«AddressBlock» Education and qualifications



Education and qualifications

PhD Systems Biology, University of Warwick

Oct 2008 to the present

Topic - “Systems biology approaches to model and experimentally validate eukaryotic gene regulation”.

 Supervised by Sach Mukherjee and Katherine Denby.

Clustering analysis of time delayed correlation to predict transcriptional regulation.

Application of Bayesian Network and ODE modeling approaches to gene expression data.

Yeast-1-hybrid analysis of regulators of the plant defence response.

MSc (distinction) Systems Biology, University of Warwick

 Courses in molecular biology and the statistical modeling of biological data.

Oct 2007 – Sept 2008

 Mini-projects in fitting Bayesian Networks to gene expression data using Markov Chain Monte Carlo and in microarray analysis of gene expression.

BSc (Hons. 1 st Class) in Mathematics, with distinction, University of Warwick

Oct 2004 – Jun 2007

Modules taken include: Modelling natures non-linearity, Introduction to Mathematical Biology, Topics in

Mathematical Biology, Programming for scientists, Maths by computer, Data structures and algorithms,

Formal languages and automata.

A-levels and GCSEs, Sidcot School

 A-Levels: Mathematics A, Further Mathematics A, Physics A, Psychology B.

Oct 1997 – Jul 2004

 GCSEs: A* Double science, mathematics, English language, literature, history. A – Drama. B – French. C – Art.

Teaching experience

Plant systems biology summer school, Palazzo Pesaro-Papafava, Venice (Future – Sept 2011)

Demonstrating various modeling approaches developed at Warwick Systems Biology Centre to EU PhDs and

Postdocs at ‘Plant Systems Biology Summer School: tools and strategies for elucidating gene regulatory networks’.

Biological sciences department Jan 2009 – Jan 2011

Demonstrated microarray data analysis in 3 rd year undergraduate course. Approx 40 hours total with 20 students.

Warwick Systems Biology Doctoral Training Centre Sept 2010 – Jan 2011

Teaching assistant in ‘maths boot camp’, approx. 20 hours total with 30 students. Lab demonstrator for microarray course, approx. 10 hours total with 20 students.

Mathematics department Feb 2009 – Mar 2009

Gave support classes for 2 nd year undergraduate course, ‘Introduction to mathematical biology’. Approx. 10 hours total with 15 students.

TCAP demonstration

Demonstrated my analysis method to postdocs and PhD students, took feedback.

Dec 2009

Steven Kiddle - Page 2


Windram, Madhou, Kiddle, Hill, Hickman, Cooke, McHattie, Jenkins, Penfold, Kim, Zhang, Tabrett, Moore,

Wild, Mead, Rand, Beynon, Ott, Buchanana-Wollaston and Denby. High-resolution temporal transcriptomic analysis of Arabidopsis leaves during infection by Botrytis cinerea dissects the defence response and its regulation.

In preparation.

Breeze, Harrison, McHattie, Hughes, Hickman, Hill, Kiddle, Kim, Penfold, Jenkins, Zhang, Morris, Jenner,

Jackson, Thomas, Tabrett, Legaie, Moore, Wild, Ott, Rand, Beynon, Denby, Mead, Buchanan-Wollaston. Highresolution temporal profiling of transcripts during Arabidopsis leaf senescence reveals a distinct chronology of processes and regulation. Plant Cell, 23(3):873-894, (2011).

Kiddle, Windram, McHattie, Mead, Beynon, Buchanan-Wollaston, Denby and Mukherjee. Temporal clustering by affinity propagation reveals transcriptional modules in Arabidopsis thaliana. Bioinformatics, 26(3):355-362,


Peer Review experience - Directly asked by Bioinformatics to review a paper.


Life sciences student symposium – talk prize

Systems biology DTC student symposium – best PhD talk

May 2011

Jul 2010

Genes zone winner of ‘I’m a scientist get me out of here’ Mar 2010

Science communication competition (http://imascientist.org.uk/), involved answering schoolchildren’s science questions over a 2 week period. Voted by the children as their favourite scientist of the five & awarded £500 to communicate my work to the general public.

Systems biology DTC student symposium – best MSc talk Jul 2008


Plant Systems Biology Workshop, Edinburgh University

Gave poster and demonstration of my computational method to students and academics.

Mar 2011

10 th conference on Machine Learning in Systems Biology, Edinburgh University

Presented a poster titled ‘From gene expression to predicted gene regulation in the defence response of

Arabidopsis to infection by Botrytis cinerea’.

Oct 2010

Systems Biology: Global regulation of gene expression, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, USA

Presented a poster titled ‘Temporal clustering by affinity propagation reveals transcriptional modules in

Arabidopsis thaliana’.

Mar 2010

5 th Utrecht University PhD summer school in environmental signaling, Netherlands Aug 2009

Gave poster and 20 minute talk on ‘Temporal clustering reveals known and predicts new gene regulation’.

References available on request
