: Listening comprehension 19 20 EDUCATION AND WORK: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 3 INTRODUCTION Introduction This resource has been developed to support the delivery of S cottish Qualifications Authority Higher Chinese languages. It covers the topics of education and work. The aim of this material is to develop a range of learners’ skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The resource consists of four units of work, covering the following topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. high school life the examination system in China: senior high school entrance exam and college entrance exam summer jobs further education and employment. Each unit contains the following: short-term learning targets for the unit: these reflect requi rements for Assessment is for Learning and give opportunity for practice self-assessment is included at the end of each unit so that students can monitor their progress teaching materials in the form of worksheets with listening and reading activities; a word list is also provided for each listening and reading activity to support students who find using a dictionary difficult directed-speaking and directed-writing tasks, which can be used as selfassessment as well as peer assessment exercises language points, followed by a multiple-choice or sentence-making exercise (‘Over to you’). However, the following topic development areas required at Higher level are not included: 4 issues in relationships with friends/family role of the individual in the home and in society advantages/disadvantages of home area health issues EDUCATION AND WORK: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 INTRODUCTION comparison of types of holiday/travel past holidays/journeys critique of a local area in Scotland as a tourist centre areas of interest in target language country/countries and beyond . Articulation with Curriculum for Excellence ‘The purpose of Curriculum for Excellence is to ensure that all the children and young people of Scotland develop the attributes, knowledge and skills they will need if they are to flourish in life, learning an d work, now and in the future.’ This resource for Higher Chinese languages echoes the requirements of Curriculum for Excellence in the following ways: Successful learners Literacy: reading and understanding the texts in Chinese with: enthusiasm and motivation for learning determination to reach high standards of achievement openness to new thinking and ideas Communication: communicating in Chinese languages with teachers, students or people from Mandarinspeaking countries Numeracy: understanding time, telephone numbers and money in Chinese languages and able to: use literacy, communication and numeracy skills use technology for learning think creatively and independently learn independently and as part of a group make reasoned evaluations link and apply different kinds of learning in new situations Think creatively and independently: expressing personal views on different issues in China, for example parents accompanying children to exams Learn independently and as part of a group: all the activities in this material can be adapted to be used with individual students, or with a group of students Make reasoned evaluations: students should be encouraged to conduct selfassessment exercises EDUCATION AND WORK: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 5 INTRODUCTION Confident individuals with: self-respect a sense of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing secure values and beliefs ambition and able to relate to others and manage themselves pursue a healthy and active lifestyle be self-aware develop and communicate their own beliefs and view of the world live as independently as they can assess risk and make informed decisions achieve success in different areas of activity 6 Relate to others and manage themselves: talking about extracurricular activities of their own and of their friends, understanding the advantages and disadvantages of taking part in extra-curricular activities Becoming self-aware: comparing the differences between life as a high school student in Scotland and in China, understanding their own exams, and their own future plans Develop and communicate their own beliefs and view of the world: giving opinions on different issues in China, understanding more aspects about China Live as independently as they can: talking about part-time jobs EDUCATION AND WORK: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 INTRODUCTION Responsible citizens with: respect for others commitment to participate responsibly in political, economic, social and cultural life and able to: develop knowledge and understanding of the world and Scotland’s place in it understand different beliefs and cultures make informed choices and decisions evaluate environmental, scientific and technological issues develop informed, ethical views of complex issues Develop knowledge and understanding of the world and Scotland’s place in it: comparing different education/exam systems between China and Scotland, understanding the current employment situation in China and in Scotland Understand different beliefs and cultures: understand the reason why parents in China wish to accompany their children to exams, and what high school life is like in China Make informed choices and decisions: future plans, going to university or looking for a job Develop informed, ethical views on complex issues: develop awareness of educational issues in China and be able to give opinions EDUCATION AND WORK: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 7 INTRODUCTION Effective contributors with: an enterprising attitude resilience self-reliance and able to: communicate in different ways and in different settings work in partnership and in teams take the initiative and lead apply critical thinking in new contexts create and develop solve problems 8 Communicate in different ways and in different settings: the activities in this resource help develop students’ skills in speaking, reading, listening and writing in Chinese Work in partnership and in teams: students should be encouraged to work with others and learn from each other when doing the activities in this material Apply critical thinking in new contexts: learners need to be advised to think critically and give opinions on, for example, students taking part-time jobs Create and develop: students should use the new vocabulary and, after learning the grammar and sentence structures, students should be encouraged to create new sentences of their own EDUCATION AND WORK: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITES Answers to activities Unit 1 中学生活 Activity 1: Listening comprehension You are on an exchange programme, visiting a secondary school in Nanjing, China. You hear your exchange partner, Wang Jing, answering questions another visitor is asking about the school. Listening transcript 來訪者: 王靜: 聽說, 你們的學校不錯? 對,我們的學校是一所著名的重點中學,既有初中部也有高中部。 每年都有大量的新同學來我們學校上學。 來訪者: 王靜: 你覺得你們學校好在什麼地方呢? 第一,我們學校有一流的師資,老師們不僅工作非常認真,而且對 學生很有愛心。第二,我們學校的各種設施非常齊全:有體育館、 實驗樓、音樂廳,每個教室裡都有電腦。 來訪者: 王靜: 學校的考試成績怎樣呢? 我們中考和高考的成績年年都排在全市前三名。 來訪者: 王靜: 學生有些什麼樣的課外活動? 各個學科都有興趣小組,比如地理小組,他們經常組織學生去植物 園,有的時候還去野外,很有意思。 來訪者: 還有什麼其它的課外活動嗎? 王靜: 很多啊,喜歡運動的同學可以參加籃球隊、排球隊等體育俱樂部。 喜歡音樂的同學可以參加管弦樂隊或者合唱團。另外,還有文學 社、話劇社等等。 來訪者: 學生家長反對學生參加課外活動嗎? 王靜: 不,大多數的家長鼓勵孩子參加課外活動。因為絕大部分的學生是 獨生子女,參加課外活動可以有更多的機會和同齡人交流,也可以 交到更多的朋友。 EDUCATION AND WORK: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 9 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES After you’ve listened to their conversation, answer the following questions. (a) What type of school is this school? This is a famous key secondary school, with both lower and upper school s (junior high and senior high). (b) In which aspects does this school excel? They have first-class teaching staff. They are well-equipped with various facilities. (c) How are the school’s academic results? Every year, the results of the senior high school entrance exam and the college entrance exam are among the top three in the whole city. (d) What kind of activities can students do in a geography interest group? Visit the Botanic Garden and go on outings. (e) Apart from interest groups, there are many clubs available as well. Mention any three clubs. Basketball club, volleyball club, orchestra, choir, writing group, drama club (Any three of the above) (f) Why do most parents encourage their children to take part in extra curricular activities? As most students are single children in the family, their parents think that taking part in extra-curricular activities is a good way for their children to communicate with other students of their age and make more friends Activity 2: Reading comprehension After you’ve read the article, answer the following questions . (a) What extra-curricular activity is Huang Yu taking part in? She is a member of the school orchestra. (b) Why can’t Huang Yu join the school choir? Because the rehearsal time of the school choir is exactly the same as that of the orchestra. (c) What is Li Fei’s hobby? He likes writing, especially poems and prose. 10 EDUCATION AND WORK: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITES (d) What is the Spring Rain Writing Group responsible for nowadays? It is responsible for the school newspaper and the school magazine. (e) What are the normal hours of basketball training every week? From Monday to Friday: one and a half hours after school On Saturdays: half day (f) Where do students in Qian Jing’s school go for outings? Some very famous tourist attraction areas, some parks in the outskirts of Nanjing or sometimes some parks that they are very familiar with. (g) Translate ‘但其實去哪裡並不十分重要,關鍵是我們能離開課堂,走進大 自然,享受陽光和新鮮的空氣,和朋友們一起野餐,踢球,放風箏等 等。這些都讓我們感到愉快和放鬆。’ into English. But, in fact, we don’t care that much about where to go. The most important thing is that we can get out of the classroom and walk outside in nature, enjoy the sunshine and fresh air, and go for picnics, play football or fly kites with friends. All these make us feel happy and relaxed. EDUCATION AND WORK: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 11 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES Unit 2 中考和高考 Activity 1: Listening comprehension You pen friend, Wu Tian, is an S6 student in Chongqing, China. Wu Tian’s mum is talking to him at breakfast time about his forthcoming exam. Listening transcript 媽媽: 兒子,馬上就要高考了,你准備得怎麼樣了?緊張嗎? 吳天: 媽媽,我准備得很好,不緊張。我對自己有信心。 媽媽: 你一直都是個很有主見,很有自信心的孩子,所以爸爸媽媽對你很放 心。 吳天: 媽媽,你是醫生,爸爸是公司的經理,兩個人工作都很忙,所以我常 常要自己管好自己呀。 媽媽: 你的很多同學高考那天都由父母陪著去考場。但是,我們的工作單位 請假不容易,所以,你參加高考的時候,我們不會陪你去。你自己行 麼? 吳天: 媽媽,別把我當小孩子了。父母陪我考試,我覺得完全沒有必要,因 為我們都是成年人了,不應該因為考試而受到特殊照顧。 媽媽: 兒子,你這樣想就太好了。高考確實很重要,關系到你將來上大學, 但也不 要因為一場考試把自己弄得太緊張。 吳天: 媽媽,這我懂。考試隻是用來檢驗自己的。我平時學習很努力,一直 都名列 前茅,高考時,我會盡力發揮自己的水平的。 媽媽:這樣就對了,爸爸媽媽一定會為你加油的。不要有太大的壓力,盡力就 好了。 吳天:謝謝媽媽。 After you’ve listened to the conversation, answer the following questions . (a) What exam is Wu Tian going to sit? The College Entrance Exam. (b) What kind of child is Wu Tian in his parents’ eyes? He is a very confident person as well as a person with his own views. (c) Why does Wu Tian have to take care of himself? Because both his parents are very busy with their work. 12 EDUCATION AND WORK: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITES (d) What does Wu Tian think of parents accompanying their kids to the exams? It is not necessary. (e) In Wu Tian’s opinion, what is an exam for? It is a way to check how he is doing. Activity 2: Reading comprehension After you’ve read the article, answer the following questions . (a) In Mr Wang’s opinion, what can parents do for their children when they are preparing for an exam? Mention two things. Make sure their children eat well and rest well. Accompany their children to the exams. (b) What benefits does Mr Wang think his daughter will gain if he accompanies her to the exam? Reduce her pressure and help her if there is any emergency. (c) Why can’t Zhou Xin’s parents accompany him to his exams? Because they have to work in the fields every day. (d) What is Zhou Xin planning to do in the future? He is planning to study in the university then find a good job. (e) Why does Wang Wei not want his parents to accompany him to the exam? Mention any two reasons. He is not a child any more. His home is very close to the school where he is sitting the exam. Teachers from his own school are on duty all the time. If there’s anything happening, the teachers will help him. (Any two of the above) (f) How does Wang Wei feel about the exam when his parents stay outside his exam room and wait until he finishes? He becomes a little nervous. (g) What is Mr Li’s opinion on parents accompanying their children to the exams? He is against it. He thinks parents should respect their children’s feelings. EDUCATION AND WORK: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 13 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES (h) Translate: ‘我們要培養學生的健康心態。參加考試,本身就是一種鍛 煉,對他們的成長和將來適應社會都有好處。家長應該以平常心對待, 這樣學生才能在考試中更好地發揮自己的水平。’ into English. We should foster our students to have a healthy mindset and attitude. Sitting exams (in itself) is good training to help them grow up and fit into society in the future. Parents should treat exams in a normal way so that the students can do their best in exams. 14 EDUCATION AND WORK: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITES Unit 3 暑假打工 Activity 1: Listening comprehension In China, all students can have nearly 2 months summer holiday. Liu Yufei, a university student, is talking to his friend about part -time jobs for the summer holidays. Listening transcript: 同學: 劉宇飛, 放暑假了,你准備做些什麼? 劉宇飛: 我准備暑假裡先找份兼職工作做,然后去旅游。 同學: 劉宇飛: 兼職工作不太好找吧?你想去餐館打工,還是做什麼別的? 我有兩年做家教的經驗,做家教我感覺比較自信,我想我還是繼續 做家教吧。 同學: 喜歡這個工作嗎? 劉宇飛: 我挺喜歡這個工作的,因為很有成就感,我輔導的學生學習成績都 有很大地提高。 同學: 你現在在大學學什麼專業? 劉宇飛: 我是學物理的。 同學: 你能輔導中學生什麼學科呢? 劉宇飛: 呵呵,學我們這個專業能輔導的學科多了,而且我的理科本來就學 得很好, 所以初中和高中數學、物理和化學,我都可以輔導。同學: 那你是怎麼對學生進行輔導的呢? 劉宇飛: 我並不會一味地給學生做練習題,我會幫他們分析和掌握重點知 識。 同學: 那很好,你果然是個有經驗的家教老師啊!你們同學做家教的多不 多? 劉宇飛: 還是挺多的。我的好朋友胡曉麗,是英文專業的學生,已通過英語 專業八級考試。 她就常常做家教。 同學: 英文家教應該也很受歡迎吧? 劉宇飛: 對。因為她特別細心,又從大一開始就一直做家教,非常有經驗, 因此,她受到許多學生和家長的歡迎。她上學期間一個星期要做三 次家教。 同學: 那你們覺得做家教對你們有什麼好處呢? EDUCATION AND WORK: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 15 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES 劉宇飛: 好處很多。第一,我們可以賺點零花錢。畢竟我們都是成年人了, 老是跟家裡人要錢不太好意思。第二,做家教能培養我們的耐心和 愛心。還有,做家教和做其他工作一樣,能培養我們的責任感。 After you’ve listened to their conversation, answer the following questions . (a) What is Liu Yufei’s plan for the summer holidays? Find a part-time job then do some travelling. (b) Liu Yufei has 2 years’ experience of working as a private tutor. How does he feel about being a private tutor? Confident. (c) He enjoys being a private tutor. Why? He has a sense of achievement/ the students he helped h ave greatly improved. (d) What does Liu Yufei study at university? Physics. (e) What subjects can he offer to teach as a private tutor for both junior and senior middle school students? Mention any two. Maths, physics, chemistry (Any two of the above) (f) Apart from doing practice exercises, what else does he do to help students? He helps students to analyse and grasp the learning points. (g) Many of Yufei’s friends work as part -time tutors as well. What qualification does his friend Hu Xiaoli have in English? She passed the Test for English Majors, Band 8. (h) Why is Hu Xiaoli so popular among parents and students? She is careful/considerate and experienced. (i) How often does Hu Xiaoli work as a private tutor during term time? Three times a week. (j) Give any two advantages of being a private tutor according to Liu Yufei. Earn some pocket money, build up our patience and care for other,/ promote a sense of responsibility (Any two of the above) 16 EDUCATION AND WORK: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITES Activity 2: Reading comprehension After you’ve read the article, answer the following questions. (a) How many university students have part-time jobs? One-third (b) Xiao Ming has decided that he will work during the summer holidays. Why? Give any two reasons. His home is too far away, travel is expensive, he can earn some money doing a summer job. (Any two of the above) (c) There are many ways to get job information. Mention any three. From school information board, friends and relatives, careers fair, local newspaper and websites. (d) Students will do various jobs during the summer holiday. Me ntion any two. Distributing flyers, waiter or waitress, supermarket sales assistant. (e) Why do most of the students feel that it is not easy to find a summer job? Give any two reasons. The private tutor market is saturated, many companies are not willing to hire part-time employees, college students don't know how to look for part-time jobs, wages are too low. (Any two of the above) (f) Why are students easily targeted by con men/women? They are unworldly, inexperienced. (g) What advice does Professor Yang of Chengdu University of Technology offer for students who have been defrauded? Get to know the job before hand, use an authorised or registered agency, take legal action if one has been defrauded. (h) Translate ‘據調查,現在的大學生中幾乎有三分之一的人在做兼職,而一 些暫時沒有打工的學生也表示,隻要有合適的工作,他們也願意在暑假 的時候去做。’ into English. According to the research, almost one-third of college students are doing part-time jobs nowadays. Students who are not currently doing part -time work said they would like to do a part-time job during the summer holidays if there were appropriate jobs available. EDUCATION AND WORK: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 17 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES Activity 3: Reading comprehension After you’ve read the advertisements, answer the following questions . (一) (a) What is Linhang’s personality like? Outgoing and easy to get along with. (b) What experience does he have as a private tutor? He has one year’s experience. (c) What subject(s) can he offer as a private tutor? Biology, English and geography. (d) What pay rate does he ask for? Price can be negotiated. (二) (e) What university does Hu Xiaoli study at? Sichuan University of Technology. (f) What year grade is she in at the moment? Year three. (g) She is very popular as a private tutor. Give two reasons for this. She likes children and she is an experienced private tutor. (h) How flexible is she during the summer holiday? Available every afternoon and evening. (三) (i) What does Liuxing often do during term time at university? Take part in various shows. (j) Give two musical instruments which Linxing can t each. Er hu and piano. (k) When is the best time to call her? Evening. 18 EDUCATION AND WORK: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITES Unit 4 考研与就业 Activity 1: Reading comprehension After you’ve read the article, answer the following questions . (a) Why is there enormous employment pressure on undergraduates? Mention two things. Increasing number of undergraduates, credit crunch, less employment. (b) Most undergraduates realise that job hunting is not an easy thing to do. What two things are very demanding for job hunting? Time and energy. (c) What is the first lesson Xiao Li has learned since she graduated from university? Graduation means unemployment. (d) Why does Xiao Ma feel that he has made the right choice by taking the entrance exams for postgraduate schools? It is not easy to get a job and many people have lost their jo bs. (e) What does Mengjiang feel about his current university? Not famous, not well-known. (f) Completion of Master ’s degree study does not guarantee a good job. How do some people feel the employment situation might be after 3 years of study? The situation might be worse than now. (g) Zhangqiang is looking forward to starting his career. How does he feel about having a job? A challenge and new experience. (h) Mention two things about Zhangqiang’s background. He is an only child and his parents will retire soon. (i) Translate into English: ‘我從來沒有想到找工作竟是那麼花時間和精力的 事情。我們班的大部分同學都還沒有找到工作。大學畢業就意味著失 業,這真是我們在社會上學到的第一堂課。’ I never realised that job hunting demands so much time and energy. Most of my classmates still have not found jobs yet. This must be the first lesson we have learned from the real world: graduation means unemployment. EDUCATION AND WORK: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 19 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES Activity 2: Listening comprehension At a career fair organised by Wuhan University, a journalist is interviewing Mr Wang, who is a personnel manager in a company: Listening transcript 採訪 記者: 請問你們是一家什麼樣的企業? 王經理: 我們是一家制造玩具的私人企業。 記者: 企業目前的情況怎麼樣? 王經理: 我們的企業雖然規模不大,但是發展前景很好。 記者: 王經理: 請問你的企業在什麼地方? 企業的總部在廣州。 記者: 今天你們招聘什麼職位呢? 王經理: 我們招聘一名秘書和一名電子工程師。 記者: 這兩個職位工資待遇怎樣? 王經理: 秘書年薪五萬,工程師年薪八萬。 記者: 有性別,年齡限制嗎? 王經理: 性別不限,年齡要求二十五歲至四十歲之間。 記者: 你們看重應聘者的學歷嗎? 王經理:我們不看重應聘者的學歷,不在乎他們是否畢業於名牌大學;我們注 重的是應聘者的能力。 記者: 你們不喜歡什麼樣的應聘者? 王經理: 我們不喜歡那些不會把理論聯系實際的學生。比如說,有些研究生 一點工作經驗都沒有,從小到大都是在學校讀書,社會實踐經驗太 少。 After you’ve listened to the interview, answer the following questions . (a) What kind of products does this privately owned company make? Toys. (b) What is the current situation of the company? Small size but promising prospects. 20 EDUCATION AND WORK: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITES (c) Where are the company’s headquarters? Guangzhou (d) What two posts are they going to recruit for? A secretary and an electronic engineer. (e) What age range should candidates be in? 25–40 years old. (f) Mr Wang does not care whether candidates have a degree or have graduated from a famous university. What does he care about? Capability. (g) What kind of candidates does he not like? Candidates who do not combine theory and practice. EDUCATION AND WORK: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 21