Screening tests for you and your baby Important information for you to keep with your hand-held maternity records Version 6 4 Contacts If you are not up to date with cervical screening or you missed your test during your pregnancy then arrange to have the test done at 13 weeks post delivery. In the busy time after the baby is born remember to look after your own health too. • For antenatal and newborn screening programmes: • For antenatal results and choices charity: • For comments about people’s experiences: antenatalscreening • Contact a Family charity: For more information on screening tests, talk to your midwife, doctor or health visitor. You can also visit the following websites. We hope you will find this booklet useful. Please keep it safe with your maternity notes. Towards the end of your pregnancy your midwife will talk to you about the screening tests recommended for newborn babies. You should look at this booklet again at this stage. Some of the tests need to take place as early as 10 weeks in pregnancy, so you should read this booklet as soon as possible. Please read this booklet as it will help prepare you for discussions with your midwife or doctor and will help you ask the questions that are important to you. It will be helpful if you have the booklet with you when you see them. The UK National Screening Committee gives the health departments of the four UK countries advice on all aspects of screening. It is important you understand the purpose and possible results of the screening tests before you decide whether to have them. To help you the UK National Screening Committee has written this booklet, explaining the screening tests in detail. This booklet is about the screening tests you will be offered while your are pregnant and screening tests for your baby in their first few weeks. It would help if you have this booklet handy when you see health professionals at home or in hospital. Using this booklet 5 6 There are also other, less common, haemoglobin disorders. Many of these are not as serious. People with thalassaemia major: • are very anaemic (their bodies have difficulty carrying oxygen) • need blood transfusions every four to six weeks, and • need injections and medicines throughout their lives. Thalassaemia major People with sickle cell disease: • can have attacks of very severe pain • can get serious, life-threatening infections • are usually anaemic (which means that their bodies have difficulty carrying oxygen), and • need medicines and injections when they are children and throughout the rest of their lives to prevent infections. Sickle cell disease Sickle cell disease and thalassaemia major are serious, inherited blood disorders. They affect haemoglobin, a part of the blood that carries oxygen around the body. People who have these conditions will need specialist care throughout their lives. *FE?!E@,./!E!//E 1 EF*/@@!0,E ,@3? !?@; In the first few weeks of your pregnancy, we will offer you a blood test for sickle cell and thalassaemia. This chapter describes the screening process. It explains why we offer the test and helps you decide whether to accept it. ?!!1,1)E$3?E@,./!E!//E1 E F*/@@!0,E,1E!?/ME5?!)11M 1M31!E1E!EE*!/F*ME??,!?9E IFEM3IE?!E03?!E/,.!/MEF3E??MEF*!E I1I@I/E)!1!@E,$EM3I?E1!@F3?@E0!E $?30E5/!@EK*!?!E0/?,E*@E!!1E 300319E*,@E,@E!I@!E!,1)EEE ??,!?E1E*!/5EF3E5?3F!FE5!35/!E ),1@FE0/?,9 *,@E0!1@EM3IE?!E03?!E/,.!/MEF3E !EE??,!?E,$EM3I?E1!@F3?@E0!E $?30EF*!E ! ,F!??1!1E6$3?E!L05/!E M5?I@E F/ME3?FI)/E5,17E$?,E F*!E?,!1EF*!E , /!E@FE 1 ,E .,@F1E3IF*E0!?,E3?E3IF*E1 E 3IF*+@FE@,9 Who can be a carrier? ,./!E!//E1 EF*/@@!0,E?!E ,1*!?,F! E ,@3? !?@EF*FE?!E5@@! 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Father who came forward for testing “If you’re discovered to be a carrier it doesn’t affect your general health.” 7 8 The test gives important information for your baby’s health E $EF*!E/33 EF!@FE@*3K@EF*FEM3IE?!E E??,!?EK!EK,//E,1J,F!EM3I?EM=@E $F*!?E$3?EEF!@F9E $E*!E,@E/@3EE??,!?E M3I?EME*@EE*1!E3$E,1*!?,F,1)E E ,@3? !?9E6*!E ,)?0E31E5)!E2E @*3K@EF*!E ,$$!?!1FE*1!@E$3?EM3I?E M9E*!@!E,1/I !E,1*!?,F,1)EF*!E ,@3? !?E!,1)EE??,!?E3?E13FE!,1)E $$!F! 97 E ,1 ,1)EF*,@E3IFE!?/ME,1EM3I?E 5?!)11ME),J!@EM3IEF*!E*1!EF3E F/.EF3EE3I1@!//3?E1 E%1 E3IFE03?!E 3IFEF*!E ,@3? !?@E1 EF*!E?!E J,//!9E $EM3IEK1FEF3EM3IE1E*J!E 13F*!?EF!@FEF3E31%?0EK*!F*!?EM3I?E ME*@E31!E3$EF*!E ,@3? !?@9E6!!E< @E F*!?!EE$I?F*!?EF!@F;=E31E5)!E4O79 The test can benefit you and your family E $EF*!EF!@FE@*3K@EF*FEM3IE?!EE??,!?E F*!?!E,@EE*1!EF*FE3F*!?E0!0!?@E 3$EM3I?E$0,/ME3I/ E!E??,!?@EF339E 3IE0MEK1FEF3E!13I?)!EF*!0E F3E@.E$3?EEF!@FE!@5!,//ME,$EF*!ME?!E 5/11,1)EF3E*J!EEMEF*!0@!/J!@9E E /F*3I)*E5!35/!EK*3E??ME@,./!E!//E ?!E*!/F*MEF*!ME1E!L5!?,!1!E@30!E 5?3/!0@E,1E??!E@,FIF,31@EK*!?!E F*!,?E3 ,!@E0,)*FE13FE)!FE!13I)*E 3LM)!1E6$3?E!L05/!EK*!1E*J,1)E1E 1!@F*!F,E3?E I?,1)E !!5+@!E ,J,1)79E 13K,1)EF*FEM3IE??ME@,./!E!//E1E *!/5EM3IE01)!EF*!@!E@,FIF,31@9 !35/!EK*3E??MEF*/@@!0,E3?E3F*!?E I1I@I/E*!03)/3,1E)!1!@E 3E13FE !L5!?,!1!EF*!@!E5?3/!0@9 Why should I be tested? *!E03@FE/,.!/ME?!@I/FE,@EF*FEM3IE?!E13FEE E??,!?9E3I?E5?!)11ME@*3I/ E31F,1I!EE @E13?0/9 $EF*!E?!@I/FE@*3K@EF*FEM3IE?!EE??,!?E $3?E@,./!E!//EF*/@@!0,E3?E13F*!?E *!03)/3,1E ,@3? !?EK!EK,//E3$$!?EM3IE 3I1@!//,1)EF3EF/.E3IFEK*FEF*,@E3I/ E 0!1E$3?EM3IEM3I?EME1 EM3I?E$0,/M9E !EK,//E/@3E3$$!?EM3I?EM=@E$F*!?EEF!@FE F3E%1 E3IFEK*!F*!?E*!E,@EE??,!?9 1EJ!?ME??!E@!@EF*!EF!@FE0ME@*3KEF*FE M3IE*J!EE*!03)/3,1E ,@3? !?EK,F*3IFE .13K,1)E,F9EE*!/F*E5?3$!@@,31/E6$3?E !L05/!EE1I?@!E 3F3?E3?E0, K,$!7EK,//E ,@I@@EM3I?E35F,31@EK,F*EM3IE,1/I ,1)E F*!E?!EM3IEK,//E1!! 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Why should my baby’s father have a test? 9 10 @EK!//E@EF*!EF!@F@E !@?,! E,1EF*,@E /!'!FE//E,!@E,1E1)/1 E?!E3$$!?! E E*!!/+5?,.E/33 EF!@FEK*!1EF*!ME?!E %J!EF3E!,)*FE M@E3/ 9E*,@EF!@FE,@E 31!E MEF.,1)E@30!E/33 E$?30EM3I?EM=@E *!!/9E FEF!@F@E$3?EE1I0!?E3$E31 ,F,31@E ,1/I ,1)E@,./!E!//9E FEK,//E@*3KE K*!F*!?EM3I?EME,@E13FE$$!F! E,@EE ??,!?E3?E*@EE ,@3? !?9E*,@E,@E//! E 1!K3?1E/33 +@53FE@?!!1,1)E1 EE *!/F*E5?3$!@@,31/EK,//E),J!EM3IE03?!E ,1$3?0F,31E/F!?E,1EM3I?E5?!)11M9 $E3F*EM3IE1 EM3I?EM=@E$F*!?E?!E ??,!?@E+E3?E,$EM3I?EM=@E$F*!?E 3!@E 13FE30!E$3?EF!@F,1)E+EM3IE1E*33@!E F3E*J!E13F*!?EF!@FEK*,/!EM3IE?!E 5?!)11F9E*,@E,@E//! 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She was so nice and she talked us through everything and the chances of us having a sickle cell baby and everything. And then l made up my mind l was going to have those tests done...” A pregnant woman who sought counselling about being a carrier UK Thalassaemia Society 19 The Broadway, Southgate Circus London NI4 6PH Phone: 020 8882 0011 Email: Website: Sickle and Thalassaemia Association of Counsellors (STAC) South West London Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Centre, Balham Health Centre, 120 Bedford Hill, Balham, London SW12 9HP Phone: 020 8700 0615 Email: Website: Sickle Cell Society 54 Station Road, London NW10 4UA Phone: 020 8961 7795 Email: Website: Other organisations Sarah, who accepted screening when she became pregnant. “I think people should definitely ask to have the screening because if both parents are carriers, and if the child does have the disorder, it can have very serious consequences. It would be better to know about your options in advance.” Visit the website of the NHS Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Screening Programme at Read about people’s real-life experiences of sickle cell and thalassaemia screening like the ones shown in this leaflet. Visit More information 11 12 FEM3I?E%?@FE1F!1F/EJ,@,FEM3IE K,//E!E3$$!?! E1 E?!300!1 ! E F!@F@E$3?E*!5F,F,@EEI01E 00I13 !%,!1ME,?I@E6 7E ?I!//E1 E@M5*,/,@9E*!EF!@F@E1E //E!E 31!E$?30E31!E/33 E@05/!E 1 E?!E3$$!?! EF3E*!/5E5?3F!FE F*!E*!/F*E3$EM3IE1 EM3I?EM9E /F*3I)*EF*!E,1$!F,31@E0ME13FE 0.!EM3IE$!!/E,//E,$EF*!ME?!E13FE !F!F! EF*!ME1EI@!E@!?,3I@E 0)!EF3EM3I?EM9E $EK!E.13KE 3IFEF*!0EM3IE1E?!!,J!E@5!,/E ?!E3?E0! ,,1!EF3E?! 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Although most people who have syphilis are only ill for a short time, it can eventually have very severe effects (such as brain damage) if it is not treated. If it is passed to the unborn baby it often results in miscarriage or stillbirth, or the baby being born early and severely ill. Almost all syphilis infections in the UK are caught by having unprotected sex, with a person who is infected. If you have syphilis, your partner should also be offered a test. 15 Rubella (German Measles) Syphilis 16 1!E3$EF*!E,0@E3$EF*!E@?!!1,1)E5?3)?00!E,@EF3E0.!E@I?!EF*FE ,FE0!!F@E@!FE:I/,FME@F1 ? @E1 E)I, 1!9E3E 3EF*,@E*3@5,F/@E 0ME1!! 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You need to make the decision that is right for you, so please read this booklet carefully. ❉ Your midwife or your GP will talk to you about testing for Down’s syndrome. They will be happy to answer your questions – so please do ask if there is anything you are not clear about. Choosing whether to have the tests is an important decision, for you and for your baby. This chapter gives you some information about Down’s syndrome and about testing for it, so you can decide whether to have the tests. !@F,1)E$3?E3K1=@E@M1 ?30!E ,1E5?!)11M !35/!E 3E13FEI@I//ME!L5!FEF3E*J!EEMEK,F*E 3K1=@E@M1 ?30!9E FE 3!@E13FEI@I//ME?I1E,1E$0,/,!@9E 30!E5!35/!EF*,1.EF*FE31/ME3/ !?EK30!1E1E*J!E EMEK,F*E3K1=@E@M1 ?30!EIFEF*,@E,@E13FEF?I!9E 1M31!E1E*J!EEMEK,F*E3K1=@E@M1 ?30!EIFE F*!E?,@.E 3!@E)3EI5EK,F*E)!9E *!E3/ !?EE03F*!?E,@EF*!E03?!E*1!E@*!E*@E3$E *J,1)EEMEK,F*EF*!E31 ,F,319E3?E!L05/!EF*!E *1!E3$E*J,1)EEMEK,F*E3K1=@E@M1 ?30!E,@E31!E ,1E4&OOE$3?EK30!1EK*3E?!EHOEM!?@E3/ E31!E,1E2OOE $3?EK30!1EK*3E?!EGOEM!?@E3/ E1 E31!E,1E4OOE$3?E How common is Down’s syndrome? *!?!E,@E13E@I*EF*,1)E@EEFM5,/E5!?@31EK,F*E3K1=@E @M1 ?30!9E ,.!E//E5!35/!EF*!MEJ?MEE/3FE,1E55!?1!E 5!?@31/,FME1 E,/,FM9E!35/!EK,F*E3K1=@E@M1 ?30!E *J!E/!?1,1)E ,$%I/F,!@9E30!E*J!E03?!E@!?,3I@E ,$%I/F,!@EF*1E3F*!?@9E FE,@E*? EF3EF!//E,1E,!@E*3KE 0I*EF*!MEK,//E!E$$!F! 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FE,@E,053?F1FEF*FEM3IEF/.EF3EM3I?E0, K,$!E3IFE*3KE M3IEK1FEF3E?!!,J!EF*!E?!@I/F@9E*!E*1!@E?!EF*FE M3I?E?!@I/F@EK,//E@*3KEF*FEM3I?EME 3!@E13FE*J!E 3K1=@E@M1 ?30!EIFE,$EF*!E?!@I/F@E@*3KEF*FEM3I?E ME 3!@E*J!E3K1=@E@M1 ?30!EM3IE1!! EF3EF*,1.E ?!$I//ME3IFE*3KEM3IEK1FEF3E*!?EF*,@E,1$3?0F,319E 3I?E0, K,$!E1E),J!EM3IEF*!E?!@I/F@EFEM3I?E*30!E FEF*!E1F!1F/E/,1,E3J!?EF*!E5*31!E3?E,1EE/!FF!?9E ,@I@@EK*FE,@E55?35?,F!E$3?EM3IEK,F*EM3I?E0, K,$!9 How will I get my results? 9E*,@EF!@FE5?3J, !@E@30!E,1$3?0F,31EK,F*,1EFK3EF3E F*?!!E M@9 ,F,1)E$3?EF*!E?!@I/F@E1E!E1E1L,3I@EF,0!9E 3E//EM3I?E0, K,$!E3?E31FFE31!E3$EF*!E@I553?FE 3?)1,@F,31@E/,@F! E31E5)!@EH2+G4E,$EM3IE1!! 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EF,31/E?!!1,1)E300,FF!!9EFetal Anomaly Screening Programme – Screening for Down’s Syndrome: UK NSC Policy Recommendations 2007–2010: Model of Best Practice.E!5?F0!1FE3$E!/F*E 31 31EHOO"9 !/,.3K,FNE 9EDown Syndrome The Facts,EG? E! 19E L$3? E1,J!?@,FME?!@@E!KE3?.EHOO"9 31 /E E!?!?E E !/E 9EDown’s Syndrome: A Review of Current Knowledge. *I??EI/,@*!?@E 31 31E42229 !KF31E9EThe Down’s Syndrome Handbook: A Practical Guide for Parents and Carers.E1 30E3I@!E 31 31E HOO(9 !$!?!1!@ NHS Fetal Anomaly Screening ProgrammeE KKK9$!F/130/M9@?!!1,1)91*@9I.E 113JF,31E!1F?!E !11!@E?,J!E 1,J!?@,FME3$EL!F!?E !J31E (E( !/!5*31!EO"(&E&HBEB24O 0,/E!1:I,?,!@1@1@939I.E *!EE!F/E130/ME?!!1,1)E?3)?00!E,@E ?!@531@,/!E$3?E3F*EF*!EE!F/E130/ME/F?@3I1 E ?!!1,1)E?3)?00!E1 EF*!E3K1=@E@M1 ?30!E ?!!1,1)E?3)?00!E$3?E1)/1 9 !/!5*31!EO44&2ECHBC&"E!LF!1@,31E(&CCB *,@EK!@,F!E,@E,0! 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J,1)EE0, +5?!)11ME I/F?@3I1 E@1; 30!E5?3/!0@E?!E:I,F!E30031E3F*!?@E?!EJ!?ME??!E1 EF*!MEK,//E !E!L5/,1! EF3EM3I9E *!EF/!E31E5)!@EG(+G&E@*3K@EF*!E44E5?3/!0@EF*!EE!F/E 130/ME?!!1,1)E?3)?00!E67E,@EI ,F! E),1@F9E3I?E @313)?5*!?EK,//E!E/33.,1)E@5!,%//ME$3?EF*!@!E5?3/!0@E I?,1)EE F*!E@19 !$3?!E !, ,1)EK*!F*!?E3?E13FEF3E*J!EE@1EM3IE1!! EF3E.13KE K*FE@1@E1E1 E113FEF!//EM3I9EI?,1)EF*!E@1EK!EF.!EEJ!?ME /3@!E/33.EFEM3I?EM9E!EI@I//ME/!?1EF*FEF*!EME55!?@EF3E!E *!/F*ME1 E,@E !J!/35,1)EK!//EIFE@30!F,0!@EK!E%1 EE5?3/!09E $E F*,@E*55!1@E,FEK,//E!E!L5/,1! EF3EM3I9 What can a scan tell me about my baby’s health and development? Giving permission for the scan !0!0!?EF*FEF*,@E,@EE0! ,/E!L0,1F,319E3IEK,//E!E@.! EF3E),J!E M3I?E5!?0,@@,31E$3?E,FEF3E!E??,! E3IF9E .!E@I?!EM3IEI1 !?@F1 E K*FE,@E)3,1)EF3E*55!19E!!/E$?!!EF3E@.E1ME:I!@F,31@9 !E3$$!?EF*!E@1EF3E!J!?M3 MEIFEM3IE 3E13FE*J!EF3E*J!E,FE,$EM3IE 3E13FEK1FEF39E!$3?!E0.,1)EI5EM3I?E0,1 EF*!?!E?!EE$!KEF*,1)@E M3IE 3E1!! EF3E.13KE@3E5/!@!E?! EF*,@E@!F,31E?!$I//M9 Does everybody have a scan? 33 34 *,@E,@E13?0/E !J!/350!1FE 3$EF*!E?,1E1 EF*!E31!@E3$E F*!E@.I//9E /ME,!@EK,F*EF*,@E 5?3/!0E113FE/,J!E31!EF*!ME ?!E3?1E1 E ,!E@331E$F!?E ,?F*9 5,1E,% E,@EK*!1EM3I?EM=@E @5,1/E3? E*@E13FE !J!/35! E 5?35!?/ME1 EF*!?!E,@EE)5E3?E @5/,FE,1EF*!E@5,1!9 *,@E*55!1@EK*!1E!?F,1E 5?F@E3$EM3I?EM=@E$!E1 E 5?F,I/?/MEF*!E/,5@E 3E13FE-3,1E F3)!F*!?E5?35!?/M9 *,@E3I?@EK*!1EM3I?EM=@E ,5*?)0E 3!@E13FE$I//ME$3?09E *!E ,5*?)0E,@EE0I@/!EF*FE *!/5@EI@E?!F*!E1 E,FE.!!5@EF*!E *!?FE1 E/I1)@E@!5?F!E$?30E F*!E3K!/E1 EF*!E?!@FE3$EF*!E 3?)1@E,1EF*!E 30!19 *,@E,@EE !$!FE3?E<*3/!=E,1E F*!EM=@E 30,1/EK//EF3E 31!E@, !E3$EF*!EI0,/,/E3? 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EF3E*J!EE$I//E/ !?EK*!1EM3IE30!E$3?EF*!E 553,1F0!1F9E*!E 3F3?E3?E0, K,$!E/33.,1)E$F!?EM3IEK,//E/!FEM3IE.13KE !$3?!EM3IE30!9E $EM3IE?!E13FE@I?!EM3IE1E31FFEF*!0E1 E@.9 Do I need to drink water and have a full bladder before my scan? 37 38 -3?E@F?IFI?/E13?0/,F,!@E,1EF*!E !J!/350!1FE3$EF*!EME@I*E@E @5,1E,% E?!EI@I//ME3J,3I@E31EF*!E@1E1 E F*!E@313)?5*!?@E1 E 3F3?@E1E!E@3/IF!/ME !?F,1E3$EF*!E%1 ,1)@9E1@E?!E13FE@3E?!/,/!E If a problem FE@!!,1)E5?3/!0@E@I*E@E@30!E*!?FE !$!F@E 1 EK!E 3E13FE!L5!FEF3E5,.EI5E!J!?ME*!?FE is found or 31 ,F,31E!$3?!E,?F*9 suspected, ,1 ,1)E3IFEF*!E@!LE3$EM3I?EME,@E13FE3$$!?! E@E5?FE3$EF*!E1F,31/E @?!!1,1)E5?3)?00!EIFEF*,@E !5!1 @E31EF*!E53/,ME3$EM3I?E*3@5,F/9E opinion. $EF*!E@313)?5*!?E 3!@E13FE@!!E!J!?MF*,1)E/!?/ME 5!?*5@E!I@!EM3IE?!E3J!?K!,)*FE3?EM3I?EME ,@E/M,1)E,1E1EK.K? E53@,F,31EM3IE0ME*J!E Sometimes scan F3E*J!EF*!E@1E?!5!F! E),1E31EE ,$$!?!1FE M9E*,@E*55!1@E:I,F!E3$F!1E1 E 3!@1=FE results can be 0!1EF*!E@313)?5*!?E*@E@!!1E1MF*,1)EF3E uncertain and the K3??ME3IF9E $EF*!E@313)?5*!?E113FE)!FE sonographer may E)33 E,0)!E3$EF*!EME$F!?EFK3E@!5?F!E FF!05F@EM3IE0ME13FE!E3$$!?! EE ask for a further 13F*!?E@19 $E!J!?MF*,1)E55!?@E13?0/EM3IEK,//E5?3/ME13FE1!! E13F*!?E@19 Will I need another scan? 1E?!@I/F@E1 E%1 ,1)@ 3IEK,//E1!! EF3E*!.E,$EM3I?E*3@5,F/E5?3J, !@EF*,@E@!?J,!9E $EF*!ME 3E F*!?!E0ME!EE*?)!9 1E03@FE@!@E$I?F*!?EF!@F@E 3E13FE%1 EE5?3/!09E3K!J!?E1ME!LF?E F!@FE1EI@!E)?!FE1L,!FME$3?E5?!1F@E1 E$3?E@30!E5!35/!EF*!E1L,!FME 1E/@FEF*?3I)*3IFEF*!E?!@FE3$EF*!E5?!)11M9 $E1!!@@?MEM3IEK,//E!E?!$!??! EF3EE@5!,/,@FE53@@,/ME,1E13F*!?E *3@5,F/9E3IE@*3I/ E!E),J!1E1E553,1F0!1FEK,F*,1EE$!KE M@9 $E1ME5?3/!0E,@E$3I1 E3?E@I@5!F! 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If everything appears normal, what happens next? 39 40 Can anything be done before the birth? ,1 ,1)E3IFE3IFEE31 ,F,31E!$3?!E,?F*E1E*!/5E 5?!1F@E5?!5?!EF*!0@!/J!@E1 E@30!F,0!@E,FE1E*!/5EF3E5/1EF?!F0!1FE $F!?EF*!EME,@E3?19E3?E!L05/!E,$EM3I?EME,@E.13K1EF3E*J!EE 5?3/!0EF*FEK,//E1!! E1E35!?F,31E@331E$F!?E,?F*E@I*E@EF*!E?!5,?E3$E E*!?1,E,1EM3I?EM=@EFI00ME??1)!0!1F@E1E!E0 !EF3E !/,J!?EM3I?E ME,1EE*3@5,F/EK*!?!EF*,@E1E!E 31!EK,F*,1EF*!E%?@FE$!KE*3I?@EE $F!?E,?F*9 scan. $EF*!E31 ,F,31E,@E@!?,3I@E@30!31!EK,//EF/.EM3IE F*?3I)*EM3I?E35F,31@EK*,*E0ME,1/I !E!1 ,1)E F*!E5?!)11M9E $EM3IE1!! EF3E0.!E1ME Not every !,@,31EM3I?E0, K,$!E1 EF*!E*3@5,F/EF!0E K,//E),J!EM3IEF,0!E@I553?FE1 E,1$3?0F,31E problem can 1 EF*!MEK,//E?!@5!FEM3I?E*3,!9E!F,/@E3$E be seen on a 3?)1,@F,31@E1 E)?3I5@EF*FE1E),J!EM3IE *!/5E1 E@I553?FE?!E),J!1E31E5)!@E(4E mid-pregnancy 1 E(H9 *,@E !5!1 @E31EF*!EFM5!E3$E13?0/,FME1 E*3KE@!?,3I@E,FE,@9E30!E 13?0/,F,!@E0MEFI?1E3IFE13FEF3E!E@!?,3I@E1 E@30!E)!FE!FF!?E31E F*!,?E3K19E 1E!,F*!?E3$EF*!@!E@!@EM3IE0ME!E3$$!?! E$I?F*!?E@1@E F*?3I)*3IFEM3I?E5?!)11MEF3E031,F3?EF*!E31 ,F,319 What will happen if a type of abnormality is definitely found? 3IE0MEK1FEF3E@.E:I!@F,31@E1 EF3EF/.E3IFEM3I?EK3??,!@EK,F*EM3I?E 3K1E0, K,$!E3?E31@I/F1F9E 1E01ME*3@5,F/@EE@5!,/,@FE@?!!1,1)E 0, K,$!E,@EJ,//!9EF*!?E@3I?!@E3$E,1$3?0F,31E1 E@I553?FE?!E/,@F! E FEF*!E!1 E3$EF*,@E@!F,319 3IE0,)*FE!E3$$!?! E13F*!?EF!@FE@I*E@E1E<01,3!1F!@,@=EF3E%1 E3IFE $3?E!?F,1E,$EF*!?!E,@EE5?3/!09E $EM3IE?!E3$$!?! 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BGE*?/3FF!EF?!!F 31 31 4E( !/5/,1!EOHOBECG4EOH"&E 0,/E,1$3?+I.93?) 3IE1E31FFEM3I?E0, K,$!E3?E 3F3?E1 E M3IE1E)!FE03?!E,1$3?0F,31E3IFE@?!!1,1)E $?30EF*!E$3//3K,1)E3?)1,@F,31@ Who can I talk to if I have any questions or concerns about the mid-pregnancy scan? 1$3?FI1F!/ME31/MEEJ!?ME$!KE5?3/!0@E1E!E F?!F! E,1EF*,@EKM9 Can the baby have an operation before it is born? 42 ?,.!?E E?,E E!1 !?@31E E I)$3? E E!,/@31E E3!?F@EE ?F,1E 9E/F?@3I1 E@?!!1,1)E,1E5?!)11MEE@M@F!0F,E?!J,!KE3$EF*!E/,1,/E !$$!F,J!1!@@E3@FE!$$!F,J!1!@@E1 EK30!1=@EJ,!K@9EHealth Technol Assess 2000; 4: 1–193. ,?K1EE1 EF*!EE!F/E130/ME?!!1,1)E?3)?00!E679E18+0 to 20+6 Weeks Fetal Anomaly Scan – National Standards and Guidance for England. 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She slept right through it.” Your baby will be offered a series of routine health In the first few weeks of your baby’s life, you will be checksoffered in the first few routine weeks of life. This will a –a another health check forinclude your baby hearinghearing screening test. The testThe uses quick simple screening test. test usesand quick and simple methodsmethods to checktothe hearing of all newborn babies. babies. check the hearing of all newborn 3I?EM=@E!?,1)EE Your baby’s hearing ?!!1,1)E!@Fscreening test Yes. It is important to screen all babies. Most babies born with a hearing loss are born into families with no history of hearing loss. No one in my family has a hearing loss. Does my baby still need to have the hearing screening test? Early identification is known to be important for the development of the child. It also means that support and information can be provided to parents at an early stage. One to two babies in every 1000 are born with a hearing loss in one or both ears. This hearing screening test will allow those babies who do have a hearing loss to be identified early. Why screen my baby’s hearing? No. It does not hurt and is not uncomfortable. The screening test will usually be done while your baby is asleep or settled. Will the hearing screening test be painful for my baby? Your baby will be offered the hearing screening test within the first few weeks of life. The hearing screen is usually done before you leave the maternity unit. In some areas it will be carried out at home. Your midwife or the person that gave you this leaflet will be able to tell you where and when the screening test will happen. If your baby’s hearing is not screened, ask your health visitor, midwife, local audiology department or family doctor to arrange an appointment. When will the hearing screening test be done? 51 52 The results will be given to you at the time of the screening test. If you have any concerns or questions about your baby’s result When will l get the results of the hearing screening test? A trained hearing screener or your health visitor carries out the hearing screening test. They place a small soft tipped earpiece in the outer part of your baby’s ear which sends clicking sounds down the ear. When an ear receives sound, the inner part, known as the ‘cochlea’ usually produces an echo. The screening equipment can pick up this response. This is called the Automated Otoacoustic Emission (AOAE) screening test. The AOAE screening test only takes a few minutes. You can stay with your baby while the screening test is done. What does the hearing screening test involve? Children can develop or acquire a hearing loss later on, so it is important to check your child’s hearing as they grow up. Two checklists of the sounds that your baby should react to and the types of sounds they should make as they grow older are included on page 60. If you have any concerns about your child’s hearing, discuss them with your health This means that your baby is unlikely to have a hearing loss. The NHS Newborn Hearing Screening Programme is a very reliable way of detecting hearing loss early. What do the results mean if the hearing screening test shows a clear response from both of my baby’s ears? contact the hospital where the screening test was done or if your baby was screened at home, contact your health visitor. This means your baby needs a second hearing screening test. What do the results mean if the hearing screening test does not show a clear response from one or both of my baby’s ears? visitor or family doctor. Your child’s hearing can be tested at any age. • your baby may have fluid or a temporary blockage in the ear after birth. This is very common and will pass with time. • there may have been background noise when the screening test was carried out; or • your baby may have been unsettled at the time of screening; Some common reasons, other than hearing loss, for having a second screening test are: A lot of babies need to have a second hearing screening test because the first screen didn’t show a clear response from one or both of the baby’s ears. This does not necessarily mean that your baby has a hearing loss. Why does my baby need a second hearing screening test? 53 54 The second screening test may be the same as the first screening test, the Automated Otoacoustic Emission (AOAE) screening test. Your baby may also have another type of screening test. This is known as the Automated Auditory Brainstem Response (AABR) screening test. What does the second screening test involve? If your baby’s first screening test was carried out at home, your health visitor will arrange a further appointment with you. Your baby’s second screen will usually be done before you leave the hospital. In some areas it may be done in a local surgery or health clinic. Where will the second screening test be done? Neither of these screening tests will hurt or be uncomfortable for your baby. They will usually be carried out while your baby is asleep or is very settled. The AABR screening test can take between 5 and 30 minutes. You can stay with your baby while the screening test is done. The hearing screening equipment tells us how well your baby’s ears respond to sound. The AOAE screening test takes a few minutes. This involves three small sensors being placed on your baby’s head and neck. Soft headphones, specially made for babies, are placed over your baby’s ears and a series of clicking sounds are played. • Ensure you have the things that you may need to make your baby comfortable and happy. • If possible, feed your baby shortly before the hearing screening test. The screening test is easier to carry out if your baby is asleep. Don’t worry if your baby will not settle. The Hearing Screener will understand that it is difficult to get a young baby to sleep. The following may help your baby to settle during the screening test. What can I do to prepare my baby for the second screening test? Most babies are found to have no hearing loss after the second screening test but it is still very important that your baby has the second screen. This is because babies who have a hearing loss will usually react to some sounds. If your baby does have a hearing loss it is important that you find out as soon as possible. My baby seems to be responding to sound. Does my baby need a second hearing screening test? 55 56 If you have any concerns about your child’s hearing, discuss them with your health visitor or family doctor. Your child’s hearing can be tested at any age. You can use the two checklists of the sounds that your baby should react to and the types of sounds they should make as they grow older. These checklists are on pages 60 and 61. You will be given a leaflet explaining what this involves. There may be a number of other reasons why the second screen could not record a clear response from one or both of your baby’s ears. Further tests by an audiologist will give you better information about your baby’s hearing. If the second screening test does not show a clear response from one or both of your baby’s ears you will be referred to your local audiology department. They will carry out special tests to measure your baby’s hearing. Again, this often happens and does not necessarily mean your baby has a hearing loss. This means that your baby is unlikely to have a hearing loss. Remember that children can develop or acquire a hearing loss later on, so it is important to check your child’s hearing as they grow up. What happens if the second screening test does not show a clear response from one or both of my baby’s ears? What do the results mean if the second hearing screening test shows a clear response from both of my baby’s ears? Nationally, about one in 25 babies whose second screening test does not record clear responses may have a hearing loss in one or both ears. Finding out that your baby has a hearing loss early means that you and your baby will get advice and support right from the start. Most babies will record clear responses to sound at the second screening test and at the further tests carried out by an audiologist. However, there is a possibility that your baby may have a hearing loss. What is the likelihood of my baby having a hearing loss if the second screening test does not record clear responses? (Mother of screened baby) “Daniel is my second little boy and it was amazing. He had his hearing check really soon after I had him.” 57 58 For information and support about your child’s hearing, contact the National Deaf Children’s Society Freephone Helpline on 0808 800 8880 (10am to 5pm Mon-Fri), or send an email to or visit the website: For more information about your baby’s hearing screening test contact: The NHS Newborn Hearing Screening Programme has a website that provides further information: You can also find out more from your health visitor, midwife or local audiology department. Where can I get further information? If you would like more information about your baby’s hearing screening test, you can contact the hospital that will carry out the test. 59 60 4 months - a baby quietens or smiles to the sound of familiar voice even when unable to see speaker and turns eyes or head towards voice. Shows excitement at sounds (e.g.: voices, footsteps etc). 1 month - a baby starts to notice sudden prolonged sounds like the noise of a vacuum cleaner and may turn towards the noise. Pauses and listens to the noises when they begin. Shortly after birth - a baby is startled by a sudden loud noise such as a hand clap or a door slamming. Blinks or opens eyes widely to such sounds or stops sucking or starts to cry. REACTION TO SOUNDS CHECKLIST These two lists give pointers about what to look and listen out for as your baby grows to check if he/she can hear. Babies do differ in what they can do at any given age, The ages presented here are approximate only. Adapted from: The ‘Can Your Baby Hear You’ form, B. McCormick, 1982,Chiidren’s Hearing Assessment Centre, Nottingham, UK. If at any stage in the baby or child’s development you think he/she may have difficulties hearing, contact your health visitor or family doctor. 12 months - a baby shows some response to own name. May also respond to expressions like ‘no’ and ‘bye bye’ even when any accompanying gesture cannot be seen. 9 months - a baby listens attentively to familiar everyday sounds and searches for very quiet sounds made out of sight. 7 months - a baby turns immediately to a familiar voice across the room or to very quiet noises made on each side (if not too occupied with other things). 15 months - a baby makes lots of speechlike sounds. Uses 2-6 recognisable words meaningfully (e.g.: ‘teddy’ when seeing or wanting the teddy bear). 12 months - a baby babbles loudly, often in a conversational-type rhythm. May start to use one or two recognisable words. 9 months - a baby makes sounds to communicate in friendliness or annoyance. Babbles (e.g.: ‘dada da’, ‘ma ma ma’, ‘ba ba ba’). Shows pleasure in babbling loudly and tunefully. Starts to imitate other sounds like coughing or smacking lips. 6 months - a baby makes laughter-like sounds. Starts to make sing-song vowel sounds (e.g.: a-a,muh, goo, der, aroo, adah). 4 months - a baby makes soft sounds when awake. Gurgles and coos. MAKING SOUNDS CHECKLIST Adapted from: M. D. Sheridan (Revised by M. Frost and A. Sharma), 1997, Routledge, London, New York. 36 months - a child has a large vocabulary intelligible to everyone. 30 months - a child uses 200 or more recognisable words. Uses pronouns (e.g.: I, me, you). Uses sentences but many will lack adult structure. Talks intelligibly to self during play. Asks questions. Says a few nursery rhymes. 24 months - a child uses 50 or more recognisable words appropriately. Puts 2 or more words together to make simple sentences (for example: more milk). Joins in nursery rhymes and songs. Talks to self during play (may be incomprehensible to others). 18 months - a baby makes speech-like sounds with conversational-type rhythm when playing. Uses 6-20 recognisable words. Tries to join in nursery rhymes and songs. 61 62 Most babies screened will not have any of the conditions but, for the small number that do, the benefits of screening are enormous. Early treatment can improve their health and prevent severe disability or even death. Newborn blood spot screening identifies babies who may have rare but serious conditions. Why should l have my baby screened? In the first week after birth, you will be offered a blood spot screening test for your baby. In the first week after birth, you will be offered a blood spot screening test for your baby. !K3?1E/33 E53Fscreening Blood spot ?!!1,1)E$3?E3I?EM for your newborn baby If babies are not screened and are later found to have CHT, it may be too late to prevent them becoming seriously disabled. Screening means that babies with CHT can be treated early with thyroxine tablets, which will prevent serious disability and allow them to develop normally. About one in 4,000 babies born in the UK has congenital hypothyroidism (CHT). Babies with CHT do not have enough of the hormone thyroxine. Without this hormone, they do not grow properly and can develop a serious, permanent, physical and mental disability. Congenital hypothyroidism If babies are not screened, but are later found to have PKU, it may be too late for the special diet to make a real difference. Screening means that babies with the condition can be treated early through a special diet which will prevent severe disability and allow them to lead a normal life. About one in 10,000 babies born in the UK has phenylketonuria (PKU). Babies with this inherited condition cannot process a substance in their food called phenylalanine. If untreated, they will develop a serious permanent mental disability. Phenylketonuria If a baby is thought to have one of the conditions, he or she will need further tests to confirm this. These conditions are explained below. All babies are offered screening for phenylketonuria, congenital hypothyroidism, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell diseases and medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD). What are newborn babies screened for? 63 64 Section 251 of the NHS Act 2006. Section 251 approval has been given for our audit team to access sickle cell and thalassaemia screening data under strict conditions. You can find more information on this at 1. If babies are not screened for CF and they do have the condition, they can be tested later but parents may have an anxious time before CF is recognised. Screening means that babies with CF can be treated early with a high-energy diet, medicines and physiotherapy. Although a child with CF may still become very ill, early treatment is thought to help them live longer, healthier lives. About one in 2,500 babies born in the UK has cystic fibrosis (CF). This inherited condition can affect the digestion and lungs. Babies with CF may not gain weight well, and frequently have chest infections. Cystic fibrosis More information on this work is available at you will be able to speak to someone in a language of your choice or at sct. email at or by telephone 020 7848 6634 where contact the sickle cell and thalassaemia screening programme: If you do not wish your baby’s screening data to be used in this way please the National Information Governance Board1. data obtained from sickle cell and thalassaemia screening is governed by monitor and improve screening for sickle cell and thalassaemia. The use of Identifiable data may be stored by the screening programme and used to baby’s result and the result will be sent to your healthcare professional. What happens to your baby’s data after screening? You will be told your Screening means that babies with SCD can receive early treatment, including immunisations and antibiotics, which, along with parent education, will help prevent serious illness and allow the child to live a healthier life. About one in 10,000 babies born in the UK has MCADD. Babies with this inherited condition have problems breaking down fats to make energy for the body. This can lead to serious illness, or even death. About one in 2,000 babies born in the UK has a sickle cell disease (SCD). These are inherited diseases that affect the red blood cells. If a baby has a sickle cell disease, their red blood cells can change to a sickle shape and become stuck in the small blood vessels. This can cause pain and damage to the baby’s body, serious infection, or even death. Occasionally, other medical conditions might be identified through these screening tests. Screening identifies babies who are genetic carriers of sickle cell or other unusual red blood cell disorders. Carriers of sickle cell disorders are healthy and will not be affected by the condition. Screening for cystic fibrosis (CF) includes testing some babies for the most common gene changes that cause CF. This means screening may identify some babies who are likely to be genetic carriers of cystic fibrosis. These babies may need further testing to find out if they are a healthy carrier, or have CF. Will screening for these conditions show up anything else? Screening babies for MCADD is important so the condition can be identified before the babies become suddenly and seriously ill. Screening means that most babies who have MCADD can be recognised early. This allows special attention to be given to their diet, including making sure they eat regularly. This care can prevent serious illness and allow babies with MCADD to develop normally. MCADD (medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency) Sickle cell diseases 65 66 If you have any concerns about your baby’s screening, please ask your midwife or GP. Screening your baby for all these conditions is strongly recommended, but you do not have to have it carried out. If you do not want your baby screened for any or all of these conditions, discuss it with your midwife. All your decisions will be recorded in your notes. Screening is recommended Occasionally the midwife or health visitor will contact you and ask to take a second blood sample from your baby’s heel. This may be because there was not enough blood collected, your baby’s NHS number was not recorded on the blood spot card, the result was unclear, or your baby was born early or had a blood transfusion before the test. Your midwife or health visitor will explain the reason to you. It is important that a repeat test (if needed) is done so that all the tests have been completed. Usually the repeat results are normal. Are repeat blood samples ever needed? cuddling and being ready to feed your baby making sure your baby is warm and comfortable You can help by About a week after your baby’s birth the midwife will prick your baby’s heel using a special device to collect some drops of blood onto a card. The heel prick may be uncomfortable and your baby may cry. How will the midwife take the blood spots? The purpose of screening is to identify babies more likely to have these conditions. Screening is not 100% accurate. If you move home while you are waiting for the results of your baby’s screening test, please tell your midwife or health visitor your new address. Some babies are found to be carriers. Their parents will usually be told by the time the child is 6-8 weeks old. If a baby is thought to have sickle cell disease (SCD), parents will usually be contacted before the baby is 6 weeks old. If a baby is thought to have cystic fibrosis (CF), parents will usually be contacted before the baby is 4 weeks old. If a baby is thought to have phenylketonuria (PKU), congenital hypothyroidism (CHT) or MCADD parents will usually be contacted before the baby is 3 weeks old and given an appointment to see a specialist. Most babies will have normal results, indicating that they probably do not have any of the conditions. You should receive the screening test results from a health professional by the time your baby is six to eight weeks old. The result of the screening should be recorded in your baby’s personal child health record (often referred to as their ‘red book’). Please keep this safe. How will I hear about the results? 67 68 In the future there is a small chance researchers may want to invite you or your child to take part in research linked to this screening programme. If you do not want to be invited to take part in research, please let your midwife know. The use of these blood spots is governed by the code of practice available from your midwife, or on the website at: For research to help improve the health of babies and their families in the UK. This research will not identify your baby, and you will not be contacted. To improve the screening programme To check the result or for other tests recommended by your doctor After screening, newborn babies’ blood spots are stored for at least five years and may be used for the following: What happens to your baby’s blood spots after screening? • For information from the UK Newborn Screening Programme Centre, visit • For Antenatal Results and Choices visit • For Contact a Family charity visit • For a directory of personal experiences visit • Phone NHS Direct on 0845 4647 or visit • For general health advice and information, see the following. • For more information about Hearing screening see the information panel on page 58 • For information about all aspects of antenatal and newborn screening and the sources of information available to parents Your midwife, health visitor, GP or screener will be able to provide you with more information. You may find the following websites useful: Don’t hesitate to talk to a health professional at any time, before or after the examinations or tests, if you are worried about your baby. Where can I go for more information? 69 70 Notes Notes 71 Website address: Date of publication: Review date of publication: Leaflet code: Telephone ordering: NSC Office address: May 2010 May 2011 041072YAYB 0300 123 1002 National Screening Committee Quarry House Quarry Hill Leeds LS2 7UE © 201 10 National Screening Committee