Instructor: Dr. Carol Hoffman Office:

Office phone:
E-mail :
Office hours:
Web site:
Dr. Carol Hoffman
Room 619
cahoffma(at)Cabrillo dot edu (Best way to get me a message)
Check on my web site
1. Text: Human Anatomy, 4th Edition, by Saladin, or earlier editions.
eBook is fine too.
2. Lab Manual ($19) available at Print Smith: 8047 Soquel Drive, Aptos.
You need this manual on day ONE of your lab. Buy it ASAP.
3. Lab coat, blades (#22) and disposable gloves for lab as of March 16.
4. REEF Polling
I use polling in class to see if you have understood the concepts
presented. You will need to purchase the app REEF polling by
iClicker for your phone (cheaper option) or an iClicker plus device.
This will allow you to answer questions asked in class, every class.
You are expected to click your answers in to me with your device or phone. The
bookstore has them for sale, or you can buy them on line, new or used. You will need it
every lecture. Once you buy it, you need to register it online. BE SURE TO PUT IN YOUR CABRILLO ID
NUMBER even if it says (optional). Clickers are used to respond to questions in class.
Every time you do not have your clicker or REEF application, then you lose points in
class. I STRONGLY suggest you get one quickly. I will activate the points by week two
of the semester.
LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of the semester, you should be able to do the
following: 1. Use a repertoire of anatomical terminology with accuracy
2. Describe with detail the anatomy of specific body systems at both the cellular and
organ level.
LAB ACTIVITIES In lab we work with mammalian tissue slides, plastic replicas of
human bones and dissected human cadavers. We also dissect sheep hearts, eyes and
brains. Participation in all of these activities is mandatory. We have weekly quizzes in
lab on the material covered that same day. The lab section to this course is independent
from lecture. It is not aligned with the lecture topic weekly.
Lecture notes are available on my web site. You do not HAVE to print them. You may choose to
print them and use them for note-taking and studying but it means a lot of paper. Evaluate what
method is good for you. Please understand that I am always upgrading my notes, so lecture may
include a slide or two that you haven’t printed, or you may print a slide that I no longer use. Do
not panic. You have the bulk of the slides, taking notes on a few new ones is a task you can
easily handle. The link is on the bottom of the Cabrillo College home page. Find the link and go
to Bio 4.
GRADING: The final grade will be based on performance in lecture and lab. Lecture will be
worth 70 percent of the course grade and laboratory will be worth 30 percent. Lecture scores will
consist of 4 exams, worth 100 points each. Final grades will be based on a modified curve. The
top number of points achieved by the class will become 100%.
90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
below 59% = F
EXAMS: Lecture exams will consist of multiple-choice questions. If you miss an exam due to
a very good reason, you MUST call or e-mail me to let me know before or by the day after the
exam. Justified absences allow for a make-up that will be rescheduled for May 9th at 5:30. If you
need a make-up, then make arrangements ahead of time to be there on May 9th. You can make up
only ONE exam during the semester. Repeat: You may only make up ONE exam. If you miss
more than one scheduled exam, no make-up will be available. Exams are not cumulative. I
cannot provide early finals so please plan your vacations accordingly.
Students automatically consent to re-take an exam if the instructor has any question about the
integrity of the results.
TUTORING- Make use of this excellent service available to you! It’s free. It’s helpful.
Tutoring is used by students of all levels here at Cabrillo. It is not a tool to remedy
failure, it is a tool to prevent it. Use tutoring to stay on top of the material.
1. Anatomy lab tutor available every Friday afternoon and Wednesday mornings.
Check the lab white board for hours. Room 623 open and free to all students.
2. Group tutoring available through Tutorials. Call 479-6470. Free to pre-health
ETIQUETTE- Please be on time. It is rude to your fellow students and to me when you are late.
If you need to be absent, I expect you to make-up the work on your own. This is a large class.
Please be respectful of others. Texting in class is an annoyance to other students. Computers in
class that are open to anything but lecture are also distracting to others.
All students needing accommodations should inform me ASAP. Please set up a time
during my office hours, not in the hall or after class. We need to talk about the
scheduling of your exams through the ASC (Accessibility Support Center). Veterans may
qualify for accommodations. Wounded Warriors may have acquired injuries which
through the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) entitles the use of accommodations to
ensure equal opportunity for students with verified disabilities. To determine if you
qualify or need assistance with an accommodation, please contact Accessibility Support
Center, Room 1073 479-6379, or the Learning Skills Program, 479-6220.
E-mail is a quick and easy way to communicate with me. However, it is not to be used as a
lecture review session. The place for that learning is in class or during office hours.
Office hours are times that I am available to you for questions outside of class. My office hours
are listed on the directory of the Cabrillo Web site as well as my own site as well as the door of
my office. Come and see me for help with the material or any other issue that needs my attention.
Please notice that not every time you see me in my office is an office hour. I need this
uninterrupted time to prepare for lectures and labs.
Keep on top of the material for both lecture and lab weekly. The volume of information is
unforgiving. The text should not be read as a novel. It is a reference book. Use my notes as your
guideline and then refer to the book based on my notes. Review, review, review. Devising
methods of memorization that work for YOU is essential. Draw, write, copy, color, repeat,
repeat, repeat. No method is too excessive.
WELCOME. We will work hard in this class, AND, what you learn is amazing.
If you are a seasoned student and know how to study, you should disregard this following section.
If you need help with HOW to study my material, I have some ideas. First, a good book to
consult regarding studying tools is:
Study Smarter, Not Harder by Kevin Paul, MA 3rd edition It is a wonderful manual with many
recommendations on how to turn into a better learner. I recommend it.
Now for my own recommendations. It is very often that I get the same question: “How do I
study for this course when there is so much information?” First, remember that I ONLY TEST
ON MATERIAL THAT I HAVE COVERED IN CLASS. Knowing this, you need to look at my
posted lectures. All that information on the slides can be on an exam. The text has more
information than that. Do you need to know all the text information? No. It helps to read it as
“background” and to understand concepts that are written in complete sentences and always
encompass a full thought. Often my slides are abbreviated, short, blunt sentences (or not even
sentences) that serve as a reminder of what we covered, but are NOT a good study tool. They are
essentially bulleted points only and when you need to understand the big picture, the text is
invaluable. It is time well invested when you read the Saladin book. HOWEVER, if you get to a
part of the text that I completely skipped (there are plenty of those parts), then skip it too. Stick to
the sections that I have covered. Between reading the book (and taking notes on it), reading my
notes (and listing terminology you need to know), and attending lecture and participating in
clickers, you should do very well. IT TAKES TIME. By the time it is the day before an exam,
you should be studying only from your vocab lists and notes taken from the text. It is too late to,
at that stage, be referring to the text.
A typical week, completing successful study habits:
Tuesday: Come to class. Respond to clickers.
Wednesday: Read the notes again, make vocab lists with definitions. Take notes from the book
on the section covered in lecture. Use drawings to illustrate structures. Drawings stick in our
brains longer than words.
Thursday: Come to class. Respond to clickers.
Friday: Read your Thursday notes. Take notes from the book on your Thursday lecture.
Review your Tuesday notes.
Monday: Review again and see whether you have questions that need to be answered in an office
hour. Plan on attending an office hour during that week if need be.
Calculating your grade:
a. % Grade for lecture:
0.7 = _______
b. % Grade for lab:
0.3 = _______
Add lines a and b
Example for Bilbo Baggins:
a. % Grade for lecture:
0.7 = ___53.
b. % Grade for lab:
_____89%___ X
0.3 = _ 26.7
Add lines a and b
___80.6__= B