NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS CURRICULUM SUPPORT Gaelic (Learners) Gàidhlig (Luchd-Ionnsachaidh) A Holiday in Edinburgh Saor-làithean ann an Dùn Èideann [HIGHER] [ÀRD-ÌRE] The Scottish Qualifications Authority regularly reviews the arrangements for National Qualifications. Users of all NQ support materials, whether published by LT Scotland or others, are reminded that it is their responsibility to check that the support materials correspond to the requirements of the current arrangements. Acknowledgement Learning and Teaching Scotland gratefully acknowledge this revised contribution to the National Qualifications support programme for Gaelic (Learners). The original 1998 resource was written by Christina Walker, and the 2006 version was updated by Gilbert MacMillan. Photographs of Edinburgh on pp26, 27, 39 and 43 are reproduced by kind permission of Douglas Corrance; maps on p32 and photograph on p30 are © Scottish Parliament website. The poem ‘Dun Èideann’ from Seòbhrach as a’ Claich, by Domhnall MacAmhlaigh, is reproduced by permission of the author. First published 1998, updated edition 2006 © Learning and Teaching Scotland 1998, 2006 This resource may be reproduced in whole or in part for educational purposes by educational establishments in Scotland provided that no profit accrues at any stage. 2 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 Contents Notes for teachers/lecturers 4 Introduction for students 6 Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: Appendix 1: Appendix 2: Sanas anns a’ phàipear Coldplay Farpais air an rèidio A’ fònadh le freagairt Iomagain nam pàrantan An ath mhadainn A’ coinneachadh ri Catrìona A’ fònadh gu Iain Ag ullachadh airson falbh An latha mòr Caisteal Dhùn Èidinn Pàrlamaid na h-Alba Seann Dhùn Èideann Ann am flat Iain A’ taghadh taigh-bìdh Our Dynamic Earth Ag ullachadh airson tilleadh dhachaigh Air ais an Inbhir Nis Prògram mun turas 7 9 12 14 16 18 19 20 22 24 27 30 35 38 43 46 49 52 53 Listening tapescripts to Sections 3, 5 and 6 Model answers for reading, listening and writing passages 54 57 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 3 NOTES FOR TEACHERS/LECTURERS Notes for teachers/lecturers This unit will develop students’ linguistic skills in the context of a holiday in Edinburgh. It dovetails into the nominated theme of holidays. A similar unit is available at Intermediate 2 level to enable Intermediate 2 and Higher students to be organised as one teaching group, utilising a differentiated approach. The completion of this unit will contribute towards preparing students for both internal and course assessments. There is no single teaching style that suits everyone. However, learning will be more effective if this unit is delivered with direct teaching inputs addressing new vocabulary and grammatical structures. These inputs will include consolidating vocabulary and grammar that permeate from a previous stage. Many of the activities within this unit may be accessed by students, with the assistance of a dictionary, independent of a teacher/lecturer. These activities will afford teachers/lecturers an opportunity to direct the work of another group of students. A learning situation of this nature will be enhanced by allocating time at the beginning of the course, and sometimes a lesson, to informing students of outcomes, processes and tasks to be undertaken. This will encourage students to be responsible for their own learning. Once activities have been successfully completed and checked by the teacher/lecturer, they should be recorded on individual Evidence Requirements forms. This allows both students and the teacher/lecturer to monitor progression. Integrated with this is providing students with regular feedback about their work, highlighting positive achievements and areas that require to be improved. An example of an Evidence Requirements form is included. It would be useful to issue each student with a copy. Completion of this form should be the shared responsibility of student and teacher/lecturer. Advice on learning and teaching styles may be accessed in the Subject Guide for Gaelic (Learners). Evidence requirements The activities listed on the next page cover the Outcomes 1–4 at Higher as follows, as long as all the Performance Criteria have been met. (Please note that this unit does not cover Outcome 5.) 4 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 NOTES FOR TEACHERS/LECTURERS OUTCOME 1 Demonstrate an understanding P.C. (a) of spoken communication Understands the main messages of spoken communication Activity number (b) Identifies the main content items 3 È; 5 È; 6 È; 11 È (c) Identifies key words and considerable detail (1 activity, heard up to 3 times, of 3-5 minutes’ duration.) OUTCOME 2 OUTCOME 3 Engage in detailed conversation Demonstrate an understanding P.C. (a) Conveys information so that it is understood despite some inaccuracies Activity number (b) Responds in detail and conveys information, perception and opinions 1 C; 4 L, S agus C; 5 C; (c) Applies commonly-used and more complex sentence structures, a range of 7 C; 7 C; 8 C; 9 C; 12 C; expression and more specialised vocabulary 13 C; 14 C; 15 C; 16 C; (d) Seeks repetition, clarification and confirmation as necessary 17 C; 18 C (e) Communicates spontaneously and confidently P.C. (a) of text Understands details of the main messages of text Activity number (b) Identifies the main content items 2 L; 9 L; 10 L; (c) Understands key words and considerable detail 15 L; 16 L (1 activity of approximately 350-400 words, referring to a dictionary if necessary.) OUTCOME 4 Produce text P.C. (a) (b) Writes clearly and accurately, and is understood by another reader Activity number Uses sentence structure, vocabulary and grammar appropriately to convey a 1 S; 2 S; 4 S; 5 S; 6 S; message 10 S; 11 S; 12 S; 14 S; (1 piece of writing in Gaelic of approximately 150 words, produced under supervised 15 S; 18 S; 19 S conditions, redrafted once if necessary.) È = Èisteachd; C =Còmhradh; L = Leughadh; S = Sgrìobhadh A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 5 INTRODUCTION FOR STUDENTS Introduction for students Higher Unit content In this unit, you will get practice in: • • • • • useful adjectives days, dates, times and prices handling information from a bus timetable handling information from a cinema guide and street map writing a letter/an essay/cue-cards/a diary extract/an e-mail/a prepared case or argument • preparing and recording conversations, including a telephone conversation • making a radio programme You will also get practice in: • • • • • • • • • 6 appropriate greetings and saying goodbye expressing feelings/opinions being polite describing people, places and events thanking people asking for and giving information saying what you would like to do expressing personal preferences comparing one object/person/place to another A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 SANAS ANNS A’ PHÀIPEAR Section 1 Sanas anns a’ phàipear Leughadh CONSAIRT le COLDPLAY AIG PÀIRC MURRAYFIELD ANN AN DÙN ÈIDEANN OIDHCHE HAOINE an 19mh den ÒGMHIOS A’ tòiseachadh aig ochd uairean feasgar. Dorsan fosgailte bho leth-uair an dèidh sia. TICEADAN: CÒIG NOTA FICHEAD AN TÈ Gheibhear na ticeadan le fònadh le cairt-creideis gu: 0131-667-9920. Mar as luaithe a nì sibh seo, ’s ann as cinntiche a bhitheas sibh gum faigh sibh ticead! Coldplay: còmhlan-ciùil cho mòr agus a th’ air an t-saoghal an-dràsta. Study the advert and answer the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What is being advertised? On which day and date will the event be held? At what time does it start? How much do tickets cost? Give details of how you can make reservations. What advice are you given about booking? What is said about Coldplay at the bottom of the poster? A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 7 SANAS ANNS A’ PHÀIPEAR Còmhradh What would you say to your partner when you read this advert? Prepare your conversation in Gaelic, trying to make it last for 6 minutes. Record it if possible. Tell your partner • Whose concert it is. • When it is to be held. • The price of tickets. He/she will • • • • Ask if you like Coldplay. Ask if you’d like to go. Ask how you obtain tickets. Say he/she would like to go to Edinburgh. Swap roles. Sgrìobhadh Write a letter in Gaelic to your friend who is a great fan of Coldplay, giving details of the concert and saying you’d like him/her to go with you. If you don’t care for Coldplay, substitute with your own favourite pop group. Remember to start and end the letter appropriately. Write approximately 150 words. You may redraft your letter once. 8 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 COLDPLAY Section 2 Coldplay Leughadh Read the following article following on from the concert advertisement and answer the questions which follow it. Seo buill a’ chòmhlain: Chris Martin Jon Buckland Will Champion Guy Berryman Cha bhi duine a’ cluinntinn mòran mun triùir mu dheireadh — ’s dòcha ri linn na tha air a ràdh mun chiad fhear — am prìomh sheinneadair aca, Chris. Tha esan pòsta aig a’ bhana-chleasaiche ainmeil, Gwyneth Paltrow. Tha Chris Martin eadar-dhealaichte bhon fheadhainn eile anns a’ chòmhlan oir tha e ainmeil agus gu tric ann an aire a’ mhòr-shluaigh. Tha an còmhlan air cliù fhaighinn air feadh an t-saoghail – fhuair iad urram mar an còmhlan as motha anns an t-saoghal ann an 2005. Tha mòran ann a tha fìor mheasail air a’ cheòl aca. Seo agaibh beagan fiosrachaidh mu dheidhinn Coldplay agus mar a thòisich iad. Bha Chris Martin, Jon Buckland, Will Champion agus Guy Berryman air a bhith anns an oilthigh còmhla. Gu dearbh, thachair Martin agus Buckland ri chèile air an ciad seachdain anns an oilthigh ann an Lunnainn. B’ e Berryman an treas ball dhen chòmhlan agus b’ e Chapman am fear mu dheireadh a chaidh dhan chòmhlan. ‘S e neach-ciùil tàlantach a bh’ ann an Chapman agus bhiodh e a’ cluich na fìdeig, piano agus giotàr. Bha feum aig a’ chòmhlan air cuideigin a chluicheadh na drumaichean agus ann an ùine ghoirid bha e air na drumaichean a thogail agus bhon uairsin ‘s esan an drumair aig Coldplay. Cha b’ e Coldplay an t-ainm a bh’ air a’ chòmhlan an toiseach idir ge-tà. B’ e Starfish an t-ainm a bh’ orra ach dh’atharraich iad ainm a’ chòmhlain an dèidh ùine ghoirid. Bha caraid aca aig an robh còmhlan-ciùil agus b’ e Coldplay a bh’ air a’ chòmhlan sin. Bha an caraid a’ faireachdainn gun robh A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 9 COLDPLAY an t-ainm sin ro dhubhach agus thuirt e riutha gum faodadh iad an t-ainm sin a chleachdadh ma bha iad ag iarraidh. Rinn iad sin agus bhon uairsin b’ e Coldplay a bh’ air a’ chòmhlan aig Martin agus a charaidean. Chuir iad crìoch air an ùine san oilthigh agus ghabh companaidh clàraidh os làimh an cuid margaidheachd. Bha iad air dà chlàr beag a dhèanamh roimhe sin agus b’ e an treas clàr aca, air an robh ‘The Blue Room’ a thug iad gu aire a’ mhòr shluaigh. Bha an cuid òrain bhon chlàr sin air an cluich gu bitheanta air an rèidio – gu h-àraid prògraman de chòmhlain ùra a bh’ air Rèidio 1. Ach ged a fhuair iad cliù airson a’ chlàir sin, cha robh gnothaichean buileach cho rè an uair a bha iad ga dhèanamh. Chaidh an còmhlan a-mach air a chèile gu dubh an uair a bha iad a’ clàradh agus dh’iarr Chris Martin air Will Champion an còmhlan fhàgail. Bha Martin a’ faireachdainn ciontach an dèidh làimh agus dh’iarr e air tilleadh. Bhon latha a thill Champion, dh’aontaich a’ cheathrar gum biodh a h-uile duine aca co-ionnan. Mar sin, chun an latha andiugh, tha a h-uile duine dhen chòmhlan a’ faighinn an aon roinn dhe na prothaidean agus tha iad a’ faighinn an aon chothrom beachd a thoirt air na bhios an còmhlan a’ dèanamh. Tha Chris Martin gu h-àraid, air aire an t-sluaigh a thoirt gu bochdainn anns an t-saoghal agus tha e air obair mhòr a dhèanamh gus iomairtean a bhios a cuideachadh duine nach eil math dheth a chuideachadh le bhith a’ sanasachd an cuid obrach aig consairtean. Gun teagamh sam bith, tha Coldplay a-nis air am meas mar fear dhe na còmhlain-ciùil as fheàrr anns an t-saoghal uile gu lèir. Tha iad air seinn aig consairtean air feadh an t-saoghail aig an cuirmean fhèin agus aig fèisean ciùil leithid Glastonbury far a bheil fèill mhòr orra. Ach a rèir Berryman, ged a tha e a’ còrdadh riutha a bhith a’ seinn agus a’ taisbeanadh an cuid obrach, chan eil sìon nas fheàrr na bhith a’ cruthachadh ceòl ùr. Sin an rud as fheàrr leotha agus chanadh mòran gu bheil iad fìor mhath air sin a dhèanamh. Leughadh Answer the following questions in English. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 10 How would you sum up the content of this article? How, according to the writer, does Chris differ from the other three band members? Where was the band formed? How did the band get its name? Why did their friend not like the name Coldplay? What problems did the band have when they were recording their third CD? A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 COLDPLAY 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. What agreement did the band come to about the input and the earnings of each band member? What issue does Chris Martin often highlight? According to this article, how does he do this? Where does the article say that Coldplay have been singing? What, according to Berryman, do the band like to do most of all? Leughadh; Còmhradh Read the text of the Coldplay article and discuss the group with your partner. e.g. Dè do bheachd air ceòl Coldplay? Dè a tha thu a’ smaointinn mu dheidhinn buill Coldplay? Cò as fheàrr leat dhiubh? Carson? Add any additional information that you know about the band. Sgrìobhadh NOW RESEARCH YOUR OWN FAVOURITE! Once you have completed the conversation, write about your own favourite band/musician. Try to write approximately 150 words in Gaelic, including as many biographical details and general information about them/her/him as possible. Once your teacher has checked this, you can redraft it once. A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 11 FARPAIS AIR AN RÈIDIO Section 3 Farpais air an rèidio Elizabeth is a big fan of the group and would love to go to the concert but fears it is impossible. However, late one evening, as she listens to Rèidio nan Gàidheal, she hears something which interests her. Èisteachd Listen to the tape at least twice and answer the following questions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. How does the announcer refer to the event which the bulletin is about? When did this event take place, and where? What was the event? What comment did the Scotsman reporter make about the age of the audience? What other comment is made about what the audience felt about the concert? What did he say about one of the band members? What is being announced following the factual report? Who will win the prize? What does the prize consist of? What do you need to know in order to win? What is Radio nan Gàidheal’s telephone number in Inverness? Còmhradh Now listen to the tape again and imagine that you are Elizabeth. Prepare a summary in Gaelic of what you have just heard so that you can telephone your friend and tell her — you want to give her all the details as accurately and quickly as possible so that you can then telephone Radio nan Gàidheal. You tell her: • What was announced. • Who will win the prize. • What the prize is. 12 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 FARPAIS AIR AN RÈIDIO • What you have to know in order to win. • That you are going to phone immediately, because you know the answer. • That you want her to come with you to the concert if you win. A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 13 A’ FÒNADH LE FREAGAIRT Section 4 A’ fònadh le freagairt Leughadh, Sgrìobhadh agus Còmhradh Elizabeth becomes all excited. She knows the answer so she rushes to the telephone and dials the number. It rings . . . Imagine you are Elizabeth Campbell, 3 Church Street, Inverness. Fill in the blanks in the conversation and then practise it with your partner. Swap roles. Rèidio: Feasgar math. Rèidio nan Gàidheal an seo. Thusa: Feasgar math, Rèidio: Thusa: Rèidio: Thusa: Rèidio: Dè an seòrsa ceòl as fheàrr leat? Thusa: Rèidio: Am bu toigh leat dùrachd Thusa: Rèidio: Thusa: 14 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 ? A’ FÒNADH LE FREAGAIRT Now practise the conversation with your partner, swapping roles. Try to add to it to make it last 6 minutes if possible. Sgrìobhadh Write a letter in Gaelic, of approximately 150 words, to your friend who lives in Skye, telling her of the competition and your prize. Show it to your teacher and redraft the letter once if necessary. A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 15 IOMAGAIN NAM PÀRANTAN Section 5 Iomagain nam pàrantan Èisteachd Listen to the tape at least twice and answer the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is the subject of the conversation? What is Elizabeth’s father’s reaction to her going away? How does he want to be seen by his daughter? List the dangers mentioned by Elizabeth’s mother. How old, exactly, is Elizabeth? Why, according to Elizabeth’s mother, must her parents be very sensitive in dealing with the situation? What solution does Elizabeth’s father offer? What is Iain’s telephone number? Give two reasons why Iain is in a good mood. Sgrìobhadh Write the conversation which follows the one you have just heard, as Elizabeth’s mother talks to Iain. Elizabeth’s mother tells Iain of Elizabeth’s prize, how pleased she is about it, and that her friend Catherine is, hopefully, going with her. She says, however, that she is very worried about their trip to Edinburgh and asks Iain if he intends to go to the Coldplay concert. Iain’s replies reflect that he would be delighted to have the girls staying at his flat, that he will be going to the concert and they can go with him. He insists that they stay for a few days to see around the capital, as he will have a few days off and will show them the sights of Edinburgh. Elizabeth’s mother is relieved and thanks him. Try to write approximately 150 words in Gaelic, and redraft your conversation once if your teacher feels it is necessary. 16 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 IOMAGAIN NAM PÀRANTAN Còmhradh Now you and your partner take the part of Elizabeth’s mother and Iain, practise the above conversation in Gaelic and swap roles. Try to make your conversation last approximately 6 minutes, and record it if possible. A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 17 AN ATH MHADAINN Section 6 An ath mhadainn Èisteachd Listen to the tape at least twice and write down in English the four conditions stipulated. Sgrìobhadh Now write, in Gaelic, what Elizabeth would say, stating the four conditions and how she is going to make sure her parents know that she is willing to abide by them. (The first sentence is done for you.) 1. Feumaidh mi airgead a shàbhaladh airson an turais. Cha cheannaich mi aodach no iris no clàr aig àm sam bith ron 19mh Ògmhìos. 2. Feumaidh mi 3. Feumaidh mi 4. Feumaidh mi Sgrìobhadh Now write the letter you are going to send to Iain, having spoken to your friend, telling him the following: • You have permission from your parents. • You are really excited and pleased about it. • You are finding out about bus/train times and will contact him once you have made detailed arrangements. • Your friend Catherine is coming too, and you tell him a little about her. Try to write approximately 150 words, in Gaelic, and redraft it once if necessary. 18 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 A’ COINNEACHADH RI CATRÌONA Section 7 A’ coinneachadh ri Catrìona Sgrìobhadh During their lunch break Elizabeth and Catherine both decide to prepare the case they will present to Catherine’s parents in order to convince them to allow her to go with Elizabeth to the concert. Write out what she is going to say to them, remembering to tell them about her cousin Iain and the fact that he is 22, works in the bank in Edinburgh, has a flat there and that he wants them to stay with him for a couple of days to see around Edinburgh, once they have been to the concert, accompanied by Iain himself. Còmhradh They then go to Catherine’s house and present their case. Record what was prepared at lunch-time. Try to make the conversation last 6 minutes. Còmhradh Catherine’s parents listened carefully. Like Elizabeth’s parents however, they wished the opportunity to discuss it in private before they make a decision. They assure them both that they will have an answer by the following morning. They go away to discuss it. With a partner, prepare the conversation between Catherine’s parents, where the outcome is that they will grant permission to go on the condition that she stays with Elizabeth and Iain all the time she is in Edinburgh. (You will get help by thinking of the conversation between Elizabeth’s parents.) Try to make your conversation last approximately 6 minutes. Record it. A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 19 A’ FÒNADH GU IAIN Section 8 A’ fònadh gu Iain Leughadh, Sgrìobhadh That evening Elizabeth telephones her cousin Iain. Fill in the missing parts of the conversation. Elizabeth tells Iain that she and Catherine will arrive on Friday and stay until Wednesday. Ealasaid: Iain: Ealasaid: Chan eil dona idir – air mo dhòigh le mo dhuais. Iain: Ealasaid: Iain: Dè cho fada ’s a tha sibh ag iarraidh fuireach ? Ealasaid: Iain: Cha toir, cha leig sibh a leas pocannan cadail, tha aodach leapa gu leòr agam. Cuin a ? Ealasaid: Iain: Bithidh sin ceart gu leòr, chì mi sibh aig stèisean nam busaichean agus thèid sinn a ghabhail biadh. Beannachd leat an-dràsta. Ealasaid: Remember to thank him. 20 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 A’ FÒNADH GU IAIN Còmhradh With a partner, practise the conversation, in Gaelic, and add to it as much as you can. Try to keep it going for 6 minutes and record it. Mention how excited you both are and how glad you are Iain is going to have time to show you around Edinburgh. A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 21 AG ULLACHADH AIRSON FALBH Section 9 Ag ullachadh airson falbh Leughadh Ealasaid: Tha mo mhàthair ag radh rium mo mhàileid a chur air dòigh anochd. Dè a dh’fheumas mi airson an turais? Catrìona: Cha leig sinn a leas tòrr aodaich — tha inneal nighe ann am flat Iain. Dinichean agus lèine bhrèagha airson a’ chonsairt, briogais agus geansaidhean airson nan làithean eile, agus brògan cofhurtail airson coiseachd mun cuairt. Agus sgiorta gun fhios nach tèid sinn a-mach gu biadh. Ealasaid: Gùn-oidhche agus sliopairean cuideachd, bruis-fhiaclan, cìr, siabann, siampù . . . agus gibht do dh’Iain. Dè gheibh sinn dha? Catrìona: Nach eil clàr ùr aig Coldplay? Seach gu bheil Iain a’ dol chun a’ chonsairt, an dùil nach bitheadh e toilichte an CD aca fhaighinn? Ealasaid: Bhitheadh gu dearbh. Tha e a’ cosg sia nota deug. Ma chuireas sinn ochd notaichean an tè ris, ceannaichidh sinn e shìos am baile feasgar. Bidh HMV fosgailte anmoch Diardaoin, nach bi? Catrìona: Thèid sinn a-steach a dh’Inbhir Nis air a’ bhus an dèidh na dìnnearach aig leth uair an dèidh sia. A bheil càil sam bith eile a dhìth oirnn? Ealasaid: Cha chuimhnich mi air dad an-dràsta . . . ach dh’fhaodadh sinn ceapairean, siùcairean agus sùgh orains a cheannach airson a bhith againn air an t-slighe a Dhùn Èideann. Catrìona: A bheil leabhar math agad airson an turais? Tha mise a’ dol a thoirt nobhail leam. Ealasaid: Cha toil leamsa a bhith a’ leughadh leabhraichean air bus no trèana, ach bheir mi leam iris no dhà. 22 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 AG ULLACHADH AIRSON FALBH Catrìona: Math dha rìribh. Nach greas sinn oirnn le ar biadh ma-thà, gus am faigh sinn do na bùthan. Leughadh 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is this conversation about? What instructions has Elizabeth’s mother given her? List all the items that Catherine says they will take with them. Which items does Elizabeth add? What gift do they decide upon for Iain, and why do they make this choice? How much will this gift cost? What will enable them to make their purchase immediately? Which other items does Elizabeth suggest they buy, and why? What do they plan to read during their journey? Còmhradh Make up the conversation which you and your friend would have in Gaelic before you set off to a concert in Edinburgh, where you will be spending the weekend. Discuss what you will pack and what you will take as a gift for your host/hostess, saying how much it will cost. Then discuss your plans for the journey, saying what you are going to buy to eat, drink and read. Try to make the conversation last 6 minutes and record it if possible. Sgrìobhadh Your Gaelic teacher has asked you to give a talk in Gaelic to the class about how you won the prize and how your plans for the trip are developing. Prepare your talk, writing the cue-cards you will use to help you deliver it to the class. A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 23 AN LATHA MÒR Section 10 An latha mòr Leughadh Disathairne Cha mhòr gun do dhùin mo shùilean oidhche Haoine le fuaimean a’ bhaile mhòir ’s na bha de dhaoine a’ gluasad a-muigh — tha flat Iain gu math faisg air an taigh-cluiche agus air taighean-òsta agus bha gleadhraich ann eadar aon uair deug is meadhan-oidhche. Co-dhiù, dh’èirich sinn gu h-èasgaidh airson an latha mhòir a bha romhainn. Sìos am baile, gu teis mheadhan a’ bhaile leinn, agus do na bùthan! Cha do cheannaich sinn mòran — bha cus ri fhaicinn ’s cha deigheadh agam fhìn no aig Catrìona air ar n-inntinn a dhèanamh an àirde, ged a bha an t-aodach a chunnaic sinn ann am bùth Jenner’s cho fasanta agus cho spaideil, ach bha e glè dhaor! Dh’fhuirich Iain bochd gu faighidneach ri ar taobh fad na maidne. An dèidh gibhtean a cheannach do ar pàrantan, dh’fhalbh sinn gu taigh-bìdh Eadailteach — bha fàileadh cùbhraidh a’ tighinn a-mach às ’s cha b’ urrainn dhuinn coiseachd seachad! Bha am biadh tòrr na bu bhlasta na am biadh a gheibhear ann an Inbhir Nis, ach ’s e mo bheachd gun robh e gu math na bu daoire cuideachd! Ghabh sinn am bus air ais gu flat Iain agus choimhead sinn air geama ballcoise air an telebhisean. Is beag ormsa an spòrs sin, ach chan e sin do Chatrìona e — bha ise ag èigheachd ’s a’ trod nuair a chaill Celtic! Cha robh an t-acras oirnn an dèidh na dh’ith sinn de phasta aig uair feasgar, agus cha robh romhainn ach sinn fhìn ullachadh airson a’ chonsairt, agus bha sin furasta, oir tha a h-uile goireas ann am flat Iain. Aig sia uairean dh’fhàg sinn airson Pàirc Murrayfield. Bha sluagh mòr a’ cruinneachadh an sin. Bha iad ann de gach seòrsa — beag, mòr, dubh, geal, òg — ach cha robh duine aosta ann! 24 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 AN LATHA MÒR Aig leth-uair an dèidh sia dh’fhosgail na dorsan agus thòisich sinn air a dhol a-steach. Bha an t-àite làn agus bha tòrr fuaim ann — bha a h-uile duine air bhioran. Aig ochd uairean nochd Coldplay. Abair èigheach an uairsin. Cha chuala tu riamh a leithid. Bha a h-uile duine nan seasamh agus an làmhan sìnte a-mach agus iad a’ gluasad a-null agus a-nall mar ghluasad na mara. Thòisich iad air seinn ach chùm am fuaim a’ dol — bha spiorad mìorbhaileach san àite. Chaidh na h-uairean seachad gun fhiosta. Thàinig crìoch air a’ chonsairt. Dh’fhàg sinne a’ phàirc agus ar cinn fhathast anns na sgòthan. Cha do chòrd càil a-riamh cho math rium ach bha mi sgìth. Ach tha e a-nise gu bhith uair sa mhadainn — air ais gu talamh! Read Elizabeth’s account and answer the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. How would you summarise the content of this diary extract? What prevented Elizabeth from sleeping on Friday night, and why was the area busy? Why were the girls so willing to get up on Saturday? Which word describes their willingness? Where did they shop? Why did they not buy very much? What is said about the clothes in Jenner’s? What first attracted them to the Italian restaurant? How did the food compare to that of Inverness restaurants? Give details of the two girls’ opinions of football. What made it easy for them to get ready for the concert? Describe the scene and the atmosphere at Murrayfield. How did the girls feel after the concert? When did Elizabeth finish her diary extract? How did she feel at this time? A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 25 AN LATHA MÒR Sgrìobhadh Now write in Gaelic your own diary extract about an event you have attended, describing the scene and the atmosphere and your own feelings during and after it. Try to write approximately 150 words, and redraft it once, if required. 26 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 CAISTEAL DHÙN ÈIDINN Section 11 Caisteal Dhùn Èidinn Iain takes the girls to see Edinburgh Castle on Sunday morning. Listen at least twice to their conversation on the way there, following the text. Then answer the questions which follow. Èisteachd Tapescript Their conversation is written below, so that you can follow it while you listen to it on the tape. Ealasaid: Catrìona: Iain: Ealasaid: Tha seo àlainn, nach eil? Tha gu dearbh. An e seo am Mìle Rìoghail, Iain? ’S e. Tha an Caisteal aig an dàrna ceann, agus tha Lùchairt Holyrood aig a’ cheann eile, shìos an siud. Dè an t-ainm a th’ air an eaglais seo? Tha i bòidheach, nach eil? A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 27 CAISTEAL DHÙN ÈIDINN Iain: Catrìona: Ealasaid: Catrìona: Ealasaid: Catrìona: Iain: Ealasaid: Iain: Catrìona: Iain: Ealasaid: Catrìona: Ealasaid: Catrìona: Iain: Ealasaid: Iain: Catrìona: Iain: Ealasaid: Iain: Tha. ’S e seo an Cathair-Eaglais, agus tha na cùirtean agus Talla na Pàrlamaid mun cuairt oirre. Tha na togalaichean an seo uabhasach mòr. Tha. Am faic thu na togalaichean àrda shuas an sin? Chì. Tha iad gu math nas àirde na na togalaichean ann an Inhbir Nis. Agus tha iad gu math nas bòidhche cuideachd. Agus nas fheàrr! Agus nas sine. Tha Catrìona ceart. ’S e seo an Seann Bhaile. Am faic sinn am Baile Ùr? Chì. Chì sinn on Chaisteal e. Tha am Mìle Rìoghail uabhasach trang, nach eil? Abair sin! Tha e fada ro thrang le luchd-turais as t-samhradh. Tha agus Inbhir Nis. Tha. Tha bùthan, taighean-òsta, taighean-tasgaidh, taighean-bìdh agus a h-uile dad eile an seo. A’ bheil sinn fada on Chaisteal a-nis? Tha mi a’ fàs sgìth a’ coiseachd. Tha agus mise — tha an rathad seo cho cas. Chan eil e fada a-nis. Chì sinn a dh’aithghearr e. ’S math sin! Nach eil an eaglais sin grannda, salach? Tha. Chan eil i idir cho snog ’s a bha i. ’S e sin an togalach as àirde ann an Dùn Èideann. Dè? A bheil an eaglais nas motha na an Caisteal? Chan eil, ach tha i nas àirde. An e sin an Caisteal shuas an sin? ’S e. ’S e sin balla a-muigh a’ Chaisteil. Tha e tiugh, nach eil? Èisteachd Listen to the script at least twice and answer the following questions in English. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. What is the conversation about? What is Elizabeth’s opinion of the surroundings? Where are Edinburgh Castle and Holyrood Palace situated? Which buildings are situated around the Cathedral? How do the buildings which they see compare to those of Inverness? Which part of Edinburgh are they visiting first? What comment is made about the Royal Mile (a) at this time? (b) in the summer? Name the city’s facilities, as listed by Catrìona. How are the girls feeling and why? What is Elizabeth’s comment about the church that they pass? 28 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 CAISTEAL DHÙN ÈIDINN 11. 12. What is the first part of the Castle to be seen? What does Iain say about it? Sgrìobhadh Write a handout in Gaelic of approximately 150 words which you would give to tourists to tell them about Edinburgh Castle. Redraft once if necessary. A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 29 PÀRLAMAID NA H-ALBA Section 12 On Monday morning Iain and the two girls went for a guided tour of the Scottish Parliament. They went to the Parliament by bus and then they went on a guided tour of the Parliament. Before they set off for the Parliament they look at the internet to find the best ways of getting there. Here is some of the information that they found. A’ dol gu Pàrlamaid na h-Alba air a’ bhus Faodaidh luchd-tadhail seirbheis àireamh 35 aig Busaichean Lodainn a chleachdadh gus Pàrlamaid na h-Alba a ruigsinn. Tha an t-seirbheis seo a’ ruith eadar Port-adhair Dhùn Èidinn agus Ocean Terminal. Tha cuideachd àireamh de shlighean bhusaichean eile nach eil ach astar beag coiseachd air falbh. A’ dol gu Pàrlamaid na h-Alba air an trèana Tha togalach na Pàrlamaid astar coiseachd cairteal na h-uarach bho stèisean mòr thrèanaichean Waverley ann an Dùn Èideann. 30 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 PÀRLAMAID NA H-ALBA A’ dol gu Pàrlamaid na h-Alba air an rathad Is iad na pàircean-charbadan as fhaisge St John’s Hill no Waverley. Tha pàirceadh do choidsean ri fhaotainn ann an Rathad Regent. They also search the internet to find the opening times of the Parliament and to find any advice for visitors to the Parliament. Here is some of the information that they found about opening times. Uairean Fosglaidh: Làithean Gnothaich (am bitheantas Dimàirt-Diardaoin) Fad na Bliadhna 09.00 to 19.00 Làithean Neo-Gnothaicheil (am bitheantas Diluain, Dihaoine agus gach latha-seachdain nuair nach bi a’ Phàrlamaid na suidhe) Giblean gu Dàmhair 10.00 to 18.00 Deireadh na Seachdaine Fad na Bliadhna 10.00 to 16.00 Cead Tighinn a-steach mu dheireadh 45 mionaidean ro dhùnadh. Dùinte: 25 & 26 Dubhlachd; 1 & 2 Faoilleach Ma chuireas sibh romhaibh tadhal oirnn, an smaoinich sibh air dè bu mhiann leibh fhaicinn agus a dhèanamh fhad 's a bhios sibh ann oir mar is trice, bidh daoine air leth measail air an togalach seo agus dh'fhaoidte gum bi an t-àite gu math trang. A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 31 PÀRLAMAID NA H-ALBA Map of Edinburgh city centre showing the Scottish Parliament Aerial map of the Scottish Parliament 32 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 PÀRLAMAID NA H-ALBA Còmhradh, Sgrìobhadh Look at the maps on page 32 and the travel directions and opening times of the Scottish Parliament on page 31 and then answer the following questions in Gaelic. First practise them orally with your partner, swap roles, and then write the answers. 1. Between which two places does the 35 bus go? 2. a. b. 3. Which car parks are closest to the Parliament? 4. Normally, which days are business days at the Parliament? 5. At what time does the Scottish Parliament close: a. on a business day? b. on a non-business day? 6. At what time does the Scottish Parliament open: a. at the weekend? b. on a business day? c. on a non-business day? 7. What is the latest time before closure that anyone is allowed to visit the Parliament? 8. Why are people asked to think beforehand about what they want to visit? 9. On which days of the year is the Parliament closed? Which large train station is closest to the Parliament? How long, according to the information, will it take to walk from the station to the Parliament? A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 33 PÀRLAMAID NA H-ALBA Còmhradh Prepare a conversation in which you invite your partner to a public building (museum, parliament, gallery, library, etc.). Mention in Gaelic: • • • • • • where you want to go and why what you will see inside where the building is how you will get there the times at which it is open any age restrictions Try to extend the conversation to include plans to meet, etc. Try to keep your conversation going for 6 minutes. Record it if possible. Sgrìobhadh Now write in Gaelic a newspaper article about a visit you made to a public building (museum, parliament, gallery, college, library, etc.). Tell about: • • • what you saw and did. any interesting things that you saw or did. what you liked and disliked about it. Try to write 150 words. Show it to your teacher and redraft once if necessary. 34 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 SEANN BHAILE DHÙN ÈIDEANN Section 13 Seann bhaile Dhùn Èideann On Monday afternoon Iain and the two girls went for a guided tour around old Edinburgh. Iain told the girls a little about the history of Edinburgh and about the tours before they left. Listen to what he said. Èisteachd Tapescript Tha Dùn Èideann air fear dhe na bailtean as sine ann am Breatainn. Tha am Mìle Rioghail làn chlobhsaichean agus bhealaichean. Anns an t-siathamh linn deug chaidh balla mòr a thogail mun cuairt air Dùn Èideann gus am baile a dhìon bho ionnsaighean. Bha àireamh-sluaigh a’ bhaile a’ fàs nas motha agus b’ fheudar dhaibh taighean nas àirde agus nas fhaisge air a chèile a thogail. Gu dearbh tha e air a ràdh gum b’ urrainn do dhaoine beir air làmhan a chèile aig àirde mhòr. Tha cuid dhe na daoine as ainmeile ann an eachdraidh Dhùn Èidinn air a bhith a’ fuireach faisg air an sgìre seo. Faodaidh sibh a dhol air turas dha na clobhsaichean far an robh iad agus chì sibh mar a bha na daoine a’ fuireach. A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 35 SEANN BHAILE DHÙN ÈIDEANN Tha na seòmraichean uabhasach dorcha agus gu math beag. Tha iad gu math nas lugha na shaoileadh tu. Ma thèid sibh air turas cluinnidh sibh mu chuid dhe na sgeulachdan as inntinniche mu Dhùn Èideann. Tha aon sgeulachd ag innse mar a thuit togalach air gille ‘s nach do thachair dad dha agus mu theine mòr Dhùn Èideann. Bidh an turas a’ maireachdainn uair gu leth agus tha iad a’ dol air adhart fad an latha. Feumaidh sibh a bhith ann cairteal na h-uarach mun tòisich an turas. Cuiridh mi geall gun còrd e ruibh. Tha Dùn Èideann gu math eachdraidheil. Èisteachd, Sgrìobhadh Now read the passage. Expressions such as nas luaithe and as motha were used in the passage along with others of the same type. Look at the following extracts from the passage and fill in the particular expressions which were used: 1. Tha Dùn Èideann air fear dhe na bailtean ___________ ann am Breatainn. 2. Bha àireamh-sluaigh a’ bhaile a’ fàs ___________ agus b’ fheudar dhaibh taighean ___________ a thogail agus ___________ air a chèile. 3. Tha cuid dhe na daoine ___________ ann an eachdraidh Dhùn Èidinn air a bhith a’ fuireach faisg air an sgìre seo. 4. Tha iad gu math ___________ na shaoileadh tu. 5. Ma thèid sibh air turas cluinnidh sibh mu chuid dhe na sgeulachdan ___________ mu Dhùn Èideann. Sgrìobhadh Once you have completed the above sentences, use your imagination to complete in Gaelic the sentences below. You may express your personal opinion in each case! Then translate the sentences into English. 1. Tha Dùn Èideann ___________ agus _____________________ na Inbhir Nis. 2. Tha an trèana ___________ agus _____________________ na am bus. 36 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 SEANN BHAILE DHÙN ÈIDEANN 3. Tha ticead consairt _____________________________ na ticead geama ball-coise. 4. Tha Coldplay ________________________ na Greenday. 5. Tha DVD ________________________ na CD. 6. Tha a h-uile neach ann an saoghal a’ chiùil _____________________ na Rolling Stones! 7. ’S e Coldplay an còmhlan pop _____________________ a tha againn an-diugh. 8. ’S i J K Rowling an sgrìobhaiche ___________________ ann an Alba. 9. ’S e Franz Ferdinand an còmhlan pop Albannach ___________________ a th’ ann an dràsta. 10. ’S e Dihaoine an latha _________________ agus _________________ anns an sgoil. 11. ’S e Là na Sàbaid ___________________ anns a’ bhaile. 12. ’S e am plèan an dòigh siubhail ___________________ a th’ againn. Now translate the following sentences into Gaelic: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I am the oldest boy/girl in the class. There is nobody here wiser than my teacher. Travelling by plane is not cheap — there is no more expensive way. Iain is the best swimmer of the three. I was busy yesterday, today I am busier, and tomorrow I shall be the busiest person here. Who is the fastest player? James. He is faster than anyone else. Còmhradh Elizabeth phoned home that evening and spoke to her father in Gaelic. Her father asked various questions about the trip to the old town. Prepare the telephone conversation and practise it with your partner, swapping roles after a while. Try to converse for approximately 6 minutes. Record the conversation if possible. A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 37 ANN AM FLAT IAIN Section 14 Ann am flat Iain Leughadh Iain shows the girls this Gaelic poem: Dùn Èideann Their iad gu bheil am bailesa àlainn, gu bheil dealbh is cuimse air a shràidean a chuireas air rèir sàr bhailtean na Grèig e; gu bheil a chuid eaglaisean cho àrd ’s nach mòr nach dèan iad fàradh dhut cleas Iecob suas do na nèamhan. Ach ma bheachdaicheas tu diog air chì thu g’ eil am baile-sa làn de labhairtich chlassiceach chràbhach— flathail, stàireil ’s mar a tha e. Dòmhnall MacAmhlaigh from Seòbhrach às a’ Chlaich 38 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 ANN AM FLAT IAIN Glossary their iad = they say dealbh = design cuimse = ample size air rèir = on a par with; comparable with cha mhòr nach dèan iad = they almost make na nèamhan = the heavens labhairteach = orator; speaker cràbhach = religious flathail = stately stàireil = conceited Leughadh 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is the poem about? What opinion has the poet heard about the city? What places it on a par with the great cities of Greece? What does the poet compare with Jacob’s ladder? The poet says that the city is full of speakers – which two adjectives does he use to describe the speakers? Which two adjectives does he use to describe the city? A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 39 ANN AM FLAT IAIN Èisteachd The conversation between Iain and the girls is printed below, so that you can follow it while you listen to it on the tape. Tapescript Iain: Is fìor thoil leam fhìn bàrdachd, gu sònraichte bàrdachd Ghàidhlig. An toigh leatsa sin, Ealasaid? Ealasaid: Och, chan eil cus agam mu deidhinn. Ach is toigh leam òrain, chan e seann bhàrdachd, ach òrain pop — tha deagh òrain aig Foo Fighters, Green Day agus còmhlain eile mar sin, agus aig Coldplay fhèin. Catrìona: Nach eil bàird ùra againn ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig? Seall air Calum MacDhòmhnaill a bha a’ sgrìobhadh nan òran aig Runrig — sin agad sàr bhàrd a-nis, agus tha a’ bhàrdachd cho inntinneach air a seinn, nach eil? Iain: O, tha gu dearbha. Tha sinn glè fhortanach gu bheil deagh bhàrdachd againn anns an linn seo. Ach cha robh droch bhàrdachd againn sa Ghàidhlig a-riamh. Catrìona: Cha robh gu dearbh. Chan e sin a chanainn mun bhàrdachd a bha sinn a’ leughadh sa chlas Beurla anns an sgoil am-bliadhna — fìor sgudal. Is lugha orm a leughadh. An aontaicheadh tu fhèin, Ealasaid? Ealasaid: Mar a thuirt mi, is beag orm bàrdachd, fìu ’s bàrdachd nan sàr bhàrd a bh’ againn tro na linntean — Gàidhlig agus Beurla! Iain: Ach dè mu dheidhinn deagh bhàrdachd na linne seo fhèin — chan eil sin coltach ri obair nan seann bhàrd! Is fìor thoil leam fhìn a’ bhàrdachd seo mu Dhùn Èideann cò-dhiù. Cànan Note the following adjectives are placed BEFORE the noun/adjective and cause aspiration. e.g. sàr bhàiltean na Grèig = the great cities of Greece seann bhàrdachd = old poetry deagh òrain = good songs droch bhàrdachd = bad poetry 40 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 ANN AM FLAT IAIN fìor sgudal = absolute (real) rubbish glè fhortanach = very lucky Note the expressions used in the conversation to express likes/dislikes: Is toil leam = I like Is fìor thoil leam = I really like Cha toil leam = I do not like Is beag orm = I don’t care for/like Is lugha orm = I hate Chan eil cus agam mu dheidhinn = I don’t care for Now translate the following phrases, using the above adjectives/expressions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. an old house good work a bad name a great town an absolute lie bad work very well-behaved good weather really bad weather an old woman I hate this bad weather. She loves the city, but hates the noise. This is not bad work, but it is not really tidy. He is a great man, but his son has a bad name. I do not like him. I really like this old house. What do you think this Gaelic proverb means? 16. Mar as miosa an droch aimsir, ’s ann as miosa an droch chlann! Còmhradh Dè an coltas a tha air a’ bhaile agad fhèin? Discuss your own town/city with your partner. Mention • its appearance/outstanding buildings, etc. • the general atmosphere • the people. Be prepared to answer your partner’s questions, and then swap roles. Try to keep the conversation going for 6 minutes and record it if possible. A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 41 ANN AM FLAT IAIN The following words might be helpful: togalaichean mòra/eireachdail baile spaideil/glan àite grannda/salach muinntir a’ bhaile/daoine gasta/coibhneil fuar/fad às/mi choibhneil (àrd-)-eaglais/taigh-tasgaidh/talla a’ bhaile/taigh-cùirte/sràidean mòra, farsaing/sràidean cumhang Sgrìobhadh Write a hand-out that you would prepare in Gaelic for your local Tourist Information Service, mentioning the features of your own town/city that you would point out to tourists. Write approximately 150 words and redraft once if necessary. 42 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 A’ TAGHADH TAIGH-BIDH Section 15 A’ taghadh taigh-bìdh The girls want to go out for a meal on Monday evening. They read a page which Iain wrote for his Gaelic-speaking friends on restaurants which he has recently visited. Read the three descriptions and answer the questions. Leughadh Taigh-bidhe a’ chaisteil Tha an taigh-bìdh seo dìreach àlainn air an taobh a-muigh agus glè eireachdail na bhroinn, agus chan eil mòran ceàrr air a’ bhiadh — tha taghadh agad de bhiadh annasach agus de mhìlsean de gach seòrsa. Feuchaidh a h-uile neach a tha ag obair ann ri do dheagh fhrithealadh, ach tha aon ghearain ann — na prìsean! Mur h-eil do sporan làn, na tèid an seo idir. A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 43 A’ TAGHADH TAIGH-BIDH Cafaidh a’ phrionnsa Freagraidh seo air an òigridh—tha e beothail, le ceòl ga chluich gun stad, agus chan eil droch bhiadh ann a bharrachd—tòrr pasta, saileadan agus nithean a tha freagarrach dhaibhsan a bhitheas a’ seachnadh na feòla. Tha e ann an àite glè ghoireasach ann am meadhan a’ bhaile, agus tha an cafaidh seo ainmeil airson a chairt-fìona. Tha taghadh agad de dh’fhìon, aig prìsean reusanta, bho gach rìoghachd a tha a’ cur fìona air a’ mhargaid bhon Roinn Eòrpa gu Aimeireaga a Deas agus Afraga a Deas cuideachd. Taigh-òsta na drochaid Tha biadh an seo a tha sònraichte, agus ri linn sin, tha e uabhasach trang. Tha iasg de gach seòrsa air a’ chairt-bìdh agus tha e air a dheagh ullachadh cuideachd. Oidhche Shathairne tha an taigh-bìdh dìreach làn agus aig amannan tha e caran riaslach — an turas mu dheireadh a bha mi an seo, thug sinn ùine a’ feitheamh ri ar biadh, ’s nuair a thàinig e cha b’ e idir na nithean a dh’òrdaich sinn a bh’ ann, agus bha am biadh fuar! Ach is fhiach tadhal an seo am meadhan na seachdaine nuair nach eil e a’ cur a-mach air a bheul. 1. 2. What are you told about each eating place? What information does each title give you? Restaurant 1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What What What What What comments does Iain make about this restaurant’s appearance? general comment does he make about the food? specifically does he say about the food? is the general aim of all the people working there? advice does Iain give? Restaurant 2 8. 9. 10. 11. Who would find this restaurant attractive, and why? What is the comment on the food? Which house specialities are mentioned? Why is the restaurant renowned? Give details. Restaurant 3 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. What does Iain say of the food here, and the result of that fact? Which house speciality is mentioned, and what is Iain’s opinion of it? When and why is this restaurant a bit disorganised? Which incident is mentioned to prove it? How would you avoid this situation? 44 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 A’ TAGHADH TAIGH-BIDH Còmhradh Prepare in Gaelic the conversation that the girls would have as they choose one of the restaurants. Swap roles. Try to keep the conversation going for 6 minutes. Record it if possible. Sgrìobhadh Write about 150 words in Gaelic along the same lines as Iain’s ‘restaurant guide’, describing your own favourite eating place. Mention • • • • • the restaurant’s location the appearance the food any house specialities prices and anything else that would attract the reader. Show this to your teacher and redraft it once if necessary. A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 45 OUR DYNAMIC EARTH Section 16 A’ dol gu Our Dynamic Earth Leughadh The girls are leaving on Wednesday and want to go to Our Dynamic Earth on Tuesday. Read the following information that they found about the centre and answer the questions which follow. Dè a th’ ann? Faisg air meadhan baile Dhùn Èidinn, air beulaibh Pàrlamaid na h-Alba, tha fear dhe na h-ionadan as inntinniche agus as fheàrr anns a’ bhaile, Our Dynamic Earth. Tha iomadach rud ann a dh’fhaodas tu a dhèanamh. Bu chòir dhut, air a’ char as lugha, uair gu leth a chur seachad anns an ionad ach ma tha cabhag ort dh’fhaodadh tu taghadh a dhèanamh air na tha thu ag iarraidh fhaicinn. Ann an Dynamic Earth gheibh thu fiosrachadh air cha mhòr rud sam bith mun chruinne-cè. Tha fiosrachadh ann mu iomadach gnàth-shìde air feadh an tsaoghail leithid coilltean-uisge, sgìrean fuara agus fàsaichean. Chì thu mar a bhios saidealan ag innse dhuinn dè an t-sìde a tha a’ dol a bhith againn agus mar a bhios droch shìde a’ tighinn air fàire. Gheibh thu eòlas air 46 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 OUR DYNAMIC EARTH sgeulachdan anns na naidheachdan a tha co-cheangailte ris an àrraineachd leithid crithean-talmhainn agus tuiltean. Tha eadar-dhealachadh mòr eadar a’ chreig a tha ann an sgìrean eadardhealaichte de dh’Alba. Faodaidh tu fhaicinn mar a chaidh beanntan na hAlba a chruthachadh agus an seòrsa creig a tha ann an diofar phàirtean dhen dùthaich. Dè an dòigh as fheàrr air Our Dynamic Earth fhaicinn? Faodaidh tu tighinn leat fhèin no faodaidh tu tighinn ann am buidheann. Tha sinn ro dhèonach prògraman sònraichte a chur air dòigh do bhuidhnean de sgoilearan. Cuiridh sinn air dòigh airson nan rudan a tha sibhse ag iarraidh a dhèanamh. Ionnsaichidh tu rudeigin bhon luchd-obrach againn aig a bheil fios air an t-uamhas mu na rudan a thathar a’ sealltainn anns an ionad. Nì iad oidhirp gus ceist sam bith a fhreagairt dhut. Tha bùth ann an Dynamic Earth cuideachd agus faodaidh tu tòrr rudan inntinneach a cheannach leithid postairean, leabhraichean agus dealbhan. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. What is the passage about? Give the exact location of Our Dynamic Earth. For how long are you recommended to visit the centre? What types of climate that are mentioned can you find information about? What do you see from satellites? What types of news stories are shown in exhibitions? What is said about the rock types of Scotland? What information will you find about the mountains of Scotland. What does the second heading in bold ask? What detail is given about the programmes that can be offered? What is said about the staff at Our Dynamic Earth? What things, according to the passage, are sold in the shop? Còmhradh Back at Iain’s flat, before preparing to travel home the following day, Catherine phones her parents to confirm arrangements. First she tells them of her visit to Our Dynamic Earth. With a partner, make up Catherine’s conversation telling in Gaelic • where Our Dynamic Earth is • what you did A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 47 OUR DYNAMIC EARTH • how long you stayed there • how you enjoyed it. Her mother in turn is anxious to know • if it was expensive • what she learned • what she did. Swap roles. Try to make your conversation last 6 minutes. Record it if possible. 48 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 AG ULLACHADH AIRSON TILLEADH DHACHAIGH Section 17 Ag ullachadh airson tilleadh dhachaigh Sgrìobhadh Read the bus timetable overleaf and prepare the conversation Elizabeth has on the phone with her mother, when they discuss her return trip. The girls have decided to take the 2.30p.m. bus. They already have a return ticket to Inverness. Fill in the missing parts of the conversation Màthair: Hallo, Ealasaid. Cuin a tha sibh a’ tilleadh? Ealasaid: Màthair: Tha sin math. Cuin a bhitheas am bus sin a-staigh an Inbhir Nis? Ealasaid: An tig sibh gar coinneachadh? Màthair: Ealasaid: Ceud taing. Bithidh mi toilichte ur faicinn. Ach chòrd an turas rinn glan! A bheil fhios aig màthair Catrìona gum bi sinn aig an taigh an ath oidhch’? Màthair: Chan eil fhathast ach Còmhradh Now prepare the conversation which the girls’ mothers have on the phone. Practise the conversation, trying to make it last 6 minutes, swap roles and record it if possible. A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 49 AG ULLACHADH AIRSON TILLEADH DHACHAIGH Catherine’s mother asks: • • • • when the girls are leaving Edinburgh when they will arrive in Inverness where in Inverness the bus will stop whether Elizabeth’s mother is going to meet them She adds that she will be there too. Elizabeth’s mother tells her that: • • • • the girls are catching the 2.30p.m. bus they will be in Inverness at 6.10p.m. the bus stops at the Bus Station she will be there herself She asks Catherine’s mother if she would come along to greet the girls as well. Remember to greet each other appropriately and also to say goodbye at the end of the conversation. Megabus Timetable – Edinburgh – Inverness Edinburgh St Andrew Square Bus – 0840 – – 1030 1130 – 1230 1330 1430 – 0945 – – 1135 1235 – 1335 1435 1535 – 0950 – – 1150 – – 1350 – 1550 – – – – – – – – – – – 1210 – – 1410 – – 1610 - 1810 Station Perth, Broxden Park & Ride arr + Perth, Broxden Park & Ride dep Perth, Bus Station* Inverness Bus Station 50 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 AG ULLACHADH AIRSON TILLEADH DHACHAIGH Sgrìobhadh Catherine uses Iain’s computer to send an e-mail to her friend in Inverness, telling her that she and Elizabeth will be home on Wednesday evening and asking her friend to come over so that she can tell her all about the trip. If you can access a computer, print the content of the above e-mail. If not, write what you would print. A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 51 AIR AIS AN INBHIR NIS Section 18 Air ais an Inbhir Nis Sgrìobhadh Litir gu Iain Imagine you are Elizabeth and Catherine. Write a letter to Iain in Gaelic, thanking him for entertaining you during your stay. Remember to set it out correctly, showing an address and date. Try to write 150 words approximately. You may redraft the letter once, if necessary. Còmhradh Your Gaelic teacher asks you to give a talk in Gaelic to your class about the Coldplay concert and your trip. Prepare the cue-cards you would use to assist you with your talk. Try to make your talk last 6 minutes and record it if possible. 52 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 PRÒGRAM MUN TURAS Section 19 Prògram mun turas Group Work Sgrìobhadh, Leughadh, Còmhradh Rèidio nan Gàidheal have asked Elizabeth and Catherine to come to the studios the following week to talk in Gaelic about their trip. Prepare a programme about the girls’ visit to Edinburgh. The following should be included in the programme: 1. 2. 3. 4. Interviews with Elizabeth and Catherine Requests Music News items One person in the group will take Elizabeth’s part. Someone else will act the part of Catherine. Other members of the group will fill the roles of: (a) (b) (c) presenter interviewer newsreader Sgrìobhadh Before the programme, Elizabeth writes up in Gaelic a diary of the entire trip from Friday when she left Inverness until Wednesday when she arrived back home. Include all the activities she did and how she felt about them. A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 53 APPENDIX 1 Appendix 1 Tapescript for Section 3: Farpais air an rèidio Agus a-nise ron fharpais a th’ aig Rèidio nan Gàidheal dhuibh a-nochd, seo agaibh beagan fiosrachaidh mu rud mòr a thachair ann an saoghal a’ chiùil aig toiseach na seachdain sa chaidh. Chruinnich fichead mìle neach aig Pàirc Wembley ann an Lunnainn airson consairt Coldplay. A rèir aithris anns an Albannach chòrd an oidhche gu mòr ris gach duine a bha làthair — bha cha mhòr a h-uile fear na tè òg — ma bha feadhainn den luchd èisteachd a bha aosta, cha robh mòran dhiubh ann. Sgrìobh e mu cho math agus a bha Chris Martin air seinn agus air bruidhinn ris an luchdèisteachd. Agus a-nis farpais na h-oidhche nochd. A’ chiad neach a dh’fhònas thugainn leis an fhreagairt ceart airson na ceiste a leanas gheibh e no i dà thicead gu Consairt Coldplay ann an Dùn Èideann air Disathairne an 19mh den Ògmhìos. Seo a-nis a’ cheist: Cia mheud neach a tha anns a’ chòmhlan Coldplay agus dè na h-ainmean a tha orra? Ma tha fios agaibh air freagairt na ceiste sin cuiribh fòn thugainn an seo air Inbhir Nis 221711. Seo agaibh àireamh na fòn a-rithist. Inbhir Nis 221711. 54 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 APPENDIX 1 Tapescript for Section 5: Iomagain nam pàrantan Màthair: Uill, dè do bheachd? Athair: Chan eil mi ro thoilichte idir ach chan eil mi ag iarraidh a bhith ro chruaidh. Màthair: Tha fhios agam, ach dè ma thachras càil dhi, ma thèid i còmhla ri droch dhaoine — tha drogaichean, deoch làidir agus daoine gun dachaigh a’ falbh nan sràidean, agus tha Dùn Èideann tòrr nas motha agus gu math nas trainge na Inbhir Nis —’s chan eil i ach còig bliadhna deug. Athair: Bithidh i sia bliadhna deug a dh’aithghearr, ach tha sin òg gu leòr a bhith falbh bhon taigh gu leithid de rud — consairt pop gu dearbh. Màthair: Seadh, ach tha i fhèin cho toilichte. Brisidh e a cridhe mura faigh i ann. Bha i cho troimhe chèile nuair nach tug sinn cead dhi a dhol chun a’ gheama ball-coise aig àm na Bliadhn’ Ùire. Athair: An dùil am bitheadh Iain, am mac aig do phiuthar a’ dol gu leithid de rud? Màthair: Chan eil mi ag ràdh idir nach bitheadh. Nach fòn mi thuige a dh’fhaighneachd? Dè an àireamh? Seo e - 0131 246 8021. Tha e a’ ringeadh. Iain: 246 8021 Màthair: Feasgar math Iain, Antaidh Màiri, an seo. Dè do chor? Iain: Tha deagh chor. Tha mi dìreach air deuchainnean a’ Bhanca a shuidhe, agus tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gun deach gu math leam annta uile. A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 55 APPENDIX 1 Tapescript for Section 6: An ath mhadainn Listen to the tape at least twice and answer the questions which follow. Ealasaid: Màthair agus Athair: Ealasaid: Athair: Ealasaid: Athair: } Madainn mhath. Madainn mhath. Uill? Uill dè? Dè tha sibh a’ smaointinn mun chonsairt? Seo agad e ma tha: aon Feumaidh tu fhèin airgead a shàbhaladh airson an turais. dhà Feumaidh tu fhèin faighinn a-mach mu uairean agus prìsean bhusaichean agus thrèanaichean. trì Feumaidh tu a bhith deònach fuireach fo chùram do cho-ogha Iain fad na tìde a bhitheas tu air falbh. ceithir Feumaidh tu sgrìobhadh no fònadh gu Iain a dh’innse dha mu do phlanaichean. Ealasaid: O mòran taing - tha mi cho toilichte. O tha sibh math dhomh. Chan urrainn dhomh fuireach gum faigh mi don sgoil agus gun innis mi do Chatrìona. Tha mi a’ falbh, beannachd leibh an-dràsta. Athair agus Mar sin leat, a ghràidh. Màthair: } 56 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 APPENDIX 2 Appendix 2 Model answers for reading and listening passages. Section 1 Reading Passage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A concert for Coldplay. Friday, 19th June 8p.m. £25 each By phoning 0131 667 9920 with a credit card. The quicker you book, the more certain you will be of getting a ticket. Coldplay are as big as any other band in the world at the moment. Section 2 Reading Passage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Information about how Coldplay were formed and the history of the band. He is more famous and often in the public eye. At university in London. A friend of the band members had a band called Coldplay. He didn’t like the name so he told them that they could use the name Coldplay. He thought that it was too depressing. They fell out and Chris Martin told Will Champion to leave the band. That everything (work, earnings and opinions) would be shared equally. World poverty. He highlights campaigns against poverty at their concerts. At concerts all over the world and at festivals such as Glastonbury. Creating new music. Section 3 Listening Passage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A big event in the world of music. At Wembley in London at the beginning of last week. A Coldplay concert. They were almost all young. They all enjoyed the night. That Chris Martin was a good singer and that he was good at talking to the audience. A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 57 APPENDIX 2 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. That night’s competition. The first person to phone in with the correct answer. 2 tickets to the Coldplay concert. How many band members are in Coldplay and what are they called? 221 711 Section 5 Listening Passage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The parents’ worry about their daughter going to Edinburgh. He is not very happy. He doesn’t want to be too hard on her. Drugs, alcohol and homeless people and Edinburgh is much bigger and busier than Inverness. She is 15. She is very excited about going and it would break her heart if she couldn’t go. She was upset when she couldn’t go to the New Year football match. He wonders if her cousin, Iain, would go to such an event. 0131 246 8021 He has just sat his bank exams and he thinks that he has done well. Section 9 Reading Passage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Talking about their trip to Edinburgh. To pack her suitcase the night before they leave. Jeans, a nice shirt, trousers, jumpers, comfortable shoes and a skirt. A nightgown, slippers, toothbrush, comb, soap, shampoo and a present for Iain. A Coldplay CD – since he is going to the concert he may want their CD. £16 The music shop will be open late on Thursday. Sandwiches, sweets and orange juice. A novel for Catrìona and a few magazines for Elizabeth. Section 10 Reading Passage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. An account of their day in Edinburgh. The noise on the street. Iain’s flat is quite close to the theatre and pubs. They were going shopping. ‘Èasgaidh’. In Jenner’s They couldn’t make up their minds about what to buy. It was expensive. They are fashionable and smart but expensive. There was a pleasant smell coming from it. It was much tastier but also much more expensive. Elizabeth doesn’t like it but Catrìona does. 58 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 APPENDIX 2 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Iain’s flat is well-equipped. They didn’t need to eat as they weren’t hungry. All types of people were there but there were no old people. The place was full, everybody was excited and there was a lot of noise. They had their heads in the clouds. They had a wonderful time. “It is now almost 1 o’ clock in the morning – back to earth!” She was tired. Section 11 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Their conversation is about the Royal Mile. She says that they are beautiful. At either end of the Royal Mile. The courts and Parliament Hall. They are taller, more beautiful and older. The Old Town. a. That it is very busy. b. That it is too busy. Shops, hotels, museums and restaurants. They are feeling tired because of all the walking that they have been doing. That it is ugly and dirty. The outer wall. That it is thick. Section 12 Listening Passage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Edinburgh Airport and Ocean Terminal. a. Waverley b. 15 minutes St John’s Hill and Waverley Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday a. 1900 b. 1800 a. 1000 b. 0900 c. 1000 45 minutes Normally, people like the building and it may be busy. 25th and 26th December and 1st and 2nd January. A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 59 APPENDIX 2 Section 12 Translation Exercises 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Is mise an gille/nighean as sine anns a’ chlas. Chan eil duine an seo nas glice na mo thidsear. Chan eil siubhal air itealan saor – chan eil dòigh nas daoire ann. ’S e Iain as fheàrr air snàmh dhen triùir. Bha mi trang an-dè, an-diugh tha mi nas trainge, agus a-màireach ’s mi an duine as trainge a bhios an seo. Cò an cluicheadair as luaithe? Seumas. Tha e nas luaithe na duine eile. Section 13 Listening and Writing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tha Dùn Èideann air fear dhe na bailtean as sine ann am Breatainn Bha àireamh-sluaigh a’ bhaile a’ fàs nas motha agus b’ fheudar dhaibh taighean nas àirde a thogail agus nas fhàisge air a chèile. Tha cuid dhe na daoine as ainmeile ann an eachdraidh Dhùn Èidinn air a bhith a’ fuireach faisg air an sgìre seo. Tha iad gu math nas lugha na shaoileadh tu. Ma thèid sibh air turas cluinnidh sibh mu chuid dhe na sgeulachdan as inntinniche mu Dhùn Èideann. Section 14 Reading Passage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The buildings and the sights of Edinburgh. That it is beautiful. Its streets. Some of the churches. Chlassiceach, chràbhach. Flathail, stàireil. Section 14 Cànan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. seann taigh deagh obair droch ainm sàr bhaile fìor bhrèagha droch obair glè mhodhail deagh shìde fìor dhroch shìde seann bhoireannach Is lugha orm an droch shìde seo. Is fìor thoil leatha am baile, ach is lugha orm am fuaim. Chan eil an obair seo dona, ach chan e uamhasach sgiobalta idir. 60 A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH (HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 APPENDIX 2 14. 15. 16. ’S e deagh dhuine a th’ ann, ach tha droch ainm aig a mhac. Cha toil leam idir e. ’S fìor thoil leam an seann taigh seo. The worse the bad weather is, the worse the children will be. Section 15 Reading Passage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. What each of the restaurants is like. The name of each of the restaurants. That it is beautiful on the outside and smart on the inside. There is not much wrong with it. There is a choice of unusual foods and desserts of all types. They will try to serve you well. If your purse is not full, don’t go there. Young people will enjoy it – it is lively with music playing non-stop. It is not bad either. Pasta, salad and vegetarian options. It is famous for its wines. It has wines from Europe, South America and South Africa. The food is very good and as a result it is very busy. Fish – it is also well-prepared. On Saturday evening because it is very busy. It was a long time before they were served and they were not given what they ordered. The food was cold when it arrived. You could go during the week. Section 16 Reading Passage 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Information about Our Dynamic Earth. It is in the centre of Edinburgh, beside the Scottish Parliament. At least an hour and a half. Rainforests, cold lands and deserts. What types of weather are going to develop. News stories connected with the environment such as earthquakes and floods. That they are very different from place to place. How they were formed. What is the best way to see Our Dynamic Earth? They can be prepared to meet the needs of visitors. You will learn something from them and they will try to answer your questions. Posters, books and pictures. A HOLIDAY IN EDINBURGH [HIGHER, GAELIC (LEARNERS)] © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2006 61