Student Services Department SSLO Assessment Analysis Form

Student Services Department SSLO Assessment Analysis Form
Use the form below to summarize the results of the department meeting in which you discussed the results of your SSLO
Meeting Date
Counseling Retreat 3/29/12, Department meeting 9/13/12
Number of Staff
4 staff, 12 Counseling faculty
% of department
89% of contract staff and faculty
SSLOs measured
Create a plan to facilitate educational and career goals.
Assessment Tool
(Briefly describe
assessment tool)
Pre and post test administered before and after 30 minute counseling appointments during
a two week window, in April 2011 and again in April 2012. Students were asked to rate
their level of knowledge of the next steps necessary to reach their educational and career
goals, on a self-report Likert scale. We measured the change in knowledge of next steps
between the beginning and the end of each counseling session.
Assessment Analysis
The pre and post tests were administered to 141 students in Spring 2011 and 148 students
in Spring 2012. 98.5% (2011) and 97% (2012) of the students who initially said that they did
not know the next steps necessary to reach their educational and career goals claimed they
did know them by the end of their counseling appointments.
(Summarize the
assessment results;
discuss what student
needs and issues were
Next Steps
(How will you address
the needs and issues
revealed by the
Timeline for
(Make a timeline for
how you will implement
the next steps outlined
above )
Overall, the surveys of both years showed that students are receiving guidance from
counselors on the steps that they need to take to meet their goals. Through departmental
discussions, it was determined that during the survey period, students were more focused
in the kinds of questions they asked their counselors. This increased the effectiveness of
the sessions. This realization led to a decision to refine our communication with students
prior to their appointments in order to help them focus their questions and in order to
enhance the sophistication and impact of the counseling sessions. We now have signs
outlining a series of steps that guide students in their choice between express advising and
counseling appointments. This list of considerations itself guides students in better
articulating their needs.
Development of a checklist/intake process as a way to help students focus and plan for
their educational and career goals (see attached checklists):
1) BYMA: “Before You Make an Appointment”
2) List of topics appropriate for 10 minute Express visits and 30 minute appointments
We are discussing developing an online questionnaire for students to take prior to their
appointments to facilitate their own clarity and to establish clear expectations for
counseling sessions. We will administer the same survey next year in order to see whether
our changes in communication, signage, and, possibly, the online questionnaire have an
Review, refine BYMA in Fall 2012, again in Fall 2013 (based upon Fall 2012 changes)
SSLO assessment, Spring 2013