NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Gaelic (Learners) Gàidhlig (Luchd-ionnsachaidh) Holidays: Trip to New York Làithean-saora: Turas gu New York [INTERMEDIATE 1] [MEADHAN ÌRE 1] The Scottish Qualifications Authority regularly reviews the arrangements for National Qualifications. Users of all NQ support materials, whether published by LT Scotland or others, are reminded that it is their responsibility to check that the support materials correspond to the requirements of the current arrangements. Acknowledgement Learning and Teaching Scotland gratefully acknowledge this contribution to the National Qualifications support programme for Gaelic (Learners). © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 This resource may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes by educational establishments in Scotland provided that no profit accrues at any stage. 2 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 Contents Introduction Notes for lecturers 4 Turas gu New York 1. An Togalach Empire State 2. Post-dealain Dhachaigh 3. Turas nam Film 4. Cairt-phuist 5. A’ fònadh caraid 6. An Taigh-tasgaidh 7. Bùthan, New York 8. Dealbh-chluich 9. A’ Phàirc Mheadhanach 10. An Taigh-ealain, New York 11. Dòmhnall Trump 12. Taighean-bìdh, New York 13. A’ Tilleadh Dhachaigh 6 7 9 11 12 12 14 17 19 21 22 24 27 Transcripts 28 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 3 INTRODUCTION Introduction Notaichean an Tidseir (Notes for lecturers) Gheibhear na sgriobtaichean slàn airson nan èisteachd agus na n ceistean aig deireadh a’ phasgain seo. Saor-làithean – Intermediate 1 In this unit you will learn about New York as Siobhan and her dad do their grand tour of the city. In this unit you will learn/consolidate previous knowledge of: Targaid Simple nouns and adjectives in relation to holiday experiences. Past, present and future tense of simple verbs Features of the landscape Names of specific buildings Time and numbers Expression of feelings How to record events, e.g. e-mail, diary entry Personal information 4 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 INTRODUCTION Hobbies/pastimes Food and drink Simple conversational interaction HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 5 TURAS GU NEW YORK Turas gu New York Leughadh 1. An Togalach Empire State Siobhan and her dad took a holiday break to New York. Below, you will find their information leaflet on the Empire State Building. Read the information given and answer the questions which follow. Tha Togalach an Empire State ann an sgìre Manhattan. Tha an togalach seo mu mhìle troigh a dh’àird. Tha ochdad agus a sia làr anns an togalach. 1. 2. How many feet high is the Empire State Building? How many floors are in the Empire State Building? Tha an togalach seo fosgailte fad na bliadhna. Bidh daoine ag iarraidh tadhal agus seallaidhean iongantach New York fhaicinn bhon mhullach. Bidh daoine eile ag iarraidh tadhal às dèidh an togalach fhaicinn ann am filmichean ainmeil mar Sleepless in Seattle. 3. 4. When is the building open to the public? List two reasons given why people might choose to visit the Empire State Building. Tha taighean-bìdh, oifis puist agus banca ri lorg ann cuideachd. Bidh còrr is trì millean gu leth neach a’ tadhal air gach bliadhna. 5. 6. List three facilities which are to be found there. How many people visit it each year? 6 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU NEW YORK Leughadh 2. Post-dealain Dhachaigh Siobhan and her dad visit a Cybercafe in Times Square. They take the opportunity to let friends at home know how their trip is going. Below is an extract from Siobhan’s email to a friend telling them about their most recent tour. Gu : Bho: Disathairne chaidh sinn air turas heileacoptair os cionn Manhattan. Choinnich sinn aig a’ Phort Heile. Aig ceann Sràid West 30 mh, aig meadhan-là. Bha ceathrar eile ann nuair a ràinig sinn. Às dèidh èisteachd ri riaghailtean sàbhailteachd, chaidh sinn air bòrd. Sgèith sinn os cionn an Abhainn Hudson agus bha sin mìorbhaileach! Chunnaic sinn tòrr sheallaidhean eachdraidheil agus inntinneach mar An Togalach Chrysler, agus Togalach an Empire State. Chaidh sinn tarsainn air Pàirce Central agus abair gun robh e mòr! B’ e an rud a b’ fheàrr a chòrd rium a bhith faicinn an Statue of Liberty air Eilean Ellis. Thug an turas ochd mionaidean agus chaidh e seachad ro luath! Ch òrd e ris a h-uile duine oir b’ e là grianach a bh’ ann. Thog mi tòrr dhealbhan. HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 7 TURAS GU NEW YORK Read each statement and, based on the information given in the text, indicate whether you think each is true or false (cirlc True or False). They took this trip on a Sunday True False They met up at mid-day True False There were three others on the trip with them True False The highlight of trip was seeing the Chrysler Building True False The trip lasted eight minutes True False The day was dull and wet True False Siobhan forgot her camera True False 8 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU NEW YORK Èisteachd/Leughadh 3. Turas nam Film Siobhan’s dad booked tickets for the New York Movie Tour on the internet before leaving Scotland. Listen carefully to the information given and answer the questions which follow. Feasgar Math agus fàilte air bòrd ar Turas Fhilmichean. Is mise Chantelle agus bidh mi ag innse dhuibh mu na diofar àiteannan far an do chlàr iad filmichean ainmeil. 1. 2. Who is the tour guide? What does she tell them she is going to do? A bheil a h-uile duine cofhurtail? Ceart, tha e a-nis uair feasgar agus tòisichidh sinn! Faodaidh sibh ceist sam bith fhaighneachd tron turas. 3. 4. What question does the guide ask the passengers? What time of day is it? ’S e là breàgha a th’ ann. Is dòcha gum faic sinn rionnagan film a’ filmadh a-muigh an-diugh! 5. What does the guide suggest they might see while on their tour today? Am bi duine sam bith a’ còimhead a’ phrògraim, Friends? Seall gu do làimh dheis aig ceann na sràide seo agus chì sibh an taigh -bìdh, Central Perk. 6. 7. What question does she ask? In what direction ought they to look in order to see Central Perk Café? HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 9 TURAS GU NEW YORK Chì sibh an dachaigh aig Monica agus Chandler, na caractaran anns a’ phrògram Friends os cionn an taigh-bìdh. 8. What is to be seen above the café? Ann an sia mionaidean chì sibh togalach a tha ainmeil oir nochd e san fhilm, Spiderman. Draibhidh sinn slaodach, agus faodaidh sibh dealbh a thogail ma tha sibh ag iarraidh. 9. How long will it be before they reach their next place of interest? 10. What is the bus driver going to do in order to allow them to take photos? Bheir sinn cairteal na h-uarach a’ dol eadar an togalach seo agus bùth bheag a nochd anns an fhilm, You’ve Got Mail. ’S e Meg Ryan agus Tom Hanks na prìomh charactaran anns an fhilm sin. 11. What is their next destination and why is it of interest? Stadaidh sinn agus faodaidh sibh sùil a thoirt mun chuairt! Faodaidh sibh beagan ceannachd a dhèanamh ma tha sibh ag iarraidh. Feumaidh sibh a bhith air ais air a’ bhus ann am fichead mionaid ! 12. 13. What are they invited to do when the bus stops at the shop? When must they be back on board the bus? A bheil a h-uile duine air ais air bòrd? Feumaidh sinn tilleadh gu stèisean nam busaichean a-nis! Tha mi an dòchas gun do chòrd ur turas ribh! 14. 15. 16. What question does the guide ask them? To where must the bus return on completing the tour? What hope does the guide express at the end of the tour? 10 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU NEW YORK Sgrìobhadh 4. Cairt-phuist Siobhan and her dad take some time to write a postcard to her mum. With help from the word bank below, try and write the card as if you were Siobhan. Mention your accommodation and comment on its suitability/facilities. You should comment on the weather, mention an excursion you have been on, what you saw and say how you enjoyed it. Your postcard should be approximately 75 words in length. A charaid Dear... aimsir weather goireasan facilities chaidh went chòrd enjoyed cha do chòrd did not enjoy inntinneach interesting trang busy ro thrang too busy teth hot chunnaic saw togalaichean buildings HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 11 TURAS GU NEW YORK Còmhradh/Sgrìobhadh 5. A’ fònadh caraid A close friend phones Siobhan on her mobile to find out how the trip is going. Along with a partner, prepare a role play of their conversation. The conversation should last up to 2 mins. Once completed, you may be asked to record it. Leughadh/Èisteachd/Sgrìobhadh 6. An Taigh-tasgaidh Siobhan and her dad visit the Museum of Natural History. Below you will find an account of their visit. Listen to the text and answer the questions which follow. Your lecturer may allow you to follow the text as you listen to it. Cheannaich m’ athair ticeadan air an eadar-lìon, agus mar sin cha robh sinn a’ feitheamh fada aig an doras. Chosg na ticeadan còig notaichean gach duine airson faighinn a-steach. 1. 2. Who bought the tickets for entry to the museum and how did they go about purchasing them? How much did each ticket cost? B’ e a’ chiad taisbeanadh a chunnaic sinn, taisbeanadh nan dìneasair. Chòrd seòmar nan dìneasair rium math dha-rìreabh! 3. What was the first exhibition they visited and how did they enjoy it? Bha dìneasairean mòr agus àrd ann. Bha beul mòr air gach dìneasair agus bha na fiaclan aca fada agus biorach! Bha na sùilean aca mòr agus cruinn agus bha iad a’ coimhead fiadhaich. Bha an t-eagal orm! 4. 5. Write down four points to describe the dinosaurs they saw. How did Siobhan feel? 12 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU NEW YORK B’ e an dara taisbeanadh a chunnaic sinn, taisbeanadh de dhiofar bheathaichean. Bha diofar èisg, losgainn, damhain-allaidh agus nathraichean rim faicinn. Bha tòrr de na creutairean sin puinnseanach! 6. 7. List at least three creatures they saw in the second exhibition. What comment is made about them? Chunnaic sinn taisbeanadh air na h-Innseannaich Dhearga a bha a’ fuireach ann an Ameireaga a Tuath. Bha na daoine seo a’ marbhadh bheathaichean airson biadh. 8. 9. Where did the Red Indians live? What did they have to do to survive? Chunnaic sinn cuid de na h-innealan a bha aca airson beathaichean a mharbhadh, mar sginean, boghan agus saigheadan. Bha na daoine seo ag ithe crodh, iasg agus diofar lusan. 10. Why are knives, bows and arrows mentioned in relation to Red Indian society? 11. Name two of the foods we are told the Red Indians ate. Anns an t-seòmar mu dheireadh chunnaic sinn tòrr dhealain-dè. Bha dealain-dè ann de dh’iomadh dath cuideachd le sgiathan mòr agus brèagha. 12. 13. What species of insect was to be found in the last exhibition? How are those insects described? B’ e latha trang a bh’ ann ach bha e inntinneach. Chaidh sinn dhachaigh sgìth! 14. 15. How do they describe their day? How were they feeling by the end of it? HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 13 TURAS GU NEW YORK Leughadh 7. Bùthan, New York Siobhan and her dad decide to spend a day in the shops. Read the text and answer the questions which follow. You may use a dictionary to help you. Section A Bha mi a’ faireachdainn glè thoilichte nuair a thuirt m’ athair gun robh sinn a’ dol gu na bùthan airson an latha. Chuala mi tòrr mu dheidhinn nam bùthan ann an New York mar Macy’s agus Bloomingdales. 1. 2. What did her father suggest they do for a day? How did she feel about the idea and why? Section B Dh’fhàg sinn an taigh-òsta aig naoi uairean anns a’ mhadainn agus thòisich sinn an latha air Fifth Avenue. ’S e sràid gu math ainmeil a th’ innte agus leugh mi tòrr mu dheidhinn nam bùthan air an t-sràid seo ann an irisean aig an taigh. 3. 4. 5. At what time did they leave the hotel? Where did they begin their day? Where had she heard of this place before? Section C Bha mi a’ lorg tiodhlac airson mo mhàthair, mo bhràthair agus dà charaid. Bha mi cuideachd ag iarraidh aodach ùr dhomh fhèin. Chuala mi bho charaid gun robh na dinichean Levi glè shaor ann an New York. 6. 7. What did she want to purchase during the day? What had she learnt from a friend? 14 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU NEW YORK Section D B’ e sràid fhada agus leathann a bh’ ann an Fifth Avenue. Bha ceudan de dhaoine a’ coiseachd air ais agus air adhart. Bha an trafaig glè thrang cuideachd eadar busaichean, càraichean agus tagsaidhean. Cha do chòrd am fuaim rium idir! 8. 9. 10. How is Fifth Avenue described? What modes of transport are mentioned? About what does she complain? Section E Mu mheadhan latha bha ar casan goirt agus sgìth agus bha an t-acras oirnn. Stad sinn aig cafaidh agus fhuair sinn biadh agus deoch. Ghabh m’ athair ceapaire ach cha robh mise cho falainn sin agus thagh mi cèic! Ghabh m’ athair cupa teatha ach ghabh mise sùgh orains. 11. 12. How did they feel when they stopped at the café? What did each of them have to eat and drink? Section F Bha mi toilichte fois fhaighinn oir rinn mi tòrr ceannachd! Cheannaich mi briogais Levi, geansaidh bho GAP agus seacaid ùr bho Banana Republic. B’ e bùth gu math snasail a bh’ innte agus chan eil i againn ann an Alba. 13. 14. What items of clothing are we told she bought? What are we told about the shop Banana Republic? HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 15 TURAS GU NEW YORK Section G Chuir m’ athair stad air tagsaidh air an t-sràid taobh a-muigh a’ chafaidh agus thug e sinn gu Macy’s. B’ e tagsaidh buidhe a bh’ ann, coltach ri na tagsaidhean a chunnaic mi roimhe anns na filmichean ainmeil Ameireaganach agus abair gun robh e a’ dol luath! Bha an draibhear a’ bualadh air an dùdag gun sgur! 15. 16. 17. How did they travel from Fifth Avenue to Macy’s? Where had she seen this mode of transport previously? What comments does she make about the driving and the driver? Section H B’ e togalach mòr a bh’ ann am Macy’s agus bha a h-uile seòrsa rud ann. An sin, cheannaich mi baga mòr airson mo mhàthair agus bha Macy’s sgrìobhte air. Chòrd e ri m’ athair a bhith ann oir an sin choimhead e air uaireadairean agus cheannaich e fear dha fhèin. 18. What did two items are we told Siobhan and her father purch ased in Macy’s? 16 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU NEW YORK Còmhradh/Sgrìobhadh 8. Dealbh-chluich Siobhan and her dad are keen to see a Broadway show and so they buy tickets for the musical Wicked. Here is some information about the film. Using the information given, try and design the concert ticket for the musical. You could produce your final copy of the ticket on the computer. Remember to include details such as the name of the show, the venue, the time, and the cost of tickets and how they can be purchased. This musical tells the story of The Witches of Oz. Venue: The Gershwin Theatre, Broadway. The musical is running for the month of November. There are two performances each day at 2pm and 8pm. Each show lasts for 2.5 hours. Tickets cost $80. In order to buy a ticket, contact the theatre on 077897 478 9023 or buy your ticket online at HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 17 TURAS GU NEW YORK Leughadh 9(a) A’ Phàirc Mheadhanach Siobhan and her dad have had a very busy time in New York sightseeing, and they decide to take some time to relax. They choose to take a wander in Central Park in order to escape the busy city. Listed below are some of the creatures they see during their walk through the park. Illustrate each animal in the space given. Yo u may use a dictionary to help you. 18 feòrag cuilean each iasg dealain-dè tunnag corra-ghritheach losgann coineanach HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU NEW YORK Leughadh 9(b) A’ Phàirc Mheadhanach There are many different things to do whilst in Central Park. Read about some of the things that Siobhan and her dad did whilst visiting the park and fill in the blanks. Bha lòn mòr ann. Fhuair sinn bàta beag agus chaidh sinn a-mach ann. Chosg an turas ceithir notaichean agus caogad sgillinn airson uair a thìde. Activity ___________________________________________________ Cost ____________________ Duration ______________________ Thug sinn ball-coise leinn chun phàirce agus chluich sinn geama. Cha do chosg sin sgillinn! Chluich sinn ball-coise airson leth uair a thìde. Activity ___________________________________________________ Cost ____________________ Duration ______________________ Chaidh sinn gu cafaidh. Ghabh sinn tràth bìdh ann. Shuidh sinn anns a’ chafaidh airson ceathrad mionaid. Bha an cafaidh daor. Chosg am biadh còig nota deug! Activity ___________________________________________________ Cost ____________________ Duration ______________________ Chluich sinn goilf anns a’ phàirc. Bha spòrs againn. Chluich sinn airson uair a thìde gu leth, agus chosg an geama sia not aichean. Activity ___________________________________________________ Cost ____________________ Duration ______________________ HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 19 TURAS GU NEW YORK Sgrìobhadh/Leughadh 9(c) Leabhar-là Siobhan and her dad return to their hotel feeling very tired after a day in Central Park. Using the word bank below to help you, compose Siobhan’s diary entry recording the events of the day. You may be asked to read your diary entry to the rest of the class. Remember to include information such as: the day and date of the diary entry what time she got up in the morning when they left the hotel what the weather was like how she felt about going to Central Park the various activities they took part in at the Park how much they enjoyed those activities how they felt as they made their way back to their hotel in the evening. Dh’èirich mi I got up Dh’fhàg sinn We left Ghabh sinn … ann We took a … there ’S e latha … a bh’ ann It was a … day A’ faireachdainn feeling Chòrd … ruinn We enjoyed Cha do chòrd … rium I didn’t enjoy … Bha mi cho sgìth ri … I was as tired as … 20 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU NEW YORK Leughadh/Còmhradh 10. An Taigh-ealain, New York Siobhan’s dad was very interested in the work of the contemporary artist Andy Warhol and he was keen to view some of his work on exhibition in the Museum of Modern Art in New York. In the text below, you will learn something of the artist and his art style. Read the text and working with a partner discuss the answers to the questions which follow on from the text. You do not need to record your responses in writing. Rugadh Andy Warhol ann am Pitsburgh anns a’ bhliadhna 1928. B’ e fear ealain ainmeil a bh’ ann. Ghluais e gu New York agus bha stiùidio aige agus b’ e an t-ainm a bh’ air, Am Factoraidh. Anns na seasgadan, rinn e peantaidhean de rudan neònach leithid canastairean brot, tubaistean càr agus botail còc. Bha e ainmeil cuideachd airson nam filmichean goirid a rinn e . Bha e cuideachd ainmeil airson nan sanasan pàipear-naidheachd a rinn e anns na seasgadan. Pheant e dealbhan de dhaoine ainmeil leithid Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley agus Elizabeth Taylor. B’ e manaidsear a’ chòmhlain roc, The Velvet Underground cuideachd. In what year was Warhol born? What was his occupation? What was The Factory? For what did work did he become famous in the 1960s? What famous portraits did he paint? What was his connection with the rock band The Velvet Underground? HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 21 TURAS GU NEW YORK Leughadh/Sgrìobhadh 11. Dòmhnall Trump Siobhan and her dad are very interested to learn about the New York entrepreneur Donald Trump and they learn more from their tour guide book of New York. Write the answers to the questions which follow. Rugadh am fear gnìomhachais, Dòmhnall Trump ann an New York anns a’ bhliadhna 1946. 1. 2. When was Donald Trump born? What was his occupation? ’S e Màiri Nicleòid an t-ainm a th’ air a mhàthair. ’S ann à Steòrnabhagh ann an Eilean Leòdhais a tha Màiri. Tha triùir bhràithrean agus dithis pheathraichean aige. 3. 4. What was his mother’s name and where did she come from? What other family did he have? A bharrachd air a bhith ann an gnìomhachas, tha Trump air a b hith ann am prògraman telebhisein leithid, The Apprentice. Sgrìobh e leabhraichean cuideachd. 5. As well as being a businessman, what else has Trump been involved in? Tha Trump uabhasach beairteach agus tha tòrr thogalaichean aige ann an New York leithid taighean-òsta, oilthighean, taighean-bìdh agus companaidhean-siubhail. 6. 7. What comment is made about Trump? What types of businesses are associated with him in New York? 22 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU NEW YORK Phòs Dòmhnall Ivana agus bha triùir chloinne aca. ’S e na hainmeannan a th’ orra, Eric, Dòmhnall agus Ivanka. 8. 9. Who was Donald Trump’s wife? What family did they have? Nochd Dòmhnall Trump ann am filmichean leithid Home Alone 2 agus Lost in New York. 10. What are we told about his film career? HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 23 TURAS GU NEW YORK 12(a) Leughadh/Sgrìobhadh/Labhairt Taighean-Bìdh New York On their last evening in New York Siobhan and her dad decide to dine at a famous seafood restaurant. Working with a partner or in a group of three, take the role of waitress, Siobhan and her dad. Use the menu overleaf for this exercise. Waiter/waitress Greet Siobhan and her dad on their entry to the restaurant . Show them to a table and ask them to be seated. Tell them you will return with a menu. On returning with the menu, ask whether they would like anything to drink. Siobhan/Dad On the waitress’s return, you will order your starter and main course. Say thank you for drinks. You can ask any relevant questions about the menu. During the course of your meal you should give your opinion of the food served. Ask for the bill and discuss/comment on price. Bid farewell. 24 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU NEW YORK Leughadh 12(b) Clàr-bìdh Taigh-bìdh na Mara Airson Tòiseachadh ∞ Muasgan Caol le sabhs Marie Rose Brot Crùbaig Prìomh Chùrsa ∞ Adag ann an sabhs parslaidh le buntàta agus lusan Bradan smoicte le sailead Mìlsean ∞ Reòiteag Sùbh-làir Cèic Teòclaid le uachdar HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 25 TURAS GU NEW YORK Sgrìobhadh 12(c) Clàr-bìdh While in New York, Siobhan and her dad ate in several different restaurants. Make up a menu in Gaelic for a restaurant of your choice. You may have the opportunity to do your final draft on the computer and decorate it using clip art. 26 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TURAS GU NEW YORK Còmhradh 13. A’ Tilleadh Dhachaigh Siobhan and her dad have to look at their flight information leaflet the night before they leave in order that they can check flight times and book a taxi from their hotel to the airport. Check their flight details and, with a partner, role play the tel ephone conversation as Siobhan’s dad phones to book their taxi for the morning. The airport is about an hour away from the hotel. You must allow time in case of heavy traffic, and be at the airport an hour and a half before the flight is due to leave. Fiosrachadh mun Itealan – British Airways Neach-siubhail – Siobhan NicDhòmhnaill A’ fàgail Port-adhair John F. Kennedy aig Còig mionaidean gu naoi anns a’ mhadainn, Disathairne, 7mh latha den Iuchar. Ann am Port-adhair Dhùn Èidinn aig Cairteal às dèidh aon uair deug, Oidhche Shathairne, 7mh latha den Iuchar, 2007. HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 27 TRANSCRIPT: MOVIE TOUR, NEW YORK Transcripts Movie Tour, New York If you choose to do the movie tour as a listening exercise in which you do not wish to let pupils follow the text, below is a copy of the full transcript and questions. Feasgar Math agus fàilte air bòrd ar Turas Fhilmichean. Is mise Chantelle agus bidh mi ag innse dhuibh mu na diofar àiteannan far an do chlàr iad filmichean ainmeil. A bheil a h-uile duine cofhurtail? Ceart, tha e a-nis uair feasgar agus tòisichidh sinn! Faodaidh sibh ceist sam bith fhaighneachd tron turas. ’S e là breàgha a th’ ann. Is dòcha gum faic sinn rionnagan film a’ filmeadh a-muigh an-diugh! Am bi duine sam bith a’ còimhead a’ phrògraim, Friends? Seall gu do làimh dheis aig ceann na sràide seo agus chì sibh an taigh -bìdh, Central Perk. Chì sibh an dachaigh aig Monica agus Chandler, na caractaran anns a’ phrògram Friends os cionn an taigh-bìdh. Ann an sia mionaidean chì sibh togalach a tha ainmeil oir nochd e san fhilm, Spiderman. Draibhidh sinn slaodach, agus faodaidh sibh dealbh a thogail ma tha sibh ag iarraidh. Bheir sinn cairteal na h-uarach a’ dol eadar an togalach seo agus bùth bheag a nochd anns an fhilm, You’ve Got Mail. ’S e Meg Ryan agus Tom Hanks na prìomh charactaran anns an fhilm sin. 28 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TRANSCRIPT: MOVIE TOUR, NEW YORK Stadaidh sinn agus faodaidh sibh sùil a thoirt mun chuairt! Faodaidh sibh beagan ceannachd a dhèanamh ma tha sibh ag iarraidh. Feumaidh sibh a bhith air ais air a’ bhus ann am fichead mionaid! A bheil a h-uile duine air ais air bòrd? Feumaidh sinn tilleadh gu stèisean nam busaichean a-nis! Tha mi an dòchas gun do chòrd ur turas ribh! HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 29 TRANSCRIPT: MOVIE TOUR, NEW YORK Turas nam Film. Ceistean 1. Who is the tour guide? 2. What does she tell them she is going to do? 3. What question does the guide ask the passengers? 4. What time of day is it? 5. What does the guide suggest they might see while on their tour today? 6. What question does she ask? 7. In what direction ought they to look in order to see the Central Perk Café? 8. What is to be seen above the café? 9. How long will it be before they reach their next place of interest? 10. What is the bus driver going to do in order to allow them to take photos? 11. What is their next destination and why is it of interest? 12. What are they invited to do when the bus stops at the shop? 13. When must they be back on board the bus? 14. What question does the guide ask them? 15. To where must the bus return on completing the tour? 16. What hope does the guide express at the end of the tour? 30 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 TRANSCRIPT: MOVIE TOUR, NEW YORK An Taigh-tasgaidh – Museum of Natural History If you choose to do the museum tour as a listening exercise in which you do not wish to let pupils follow the text, below is a copy of the full transcript and questions. Cheannaich m’ athair ticeadan air an eadar-lìon, agus mar sin cha robh sinn a’ feitheamh fada aig an doras. Chosg na ticeadan còig notaichea n gach duine airson faighinn a-steach. B’ e a’ chiad taisbeanadh a chunnaic sinn, taisbeanadh nan dìneasa ir. Chòrd seòmar nan dìneasair rium math dha-rìreabh! Bha dìneasairean mòr agus àrd ann. Bha beul mòr air gach dìneasair agus bha na fiaclan aca fada agus biorach! Bha na sùilean aca mòr agus cruinn agus bha iad a’ còimhead fiadhaich. Bha an t-eagal orm! B’ e an dara taisbeanadh a chunnaic sinn, taisbeanadh de dhiofar bheathaichean. Bha diofar èisg, losgainn, damhain-allaidh agus nathraichean rim faicinn. Bha tòrr de na creutairean sin puinnseanach! Chunnaic sinn taisbeanadh air na h-Innseannaich Dhearga a bha a’ fuireach ann an Ameireaga a Tuath. Bha na daoine seo a’ marbhadh bheathaichean airson biadh. Chunnaic sinn cuid de na h-innealan a bha aca airson beathaichean a mharbhadh, mar sginean, boghan agus saigheadan. Bha na daoine seo ag ithe crodh, iasg agus diofar lusan. Anns an t-seòmar mu dheireadh chunnaic sinn tòrr dhealain-dè. Bha dealain-dè ann de dh’iomadh dath cuideachd le sgiathan mòr agus brèagha. B’ e latha trang a bh’ ann ach bha e inntinneach. Chaidh sinn dhachaigh sgìth! HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007 31 TRANSCRIPT: MOVIE TOUR, NEW YORK Ceistean – An Taigh-tasgaidh – Museum of Natural History 1. Who bought the tickets for entry to the museum and how did they go about purchasing them? 2. How much did each ticket cost? 3. What was the first exhibition they visited and how did they enjoy it? 4. Write down four points to describe the dinosaurs they saw. 5. How did she feel? 6. List at least three creatures they saw in the second exhibition. 7. What comment is made about them? 8. Where did the Red Indians live? 9. What did they have to do to survive? 10. Why are knives, bows and arrows mentioned in relation to Red Indian society? 11. Name two of the foods we are told the Red Indians ate. 12. What species of insect was to be found in the last exhibition? 13. How are those insects described? 14. How do they describe their day? 15. How were they feeling by the end of it? 32 HOLIDAYS: TRIP TO NEW YORK (INT 1, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2007