NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Chinese Languages Lifestyles Simplified Mandarin [HIGHER] The Scottish Qualifications Authority regularly reviews the arrangements for National Qualifications. Users of all NQ support materials, whether published by Learning and Teaching Scotland or others, are reminded that it is their responsibility to check that the support materials correspond to the requirements of the current arrangements. Acknowledgement Learning and Teaching Scotland gratefully acknowledges this contribution to the National Qualifications support programme for Chinese Languages. © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 This resource may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes by educational establishments in Scotland provided that no profit accrues at any stage. 2 LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 Contents Unit 1: Healthy Living 1 – The impact of drinking Targets for Unit 1 Activity 1: Reading and comprehension Activity 2: Speaking Activity 3: Writing Activity 4: Listening 4 5 8 8 10 Unit 2: Healthy Living 2 – Smoking harms Targets for Unit 2 Activity 1: Reading and comprehension Activity 2: Speaking Activity 3: Writing Activity 4: Listening 12 13 16 16 19 Unit 3: Leisure Interests 1 – The effects of playing electronic games Targets for Unit 3 Activity 1: Reading and comprehension Activity 2: Speaking Activity 3: Writing Activity 4: Listening 22 23 25 25 28 Unit 4: Leisure Interests 2 – Teenage fans Targets for Unit 4 Activity 1: Reading and comprehension Activity 2: Speaking Activity 3: Writing Activity 4: Listening 31 32 34 34 37 LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 3 UNIT 1: HEALTHY LIVING 1 Unit 1: Healthy Living 1 – The impact of drinking Targets for Unit 1 My learning targets 1 To become familiar with words and expressions commonly used to talk about drinking alcohol 2 To consider and discuss different opinions about drinking alcohol 3 To express (in Mandarin) your own opinion on drinking 4 LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 Completed? Date? UNIT 1: HEALTHY LIVING 1 Activity 1: Reading and comprehension Read the article and complete the exercises that follow. 饮酒的影响 目前的中国饮酒人群高达 5 亿人,关于酒的话题在中国有很强的社会敏感 性。在发达的欧洲国家有着更为浓厚的饮酒文化。在欧洲,人均饮酒量是世 界平均值的两倍。在苏格兰饮酒也是一个严重的社会问题。人们为什么要喝 酒呢? 每个人喝酒的原因都不尽相同,有人说饮酒可以壮胆;有人说饮酒有利于交 际;有人说饮酒缓解压力。饮酒究竟对个人对社会有什么影响呢? 适量饮酒,有益健康;过量饮酒,危害健康。医学研究表明适度的有节制的 饮酒有利于人们的健康。那些饮酒适度的人要比完全不喝酒和过度喝酒的人 身体健康。适度饮酒可以降低人们患高血压,糖尿病和其他疾病的机率。适 度饮酒也可以缓解人们生活的压力,延长人们的寿命。那么喝多少酒才是适 度呢? 医疗研究表明适度饮酒要控制在每天一到三瓶(罐)啤酒或是一到三小 杯红(白)酒。 过量饮酒不但铺张浪费而且对健康危害严重。世界卫生组织表明,有很多 种疾病与过量饮酒有关,中国每年有 11 万多人因过量饮酒导致酒精中毒 死亡。此外,饮酒导致的间接危害也值得关注, 比如酒后驾车导致交通事 故的发生。 另外青少年饮酒的现象也越来越严重了。过早饮酒不但会影响青少年身 体健康而且也影响他们的学习和生活。由于青少年缺少社会经验,所以过 早饮酒容易使他们对酒产生依赖性从而破坏他们的正常成长经历。 饮酒不利于青少年健康成长,过量饮酒也危害个人危害社会。为了给青少年 创造一个良好的生活环境, 我们要提倡文明饮酒和健康饮酒。为了更好做到 这一点, 从 2006 年 10 月 1 日起所有酒类产品在包装上都有标注‘过度饮酒 有害健康’、‘孕妇和儿童不宜饮酒’等警示语。 LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 5 UNIT 1: HEALTHY LIVING 1 Glossary 敏感性 (mǐn gǎn xìng) sensitivity 浓厚的 (nóng hòu de) strong 壮胆 (zhuàng dǎn) boost one’s courage 高血压 (gāo xuè yā) high blood pressure 糖尿病 (táng niào bìng) diabetes 适度的 (shì dù de) moderate 医疗研究 (yī liáo yán jiū) medical research 表明 (biǎo míng )indicate 铺张浪费 (pù zhāng làng fèi) extravagant waste 酒精 (jiǔ jīng) alcohol 提倡 (tí chàng) advocate 孕妇 (yùn fù) pregnant woman 警示语 (jǐng shì yǔ) warning words 1. Match the following words to their English meaning. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. 6 发达的 浓厚的 明显的 严重的 适度的 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) serious moderate obvious developed strong Complete the following questions. (a) What reasons are given to explain why people consume alcohol? (b) What, according to the article, is the relationship between drinking alcohol and health? (c) What are the negative effects of consuming alcohol? (d) What does the article say about the influence of alcohol on young people? (e) What does the article define as healthy drinking? (f) What does the article suggest society should do to provide a drink-free environment for young people? LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 1: HEALTHY LIVING 1 3. 4. Use each of the following phrases to make a sentence. (a) 不但…….而且 eg 过量饮酒不但铺张浪费而且对健康危害严重。 (b) 由于…….所以 eg 由于青少年缺少社会经验, 所以过早饮酒容易使他们对酒产生 依赖性。 Translate the fourth paragraph from ‘另外青少年饮酒’ to ‘正常成长经 历’. LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 7 UNIT 1: HEALTHY LIVING 1 Activity 2: Speaking Group discussion. Discuss the following questions in groups. 1. Why do some people like drinking alcohol? 2. What situations are conducive to alcohol consumption? 3. To what extent can alcohol consumption be seen as part of Scotland ’s culture? 4. What is the effect of alcohol consumption on health? Activity 3: Writing Write 150–200 characters on your opinion of alcohol consumption in Scotland. You may include the following information: 8 the impact of alcohol consumption on people’s lives the impact of alcohol consumption on society your opinion about the culture of drinking in Scotland the health implications and benefits of drinking alcohol. LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 1: HEALTHY LIVING 1 Help sheet for Activity 2: Speaking and Activity 3: Writing 社会问题 (shè huì wèn tí) problems in society 饮酒量 (yǐn jiǔ liàng) amount of alcohol drunk 明显的(míng xiǎn de) obvious 缓解压力 (huǎn jiě yā lì) relieve pressure 有利于 (yǒu lì yú) benefit 医疗研究 (yī liáo yán jiū) medical research 严重的 (yán zhòng de) serious 酗酒 (xù jiǔ) get drunk 疾病 (jí bìng) disease 破坏 (pò huài) damage 适度的 (shì dù de) moderate 过量的 (guò liàng de) excessive 铺张浪费 (pù zhāng làng fèi) extravagant waste 危害健康 (wēi hài jiàn kāng) harm one’s health 依赖性 (yī lài xìng) dependency 生活环境 (shēng huó huán jìng) living environment LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 9 UNIT 1: HEALTHY LIVING 1 Activity 4: Listening Li Gang and Wang Hao are talking about the drinking culture in China and Scotland. Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions. 1. What drink from Scotland is exported around the world? 2. How many people consume alcohol in China? 3. How significant is the drinking culture in Scotland? 4. What three factors are related to drinking habits? 5. How many deaths are alcohol-related each year in China? 6. How many people suffer ill-health related to excess alcohol consumption in Scotland? 7. What is the cause of half the road accidents in China? 8. What are the negative effects of drinking alcohol in excessive amounts? 10 LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 1: HEALTHY LIVING 1 Listening transcript Li Gang: 你知道吗? 苏格兰有着上百年的饮酒历史。苏格兰的威士忌出 口世界各地。 Wang Hao: 是这样的。苏格兰的酒消量占世界第八。在苏格兰也有着严重 的酗酒问题。 Li Gang: 在中国饮酒也有着悠久的历史。目前在中国有五亿多人饮酒, 饮酒的人数有增无减。 Wang Hao: 是啊,俗话说无酒不成宴吗? 人们的生活离不开酒。 Li Gang: 在苏格兰,酒已经成为了人们生活中不可缺少的一部分。 Wang Hao: 为什么无论是在苏格兰还是在中国会有这么多的人饮酒呢? Li Gang: 我想人们饮酒的状况应该和他们的消费能力,观念和文化等有 关系吧! Wang Hao: 人们的生活和饮酒的关系越来越密切了。由饮酒而引起的问题 也越来越多了。 Li Gang: 是的,饮酒对人们身体健康的危害太大了。在中国每年死于酒 精中毒的人数超过 11 万。 Wang Hao: 苏格兰每年也有大概 40,000 人患有与饮酒有关的疾病。 Li Gang: 在中国交通事故半数都是由饮酒引起的。每年由于酒后驾驶引 发交通事故的有数十万起。 Wang Hao: 在苏格兰也有同样的问题。另外还有很多因饮酒过量而引发的 斗殴事件。 Li Gang: 很多人对酒的认识还不够充分。人们应该提高对饮酒问题的认 识, 加强健康饮酒的观念。 Wang Hao: 是啊。适度喝酒并不可怕, 可怕的是酗酒。 LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 11 UNIT 2: HEALTHY LIVING 2 Unit 2: Healthy Living 2 – Smoking harms Targets for Unit 2 My learning targets 1 To become familiar with some words and expressions commonly used in talking about smoking 2 To consider and discuss different opinions on smoking 3 To express (in Mandarin) your own opinion on smoking 12 LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 Completed? Date? UNIT 2: HEALTHY LIVING 2 Activity 1: Reading and comprehension Read the article and complete the following exercises. 吸烟有害健康 世界各地不知道有多少人在吸烟。比如说在中国和英国都有很多人嗜好吸 烟。中国有 3 亿多人吸烟,约占全球吸烟总人数的三分之一。英国吸烟人数 也一直有增无减,并朝着低龄化方向发展。人们都知道吸烟有害健康。为什 么他们还会喜欢吸烟呢? 他们吸烟的主要三个原因是缓减压力,提神和交际的 需要。现在的很多年轻人也喜欢吸烟。他们喜欢吸烟的原因是好奇, 模仿和 显示自己的成熟。 吸烟可能会诱发多种疾病,对健康危害极大。据世界卫生组织调查显示,在 工业发达的国家中有四分之一的人患有癌症,吸烟的占 90%. 产生疾病的机 率和吸烟也有密切的关系。吸烟的人要比不吸烟的人患病的机率高。愈早开 始吸烟的人,其患病的机率愈大。十几岁便学会吸烟的人与二十几岁才开始 吸烟的人相比,更易患癌症。 吸烟不但给本人带来危害,而且还有害于身边的人。在中国, 妇女和儿童是 被动吸烟的主要受害者。尽管她们自己并不吸烟,但她们经常在家里和公共 场所遭受他人吸烟的危害。55%的 15 岁以上女性每天都遭受被动吸烟的危 害。儿童由于缺乏自我保护能力,被动吸烟情况更为严重。 吸烟有害健康,人人皆知。减少吸烟人数已成为公共卫生工作的重点之一。 苏格兰地区、北爱尔兰地区已先后于 2006 年 3 月和 2008 年 3 月开始执行禁 烟法案。从 2008 年 7 月 1 日起,英格兰地区的全部公共场合都将实行禁 烟。中国也广泛开展了控烟禁烟的宣传教育工作。中国控烟禁烟的三个源头 是青少年, 家庭和社区。 Glossary 嗜好 (shì hào) habit 缓减压力 (huǎn jiǎn yā lì ) reduce stress 模仿 (mó fǎng ) imitate 癌症 (ái zhèng) cancer 机率 (jī lǜ ) possibility 调查 (diào chá) investigate 被动 (bèi dòng) passive 遭受 (zāo shòu ) suffer 缺乏 (quē fá) lack of 法案 (fǎ àn) proposed law 源头 (yuán tóu) source 社区 (shè qū) community LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 13 UNIT 2: HEALTHY LIVING 2 1. 2. Dictionary skills. Find the following words in your dictionary and write down their English meaning. (a) 主要_____________ (b) 好奇______________ (c) 显示_____________ (d) 尽管______________ (e) 实行_____________ Use each of the following phrases to make a sentence. (a) 与…相比 eg 不吸烟的人与吸烟的人相比要更健康. ______________________________________________________ (b) 尽管 eg 尽管他父母不同意他吸烟, 他还是偷偷的去吸. ______________________________________________________ (c) 由于 eg 由于他常年吸烟, 他的身体状况不是很好. ______________________________________________________ 3. Summarise the main points of the article. 4. Answer the following questions. 14 (a) How many people smoke in China? (b) People smoke for different reasons – identify the main reasons given in the article. (c) Why is smoking a problem among young people? (d) Give two negative effects of smoking. (e) Who are the main passive smokers? Why is this? (f) What measures were introduced in Scotland and England to reduce the number of people who smoke? LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 2: HEALTHY LIVING 2 (g) 4. Which three groups are being targeted in China with regard to smoking? Translate from ‘产生疾病的机率’to ‘更易患癌症’in the second paragraph. LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 15 UNIT 2: HEALTHY LIVING 2 Activity 2: Speaking Group discussion. Discuss the following questions in groups. 1. Does Scotland have a culture of smoking? 2. Why do people smoke? 3. Why do some young people start to smoke? 4. What effect does smoking have? 6. How serious is the issue of passive smoking? 7. Do you think it was right to ban smoking in public areas? Explain your opinion. Activity 3: Writing Write about 200 characters on smoking. Use the information from the discussion above to help you. Do not forget to include your own opinions. 16 LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 2: HEALTHY LIVING 2 Help sheet for Activity 2: Speaking and Activity 3: Writing xī yān smoke 吸烟 bù xī yān don’t smoke 不吸烟 èr shǒu yān 二手烟 second-hand smoke bèi dòng xī yān passive smoke 被动吸烟 wǒ yǐ qián xī guò yān , dàn shì wǒ jiè yān le . I smoked before but I gave up 我以前吸过烟, 但是我戒烟了。 wǒ bù zài xī yān le, yīn wéi … 我不再吸烟了,因为… I won’t smoke anymore because… wǒ jiè yān le yīn wéi wǒ yì shí dào … 我戒烟了因为我意识到… I stopped smoking because I realised… wǒ cóng lái dōu bù xī yān 我从来都不吸烟。 wǒ rèn wéi 我认为 I’ve never smoked I think wǒ bù xǐ huān wén yān wèi ér 我不喜欢闻烟味儿。 I don’t like the smell of cigarette smoke wǒ bù xiǎng ná wǒ de jiàn kāng mào xiǎn I don’t want to risk my health 我不想拿我的健康冒险。 hěn duō rén dōu yǒu yān yǐn 很多人都有烟瘾。 hěn duō rén dōu jué dé jiè yān hěn nán 很多人都觉得戒烟很难。 hěn duō nián qīng rén wèi le mó fǎng qí tā rén ér xī yān 很多年轻人为了模仿其他人而吸烟。 Many people are addicted to smoking Many people think it’s very hard to stop smoking Many young people smoke because they learn from others LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 17 UNIT 2: HEALTHY LIVING 2 tā mén xī yān yīn wéi tā mén de péng yǒu xī yān 他们吸烟因为他们的朋友吸烟。 tā mén xī yān yīn wéi xī yān ràng tā mén jué dé gèng chéng shú 他们吸烟因为吸烟让他们觉得更成 熟。 bèi dòng xī yān shì yī gè yán zhòng de wèn tí They smoke because their friends smoke They smoke because they feel they look mature when they smoke Passive smoking is a serious problem 被动吸烟是一个严重的问题。 bèi dòng xī yān yī yàng wēi hài rén men de jiàn kāng 被动吸烟一样危害人们的健康。 xī yān huì yǐn fā ái zhèng 吸烟会引发癌症。 hū xī kùn nán wèn tí 呼吸困难问题 xīn zāng jí bìng 心脏疾病 wǒ zàn tóng / fǎn duì zài gōng gòng chǎng suǒ jìn yān 我赞同/反对在公共场所禁烟。 rén mén bù yīng gāi zài gōng gòng chǎng suǒ xī yān 人们不应该在公共场所吸烟。 rén mén yīng gāi yǒu quán lì xuǎn zé xī yān hái shì bù xī yān 人们应该有权力选择吸烟还是不吸 烟。 xī yān zhě méi yǒu quán lì wēi hài qí tā rén de jiàn kāng 吸烟者没有权力危害其他人的健康 18 Passive smoking also harms people’s health Smoking can cause cancer breathing problems heart disease I agree/disagree that smoking should be banned in public areas People shouldn’t smoke in public areas People have the right to choose whether they smoke or not Smokers don’t have the right to harm other people’s health LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 2: HEALTHY LIVING 2 Activity 4: Listening Zhao Qing and Wang Gang are smokers. Zhao Qing decides to give up smoking. In the following conversation they are talking about smoking, giving up smoking and their parents’ opinions of smoking. Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions. 1. How long have Zhao Qiang and Wang Gang been smoking? 2. How many cigarettes do they smoke per day? 3. What are the rules about smoking in Wang Gang’s school? 4. What do their parents think about their smoking? 5. What are the main reasons for Zhao Qiang giving up smoking? 6. Is Wang Gang going to give up smoking as well? Why? 7. Why do Zhao Qiang’s parents not like him smoking? 8. What benefits does Zhao Qiang think they can get from smoking? LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 19 UNIT 2: HEALTHY LIVING 2 Listening transcript Wang Gang: 赵强, 你吸烟吗? Zhao Qiang: 吸, 我已经吸烟两年了。不过, 我现在想戒烟了。 你呢? Wang Gang: 我也吸烟。我吸烟有一年了。我们学校有很多人吸烟。我的几 个好朋友也吸烟。我没想过要戒烟, 但是我听说戒烟很难。 Zhao Qiang: 我也知道, 我已经戒过一次了, 但是没成功。你们学校对吸烟 管得严吗? Wang Gang: 严, 校内禁止吸烟。如果你被发现在学校吸烟会被学校严重警 告。你父母知道你吸烟吗? Zhao Qiang: 知道, 这也是我戒烟的一个主要原因。 Wang Gang: 是吗? 你父母很反对你吸烟吗? Zhao Qiang: 是的, 我父母知道我吸烟他们非常不高兴。他们对我很失望。 Wang Gang: 你父母一定认为吸烟是非常有害的。 Zhao Qiang: 是的, 他们认为吸烟不但有害我的身体健康而且也影响我的学 习和生活。 Wang Gang: 但是我们都不是那种吸烟严重的人。我们每天只吸两三支烟。 Zhao Qiang: 我也是。但是我父母非常害怕我染上烟瘾。另外我父母他们都 不吸烟。 Wang Gang: 是吗? 我父母还好, 他们不太介意我吸烟。 Zhao Qiang: 你觉得吸烟对我们到底有那么多的不良影响吗? Wang Gang: 我认为只要我们不严重吸烟, 应该没什么问题。 Zhao Qiang: 我也觉得是这样的。 反而有时我觉得吸烟可以让我变得更精 神。 Wang Gang: 对, 这就是我们所说的吸烟可以提神, 另外吸烟也可以减轻我们 的学习压力。 20 LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 2: HEALTHY LIVING 2 Zhao Qiang: 是这样的, 不过为了我父母不再因为我吸烟而担心。我还是决 定要戒烟了。 Wang Gang: 那我祝你好运。 Zhao Qiang: 谢谢. 如果我戒烟成功了, 我一定告诉你。 LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 21 UNIT 3: LEISURE INTERESTS 1 Unit 3: Leisure Interests 1 – The effects of playing electronic games Targets for Unit 3 My learning targets 1 To become familiar with some words and expressions commonly used in talking about electronic games 2 To consider and discuss different opinions about electronic games 3 To express (in Mandarin) your own opinion on electronic games 22 LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 Completed? Date? UNIT 3: LEISURE INTERESTS 1 Activity 1: Reading and comprehension Read the article and complete the exercises that follow. 电子游戏的影响 电子游戏是一种非常时尚的吸引年轻人的娱乐方式。它不仅仅是一种娱乐, 也是一种文化,更是一种艺术。玩电子游戏已经成为人们日常生活中常用的 一种娱乐方式。但是也有人认为它对社会产生了不良影响,尤其是对青少年 的身心健康有害。 从 1952 年的首只电子游戏到现在的 WII,从角色扮演游戏到冒险游戏到格 斗游戏再到竞赛游戏,电子游戏不仅给人们带来了不尽的乐趣,也在青少年 心理、智力、能力等方面的健康发展方面起到了一定的促进作用。现在的电 子游戏已经发展为一种复杂多变的娱乐方式。在游戏过程中,玩家在失败中 总结出打游戏的方法。玩家在游戏中不仅获得了快乐,同时也无意中学习了 不少知识。玩电子游戏可以帮助他们发展自己的空间思维能力,同时也提高 了他们的抽象思维能力。 玩电子游戏对人们尤其是青少年也有一定的负面影响。比如说玩电子游戏会 让人们产生依赖性。沉迷电子游戏也会破坏他们的认知能力,导致他们容易 冲动,进而引发不顾后果的行为。 电子游戏对青少年的影响是两方面的。它有一定的教育潜力也有依赖性的危 害。所以我们对待电子游戏也要有两方面的认识。一方面,我们应有计划有 节制地玩电子游戏,以免对其产生依赖。另一方面,我们要好好利用电子游 戏的教育潜力,在玩游戏娱乐陶冶性情的同时学习课本之外的知识。我们还 要注意多玩有健身作用的游戏,在放松减压的同时锻炼身体。 Glossary 电子游戏 (diàn zǐ yóu xì) electronic game/video game 非常时尚 (fēi cháng shí shàng) very fashionable 不良影响 (bù liáng yǐng xiǎng) bad effects 角色扮演 (jiǎo sè bàn yǎn) role-playing game 冒险格斗 (mào xiǎn gé dòu) fighting game 促进 (cù jìn) promote 复杂多变 (fù zá duō biàn) complicated and varied 空间思维能力 (kōng jiān sī wéi néng lì) ability to visualise 抽象思维能力 (chōu xiàng sī wéi néng lì) ability to understand an abstract concept from information provided 有节制 (yǒu jié zhì) moderate LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 23 UNIT 3: LEISURE INTERESTS 1 锻炼身体 (duàn liàn shēn tǐ) body exercise 陶冶性情 (táo yě xìng qíng) mould character 沉迷 (chén mí) be confused 1. Match the following words with their English meaning. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 促进 总结 导致 利用 放松 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) relax use promote conclude cause 2. Summarise the last paragraph in one sentence. 3. Read through the article again and answer the following questions. (a) What three words are used in the article to describe electronic games? (b) Identify three different kinds of electronic games. (c) How can electronic games promote young people’s development? (d) What are the negative effects of playing electronic games? (e) Why do we need to be aware of the positive and negative effects of electronic games? (f) How do we avoid becoming addicted to electronic games? (g) What should we be aware of while playing electronic games to keep us feeling relaxed and having fun? 4. Translate the third paragraph from ‘玩电子游戏’to ‘进而引发不顾后果 的行为’。. 24 LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 3: LEISURE INTERESTS 1 Activity 2: Speaking Discuss the following questions, either in a group or with your teacher. 1. Do you like playing electronic games? Why? 2. What role do electronic games play in young people’s life? 3. What kind of electronic games do young people like to play? 4. Do you think it is wasting time to play electronic games? Why? 5. What do you think of the cost of different kinds of games? 6. What are the effects of playing electronic games? 7. How can you keep a good balance between playing electronic games and other leisure interests? Activity 3: Writing Write down 150–200 characters about the role of electronic games in your life. You may use the answers to the questions above to help you. LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 25 UNIT 3: LEISURE INTERESTS 1 Help sheet for Activity 2: Speaking and Activity 3: Writing diàn zǐ yóu xì 电子游戏 fēi cháng xī yǐn rén 非常吸引人 wǒ xǐ huān wán mào xiǎn yóu xì 我喜欢玩冒险游戏。 gé dòu yóu xì 格斗游戏 jìng sài yóu xì 竞赛游戏 wǒ xǐ huān wán xīn yóu xì 我喜欢玩新游戏。 wǒ jīng cháng qù mǎi bù tóng de yóu xì electronic game/video game very attractive I like playing adventure games fighting games racing games I like playing new games I buy games often 我经常去买不同的游戏。 wán diàn zǐ yóu xì hěn cì jī 玩电子游戏很刺激。 hěn yǒu tiāo zhàn xìng 很有挑战性。 kě yǐ tí gāo xīn lǐ sù zhì 可以提高心理素质。 kě yǐ tí gāo zhì lì 可以提高智力。 jù yǒu yī lài xìng 具有依赖性。 làng fèi shí jiān 浪费时间。 làng fèi jīng lì 浪费精力。 làng fèi jīn qián 浪费金钱。 26 Playing games is very stimulating is very challenging can increase self esteem can increase intelligence is addictive waste time waste energy waste money LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 3: LEISURE INTERESTS 1 yǐng xiǎng shì lì affect eyesight 影响视力。 yǐng xiǎng xué xí 影响学习。 affect study yǐng xiǎng zhèng cháng shēng huó 影响正常生活。 wán diàn zǐ yóu xì yào yǒu jié zhì 玩电子游戏要有节制。 duì wán diàn zǐ yóu xì yào yǒu zhèng què de rèn shí 对玩电子游戏要有正确的认识。 affect normal life Playing video games needs be done in moderation We should have the correct perception of playing electronic games LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 27 UNIT 3: LEISURE INTERESTS 1 Activity 4: Listening Li Ming and Zhang Hong are talking about electronic games. Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions. 1. What games are Li Ming and Zhang Hong’s favourites? 2. How often does Zhang Hong play electronic games? 3. Why does Li Ming only play electronic games on Wednesday and at the weekend? 4. Do Zhang Hong’s parents interfere in his game playing? Why? 5. What other hobbies does Li Ming have? 6. Does Zhang Hong go out with his friends and why? 7. Why do Li Ming’s parents disagree with him about playing electronic games? 8. What does Zhang Hong think about playing electronic games? 28 LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 3: LEISURE INTERESTS 1 Listening transcript Li Ming: 我喜欢打电子游戏。你喜欢吗? Zhang Hong: 我非常喜欢。打电子游戏太有趣了。你最喜欢什么类型的游 戏? Li Ming: 我最喜欢冒险游戏。我也比较喜欢格斗游戏, 就是有的格斗 游戏太暴力了。 Zhang Hong: 我最喜欢竞赛游戏。我有很多这种游戏,比如赛车游戏和各种 体育比赛游戏。 Li Ming: 你都什么时候玩游戏? Zhang Hong: 放学后, 晚上, 周末。 我几乎每天都玩。你呢? Li Ming: 为了防止我花费太多时间玩游戏, 我父母规定我只能在星期 三和周末玩电子游戏。 而且每次不能超过两个小时。 Zhang Hong: 我父母也经常嘱咐我玩游戏时间不要太长。但是我总是控制 不住,一玩起来就忘了时间。 Li Ming: 是啊, 玩游戏就是这样。 两个小时很快就到了。如果不是妈 妈叫我, 我每次都超时。 Zhang Hong: 除了玩游戏, 你还有什么其它的爱好吗? Li Ming: 我还喜欢和朋友出去玩和踢足球。你呢? Zhang Hong: 我以前也经常和朋友出去玩, 但是现在我一玩起游戏就没时 了。 Li Ming: 你的朋友们也玩游戏吗? Zhang Hong: 当然了, 几乎每个人都玩。 现在玩电子游戏是一种非常流行 的娱乐方式。 Li Ming: 我的父母特反对我玩游戏。因为他们认为玩游戏既影响我的 视力又影响我的学习。 Zhang Hong: 但是玩游戏也可以提高我们的智力和减轻我们的压力。 LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 29 UNIT 3: LEISURE INTERESTS 1 Li Ming: 太对了. 还有现在我们也可以有机会玩一些有健身作用的游 戏了。 Zhang Hong: 你是说现在正在欧美流行的 WII 吧。希望我们也能很快在中 国购买到这种游戏机。 Li Ming: 会的, 一定会的。 30 LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 4: LEISURE INTERESTS 2 Unit 4: Leisure Interests 2 – Teenage fans Targets for Unit 4 My learning targets Completed? 1 To become familiar with some words and expressions commonly used in talking about teenage fans 2 To consider and discuss different opinions about teenage fans 3 To express (in Mandarin) your own opinion on teenage fans Date? LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 31 UNIT 4: LEISURE INTERESTS 2 Activity 1: Reading and comprehension Read the article and complete the exercises that follow. 追星的青少年们 追星已经成为了很多青少年生活中不可缺少的一个部分。他们崇拜自己喜欢 的明星比如: 影视明星、歌星、音乐家、作家、政治家等各类名人。对他们 产生迷恋情节, 欣赏他们的一切作品甚至与他有关的一切事物, 收集偶像的作 品, 讨论偶像的逸事, 参加偶像出席的活动。这就是我们所说的追星族 也叫 粉丝。追星族们非常了解自己心目中的偶像,包括偶像的身高体重, 兴趣爱 好和他们的爱情史。 崇拜自己心目中的偶像对于在青春期的青少年来说是一件很正常的事情。适 度的追星会帮助青少年树立自己的目标, 激励他们积极向上从而走上成功的 道路。现著名影星李连杰从小崇拜李小龙, 视他的成功为自己的奋斗目标并 立志要像偶像一样, 最后他成功了。 追星注意不要过度, 因为过度追星会影响青少年的学习和生活。有些追星族 比较痴迷, 他们对自己的偶像产生一种依赖心理。他们过分地模仿自己的偶 像, 在幻想中与偶像沟通, 抱有不现实的追求. 为偶像花费过多的金钱和过多 的精力。比如说花钱购买偶像的每一本画册, 每一个唱片, 每一部影片以及所 有有关的资料。花钱买票去参加偶像出席的每一个活动, 去听他们的每一场 演唱会,去看他们主演的每一部电影和去看他们打的每一场比赛。 有些星迷为了早点儿见到自己的偶像.他们会提前好几个小时甚至大半天到 场去听一场音乐会。他们会赶很远的路, 坐汽车, 坐火车甚至坐飞机。18 岁 的女学生李利疯狂迷恋自己的偶像王力宏, 荒废了自己的学业。她为了追星, 完成和偶像见面的心愿花费了家里的大部分积蓄。 崇拜自己的偶像是一件很正常的事, 但是要注意适度, 尤其是现在的青少年。 因为他们的社会经验有限, 对有些事物缺乏正确的分析和认识。对青少年追 星, 家庭学校社会要加以正确的引导。 Glossary 崇拜 (chóng bài) admire 比如 (bǐ rú) for example 迷恋 (mí liàn) be obsessed with 爱情史 (ài qíng shǐ ) love story 逸事 (yì shì ) anecdote 激励 (jī lì) stimulate 痴迷 (chī mí) crazy 32 LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 4: LEISURE INTERESTS 2 适度的 (shì dù de) moderate 精力 (jīng lì) energy 疯狂 (fēng kuáng) crazy 甚至 (shèn zhì) even 沟通 (gōu tōng) communicate 树立 (shù lì) set up 追求 (zhuī qiú) pursue 奋斗目标 (fèn dòu mù biāo) a goal to aim for 荒废 (huāng fèi) underachieve 积蓄 (jī xù) savings 1. Dictionary skills. Find the following words in your dictionary and write down their English meaning. (a) 缺少_____________ (b) 注意______________ (c) 过分_____________ (d) 现实的____________ (e) 提前_____________ (f) 引导______________ 2. Look at the title of the article. What information do you think the writer is trying to convey? 3. Answer the following questions. 4. (a) What kinds of people do the young people admire? (b) Mention three things young people will do for the people they admire. (c) What kind of details do young people normally know about the people they admire? (d) What positive effects does being a fan have? (e) What are the symptoms of excessive hero worship? (f) Give an example of one excessive fan. Translate the last paragraph from ‘崇拜自己的偶像’ to ‘要加 以正确的 引导’. LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 33 UNIT 4: LEISURE INTERESTS 2 Activity 2: Speaking Group discussion. Discuss the following questions in your group. 1. Have you ever really admired a famous person? 2. Who is the famous person you admire? 3. Why do you admire him/her? 4. What do you know about the person you admire? 5. What does your admiration for this person make you do? 6. Do you think it’s normal to admire famous people? Why? 7. What benefit can you get from admiring a famous person? 8. Do you think there is a problem with admiring a famous person too much? Why? Activity 3: Writing Write 150–200 characters about admiring a famous person. You may use the answers to the above questions to help you. 34 LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 4: LEISURE INTERESTS 2 Help sheet for Activity 2: Speaking and Activity 3: Writing zhuī xīng zú fans 追星族 fěn sī fans 粉丝 ǒu xiàng 偶像 famous person who is admired by someone wǒ tè bié chóng bài I hero worship… 我特别崇拜… wǒ fēi cháng xǐ huān I like…very much 我非常喜欢… fēng kuáng mí liàn be completely obsessed with 疯狂迷恋 zhuī xīng yào zhù yì chǐ dù 追星要注意尺度 to admire someone is fine in moderation guò fēn de mó fǎng 过分的模仿 excessively imitate bù xiàn shí de zhuī qiú 不现实的追求 pursue unrealistic things huā fèi tai duō de jīn qián 花费太多的金钱 spend too much money měi yī bù diàn yǐng 每一部电影 every film měi yī chǎng yīn yuè huì 每一场音乐会 every concert měi yī chǎng bǐ sài every match 每一场比赛 zhuī xīng bù yào guò dù 追星不要过度 Don’t worship someone too much yóu qí shì qīng shǎo nián 尤其是青少年 especially to young people yǐng xiǎng qīng shǎo nián xué xí 影响青少年学习 affect young people’s studies LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 35 UNIT 4: LEISURE INTERESTS 2 hé ǒu xiàng jiàn miàn de xīn yuàn 和偶像见面的心愿 duì míng xīng guò dù zhe mí 对明星过度着迷 bù xī yī qiè dài jià 不惜一切代价 hào fèi dà liàng shí jiān hé jīn qián 耗费大量时间和金钱 quē fá zhèng què de fēn xī hé rèn shí 缺乏正确的分析和认识 jiā yǐ zhèng què de yǐn dǎo 加以正确的引导 36 in hope of meeting their own idols be excessively captivated by stars regardless of the cost waste too much time and money lack of appropriate analysis and knowledge give appropriate guidance LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 4: LEISURE INTERESTS 2 Activity 4: Listening Li Li and Zhang Hua are talking about their idols (L iu Dehua and Wang Meng). Liu Dehua is a famous pop star and actor. Wang Meng is a famous contemporary Chinese writer and scholar. Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions. 1. What questions did Zhang Hua ask about the concert? 2. Who is the person Li Li admires and what does he/she do? 3. Where does Li Li stay and where is she going for the concert? How will she get there? 4. Does Li Li mind how much she spent on the concert? Explain your answer. 5. Who is the person Zhang Hua admires and why does she admire him/her? 6. Why does Li Li admire her famous person? 7. In what way does Zhang Hua admire his famous person? LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 37 UNIT 4: LEISURE INTERESTS 2 Listening transcript Zhang Hua: 嗨!李利, 快放假了。你有什么安排吗? Li Li: 刘德华要来大陆开演唱会了, 你知道吗? 我买票了。我和另外 一个朋友一起去。 Zhang Hua: 是吗?太好了。在哪? 什么时候?票一定很贵吧? Li Li: 八月十号在北京。我的票是一千二百元。真希望八月十号快点 到来。 Zhang Hua: 你特别喜欢刘德华吗? Li Li: 当然了, 我最崇拜他了。 他是我心中的偶像。 Zhang Hua: 那你要从西安提前去北京看他的音乐会吗? Li Li: 是啊! 我坐飞机提前一天去。 Zhang Hua: 这次你为了看他的演唱会一定花费了不少吧? Li Li: 是啊。不过没关系。只要我能见到刘德华, 其他的都无所谓, 我都不在乎。对了, 谁是你的偶像?你最崇拜谁? Zhang Hua: 我最崇拜作家王蒙。我喜欢他的乐观向上和精神充沛的风格。 他的作品会让我确涣然一新。你呢?你为什么那么崇拜刘德华 呢? Li Li: 我就是喜欢他。我喜欢听他的每一首歌, 喜欢看他的每一部电 影。他的每个作好品都让我觉得很舒服。 Zhang Hua: 你花很多时间, 精力和金钱去收集他的作品吗? Li Li: 我自己不觉得, 因为我喜欢去做那些事情。但是我父母总认为 浪费太多的时间和精力。 Zhang Hua: 你父母干涉你做这些事情吗? Li Li: 干涉。因为他们怕我追星过度影响我的正常生活。你一定读过 王蒙的好多作品吧? 38 LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 UNIT 4: LEISURE INTERESTS 2 Zhang Hua: 是的。我花很多时间去读他的作品。每次读完他的作品, 我都 更爱写了。我以后也要成为像他一样的作家。 Li Li: 我认识的一个同学也特别喜欢王蒙。我相信你一定会成功的。 LIFESTYLES: SIMPLIFIED MANDARIN (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 39