NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Physics Skills Advice and Guidance for Practitioners [NATIONAL 5] This advice and guidance has been produced to support the profession with the delivery of courses which are either new or which have aspects of significant change within the new national qualifications (NQ) framework. The advice and guidance provides suggestions on approaches to learning and teaching. Practitioners are encouraged to draw on the materials for their own part of their continuing professional development in introducing new national qualifications in ways that match the needs of learners. Practitioners should also refer to the course and unit specifications and support notes which have been issued by the Scottish Qualifications Authority. Acknowledgement © Crown copyright 2012. You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit or e-mail: Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Any enquiries regarding this document/publication should be sent to us at This document is also available from our website at 2 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 Contents Planning for learning and teaching skills in physics 4 Introduction: Setting the scene in a Scottish context 5 Curriculum for Excellence 6 Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework 8 Developing skills in science: extracts from Principles and Practice 9 Exemplification of learning and teaching: using technology in physics Screen-casting to develop communication skills: a practitioner reflects Working with senior phase learners to deepen understanding: practitioner reflection Motion as a context for developing numeracy Motion as a context for developing skills in interpreting graphs Investigating acceleration to develop skills in evaluation Projectile motion analysis for developing skills in interpreting graphs and evaluation ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 13 13 17 17 17 22 24 3 SKILLS Planning for learning and teaching skills in physics This advice and guidance is intended for use by practitioners. It is non mandatory. It is anticipated that practitioners will be creative and innovative in planning approaches to meeting the needs of l earners. This advice and guidance should be used in a reflective and selective manner. The purpose of the advice and guidance is to illustrate an appropriate level of challenge for skills-based work at National 5. In this case, this has exemplified through physics, but the advice and guidance may be equally useful for practitioners working in other subject specialisms. 4 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 SKILLS Introduction: Setting the scene in a Scottish context The Government’s skills strategy, Skills for Scotland: Accelerating the Recovery and Increasing Sustainable Economic Growth , sets out a new, flexible, responsive partnership approach to meeting Scotland ’s skills needs at a crucial point in our economic recovery. Skills play a central role in raising employment levels and productivity and are fundamental to ensuring Scotland's businesses have the capability to compete successfully both now and in the future. But, as recognised in the Scottish Government's skills and economic strategies, the acquisition of skills alone is not sufficient. In Skills Development Scotland we are tasked with catalysing real and positive change in Scotland's skills performance by linking skills supply and demand more effectively and helping people and organisations learn, develop and utilise these skills to greater effect. Skills Development Scotland, Our Journey Universities regard the skills strategy as a significant initiative. The development of the highest level skills most crucial for economic growth is already one of their prime drivers. David Caldwell, Universities Scotland ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 5 SKILLS Curriculum for Excellence Curriculum for Excellence supports the development of relevant careers skills in many ways: The driving force behind Curriculum for Excellence is that it is a curriculum for learning, life and work, and it should fully equip learners with the skills, knowledge and confidence to thrive and succeed in the increasingly globalised world of the 21st century. The development of skills within learners is at the heart of Curriculum for Excellence in recognition of the fact that in a fast-changing world, skills will allow learners to adapt to changing circumstances and are the key to success. These include the entire spectrum of skills from leadership to interpersonal skills to career management skills. Building the Curriculum 4 gives further information about the importance of skills within Curriculum for Excellence and how they have been embedded within the experiences and outcomes for all learners, from which the skills wi thin the learning for National 5 should progress. The Skills for Learning, Skills for Life and Skills for Work Framework will also aid your planning to meet the needs of learners. Interdisciplinary learning is a key aspect of Curriculum for Excellence and is an exciting way for schools to develop rich learning experiences that build upon the strengths and expertise within different disciplines. Topics such as health and wellbeing can be used as complex themes for interdisciplinary learning or taught within the physics context to link with wider learning. These also offer excellent vehicles for learners to develop higher-order thinking skills and prepare learners for the life of work, where interdisciplinary approaches to complex tasks are often the norm. 6 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 SKILLS Curriculum for Excellence encourages approaches to learning that are motivational, fun, relevant, challenging and, importantly, develop the skills of learners. Such approaches to learning include co-operative, active, collaborative and outdoor learning. There are many ways in which this learning journey can develop, and you will know best how to plan learning and teaching that meets the needs of your learners. By planning opportunities for skills development in context you may find that the learners’ interests, strengths, prior learning and locality, as well as local, national and global events, lend themselves t o progressing learning in different ways from the suggestions within this advice and guidance. Ideas for learning and teaching can be adapted to allow development and application of skills for learning, life and work, or to incorporate ICT and take account of a range of learners’ needs. Glow provides an opportunity for learners to work together across geographical areas. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 7 SKILLS Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework This Framework provides descriptors for guidance at each level, including SCQF level 5, the level at which National 5 is benchmarked. The SCQF Level Descriptors have five characteristics which provide a reference point for determining the level of a qualification, learni ng programme, module or unit of learning or for the recognition of prior learning. They are not intended to give precise or comprehensive statements of required learning for individual qualifications. Each level is described in terms of its characteristic ge neral outcomes under five broad headings. These are: knowledge and understanding – mainly subject-based; practice (applied knowledge and understanding); generic cognitive skills - e.g. evaluation, critical analysis; communication, numeracy and IT skills; and autonomy, accountability and working with others. Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework 8 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 SKILLS Developing skills in science: extracts from Principles and Practice In the sciences, effective learning and teaching depends upon the sk ilful use of varied approaches, including: active learning and planned, purposeful play the development of problem-solving skills and analytical thinking skills the development of scientific practical investigation and inquiry the use of relevant contexts, familiar to young people’s experiences appropriate and effective use of technology, real materials and living things building on the principles of Assessment is for Learning collaborative learning and independent thinking emphasis on children explaining their understanding of concepts, informed discussion and communication. Inquiry and investigative skills Through experimenting and carrying out practical scientific investigations and other research to solve problems and challenges, children and young people: ask questions or hypothesise plan and design procedures and experiments select appropriate samples, equipment and other resources carry out experiments use practical analytical techniques observe, collect, measure and record evidenc e, taking account of safety and controlling risk and hazards present, analyse and interpret data to draw conclusions review and evaluate results to identify limitations and improvements present and report on findings. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 9 SKILLS The main approaches to science inquiry are: observing and exploring – careful observation of how something behaves, looking for changes over time and exploring ‘ what happens if...?’ and ‘how could I...?’ questions classifying – through identifying key characteristics fair testing – through identifying all possible variables and then changing only one while controlling all others finding an association – linking two variables to determine relationships. Scientific analytical thinking skills Children and young people develop a range of analytical thinking skills in order to make sense of scientific evidence and concepts. This involves them: being open to new ideas and linking and applying learning thinking creatively and critically developing skills of reasoning to provide expl anations and evaluations supported by evidence or justifications making predictions, generalisations and deductions drawing conclusions based on reliable scientific evidence. How can I plan for progression in the skills of scientific investigations, inquiry and analytical thinking? Throughout the framework, investigation and cognitive skills are signalled within the experiences and outcomes across all levels. The skills become more complex as learners’ conceptual understanding develops within increasingly complex science contexts. Teachers can plan to focus on the development of specific skills through investigations, inquiries or challenges, with occasional opportunities for more detailed and comprehensive activities, recognising that any one inves tigation does not always require children and young people to develop the full range of skills. A broad indication of expectations for the development of these skills at second level and at third/fourth level may be helpful. 10 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 SKILLS Second level Children take part in a range of scientific investigations and inquiries which develop their understanding of the underlying scientific concepts appropriate for second level. They develop a growing awareness of themselves and the world around them through observation, collecting specimens and carrying out experiments. They develop their ability to formulate questions or predictions based on observations or information that can be answered through experimentation, inquiry and research. As they answer these questions, they show an increasing awareness of the factors that could be changed and can plan a ‘fair test’ that involves keeping all the factors the same except one. While conducting experiments, children are able to safely use simple tools, equipment, apparatus and procedures. They make observations, collect information and make measurements accurately using relevant devices and standard units and ICT where appropriate. They can select, with assistance, appropriate methods to record their findings. Learners at this level use simple charts and diagrams to present, analyse and interpret their findings, identifying simple relationships, making links to their original questions or predictions and drawing conclusions consistent with findings. They can present their findings in writing, orally or visually using a variety of media. Third and fourth level Young people take part in a range of scientific investigations and inquiries which develop their understanding of the underlying scientific concepts appropriate for third and fourth levels. They will take a more quantitative and formalised approach to investigations and inquiries. As learners plan and design their investigations, they identify a number of key questions, formulating hypotheses and predictions based on observation or their knowledge. They control and vary an increased number of more complex variables. Learners become more evaluative and increasingly take the initiative in decision making about samples, measurements, equipment and procedures to use. They demonstrate increased precision in their use of terminology, units and scales. They apply safety measures and take the necessary action to control risk and hazards. They collect and analyse increasingly complex data and information including using data loggers and software analysis tools. Young people establish links between their findings and the original question, hypothesis or prediction. They establish relationships between variables and ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 11 SKILLS use a relationship, equation or formulae to find a qualitati ve or quantitative solution. They evaluate a range of aspects of their investigation or inquiry including the relevance and reliability of the evidence. Young people provide explanations of their findings based on evidence in terms of cause and effect and by applying their understanding of the underlying scientific concepts. They begin to consider alternative explanations and apply or extend conclusions to new situations or identify further studies. They communicate effectively in a range of ways includin g orally and through scientific report writing. 12 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 SKILLS Exemplification of learning and teaching: using technology in physics Screen-casting to develop communication skills: a practitioner reflects This idea for learning and teaching introduces the use of ICT to support the development of learners’ use of analogy in physics and scientific literacy. This approach provides a method of assessment of learners’ progress, and a method of gathering evidence for the learners’ profile. Context A PGDE student had been taking a class for a number of weeks. Learning and teaching was focused on electricity, including resistance. As the class teacher, I wanted to assess the learners’ understanding of resistance. However, I also wanted to deepen their understanding a nd present a new challenge as a natural consequence of the planned learning and teaching. Rather than use a test or a textbook exercise to assess learners’ understanding, I chose to assess understanding by presenting three questions for investigation: The number of lamps in a series circuit is increased. What happens to the total resistance? The number of lamps in a parallel circuit is increased. What happens to the total resistance? The number of lamps in series on one branch of a parallel circuit is increased. What happens to the total resistance? This approach presents opportunity for assessment of skills associated with practical tasks, investigative work and communication. Enactment The learners were provided with trays of lamps, wires and ohmmete rs, and asked to: predict the outcome of each of the three questions for investigation (this would provide a snapshot of the learners’ knowledge ) ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 13 SKILLS design and carry out the investigation, making and discussing observations explain observations through use of a model or analogy, or through a video tutorial evaluate and provide feedback on video tutorials completed by other learners. No other direction was given. Assistance was provided only where required to ensure adherence to health and safety rules, or with technical support for software. This freed me as the class teacher to observe learners’ interactions and record progress. Learners worked collaboratively to: make predictions design and carry out investigations to make appropriate observations discuss results and draw conclusions. The next stage of the work was crucial to engaging learners in a process of reflecting on their understanding by constructing an explanation, using a model or an analogy, communicated with others via a video tutorial. F or this, learners made a presentation and recorded a commentary to accompany the presentation. The tutorials were shared using a Glow discussion forum. Observations The freedom of not doing a prescribed experiment to cover a learning outcome led to an observable increase in learner engagement; learners were active in exploring by themselves how they would investigate . Learners who were not present throughout the learning and teaching, and therefore missed the ‘making observations’ stage, played a useful role within the groups; these learners were able to comment on explanations and models in the role of ‘critical friend’. The ability to explain and clearly communicate understanding is a vital literacy skill and th e evaluation by peers was valued by the learners. When I engage with others I can make a relevant contribution, ensure that everyone has an opportunity to contribute and encourage them to take account of others’ points of view or alternative solutions. I can respond in ways appropriate to my role, exploring and expanding on contributions to reflect on, clarify or adapt thinking. LIT 4-02a 14 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 SKILLS The screen-casting software used to produce the video tutorial added real value to the presentations. It took them beyond the commonplace PowerPoint and provided opportunity for various aspects of literacy to be explored. I can independently select ideas and relevant information for different purposes, organise essential information or ideas and any supporting detail in a logical order, and use suitable vocabulary to communicate effectively with my audience. LIT 3-06a/LIT 4-06a When listening and talking with others for different purposes, I can: communicate detailed information, ideas or opinions explain processes, concepts or ideas with some relevant suppo rting detail sum up ideas, issues, findings or conclusions. LIT 4-09a I can justify my choice and use of layout and presentation in terms of the intended impact on my reader. LIT 4-24a I can convey information and describe events, explain processes or co ncepts, providing substantiating evidence, and synthesise ideas or opinions in different ways. LIT 4-28a For this work, purchased software available within the school was used , but free software is available that is equally effective. Benefits Learners were given the opportunity to work collaboratively to learn in a more open-ended manner, with motivation to work with all in the group to ensure the best possible outcome. Such an approach offers more than the traditional idea that science incorporates gr oup work simply because learners share resources. Learners’ feedback on the use of Glow was very positive. This was their first experience of using the Glow discussion forum; one described it as ‘Facebook for school’. Learners could immediately see the benefits of using this as the basis of an online learning community, allowing them to receive feedback from critical friends. This approach to providing quality feedback worked well, and helps to guide learners on appropriate behaviour towards others when using social media. Presenting work using a screen -cast commentary approach has a number of other benefits: ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 15 SKILLS It provides the opportunity for reflection and editing during its creation, to improve quality of work. It allows for learners who may not be confident in presenting to a group to present work in a non-threatening way, building confidence. It allows the opportunity for learners to develop and improve communication skills through a non-threatening ‘critical friend’ approach. It provides evidence of the learners’ understanding. It benchmarks for planning to meet the needs of individuals in future learning and teaching. Next steps This approach has been successful for a new strategy for use with learners, enhancing learning and teaching in a number of w ays. It has generated deeper understanding through building in the opportunity for reflection on learning. As a class teacher, this approach provided an opportunity to assess knowledge, understanding and learners’ ability to communicate this understanding. Using ICT also provides a record for reference in planning next steps for learners. A number of examples are highlighted here: Learners used a range of analogies, including school corridors, voters’ preferences for politicians and obstacle courses. Use of analogies and modelling is such an important aspect of science that it is useful to capture this and use it as a basis for discussing effective models and their limitations. Reviewing learners’ screen casts highlighted common misconceptions that could then be explored with individual learners or groups of learners, through, for example, planning for further learning and teaching that challenges these misconceptions. Learners may be asked to revisit their screen -cast presentation once they have undertaken further learning and consider: - what limitations they can now see in the analogy used - how their understanding has further developed and how explanations could be amended or enriched for greater depth - any aspects of the communication of their understanding which could be improved for greater clarity. Reviewing learners’ screen casts identified the categories from the revised Bloom’s taxonomy (Anderson and Krathwohl, 2001) used in the investigation, communicating of findings and creation of analogies to aid learners in understanding strengths and weaknesses in their learning. This short Education Scotland video emphasises the importance of communication and interpersonal skills in sci ence. 16 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 SKILLS Working with senior phase learners to deepen understanding: practitioner reflection This vodcast involves practitioners and learners in senior classes. The practitioners reflect on their classroom practice, and in particular on the use of Assessment is for Learning and co-operative learning strategies with senior classes. The vodcast draws on the work by Rodrigues (2010) regardin g analysing classroom practice and his work informing teacher professional development (2005). Motion as a context for developing numeracy This idea for learning and teaching is focused around the development of learners’ skills in numeracy and understanding the physical meaning of numbers in context. Motion as a context for developing skills in interpreting gra phs This idea for learning and teaching is focused around the development of skills in the context of learning and teaching of motion. It is anticipated that learners would be familiar with vectors and scalars, and in particular the quantities displacement, velocity and acceleration. A starter question (and answer) for learners: ‘What is the connection between David Beckham, Usain Bolt, a tennis ball and Sir Isaac Newton? Footballers, golfers, tennis players, runners, skiers – they all have something in common. They have the ability to make split-second decisions about how their actions will affect their performance: how the curve of a ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 17 SKILLS ball will affect whether they score that crucial penalty, whether a change of angle of a golf club will improve performance. Whether or not they know it, they are making use of the physics of motion. Learning about the principles of the physics of motion and the ability to explain it using words, diagrams, equations and graphs will also equip you with a range of skills which you will make use of in a range of contexts, both within your physics learning and in other areas. Although the ability to plot a graph accurately is important, it is essential to be able to interpret graphs and to visualise the shape of a graph for a given motion.’ Questions for learners Consider the graphs shown. All three relate to the same event. For each graph, identify the following: What is the graph about? For example, the first graph shows displacement in metres plotted against time in seconds. When dealing with motion in one dimension, this means it is a plot of how far an object moved from its original position in a given time. What is the ‘story’ of the graph? For example, in the first graph, as time increases, the displacement stays the same. This means that as time passes, the object remains the same distance from its original position. 18 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 SKILLS Using a motion sensor, recreate the motion to match the ‘story’ and determine whether or not this produces graphs as above. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 19 SKILLS Repeat this cycle for the following two sets of graphs. 20 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 SKILLS For the given graphs, consider whether there is any significance to the gradient of the graph or to the area under the graph. Carry out investigations and compare quantities measured with values calculated from the graphs to establish the meaning of gradients and areas under the various graphs. For the graphs given, sketch and consider the equivalent distance–time and speed–time graphs. Learners can build on their understanding of interpreting graphs to describe motion. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 21 SKILLS Questions for learners Consider a stationary tennis ball. Describe its motion using the terms displacement, velocity, and acceleration. Consider a tennis ball dropped vertically from a height. Describe its motion using the terms displacement, velocity and acceleration. Sketch your predictions for speed–time, velocity–time, distance–time, displacement–time and acceleration–time graphs. Filming the motion and using motion analysis software will allow you to confirm the motion and to check your predictions for graphs of the motion. Consider a tennis ball dropped vertically from a height and allowed to bounce and return to its original height. Sketch your predictions for speed –time, velocity–time, distance–time, displacement–time and acceleration–time graphs. Filming the motion and using motion analysis software will allow you confirm the motion and to check your predictions for graphs of the motion. Check your understanding: Describe the motion. Indicate the values for the y-axis. 22 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 SKILLS Consider the tennis ball thrown upwards and allowed to fall back down to its starting position. Describe the motion of the ball using the terms speed, velocity, acceleration and displacement. Sketch the speed–time, velocity–time and acceleration–time graphs to describe the motion until it returns to its starting position. What is the force acting on a tennis ball thrown upwards? Investigating acceleration to develop skills in evaluation The acceleration of an object can be investigated in a number of ways. Methods of measurement of acceleration include the following: 1. Using light gates connected to a timing unit, with single -mask and double-mask set-ups. 2. Using a motion sensor, which measures displacement with time and from this calculates velocity and acceleration . 3. Using an accelerometer, which measures acceleration directly. Questions for learners What sort of accelerations do you experience in everyday life? Suggest typical values for everyday accelerations. How can th ese be investigated? Do you experience accelerations only in the horizontal direction? Predict, observe and explain the displacement –time, velocity–time and acceleration–time graphs for a variety of motions, including horizontal and vertical motions. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of measuring acceleration in different circumstances. Determine which method is the most appropriate for the measurements you are making. Evaluate your experimental set-up and suggest problems and potential improvements. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 23 SKILLS Projectile motion analysis for developing skills in interpreting graphs and evaluation This idea for learning and teaching is focused around the use of software to develop learners’ skills in numeracy, with a particular focus on allowing for challenge to meet the needs of a range of learners. In this example, a digital camera which captures video footage of a maximum of 60 s and free motion analysis software tracker.jar are used. The CPD from which this learning and teaching was developed was provided by the physics team at the Scottish Science Education Research Centre (SSERC). SSERC provides current CPD and support for use of tracker.jar for practitioners in Scotland. This exemplar is not intended to teach learners to use tracker.jar. Learners’ familiarity with the software is assumed. Learners could capture footage of motion using a simple flipcam. In this exemplar, footage of a tennis ball rolling off a laboratory bench was provided for learners. 24 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 SKILLS tracker.jar was used to step through the clip frame by frame, marking the position of the tennis ball in each frame, as indicated above. Using the interactive white board, or on hard copies of the image, vertical lines can be added. Questions for learners Which motion is being considered when looking at the lines drawn vertically on the image? What do you notice about the spacing of the lines and what does this tell you about the horizontal motion of the ball? Explain the horizontal motion of the ball in terms of Newton’s first law. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 25 SKILLS Evaluating the experiment: an opportunity to introduce the concept of uncertainties Notice that although the spacing of the lines is approximately even, the lines in fact appear to be grouped in pairs. Consider some of the constraints of the experiment that may have affected the accuracy, eg number of frames captured by the camera, accuracy of the user’s judgement when marking the motion in tracker.jar, accuracy when drawing the vertical lines. Are there improvements which could be made , eg does drawing the vertical lines on a hard copy of the image allow for greater accuracy? tracker.jar also graphs the data, as the markers are placed on the video footage, and can include a best-fit line. Questions for learners How far has the ball travelled horizontally? 26 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 SKILLS tracker.jar allows a best-fit line to be drawn. Notice how ‘messy’ the plotted data is. Considering again the issues identified with respect to the accuracy of the experiment. Questions for learners How far has the ball travelled horizontally? Referring to the metre stick in the clip to give a sense of scale, estimate the horizontal distance travelled (the range). How can this be calculated? Using the area under the graph, calculate the horizontal range. Compare the calculated value with your estimated value. Use the best-fit line value for speed to calculate the horizontal range. Compare the value calculated using this method with your calculation of the area under the graph. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 27 SKILLS The data from tracker.jar can be copied and pasted in to a spreadsheet, eg Microsoft Excel. It may be appropriate to do this where learners have not yet been introduced to the concepts of vectors, scalars and the sign convention. Alternatively, motion analysis using tracker.jar can introduce this concept. Questions for learners How far has the ball travelled horizontally? Referring to the metre stick in the clip to give a sense of scale, estimate the horizontal distance travelled (the range). How can this be calculated? Using the area under the graph, calculate the horizontal range. Compare the calculated value with your estimated va lue. Use the best-fit line value for speed to calculate the horizontal range. Compare the value calculated using this method with your calculation of the area under the graph. 28 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 SKILLS Using the interactive white board, or on hard copies of the image, horizontal lines can be drawn on the image. Questions for learners Which motion is being considered when looking at the lines drawn horizontally on the image? What do you notice about the spacing of the lines and what does this tell you about the vertical motion of the ball? Explain the vertical motion of the ball. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 29 SKILLS tracker.jar also graphs the data, as the markers are placed on the video footage, and can include a best-fit line. Questions for learners How far has the ball travelled vertically? What do the negative values of velocity indicate about the motion of the ball? 30 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 SKILLS Questions for learners How far has the ball travelled vertically? Referring to the metre stick in the clip to give a sense of scale, estimate the vertical distance travelled. How can this be calculated? Using the area under the graph, calculate the vertical range. Compare the calculated value with your estimated value. What is the formula for calculation of the gradient of a straight line? gradient m = (y 2 – y 1 )/(x 2 – x 1 ) gradient m = (speed2 – speed1)/(time2-time1) ie the gradient of the line is the change in speed per second, ie the acceleration. What is causing the acceleration of the ball? Calculate the gradient of the best-fit line and compare it to the expected value. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 31 SKILLS Compare the acceleration calculated from the gradient of the line with the accepted value for acceleration due to gravity. Identify factors which may have affected the accuracy of the result. Having used tracker.jar to support the learning and teaching associated with horizontal and vertical motion of a horizontal projectile, learners can use this understanding to explore a common misconception regarding acceleration due to gravity. The two balls appear to be identical. Both drop and hit the ground a t the same time. A learner asked to retrieve them will observe a significantly different mass. One ball is as bought, the other has been filled with liquid , but both hit the ground at exactly the same time. Once the learners are aware of the difference i n mass they may try to observe a difference between the times at which the balls hit the ground in order to fit this in with a common misconception that heavier objects fall more quickly than lighter objects. 32 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 SKILLS ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 33 SKILLS Planning an approach to investigate this should incorporate learners’ understanding of uncertainties previously introduced, as far as this is appropriate to the learner. 34 ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 SKILLS This simple demonstration can form the basis of learners’ notes to demonstrate understanding. ADVICE AND GUIDANCE FOR PRACTITIONERS (NATIONAL 5, PHYSICS) © Crown copyright 2012 35