Ecosystems and Biodiversity: overview of mechanistic studies David Chandler, Walter Dodds, Mark Eberle, Michelle Evans-White, Keith Gido, David Hoeinghaus, Tony Joern, Angela Laws, Justin Murdock, Jesse Nippert, Jim Thorp Ecosystems and Biodiversity: overview of mechanistic studies Natural History Collections Integration Mechanistic Studies Modeling Ecoforecasting Terrestrial Studies What is the physiological plasticity and potential for adaptive evolution in Panicum virgatum in response to altered precipitation and N deposition? 4 native genotypes in the Central Plains • Objective 1: j Measure the ecological g responses of P. virgatum to projected changes in precipitation and nitrogen deposition • Objective 2: Assess the presence and expression of genetic variation within and among populations to changes in and among populations to changes in precipitation and nitrogen deposition • Objective Objective 3: Model productivity 3: Model productivity responses to changes in precipitation and nitrogen deposition to assess potential future ecosystem change resulting from the physiological lti f th h i l i l plasticity of natural populations Nippert et al., pending NSF support We are manipulating rainfall timing and soil N availability using the Mesocosm soil N availability using the Mesocosm facility at the Konza Prairie. P. virgatum genotypes are planted in replicated individual mesocosm ‘cells’ (64 total) and receive 1 of 4 rainfall treatments and 1 of 2 nitrogen deposition treatments (8 total). 2 rainfall intervals 2 rainfall intervals All mesocosm cells (and genotypes) receive the same amount of annual precipitation as per the native site but the native site, but the timing of rainfall is altered according to climate change climate change predictions for the Central Plains every 12 days every 6 days Seasonal rainfall distribution Equal Growing‐ 50 / 50 season / Dormant ‐ season Ambient 75 / 25 Altered Ambient +N +N +N +N ambient N or +N (5g/m2) added to each rainfall treatment How will species interactions vary with climate change? Temperature, Food quality, etc • Altered temperature and food quality, which are predicted to vary with climate change, have potential to affect invertebrate species interactions. ((‐)) (+)/(‐) (+) () (‐) • Potential for non Potential for non‐linear, linear, indirect indirect interactions make predictions difficult without an understanding of underlying mechanisms •Understanding the mechanisms will enable us to make predictions about responses of other systems to climate change. Laws and Joern, pending NSF support Field Experiments Treatments: • Temperature (ambient, increased, decreased) • Food Quality (ambient, decreased) • Grasshopper G h D Density i (hi (high, h low) l ) • Predation Risk (predators present, absent) Measure grasshopper performance (survival, body mass, fecundity) in each treatment Grasshopper fecundity at Konza The relative importance of biotic and abiotic factors in controlling fecundity in grasshopper populations is not well understood Conducting a long term survey of 4 grasshopper species in eight watersheds at Konza to measure fecundity • Management practices (fire, bison grazing) • Grasshopper density • Food quantity and quality • Weather/temperature • Hatching phenology Orphulella speciosa Aquatic Studies Eco-Forecasting in the Kansas River: EcoS i Communities, Species, C i i andd the h Ecosystem E James H. Thorp and KU River Ecology Lab Grad Students (Brian O’Neil, Sarah Schmidt, and Bradley William) Ecoforecasting in the Kansas River: KU River Ecology Lab Eco-Forecasting Research Strategies for the Kaw Predictions of Climate Change Models [Changes in Precipitation & Runoff Patterns] [Results from other EPSCoR & national scientists] Changes g in River Hydrogeomorphology y g p gy [Direct effects from altered hydrology and indirect effects from altered channel geomorphology] [River Ecology group at KU] Microalgal Community Structure aandd Net Ecosystem cosyste Metabolism etabo s Zoobenthic Community Co u ty St Structure uctu e Species st but o s Distributions [Sarah Schmidt] [Brian O’Neill] [Bradley Williams] Community & Ecosystem Effects [see posters for details] Microalgal Community Structure and Net Ecosystem Metabolism Zoobenthic Community Structure [[Sarah Schmidt;; Ph.D. project] p j ] [[Brian O’Neill;; Masters;; going g g on to Ph.D]] • Effects on NEM from variation in geomorphic complexity (longitudinal & lateral) and hydrologic changes (amount & variability) • Differences in algal community in thalweg and slackwater areas Masters Research: Effects of hydrogeomorphic changes on benthic community di diversity, it species i composition, iti and density (emphasis on chironomid midges) Ph.D. Research: • Contribution of benthic algae & phytoplankton to photosynthesis • Changes in microbial loop (future project) [In development but topic related to eco-forecasting eco forecasting in Great Plains rivers] Effects on Species Distribution [see poster for details] [ Bradley Williams; Ph.D. project ] Medium M di Spatial S i l Scale S l (river network; valley-to-reach) Large Spatial L S i l Scale S l (ecoregional and above) Models emphasizing hydrogeomorphic patches and river complexity (e.g., the Riverine Ecosystem Synthesis; Thorp p et al. 2006,, 2008)) and the ecological importance of Functional Process Zones (FPZs) Models emphasizing temperature water hardness, temperature, hardness and river network connectivity (e.g., Garp) KU River Ecology Lab KU Biodiversity Institute Ecoforecasting in the Kansas River: Land use effects ff t on metabolism t b li and diversity Patterns in metabolism and diversity in Kansas River basin Patterns in Stream Metabolism in the Kansas River Basin •Land Land cover data •In-stream habitat •Dissolved Di l d nutrients t i t •Benthic and sestonic algae •Nutrient Limitation via diffusing substrata 12 DO(mg/L) 10 8 6 4 2 0 8/2/07 12:00 8/3/07 0:00 8/3/07 12:00 Time 8/4/07 0:00 8/4/07 12:00 Patterns in Macroinvertebrates and Fishes Across a Productivity Gradient in the Kansas River Basin •Metabolism •Water W t chemistry h it •Benthic organic matter standing stocks •In-stream habitat Ecoforecasting in the Kansas River: nutrient l di andd aquatic loading ti consumers Gido et al., pending NSF support Theoretical predictions: grazer x nutrient interactions Experimental Stream: Konza Prairie Measuring ecosystem responses • Structure – Algal filament length – Algal Al l bi biomass • Chlorophyll a extracted from natural pebbles – Particulate Organic Matter (POM) – Macroinvertebrate abundance • Function – Gross Primary Productivity ( (GPP) ) – Nutrient retention Preliminary results: grazer and nutrient t i t loding l di 30 tio 25 :N ra Periphyyton C ass (chl a Algal bioma mg/m2) 1000 100 5 10 20 i en 1 20 ) mb h Fis 2 (x a 25 1 15 m i ng 10 / (g o ad 5 s nt l bio s ma 0 as trie 15 ) 5 om Nu g /m s( 10 bi 10 2 15 sh Fi 0 10 20 10 25 t) Nu Periphyton quantity controlled by nutrient loading t lo t r ie n a din g mb (x a ient ) Periphyton quality controlled by grazers and nutrient loading Summary • Terrestrial studies – Effects of pprecipitation p and nutrient on physiology p y gy of P. virgatum – Effects of temperature and food quality on trophic i t interactions ti in i grassland l d food f d webb • Aquatic studies – Climate and hydrogeomorphic h drogeomorphic effects on Kansas Ri River er ecosystem, communities and species distributions – Effects of land use on stream metabolism and biodiversity – Effects of nutrient loading and grazers on stream ecosystem t structure t t andd function f ti