Cabrillo College Governing Board Monday, June 24, 2013 Cabrillo College 6500 Soquel Drive Aptos, California 95003 Room SAC West 204 OPEN SESSION 1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Adoption of Agenda 3. Public Comments Regarding Agenda (three minute time limit per speaker) CLOSED SESSION 1. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6) District’s Designated Representative: John Hendrickson Employee Organization: Management and Confidential Employees TIME 6:00 PAGE OPEN SESSION A. Action Items 1. 2013-14 Compensation: Management Employees It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the compensation for the management employees. 2. 2013-14 Compensation: Confidential Employees It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the compensation for the management employees. 1 3 6:30 ADJOURN For ADA related meeting accommodations, contact the Executive Assistant to the President at (831) 479-6306 at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. 1 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT June 24, 2013 SUBJECT: 2013-14 Compensation: Management Employees REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 1 A.1 BACKGROUND: The following salary schedule modification is recommended for Management employees: 4% salary schedule increase and District paid medical benefits increase effective July 1, 2013. FISCAL IMPACT: 2012-13: $89,000 unrestricted general fund, base budget 2013-14: $59,700 base budget, ongoing allocation; $92,389 unrestricted general fund, one-time allocation RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the compensation for Management employees effective 2013-14. Administrator Initiating Item: John Hendrickson Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 2 2013-14 Management Compensation Proposal Overall salary and benefit stipend increase of 4% effective with the end of July 2013 paycheck, to be distributed as follows: 0.31% of the increase applied to the increase in the benefits stipend. This increase is ongoing. 1.26% ongoing salary increase applied to salaries as they would have been for 2012-13 had there been no furlough days removed. (0.31% + 1.26% = 1.57% COLA) Additional 2.43% salary increase for 2013-14 only, with a maximum of 1.63% of this increase being converted to ongoing if we earn the maximum 1.63% FTES restoration allowed by the state. (1.57% + 2.43% = 4.0% ) Administrators/managers who lost salary in 2012-13 due to the agreement to take five furlough days will receive back the total salary lost, and that amount will be repaid in the June 2013 pay period. Employees who are no longer employed by the District in a permanent position are not eligible to participate. Management salary increases as described above will be computed on the 2012-13 salary base (prior to furloughs). 3 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT June 24, 2013 SUBJECT: 2013-14 Compensation: Confidential Employees REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ENCLOSURE(S) ITEM NUMBER Page 1 of 1 A.2 BACKGROUND: The following salary schedule modification is recommended for Confidential employees: 4% combined salary schedule increase and District paid medical benefits increase effective July 1, 2013. FISCAL IMPACT 2012-13: $15,811 2013-14: $22,830 base budget, ongoing allocation; $22,013 unrestricted general fund, one-time allocation RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the compensation for Confidential employees effective 2013-14. Administrator Initiating Item: John Hendrickson Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition 4 2013-14 Confidential Compensation Proposal Overall salary and benefit stipend increase of 4% effective with the end of July 2013 paycheck, to be distributed as follows: 0.31% of the increase applied to the increase in the benefits stipend. This increase is ongoing. 1.26% ongoing salary increase applied to salaries as they would have been for 2012-13 had there been no furlough days removed. (0.31% + 1.26% = 1.57% COLA) Additional 2.43% salary increase for 2013-14 only, with a maximum of 1.63% of this increase being converted to ongoing if the District earns the maximum 1.63% FTES restoration allowed by the state. (1.57% + 2.43% = 4.0% ) Confidential employees who lost salary in 2012-13 due to the agreement to take five furlough days will receive back the salary lost, and that amount will be repaid in the July 2013 pay period. Employees who are no longer employed by the District in a permanent position are not eligible to participate. Confidential salary increases as described above will be computed on the 2012-13 salary base (prior to furloughs).