Society for Range Management Vegetation of Prairie Dog Colonies and Non-Colonized Shortgrass Prairie Author(s): Stephen L. Winter, Jack F. Cully, Jr., Jeffrey S. Pontius Source: Journal of Range Management, Vol. 55, No. 5 (Sep., 2002), pp. 502-508 Published by: Allen Press and Society for Range Management Stable URL: . Accessed: 27/05/2011 10:37 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at . . Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Allen Press and Society for Range Management are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of Range Management. J. Range Manage. 55: 502-508 September 2002 Vegetation of prairie dog colonies and non-colonized shortgrass prairie STEPHEN L. WINTER, JACK F. CULLY, JR., AND JEFFREY S. PONTIUS Authors are Refuge Operations Specialist, USFWS, Santa Ana NWR, Rt. 2, Box 202A, Alamo, Tex. 78516; Assistant Unit Leader-Wildlife, USGS-BRD Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Division of Biology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kans. 66506; and, Assistant Professor, Departmentof Statistics and Kansas State Research and Extension, Kansas State University,Manhattan,Kans. 66506. At the time of the research, the senior author was a GraduateStudent,Division of Biology, Kansas State University. Abstract Resumen Black-tailedprairiedogs have declinedby 98%in the past century. Due to continued declines, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Servicedesignatedthe speciesas a candidatefor listing in 2000. Prairie dogs foster both plant and animal diversity, and their continued presence is a concern in the Great Plains. We compared vegetation structure and composition of black-tailed prairie dog (CynomysludovicianusOrd) colonies in southwest Kansas and southeast Colorado to non-colonizedgrassland in 1996, and 1997. Dominantspecies on prairie dog colonieswere Bouteloua gracilis (H. B. K.) Lag. ex Griffiths (14% cover in La poblaciondel perro de la pradera (cola negra) (Cynomys ludovicianusOrd) ha disminuidopor 98% duranteel siglo pasado. Debidoa la reduccionde su poblacion,el perrode la pradera fuedesignado por el U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Servicio Estadounidensede Pescay Vida Silvestre)con un estatusde candidato,en peligrode extincion.Los biologosse preocupanpor la existenciacontinuadadel perrode la praderaporqueesta especie fomentala biodiversidaden los ecosistemasdonde habita.En la presenteinvestigacion,comparamosla estructuray composicion del la vegetacionde praderascolonizadasy no-colonizadaspor perros de la pradera , en el suroestede Kansasy el sureste de Colorado,en 1996 y 1997. Las especiesdominantesen las colonias de perrosde la praderaeranBoutelouagracilis(H.B.K.)Lag ex Griffiths(14% y 15% coberturaen 1996 y 1997, respectivamente),Buchlbedactyloides(Nutt.)Engelm.(7% y 17%cobertura en 1996 y 1997, respectivamente)y Aristida purpurea(9% y 16% coberturaen 1996 y 1997, respectivamente).La cobertura de vegetaciondominanteen sitiosno-colonizadospor perrosde la pradera, seleccionados al azar, era Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.)Torr. (16% y 18% en 1996 y 1997),Boutelouagracilis (13%y 17%en 1996y 1997)y Buchloedactyloides(5%en ambos aiios). En las praderas bajas no-colonizadaspor perros de la pradera,las plantaspredominanteseranBoutelouagracilis(23% y 41% coberturaen 1996 y 1997) y Buchloe dactyloides(8% y 12% coberturaen 1996y 1997).La coberturade gramineasera mayor(P < 0.01) en los sitios seleccionadosal azar (44%)que en las colonias de perros de la pradera (31%) o praderas bajas (33%) en 1996. Al contrario,la coberturade plantasherbaceas era mayor (P < 0.01) en las colonias de perros de la pradera (18%) que en los sitios seleccionados al azar (7%) o en las praderasbajas (8%) duranteel mismoauio.La alturade vegetacion era mayor(Q = 3.66)y la obstruccionvisualera mayor(Q = 3.39) en los sitiosseleccionadosal azar (33.6y 6.4 cm, respectivamente)que en las coloniasde perrosde la pradera(9.5 y 2.5 cm, en 1997,el unicoaiio que estos datoseran menrespectivamente) surados. No existia diferencias (P > 0.05) en el porcentaje de suelo abiertoentrelos tratamientosduranteambosauios.Aunque existen diferenciasen algunos componentesde la vegetacionde las coloniasde perros de la praderay los sitios no-colonizados, sin embargola vegetacionde las coloniasera caracteristicade la region de praderasbajas. Los perros de la praderaciertamente alteranla estructuray composicionde la praderabaja, y probablemente tienen gran influencia sobre la heterogenidad del paisaje.No obstante,los resultadossugierenque la praderabaja esti bien adaptadaal herbivoroy los estorbosedaficosde los perros de la pradera. 1996, 15% in 1997), Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm. (7% cover in 1996, 17% in 1997) and AristidapurpureaNutt. (9% cover in 1996, 16% in 1997). Dominantvegetationat randomly selectednon-colonizedsites wereBouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr. (16%cover in 1996, 18%in 1997),Bouteloua gracilis (13% cover in 1996, 17% in 1997) and Buchloe dactyloides (5% cover in 1996, 5% in 1997).Non-colonizedshortgrasssites were dominated by Bouteloua gracilis (23% cover in 1996, 41% in 1997) and Buchloe dactyloides (8% cover in 1996, 12%in 1997).Cover of grass was higher (P < 0.01) on random sites (44%) than on prairie dog colonies (31%) or shortgrass sites (33%) in 1996, whereas cover of forbs was higher (P < 0.01) on prairie dog colonies (18%) than on random sites (7%) or shortgrass sites (8%) that year. Vegetation height was greater (Q = 3.66) and visual obstructionwas greater (Q = 3.39) on randomsites (33.6 and 6.4 cm, respectively)than on prairiedog colonies(9.5 and 2.5 cm, respectively)in 1997,the only year thesevariableswere measured.Percentbaregrounddid not differ(P > 0.05)amongtreatmentseitheryear. Whilecomponentsof the vegetationon prairie dog coloniesdifferedfrom that found on non-colonizedsites, the vegetationof prairiedog colonieswas, nonetheless,characteristic of a shortgrassregion.Prairiedogs undoubtablyalter vegetation structureand compositionin shortgrassprairie,and likelyhavea great influenceon landscapeheterogeneity,but our results suggest that shortgrassprairieis well adaptedto the herbivoryand soil disturbingactivitiesof prairiedogs. Fundingfor this projectwas providedby KansasStateUniversity,Division of Biology, the U. S. Fish andWildlifeServiceandthe U. S. ForestService.Access to privatelandin MortonCounty,Kans.,andBacaCounty,Colo., was providedby the Addington,Cogbum,Eskew, Frownfelter,Jackson,Jones and Morrisefamilies. Authorswould like to acknowledgethe help and supportreceivedfrom the following people: B. Gill and D. Mulhern,U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service; J. Hartman,J. Cline,N. Brewer,D. SimmonsandK. Willimon,U. S. ForestService; and J. Brite,KansasCooperativeFish and WildlifeResearchUnit. E. Agner,A. Storey,J. Kretzer,J. Wertzand D. Winslowprovidedassistancein the field. C. Best providedthe Spanishtranslationof the abstract.Anonymousreviewersprovidednumerouscommentsthatgreatlyimprovedthe manuscript. Manuscriptaccepted27 Dec. 01. 502 JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT55(5) September 2002 Key Words: black-tailed prairie dog, Cynomys ludovicianus, cover, bare ground, frequency, shortgrass prairie, herbivory,soil disturbance Black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianusOrd) alter vegetation structure, composition,and ecosystem dynamics in South Dakota mixed-grass prairie (Agnew et al. 1986, Archer et al. 1987, Cid et al. 1991, Coppock et al. 1983, Krueger1986), Texas mixed-grassprairie (Weltzin et al. 1997b), Texas mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa Torr.) savanna (Weltzin et al. 1997a), and Colorado shortgrassprairie(Bonham and Lerwick 1976). The importance of prairie dog ecosystemsto numerousvertebratesin the Great Plains has been demonstrated (Kotliaret al. 1999), and increasedawareness of this role has promptedappealsfor heightenedprotectionof prairiedogs and changesto the managementof public and private rangelands (Miller et al. 1994, Davitt et al. 1996). Black-tailed prairie dogs have declined by 98% in the past century, and due to continued recent declines, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service designatedthe species as a candidatefor listingin 2000 (U.S.D.I.2000). The states across the range of blacktailedprairiedogs are developingan interstateconservationstrategyfor the species, so prairie dog conservation efforts will increasinglyinfluencefuturemanagement of western rangelands (Van Pelt 2000). Accurate information on the effects of prairie dogs on vegetation in different areasof theirrangewill contributesignificantlyto rangelandmanagement.Ourpurpose was to quantifydifferencesin vegetation among prairiedog colonies and noncolonized sites in the shortgrassprairieof southwestKansasand southeastColorado. These findings will enhance prairie dog conservation as well as cooperation of land managers,livestock producers,conservationists,and policy makersin ensuring the maintenanceof biotic integrityand economicvitalityof westemrangelands. StudySites and Methods Study sites were located at Cimarron National Grassland in Morton County, southwest Kansas, and adjacent private lands in Baca County,southeastColorado (lat 370 07'N, Long. 1020 00'W). Cimarron NationalGrasslandcomprises> 43,700 ha of predominantly grazed land administered by the U.S. Forest Service. Most of the surroundingprivate land is cropped, but some areas remainin perennialgrass cover and are grazedby cattle(Bos taurus L.). A substantial portion of Cimarron NationalGrasslandis abandonedfarmland that was reclaimed between 1930 and 1950 in the Morton County Land Utilization Project (Schumacher and Atkins 1965), andit is unlikelythatany of our studysites representundisturbedrelict vegetation (T. Watson, USDA-NRCS, pers.comm.). Many areas at Cimarron National by mid-height Grasslandare characterized vegetation,whichmay reflectthe composition of seed mixes used to reclaim abandoned farmland in the 1930's to 1950's andAtkins1965).Otherareas (Schumacher are characterizedby shorter vegetation whichmay reflectpastgrazinghistory.We chose to comparethe vegetationon prairie dog colonies to 2 types of non-colonized grassland:1) areasof shortvegetationthat are presumablycharacteristicof a shortgrass region(shortgrasssites), and 2) randomly selected areas (randomsites). The criterionused to select shortgrasssites was of dominanceby the a visualdetermination perennialshortgrassesBuchloedactyloides (Nutt.)Engelm.andBoutelouagracilis (H. B. K.) Lag. ex Griffiths.Conversely,random sites were selected from a list of potentialsites thathadsoil typesandslopes the prairie identicalto those characterizing dog colonies. Selection of random sites occurredwithoutknowledgeof the vegetationpresentat thosesites. All study sites occupied upland range sites characterized by loamy and silty loam soils within the Richfield-Ulysses association,with slopes between0 to 6% (Dickey et al. 1963). Even though soil type was not consideredin the selectionof shortgrass sites, soil type and slope of these sites were identical to those of prairie dog colonies. Mean precipitation (1901-1996) at the Elkhartweatherstation in Morton County is 44.8 cm (National Weather Service Cooperative Observer Network,Pers.Comm.).Precipitationduring the 12 months prior to sampling in 1996 (1 July 1995, to 30 June 1996) was 34.3 cm, 76 % of the long term mean. Precipitationduringthe 12 monthspriorto samplingin 1997 (1 July 1996, to 30 June 1997) was 68.0 cm, 152%of the long term mean. In 1996 we selected 8 of the largest prairiedog colonies on CimarronNational Grassland(x = 41.49 ha, range = 20-64 ha, total approximately332 ha) for sampling. For comparisonwe selected 8 random sites (x = 56.68 ha, range= 32-64 ha, 454 ha) and5 non-coltotalapproximately JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT55(5) September onized shortgrass sites on Cimarron NationalGrassland(x = 42.10 ha, range= 32-64 ha, total approximately210 ha). Betweenthe 1996 and 1997 field seasons, one of the prairiedog colonies had been destroyedby plague(Cullyet al. 2000) and the boundariesof anotherchanged sufficientlyto makeit unsuitablefor sampling, so these sites were not sampledin 1997. Completionof the 1996 field season indicatedthatit would be logisticallypossible to sample more sites, so 7 additional prairiedog colonies on CimarronNational Grasslandand adjacentprivatelandswere sampled in 1997 (n = 13, x = 39.25 ha, 555 range= 8-125 ha, totalapproximately ha) as well as 1 additionalshortgrasssite on privateland(n = 6, ix= 43.18 ha, range = 32 -64 ha, total approximately260 ha). The 8 randomsites evaluatedin 1996 were sampledagain in 1997. The exact age of prairiedog colonies sampledin this study is unknown,but at least 6 of the colonies werepresentin 1989(Behan1989). Cattlegrazingoccurredat all sites prior to the study, with periods of use being variable.Season-long,rotationalgrazing, and fall and wintergrazingwere all practiced on CimarronNationalGrasslandand adjacentprivatelands. Three prairiedog colonies and 2 shortgrasssites were not grazedby cattlein 1996 and 1997. Due to droughtconditionsin 1996, cattle turnout did not occuruntil 17 June.In 1997, cattle turnout occurred as early as 1 May. Determinationof exact grazingdates and AUM's for each study site from Forest Service grazing scheduleswas not possible because permitteesdid not rigorously adhereto grazing plans. Also, such data would have questionable value because stockwere not uniformlydistributedabout the area. In 1996, samplingoccurredbetween 1 July and 18 July. In 1997, sampling occurred between 18 June and 2 July. Samplingwas conductedusing a 10.0-M2 circularplot centeredon one cornerof a 0.10-nM2rectangularplot. Canopycover of grass, forbs, canopy cover of individual species, and percent bare ground were estimated within the 0.10-iM2 plot. Frequencyof occurrenceof each species was quantifiedusing both the 0.10-nM2and the 10.0-M2plot. The appropriate plot size for detectingstatisticaldifferencesin the frequencyof a species is influencedby the density and dispersion of that species within a community(Hyder et al. 1963, 1965, 1975). Previous researchin shortgrass prairie has shown that small plots sample the dominant grass, Bouteloua gracilis, at optimalfrequencies,but fail to 503 detect less common species (Hyderet al. 1965, 1975). We used 2 different plot sizes becauseconcurrentuse of small and large plots insures adequatesampling of species which are commonand abundant, as well as species which areless commonly encountered(Hyderet al. 1965, 1975). Congenericspecies thatwere difficultto differentiate in the field, such as Amaranthus albus L., A. graecizans L., A. palmeri S. Wats. and A. retroflexus L., were grouped into single taxonomic groupsfor data analysis(e.g. Amaranthus spp). Nomenclaturefollows GreatPlains Flora Association (1986). In 1996, sampling occurred at 40 randomly located points at each study site. To facilitatethe samplingof small prairiedog colonies in 1997, the number of randomly located points sampled at each site was proportional to the areaof the site, thus only 20 pointswere sampledat some of the smaller prairie dog colonies while up to 60 points were sampledat some of the larger randomsites. In 1997, between27 May and 18 June, vegetationstructurewas measuredusing a visual obstruction pole modified from Robel et al. (1970) at randomly located points along transectsat each study site. Again, numberof points sampledat each site variedfrom 35 to 120 in proportionto the areaof the site. The visual obstruction pole was markedin 1 cm increments,and observationswere made 1 meterfrom the pole at a height of 1 meter.One observation was madefromeach of the 4 cardinal directionsat each point,anda meancalculatedfor each point.Vegetationheightwas determinedby recordingthe highestpoint at which vegetation crossed between the observerand the pole. Visual obstruction was determinedby recordingthe lowest pointat whichthe pole was visible. Species richness, Shannon's diversity index (H'), an evennessmeasurebasedon Shannon's diversity index (E), and the inverseof Simpson'sdiversityindex (l/D) were calculatedusing frequencydatafrom both the 0.10-IM2and the 10.0-M2 plots. Diversity index equations were obtained from Magurran(1988). Lower values for H', E and l/D indicatelower diversity,or a less equitabledistributionof abundances amongspecies in a sample,whereashigher values indicate more species or that abundancesamongspecies are moreequitably distributed (Magurran 1988). Extremedominanceby 1 or a few species in a sample can reduce values of H', B, and lID, whereas maximum values are obtained when all species have equal abundances (Magurran 1988). Species 504 richness and diversity indices for 1996 were calculatedby determiningthe total number of species encountered at each study site (40 plots sampled per site). Because the numberof points sampledat each site was variable in 1997, richness and diversity values generatedusing all plots at each site wouldnot be comparable among treatments.Richnessand diversity indicesfor 1997 were calculatedby determiningthe numberof species encountered on a 10-plotbasis at each studysite. Plots within each study replicatewere assigned to 10 plot groupson a randombasis without replacement.Richness and diversity indices for each study site were then obtained by calculating the mean of the 10-plotgroupswithineach site. Two-tailed tests were used to test the null hypothesisthattherewas not a significantdifferenceamongthe meansof the 3 treatments(prairiedog colonies, random sites, and shortgrass sites). The experimentalunits were each site withina treatment (i.e. 8 prairiedog colonies in 1996, 13 in 1997). Response variableswere % cover, % bare ground,vegetationheight, visual obstruction, and frequency. Data from the 2 years were not combined for analysisbecauseof the differentsampling times in each year and the addition and deletionof studysites betweenthe 2 years. For statisticalanalysiswe used one-factor ANOVA with 3 treatments,using SAS v. 6.11 proc glm (1996), when the assumptions of the F-testwere satisfied.Whenthe assumptionsof the F-test were not satisfied, we used the Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric test (SAS v. 6.1 1 proc nparlway 1996) and a Tukey-type nonparametricmultiple comparisonmethod (Zar1996).We set ct = 0.05 for hypothesis tests. A test statistic value of Q > 2.39 generatedby the Tukey-typetest indicated significant differences. When a species was detected at only 1 site it was not includedin statisticalevaluations. Results In 1996 and 1997, respectively, we detecteda totalof 84 and 92 plantspecies or taxonomic groups on prairie dog colonies, 91and 96 on randomsites, and 75 and87 on shortgrasssites. Duringthe 2 years, 6 species and 2 taxonomicgroups were restrictedto prairiedog colonies and 23 species were restricted to non-colonized sites. Nine of the 23 were encountered only on randomsites, while 7 were encountered only on shortgrass sites. When frequencydatafrom both the 0.10m2 and 10.0-M2 plots were used to calculate species richnessand diversityindices in 1996 and 1997, there were no significant differences(P > 0.05) among any of the treatments(Table1). In 1996, more grass cover (P < 0.01) occurredon randomsites than on prairie dog colonies or shortgrass sites, while grass cover was similaramongtreatments Table 1. Mean (+ SE) species richness, Shannon's diversity index (H'), an evenness measure based on Shannon's diversity index (E) and the inverse of Simpson's diversity index (1/D) of vegetation sampled in prairie dog colonies, non-colonized random sites and non-colonized shortgrass sites during 1996 (n = 8, 8, and 5, respectively), and 1997 (n = 13, 8, and 6, respectively), in Kansas and Colorado. PrairieDog Colonies 0.10-nM2 plots - 1996 richness H' E I/D 10.0-m2 plots - 1996 richness H' E I/D 0.10-m2plots Random Sites Shortgrass Sites 20.25 ? 1.05 2.36 ? 0.05 0.79 ? 0.02 8.06?0.50 18.13 ? 2.20 ? 0.77 ? 7.21 ? 41.38 ? 2.28 3.18 ? 0.05 0.86 ? 0.01 19.91 ? 0.81 44.63 ? 1.99 3.21 ? 0.07 0.85 ?:0.01 19.68 ? 1.75 41.2 ? 2.08 3.12 ? 0.04 0.84 ? 0.01 18.37 ? 1.06 11.31 ? 0.89 2.05 ? 0.09 0.86 ? 0.01 8.11 ?0.87 11.00 ? 0.77 2.07 ? 0.09 0.88 ? 0.01 8.74 ?0.87 11.25 ? 2.09 ? 0.88 ? 8.88? 1.06 0.11 0.01 1.69 29.21 ? 1.32 3.05 ? 0.06 0.91 ? 0.01 21.15 ? 1.34 29.94 ? 1.53 3.09 ? 0.06 0.91 ? 0.01 22.37 ? 1.44 28.06 ? 3.01 ? 0.91 ? 20.16 ? 1.37 0.06 0.01 1.53 1.83 0.13 0.02 1.04 18.60 ? 2.20 ? 0.76 ? 7.14? 2.52 0.17 0.02 1.41 - 1997 richness H' E I/D 10.0-m2plots - 1997 richness H' E I/D JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT55(5) September 2002 Table 2. Mean cover (? SE) of grasses, forbs, bare ground and the 4 dominant grasses on prairie dog colonies, non-colonized random sites and non-colonized shortgrass sites in 1996 (n = 8, 8 and 5, respectively) and 1997 (n = 13, 8, and 6, respectively), and mean (? SE) vegetation height and visual obstruction in 1997, in Kansas and Colorado. Different superscripts within rows indicate significant differences (P < 0.05 or Q > 2.39) from pair-wise comparisons. PrairieDog Colonies 1996 grass forb bare ground AristidapurpureaNutt. Bouteloua curtipendula(Michx.) Torr. Bouteloua gracilis (H. B. K.) Lag. ex Griffiths Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm. 30.71 ? 18.31 ? 30.11 ? 8.53 ? 0.13 ? 14.28 ? 7.16 ? 1997 grass forb bare ground AristidapurpureaNutt. Bouteloua curtipendula(Michx.) Torr. Bouteloua gracilis (H. B. K.) Lag. ex Griffiths Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm. vegetationheight visual obstruction 51.85 ? 10.56 ? 32.70 ? 15.60 ? 0.06 ? 15.07 ? 17.44 ? 9.48 ? 2.49 ? in 1997 (Table 2). In 1996, more forb cover (P < 0.01) occurredon prairiedog colonies than on random or shortgrass sites, but was similar (P > 0.05) among treatmentsin 1997. The amountof bare ground was similar (P > 0.05) among treatments in 1996 and 1997. In 1997, vegetationheight was greater(Q = 3.66) and visual obstructionwas greater (Q = 3.39) on randomsites than on prairiedog colonies. Based on cover, the 4 most dominant grasses were Aristida purpurea Nutt., Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr., Bouteloua gracilis and Buchloe dacty- loides. In 1996, there was more cover of Bouteloua curtipendula on random sites thanon prairiedog colonies (Q = 3.11) or shortgrasssites (Q = 2.47), and therewas more (P = 0.01) cover of Aristida pur- purea on prairie dog colonies than on shortgrasssites (Table 2). In 1997, there was more cover of Bouteloua gracilis on shortgrass sites than on the prairie dog colonies (P < 0.01) or the randomsites (P < 0.01), more (Q = 3.84) cover of Bouteloua curtipendula on the random sites thanon the prairiedog colonies, and more (Q = 2.92) cover of Aristida purpurea on the prairiedog colonies thanon the shortgrasssites. Acrossyears andplot sizes, 7 species or taxonomicgroupsof perennialforbs were more frequent on random sites than on prairiedog colonies duringat least 1 year (Tables 3 and 4). Using the 0. 10-IM2plot, this difference was detected for Psoralia tenuifoliaPurshin 1997 (P < 0.01). Using the 10.0-M2 plot, this difference was Random Sites Shortgrass Sites 3.17a 1.86a 0.12a 4.60a 1.53a 44.29 ? 2.19 7.11 ? 1.73 32.10 ? 3.08a 4.29 ? 1.62ab 16.38 ? 4.64b 13.18 ? 2.69a 5.08 ? 2.98a 32.84 ? 7.63 ? 28.25 ? 1.67 ? 0.09 ? 22.99 ? 7.62 ? 3.1Oa 2.57a 2.61a 2.74a 0.06a 4.70a 4.68a 0.80a 0.17a 51.41 ? 0.68a 10.01 ? 1.96a 32.38 ? 1.55a 4.92 ? 1.30ab 17.85 ? 5.37b 16.74 ? 3.02a 5.12 ? 2.51a 33.59 ? 3.29b 6.41 ? 1.32b 60.01 ? 2.90a 6.37 ? 1.39a 27.06 ? 4.54a 4.12 ? 0.88b 2.67 ? 1.39' 40.80 ? 6.61b 12.29 ? 3.61a 25.22 ? 5.50ab 5.40i1.22? 1.79a 2.96a 1.23a 1.47 1.95a 0.47b 0.07a 3.08a 1.74a detected for Astragalus lotiflorus Hook. in 1996 (P = 0.04), Gaura coccinea Pursh in 1997 (P < 0.01), Asclepias latifolia (Torr.) Raf. in 1997 (Q = 2.78), Convulvulus equitans Benth. in 1997 (Q = 3.49), Thelespermaspp. in 1997 (Q = 3.32) and Trapopogon dubius Scop. in 1997 (Q = 3.07). Therewere no perennialforbsmore frequenton prairiedog colonies thanrandom sites. Acrossyearsandplot sizes, 5 species or taxonomic groups of annual forbs were morefrequenton prairiedog colonies than on randomsites (Tables 3 and 4). Using the 0.10-M2 plot, this difference was detected for Amaranthus spp. (P = 0.01) and Euphorbia spp. (P < 0.01) in 1996. Using the 10.0-m2plot, this differencewas detectedfor Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad. (Q = 3.33), Salsola spp. in 1997 (P < 0.01), EuphorbiastrictosporaEngelm. in 1997 (Q = 3.15), and for Euphorbiaspp. in 1996 (P < 0.01). In both years, the annual forb, Cryptanthaminima Rydb., was only detectedon prairiedog colonies. Therewere no annualforbsmorefrequent on randomsites thanprairiedog colonies. Use of the 0.10-m2 plot indicated the annualgrass HordeumpusilumNutt. was more frequent (P < 0.01) on shortgrass sites than prairie dog colonies in 1997 (Table 4). Anotherannualgrass, Bromus japonicus Thunb. ex Murr., was not detected on prairie dog colonies during either year, but occurredon randomand shortgrasssites in 1997. Frequenciesof all other annual grasses were similar (P > 0.05) whenprairiedog colonieswerecomparedto shortgrasssites andrandomsites. Higherfrequencies(P < 0.02 in 1996, Q > 2.68 in 1997) of the perennial grass Aristidapurpureaon prairiedog colonies than random and shortgrass sites were detectedwhen the 0.10-nM2plot was used, while both plot sizes indicatedthe perenpaniculatuswas nial grassSchedonnardus more frequent(P < 0.01) on prairiedog colonies than randomand shortgrasssites in 1997. Use of the 10.0-M2 plot in 1997 indicated the perennial grass Buchloe dactyloideswas more frequent(P = 0.01) on prairiedog colonies than randomsites thatyear. Acrossyearsandplot sizes, the perennial grassBoutelouacurtipendulawas more frequent(Q > 2.44) on randomsites than prairiedog colonies, while the perennial grass Bouteloua gracilis was more frequent (P < 0.03) on shortgrasssites than Table 3. Mean frequencies (+ SE) of species that differed significantly among treatments during sampling of prairie dog colonies, non-colonized random sites and non-colonized shortgrass sites (n = 8, 8, and 5, respectively) in Kansas and Colorado during 1996. Different superscripts within rows indicate significant differences (P < 0.05 or Q > 2.39) from pair-wise comparisons. PrairieDog Colonies 0. 10-m2plots Amaranthusspl. Euphorbiaspp. AristidapurpureaNutt. Bouteloua curtipendula(Michx.) Torr. Bouteloua gracilis (H. B. K.) Lag. ex Griffiths 10.0-mrplots Astragalus lotiflorusHook. Euphorbiaspp.2 CryptanthaminimaRydb. AmbrosiaconfertifoliaDC. Bouteloua curtipendula(Michx.) Torr. Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.)Engelm. Random Sites 0.09 ? 0.04a 0.72 ? 0.07a 0.01 ? 0.01 b 0.23 ? 009b 0.55 ? 0.09a 0.01 ? O.Ola 0.54 ? 0.12a 0.28 ? 0.08b 0.46 ? 0.12b 0.41 ? 0.08a 0.02 ? 0.01a 0.93 ? 0.03a 0.01 ? 0.01 0.11 ? 0.50 ? 0.12b 0 0.05 ? 0.03ab 0.01 ?O.Ola 0.01 ? 0.Ola 0.68 ? 0.07ab 0.39 ? 0. 14a 0.62 ? 0.14b Shortgrass Sites 0 0.56 ? 0.16 ? 0.01 ? 0.89 ? 0.09a 0.04b O.O1a 0.05b 0 0.93 ? 0.05ab 0 0.11 ? 0.06b 0.04 ? 0.02al 0.88 ? 0.05b Amaranthusalbus L., A. graecizans L., A. palmeri S. Wats., and A. retroflexusL. 2EuphorbiaglyptospermaEngelm., E. missuricaRaf., and E. serpyllifoliaPers. JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT55(5) September 505 Table 4. Mean frequencies (? SE) of species that differed significantly among treatments during sampling of prairie dog colonies, non-colonized random sites and non-colonized shortgrass sites (n = 13, 8 and 6, respectively) in Kansas and Colorado during 1997, as well as notable species which could not be statistically analyzed. Different superscripts within rows indicate significant differences (P < 0.05 or Q > 2.39) from pair-wise comparisons. PrairieDog Colonies Random Sites Euphorbiaspp. Sphaeralcea coccinea (Pursh)Rydb. Astragalus spp. Psoralea tenuifolia Pursh AristidapurpureaNutt. Bouteloua curtipendula(Michx.) Torr. Bouteloua gracilis (H. B. K.) Lag. ex Griffiths 0.72 ? 0.07a 0.35 ? 0.05a 0.01 ? O.Ola 0.01 ? O.Ola 0.62 ? 0.07a 0.01 ? O.Ola 0.38 ? 0.09a 0.23 009b 0.24 ? 0.04a 0.02 + O.Olb 0.09 0.05b 0.24 0.06b 0.43 0.12b 0.42 0.08a 0.56 +0.090.14 ? 0.03' 0.01 ? O.Olab 0.01 ? 0.0lab 0.25 ? 0.04b 0.10 ? 0.06ab 0.81 ? 0.07b Hordeum 0.05 ? 0.02a 0.03 0.Ola 0.16 ?0.04b 0.22 ? 0.04a 0.03 ? O.Ola 0.08 0.16 0.04b 0.05b 0.06 ? 0.03b 0.08 ? 0.02' 0.23 ? 0.05a 0.11 ? 0.03a 0 0.12 ? 0.04a 0.11 ? 0.03a 0.03 ? 0.02a 0.09 ? 0.03a 0.01 ? O.Ola 0.01 ? O.Ola 0.03 ? O.Olb 0.01? O.Olb 0.06 ? 0.03a 0.44 ? 0.1lb 0.26 ? 0.05b 0.02 ? O.Olab 0.01 ? .01b 0.03 ? O.Olb 0.04 ? 00.1b 0. 10-m2 plots pusilum Nutt. Schedonnarduspaniculatus (Nutt.) Trel. Sporoboluscryptandrus(Torr.)A. Gray 10.0-m2plots Kochia scoparia (L.) Schrad. Salsola spp. 2 Dalea enneandraNutt. Psoralea tenuifoliaPursh Gaura coccinea Pursh Oenotheratriloba Nutt. Euphorbiastictospora Engelm. Asclepias latifolia (Torr.)Raf. Convulvulusequitans Benth. Cryptantha minima Rydb. Thelespermaspp.3 Trapopogon dubius Scop. ? 0.14 ? 0.04 0 AristidapurpureaNutt. Bouteloua curtipendula(Michx.) Torr. Bromusjaponicus Thunb.ex Murr. Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm. Hordeumpusilum Nutt. Schedonnarduspaniculatus (Nutt.) Trel. 0.07 ? 0.07a 0.01 ?O.Ola 0.87 ? 0.04a 0.04 ? 0.03a 0 0.65 ? 0.08a 0.14 ? 0.04 ab 0.66 ? 0.06a 0.19 ? 0.09b 0.07 ? 0.03b 0.56 ? 0.09b 0.58 ? 0.13b 0.16 ? 0.06a 0.32 ? 0.12b Sporobolus cryptandrus (Torr.) A. Gray 0.10 ? 0.04a Shortgrass Sites 0.09 ? 0.04ab 0.02 ? O.Olb 0.04 ? 0.03a 0.18 ? 0.08a 0.07 ? 0.02a 0.06 ? O.Olb 0.03 ? 0.02' 0.01 ? O.Ola 0.01 ? O.Ola 0 0.04 ? 0.02' 0.10+ 0.0? 0.72 ? 0.07ab 0.18 ? 0.10' 0.18 ? 0.14a 0.07 ? 0.03a 0.74 ? 0.07a 0.45 ? 0.1 lb 0.22 ? 0.06b 0.26 ? 0.06b 0.38 ? 0.09b 0.37 ? 0.1 lb IAstragaluslotiflorus Hook. and A. nuttallianusDC. 2Salsola collina Pall. and S. iberica Senn. & Pau 3Thelespermafilifolium(Hook.) A. Gray and T. megapotamicum(Spreng.)0. Ktze. prairiedog colonies whenthe 0.10-m2plot was used bothyears.Use of bothplot sizes indicatedthe perennialgrass Sporobolus cryptandrus(Torr.)A. Graywas morefrequent (P < 0.01) on random sites than prairiedog colonies in 1997. Discussion Numerous species were detected only on prairiedog colonies,or on only 1 of the non-colonized treatments,and statistical analyses was not possible for these and many others. Because the majority of these species were encounteredso rarely, theirpresenceor absencefrom any of the treatmentsis likely of no biologicalsignificance. However, some of these species deserve mention because when they did occur on 1 of the treatments,they were presentin relativelyhigh frequencies.This includesthe annualforb Cryptanthamini- 506 ma, found solely on prairiedog colonies. Notablespecies foundsolely on non-colonized sites include the perennial forb Dalea enneandra Nutt., and the annual grass Bromus japonicus. For many of the species examined in this study,differencesin frequencyamong treatmentswere detected 1 year and not the other. This is likely explainedby the great difference in precipitationamounts precedingeach field season.Also, statistical analyses detected significant differences for some species using resultsfrom one plot size, but not the other.This is to be expected because density and dispersion characteristics of each species greatly influences the effectiveness of different sized plots used for statistical sampling (Hyderet al. 1963, 1965), and we used 2 plot sizes to accountfor these differences. While analyses of the diversity indices indicatedno significantdifferencesamong the treatments,analyses of the cover and frequencydata revealednumerousdiffer- ences, and definite trendsin the data are evident.Prairiedog colonies tendedto be characterized by highercover andfrequencies of perennialshortgrassesand annual forbs,whereasnon-colonizedrandomsites were characterizedby higher cover and frequenciesof perennialmid-heightgrasses and perennialforbs. Otherstudieshave reportedcomparableresults. Researchin South Dakota (Coppock et al. 1983, Agnew et al. 1986, Archeret al. 1987) and Texas (Weltzin et al. 1997b) has consistently reportedhigher cover values, frequenciesandbiomassof mid-heightgrasses on non-colonized mixed-grassprairie relative to prairie dog colonies. In Colorado, Bonham and Lerwick (1976) reportedhigher cover of annualforbs on prairiedog colonies thanin non-colonized shortgrass prairie. Likewise, in South Dakota, Archer et al. (1987) reported higher frequencies of annual forbs on prairiedog colonies thanin non-colonized mixed-grassprairie.Finally,Weltzinet al. (1997b) reportedthatprairiedog colonies were characterizedby significantlylower biomass of perennial forbs and annual grasses than non-colonized mixed-grass prairiein Texas. Compositiondifferencesin the vegetation of prairiedog colonies and non-colonized sites are likely explainedby differences in the frequency and intensity of herbivoryand soil disturbance.Although graminoidstend to comprise the bulk of prairiedog diets (Hansenand Gold 1977, Summersand Linder 1978, Fagerstoneet al. 1981, Wydeven and Dahlgren 1982, Uresk 1984), herbivory pressure on all vegetation within colonies should be intense, relative to non-colonized grassland. Prairiedogs can defoliate plants at the groundsurfaceand they will dig into the soil to expose planttissue afteraboveground parts have been removed (King 1955, Koford 1958, Smith 1967). Additionally, prairiedogs forage within the confines of the colony throughoutthe year, so plants may be defoliatedseasonlong, year afteryear.We do not know the exact ages of the colonies we sampled. However, others have demonstratedthat longer periods of occupancy by prairie dogs results in greatercompositionaland structuralcontrasts between prairie dog colonies and non-colonized areas (Coppocket al 1983, Archeret al. 1987). The perennial grasses that dominated prairie dog colonies in this study were characterized by traitsthatshouldbe beneficial in environments characterizedby high rates of herbivory.These include a short stature (Bouteloua gracilis and JOURNAL OF RANGE MANAGEMENT55(5) September 2002 Buchloe dactyloides), a sprawling habit (Schedonnarduspaniculatus), and sharptipped awns (Aristidapurpurea).Buchloe dactyloides has also been shown to be very tolerant of high rates of cattle herbivory (Klipple and Costello 1960, Launchbaugh 1967, Hart and Ashby 1998). The non-colonized random sites were characterizedby taller grasses such as BoutelouacurtipendulaandSporobolus cryptandrus.The extremeherbivorypressures on prairie dog colonies likely reducesthe competitiveinfluenceof many species within a colony (e.g. Bouteloua curtipendula),allowing species which are less palatable, or exceptionally adept at avoidingor toleratingherbivory,to experience competitive release (e.g. Buchloe dactyloides and Aristida purpurea). Differencesthat we detectedin graminoid composition,vegetationheight and visual obstructionsuggest theremay be less forage available for cattle on prairie dog colonies relative to non-colonized areas. However,othershave arguedthatbecause a large proportionof the forage within a colony is high quality regrowth, reductions in forage quantity on colonies is compensated by an increase in forage quality(O'Meiliaet al. 1982, Coppocket al. 1983,Krueger1986). The burrowing,digging and scratching of soil by prairie dogs may also benefit species which competepoorly with dominating perennial vegetation. Small-scale soil disturbancesin shortgrassprairiehave been describedas "safe sites" where the overwhelming competitive effects of perennial grasses are greatly reduced (Milchunas et al. 1992, Aguilera and Lauenroth1995). Bare and disturbedsoils within prairiedog colonies may provide ";safesites" for ruderalspecies that can avoid or tolerate prairie dog herbivory (e.g. Amaranthusspp., Euphorbia spp., Salsola spp., Kochia scoparia and Cryptanthaminima).While our methods were not suitablefor identifyingwhether ruderalspecies were actually growing in areasof disturbedsoil withina prairiedog colony, as opposed to growing within undisturbedsod, our results demonstrate thatprairiedog colonies providedsuperior environments,relative to non-colonized areas,for manyof these species. Shortgrassprairievegetationis consideredwell adaptedto the herbivoryof large ungulates (Mack and Thompson 1982, Milchunas et al. 1988, 1998, Hart and Ashby 1998). In shortgrassprairie,cattle grazing can homogenize vegetation, in part because the alreadydominantshortgrasses increase their dominance in response to herbivory (Milchunas et al. 1988, 1992, 1998, Milchunasand Lauenroth 1989). The effects of intensegrazing and soil disturbanceby prairie dogs on shortgrassprairiemay counterthe homogenizingeffects of cattlegrazing.The importance of prairiedogs in promotingheterogeneity in shortgrasslandscapeshas been asserted by others (Knopf and Sampson 1997), in partbecausecolonies occur at a much largerscale than otherdisturbances in shortgrassprairie,such as cattle fecal pats, harvester ant nest sites, gopher mounds, small mammal diggings, and areasinfestedwith root feedingbeetle larvae (Coffin and Lauentroth 1988, Martinsen et al. 1990, Milchunas et al. 1992). We found numerousdifferencesamong the vegetationof prairiedog colonies and non-colonized areas, especially when prairie dog colonies were compared to random sites. We conclude that prairie dogs influenceshortgrassprairiein a manner which causes the vegetation of colonies to be distinct from that of adjacent non-colonized areas. However, in spite of these differences,our resultsalso lead us to conclude that prairie dogs do not substantiallyalterthe essentialcharacter of shortgrass vegetation. While frequencies of various plant components were alteredon prairiedog colonies, and some lesser componentswere missing, all of the componentstypical of the region's vegetation were present. Colonies were dominated by perennial warm-season grasses characteristic of a shortgrass region, and colonies had similaramounts of baregroundwhencomparedto non-colonizedsites. Shortgrass prairie is considered well adaptedto the herbivoryof large ungulates. 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