GRANTS REVIEW & APPROVAL - DRAFT 031116 The Grants Office of Cabrillo College thanks you for your interest in pursuing possible grant opportunities. Please take a few minutes to complete this form to facilitate communication with our office and college leadership. GENERAL Proposed Lead: Title/position: Division: Phone Extension: Email: DESCRIPTION Project Title: Briefly describe the proposed project (150 word limit). If available, please attach a more detailed project description as an appendix. ALIGNMENT – STRATEGIC PRIORITIES Check as many as apply: ☐ Priority 1 – Professional Development/ Transformational Learning ☐ Priority 2 – Sustainable Programs and Services ☐ Priority 3 – Community Partnerships and Economic Vitality ☐ Priority 4 – Institutional Stewardship ☐ Priority 5 – Institutional Responsibilities Cabrillo’s Strategic Plan Link Notes: ☐ Proposed Project is discussed in a program plan. Please explain: FUNDING INFORMATION Grant Type: ☐ New ☐ Continuation Funding Source: ☐ State ☐ Federal Agency: Program: Grant Announce. Title & #: Grant Start Date: Due Date: Grant Ending Date: Amount of Grant: PARTNERS Please list any internal partners (other departments, services or offices) on this grant proposal and whether you’ve had discussions with them. Please list any external partners (other colleges, agencies, organizations, etc.) on this grant proposal and whether you’ve had discussions with them. ☐ Grant requires a cooperative agreement Please list or describe the measurable outcomes that this project seeks to improve. Will you need an internal and/or external evaluator? : ☐No ☐Yes; please explain: IMPACT – COLLEGE RESOURCES Does the proposed project require use of: ☐ reuse/expansion of space & facilities ☐ Technology / services ☐ increase in personnel support services ☐ other impact: ☐ If so, please explain: Page 2 Does the project require matching funds or in-kind contribution?: ☐No ☐Yes; please explain: What is the allowable indirect rate? ________ (Enter “0” if indirect rate is not allowed). Does the funder require institutionalization of the project (or aspects of the project) beyond the funding period?: ☐No ☐Yes; please explain: GRANT PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Have you discussed this project/program proposal with your Dean or Supervisor and received approval to move forward?: ☐No ☐Yes; please explain: ☐ *** Please attach additional items to this grants review form such as a more detailed project description, budget, and other supplemental information. INTENT TO APPLY The proposed project supports the goals and objectives of Cabrillo College: ☐ Dean: Comments: Date: ☐ Research Director: Comments: Date: ☐ Instruction VP: Comments: Date: ☐ Student Services VP: Comments: Date: ☐ Administrative VP: Comments: Date: ☐ President: Comments: Date: Page 3