LISTS AND DATA ENTRY SECTION 1 Lists and Data Entry Data is stored in the fx-9750G in LISTS. There are several ways to create a list. From the home screen curly brackets can be used to store a data set in a list, with a name from List 1 to List 6 (Fig 1). A better method however is to select the LIST (4) icon from MAIN MENU to go to the List Mode and enter the data directly into a column; this method is rather like using a spreadsheet on the computer (Fig 2). Fig 1 Fig 2 In the rest of this section we will describe how to define and manipulate lists. V V You can move between lists using the keys and between cells within a list with the V keys. Input a value and press EXE to store it in the list. The cursor automatically moves down to the next cell. V You can use the result of an expression as list input. To put the result of 2 + 3 into the next cell you press 2 + 3 EXE and 5 appears in the cell. V V You can batch input a series of values. Highlight the list header you want to use (using the { , input the V keys) then press SHIFT values you want, pressing between each value. Press SHIFT } after the final value. , Press EXE to store all the values in your list. You can also use list names inside a mathematical expression to input values into another list. MATHEMATICS 1 LISTS AND DATA ENTRY V highlight LIST 3 using the V Example 1 To store in LIST 3 the result of adding the values in LIST 1 to the values in LIST 2 you: keys V Fig 3 press OPTN F1 (LIST) 2 EXE (LIST) (List) F1 1 + F1 Fig 4 V press 1 x OPTN 5 ÷ F1 8 (LIST) F1 V Example 2 If LIST 1 contains distances in kilometres and you want to convert these to miles and store them in LIST 2 you: V highlight LIST 2 using the keys Fig 5 (List) EXE Fig 6 Example 3 Create a list for the following data set of average temperatures in New Zealand, given in º Fahrenheit. Jan 63 May 53 Sept 52 Feb 62 June 50 Oct 54 Mar July Nov 61 48 59 Apr Aug Dec 57 49 61 Convert these temperatures to º Centigrade, using the formula (F – 32) × (5/9). Solution To create a list use the LIST icon from MAIN MENU and enter the data as List 1 (Fig 7). 2 MATHEMATICS LISTS AND DATA ENTRY V Fig 7 V V Now with List 2 highlighted with the keys enter the formula, using List 1 as the temperature in º Fahrenheit (Fig 8). Fig 8 This calculation could have been done on the RUN (1) from MAIN MENU screen as shown (Fig 9). (As before, List is obtained using OPTN F1 F1 .) Fig 9 Exercises 1. Create a list List 1 using {4,8,11,14,15,17,20}. Create new lists List 1 – 7, 3 × List 1, List 12. 2. Create a list showing the mean distance from the sun in millions of miles to each planet. Then create a new list showing the mean distance in millions of kilometres. Planet Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Mean distance from sun (Millions of miles) 36.0 67.2 92.9 141.7 483.9 887.2 1784.0 2796.5 3666.1 (8 km = 5 miles) MATHEMATICS 3 MEDIAN, QUARTILES AND BOXPLOTS SECTION 2 Median, Quartiles and Boxplots The median of a set of data is one measure of the average or centre of the data. When the data are arranged in order, there should be an equal number of data items above and below the median. If the set has an odd number of items, then the median is one of the items. If the set has an even number of items, then the median is the mean of two items. Example 1 Find the median for this set of 24 test marks. 100 83 66 100 81 65 97 80 63 95 77 60 92 75 58 88 71 54 85 70 51 83 69 50 Solution Since there is an even number of test marks the median will be the mean of the middle pair of numbers in an ordered list. In other words, the median will be the mean of the 12th and 13th data items if this list is placed in ascending order. On the fx-9750G, the median of any list can be found Either from RUN(1) in the MAIN MENU. ∇ ∇ ∇ Assuming the list you want to work on is in List 1 by pressing OPTN F1 (LIST) F6 ( ) F4 (Med) F6 ( ) F6 ( ) F1 (List) 1 ) EXE Fig 1 Or from LIST(4) in the MAIN MENU. V V V Assuming the list you want to work on is in List 1 and List 2 is empty use to V highlight cell 1 in List 2 then press as above from and including OPTN . This puts the median of List 1 in cell 1 of List 2. (Don’t put it at the bottom of List 1 as that will change the contents of List 1 and will affect any more work you do on it.) Or see after the next section on Quartiles. 4 MATHEMATICS Fig 2 MEDIAN, QUARTILES AND BOXPLOTS The lower quartile, Q1, of a data set can be described as the median of the lower half of the items and the upper quartile, Q3, as the median of the upper half. If the median is one of the elements, it is not included in either half. Example 2 Find the quartiles for the same set of test scores. Solution The lower half of this data set has 12 items, so Q1 is the mean of the 6th and 7th items, in this case 64. Similarly, the upper quartile Q3 is the mean of the 18th and 19th items, or 86.5. On the fx-9750G to view the statistical results for a list of data, select the STAT(2) option from the MAIN MENU (Fig 3), press F2 (CALC) F6 F1 (SET) and make sure the top line has 1Var as List 1 then EXIT (1Var) (Fig 4). Fig 4 Several statistics appear (Fig 5). Use quartiles and median (Fig 6). Fig 5 Fig 6 V Fig 3 several times to see the Fig 7 The Max, Min and Quartiles of a data set are often displayed in a box and whisker plot (boxplot). MATHEMATICS 5 MEDIAN, QUARTILES AND BOXPLOTS Example 3 Create a boxplot of these test marks. ∇ Solution From the MAIN MENU select STAT(2) or EXIT if you are EXIT continuing from the last section. Press F1 (GRPH) F6 (SET) and make sure the screen looks like Fig 8. To set the whole screen, press F1 (GPH1) F6 ( ) F2 (BOX) F1 (List 1) ( ) F1 (1). Then press EXIT F1 (GPH1); see Fig 9. V V V Fig 8 Fig 9 The Boxplot should be displayed (Fig 10). Press SHIFT F1 (TRACE) and use the cursor keys to read the extremes, quartiles and median (Fig 11). Fig 10 Fig 11 If you do not get the screen shown in Fig 11, then make adjustments using SHIFT MENU (SET UP) to have Graph Func On, Coord On, Grid Off, Axes On, etc. Boxplots are particularly effective for comparison of two or more sets of data. 6 MATHEMATICS MEDIAN, QUARTILES AND BOXPLOTS Example 4 Suppose another class sitting the same test score these marks 94 70 93 64 90 61 84 54 81 53 81 48 78 40 75 32 74 Create two boxplots to compare their performance with the original class. Solution Enter the new scores into another list, such as List 2. You now need to SET GPH2 to List 2 as follows: Go into STAT(2) from the MAIN MENU. Press F1 (GRPH) F6 (SET) F2 (GPH2) to Graph Type F6 F1 (1) EXIT ( ) F2 (BOX) (List 2) F2 You can now press F1 (GPH1) to see the original boxplot and then EXIT and F2 (GPH2) to see the second boxplot or F4 (SEL) and make sure StatGraph1 and StatGraph2 are both set on DrawOn (see Fig 12), then press F6 (Draw) and both boxplots will be displayed at the same time (GPH1 at the top of the screen); see Fig 13. You can V V ∇ V TRACE SHIFT F1 to look at the features of each boxplot; see Figs 14 and 15. Fig 12 Fig 13 Fig 14 Fig 15 The difference between the third quartile Q3 and the first quartile Q1, is called the interquartile range. It measures the spread of the middle 50% of the data. In these examples, the interquartile ranges of the marks are 22.5 for the original class (example 1) and 29 for the second class (example 4). MATHEMATICS 7 MEDIAN, QUARTILES AND BOXPLOTS Exercises 1. Find the minimum, maximum, median and quartiles for the running speeds of the following creatures, given in mph. Create a boxplot for the data. Cheetah Coyote Rabbit Snail 2. 70 40 35 0.03 Cat Hyena Pig Man 29 40 11 28 Lion 52 Greyhound 40 Tortoise 0.18 Find the minimum, maximum, median and quartiles for heights of the following pupils. (Measurements in cm.) 159 161 163 164 165 168 168 169 171 172 173 174 175 175 3. A company has two machines that fill bottles of soft drinks. Samples from each machine show the following number of millilitres per can. Machine 1: 320, 319, 319, 321, 318, 317, 319, 316, 315, 320 Machine 2: 318, 321, 315, 315, 314, 315, 318, 317, 320, 313 Create a boxplot for each machine. Sketch one above the other. Describe the performance of the two machines. 8 MATHEMATICS TWO VARIABLE STATISTICS SECTION 3 Two Variable Statistics Objectives After completing this unit you should be able to use the fx-9750G to: • draw scattergraphs • calculate and assist you in your interpretation of Pearson’s product–moment correlation coefficient. • determine the least squares regression line of y on x given by y = ax + b. • predict values using this regression line and comment on their reliability. Example The table below shows the test results for 10 students in both Maths and Physics. Maths 65 45 40 55 60 50 80 30 70 65 Physics 60 60 55 70 80 40 85 50 70 80 (i) Draw a scattergraph for this data and comment on the relationship observed. (ii) Calculate the Pearson’s product–moment correlation coefficient. (iii) Find the least squares regression line for this data. Solution to (i) 1. Enter the data into the Lists on your fx-9750G (Fig 1). Fig 1 2. Go into STAT(2) from the MAIN MENU and press F1 (GRPH) F6 (SET) and make sure you set the Graph Type to Scatter. Do this by highlighting Graph Type and press F1 (Scat). MATHEMATICS 9 TWO VARIABLE STATISTICS Choose which data set is to be on the x-axis and which on the y-axis by entering the appropriate list name (List 1 and List 2). Finally choose how the data points will be shown on the graph (Fig 2) by highlighting Mark Type and choosing F1, F2 or F3. When you have completed this stage press EXIT . Then press F1 (GPH1) to see the graph (Fig 3). If you want to change the settings for showing the axes for grid lines or if you wish to switch Label to Off, press SHIFT MENU (SETUP) and make your choices then press EXIT . Fig 2 3. Fig 3 V You can look at the coordinates of individual points by pressing SHIFT F1 (Trace) and ; see Fig 4. Fig 4 4. 10 Interpretation. Generally, the higher the Maths mark the higher the Physics mark, and vice versa. Marks scored for Maths and Physics appear to be correlated. MATHEMATICS TWO VARIABLE STATISTICS Solution to (ii) Pearson’s product–moment correlation coefficient simplifies algebraically to a more useful form given by: x y xy − ∑ n∑ sxy ∑ = r= 2 2 sxxsyy (∑ x ) (∑ y ) 2 2 ∑x − n ∑y − n The various statistics used in this formula can be obtained on the fx-9750G. If, when you have drawn the graph, your screen looks like Fig 5, press F6 ( ) giving Fig 6 then F4 (2VAR). ∇ 1. 2. Fig 5 Fig 6 Fig 7 Fig 8 V You can then scroll down Fig 9). and pick out the terms (Fig 7, Fig 8, Fig 9 The product–moment correlation coefficient, r, can now be calculated, either manually using the appropriate values from the above screen or using the calculator. Press EXIT to return to the List screen then F1 (GPH1) (Fig 10). Fig 10 MATHEMATICS 11 TWO VARIABLE STATISTICS Press F1 (x) to give Fig 11 which gives the computed coefficients for the correlation of y on x and the product–moment correlation coefficient r. Fig 11 3. The value of Pearson’s product–moment correlation coefficient, r, is now seen. In this example, r = 0.7365. This would indicate that although there is a positive correlation it is not very strong. The general equation of the least squares regression line of y on x is given by ∑x∑y sxy ∑ xy − n = and a = y − bx y = ax + b where b = 2 (∑ x ) sxx 2 x − ∑ n The calculator has already evaluated a and b. They are a = 0.7108 and b = 25.196. So the regression line has equation y = 0.7108x + 25.196. To draw this line on the graph press and the graph is drawn; see Fig 12. Fig 12 12 MATHEMATICS F6 (DRAW) when at Fig 11 MEAN AND VARIANCE OF DISCRETE RANDOM VARIABLES SECTION 4 Mean and Variance of Discrete Random Variables Let X be a discrete random variable taking values x1, x2,....., xn with probabilities p 1, p2,..... pn. The variance of X, denoted by σ2, is the number σ2 = (x 1 – µ )2 p1 + (x 2 – µ )2 p2 + .......... + (x n – µ )2 pn The standard deviation σ of X is the square root of the variance. When given the probability distribution of a random variable X, the fx-9750G list facility can be used to find the mean and standard deviation. Example 1 Let the output of the random variable X denote the number of defective computer parts in a shipment of 400. The following table gives the probability density function (pdf) of X: X 0 1 2 3 4 5 pdf(X) 0.02 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.08 Compute the mean and standard deviation. Solution Input the values shown in List 1 and List 2 by going into STAT(2) from the MAIN MENU(Fig 1): Fig 1 Fig 2 Fig 3 Calculate the mean and standard deviation. Press F2 (CALC) F6 (SET) so that you can set the calculator correctly. You need to have 1Var XList as List 1 and 1Var Freq as List 2 (Fig 2). The press EXIT and F1 (1Var) to give Fig 3 where you can see the mean is 2.5 and the standard deviation is 1.204. MATHEMATICS 13 MEAN AND VARIANCE OF DISCRETE RANDOM VARIABLES Exercises 1. A random variable X has a probability density function given by: X –2 –1 0 1 2 pdf(x) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.1 Compute the mean and standard deviation. 2. Bluetits always lay three eggs. The number of eggs which hatch, X, has the following probability distribution: X 0 1 2 3 pdf(x) 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.2 Compute the mean and standard deviation. 14 MATHEMATICS SUMMARY STATISTICS FOR A SINGLE VARIABLE SECTION 5 Summary statistics for single or variable data Introduction: An introduction to Statistics on the graphic calculator. This topic looks at a single variable. Maths content: Basic simple Statistics. Calculator work: Use of LISTS and extracting statistics. Level: S3 or S4 In this section you will enter some sets of data into the statistical registers (or lists) of the calculator and calculate a number of different statistics for the data. The fx-9750G has six registers (called lists) for storing data. A list can hold up to 255 data values. Option 4 of the MAIN MENU takes you to the list screen where lists can be entered and edited. There are 3 main stages involved in using the statistical keys to find the values required. These are: • checking and clearing data lists • entering the data into one or more of the lists and editing where necessary • doing the calculations Before entering new data into your calculator it is good practice to clear away any existing data. An easy way is to choose LIST(4) from the MAIN MENU and then highlight the list to be deleted and press F4 (DEL.A) F1 (YES); see Fig 1. Fig 1 ∇ Alternatively, go into STAT(2) from the MAIN MENU, highlight the list to be deleted and press F4 (DEL.A) F1 (YES) or if DEL.A is not on screen press F6 ( ) so that it is. MATHEMATICS 15 SUMMARY STATISTICS FOR A SINGLE VARIABLE The following simple example illustrates how to find a number of statistics for a set of data. Example 1 The marks obtained by pupils in a Geography class test (out of 12 ) were 2, 10, 11, 3, 5, 8, 12, 7, 8, 8 Entering the data Choose STAT(2) from the MAIN MENU and you will see the screen shown (Fig 2). The data are entered one at a time, pressing [EXE] after each item is entered. Press 2 [EXE] 10 [EXE] 11 [EXE] etc until all the data are entered (Fig 3). Fig 2 Fig 3 Once all the data have been entered the calculator is ready to provide you with the various summary values. ∇ You can obtain these values by pressing F2 (CALC) from the list screen (if it is not showing press F6 ( ) as needed then F2 (CALC)). Now press F6 (SET) and make sure the 1Var XList is List 1 and the 1Var Freq is 1 (Fig 4). Press (Fig 5) F1 (1VAR) and you will see the EXIT results – scroll down with to see the full list; see Figs 6–8. Fig 4 V Fig 5 Fig 6 Fig 7 Fig 8 These results are explained as follows: x is the mean of the values in the list. Σx is the sum of the values. Σx2 is the sum of the squares of the values. xσn–1 and xσn are measures of how widely spread the data are. (xσn–1 is the value obtained when n–1 is used to calculate the standard deviation and xσn is the value obtained when n 16 MATHEMATICS SUMMARY STATISTICS FOR A SINGLE VARIABLE is used ). n is the number of values in the list. minX and maxX are the lowest and highest values in the list. Med is the median – the middle value when the data are sorted into ascending order. Q1 and Q 3 are known as the quartiles. Example 2 A popular brand of battery is sold in packs of four. A price check was made in eleven different large stores and produced the following results: Store Price Store Price W H Smith Woolworth Currys Boots Dixons Rackhams £ £ £ £ £ £ Superdrug Tesco Sainsbury Great Mills Quick Buy £ £ £ £ £ 3.49 3.09 3.49 3.29 3.39 3.79 3.29 2.99 3.29 3.49 3.76 Enter these prices into one of the data lists of the calculator and produce summary statistics for the data. Example 3 Two groups of rats were provided with different diets, one group having a restricted diet and the other permitted free eating. A note was made of the number of days that the rats in each group lived and this data is shown in the lists. Length of lives of rats on a restricted diet and free eating: Restricted 1136 901 1327 1220 789 1181 604 1085 1045 211 974 Free eating 675 791 630 731 547 768 387 702 736 836 Notice that these are not paired data – there is no link between, for example, the first values in each list. Produce summary statistics for these sets of data. MATHEMATICS 17 SUMMARY STATISTICS FOR A SINGLE VARIABLE Calculating the mean and other statistics from frequency data Example 4 The example shows the daily temperatures at midday during the month of June one year. Temp. (°C) Frequency 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Temp. (°C) 1 2 2 3 3 3 1 19 20 21 22 23 24 Frequency 4 2 3 3 2 1 Enter the temperature values in list List 1 and the corresponding frequencies in list List 2. You now need to instruct the calculator to perform a 1-Var Stats summary of the values in lists List 1 and List 2. Explanation To choose the calculation route. Press F1 See (CALC) Fig 9 To set what you want each list to represent. F6 (SET) Fig 10 Make sure the 1Var XList is List 1 and the 1Var Freq is List 2. Fig 11 18 MATHEMATICS SUMMARY STATISTICS FOR A SINGLE VARIABLE Explanation To display the summary statistics Press See EXIT F1 (1VAR) Fig 12 V and to see the complete set of statistics scroll down several times. Fig 13 Fig 14 MATHEMATICS 19 BOXPLOTS SECTION 6 Boxplots (1) Introduction: This unit explains how to enter data into lists, set up a plot and then to display the plot. Maths content: Statistics – boxplots. Calculator work: LISTS, StatGraph. S3 or S4 Level: (This section is adapted from a feature in Tapping into Mathematics with the TI-83 Graphic Calculator, (eds) Barrie Galpin and Alan Graham, Addison Wesley, 1997.) There are three main stages involved in obtaining boxplots on the fx-9750G. These are: • Entering the data • Setting up the plots • Displaying the plots. Example The gross weekly earnings including overtime for 17 chefs and cooks in £s are shown in the table. Women Men 165 210 110 235 152 128 172 136 147 275 233 188 165 330 130 200 249 Construct a boxplot for each set of data. Start by entering the data into the calculator. Enter women’s earnings in List 1 and enter the earnings for men in List 2. Press 20 F1 (GRPH) MATHEMATICS F6 (SET). Fig 1 BOXPLOTS Now adjust/set StatGraph 1 screen to Fig 2. [Use to highlight Graph Type and then choose from menu at the bottom of the screen F2 (Box) to get Med Box, then to XList and F1 (List 1) then to Frequency and (1)]. F1 V V Fig 2 V Press EXIT and repeat the above process to set the StatGraph 2 screen to Fig 3. Fig 3 Then press (Fig 4). EXIT to return to this screen Fig 4 You now need to select which graphs to display so press F4 (SEL) and using and F1 (On) twice and F2 (Off) once, set the screen like Fig 5. V Now press F6 (DRAW) to draw the boxplots, as in Fig 6. Two boxplots are displayed on the graphing screen. StatGraph 1 is at the top of the screen and StatGraph 2 is beneath it. Fig 5 Fig 6 Using TRACE with boxplots The five values which should be marked on a boxplot are: min, Q1, Median, Q3, max TRACE Press SHIFT F1 . Using the right and left cursor keys you can display the above five values on the screen one at a time. Using the up and down cursor keys moves the cross from one boxplot to the corresponding point of the other boxplot. The display at the top of the screen shows which graph the trace refers to and a flashing cross shows the position of the value displayed at the bottom of the screen. Fig 7 MATHEMATICS 21 BOXPLOTS Boxplots (2) (This section is adapted from an item in graphiTI 6 and 7. graphiTI is the newsletter of the TI user group at The Centre for Teaching Mathematics, University of Plymouth.) Not all the measures (mean, median and mode) are suitable for all types of data. For symmetrical data the best measure of average is the mean and the best measure of spread is the standard deviation. (The sample standard deviation is denoted by xσn–1, the population standard deviation is denoted by xσn). For skewed data the best measure of average is the median and the best measure of spread is the interquartile range (Q3 – Q1). Encouraging students to see the shape of the data before calculating the statistics will ensure that they pick out the appropriate measures. The fx-9750G can be used to investigate data and summary statistics as follows. Enter the following data into List 1 (it can be good practice to delete all the lists first – use F4 (DEL.A) F1 (YES)): 4 5 7 6 7 8 8 32 5 14 9 5 14 20 21 6 Set up the StatGraph 1 as shown in Fig 8 Fig 8 and the selection as shown in Fig 9. Fig 9 Draw the Boxplot by pressing F6 (DRAW). Fig 10 From your Boxplot how can you describe the data set? Symmetrical, skewed or what? Calculate the statistics on the data by pressing F1 (1VAR). Fig 11 22 MATHEMATICS BOXPLOTS A lot of information will appear! V Use to scroll down all the information. Fig 12 Fig 13 What is the appropriate measure of average, the mean(x) or the median (Med)? In the following exercise, find a suitable measure for the average of the data. 1. The following are the sizes of 28 families with children: 3 4 2. 3 5 4 7 4 3 5 6 4 5 5 7 4 5 6 6 4 4 5 3 5 6 7 6 The following are the number of nights stayed in Britain by a sample of 22 overseas visitors in 1996: 1 6 3. 6 5 3 7 2 9 3 11 3 12 1 14 4 15 6 17 7 20 4 22 5 25 The data is the temperature in degrees Centigrade at a weather centre for two weeks in May: 10 11 13 13 9 16 12 14 15 12 10 15 8 10 Either a boxplot or a histogram of the data is the best way to see if the data is skewed. [To see a histogram change the Graph Type in StatGraph1 to (Hist), then EXIT , F1 (GPH1) which gives the Set Interval screen – you may need to adjust the values then F6 (DRAW)]. Fig 14 Fig 15 Fig 16 MATHEMATICS 23 MARKS IN EXAMS SECTION 7 Marks in exams: Linear regression Introduction: A look at scattergraphs and the line of best fit for sets of data. Maths content: Straight line fit to data. Calculator work: Using LISTS, StatGraph operations, drawing scattergraphs. S3 or S4 Level: The graphic calculator can be used to plot scatter graphs and to determine the equation of the line of best fit for linear data. Example 13 pupils sat tests in Mathematics, Physics and English. The results are shown in the table below: Maths Physics English 74 61 40 38 62 58 31 48 50 35 20 80 24 69 63 37 27 53 60 27 30 62 43 20 72 14 38 50 72 82 28 57 68 51 21 70 92 16 96 Enter the data into lists List 1, List 2 and List 3. Fig 1 Consider first the relationship between the Mathematics mark and the Physics mark. Set up StatGraph 1 as shown in Fig 2. F1 (GPH1). Press EXIT Fig 2 The graph shown will appear; see Fig 3. Fig 3 24 MATHEMATICS MARKS IN EXAMS As the data looks linear we could perform linear regression on it. Press F1 (x). The display gives the values of a and b. Fig 4 What has the calculator worked out? The graphic calculator has worked out the theoretical line of best fit using a process called Linear Regression. The equation relating the Mathematics mark to the Physics mark can be stored in Graph Func by pressing F5 (COPY) EXE . The fitted line can be seen by pressing F6 (DRAW). Return to MAIN MENU by pressing MENU then select GRAPH(5) and F6 (DRAW). Fig 5 Making predictions with the Line of Best Fit TRACE Pressing F1 gives the trace function, letting you work out a good estimate for any student who may have missed any exams. By using the cursor keys you can display the x and y coordinates at any point along the line. Fig 6 One student was absent for her Physics test. If she scored 54 in her Mathematics test, what mark would you give her for Physics? Repeat the previous steps to find equations to represent the relationships between: (i) (ii) the Mathematics and English marks the Physics and English marks. What mark should the absent student be awarded if she missed her exam in English? Remember: always plot a scatter diagram of your data first. MATHEMATICS 25 HIGHWAY CODE SECTION 8 Highway Code Introduction: This topic investigates the stopping distance of a car which is made up of the thinking distance and the braking distance. Maths content: Fitting lines and curves to data. Calculator work: LISTS and StatGraph operations. Level: S3 The Highway Code gives the following data for the shortest braking distances of a car (with good brakes on a dry road) travelling at different speeds. The total distance is made up from the distance travelled before the driver realises what’s happening (thinking distance) and the distance travelled in bringing the car to a stop (braking distance). Stopping Distances Speed (mph) 20 30 40 50 60 70 Thinking distance(m) 6 9 12 15 18 21 Braking distance(m) 6 14 24 38 55 75 Total (m) 12 23 36 53 73 96 (Average length of car = 4m; Source – Highway Code) 1. Display Speed against Thinking Distance and find the equation connecting S and dthi. 2. See if you can find a quadratic equation connecting the speed S and the Braking Distance db. 3. Find the equation connecting the Speed S and the Total Distance d tot . 4. Use the equation in (3) to predict the overall stopping distance for cars travelling at speeds of (i) 55 mph (ii) 73 mph 26 MATHEMATICS HIGHWAY CODE The formula obtained in the above questions contribute towards road safety in a number of ways. They are used to provide advice to drivers on the distance to leave between vehicles; they can also be used by road drivers in considering safe visibility distance and in devising safe speed limits for different types of roads. Solutions Enter the speeds, thinking, braking and total distances in lists List 1, List 2 , List 3 and List 4 respectively. 1. Fig 1 Fig 2 The following screenshots illustrate the steps involved in entering the data in the lists. setting up the plot for List 1 against List 2. Fig 3 obtaining the plot which is a straight line. Fig 4 finding the line of best fit. Fig 5 obtaining the equation of the line. 2. The following screenshots again illustrate the steps involved in Fig 6 setting up the plot for List 3 against List 1. Fig 7 calculating the quadratic fit to the data (choosing F3 (x^2)). Fig 8 Fig 9 The quadratic is shown. MATHEMATICS 27 HIGHWAY CODE 3. The following screenshots illustrate the steps involved in setting up the plot for List 4 against List 1 Fig 10 Fig 11 calculating the quadratic fit to the data Fig 12 and displaying the coefficients. Write the equation down using the calculated coefficients, and by comparing this with the results from 1 and 2 you will see that this third equation is the sum of the two from 1 and 2. 4. Copy the equation S = 0.016dtot2 + 0.263dtot + 0.6 as Y1 = 0.016X2 + 0.263X + 0.6 in the TABLE(7) from MAIN MENU. Fig 13 Press F5 (RANG) and put 55 for the start value and 73 for the end value and 18 for the pitch. Fig 14 then press EXE and the results. F6 (TABL) to see Fig 15 (You may have to alter SETUP to get the same as Fig 15.) 28 MATHEMATICS FIRE DAMAGE SECTION 9 Fire Damage Introduction: The relationship between the distance from the site of a fire to the nearest fire station and the amount of damage caused by the fire is investigated. Maths content: Linear regression. Calculator work: Use of LISTS and StatGraph operations. S3 or S4 Level: An insurance company decided to investigate the relationship between the distance from the site of a fire to the nearest fire station (miles) and the amount of damage caused by the fire in thousands of dollars. It investigated a sample of 15 major residential fires in a particular suburban area, obtaining the data shown in the table below. Distance x 3.4 Fire Damage y 26.2 1.8 17.8 4.6 31.3 2.3 23.1 3.1 27.5 5.5 36.0 0.7 14.1 Distance x 2.6 Fire Damage y 19.6 4.3 31.1 2.1 24.0 1.1 17.3 6.1 43.2 4.8 36.4 3.8 26.1 3.0 22.3 Consider the relationship between distance and fire damage. Enter the data into lists List 1 and List 2 as shown. Fig 1 Set up the graph by pressing F1 (GRPH) (SET) and make the settings like this. F6 Press EXIT , F1 (GPH1) to see the graph. Fig 2 MATHEMATICS 29 FIRE DAMAGE As the data looks linear we could perform linear regression on it. Press F1 (x). Fig 3 The display gives the values of a and b. Fig 4 What has the calculator actually worked out? The calculator has worked out the line of best fit using a process called Linear Regression. Press F6 (DRAW) to show the fitted line. Fig 5 Use the line to estimate the amount of damage that would be caused by a future residential fire at a site 5 miles from the nearest fire station. To do this press (x) F5 (COPY) EXE and the equation F1 connecting distance to fire damage is stored in Y1. Fig 6 Then press and select icon GRAPH(5) from the MAIN MENU then MENU TRACE (DRAW) and you can use TRACE by pressing SHIFT F1 and then the cursor keys to set the x-value. You may need to alter the View F6 Window settings value. V-Window SHIFT F3 to give you access to the appropriate x How sensible do you think it would be to estimate from the graph, the amount of damage for a fire at a distance 10 miles from the nearest fire station? If you think it is not sensible explain why. 30 MATHEMATICS BREAKING STRENGTH OF CABLES SECTION 10 Breaking strength of cables Introduction: The breaking strength of cables depends on the diameter of the cable. It is required to find an equation connecting the diameter and the breaking strength. Maths content: Fitting equations to data. Calculator work: Use of STAT and Pwr. S5 or S6 Level: Cables are tested under laboratory conditions to determine their breaking strength. Weights are attached to the cable and this weight is steadily increased until the cable breaks. The breaking strength of the cable is a function of the diameter of the cable. The results obtained in a number of experimental trials are shown in the table below. Diameter of the cable x(mm) Maximum weight held by the cable before breaking y(kg) 1 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 2.85 11.41 35.51 65.43 122.07 202.81 326.51 498.46 700.36 Engineers believe that an equation of the form y = kxn could be used to represent the data for the cables. This equation once determined could be used to estimate the breaking strengths of cables whose diameters are not listed in the table above. MATHEMATICS 31 BREAKING STRENGTH OF CABLES Enter the data in lists List 1 and List 2 as shown. Fig 1 Press F1 (GRAPH) F6 (SET) and ensure F4 the settings are as shown then EXIT (SEL) and make sure the graph selection is as shown and press F6 (DRAW) to see the scatter diagram. Then F6 (Pwr) will give the F3 equation representing the breaking strength of cables as y = 2.95x3.40 (Fig 6). Fig 2 Fig 3 Fig 4 This equation is stored in Y1 by pressing (COPY) EXE . F5 Press F6 and you can see the equation gives a good fit to the data (Fig 7). We can now use the equation to estimate the breaking strengths for cables with diameters not in the table. Fig 5 Fig 6 Fig 7 Return to MAIN MENU MENU and select the TABLE(7) icon. You will see the equation (Fig 8) and to evaluate particular points press (TABL) and enter the two x values 2.25 F6 and 3.65 as shown in Fig 9. If you prefer to use the rounded formula values you can change Y1 when you go into TABLE to 2.95 X,θ,T ^ 3.4 EXE and then F6 to input 2.25 and 3.65 to evaluate the functions. (You may have to alter SET UP to get the same as Fig 9.) 32 MATHEMATICS Fig 8 Fig 9 BREAKING STRENGTH OF CABLES Task The data below shows the breaking strength for a number of cables. Fit an equation of the form y = kxn to the data and use it to estimate the breaking strengths for d = 1.65 and d =4.75 Diameter 1 2 3 4 5 6 Breaking strength 3.26 15.17 30.49 63.28 145.51 202.02 MATHEMATICS 33 BREEDING GULLS SECTION 11 Breeding Gulls Introduction: A study is made over a number of years of the number of pairs of gulls breeding on a nature reserve. Students are required to fit an equation to the data so that future breeding numbers can be estimated. Maths content: Functions of the form f(x) = aebx. Calculator work: STAT; Use of Exp function. S5 or S6 Level: The number of pairs of breeding gulls estimated each year in a nature reserve is recorded over a 10-year period. The figures are given in the table below: Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Number 422 462 505 554 606 664 727 796 871 954 To model the population scientists believe that pairs breed according to the formula P(n) = aebn where n is the number of years after records are started. Enter the data in lists List 1 and List 2 as shown. Fig 1 Fig 2 Press F1 (GRPH) F1 (GPH1) to see the scatter diagram. Fig 3 34 MATHEMATICS BREEDING GULLS ∇ Press F6 ( ) F2 (Exp) and the equation representing the number of breeding pairs is given by P(n) = 385.259 × e0.0907n Press F6 (DRAW) to see the curve plotted on top of the scatter diagram. Fig 4 Fig 5 Using the equation for values outside the range of the table is called extrapolation and generally this procedure is not recommended except for estimation purposes. To calculate estimates of other year values, e.g. 11 for 2001 and 12 for 2002, you should return to MAIN MENU (press MENU ) and choose the GRAPH(5) icon. Enter the equation of the curve at Y1 [if the Graph Func at the top of the screen does not show Y= then press F3 (TYPE) F3 (Y=).] Fig 6 ex 385.259 SHIFT In 0.0907 X,θ,T EXE You can now do either or both of the following: a) Press (DRAW) to display the graph and F6 TRACE V V then press SHIFT F1 followed by the cursor keys to change the x values and note the corresponding y values. [If the screen does not show the range of values you need, you should change them in V-Window – in this example settings of Xmin:10, max:13, scale:1, Ymin:800 max:1300, scale:50 show the appropriate section of the curve.] b) Return to MAIN MENU and choose the TABLE(7) icon. You will see the Y1= 385.259e0.0907X and by pressing F5 (RANG) and setting Start to 11 and End to 12 pitch to 1 EXE you set up the two x values you are interested in. Then pressing (TABL) shows the required results. F6 EXE [Note: if you don’t set a suitable range and go directly to F6 (TABL) you can alter the x values on screen to the ones you want.] Fig 7 Fig 8 MATHEMATICS 35 BREEDING GULLS Task The data shows the number of pairs of breeding herons. Fit an equation of the form P = ae bn to the data and use it to estimate the figures for 1997 to 2000. Year 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 36 Pairs 290 343 404 477 563 664 MATHEMATICS PENDULUM LENGTHS AND PERIODS SECTION 12 Pendulum lengths and periods Introduction: The mathematical relationship between the time of swing and the length of the string for a simple pendulum is to be established. Maths content: Fitting curves to data. Calculator work: LISTS, STATPLOTS, STATCALC operation. Level: S4 or S5 A group of students are attempting to determine the mathematical relationship between the length of a pendulum and its period (the time taken for one complete swing of the pendulum). The students make a simple pendulum from string and washers and then suspend it from the ceiling. They record the pendulum’s period for each of 12 string lengths. The results are shown in the table. Length (cm) 6.5 11.0 13.2 15.0 18.0 23.1 24.4 26.6 30.5 34.3 37.6 41.5 Time(sec) 0.51 0.68 0.73 0.79 0.88 0.99 1.01 1.08 1.13 1.26 1.28 1.32 Enter the 12 string lengths in list List 1. Enter the corresponding times in List 2. Fig 1 MATHEMATICS 37 PENDULUM LENGTHS AND PERIODS The calculator can fit various models to your experimental data. Since it will also draw the model graph on your data points you might be tempted to judge ‘by eye’ which is the best model. If one model is very poor compared to another this may well be good enough. But it would be useful if we could make the judgement based on a numerical calculation, particularly if the models are both quite good. One way to make this judgement is to compare the correlation coefficients for each model. The nearer the correlation coefficient is numerically to 1 the better the fit. ∇ ∇ ∇ Press F1 (GRPH) F1 (GPH1) to see the scatter diagram. Select the model you want the calculator to fit F1 (x) for the linear model y = ax + b or F6 ( ) F1 (Log) for the model y = a + b lnx or F6 ( ) F2 (Exp) for the model y = aebx or F6 ( ) F3 (Pwr) for the model y = axb. Fig 2 For each one you should note on paper the constants a, b for the rule and the correlation coefficient r for comparison purposes. After each one you can press F6 (DRAW) to see the model fitted to the scatter diagram. If you want to see each model in turn displayed on the scatter diagram F1 you can press EXIT (GPH1) before you select the next model. The models should given these results: Fig 3 Fig 4 Fig 5 Fig 6 Fig 7 Fig 8 Fig 9 Fig 10 from which you can see that the model y = 0.192x 0.522 is the best one. 38 MATHEMATICS PENDULUM LENGTHS AND PERIODS To predict other periods for different string lengths you should return to MAIN MENU and in GRAPH(5) enter the chosen model and either DRAW and TRACE to investigate other points or use TABLE(7) from MAIN MENU to calculate the particular values you want. Now that you have a good model for the relationship between length and period you can use the model to predict the period for a given string length. Fig 11 Fig 12 Note: Since a string length of 50cm exceeds the lengths in the data set, we would expect more error with this estimate. This latter estimate is called extrapolation. MATHEMATICS 39