NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Chinese Languages The Wider World – Travel, Holiday and Tourism Simplified Mandarin Teacher’s Guide [HIGHER] The Scottish Qualifications Authority regularly reviews the arrangements for National Qualifications. Users of all NQ support materials, whether published by Learning and Teaching Scotland or others, are reminded that it is their responsibility to check that the support materials correspond to the requirements of the current arrangements. Acknowledgement Learning and Teaching Scotland gratefully acknowledges this contribution to the National Qualifications support programme for Chinese Languages. © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 This resource may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes by educational establishments in Scotland provided that no profit accrues at any stage. 2 THE WIDER WORLD: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 Contents Introduction 4 Answers to activities Unit 1 旅游景点介绍—苏州园林 Activity 1: Reading comprehension Activity 2: Listening comprehension Activity 3: Reading comprehension 9 10 11 Unit 2 自助游, 自驾游还是跟团游 Activity 1: Reading comprehension Activity 2: Listening comprehension 12 13 Unit 3 国内游和国外游 Activity 1: Listening comprehension Activity 2: Reading comprehension 15 16 Unit 4 黄金周,去还是留 Activity 1: Reading comprehension Activity 2: Reading comprehension Activity 3: Listening comprehension 18 19 20 THE WIDER WORLD: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 3 INTRODUCTION Introduction This resource has been developed to support the delivery of Scottish Qualifications Authority Higher Chinese languages. The material contains four units of work on the following topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. Suzhou Classical Gardens independent travel, self-drive travel and guided tours inbound and outbound tours ‘golden week’: should China keep it or give it up? The resource covers most of the topic development areas for the topics of holidays, travel and tourism required at Higher level, namely: 1. 2. 3. areas of interest in China and beyond comparison of types of travel/holiday past holidays. The topic development area that is not included in this material is ‘ Critique of local area in Scotland as tourist centre’. The aim of this material is to develop learners’ different skills in Chinese languages, in particular reading and listening. Each unit contains the following: 1. 6. learning targets for the unit, which are shared with learners at the beginning of each unit to enable students to become more effective learners self-assessment activity, which students should be strongly encouraged to carry out, at the end of each unit – this ensures students take responsibility for their own learning one or two listening and reading activities, which can be used as self assessment as well as peer assessment exercise s transcripts for all the listening recordings, which can also be used as reading materials if teachers wish (listening files can be downloaded from the Learning and Teaching Scotland website) language points, which give learners necessary support i n difficult grammar and sentence structures word lists, which provide help for learners with the new vocabulary . 4 THE WIDER WORLD: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) 2. 3. 4. 5. © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 INTRODUCTION There is also a speaking task in each of the first three units. A full vocabulary is included in the appendix, listed in alphabetical ord er. Teachers do not have to work through everything in this material from beginning to end. Teachers may wish to conduct the activities in a different order. Some activities can be adapted to meet the needs of different teaching contexts. Articulation with Curriculum for Excellence ‘The purpose of Curriculum for Excellence is encapsulated in the four capacities – to enable each child or young person to be a successful learner, a confident individual, a responsible citizen and an effective contributo r.’ This resource for Higher Chinese languages meets the requirements of Curriculum for Excellence in the following ways: Successful learners with: Literacy: reading and understanding new words and the texts enthusiasm and motivation for learning determination to reach high standards of achievement openness to new thinking and ideas and able to: use literacy, communication and numeracy skills use technology for learning think creatively and independently learn independently and as part of a group make reasoned evaluations link and apply different kinds of learning in new situations Communication: eg speaking Mandarin with teachers as well as their peers Numeracy: reading train times and understanding train ticket prices in Chinese Thinking creatively: speaking activities Learning independently: reading and listening activities Learn as part of a group: pair work and group work in each unit Make reasoned evaluations: selfassessment exercises THE WIDER WORLD: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 5 INTRODUCTION Confident individuals with: self-respect a sense of physical, mental and emotional well-being secure values and beliefs ambition and able to: relate to others and manage themselves pursue a healthy and active lifestyle be self-aware develop and communicate their own beliefs and view of the world live as independently as they can assess risk and make informed decisions achieve success in different areas of activity 6 Pursue a healthy and active lifestyle: making decisions on where to travel and what kind of travel they would like, making travel plans Develop and communicate their own beliefs and view of the world: getting to know different tourist attractions in China, such as the Suzhou Classical Gardens; giving opinions on China’s holiday system Becoming self-aware: making choices of their own on where to travel, having their own preferences on how to travel Live as independently as they can: working on their own in reading and listening activities, expressing their own views regarding different issues, for example the ‘golden week’ in China THE WIDER WORLD: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 INTRODUCTION Responsible citizens with: respect for others commitment to participate responsibly in political, economic, social and cultural life and able to: develop knowledge and understanding of the world and Scotland’s place in it understand different beliefs and cultures make informed choices and decisions evaluate environmental, scientific and technological issues develop informed, ethical views of complex issues Develop knowledge and understanding of the world: the students get to know more aspects about China, from the Suzhou Classical Gardens to China’s holiday system Understand different beliefs and cultures: the students understand China’s current tourist market and the changes to China’s public holiday system through the reading and listening activities Make informed choices and decisions: students making decisions on how to travel themselves and planning for their own travel Develop informed, ethical views of complex issues Awareness of different cultural issues in China is raised in this resource THE WIDER WORLD: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 7 INTRODUCTION Effective contributors with: an enterprising attitude resilience self-reliance and able to: communicate in different ways and in different settings work in partnership and in teams take the initiative and lead apply critical thinking in new contexts create and develop solve problems 8 Communicate in different ways and in different settings: different activities in this material enable students to develop their skills in listening, reading and speaking in Mandarin Work in partnership and in teams: there is pair work or group work for each unit. For each reading activity, students can work independently, or in pairs or in groups, depending on the teaching situation Apply critical thinking in new contexts Create and develop: students are encouraged to enlarge their vocabulary, use the new words and to create their own sentences after learning the language points THE WIDER WORLD: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES Answers to activities Unit 1 旅游景点介绍--苏州园林 Activity 1: Reading comprehension After you’ve read the article, answer the following questions. (a) Where is Suzhou situated? Between Shanghai and Nanjing. (b) Why is Suzhou called ‘the paradise on earth’? Mention any two reasons. Because Suzhou has the world’s most beautiful gardens Suzhou also has the world’s most beautiful landscapes. Many poets and writers have written loads of poems, songs and articles about its beauty ever since ancient times. (Any two of the above) (c) What are the four most famous gardens in China? The Humble Administrator's Garden and Lingering Garden in Suzhou, Summer Palace in Beijing and Mountain Resort of Chengde. (d) Why do many garden lovers like the Garden of Master of the Nets a lot? It has the most elaborate layout. It is the most exquisite and elegant garden in Suzhou. (e) Why was the Lion Forest Garden so named? There are innumerable lion-shaped stones in the garden. (f) How does the author describe Suzhou gardens? They integrate the beauty of nature, architecture and painting. Their unique architectural style and fantastic layo uts attract tourists from all over the world. THE WIDER WORLD: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 9 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES (g) Translate ‘狮子林有六百多年的历史,面积也不大,但很安静,也很典 雅。因为园中到处可以看见形状像狮子的石头,所以人们把这座园林称 为’狮子林’。’ into English. The Lion Forest Garden has a history of over 600 hundred years. It is not a big garden but very quiet and elegant. People call this garden ‘the Lion Forest’ because the lion-shaped stones can be seen everywhere inside the garden. Activity 2: Listening comprehension You really like Suzhou, so you follow a web link to a radio programme, where a tourist is asking someone how to get to Suzhou. Listening transcript 游客: 我想去苏州旅游,看看苏州园林。请问,可以怎么样从上海去苏州 呢? 路人: 方法很多,坐火车也行,坐汽车也可以。你还可以自己开车去苏 州。 游客: 哪种方式既方便又快呢? 路人: 当然是坐火车啦。几乎全天 24 小时都有火车开往苏州,差不多二 十分钟一趟,非常方便。 游客: 坐火车多长时间到苏州? 火车票多少钱? 路人: 从上海坐普快火车大概五十分钟到苏州。如果坐动车或者快速火 车,三十五分钟左右就到了。火车票很便宜,单程票二十元左右。 游客: 那坐汽车呢? 路人: 坐汽车去苏州也很方便。你可以在上海很多个长途汽车站坐大巴去 苏州。相比较而言,每天开往苏州的大巴比火车更多。汽车虽然 多,但有的汽车站在晚上八点以后就没有车去苏州了。 游客: 汽车票贵不贵?要多长时间才能到苏州呢? 路人: 汽车的单程票价比火车票要贵一些,三十元左右,花的时间也更长 些,一小时二十分钟左右。 游客: 那自己开车去苏州的话会不会更方便些? 路人: 如果开车去苏州,要从上海上高速公路,在苏州出口处下就好。不 过,这一段路的车非常多,交通很忙,因此全程需要一小时十五分 钟左右,跟坐大巴差不多时间。 10 THE WIDER WORLD: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES After you’ve listened to the radio programme twice, answer the following questions. (a) What is the fastest and most convenient way to go to Suzhou from Shanghai? Take a train. (b) Why is it convenient? There are trains to Suzhou 24 hours a day. There’s a train to Suzhou almost every 20 minutes. (c) How much is a single train ticket? The price is about 20 yuan. (d) What are the disadvantages of taking a bus to Suzhou? Mention any two. Buses are not available after 8pm at some bus stations. Prices for bus tickets are slightly more expensive. It takes longer to get to Suzhou. (Any two of the above three) (e) Why does driving to Suzhou by car take almost the same time as taking a bus? There is very heavy traffic on the motorway from Shanghai to Suzhou. Activity 3: Reading comprehension After you’ve read the train times, answer the following questions . (a) How much does a soft seat cost from Shanghai to Suzhou? 31 yuan. (b) What is the highest price for a hard seat from Shanghai to Suzhou? 26 yuan. (c) How much does a soft sleeper cost from Shanghai to Suzhou? 162 yuan. (d) If you want to get to Suzhou before 9am, which train can you take? D5478/D5479. (e) If you want to leave Shanghai after 9am and arrive at Suzhou before 10am, which train can you take? D5412. THE WIDER WORLD: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 11 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES Unit 2 自助游, 自驾游还是跟团游 Activity 1: Reading comprehension After you’ve read the article, answer the following questions . (a) What is the most popular leisure activity most people do during a holiday? Travel. (b) What are the reasons for the changes to the curre nt tourist market? Mention any two. The growth of people’s living standards, the reform of the national holiday system and the changes to people’s ideas about holidays. (Any two of the above three) (c) Why do more people choose self-drive tours instead of going on guided group tours? Mention any two reasons. It is economical It is convenient. People have the freedom of going anywhere they like. (Any two of the above three) (d) What do some travel agencies offer to independent travellers? To book tickets and accommodation for them. (e) What are the changes that many travel agencies have made to meet the changing tourist market? Mention any two. To offer services to independent travellers and self -drive travellers. To develop more inbound and outbound travel options for travellers of different ages and occupations. To improve the quality of service to their existing customers. (Any two of the above three) (f) Translate ‘另外, 全国各地的旅行社所设计的旅游路线几乎相同,因而在 一些著名的景点,常常由于游客过多,很多服务都让人不满意。’ into English. Moreover, different travel agencies in the whole country share similar travel options. Therefore, some famous tourist attractions are often overcrowded, which results in tourists’ dissatisfaction with many of the services provided there. 12 THE WIDER WORLD: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES Activity 2: Listening comprehension Liu Ming and Li Ying are talking about their summer holiday plans. Listening transcript 李英: 你好,刘明,就要放暑假了,你有什么旅游计划吗? 刘明: 我打算去香港自助游,正在网上找可以一起旅游的朋友呢!对了, 李英, 你在香港做过两年的交换生,一定很熟悉香港!香港什么地 方最好玩? 李英: 你要去香港啊,太好了!香港有太多好玩的地方了!你喜欢看风景 还是购物? 刘明: 我都喜欢! 李英: 那好啊,喜欢看风景呢,就去太平山顶;想逛露天市场呢,可以去 女人街和庙街;想买名牌的东西呢,就去中环、铜锣湾或者是尖沙 咀;要想体验香港人的夜生活,可以去兰桂坊;要是喜欢吃香港美 食,就去旺角… 刘明: 你太厉害了,什么都知道啊! 李英: 是啊,真想念香港的生活!对了,还有,香港的海洋公园和迪士尼 乐园都值得一去哦! 刘明: 太好了,谢谢你!那你暑假有什么计划啊? 李英: 我下个月要去桂林参加一个暑假学习班,也会在桂林附近玩玩。我 从来没去过广西,听说那里风景特别好。 刘明: 桂林山水甲天下嘛!你打算自助游还是跟团游啊? 李英: 我在桂林只呆一个星期,学习很忙,不能自助游了。我打算跟团旅 游,比较方便,而且现在旅行社的旅游路线多,选择也很多。 刘明: 那倒是!祝你假期愉快! 李英: 也祝你假期愉快,咱们八月再见。 After you’ve listened to their conversation, answer the following questio ns. (a) What are Liu Ming’s plans for the summer? He is going to travel to Hong Kong. (b) Why does Li Ying know Hong Kong well? She was previously an exchange student in Hong Kong for 2 years. THE WIDER WORLD: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 13 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES (c) What benefit can you have from going to Lan Gui F ang? You can experience the Hong Kong people’s life at night. (d) What is Wang Jiao famous for, according to Li Ying? Delicious food. (e) What does Li Ying tell Liu Ming about her plans for the summer? She is going on a summer course in Guilin and will travel to some nearby places. (f) What does Li Ying say about going on a guided tour? It is convenient and now has many routes and choices available. 14 THE WIDER WORLD: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES Unit 3 国内游和国外游 Activity 1: Listening comprehension Li Yun and Lin Dong are talking about their favourite places to travel to: Listening transcript 林东: 李云,你最喜欢去哪里旅游? 李云: 我最喜欢去山区旅游。那里远离市区,空气好又安静,让我觉得很 放松。 爬山还是一项很好的运动。 林东: 爬山确实对健康很好。 你喜欢一个人去山区还是和别人一起去? 李云: 我特别喜欢跟家人或者朋友一起去山区。 林东: 你去年夏天去山区旅游了吗? 李云: 去了啊!去年夏天,我就和几个朋友一起去了四川的九寨沟,实在 是太美了!拍出来的每张照片都好像一幅山水风景画。你呢,林 东?你喜欢去哪里旅游? 林东: 我最喜欢出国旅游。国外最吸引我的地方就是那里的景色跟国内很 不一样。 再说了,每次放暑假和寒假的时候,国内要么太热,要么 太冷,真的不是什么旅游的好时间。 李云: 国内也有四季如春的地区啊,比如云南。 林东: 云南天气倒是很好,但不能每回都去云南吧。可是,去国外就不一 样了,比如,寒假的时候,我可以去澳大利亚,那里是夏天,可舒 服了!而暑假的时候,我就去英格兰,那里不冷也不热,是旅游的 最好的季节。 李云: 你还去过哪些国家? 林东: 我还去过法国和西班牙。我今年暑假要和家人一起去苏格兰参加爱 丁堡的艺术节。 After you’ve listened to their conversation, answer the following questions. (a) What is Li Yun’s favourite travel destination? The mountains. (b) Why does she like to travel there? Give any two reasons. Far away from urban areas, the fresh air and quietness make her feel relaxed, climbing the mountains is a good sport. (Any two of the above) THE WIDER WORLD: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 15 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES (c) Who did she go to Jiuzhaigou with last summer? A few friends. (d) How did she describe the scenery there? Very beautiful: every photo taken looks like a beautiful landscape painting. (e) Why does Lin Dong like travelling abroad? The scenery abroad is quite different from that in China. He doesn’t have a suitable time to travel within China because it is either too hot in summer holidays or too cold in winter holidays. (f) Why does he go to Australia in the winter holidays? Because it is summer there, very comfortable. (g) Why does he like to go to England for his summer holidays? Because it is not cold or hot there. It is the best time to visit England. (h) What are his plans for this summer? To go to the Edinburgh Festival in Scotland. Activity 2: Reading comprehension After you’ve read the article, answer the following questions . (a) What has happened to the tourist market in recent years? Mention any three things. The tourist market has become more and more mature. More and more Chinese travel abroad. More and more options are available for travelling abroad . The services for people travelling abroad are getting bette r and better. (Any three of the above) (b) Why couldn’t people have good quality tours abroad when outbound tourism started up a few years ago? Because people visited too many places within too short a time, which resulted in most of them ‘falling asleep once on the coach and starting to take photos once they get off the coach’. (c) What tour options offered by travel agencies are getting more popular among the tourists nowadays? Mention any two. Visit one country for 2 weeks. Stay on an island for 1 or 2 weeks. Independent tours around Europe. (Any two of the above) 16 THE WIDER WORLD: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES (d) What age group of people would like to visit Japan or Korea in spring? Older people who are retired but with very high income . (e) Where would a middle-aged man like to take his wife and kids on holiday? To countries such as France and America, to Disneyland, to enjoy the sun at the beach. (f) What benefits can young people have from educational tours? Mention any three. Go and visit famous places of interest. Taste different food in different places. Visit colleges and universities. Choose one college or university for their study in the future. (Any three of the above) (g) Translate ‘近几年来,中国人民的生活水平提高了,口袋里更有钱了。人 们的想法也有了改变: 休闲的观念比以前强了, 越来越多的人认识到旅 游质量的重要性。’ into English. In recent years, Chinese people’s living standards have risen and people now have more money. They have changed their attitudes: the notion of leisure and enjoyment has become stronger; more and more people have realised the importance of having a good experience of travel. THE WIDER WORLD: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 17 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES Unit 4 黄金周,去还是留 Activity 1: Reading comprehension After you’ve read the article, answer the following questions . (a) In 1999, the Chinese government introduced a new holiday system. Why? In order to stimulate people’s consumption through tourism and therefore boost the country’s economy. (b) How could Chinese people take 7 days off during a ‘golden week’ even if the official holidays were only 3 days long? They moved the weekends before and after the holidays in order to have 7 days off. (c) What are the side effects of the ‘golden week’? It is difficult for Chinese people to have trips because of traffic jams , environmental problems and increased prices of everything in overcrowded tourist districts. (d) Which one of the ‘golden weeks’ has been cancel led? Labour Day Golden Week. (e) In order to ensure Chinese people have the right to access holidays what measures have been taken? New laws have been issued. (f) Translate ‘由于周末和节假日本来就是中国老百姓消费的黄金时段,七天 的长假更将旅游、交通和商业有效地结合在一起,成为商家赚钱的大好 时机,因此被媒体称为 ‘黄金周’’ into English. Weekends and holidays have always been the golden times for Chinese people to do shopping. The 7-day long holiday has brought trade companies a golden opportunity for making money because it has effectively brought tourism, transport and business together. Therefore, it is called ‘golden week’ by the media. 18 THE WIDER WORLD: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES Activity 2: Reading comprehension After you’ve read the article, answer the following questions. (a) What does Xiao Zhang tell you about his work life? He has a lot of pressure from work and has to work at weekends. (b) What does he normally do during the New Year holidays? Go back home and join his family. (c) Xiao Zhang does not travel during National Day holidays. Why? The weather is not great for travel. It rains a lot in many places in China. (d) Where does Lao Ma work? At a private company. (e) Why did employers agree to give employees days off over the ‘golden week’, even though they were reluctant? Because financial sectors were having holidays. (f) What is Lao Ma’s opinion on cancelling ‘golden week’? Why? He is against it because he doesn’t think all people can benefit from the new holiday system that the government is introducing, especially workers working in private companies like him. (g) What did A Niu do during the first Labour Day Golden Week? He went to Lijiang with three good friends. (h) How did he describe how crowded it was? Give three details. Lijiang town was like Beijing’s food markets with loads of p eople. People had to queue for a long time when needing the toilet. The tour guides could hardly be heard even though they were almost shouting through a loudspeaker. When taking photos, there were people all over the place in the photos. (i) What decision has he made about next Labour Day holidays? Not going on a trip again. THE WIDER WORLD: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 19 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES Activity 3: Listening comprehension Dongdong, a young boy, is talking to you about his experience over the Labour Day holidays last year. Listening transcript 小朋友东东: 去年五一,妈妈带我去动物园玩。那天我很高兴,起床起得非常早。一路 上人多车多,公共汽车开得非常慢,我们花了很长的时间才赶到动物园。 尽管门票比平时贵了不少,可是来玩的小朋友还是很多!那天,可爱的小 动物们好像被这么多人吓坏了,全都躲起来了。中午,妈妈排了很长的 队,好不容易才给我买来快餐盒饭,还一直报怨服务员阿姨态度不好。真 可惜, 那天,很多动物我都没有看到,玩得一点儿也不高兴。妈妈说,只 要是黄金周出来玩,动物园都会是这么多人的。那多没意思啊!什么时 候,别的叔叔阿姨上班的时候,妈妈能休假带我去玩就好了。我一点也不 喜欢黄金周。 After you’ve listened to Dongdong’s talk, answer the following questions . (a) Where did Dongdong go during the Labour Day holidays last year? To the zoo. (b) It took them a long time to get to the destination. Why? Too crowded on the roads, too much traff ic, the bus moved very slowly. (c) What did Dongdong tell you about the admission tickets? Much more expensive than usual. (d) What did his mother complain about during lunch time? The waitress served her very badly. (e) How did he feel about this trip? Didn’t enjoy it, didn’t have a great time. (f) When would he like to go back to have a second visit? During his mum’s paid holidays. (g) How did he feel about the ‘golden week’? He doesn’t like it. 20 THE WIDER WORLD: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010