BIOLOGY 4 HUMAN ANATOMY LABORATORY SCHEDULE Spring 2016 Instructors: S. Barth, R. Berg, P. D’Arcey, C. Hoffman, M. Halter, R. McFarland, T. Robinson Laboratory Schedule Week 1: Jan 25- 29 Week 2: Feb 1- 5 Introduction to Anatomy Lab Skeleton: Focus on the Skull Skeleton: Skull, Vertebral Column, Upper Limb Week 3: Feb 8-Feb 12 Friday holiday Skeleton: Lower limb; Upper Limb and Axial Skeleton Review Week 4: Feb 15- Feb 19 Monday holiday Axial and Appendicular Skeleton Review For Exam Week 5: Feb 22-26 EXAM 1: Skeletal features (100 points) Week 6: March 1-4 Histology Week 7: Mar 7-11 Intro. to Muscles of the cadaver Histology cont. Week 8: Mar 14-18 Muscles of the cadaver Eye Dissection Week 9: Mar 21-25 Muscles of the cadaver Ear, Sheep Brain Dissection, Human Brain Observation Week 10: March 28-April 2 Week 11: April 4-8 Week 12: April 11-15 Week 13: April 18-22 Week 14: April 25- 29 Week 15: May 2- 6 Spring Break Muscles of the cadaver EXAM 2 Muscles of the Cadaver, Brain (Human & Sheep), Ear and Eye (100 pts) Thoracic and Abdominal Contents; Pathologies of the Cadavers Introduction to Blood Vessels Sheep heart dissection and human heart observation Thoracic and Abdominal Contents Week 16: May 9- 13 Urinary and Reproductive Structures Review of Thoracic and Abdominal Contents, Hearts, Blood Vessels EXAM 3: Sheep heart, blood vessels, internal organs (100 pts.) Week 17: May 16-May 20 Finals week NO LAB