WETLANDS, Vol. 26, No. 1, March 2006, pp. 265–270 q 2006, The Society of Wetland Scientists NOTE EFFECTS OF SOIL WATER ON SEED PRODUCTION AND PHOTOSYNTHESIS OF PINK SMARTWEED (POLYGONUM PENSYLVANICUM L.) IN PLAYA WETLANDS David A. Haukos1 and Loren M. Smith2 1 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Department of Range, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management Texas Tech University Lubbock, Texas, USA 79409-2125 E-mail: david.haukos@ttu.edu Wildlife and Fisheries Management Institute Department of Range, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management Texas Tech University Lubbock, Texas, USA 79409-2125 2 Abstract: Soil moisture is frequently manipulated by wetland managers to achieve a desired composition and production of plant species. Pink smartweed (Polygonum pensylvanicum) is a species valued by wetland managers because of its potential seed production and food base for migrating and wintering waterbirds. To improve ability to manage pink smartweed, we measured the influence of four growing-season soil moisture regimes (flooded, field capacity, prescribed moist-soil management, and continuously dry) in playa wetlands of the Southern High Plains of Texas. We used xylem water potential as an index of soil moisture available to the plants and compared vegetation and seed production among the four moisture treatments. Daily net photosynthesis was measured in each playa at 0900, 1200, and 1700 hours. The continuously-flooded wetland had the lowest absolute xylem water potential value (20.294 MPa), followed by the playa at field capacity (20.446 MPa), moist-soil managed playa (20.758 MPa), and dry playa (21.039 MPa). Vegetation biomass (F3,40 5 97.7, P , 0.001) and seed production (F3,40 5 54.3, P , 0.001) of pink smartweed differed among soil moisture treatments. Conducting moist-soil management (x̄ 5 6816 kg/ha) increased vegetation biomass by 44% over the dry treatment (x̄ 5 4706 kg/ha). As soil moisture increased to field capacity (x̄ 5 9010 kg/ha) vegetation increased by 32% above the moist-soil treatment. Maintaining standing water in a playa maximized vegetation production (x̄ 5 12497 kg/ha) of pink smartweed. Seed production was greatest when soil moisture was maintained at field capacity (x̄ 5 695 kg/ha). There was no difference in seed production between the moist-soil managed (x̄ 5 492 kg/ha) and flooded playas (x̄ 5 514 kg/ha), which was 28% lower than the field capacity treatment. Seed production in the dry treatment (x̄ 5 377 kg/ha) was 46% lower than the field capacity treatment and 25% below the flooded and moist-soil managed treatments. Net photosynthesis and xylem water potential decreased throughout the day in all treatments except continuously flooded, which corresponded to the increased vegetation production in this treatment. Slight increases in water stress relative to the continuously flooded treatment resulted in a redistribution of resources from vegetation to seed production. Managers should consider maintaining wetland soils at field capacity to increase seed production of pink smartweed. Key Words: biomass, moist-soil management, photosynthesis, pink smartweed, playas, Polygonum pensylvanicum, seed production, Texas, water stress INTRODUCTION timum limit their rate of resource (i.e., nutrient) acquisition, growth, and reproduction (Grime 1989). Available soil water influences production, availability of soil nutrients, and nutrient transport by wetland plants (Sculthorpe 1967, Kramer 1983, Pezeshki 1994, 2001, Pezeshki et al. 1999). Soil water is frequently manipulated by wetland managers to promote certain Many abiotic factors affect growth and reproduction of plants including light, nutrients, temperature, and soil moisture (Raven et al. 1986). Although most wetland plants can persist under a range of environmental conditions, levels of these factors deviating from op265 266 plant communities for wildlife (Smith et al. 1989), but seldom have managers considered the influence of soil moisture on production within a species. Water deficits primarily occur when availability of soil water decreases to cause a decline in plant physiological activities such as photosynthesis within a species or genotype (Kramer 1983, Osmond et al. 1987, Brown 1995). Extended water deficits, or drought, generally result in stressed plants producing fewer, if any, flowers and seeds (Brown 1995). Further, because nutrient uptake is reduced under water-stress conditions (Haukos and Smith 1996), the nutritional value of plants for wildlife can be diminished (Haukos and Smith 1995). Extended flooding can also limit growth and production of many wetland plants (McKee and Mendelssohn 1989, Ernst 1990). Under flooded conditions, many species decrease photosynthetic rates and production in response to reduced conditions (Pezeshki 1994, 2001). Death from anoxia or exposure to high levels of ferrous iron or sulfide may also occur (Levitt 1980, Otte 2001). Moreover, as soil moisture varies, plants may shift production to either vegetative or reproductive (i.e., seed) strategies (e.g., Raven et al. 1986, Sultan and Bazzaz 1993, Otte 2001). From a wetland management perspective, a primary goal is often to increase seed production for wildlife, which has the foremost influence on carrying capacity of wetland-dependent birds during migration and winter (Anderson and Smith 1998). Moist-soil management is a technique used by managers to increase seed production of certain annual plants in wetlands, including playas, to enhance wildlife habitat (Haukos and Smith 1993). Seeds are then available for consumption by wetland-dependent birds and other wildlife (Smith et al. 1989). The term ‘‘moist-soil’’ refers to the soil condition wetland managers attempt to create to promote germination, growth, and seed production of these plants (Haukos and Smith 1993). However, the influence of varying levels of soil moisture, beyond that needed to establish certain communities, on production are seldom examined, leading to erratic annual seed production (e.g., Haukos and Smith 1993, Anderson and Smith 1998, Smith et al. 2004). Pink smartweed (Polygonum pensylvanicum L.) is a moist-soil species often targeted by wetland managers because of its potential for high seed production and superior relative nutritive quality (e.g., Haukos and Smith 1993, 1995). Pink smartweed is one of the most common and widespread species in playas and capable of persisting under a wide range of soil moisture conditions (Wieland and Bazzaz 1975, Haukos and Smith 1997, 2004). However, optimal soil-moisture for establishment, growth, and reproduction appear to be at or near field capacity (Haukos and Smith 2004). Man- WETLANDS, Volume 26, No. 1, 2006 agers in the semi-arid region of the Great Plains and western United States strive for optimum pink smartweed growth conditions to maximize cover and production of nutritious seeds with minimum water applications because of increasing water costs and declining water availability (Smith 2003). Our objective was to examine the influence of growing season soil moisture, as indexed by xylem water potential, on pink smartweed production (vegetation and seeds) and daily photosynthesis patterns to provide improved prescriptions for management of pink smartweed. METHODS Study Area The study was conducted in four playa wetlands in Lubbock (N 338 399, W 1018 499) and Floyd (N 348 009, W 1018 209) counties in the Southern High Plains of Texas, USA. Playas are shallow, depressional recharge wetlands that naturally receive water only through precipitation and runoff; they lose water through recharge to the underlying Ogallala Aquifer, evaporation, and transpiration (Smith 2003). There are more than 19,000 playas in the Southern High Plains of Texas (Guthery and Bryant 1982), comprising approximately 2% of the region (Haukos and Smith 1994), and they are underlain with the hydric soil Randall clay (Allen et al. 1972). Precipitation averages 48 cm annually in the region, with most occurring from thunderstorms from May to September (Bolen et al. 1989). Soil Moisture Conditions We randomly selected four playas (x̄ 5 6.08 ha) that had water-management capabilities allowing us to manipulate soil moisture. Based on sampling of extant vegetation during the previous growing season, pink smartweed was a dominant species in all playas (Smith et al. 2004). Moist-soil conditions (i.e., saturated, exposed soil) were created either via wetland drawdown or flooding using irrigation systems from late March through early April to promote germination of pink smartweed (Haukos and Smith 1993). Following establishment and initial growth of pink smartweed, one of four growing-season water regimes was randomly applied to each playa. In playa A, we maintained flooded conditions throughout the remainder of the growing season (1 June–31 August) by sustaining 3– 5 cm of water on the soil. Playa A represented saturated soil and reducing conditions as water filled air spaces in the soil matrix. Soil of playa B was maintained at approximate field capacity by establishment of satuated soil with no standing surface water each Haukos & Smith, SOIL MOISTURE AND SMARTWEED PRODUCTION week. Because playa soils have a negligible drainage rate following wetting, approximate field capacity should be established shortly after soil saturation (Cassel and Nielsen 1986). By sustaining approximate field capacity through frequent irrigation events in playa B, the maximum amount of water was held by the soil throughout the growing season without inducing reducing conditions. Playa C was managed according to recommendations of Haukos and Smith (1993) by creating moist-soil conditions in June and August and allowing fluctuation among flooded, moist, and dry environments the remainder of the growing season. Playa D was kept dry (plants wilting during the day) throughout the growing period. Field and Laboratory Procedures Beginning 1 June 1993, we determined xylem water potentials (i.e., matric potential) every two weeks through 31 August. Determination of xylem potential provides a measure of total water potential (Waring and Cleary 1967, Turner 1988). Xylem pressure potential is therefore an accurate measure of water available to a plant. We determined xylem water potentials at dawn using a pressure chamber (Scholander et al. 1965, Turner 1988). Ten replicate plants were randomly selected for xylem potential measurements in each playa for each biweekly sampling period. A leafy portion of the plant stem was placed in the pressure bomb chamber. Pressurized nitrogen was introduced into the chamber until water was forced from the xylem on the exposed cut stem. At the pressure when water was forced from the stem, water potential was measured as 2MPa. Water potential values were averaged first for each sampling period, and these were averaged across the growing season for each playa to provide relative growing-season available soil water for pink smartweed among the four playas. Following seed maturity in September, we clipped 12 randomly selected 0.25-m2 plots in homogenous stands of pink smartweed in each playa. Plants were clipped at the soil surface. In the field, we separated seeds from vegetative matter. In the laboratory, we dried each to a constant mass at 408C and weighed each sample to the nearest 0.01 g. We converted seed and vegetation biomass measurements to kg/ha prior to analyses. Over a four-day period in late August, we determined daily net photosynthesis patterns for 10 randomly selected smartweed plants in each playa. We took photosynthesis readings in each playa at 0900, 1200, and 1700 hours using a LI-6200 portable photosynthesis system (Licor Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA). This technique used a closed canopy system to provide a measure of CO2 flux. The difference in CO2 levels 267 of air entering the chamber and leaving the chamber provided an index of photosynthetic rate. The assimilation rate of CO2 is presented as mmhos CO2/L/hr, where L represents the volume of air pumped through the chamber and characterizes an average net photosynthesis rate. We also determined xylem pressure potential at each of these times in each playa for relative comparison. Statistical Analyses Average growing-season xylem water potential defined the differences among the four treatments for the independent variable of soil moisture. We compared seed and vegetative biomass among these four treatments using a completely randomized design analysis of variance (ANOVA; SAS 1999). Following a significant F-test (P , 0.05), we used a least-significant difference test to separate treatment means. Statistically, inference of our results is limited to the sampled playas. However, because of the homogeneity of playa structure and response to moist-soil management (Haukos and Smith 1993, 1994), results should be repeatable to other similarly managed playa wetlands. The effects of soil moisture levels on daily trends in net photosynthesis were determined by using ANOVA comparing playas within each time period. RESULTS The continuously-flooded playa had the lowest absolute xylem water potential value (20.294 MPa), followed by the playa at field capacity (20.446 MPa), moist-soil managed (20.758 MPa), and continuously dry playas (21.039 MPa). Vegetation biomass differed (F3,40 5 97.7, P , 0.001) among soil moisture treatments. As soil moisture increased, vegetation biomass increased in each treatment (Figure 1). Conducting moist-soil management increased vegetation biomass by 44% over the dry treatment. Maintaining soil moisture at field capacity increased vegetation by 32% above the moist-soil treatment. Further, maintaining standing water during the growing season in a playa maximized vegetation production of pink smartweed (Figure 1). Seed production of pink smartweed differed (F3,40 5 54.3, P , 0.001) among soil moisture treatments but had a different pattern than vegetation biomass (Figure 1). Seed production was greatest when soil moisture was maintained at approximate field capacity. There was no difference in seed production between the moist-soil and flooded treatments, which was 28% lower than the field capacity treatment. Seed production in the dry treatment was 46% lower than the field 268 WETLANDS, Volume 26, No. 1, 2006 capacity treatment and 25% below the flooded and moist-soil managed treatments (Figure 1). Daily photosynthesis patterns were similar to changes in xylem water potential throughout the day (Figure 2). The flooded treatment had consistent net photosynthesis and xylem water potentials from 0900 through 1700 hours. The remaining three treatments showed decreasing net photosynthesis and xylem water potential as the day progressed. At 0900, all treatments differed with the field capacity treatment at the greatest net photosynthesis (Figure 2). However, by 1200, the flooded and field capacity treatments had similar net photosynthesis, as did the moist-soil and dry treatments. This pattern was evident at 1700 as well (Figure 2). Xylem water potential never surpassed 22.0 MPa by 1700 hours in any treatment. DISCUSSION The goal of many wetland managers is to provide soil moisture conditions that maximize seed production and biomass of certain plant species. Pink smartweed can persist in a wide range of environmental conditions within playas (Haukos and Smith 2004) and is a target species of management (Haukos and Smith 1993, 1995). Soil moisture during the growing season greatly affected vegetation biomass and seed production of pink smartweed, but soil moisture influenced vegetation and seed production in a different manner. Pink smartweed vegetative production increased with increasing soil moisture. The greatest values of biomass were attained when a water depth of a few cm was maintained on the soil surface. However, seed production was greatest when soils were maintained at field capacity throughout the growing season. Soils subjected to flooded conditions or prescribed periods of moist-soil management had similar seed production, both of which were greater than that for the dry soils. Sultan and Bazzaz (1993) also found variation in vegetative production and seed production of an ecologically similar smartweed species (Polygonum persicaria L.) as soil moisture varied but found that optimal plant-growth conditions occurred when the soil was at field capacity. As net photosynthesis decreased throughout the day in soils that were not inundated, absolute values of xylem water potential increased. Net photosynthesis, however, did not change during the day in the flooded soils, indicating that pink smartweed can translocate water rapidly even during high water-demand periods provided water was available. Although the absolute values likely vary throughout the growing season, we believe that the relative photosynthetic patterns remain consistent, contributing to the difference in production among the treatments. In the Southern High Plains, Figure 1. Average vegetation and seed biomass (6 1 SE) of pink smartweed grown in playa wetlands subjected to continuously flooded, field capacity, fluctuating wet/dry, and dry soil conditions in the Southern High Plains of Texas during August 1993. Means associated with the same uppercase letter do not differ (P . 0.05) between treatments. temperatures commonly exceed 308C and are at their maximum daily highs at 1700 hours (Bolen et al. 1989). Wieland and Bazzaz (1975) also found that pink smartweed growing in water did not have an increase in xylem water potential during peak demand periods. Pink smartweed plants in the soils where soil moisture was at field capacity had the highest net photosynthetic activity during the early time period, but it decreased during the day to levels measured in the flooded treatment by 1200. At 1700 hours, the rate of plants in those soils remained similar despite the widening discrepancy in xylem water potential by late afternoon (20.32 MPa vs. 20.78 MPa). This suggests that pink smartweed has adaptive plasticity in resource allocation in response to levels of soil moisture. Under inundated conditions, pink smartweed does not reduce daily photosynthetic rate and, as a result, allocates re- Haukos & Smith, SOIL MOISTURE AND SMARTWEED PRODUCTION Figure 2. Daily mean net photosynthesis and xylem water potential of pink smartweed in four playa wetlands with different soil moisture regimes (continuously flooded, field capacity, fluctuating wet/dry, and dry soil conditions) measured at 0900, 1200, and 1700 in the Southern High Plains of Texas during August 1993. Means associated with the same uppercase letter do not differ (P . 0.05) between treatments within each time period. sources to maximize biomass. Under other soil-moisture conditions, pink smartweed alters resource allocation to maximize seed production at the expense of vegetative production likely in response to daily increasing water stress, which may be creating a similar response within these plants (e.g., closing of stomata guard cells). Sultan and Bazzaz (1993) reported that the ecologically-related Polygonum persicaria showed phenotypic plasticity by responding to declining soil moisture with a reduction in whole plant photosynthesis, increasing root biomass to expand area of potentially available water and increasing proportional resource allocation to fruit. We found similar responses by pink smartweed in playas. Wetland plants possess various characteristics that enable them to survive periodic soil saturation and accompanying changes in soil chemistry (Pezeshki 2001). Plants capable of persisting in playas must be 269 able to survive and reproduce under a wide range of unpredictable, dynamic environmental conditions. Common species in playas, such as pink smartweed, adapt to changes in soil moisture by altering allocation of resources to ensure seed production and persistence within playas. Warwick and Brock (2003) stated that in less predictable, drier climates, depth, duration, and season (month) of flooding (i.e., soil moisture) influence completion the wetland plant life cycle through selection for sexual reproduction. Although we did not examine relative nutritional value of seeds among the soil-moisture treatments, there exists a potential for changing nutritional quality of seeds under varying soil moisture levels (Haukos and Smith 1994, Pezeshki 1994). Despite similar production of seeds under inundated and moist-soil management treatments, it is possible that nutritional quality differed between the treatments. Reduced soil conditions under flooding may affect nutrient uptake and availability (Pezeshki 1994, Haukos and Smith 1995, 1996), which may alter nutritional quality of seeds. For managers with the objective of increasing wetland carrying capacity for wetland dependent birds, these results have important implications. First, maximum seed production will be achieved by maintaining soils at field capacity conditions. If areas are inundated even a few cm for extended periods, vegetative biomass will increase and seed biomass will decrease, reducing carrying capacity for seed-eating wetland wildlife. If greater vegetative biomass is necessary more from a cover or secondary production standpoint (i.e., invertebrates), managers will need to maintain shallow inundated conditions for a few weeks following germination. If water is kept deeper than a few cm, it will reduce survival and vegetative biomass of the remaining plants (Haukos and Smith 2004). Managers can increase vegetative and seed production of smartweed stands in relatively dry soil conditions up until fruiting times by simply providing additional water following germination. Under average conditions, we expected to produce 532 kg/ha of seed in moist-soil managed playas (Haukos and Smith 1993). This value is similar to that produced in the flooded and moist-soil playas of this study but less than that produced when soil moisture is maintained at field capacity throughout the growing season. The potential increase in seed production by maintaining a playa at field capacity is approximately 150 kg/ ha. This improvement in seed production increases options available for management of playa wetlands. If only a few playas are available to a manager to conduct moist-soil management, then perhaps the most effective use of water would be to maintain soil moisture at field capacity to maximize seed production and potential wildlife food availability. If a number of playas 270 WETLANDS, Volume 26, No. 1, 2006 are available for management and funds for water application are limited, then managers may want to follow previously recommended prescriptions (Haukos and Smith 1993) and produce slightly less seed in all managed playas. This trade off between water cost and seed production should be assessed by each playa manager. These results reflect the findings for one species, pink smartweed. Moist-soil communities typically are more diverse and additional studies are needed on other common species. Moreover, moist-soil studies are needed on the response of the entire community to lower water application prescriptions that would maximize food production for wetland birds while using the least amount of water. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Funding was provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service through the efforts of J. W. Haskins. R. Prather and T. Monasmith assisted in the field and laboratory. L. M. Smith was funded by the Caesar Kleberg Foundation for Wildlife Conservation. This is manuscript T-9-1083 of the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Texas Tech University. LITERATURE CITED Allen, B. L., B. L. Harris, K. R. Davis, and G. B. Miller. 1972. 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