Call for Applications Post/s of Research Support Officer I or II SMART - FP7 Project Scalable Measures for Automated Recognition Technology Department of Cognitive Science Faculty of Media and Knowledge Sciences 1. Applications are invited for the post of Project Officer to work on SMART Scalable Measures for Automated Recognition Technology. SMART is a project supported by the European Union within the Seventh Frame Work Programme (FP7) in which the University of Malta is a partner. Further information about SMART can be obtained from the project website at 2. Applicants must be in possession of a first degree, ideally in Psychology or related disciplines, and should preferably also be in possession of a Masters degree. Familiarity with qualitative research methods, previous experience in report writing and co-ordination of international research projects will be considered an asset. 3. This full-time post is for a period of one year and carries a salary of €20,800 for those in possession of a first degree, €24,960 for those in possession of a Masters degree. 4. Candidates should submit their letter of application, a copy of their curriculum vitae and copies of their certificates. Applications may be sent by e-mail to or Director for Human Resources Management and Development Room 214, Administration Building University of Malta Msida, MSD 2080 Applications should be received by not later than noon of XXXX, XX May 2012. Late applications will not be considered. 5. Further information may be obtained from the Office for the Human Resources Management and Development, Room 214, Administration Building or from the website: Office of the University, Msida, xxth May 2012 Call for Applications Post/s of full-time Research Support Officer I or II FP7 Funded Project SMART - Scalable Measures for Automated Recognition Technology Department of Cognitive Science, Faculty of Media and Knowledge Sciences Further Information 1. The Research Support Officer will be responsible for the execution of a number of tasks related to SMART a project supported by the European Unition under the Seventh Frame Work Programme (FP7) in which the Department of Cognitive Science, University of Malta is a Work Package Coordinator. Further information about SMART may be obtained from the project website at or from Dr Noellie Brockdorff at The Project Officer will be responsible to the project co-ordinator Department of Cognitive Science, University of Malta. The main duties and responsibilities will consist of carrying out Research and Project Management Assistant duties including: Project Planning, Project Administrative Reporting; and providing assistance to project leaders in: a. Researching and reviewing of: texts ( papers, books and other academic publications) relevant to the research topic; National, European and International policies and reports related to privacy and user generated content services; b. Co-ordination of work with other project partners; c. Undertaking qualitative research including organization of interviews, note taking, transcriptions of interviews etc; d. Analysis of research findings; e. Writing of reports based on results; and f. Organization of dissemination activities relating to the project. 2. The appointee is expected to work at such places and during such hours as may be determined by the University authorities. 3. The selection procedure will involve: a. scrutiny of qualifications and experience claimed and supported by testimonials and/or certificates (copies to be included with the application); and b. an interview and / or extended interview. 4. This post is for a period of one year, which will be subject to a probationary period and to the provisions of the Statutes, Regulations and Bye-Laws of the University of Malta which are now or which may hereafter be in force. Office of the University, Msida, xxxxxxxxx 2012