NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Chinese Languages Language – Education and Work Traditional Mandarin Students’ Notes [HIGHER] The Scottish Qualifications Authority regularly reviews the arrangements for National Qualifications. Users of all NQ support materials, whether published by Learning and Teaching Scotland or others, are reminded that it is their responsibility to check that the support materials correspond to the requirements of the current arrangements. Acknowledgement Learning and Teaching Scotland gratefully acknowledges this contribution to the National Qualifications support programme for Chinese Languages. © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 This resource may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes by educational establishments in Scotland provided that no profit accrues at any stage. 2 STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 Contents Activity 1: Reading and comprehension Targets for Activity 1 Section 1 A B C Section 2 A B C D E Section 3 Section 4 Activity 2: Listening and writing Targets for Activity 2 Section 1 A B C D E F G Section 2 A B C D Section 3 Script of section 1 STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 5 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 13 16 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 21 21 23 23 3 CONTENTS Activity 3: Speaking and writing Targets for Activity 3 Section 1 A B C D E Section 2 A B C Section 3 A B Activity 4: Extended reading and comprehension Targets for Activity 4 Section 1 Section 2 4 STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 26 27 27 28 29 29 30 31 31 32 32 34 35 37 ACTIVITY 1: READING AND COMPREHENSION Activity 1: Reading and comprehension Targets for Activity 1 My learning targets 1 To get a general understanding of the Chinese education system 2 To learn about experiences of school life at different stages 3 To become familiar with some specialised words and expressions commonly used in education Done? When? STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 5 ACTIVITY 1: READING AND COMPREHENSION Section 1 A. Do you know how China’s education system works? Before you start reading, familiarise yourself with the following terminology. Match following phrases with their meanings in English. 1. 义务教育 ______ (a) 2. 适龄儿童 ______ (b) undergraduate course 3. 基础教育 ______ (c) 4. 助学金 ______ (d) two/three-year college course 5. 扫盲教育 ______ (e) mechanic 6. 专科 ______ (f) student aid fund 7. 本科 ______ (g) school-aged children 8. 硕士 ______ (h) basic education 9. 博士 ______ (i) Master’s degree 10. 技工 ______ (j) compulsory education anti-illiteracy campaign PhD B. Now read through the following questions. See how many you can answer. 1. The Chinese education system has four main parts. Can you name them? 2. ‘Basic education’ includes education in kindergarten, primary school and the first three years of secondary education. Do children pay for their education in China? For how many years do pupils study in primary schools in China? 3. Chinese secondary education is divided into two phases. Do you know what they are called? 4. What happens if students want to attend a vocational or technical school? 5. Do you know how many years undergraduate, postgraduate and doctorate degrees take in Chinese education? 6 STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ACTIVITY 1: READING AND COMPREHENSION C. Read the text carefully. Answer the questions that follow. 中國的教育體系 中國的教育體系可以分為四個部分,即基礎教育、中等職業技術教育、普 通高等教育和成人教育。基礎教育又分為學前教育、普通初等教育和普通中 等教育。 學前教育是指適齡兒童在幼稚園裡接受的教育。 初等教育是指適齡少年 在小學裡接受的教育,通常為六年制。中等教育又分為普通初中和普通高 中,通常各為三年。小學到初中九年的教育稱為義務教育。義務教育是指由 國家統一實施的所有適齡兒童、少年必須接受的教育。國家對小學和初中實 行免收學費,並設立助學金,幫助貧困學生就學。 中等職業技術教育主要包括普通中等專業學校、技工學校、職業中學教 育、以及多種形式的短期職業技術培訓。 普通高等教育指專科、本科、研究生等高等學歷層次的教育。高等教育中 大學專科學制為二至三年,本科學制通常為四年。碩士研究生學制為二至三 年,博士研究生學制為三年。 Vocabulary 即 [jí] 短期 [duǎn qī] 學制 [xué zhì] namely; i.e. short-term length of schooling Questions 1. What are the four parts that make up Chinese education system? 2. Where do children of pre-school age go in China? 3. For how many years do pupils study in primary s chools in China? 4. What types of school does secondary vocational and technical education include? Tick all the relevant boxes. a senior high school b specialised middle school c adult education d vocational high school e technician college f vocational college STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 7 ACTIVITY 1: READING AND COMPREHENSION 5. How many years of study does each level of Chinese higher education require? Write your answers in the table below. Levels of higher education Years of study required doctorate postgraduate university college Section 2 A. Study the vocabulary. 1. 幼稚園 2. 小學 3. 初中 4. 高中 5. 高考 6. 大學 7. 語文 8. 數學 9. 英語 10. 物理 11. 化學 12. 生物 13. 政治 14. 地理 15. 歷史 16. 科學 17. 音樂 18. 美術 19. 體育 20. 電腦 21. 信息技術 22. 思想品德 Note: 信息技術: Information technology 思想品德: Moral education, similar to personal and social education B. Dictionary skills. Check the following words in your dictionary. Write down their meanings. 1. 科幻 __________________________________ 2. 漫畫 __________________________________ 3. 基本上 __________________________________ 4. 死記硬背 __________________________________ 5. 節奏 __________________________________ 6. 難度 __________________________________ 7. 強度 __________________________________ 8. 心存感激 __________________________________ 8 STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ACTIVITY 1: READING AND COMPREHENSION 9. 攻讀 __________________________________ 10. 碩士 __________________________________ 11. 考研 __________________________________ C. Familiarise yourself with the following expressions. Words/phrases How to use Examples 1. 挺 [tǐng] rather; quite 挺+ adjective 挺有趣的 quite interesting 2. 有意思 [yǒu yìsi] interesting; enjoyable; fun 極了 [jíle] extremely exceedingly 特別是 [tèbié shì] specifically 、、、有意思 你的書很有意思。 Your book is very enjoyable. adjective +極了 難看極了 extremely ugly 、、、, 特別 是 、、、 對、、、有興趣 [duì、、、yǒu xìngqù] have an interest in 比如 [bǐrú] such as, for example person + 對、、、 有興趣 今天的菜很好吃,特別是炒雞 肉。 The dishes are delicious today, especially the chicken. 我對科學有濃厚的興趣。 I have a strong interest in science. note: 濃厚 [nónghòu] deep 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 生活節奏 [shēnghuó jiézòu] pace of life 我比較喜歡吃水果,比如蘋果、 梨、葡萄等。 I like fruit, such as apple, pear, grapes, etc. 當今,隨著科技進步,生活節奏 不斷增快。 Today, the pace of life is increasing as a result of technological progress. STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 9 ACTIVITY 1: READING AND COMPREHENSION D. Translate the following phrases or sentences into English. 1. 挺無聊的 2. 挺高興的 3. 挺悲傷的 4. 今晚的節目真有意思。 5. 這件事看起來很有意思。 6. 她的表演太有意思了。 7. 比賽很精彩,特別是快到結束的時 候。 8. 聽到消息,所有的人都很高興,特 別是王星。 9. 好玩極了 10. 高興極了 11. 好極了 12. 精彩極了 13. 無聊極了 14. 她對美術有濃厚的興趣。 15. 他們對攝影有濃厚的興趣。 16. 他最喜歡音樂了,比如流行樂、搖 滾樂和古典樂。 17. 隨著生活節奏的加快,人們感到工 作壓力也越來越大。 E. Try to answer these questions in Mandarin. Make some notes if necessary. 1. What were your school days like? 2. What subjects did you study at different stages of school? 3. How did your school life change at different stages? 4. What subjects did you enjoy? 5. What would you like to become in future? 10 STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ACTIVITY 1: READING AND COMPREHENSION Section 3 Lin Tao, a Chinese university student from Wuhan, talks about what his school days at different stages were like. Read the first part of the article carefully and answer the questions that follow. Use the headings to help you through the article. Part 1 幼兒園 我三歲的時候被父母送進了家當地的一所幼兒園。幼兒園離家很近,走 路十來分鐘就到了。我記得幼兒園裡有兩個小班、 三個中班和三個大班。 小班裡幾乎都是三到四歲的小朋友,中班是四到五歲的小朋友,而大班裡學 生的年齡則在五到六歲之間。我的印象裡,上學的大部分時間都是由老師帶 著學生做遊戲,挺有意思的。 小學 六歲時我升入了小學學習。 小學比幼稚園要遠一些,不過坐十五分鐘左 右的公共汽車就到了。小學裡,我們學習的科目可多了,包括語文、數學、 英語、科學、音樂、美術、體育、電腦等。我最喜歡的科目是科學課,特別 是課餘時間還可以到學校圖書館裡看許多科幻類的漫畫書,有趣極了!雖然 小學的最後兩年學習開始變得困難起來,但是我對所學知識还是很感興趣。 我所在的班級同學們都非常友好,如果有同學碰到困難了,大家都會互相幫 助、互相支持。 我非常喜歡我的班級。 初中 十二歲時我升入了初中。那時我學會了騎自行車 ,爸爸便給我買了一 輛。到學校騎車需要二十來分鐘。 不过最大的不同是:初中要比小学大两 倍,学生数量也要比小學多得多;科目也多了不少, 学习難度也增加了。 學習的課程包括思想品德、語文、數學、英語、物理、化學、歷史、政治、 地理、生物、體育與健康、信息技術、音樂、美術等十四個科目。所有的科 目當中我最喜歡數學、物理和化學,最不喜歡政治,許多知識都得死記硬 背,無聊極了! 初中的學習生活節奏相當快,一眨眼三年就結束了。班裡一 些家庭條件不太好的同學為了給家裡減輕經濟負擔,早一點參加工作,初中 一畢業就進入了職業技術學校學習。但是大部分的同學還是選擇繼續升入高 中,為考大學做準備。 Vocabulary 一眨眼 [yīzhǎyǎn] in the twinkling of an eye STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 11 ACTIVITY 1: READING AND COMPREHENSION Questions Kindergarten 1. At what age did Lin Tao start his kindergarten? 2. How long did his walk to the kindergarten take? 3. What does he remember most about his kindergarten? 4. Lin Tao mentioned different classes at his kindergarten. Match the English with appropriate Chinese words. Upper class 小班 4/5 years old Middle class 中班 3/4 years old Lower class 大班 5/6 years old Primary school 5. When did Lin Tao start his primary school? 6. How long did it take him to go to school by bus? 7. What was his favourite subject? 8. Lin Tao enjoyed going to the school library to read b ooks. What books did he enjoy reading? 9. Translate the underlined Chinese sentence into English. Junior high school 10. When did Lin Tao start his secondary school? 11. How long did it take Lin Tao to cycle to the school? 12. What were Lin Tao’s favourite school subjects? 13. What subject did Lin Tao dislike most? Why? 12 STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ACTIVITY 1: READING AND COMPREHENSION Section 4 In this part, Lin Tao continues to talk about his experiences in senior school and university. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. Use the headings to help you find the relevant information. Part 2 高中 高中的學習壓力很大。與初中相比,學習的難度和強度又增加了很多,比 如說,高一學習的課程就包括了語文、數學、英語、物理、化學、生物、地 理、歷史、思想政治、體育與健康、資訊技術等十多個科目。我經常要學習 到晚上十點半左右才能睡覺。 高一期末考試結束之後,我們得做出決定高二和高三是學習理科還是 文科。因为我對物理非常感興趣,希望以後能成為一個物理學家,所以我選 擇了理科。 選擇理科的學生除了學習數學、物理、化學以外,還得學習語 文、英語、政治、生物和體育。選擇文科的學生則要學習包括物理、化學、 生物在內的所有科目。 升到高三,理科的學生就只學習語文、數學、英語、物理、化學、生 物等六個科目。文科的學生則會學習語文、數學、外語、歷史、政治、地理 等科目。 因為面临即将考大學,高三是我高中生活最緊張的一年,週末學校還 經常補課,平時我要學習到很晚才能休息 。父母也很理解我在學習上的壓 力,所以他們包下了幾乎所有的家務活兒。對此我一直心存感激,希望有一 天能報答他們! 高考 因為高考的成敗直接影響到一個學生將來的命運,所以它對很多考生來說 也是一生當中最重要的一次考試。2002 年以前高考一直是在 7 月份舉行,後 來自 2003 年開始改在 6 月初舉行,通常是 6 月 7 日至 6 月 8 日。 大學 2008 年高中畢業後,我參加了高考,考入了我目前所在的大學學習物理 專業。 現在大學的生活比高中輕鬆多了,有了更多可以自由支配的時間。 除了學習以外,我還可以結交一些新朋友,做一些兼職工作,甚至還有機會 到全國各地旅遊。我很喜歡我的大學生活!不过目前我還不清楚畢業後是繼 續攻讀碩士還是直接參加工作,可能會繼續考研吧! Vocabulary 自由支配 生活節奏 [zì yóu zhī pèi] [shēnghuó jiézòu] free to arrange (one’s own time) pace of life STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 13 ACTIVITY 1: READING AND COMPREHENSION 甚至 攻读 考研 [shènzhì] [gōngdú] [kǎoyán] even to study a subject take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools Questions Senior school 1. Tick all the correct statements based on what Lin Tao said in the first paragraph of the text. (a) Compared with junior school, the difficulty and intensity of study increased. (b) Lin Tao used to go to bed quite late. (c) There is more pressure on study. (d) Teachers become even stricter. 2. What does Lin Tao hope to become in future? 3. Tick all the subjects science students have to study in their second year in senior school according to the second paragraph. 1. Chinese 2. Mathematics 3. English 4. Physics 5. 6. Biology 7. Politics 8. Geography 9. History 10. PE 11. Arts 4. 12. Information technology 13. Moral education What subjects do science students and arts students study in the final year at senior school? Fill in the table. Science students 14 Chemistry Arts students STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ACTIVITY 1: READING AND COMPREHENSION University entrance exams 5. Why do most students consider university entrance exams the most important exams in their life? 6. In which month are university entrance exams held since 2003? University life 7. What does Lin Tao study at university? 8. Does he like his university life? 9. What does he like to do in his free time apart from study? 10. What is he likely to do after university? 11. Translate the underlined paragraph. Write down two things you did well in this activity and one thing you could have done better, if any. Two stars… One wish… STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 15 ACTIVITY 2: LISTENING AND WRITING Activity 2: Listening and writing Targets for Activity 2 My learning targets 1 To be able to extract the key information in listening by using conjunctions such as “由于, 因 为,所以, etc 2 To be able to use some of the common conjunctions such as “因為、、、所 以、、、”,”雖然、、、但是、、、”, etc in a sentence 3 To be able to talk and write about causes and consequences in Mandarin 16 Done? STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 When? ACTIVITY 2: LISTENING AND WRITING Section 1 A. Huang Hua and Zhou Xiaoping, two Chinese students from a senior middle school in Zhengzhou, are being interviewed about their life at school, how they spend their weekends and their plans for the future. Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. List three things that best describe Huang Hua’s school life. What does Huang Hua think of his school life? What is Zhou Xiaoping’s point of view about school life? What does Zhou Xiaoping like to do apart from work? How does Huang Hua spend his weekends? How does Zhou Xiaoping like to spend his weekends? What does Zhou Xiaoping think of his part -time job in a supermarket? What does Huang Hua hope to do in future? What books does Huang Hua like to read? What does Zhou Xiaoping hope to do in future? B. Check your answers using the script of the interview in Section 3 of Activity 2. C. In the monologue you will listen to, Luo Xiaoli, a Chinese pupil who has been in Scotland for the past three years, gives her opinion on Scottish and Chinese education. Before you listen, check these words in your dictionary. Write down their meanings. 1. 與日俱增 ____________________________________________ 2. 甚至 ____________________________________________ 3. 迷戀 ____________________________________________ 4. 偷偷地 ____________________________________________ 5. 陌生 ____________________________________________ 6. 電子詞典 ____________________________________________ 7. 名列前茅 ____________________________________________ 8. 迫使 ____________________________________________ 9. 高分低能 ____________________________________________ 10. 應試教育 ____________________________________________ 11. 更加 ____________________________________________ 12. 注重 ____________________________________________ STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 17 ACTIVITY 2: LISTENING AND WRITING 13. 挖掘 ____________________________________________ 14. 修讀 ____________________________________________ D. Now listen to the monologue for the first time. Can you identify any key information for the following questions? 1. When did Luo Xiaoli move to Scotland? 2. Where was she born? What does she want to do in future? 3. What was her hobby at school in China? Why did it become a problem for her? 4. After her family moved to Scotland, how did she feel about her new school? What was the biggest challenge? How did she solve it? 5. Was she able to develop her hobby in her new school? 6. What are her opinions on Scottish and Chinese education? E. Listen to the monologue again. This time, try to answer the following questions. 1. When did Luo Xiaoli move to Scotland with her parents? 2. What does she hope to study at university? 3. Why was she often criticised by her teacher at junior high school? 4. What difficulties did she meet when she attended school here? How did she solve them? 5. What is her understanding about the differences between the Chinese and Scottish education systems? Fill in the table. Chinese education 18 Scottish education STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ACTIVITY 2: LISTENING AND WRITING F. Check your answers using the script of the monologue in Section 3 of Activity 2. G. Translate the following sentences into English. 學校會讓學生修讀不同的科目,擴大知識面,培養各方面的興趣, 讓學生全面發展。除此以外,學校還為學生提供了豐富多彩的課外活 動,比如:攝影、話劇表演、樂器演奏、繪畫、舞蹈等等。 Section 2 A. Combine the sentences together using the conjunctions given. An example is given in each case. Structure Sentences 不但、、、而且、、、 1. 他很英俊,他很聰明。 Not only … but also … 2. 他能寫歌詞,他能唱歌。 Example 3. 她喜歡寫小說,她喜歡說故事。 因為、、、(所以 )、、、 4. 我生病了, 我不能來。 Because (of) … 5. 外面在下雨,我決定再等一會兒。 …so... 6. 我沒趕上車,我得再等十分鐘。 Example 7. 電視太重了,我抬不起來。 因為天氣不好,所以我 們決定呆在家裡看電 視。 8. 天太晚了,我們等到第二天再討論。 他不但喜歡聽音樂,而 且還喜歡跳舞。 她不但長得漂亮,而且 人也很聰明。 我不但喜歡數學,而且 還喜歡物理。 因為缺乏自信,所以他 沒贏得這場比賽。 STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 19 ACTIVITY 2: LISTENING AND WRITING 雖然、、、但是、、、 9. Although … 10. 她很可愛,她的脾氣不好。 … but … 11. 公車沒有私家車方便,公車比私家車環保。 Example 12. 學習很緊張,他總是可以找到時間聽音樂。 雖然她漂亮,但是她缺 乏自信。 13. 他有很多缺點,人很誠實。 他很忙,他總是找時間給我輔導作業。 雖然我們沒有贏得這場 比賽,但是我們還是覺 得很有趣。 與、、、、、、相比 14. 火車與汽車,火車更快。 Compared with … 15. 同班同學,他的個子高出不少。 Example 16. 德語,我覺得漢語要容易些。 與往年相比,今年的情 況不太理想。 17. 上個學期,這個學期他的成績下降了。 18. 去年這個時候,今年的氣候好多了。 與其他人相比,她的表 演要精彩些。 咖啡與茶相比,我更喜 歡茶。 除了、、、以外、、、 19. 他,大家都來了。 Apart from … 20. 我,沒人選擇不。 Example 21. 北京,我沒去過其它城市。 除了我以外,沒人願意 去。 22. 英語,我們還學習德語和西班牙語。 23. 繪畫,她還擅長音樂和舞蹈。 除了英國人以外,參加 會議的還有中國人。 除了學習以外,他還要 幫助父母照顧弟弟。 除了牛肉以外,我什麼 肉都吃。 20 STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ACTIVITY 2: LISTENING AND WRITING B. Sentence construction 1. Some students hardly do any homework at home. What do you think is the reason for this? Write your reasons below based on your own experience. Complete the sentences. 有些學生在家從來不做家庭作業,我認為導致這種情況的原因有____ 點。 第一個原因是 第二個原因是 第三個原因是 2. Some students often say they do not like their school uniforms. Do you agree with them? Write your thoughts below. Complete the sentence. 有的学生不喜欢穿校服,其中一个重要的原因是… 3. Some university students find it very hard to find jobs. There can be many reasons for this, but what do you think is the most important one? Write down your thoughts. Complete the sentence. 有的學生不喜歡穿校服,其中一個重要的原因是… 4. Some pupils do not like taking part in sports activities. Why is this? Perhaps because of laziness, too much homework or lack of enjoyment? Guess what one of the important reasons may be. Complete the sentence. 很多學生不願意參加體育運動,其中一個重要的原因可能是... C. Five students are talking about their ambitions. Read what they say. Pay attention to the reasons they give for their choices. Answer the questions that follow each monologue. 1. 王順林 我從西安來,我現在是四川大學中文系二年級的學生。我很喜歡我 的專業,希望將來能從事文學方面的工作,最好能當一名作家。和高 中相比,大學的學習壓力小多了,所以除了學習外,每星期六我都會 到一家旅遊公司當兼職導遊。成都是一座景色秀麗、氣候宜人的城 市,同時也是一座有兩千多年歷史的文化名城,名勝古跡很多。做兼 職導遊,我不僅學習了歷史,同時在與遊客交往的過程中還鍛煉了口 語表達能力和交際能力。 1. 2. What does Wang Shunlin study at university? What does he want to become in future? STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 21 ACTIVITY 2: LISTENING AND WRITING 3. 4. 5. 2. 李丹 我來自雲南。我明年就要從大學畢業了。我學習的是英文專業。選 擇英文有兩個原因:一是我從中學起就非常喜歡英語,喜歡看英語電 影,喜歡瞭解外面的世界;二是雲南擁有許多著名的旅遊區,比如昆 明民族村、世博園、路南石林、大理、麗江古城、西雙版納等等, 畢業 之後我想從事旅遊專業,把雲南多姿多彩的自然人文風光介紹給來自 世界各地的朋友。 1. 2. 3. 2. What does Ma Zhihai want to do after graduation from senior school? What helped him make his choice? 孫兵 今年我在上高三。高中的學習壓力很大,很多時候我覺得我們都是 在為考試而學,所學的知識缺乏實用性。我想畢業後不如上一所技 校,學習一些實用的技能會更實用些。我想去進駕校,學習駕駛,以 後做一名出租車司機。 1. 2. 22 What does Zhao Tingting study at university? Why has she chosen this subject? 馬志海 我現在正在讀高二。雖然我的很多親戚朋友都勸我考大學,但是我 想高中畢業後直接去一家廚師培訓學校學習烹飪,以後開一家自己的 飯店。我覺得大學並不是唯一的就業出路,況且,我從小就很喜歡烹 飪!我覺得要是能做一名出色的廚師,那也是一門不錯的職業啊! 1. 5. What does Li Dan study at university? What are the two reasons she chose her specialism? 趙婷婷 我家在浙江。我在大學學習的是商業管理。選擇這個專業有兩個重 要的原因:第一個原因是我對商業很感興趣,這可能是受到父親的影 響吧,他曾經是一家國營企業的經理,經常鼓勵我去做些兼職工作, 積累一些實際工作經驗;第二個原因是我覺得隨著中國的對外改革開 放進一步深入,我相信中國會需要越來越多的商業人才。 1. 2. 4. What part-time job does he have? What does he say about Chengdu? Why does he choose to do a part-time job? What is Sun Bing’s opinion of his life at school? What does Sun Bing want to do after senior school? STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ACTIVITY 2: LISTENING AND WRITING D. It’s your turn to write. What do you think of your school? What are your school’s strengths? What would your ideal school be like? Read through the following questions. Write down your answers in Mandarin. The answer to each question should be no more than three sentences long. 1. 想一想你現在的學校, 有哪些好的方面?哪些方面需要改進? 2. 你心目中的理想學校是什麼樣? 3. 你認為學生應該有家庭作業嗎? 4. 你怎樣看待考試? 5. 你認為中學生應該自己選擇所學科目嗎?為什麼? 6. 你和同學之間有競爭嗎? 7. 你覺得中學的考試成績會影響到一個人的前途嗎? 8. 穿校服有什麼好處和壞處? Section 3 Script of section 1 Section 1, A 記者: 黃華、周小平,你們好!我很高興你們能接受我的採訪。你 們能談一談目前的學習情況嗎? 黃華: 我每天的學習非常緊張。在學校除了聽好課,做好筆記外, 放學後我還得看很多複習資料,做很多家庭作業。高中學習 的科目很多,壓力大,不過很多人都覺得上高中的目的就是 為了考上大學,現在雖然付出多一些,累一些,辛苦一些, 也是值得的。 周小平: 我倒不這麼認為。雖然目前學生們普遍覺得學習壓力過大, 但是我覺得除了學習以外,我們還應該學會如何享受生活。 考大學很重要,但是生活的內容也不應該僅僅局限於沒日沒 夜地學習啊!學生還應該注重培養樂觀的生活態度,保持健 康的身心。所以,除了學習以外,我還經常參加一些學校組 織的體育活動,我相信這對於身心的發展都是有好處的。 STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 23 ACTIVITY 2: LISTENING AND WRITING 記者: 你們能談一談週末你們是怎麽過的嗎? 黃華: 我也同意周小平的看法,做一些適當的體育鍛煉對學生的身 心發展是有很多好處的。由於平時的課程很緊張,有時候星 期六學校還要補課,所以週末時間我都會去公園裡跑跑步、 看看電影、聽聽音樂、和同學聊聊天,有時也到餐館裡去美 美地飽餐一頓。 周小平: 週末我喜歡打打籃球、踢踢足球、跑跑步啦。當然了,有時 間也玩玩電腦、聽聽音樂、看看小說。另外,每個星期天上 午我還在一家超市當臨時導購員呢。雖然掙的錢不多,但對 我來說,這也是積累工作經驗、體驗社會的一個好機會。 記者: 能說一下你們的理想是什麼嗎? 黃華: 我從小就對文學十分感興趣,希望將來能成為一名作家。我 想這可能是受父親的影響吧!他是名中學語文老師,從小對 我的影響就很大。我愛看文學作品,特別是中國古典文學。 我還喜歡看探險類和科幻類的小說。 周小平: 我跟你不太一樣。我喜歡聽音樂,喜歡玩電腦遊戲。今天很 多年輕人都喜歡玩電腦遊戲,可以說電腦已經成為了現代人 生活的一部分。我希望以後能上電腦專業,將來從事網路遊 戲開發之類的專業。 記者: 非常感謝你們倆能接受我的採訪。謝謝你們! Section 1, B 我叫羅小莉。初中畢業後我隨父母一塊兒搬到了英國蘇格蘭,到現在已經 有三年了。 我出生在中國南方的一個小城市,在那裡,我讀完了小學和初中。現在, 我正准備考大學。我想學的是繪畫專業。 我從小就喜歡繪畫,父母也從來沒有反對過我繪畫。他們見我喜歡,還常 常給我買一些繪畫方面的書籍。我對繪畫的興趣也與日俱增,甚至迷戀到了 上語文課時還偷偷地看繪畫書的地步 ,這直接影響到了我的學習成績。為 此,我經常受到老師的批評。 到了英國後,我跟著這裡的當地學生念四年級,相當於國內的高一。剛開 始到學校時我對一切都感到很新鮮,但是同時也很緊張。老師在課堂上所講 的內容我常常是一句也聽不懂,所以經常要隨身帶著一本電子詞典,碰到新 單詞時我就把它們輸入到電子詞典裡,晚上做家庭作業時再整理出來,抄到 筆記本上複習。 經過了一年的努力,我慢慢地適應了這兒的教育環境,對學校也不像剛來 時那麼陌生了,和同學們相處得也很好。更重要的是,我還能繼續選修繪 24 STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ACTIVITY 2: LISTENING AND WRITING 畫。由於我的繪畫出眾,引起了老師的注意。在老師的精心指導下,不到一 年,我的繪畫技巧便有了很大提高,作品也在學校舉辦的繪畫比賽中名列前 茅,甚至還代表學校參加了地區比賽,獲得了評委們的一致好評。 想起國內的教育,我覺得中國的應試教育雖然迫使學生努力學習,但是應 試教育的主要目的就是要把學生送進大學。這樣便造成了學生學習只是片面 地追求高分數,出現了“高分低能”的現象。同時,學習上的壓力也使得像音 樂、美術這類的學科成了應試教育的犧牲品。學生們花了大量時間應付考試 科目,自然再沒有多餘的精力和時間來發展自己的興趣愛好了。相比之下, 我覺得這裏的教育更加注重挖掘學生潛力、培養學生的自信和創新能力。比 如說,學校會讓學生修讀不同的科目,擴大知識面,培養各方面的興趣,讓 學生全面發展。除此以外,學校還為學生提供了豐富多彩的課外活動,比 如:攝影、話劇表演、樂器演奏、繪畫、舞蹈等等。这样,學生就有機會充 分地培養各種興趣愛好。我想,這可能正是中國教育目前急需的吧! 我觉得这里的教育更加注重挖掘学生潜力、培养学生的自信和创新能力。 比如说,学校会让学生修读不同的科目,扩大知识面,培养各方面的兴趣, 让学生全面发展。除此以外,学校还为学生提供了丰富多彩的课外活动,比 如:摄影、话剧表演、乐器演奏、绘画、舞蹈等等。这样,学生就有机会充 分地培养各种兴趣爱好。我想,这可能正是中国教育目前急需的吧! Write down two things you did well in this activity and o ne thing you could have done better, if any. Two stars… One wish… STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 25 ACTIVITY 3: SPEAKING AND WRITING Activity 3: Speaking and writing Targets for Activity 3 My learning targets 1 To revise and expand my knowledge of the names of jobs, including a closer look at some common characters related to jobs in Mandarin 2 To understand and discuss career plans in Mandarin 3 To look at popular Chinese jobs and describe the skills needed to do them 26 Done? STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 When? ACTIVITY 3: SPEAKING AND WRITING Section 1 A. There are characters such as 員, 長, 家, 士, 師, 生, 工 that are used as suffixes referring to job titles or occupations. When they are added to the ending of certain words, they change the words to be an occupation or a job title. Use your dictionary and study the meanings of the following: Suffix Examples 員 打字員、演員、運動員 長 船長、列車長、護士長 士 學士、碩士、博士 家 作家、畫家、歌唱家 師 教師、廚師、律師 生 醫生、學生、留學生 工 木工、電工、技工 Can you suggest any more examples in these categories? B. Choose and match the Chinese with English. 1. 銷售經理 2. 研究員 3. 記者 4. 雜誌社編輯 5. 員警 6. 公司經理 7. 消防員 8. 教師 9. 會計師 10. 銀行經理 11. 橋樑設計師 12. 心理輔導員 13. 軟體設計師 14. 播音員 15. 司機 16. 外科醫生 17. 社工 18. 專案經理 19. 建築師 20. 技術員 21. 專業繪圖師 (a) researcher (b) reporter (c) technician (d) broadcaster (e) architect (f) magazine editor (g) psychoanalyst (h) social worker (i) bridge designer (j) sales manager (k) teacher (l) bank manager (m) policeman (n) fireman (o) professional illustrator (p) surgeon (q) accountant (r) software designer (s) project manager (t) driver (u) company executive STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 27 ACTIVITY 3: SPEAKING AND WRITING C. What school subjects do you think students should study for these occupations will require? Choose the subjects and fill in the grid. 課程: 英語 中文 電腦 美術 物理 管理 戲劇 家政 設計 歷史 地理 生物 商科 經濟 心理學 法律 會計 化學 體育 宗教與哲學 職業 課程 會計師 會計 數學 電腦 經濟 商科 律師 醫生 記者 建築師 酒店經理 室內設計師 演員 畫家 作家 28 STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 英語 ACTIVITY 3: SPEAKING AND WRITING D. A middle school conducted two surveys about the most popular future careers among Senior 2 students in 2006 and 2008. The results are shown below. 2006 年最受歡迎的前十項工作 No.1. No.2. No.3. No.4. No.5. No.6. No.7. No.8. No.9. No.10. 行銷員 會計師 工程師 網路遊戲開發人員 公務員 醫生 教師 護士 翻譯 作家 2008 年最受歡迎的前十項工作 No.1. No.2. No.3. No.4. No.5. No.6. No.7. No.8. No.9. No.10. 公務員 工程師 網路遊戲開發人員 同聲翻譯 醫生 教師 會計師 行銷員 作家 導遊 According to the results of the survey, what were the three most popular occupations in 2006 and 2008? 2006 E. 2008 Several people are applying for the following jobs. Can you help match the qualifications to the job title? Read the descriptions and link the description with the title of the job. 工作 應聘者的自我描述 秘書 我對 WINDOWS 非常熟悉。 我曾經在一家電腦公 司做過兼職工作,參加負責組建過幾家公司的網路 建設項目。我的工作內容主要包括網路設計、安裝 系統、調試和維護等。 籃球教練 我們的培訓課程經常有需要動手實踐的內容。 首 先,教師先向我們講解理論知識和步驟;然後讓我 們在電腦設計出每一個步驟所需要的材料;最後, 再按照小組討論後的方案動手將模型製作出來。 STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 29 ACTIVITY 3: SPEAKING AND WRITING 網路維護員 除了在學校學習理論以外,每個學期我們還有一次 到單位實習的機會,學習管理的各項內容。比如, 如何完成各項經營指標和費用指標,如何指定工作 人員的職責範圍和工作程序,如何處理突發事件, 如何瞭解和掌握產品信息等。 記者 我在大學學的是體育專業,也是校隊的籃球運動 員,經常代表學校參加校際間的籃球比賽。除了籃 球以外,我還會打乒乓球、羽毛球和踢足球。我游 泳也不錯,還拿過兩次亞軍。 酒店管理經理 我以前在一家律師事務所做過兩個月的秘書,有這 方面的經驗。我會打字,會用電腦。我的中、英文 都很好。 房屋設計 我是學校文學協會的成員,在校報和地方報紙上發 表過多篇文章。我很喜歡旅遊,喜歡和不同背景的 人接觸。每到一個地方我都喜歡用筆把我的所見所 聞和感想記錄下來。 Section 2 A. Talking about choices If you had three months to learn one of the following skills, which would you choose? Why? Use the sentence structure to help you if you wish. Skills 1. 一門外語 2. 一種樂器 3. 烹飪 4. 服裝設計 5. 繪畫 6. 跳交際舞 7. 製作網頁 8. 一種球類運動 30 Reason for your choice STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ACTIVITY 3: SPEAKING AND WRITING 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 我最想做一名________。 我想做________,有________個原因: 第一個原因是________________; 第二個原因是________________; 還有一個重要的原因是________________。 B. Talking about jobs When you decide whether or not a job is suitable for you, which of the following factors is the most important to you? Rearrange the order of the factors according to their importance and relevance to you. Explain why. 你在選擇職業時,考慮 以下因素的次序是 A. 社會對此職業的需求 你的看法 B. 這種職業的競爭性 C. 這種職業有沒有發展前途 D. 你對這種職業是否有興趣 E. 該職業的經濟收入 F. 該職業是否穩定 G. 你的性格是否適合做這種工作 H. 想想你的能力能不能勝任這個職業 I. C. 這個職業是否有挑戰性 Now interview three different people in your class. Find out what jobs they would like to do and why. Make notes below. 1st speaker 2nd speaker 3rd speaker STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 31 ACTIVITY 3: SPEAKING AND WRITING Section 3 A. You are being interviewed for a magazine. The interview questions are presented below. Prepare your answer to these questions. Make notes if necessary. When you are ready, make a 5 -minute presentation to your teacher. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 你小時候的理想是什麼? 你的父母從小對你在哪些方面影響較大? 你在學校最喜歡什麼科目?為什麼? 你在學校參加過哪些活動? 你參加過比賽嗎?得到過什麼樣的名次(第一名、第二名、第三名 等)? 你的第一份工作是什麼?那時你多大? 你的理想職業是什麼? 申請大學時,你會考慮哪些因素? 6. 7. 8. B. Based on your own personality, strengths, weaknesses and personal interests, choose three jobs you think you can do from the list below. Explain your reasons. Your explanation should be between 120 and 150 words long. A. 廣告 B. 醫療保健 C. 市場推廣 D. 地產 E. 公共關係 F. G. 金融 H. 教育 I. 32 出版 J. 製造 法律 K. 消防 L. 會計 M. 餐飲 N. 貿易 O. 媒體(記者、播音員) P. Q. 政府機關(公務員) R. 外交 旅遊 STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ACTIVITY 3: SPEAKING AND WRITING Write down two things you did well in this activity and one thing you could have done better, if any. Two stars… One wish… STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 33 ACTIVITY 4: EXTENDED READING AND COMPREHENSION Activity 4: Extended reading and comprehension Targets for Activity 4 My learning targets 1 To look at the alternatives to university in modern-day China 2 To familiarise myself with some of the vocabulary surrounding university entrance exams and university life 34 Done? STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 When? ACTIVITY 4: EXTENDED READING AND COMPREHENSION Section 1 University entrance exams are very important to many Chinese students. Since 1977, when the university entrance exams were reinstated after the Cultural Revolution, the number of students taking university entrance exams has increased every year. However, the number of students taking university entrance exams dropped for the first time in 2009. What might have caused this change? Read the following article, which looks at the causes of this change, and answer the questions that follow. 近年來,高考報名人數一直處於上升的狀態。教育部有關資料顯示,2002 年至 2008 年,全國高考報名人數由 527 萬人增長到了 1050 萬人。2009 年高考 人數也在 1000 萬以上。 但是,根據最新資料顯示,2009 年除了廣東、江蘇、重慶等省份的高考報 名人數比 2008 年稍有增長之外,大多數省份的高考人數都出現了減少狀況, 個別省份的下降幅度甚至超過了 10%。 一些教育專家分析了出現這種情況的原因,認為有三點:原因之一是今年報 名參加高考的學生大多數是“90 後”,即中國第三個生育高峰 1985 至 1990 年之 後,所以絕對人數減少了;原因之二是不少地方正在進行教育結構調整和課程 改革,這使得一些因高考失敗而重返學校補習的學生放棄複讀,考生數量相對 減少;第三個重要原因是自去年經濟危機爆發以來,就業形勢嚴峻,很多大學 生畢業之後不能一下找到理想的工作。這使那些想通過上大學找個好工作的學 生的想法受到動搖,部分學生就業觀念轉變,甚至不參加高考。 一些學生和家長也開始轉變觀念,試圖在高考之外尋找突破口。 陳剛是廣東省某中學的高中畢業生,他的決定讓不少同學感到既新鮮又不 可思議。他在學校裡成績一直處於中上等,但是他決定不參加高考,而是準備 上一所職業中專。他說:“上大學不一定能找到好工作,還是學習一門技術更實 用些。” 職業教育的就業狀況甚至比一些普通高校好,這使得職業教育也逐漸成為一 些高中畢業學生的選擇。” 一位北京職業技術培訓學校教師張女士說。 高考人數下降,不是壞事。這說明一些學生開始轉變觀念,不再把高考看成 是就業的唯一出路,而是更多地從自身特點出發,選擇適合自己的成才之路。 STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 35 ACTIVITY 4: EXTENDED READING AND COMPREHENSION Vocabulary 1. 狀態 zhuàngtài state; condition 2. 狀況 zhuàngkuàng condition 3. 下降 xiàjiàng descend; go down 4. 幅度 fúdù range; scope 5. 絕對 juéduì absolute 6. 教育結構 jiàoyù jiégòu educational structure 7. 調整 tiáozhěng adjust; readjust 8. 課程改革 kèchéng gǎigé curricular reform 9. 放棄 fàngqì abandon; give up 10. 複讀 fùdú resume one's interrupted studies 11. 就業 jiùyè obtain employment 12. 形勢 xíngshì circumstances; situation 13. 嚴峻 yánjùn strict; severe; rigorous 14. 觀念 guānniàn idea; concept 15. 試圖 shìtú try; attempt; intend 16. 突破口 tūpòkǒu breakthrough 17. 新鮮 xīnxiān fresh 18. 不可思議 bùkě-sīyì inconceivable, unimaginable 19. 成才之路 chéngcái-zhīlù the road to success Questions 1. How many secondary students took the entrance exam for universities and colleges in 2002, 2008 and 2009? Year 2002 2008 Number of students 36 STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 2009 ACTIVITY 4: EXTENDED READING AND COMPREHENSION 2. Tick all the reasons for the decrease in the number of students who t ook university entrance exams. (a) Most students who took the exam were born after 1990. (b) University entrance exams are becoming too difficult for most students. (c) Some students realise that higher education may not be the only way to a promising job. (d) University students cannot find the jobs they want straight away after graduation. 3. Why did Chen Gang change his mind about taking university entrance exams? 4. What does Miss Zhang say about the growing popularity of colleges? 5. What is the positive aspect of this change that the arti cle mentions? Section 2 Miss Li teaches Chinese at a Canadian university. She describes her work at the university. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. 我姓李。我在一所加拿大的大學裡教漢語。 大學每天九點鐘上班,但是我常常要提前一個小時到辦公室,準備一下一 天的教學任務。每天上午通常有二至三節課,下午一般用來批改學生作業、 備課以及輔導學生等。中國時時刻刻都在發生著翻天覆地的變化,所以課堂 上除了介紹語言文化知識以外,我經常從中文報刊中挑選出一些能反映中國 現實的小文章和有趣的小故事作為課堂的補充材料,增強知識的實用性和趣 味性。 我教的課程包括一年級的語法、二年級的口語、泛讀和四年級的翻譯。你 可能會問,怎麼不教三年級呢?三年級的學生現在正在中國實習呢! 一年級的學生很喜歡上漢語課,原因之一是他們剛開始接觸漢語,漢字對 他們來說很新鮮,也很好玩。他們非常喜歡寫漢字,也喜歡洋洋得意地在朋 友面前炫耀一下自己的學習成果。一年級是打好基礎的一年,因為這個階段 所犯的錯誤會影響到接下來四年的學習。 STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 37 ACTIVITY 4: EXTENDED READING AND COMPREHENSION 二年級可能是挑戰最大的一年了。這個階段的學生雖然經過了一年的學 習,具備了一定的聽說能力,可是漢語還不能說得很流利,一些字形相近的 漢字容易混淆。有效的解決辦法是儘量讓學生將學到的知識運用到實際生活 中去,同時,還可以為學生們三年級到中國實習積極地做好準備。 四年級的課程同樣也充滿了樂趣與挑戰。學生們到了這個階段漢語已經學 得相當不錯了。他們不僅能閱讀高難度的課本,而且還能流利地閱讀中文報 紙、文學作品和網路文章。遺憾的是我和他們相處的時間並不多。他們總是 很忙,除了應對緊張的學習以外,還得考慮畢業後的工作問題。 經過四年的學習,學生們從跨進校門時對漢語的一無所知,到離開學校時 不僅能夠說一口流利的漢語,而且還能寫一手漂亮的漢字,這對教師來說, 莫過於是最開心的事情了。 Vocabulary Chinese Pinyin English 1. 翻天覆地 fāntiān fùdì Earth-shaking 2. 时时刻刻 shíshí-kèkè hourly 3. 增强 zēngqiáng to increase; to strengthen 4. 实用性 shíyòngxìng practicability; practicality 5. 趣味性 qùwèixìng fun; interesting 6. 泛读 fàndú extensive reading 7. 接触 jiēchù contact 8. 洋洋得意 yángyáng déyì proud; immensely pleased with oneself 9. 炫耀 xuànyào boast 10. 混淆 hùnxiáo mix up 11. 不仅、、、而 且、、、 bùjǐn …ér qiě… not only …. but also … 12. 遗憾 yíhàn regret; sorrow 13. 一无所知 yìwúsuǒzhī to know nothing at all 14. 莫过于 mòguòyú no more than 38 STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ACTIVITY 4: EXTENDED READING AND COMPREHENSION Questions 1. Why does Miss Li often go to the office an hour early? 2. How many lessons does she have in the morning? 3. How does she spend her afternoons? 4. What other things does she try to add to the class apart from teaching about language and culture? 5. According to Miss Li, what is one of the reasons students are fond of Chinese in their first year? 6. Why is the first year important for students? 7. What challenges do second-year students face? 8. After four years of learning, the fourth-year students can already do a lot. What things can they do? 9. What is rewarding about Miss Li’s job? 10. Translate the underlined sentence. Write down two things you did well in this activity and one thing you could have done better, if any. Two stars… One wish… STUDENTS’ NOTES: TRADITIONAL MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 39