7 Minutes of Meeting CABRILLO COLLEGE GOVERNING BOARD June 11, 2012 REGULAR MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Cabrillo College Governing Board was held at the Scotts Valley Center, 104 Whispering Pines Drive, Scotts Valley, California on Monday, June 11, 2012. Chair Al Smith opened the meeting in Open Session at 4:30 pm. Roll was taken; present were Chair Smith, Trustees Margarita Cortez, Gary Reece, Rachael Spencer, Susan True, and Donna Ziel. Chair Smith asked for Public Comments on Closed Session items. There were no public comments. Closed Session items were announced and the meeting was adjourned to Closed Session at 4:30 p.m. Closed Session was adjourned at 6:00 pm. REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION Chair Smith reported that the Board took action on closed session item 4(Pursuant to California (Government Code section 54957(b)(1) and CCEU Collective Bargaining Agreement Appendix E.III.c(1)) To consider the procedure for a hearing of an appeal of discipline by employee number 501009.) Chair Smith reported that the Board voted 7 to 0 to refer the item to arbitration under the collective bargaining agreement. SWEARING-IN CEREMONY – Chair Smith reported that area VII Trustee Ed Banks was sworn in prior to the start of closed session. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF FORMER TRUSTEE KATY STONEBLOOM Chair Smith and President King presented former Trustee Katy Stonebloom with a plaque in recognition of her 18 years of service to Cabrillo College. PROCEDURAL ITEMS It was moved and seconded (Reece/Spencer) to approve the consent agenda items, including the minutes from the May 7, 2012 regular meeting. CALL TO ORDER REPORT OUT OF CLOSED SESSION SWEARING IN CEREMONY APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA AND MINUTES The motion carried with the following roll call vote: Student Trustee Advisory Vote: None AYES: Banks, Cortez, Reece, Smith, Spencer, True and Ziel NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None INTRODUCTION OF NEWLY APPOINTED FACULTY AND STAFF Vice President Bailey-Fougnier reported that Cheryl Kern Jones has been appointed as Learning Disabilities/CESS’s Learning and Disabilities Specialist. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Lori Amato acknowledged and thanked former Cabrillo contract manager Paul Anderson for his contributions to Cabrillo over the past eight years. Rebecca Garcia congratulated the Board on passing the Dream Act resolution and asked the college to consider becoming a member of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities. Eireann Del Bonta discussed the proposed public safety program reductions and the continuity of the CCEU leadership team. 1 of 7 INTRODUCTION OF NEWLY APPOINTED FACULTY AND STAFF ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 8 Minutes of Meeting June 11, 2012 SPECIAL PRESENTATION – Technology Plan Vice President Lewis introduced IT Director Dan Borges who presented the college’s technology plan. INFORMATION ITEMS Scotts Valley Center Report The Scotts Valley Center report was provided for Governing Board information. ORAL REPORTS Board Trustees’ Reports Trustee Spencer thanked the faculty and student services for a successful graduation and said it was the best graduation she has ever been to and was pleased to see the number of faculty who attended. SPECIAL PRESENTATION SCOTTS VALLEY CENTER REPORT ORAL REPORTS BOARD TRUSTEE REPORTS Trustee Cortez also commented that the graduation was well organized. Trustee Cortez reported on a recent conference where Trustee Cortez was pleased to observe how highly regarded Cabrillo is throughout the state. Trustee Cortez also reported that she understands and identifies with the challenges the college and its employees are currently facing. Trustee Cortez said that the transition is very important, and it is important to not get caught in the emotion of the change, but to understand and identify the skills and strengths needed to move forward. Trustee Cortez closed by saying the Board vets and considers its decisions with dignity and respect. Chair Smith reported on a Santa Cruz Chamber trip to San Luis Obispo which local community leaders attended. Student Trustee’s Report Dean of Student Services Sesario Escoto introduced Student Trustee elect Cedar Green. Superintendent’s Report President King reported that Cabrillo athletics successes and ranking in the state. President King also reported that a classified staff development day is tentatively scheduled for August 2, 2012. President King will work with the CCEU leadership and Staff Development Committee on the agenda. Finally President King thanked the faculty who encouraged so many of their fellow faculty to attend and participate in graduation. Faculty Senate Faculty Senate President Mangin brought to the Board’s attention the Board information item about program planning priorities. Senate President Mangin said it is a good report and saluted the physics and nursing programs for two fantastic plans. Senate President Mangin closed his remarks by thanking Vice President Lewis for all the budget information she provided at the most recent CPC meeting and asked the Board to remove the library position from the list of reductions. CCEU CCEU Vice President Alta Northcutt spoke on behalf of CCEU and said this Board meeting will send the classified staff a very significant message. CCEU Vice President Northcutt expressed concern about relations between the District and CCEU and said there is a sense of frustration on both sides. CCEU Vice President Northcutt thanked President King for starting discussions about a classified appreciation event. CCEU Vice President Northcutt closed by saying she like to see more progress in terms of diversity and that classified staff live and vote in the areas the Trustees represent. CCFT 2 of 7 STUDENT TRUSTEE’S REPORT SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT FACULTY SENATE CCEU CCFT 9 Minutes of Meeting June 11, 2012 In response to a discussion at a recent CPC meeting, CCFT President Harvell presented the financial information from two other districts, Los Rio and San Diego. CCEU President Harvell said that as a result of thoughtful planning Cabrillo is in a much better financial position than those two large districts. CCEU President Harvell closed by saying that if Governor’s tax initiatives fail in November things will be very tough across the state. ACTION ITEMS ACTION ITEMS IT TECHNOLOGY IT Technology Plan and Program Review It was recommended that the Governing Board approve the Information Technology Plan and PLAN AND PROGRAM REVIEW Program Review. The document resides at http://go.cabrillo.edu/ittp A motion was made (True/Ziel) to approve the IT technology plan. The motion carried. Award of Contract: Construction Project Management Services It was recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President of Administrative Services to enter a master agreement in order to perform work as necessary with the following firms: Craig Bagley Architect; ICS Innovative Construction Services, Inc.; Slater Construction Inc. AWARD OF CONTRACT: CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGEMENT SERVICES A motion was made (Reece/Spencer) to enter a master agreement to perform necessary work with the above named firms. The motion carried. Award of Contract: On-Going Architectural Services It was recommended that the Governing Board accept the proposal provided by the architectural firm deemed most qualified through this RFP process and provided under separate cover. AWARD OF CONTRACT: ONGOING ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES A motion was made (True/Reece) to accept the proposal. The motion carried. Renewal of Lease, 1 year: Santa Cruz County Office of Education Second Opportunities for Success (SOS) Program, Watsonville FY12/13 It was recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to renew a one year lease with the Santa Cruz County Office of Education SOS Program. A motion was made (Ziel/Banks) to renew a one year lease with the Santa Cruz County Office of Education. The motion carried. Resolution 053-12: STEM Lease Purchase Agreement It is recommended that the Governing Board adopt Resolution 053-12 and authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to execute the finance documents. It was moved and seconded (Cortez/Reece) to adopt resolution 053-12. The motion carried with the following roll call vote: 3 of 7 RENEWAL OF LEASE, 1 YEAR: SANTA CRUZ COUNTY OFFICE OF EDCUCTION SECOND OPPORTUNITIES FOR SUCCESS PROGRAM, WATSONVILLE FY 12/13 RESOLUTION 053-12: STEM LEASE PURCHASE AGREEMENT 10 Minutes of Meeting June 11, 2012 Student Trustee Advisory Vote: None AYES: Banks, Cortez, Reece, Smith, Spencer, True, Ziel NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Student Trustee Privileges It was recommended that the Board grant these privileges to the student member. STUDENT TRUSTEE PRIVILEGES A motion was made (Reece/Spencer) to approve the grant the student trustee privileges. The motion carried. Resolution 054-12: Reduction or Discontinuance of Classified Service It was recommended that the Governing Board adopt Resolution 054-12 as presented. It was moved and seconded (Reece/Spencer) to adopt resolution 054-12. Trustee Reece commented that the cuts are not targeted at any particular group, and that as part of their contract classified staff has the right to bump into another position if their position is eliminated. With regards to removing positions from the list of reductions because they are currently occupied by members of the CCEU leadership, Trustee Reece said he has a tough time changing the rules for one or two people, especially when the people in that position have bumping rights. Trustee True said she appreciates the discussion she has had with campus community members and addressed a number of issues that have been brought to her attention recently. Regarding the perception that CCEU is the target of the cuts, Trustee True said even if the Board was targeting it would not get the Board to its budget reduction goal through only reducing one employee group. Trustee True said all employee groups are going to have to make concessions. In addition if the college keeps a position because it is held by a union leader then the college has to eliminate another position that was prioritized higher. Next Trustee True addressed long versus short term cuts, specifically health benefits, and said that if there are cuts the cuts will be across the Board and shared. Trustee True said Cabrillo has reached the point it is a smaller college, now the college needs to address the structural deficit and shrink rising costs. The only thing the college can do is shrink the compensation package. Trustee True closed by saying the college has to get spending under control while preserving as much as possible. Trustee Reece said there is no member of the classified staff that he respects more than CCEU President Stainback, and appreciates her dedication to Cabrillo. Trustee Reece respects the union and the work they do. Trustee Reece said this is not personal and if people believe this is an attack against the union, he does not believe that to be the case. Trustee Banks commented that he has done a lot of research over the past ten days and believes this is a shared responsibility. This is problem is not going to go away soon. This decision will not come easily and will not be the last difficult decision the Board has to make. 4 of 7 RESOLUTION 054-12: REDUCTION OR DISCONTINUANCE OF CLASSIFIED SERVICE 11 Minutes of Meeting June 11, 2012 The motion carried with the following roll call vote: Student Trustee Advisory Vote: None AYES: Banks, Cortez, Reece, Smith, Spencer, True, Ziel NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None 2012-13 Budget Reduction Plans, Phase II and III It was recommended that the governing Board approve the Phase II and Phase III budget reduction plans as presented. 2012-13 BUDGET REDUCTION PLANS, PHASE II AND III Prior to the motion Chair Smith accepted public comments on the Board item. Faculty member Phil Carr discussed the proposed reduction of the public safety coordinator position. Staff member Eireann Del Bonta also discussed the proposed reduction to the public safety coordinator position. Following the comments Trustee Reece asked for clarification on some of Mr. Carr’s comments. CEED Dean Rock Pfotenhauer responded by providing background on how the program works and the how the college is reimbursed, including the adding of FTE’s if the college needs to do so. Dean Pfotenauer said this is an area where FTE’s can be added back in easily, because the infrastructure will remain. Responding to another comment about public agencies offering funding to keep the public safety officer status quo, Public Safety Director Harry Bidleman reported that he has received a different message from the agencies. Trustee Reece commented that with the uncertainly of the Redevelopment Agency (RDA) funds he believes it is unlikely that the agencies would commit to funding. A motion was made (Reece/Spencer) to approve the Phase II and Phase III budget reduction plans. The motion carried. 2012-13 Preliminary Budget It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the 2012-13 preliminary budget. Director of Business Services Graciano Mendoza provided an overview of the preliminary budget including an update on the Governor’s May revised budget and information on the college’s ongoing structural deficit. Trustee True thanked Director Mendoza for his presentation, and asked what effect the Governor’s May revised budget will have on borrowing. Director Mendoza said it depends on interest rates and the amount borrowed but in 2011-12 it cost the college about $90k. Trustee Reece commented that the final determination on the RDA funding will take a very long time, possibly years. Trustee Reece asked when the Board will receive an update on the reserves. Vice President Lewis responded that the college will know when after the 2011-12 books are closed. Trustee Reece encouraged the college to start planning now for mid-year cuts. Trustee Reece again asked the college community to work together to come up with the cuts, and said the Board cannot approve an unbalanced budget. 5 of 7 2012-13 PRELIMINARY BUDGET 12 Minutes of Meeting June 11, 2012 Trustee True pointed out the fund balance and that the college is following through on utilizing the reserves, which the Board had requested. A motion was made (Reece/Cortez) to approve the 2012-13 preliminary budget. The motion carried. INFORMATION ITEMS 2012-13 Updated Budget Planning Parameters The 2012-13 updated budget planning parameters were provided for Governing Board information. Facilities Master Plan Project Status The Facilities Master Plan project status was provided for Governing Board information. Quarterly Investment Report The quarterly investment report was provided for Governing Board information. Financial Reports The financial reports were provided for Governing Board information. Board Policy Revisions: Office of Instruction, First Reading Board policies were presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. Trustee Cortez asked about BP 5105, Faculty Search and Selection Procedures, and why the section on diversity had been deleted. Dean Isabel O’Conner said it was an error, there was proposed change to the sentence not a deletion. Dean O’Conner said the BP would be revised and brought back next month. Priorities Resulting from Administrative Program Planning: Division Offices The priorities resulting from administrative program planning: Division offices were provided for Governing Board information. Spring 2012 ASCC Student Senate Election Results The Spring 2012 ASCC Student Senate election results were provided for Governing Board information. Board Policy Revisions, Student Services, First Reading Board policies were presented as a first reading for Governing Board review and will return for action at the next Governing Board meeting. In reference to BP 5205, Student Accident Insurance, Trustee Cortez asked if students are currently covered. Vice President Dennis Bailey-Fougnier said students are and this formalizes it. Student Services Report The Student Services report was provided for Governing Board information. Trustee Spencer thanked Student Services for their work towards reducing summer costs and their creative ideas on how help more students in a timely way. Trustee True also thanked Vice President Bailey-Fougnier for the report. Trustee Cortez asked about a study session on Student Success. President King said the 6 of 7 2012-13 BUDGET UPDATED BUDGET PLANNING PARAMETERS FACILITIES MASTER PLAN PROJECT STATUS QUARTERLY INVESTMENT REPORT FINANCIAL REPORTS BOARD POLICY REVISIONS: OFFICE OF INSTRUCTION, FIRST READING PRIORITIES RESULTING FROM ADMINISTRATIVE PROGRAM PLANNING: DIVISION OFFICES SPRING 2012 ASCC STUDENT SENATE ELECTION RESULTS BOARD POLICY REVISIONS, STUDENT SERVICES, FIRST READING STUDENT SERVICES REPORT 13 Minutes of Meeting June 11, 2012 Board will discuss the idea at its upcoming annual Board retreat. College Strategic Plan Update The college strategic plan update was provided for Governing Board information. Fall 2012 Flex Week Activities The Fall 2012 Flex Week activities were provided for Governing Board information. Priorities Resulting from Program Planning Processes The priorities resulting from program planning processes were provided for Governing Board information. Update on Issuance of 2004 Series A General Obligation Refunding Bonds The update on issuance of 2004 Series A general obligation refunding bonds was provided for Governing Board information. Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar The Cabrillo College activities for the month of June were presented for Governing Board information. Agenda for Next or Future Board Meetings The Cabrillo College Governing Board discussed items to be placed on the agenda for the future Board meetings. D. ACTION ITEM Public Meeting of the Cabrillo College Financing Corporation At this time, the regular meeting of the Governing Board will adjourn, and the Board will reconvene as the Cabrillo College Financing Corporation to conduct business. Resolution 055-12: STEM Lease Purchase Agreement Authorization It was recommended that the Governing Board adopt Resolution 055-12 and authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to execute the finance documents. It was moved and seconded (Reece/True) to adopt resolution 055-12. COLLEGE STRATEGIC PLAN UPDATE FALL 2012 FLEX WEEK ACTIVITIES PRIORITIES RESULTING FROM PORGRAM PLANNING PROCESSES UPDATE ON ISSUANCE OF 2004 SERIES A GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS CABRILLO COLLEGE MONTHLY CALENDAR AGENDA FOR NEXT BOARD MEETING ACTION ITEMS PUBLIC MEETING OF THE CABRILLO COLLEGE FINANCING CORPORATION RESOLUTION 055-12: STEM LEASE PURCHASE AGREEMENT AUTHORIZATION The motion carried with the following roll call vote: Student Trustee Advisory Vote: None AYES: Banks, Cortez, Reece, Smith, Spencer, True and Ziel NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ADJOURN The open session of the Cabrillo College Governing Board was adjourned at 8:24 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Secretary 7 of 7 ADJOURNMENT 14