Student Services Program Planning Annual Update Department Counseling Date March 23, 2015 Goals and Recommendations from Program Plan List the top five goals and recommendations from the last Program Plan and indicate whether they have been met Goals / Recommendations from sixyear plan 1) Replace the three full-time counselor positions lost due to retirement or resignation. 2) Implement a mandatory Orientation to College course to increase student success. Revised June, 2014 In progress (includ e projected timeline) Hiring committee is interviewing on 4/15, 17, and 18, 2015 Source of funding Comments (include any modifications to goals due to feedback, discussion and/or evaluation – refer to data when possible) # from SSSP and 1 from Student Equity Counseling participated in the campus-wide IP Faculty Prioritization process fall 2014, informing of the plan to move forward with 4 tenure-track positions in general counseling. As the funding is categorical rather than GF, we presented the plan as informational, and received the support of Senate. For 14/15, we have one temporary FT position finishing her contract. Counseling offered 22 sections of CG 51 in fall Yes 2014. The course was required for incoming Running Start students (c. 850). Based on our SLO review discussions, we increased the class from .5 to 1 unit to include the new SS Act requirements. We sought and received an increase in TUs from the GF. The classes showed a more than 1:1 efficiency. It remains a required course for incoming Running Start students. Should the college move away from Running Start, some other way of identifying and monitoring incoming freshman will need to be established. The GF Goal Met 3) Implement eSARS scheduling system to increase both student access to counseling appointments and to increase technological aspects to services. (low touch) 4) Organize Counseling and Transfer/Career Center’s physical space in the 100 building to create one entrance with improved signage and screening systems. Revised June, 2014 Signage and SSSP, District messaging IP, Sp, funds, Su ‘15 student grant challenge of providing CG 51 to all new students will present a challenge as we do not have the staffing capacity. With the implementation of Ed Plan and Goal Probation/Dismissal workshops, Student Planning, changed Registration Priority changes, and changes to how we deal with Academic Standing, the division is seeing more than ever, the need for thorough and detailed screening of students prior to scheduling an appointment. The division is concerned that moving to eSARS at this time will undermine the progress made in properly screening students in our current ways. Therefore, we are postponing implementation of eSARS. We have implemented one component of eSARS, SARS/MSGS. Beginning 12 ’14, we implemented SARS/MSGS. Appointment reminders are now being sent out via email and text, and a process to have students opt-in to text has begun. Maintaining this MSGS system will be ongoing, and assisting other Locations using SARS who want to implement MSGS is anticipated. The physical organization of the 100 building is Yes complete, resulting in one entrance point for those seeking services in counseling and the Transfer/Career Center. Staffing is stabilized in counseling with the hiring of the Office Specialist. Staffing is progressing in the Transfer/Career Center with the hiring of the 3rd SSA position. One of the three SSA positions is still in flux given a long-term absence, currently being covered by two part-time SSA sub’s. In terms of physical space, ongoing efforts are being coordinated for signage and use of wall space. 5) Provide additional computers for the Career/Transfer Center laboratory area and obtain internet access for PC behind the CC/TC desk that projects Power Point 6) From the International Program: Reinstate a classified program coordinator to support International Students Program (50% position, estimated Cost $38,388 including benefits). This will place more of the administrative and clerical duties of the position with a staff person and free the counselor’s time for counseling students again. It will also facilitate program growth by coordinating activities, marketing, recruitment, and admissions, which will, in turn, brings in more revenue. 15-20% percent of the income generated by international student fees should be reinvested in the program to support this position. This is in line with Student Success Task Force recommendations (2.2, 2.4, 2.5,) and the College Master Plan Goal A3). Revised June, 2014 Transfer Center Lab completed. Funds, Faculty grants for infrastructure; 3SP . 15-20% percent of the income generated by international student fees could be returned to the program to facilitate growth and development. Currently, international student fees amount to approximately $450,000 per year and go directly to the college’s general fund. $67,500-90,000 is being proposed as the amount to invest into the program; the position would The international student population has increased in the last five years from 53 students in fall 2009 to 76 students in spring 2015. It is the hope that the reinvestment of international fees will happen as soon as possible, allowing for the coordinator position to better aid our growing number of international students. Without this assistance we need to freeze at the current level due to capacity for the international counselor. An SSA with an interest in international student services has been hired in the Transfer Center and current SSAs (although she should not be paid by SSSP funds for her work with international students support. The confidential assistant to the VPSS and other staff also help the international students, as well. Yes cost $38, 50%. New Goals and Recommendations Since Last Program Plan List any new goals and recommendations identified by the department Goal/Recommendation (include timeline) From previous update 1. Increase FT counseling faculty by 3 in order to implement requirements of the SS Act of 2012. These are new “over and above” positions. 2.Restore the Transfer/Career Center Coordinator position to a Director position with a 195-day contract 3.Continue with implementation of requirements of the Student Success Act of 2012 (SB 1456) Revised June, 2014 Cost Explanation/Evidence of Need (indicate how this need was assessed) $278,336 The SSA requires that all new students have a comprehensive Education Plan We are unable to meet this requirement with current staffing. To align Cabrillo’s Transfer Center leadership position with comparable positions around the state. Recommended by Region 4 CCC Transfer Center Director’s Assoc. Approx. $5000 General Fund The State mandates us to provide 4 core services; counseling is the prime provider of ed planning and some of the follow-up Status (Comment on progress of new goals/recommendations listed in last annual update) Completing the hiring process for 4 counseling positions, to begin fall 2015. The position is currently supplemented with 4 additional Academic Specialist units in order to accomplish the work needed. The name change was made a number of years ago for reasons that are not appropriate to the role. We will return to referring to the position as Director, despite not having the GF funds to add the 10 days. Mandatory CG 51 Intro to College course (now 1 unit) required for incoming first year Running Start students; Required workshop for student on Probation level 2; Dismissed students now actually required to sit out for one semester; Ed 4. Develop and provide a workshop for students 1 TU ($2200) that are undecided on their career/major. 5.Increase Student Services Assistant (SSA) from $ 5,523 10 month to 11 month 6. Add a part-time (60%) SSA position to support the increase in the required Ed Plan workshops 7. Continue with Progress/ Dismissal Workshops Revised June, 2014 $44,258 The Student Success Act requires that students have a major declared by either the completion of 15 degree-applicable units or the third semester. Restore from SPRAC reductions; Additional SSA position (80%) needed to provide the Ed Plan workshops and Student Planning sessions, a key piece to developing the electronic education plan Follow-up services to at-risk students required by SB 1456 Plan Workshops designed to help students develop Abbreviated Ed Plan; Ed Plan Workshops being offered at local high schools beginning spring 2015; implementation of Student Planning Sp ’14; collaboration with Financial Aid being worked on to streamline messaging to all students regarding when the workshop is appropriate; updated webpage to better inform students of Ed Plan requirements and instructions for using the Student Planning tool; produced instructional YouTube video on how to use Student Planning, posted to counseling webpage; Two of the three SSA positions are now 11-month. One of the three remains at 10-month. In ’14-15 we did a one-time augmentation; Cabinet did not support a permanent augmentation. A 3rd SSA was added as an 11-month position March ’15. Workshops held weekly at Aptos and Watsonville. Students complete “change contract” which is scanned to the student’s file; original mailed back. Attending workshop clears the 8. Continue with Ed Plan Workshops $44,258 9. Review and revise our SARS appointment Reason Codes to better align with new MIS reporting elements being developed as a result of the Student Success Act of 2012. Required by SS Act – 3rd SSA We currently manually enter contact information (by Reason Code reports from SARS) into Datatel to inform the MIS reporting needs. Goal/Recommendation (include timeline) New since last update Cost Explanation/Evidence of Need (indicate how this need was assessed) 1.Created a dedicated computer classroom for use by Counseling. $ 220,000 from SSSP Per the SLO discussion on 9/11/14, a computer classroom is essential for the ed plan component in CG 51, and for the Ed Plan Workshops. Plans have been developed. Work to begin May, 2015 The SSA requires that all new students have a comprehensive Education Plan after 15 degree-applicable units or 3rd semester. We are unable to meet this requirement with current staffing. This is in response to anticipated retirements. Counseling would enter the faculty prioritization process in fall 2015. Given anticipated categorical funding rather 2. Increase FT Counseling faculty by 1 additional $ 99,045 counselor in order to implement requirements from SSSP of the Student Success Act of 2012. Revised June, 2014 immediate hold. Attending the workshop and then meeting the cumulative academic expectations in each individual semester will result in any future holds being removed. Workshops are held weekly at Aptos and Watsonville and at local high schools in spring 2015. Recent change in messaging to students on the Counseling webpage to better direct the right students to the workshop. All Reason Codes being used at all Locations using SARS have been mapped to appropriate MIS data elements during Sp, Su and Fall ‘14. Status (Comment on progress of new goals/recommendations listed in last annual update) than GF, this would be to seek support from Senate, presented as an informational item. 3. Begin reconfiguring 13 counselors’ offices to decrease ergonomic issues with present layout and equipment $3,000 yr 1 (GF- SSSP will not allow furniture purchases) Three counselors are having serious ergo’ issues with the added technology and others are beginning to. We need to replace desks with sit/stand and have dual monitors. SSLO/AUO Assessment Progress In a sentence or two, describe where your department should be with ongoing assessment (what assessment you should have done in the last year) and what was actually done. If any task was not completed, explain why. We are on track with our “wheel of assessment”. In fall 2014, each CG course was assessed for the Core 4 Personal Responsibility. In Spring 2015, CG courses with the Core 4 Global Awareness will be assessed. We plan to meet in week #2 of the fall 2015 semester to discussion spring 2015 assessments, and to begin planning for the writing of our Program Plan during the 15/16 academic year. Fill out the Assessment Results section below. SSLO/AUO Assessment Results List SSLO/AUO assessments, dialogues, and priorities identified as a result of your assessment below. Attach Departmental Assessment Analysis Forms completed in the last two semesters. Core Competency, Program SSLO/AUO Assessed Revised June, 2014 Date of meeting where analysis / dialogue took place. Example: Department Priorities identified for program as a result of assessment. Counseling program-level SLO assessed in spring 2013 CG Course SLOS assessed in Spring 2013: CG 1, 51, 52, 54, 107, 205 Meeting on 00/00/2012 Counseling meeting on 8/22/13 Student surveys revealed that when the Ed goal is clearer, the student better understands the next math course needed. Priority #1 was to work with assessment on how the scores are displayed to the student on the assessment print out; needs to be simpler. Director met with assessment staff to make changes within the parameters allowed by the programming driving the report. Some modifications were made. Counseling meeting on 8/22/13 Priority #2 was to work with the math department to clear up misconceptions held by our students; are we on the same page in terms of how we advise students. Counseling Director met twice with the math department to discuss the flow of courses, particularly in light of new Math 142; and to discuss the title of Math 142 and what it implies to students. Wheel of Assessment clarified. Expectations for fall ’13 assessment clarified. All those who teach the same class need to collaborate more on content and meeting the same SLO. Meetings specific to CG 54 and CG 51 were held in the AY ’13-14 to address this need. Such meetings are continuing. A general plan was identified to offer additional sections of CG 54 (career planning) in spring semesters to move undecided students (at 15 units) towards the new required Career Goal/Ed Goal, Program of Study/Major. A new workshop to help student identify majors/career paths is being implemented spring 2015. The max enrollment in CG courses increased from 30-33. CG Course SLOs assessed in fall 2013: CG 1, 51, 52, 54, 205 Revised June, 2014 Counseling meeting on 2/7/14 Priorities identified: • Increase class units from .5 to 1 in CG 51 (complete). • Continue to require CG 51 for incoming Running Start students. • Encourage collaboration among instructors of CG 51. A Sp ‘15 flex • Core Four SLO Communication was assessed in Spring 2014: CG 1, 51, 52, 54, 107, 205 Counseling meeting on 9/11/14 Core Four SLO Personal Counseling meeting on Responsibility and Professional 2/5/15 Development was assessed in Fall 2014: CG 1, 51, 52, 54, 65, 205, 286 File: Program Plan Counseling Annual Update March 2015 Revised June, 2014 meeting was held to increase collaboration between instructors. Have more faculty attend FELI, other conferences such as On Course, and trainings in career assessment instruments. Priorities identified: • Incentivize teaching more in our division • A dedicated computer classroom is needed to meet the Ed Plan requirement for CG 51, and for the Ed Plan Workshops (construction beginning May, 2015 on SACW-202). • Consider a specialized section of CG 51 for Foster Youth • Develop additional interventions needed for career / major identification (workshops to begin spring 2015). Priorities identified: • Research upcoming On Course trainings; consider sending a group of counselors in fall 2015. • Develop additional interventions needed for career / major identification (workshops to begin spring 2015).