NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Chinese Languages Lifestyles Teacher’s Notes Cantonese [HIGHER] The Scottish Qualifications Authority regularly reviews the arrangements for National Qualifications. Users of all NQ support materials, whether published by Learning and Teaching Scotland or others, are reminded that it is their responsibility to check that the support materials correspond to the requirements of the current arrangements. Acknowledgement Learning and Teaching Scotland gratefully acknowledges this contribution to the National Qualifications support programme for Chinese Languages. © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 This resource may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes by educational establishments in Scotland provided that no profit accrues at any stage. 2 LIFESTYLES: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 Contents Introduction 4 Answers to activities Unit 1: Healthy Living 1 – The impact of drinking Activity 1: Reading and comprehension Activity 4: Listening exercise 6 7 Unit 2: Healthy Living 2 – Smoking harms Activity 1: Reading and comprehension Activity 4: Listening exercise 8 9 Unit 3: Leisure Interest 1 – The effects of playing electronic games Activity 1: Reading and comprehension Activity 4: Listening exercise 10 11 Unit 4: Leisure Interest 2 – Teenage fans Activity 1: Reading and comprehension Activity 4: Listening exercise 12 13 LIFESTYLES: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 3 INTRODUCTION Introduction This resource has been developed to support the delivery of Higher Chinese languages. The material contains four units of work covering the topic leisure and healthy living within the theme of lifestyles . The resource covers both the topic development areas, leisure interests and health issues, in the following units: Unit Unit Unit Unit 1 2 3 4 Healthy Living 1 – The impact of drinking Healthy Living 2 – Smoking harms Leisure Interest 1 – The effects of playing electronic games Leisure Interest 2 – Teenage fans The aim of this material is to develop learners’ different skills in Chinese languages (reading, listening, speaking and writing) and also to develop cultural awareness of life in China. Each unit comprises: 1. 2. 3. 4. Learning targets to enable students to track their own progress and take responsibility for their learning. Reading passages with questions to allow learners to demonstrate comprehension. All passages have a glossary to support learners in completion of the activity. Speaking and writing activities, related to the reading passages and with questions to prompt discussion. Listening activities comprising a downloadable audio file, questions in the student workbook and transcripts for the listening recordings. The transcripts can also be used as reading materials. It is at the discretion of teachers how to use the vario us activities to support learning in their establishment. You may wish to conduct the activities in a different order or to adapt activities to meet the needs of individual learners. Learners should be fully involved in the learning process and have responsibility for their progress and development. Where appropriate learners should be encouraged to engage in self and peer assessment, based on agreed success criteria. 4 LIFESTYLES: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 INTRODUCTION This resource will support the requirements of Curriculum for Excellence as it develops successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors. It provides opportunities to underpin and enrich learning in many other curriculum areas, including literacy across learning and aspects of health and wellbeing. The themes can support understanding in these areas. By supporting learners as they prepare for and participate in listening and talking activities, teachers can provide opportunities for students to develop confidence and interpersonal skills. LIFESTYLES: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 5 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITES Answers to activities Unit 1 Healthy Living 1 – The impact of drinking Activity 1: Reading and comprehension 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (d) (e) (c) (a) (b) 2. (a) 壯膽;有利於交際;緩解壓力 To embolden; to benefit communication; to ease the pressure (b) 適量飲酒,有益健康;過量飲酒,危害健康 Moderate drinking is good for health; excessive drinking is harmful. (c) 鋪張浪費; 危害健康 Waste money; harmful to people’s health (d) 影響青少年身體健康而且也影響他們的學習和生活 Affect youngsters’ health; affect youngsters’ study and daily life (e) 適度飲酒要控制在每天一到三瓶(罐)啤酒或是一到三小杯紅(白) 酒 Healthy drinking should be moderate. It should be up to three bottles/cans of beer or up to three small glasses of white/red wine per day. (f) 提倡文明飲酒和健康飲酒 To advocate healthy drinking 3. There is no specific answer. The following answer s are only examples. (a) (b) 6 我不但喜歡唱歌而且喜歡跳舞. 他由於平時不努力學習所以考試沒有取得好成績. LIFESTYLES: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES 4. In addition, the phenomenon of young people’s drinking is more and more serious. Earlier drinking will not only affect young people’s health but also affects their study and daily life. Earlier drinking can cause young people to rely on alcohol and then affect their normal upbringing because they lack social experience. Activity 4: Listening exercise 1. 威士卡 Whisky 2. 五億 500,000,000 3. 在蘇格蘭,酒已經成為了人們生活中不可缺少的一部分。 In Scotland, alcohol has already become a necessary part of people’s daily life. 4. 消費能力,觀念和文化 Spending power, ideas and culture 5. 11 萬 110,000 6. 40,000 人 40,000 people 7. 飲酒 Drinking 8. 引發鬥毆事件 To cause fighting LIFESTYLES: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 7 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITES Answers to Unit 2 Healthy Living 2 – Smoking harms Activity 1: Reading and comprehension 1. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 2. There is no specific answer. The following answer s are only examples. (a) (b) (c) main curiosity show even though carry out 紅色與綠色相比我更喜歡綠色。 儘管外面下雨, 我還是要出去。 由於身體不好, 他停學了。 3. The article talks about different smoking situations in China and the UK, and the different effects on people’s health. 4. (a) 3億 300 million (b) 消愁,提神和交際的需要 Consuming worries, stimulating and the needs of communication (c) 好奇,模仿和顯示自己的成熟 Curiosity, imitation and showing their maturity (d) 吸煙可能會誘發多種疾病,對健康危害極大。 Smoking may induce many kinds of diseases; it is very harmful to health (e) 婦女和兒童 Women and children 她們經常在家裏和公共場所遭受他人吸煙的危害。 They often suffer from others who smoke at home and in public places. 8 (f) 公共場合都將實行禁煙 Smoking is banned in public areas. (g) 青少年, 家庭和社區 Young people, families and communities. LIFESTYLES: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES 5. There is a close relationship between the probability of getting illness and smoking. The probability that a smoker gets sick is higher than for someone who does not smoke. People who start smoking earlier are more likely to get sick. People who start smoking in their teens are more likely to have cancer compared to those who start smoking in their 20s. Activity 4: Listening exercise 1. 兩年; 一年 Zhaoqiang has been smoking for 2 years. Xiao gang has been smoking for a year. 2. 兩三支煙 Two or three cigarettes 3. 校內禁止吸煙 Smoking is banned in school. 4. 非常不高興, 很失望。 Zhaoqiang’s parents are not happy and they are disappointed. 他們不太介意 Xiaogang’s parents are not bothered. 5. 為了他父母不再因為他吸煙而擔心 Zhaoqiang does not want his parents to worry about his smoking. 6. 不, 他認為只要他們不嚴重吸煙, 應該沒什麼問題。 No, because he thinks it does not matter as long as they do not smoke heavily. 7. 很難 Very difficult 8. 因為他們認為吸煙不但有害身體健康而且也影響學習和生活。 Because their parents think smoking is harmful to health and also affects learning and living. 9. 吸煙可以讓他變得更精神。 Smoking can make them feel fresh. LIFESTYLES: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 9 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITES Answers to Unit 3 Leisure Interest 1 – The effects of playing electronic games Activity 1: Reading and comprehension 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. Electronic games can affect youngsters in two ways. On the one hand youngsters can learn from them, but on the other hand youngsters can become addicted to them. 3. (a) 娛樂,文化,藝術 Entertainment, culture, art (b) 角色扮演遊戲, 冒險遊戲, 格鬥遊戲, 賽車遊戲 Role-playing games, adventure games, fighting games, racing games (any three of these) (c) 電子遊戲在青少年心理、智力、能力等方面的健康發展方面起到 了一定的促進作用。 Electronic games promote the healthy development of adolescent psychology, intelligence and capacity. (d) 玩電子遊戲會讓人們產生依賴性。沉迷電子遊戲也會破壞他們的 認知能力,導致他們容易衝動,進而引發不顧後果的行為。 Playing video games can create dependency. An obsession with video games will destroy cognitive abilities, leading to impulsive, and possibly reckless, behaviour. (e) 電子遊戲對青少年的影響是兩方面的。它有一定的教育潛力也有 依賴性的危害。 The impacts of video games on young people are two fold. They have some educational potential but also may create dependency. (f) 有計劃有節制地玩電子遊戲 Playing video games in a more moderate and more structured way 10 (c) (d) (e) (b) (a) LIFESTYLES: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES (g) 我們還要注意多玩有健身作用的遊戲,在放鬆減壓的同時鍛煉身 體。 We should try to play games that benefit our fitness. We can do some body exercise at the same time as relaxing and reducing stress. Activity 4: Listening exercise 1. Li Ming 最喜歡冒險遊戲。 Li Ming’s favourite game is an adventure game. Zhang Hong 最喜歡賽車遊戲。 Zhang Hong’s favourite game is a racing game. 2. 幾乎每天都玩。 Everyday (after school, evenings, weekends) 3. 父母規定 His parents only allow him play at those times. 4. 父母也經常囑咐我玩遊戲時間不要太長。 His parents often tell him not to play games for too long. 5. 和朋友出去玩和踢足球 Going out with friends and playing football. 6. 現在不是, 因為他一玩起遊戲就沒時間了。 Not any more, he doesn’t have time because of playing games. 7. 因為他們認為玩遊戲既影響視力又影響學習。 Because they think playing games can affect Li Ming’s eyesight and his learning. 8. 玩遊戲也可以提高我們的智力和減輕我們的壓力。 Playing games can also improve intelligence and reduce stress . LIFESTYLES: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 11 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITES Answers to Unit 4 Leisure Interest 2 – Teenage fans Activity 1: Reading and comprehension 1. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) lack of aware of excessive realistic in advance guided 2. Talking about the different effects of admiring celebrities on youngsters 3. (a) 影視明星、歌星、音樂家、作家、政治家等 Film stars, singers, musicians, writers, politicians etc (b) 欣賞他們的一切作品甚至與他有關的一切事物, 收集偶像的作品, 討論偶像的逸事, 參加偶像出席的活動 Appreciate everything about their idols, collecting all their work, discussing their lives and participating in all the activities where their idols are present. (c) 身高體重, 興趣愛好和他們的愛情史 Height and weight, hobbies, and their love lives (d) 適度的追星會幫助青少年樹立自己的目標, 激勵他們積極向上從 而走上成功的道路。 To worship celebrities in a rational and proper will help youngsters set their own goals, inspiring them to work hard and then be successful. (e) 他們過分地模仿自己的偶像, 在幻想中與偶像溝通, 抱有不現實的 追求. 為偶像花費過多的金錢和過多的精力。 They excessively imitate their idols, communicate with the ir idols in their dreams and have unrealistic pursuits. They spend too much money and too much energy on admiring their idols. (f) 18 歲的女學生李利 18-year-old female student Li Li 4. Worship your idol is a normal thing, but you need to be aware of being moderate, especially the youngsters. The youngsters tend to have limited social experience and they lack proper analysis and understanding. The family, school and community should provide proper guidance towards the youngsters admiring celebrities. 12 LIFESTYLES: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 ANSWERS TO ACTIVITIES Activity 4: Listening exercise 1. 在哪? 什麼時候?票一定很貴吧? Where? When? Is it expensive? 2. 劉德華; 歌唱家 Liu Dehua; singer 3. 西安;北京;坐飛機 Xi’an; Beijing; by plane 4. 不, 只要他能見到劉德華, 其他的都無所謂, 都不在乎。 No, as long as he could see Andy Lau nothing else matters, he does not care. 5. 作家王蒙. 我喜歡他的樂觀向上和精神充沛的風格。他的作品會讓我確 渙然一新。 Writer Wang Meng. I like his optimism and energy. His work always renews me. 6. 我喜歡聽他的每一首歌, 喜歡看他的每一部電影。他的每個作品都讓我 覺得很舒服。 I like listening to all his songs and watching all his films. All his work makes me feel very entertained. 7. 她花很多時間去讀他的作品。 She spends a lot of time reading his work. LIFESTYLES: TEACHER’S NOTES (H, CHINESE LANGUAGES) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2010 13