Debrief Report

Debrief Report
Occasion / Event:
Collaborative Themes Working
Aim of Debrief:
1. To get each participant to reflect on their
experience of membership of the
Collaborative Themes Working Group;
2. To identify personal experiences.
3. These experiences to be shared and
discussed to establish:
i. Personal learning;
ii. Future positive use of that
All participants were given the opportunity to
reflect on their roles and to contribute their views
in discussion. These are summarised below
and can be found in appendix 1. The least
effective aspects of the work of the group
included: The amount and availability of
resources, the tightness of timescales, some
localities not ‘getting’ the approach and
communication between the group and some
localities, consistency of membership and lack
of wider media attention for the work.
b. Ideas for the future.
Place: Law House, nr Carluke
Time: 17th Jan 2011 1330-1500
Debrief lead by: Jim Sherval
Initiator / Client:
Eleanor McDermott & Colin
Participants: 13
Debrief Report
Jim Sherval
This report format
Designed to be used
with ‘Structured Debriefing’
as trained through
Material output of Debrief:
(Indicate if attached to this report)
1. Original notes and responses
2. Debrief Report
Structured Debriefing Ltd.
Participants then identified their
personal learning, its future value and
things that would assist a future
Personal learning
Participants were asked what the
most significant thing they had learnt
was and how they could best use that
in the future (Appendix 2).
‘Briarwood’, School Road,
Romsey, Hampshire
SO51 7NX
Tel: 01794 523467
+ 01626 334540 Assisting
(this document)
3. Responses from the Debrief
(reproduced and attached: appendices 1 & 2)
Background notes
1. The debrief aimed to elicit experiences from
professionals of various backgrounds and
organisations who were members of the group.
Eleanor McDermott & Colin Anderson were
present as participants.
2. The Group is a multiagency partnership
tasked with coordinating developments and
activities around alcohol awareness week,
suicide prevention week, Mental Health Week/
Mental Health Arts and Film festival and World
Aids Day. The group has representation from
statutory services, and the voluntary and
community sectors.
 Copyright John Arney 1994
The most effective aspects of the
work of the group were included
the enthusiasm and energy of the
Group, the well co-ordinated, action
focused and supportive meetings, the
shared objectives and joint working,
the widening of the audience that
each partner and topic was able to
reach, combining efforts to help get
more value from existing efforts, and
better understanding of the demands
of other organisations.
the future response
Participants were asked for the 3 things they
would do if they were responsible for
developing the process for next year. These
included the need to take account of
community planning timetables, contingency
plans for resources, strengthening the links
with the locality groups, putting in place a
communications plan, and generally starting
planning now. Participants were also asked
what their 3 key outputs would be if they were
advising on outputs for next year (see
appendix 3). These included improved
geographic spread with targeting of areas of
deprivation, increased equality of coverage for
the themes, and identify a further key partner
to increase the reach of the Group.
Signed ……………..
Date ………...
Role(s) taken ..
Initiator / Planner / Leader / Participant.
The Centre for Structured Debriefing