Cabrillo College Governing Board

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Cabrillo College Governing Board
Monday, January 13, 2014
Cabrillo College Sesnon House
6500 Soquel Drive
Aptos, California 95003
Start time: 4:30 pm
OPEN SESSION (Pino Alto Room)
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Trustee True called the meeting to order at 4:30. Present were: Trustee
True, Trustee Reece, Trustee Cortez, Trustee Smith, Trustee Banks,
Trustee Spencer, Trustee Ziel and Student Trustee Brown. The agenda
was adopted (Spencer/Banks).
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Public Comments regarding closed session items
(three minute time limit per speaker)
4. Board Docs training session
5. Announcement of Closed Session
6. Adjourn to Closed Session
1. Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code §54957.6)
District’s Designated Representative: Victoria Lewis
Employee Organization: CCFT
2. Pursuant to California Government Code section 54957(b)(1), to
consider dismissal of employee #353018
District’s Designated Representative: Loree McCawley
Employee Organization: CCEU
3. Discussion: Employee Evaluation, Dr. Laurel Jones, President.
[Subdivision (e) of Government Code 54954.5]
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
Trustee True called the Regular Open Session meeting to order at 6:00.
Present were: Trustee True, Trustee Reece, Trustee Cortez, Trustee
Smith, Trustee Banks, Trustee Spencer, Trustee Ziel and Student Trustee
Brown. (Spencer/Banks).
2. Report Out of Closed Session
Board received and considered the Arbitrator’s recommendation with
findings of fact and conclusions of law, recommending that the Board
uphold the dismissal of employee #353018. The decision was unanimous
and is effective immediately.
A. Consent Items
1. Minutes and Consent Agenda (these items are approved when the agenda
is approved unless a Board member wishes to discuss)
a. Minutes of December 9, 2013
It was moved and seconded (Spencer/Ziel) to approve the consent agenda
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items, including the Minutes from December 9, 2013. The motion
carried with the following roll call vote:
Student Trustee Brown Advisory Vote: Aye
AYES: Smith, Spencer, Cortez, Banks, Ziel, True & Reece
NOES: None
2. Register of Warrants
It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify warrant numbers 2934 for the amount of $3,922,667.16.
3. Construction Change Orders
There are no construction change orders for the January 13, 2014 board
4. Budget Transfers by Resolution
It is recommended that the Governing Board approve Resolution
Numbers 001-14 through 005-14 for budget transfers 22386 through
It was moved and seconded (Spencer/Ziel) to approve Resolution #s 00114 through 005-14. The motion carried with the following roll call vote:
Student Trustee Advisory Vote: Brown.
AYES: Banks, Cortez, Smith, Reece, Spencer, Ziel & True
NOES: None
5. Human Resources Management Report
It is recommended that the Governing Board ratify and/or approve the
human resources management report.
B. Introduction of Newly Appointed Faculty and Staff
Pass the baton from previous Chair Spencer to new Chair True
Trustee True thanked Trustee Spencer for all her hard work and commitment
to Cabrillo College and presented her with a placque and a Cabrillo Stadium
C. Oral Communications: Members of the audience may speak to non-agenda
items (three minute time limit per speaker)
 None
D. Special Presentation:
Dental Hygiene Program
The Dental Hygiene program continues to have a 100% pass rate on the
nine-hour written exam and the practical exam. Graduates are finding
employment. Current students and graduates will present why they choose
Cabrillo, their educational process, and their future/current employment
status. Also present will be Dr. Bridgete Clark and Joanne Noto.
E. Oral Reports
1. Board Members’ Reports
Trustee Ziel attend a budget training session on Saturday at Gavilan
college which was very productive.
Trustee Spencer attended a meeting about no smoking on campus. Asked
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student trustee to go to students for feedback. Feels this is something we
should look at. President Jones indicated that the Safety committee is
looking into this and will bring forward a recommendation.
Trustee Cortez is attending “Inside Education”, through the COE and is
learning about early childhood ed programs throughout the county; will
give an update at years end. This is a personal commitment, not part of
the college. Is it possible to have a Cabrillo student participate? Laura
H., will bring forward to Student Senate. Trustee Cortez also asked
students to seize the opportunity and take advantage of the moment.
2. Student Trustee’s Report
 No smoking policy: very involved discussions in all areas.
 With the holiday and semester break, there is not all lot to report this
 Student senate participated in the EOPS holiday party. Santa came
and it was a wonderful celebration.
 2 students are attending the CCLC conference on January 26-27,
3. Superintendent’s Report
 No report.
4. CCEU: Comments on issues of interest to the Cabrillo Classified
Employees Union
President Alta Northcutt noted:
 She is elected to represent CCEU again this year.
 Visited West Valley with President Jones to see what their classified
senate looks like; wonderful experience.
 Looking forward to Spring term.
5. CCFT: Comments on issues of interest to the Cabrillo College
Federation of Teachers
President Bone noted:
 Thanked the board and foundation and donors for faculty grants.
 Thanks to board for approving sabbaticals.
 No smoking policy; would like to see this implemented on campus
 Excited about the Governors’ budget; hoping it will lead to
improvements in compensation
 Commented on a report that was published in the fall that listed
Cabrillo’s adjunt salaries were at the top in the state, which is not
correct. Adjunct salaries are at the middle in the state
 Following situation at SF City college; hopefully they will be back on
track soon.
 Thanks to Victoria and district for a pilot providing stipends for some
adjunct faculty to serve on shared governance committees.
6. Faculty Senate: Comments on issues of interest to the Faculty Senate
Vice President Calais Ingel noted:
 Senate has not met since early Dec. First meeting will be held at
Watsonville next week.
 Elections held in December; 4 new at large seats.
 Like to see more stipends for serving on committees
 Looking forward to flex week and spring semester
 Retirement party is May 23.
F. Action Items
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1. Board Organizational Meeting
It is recommended that the Governing Board appoint Trustee
representatives to the EOPS Advisory Committee and the Transfer
Center Committee.
It was moved and seconded (Banks/Smith) to appoint Trustee Spencer as
a representative to the EOPS Advisory Committee and Trustee Ziel to the
Transfer Center Committee.
2. Fall 2013 Faculty Grant Awards
It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the donation of
$20,239.51 from the Cabrillo College Foundation.
A motion was made (Cortez/Reece) to accept the donation. The motion
3. 2013-2014 Crocker Endowment Grants
It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the Crocker
Endowment Grant Awards donation of $ 22,009.33.
A motion was made (Spencer/Ziel) to accept the grant. The motion
4. 2012-2013 District Audit Report
It is recommended that the Governing Board accept the 2012-2013 audit
report of all funds of Cabrillo Community College District as prepared by
Vavrinek, Trine, Day & Co., LLP.
A motion was made (Ziel/Reece) to accept the report. The motion
Terry Montgomery presented an overview of the report. The report is as
of June 30, 2013. No adjustments were recommended for the report.
There were two recommendations: hours that are claimed for to be
arranged courses and requirement over instructional materials. Staff has
presented corrections and they are included in the report.
Trustee Reece asked about post employment benefits and asked when
will we get a more recent report? VP Lewis indicated that a new report
will be submitted within the next 60 days.
5. Contract Amendment: Precision Wellness Center, 2013-2017
It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice
President, Administrative Services to amend the existing contract to
reduce the annual commission as described.
A motion was made (Ziel/Cortez) to amend the contract. The motion
Trustee Spencer asked that the contract be approved for one year only,
and wondered how the space can be better utilized and asked how many
classes are held there. VP Welch will respond with this answer.
VP Welch indicated that it is being utilized to meet the needs of students;
and stated that we have a great partnership with Precision Wellness. Can
we determine a better use for this space?
All students have access to facility (for pay); currently 230 students take
advantage of center.
PTA program is tabled for now because the market data does not indicate
that it would be feasible right now.
Student senate is looking into adding a fee to student id card so all can
use the facility.
Trustee Reece in agreement with Trustee Spencer. He supports a 5 year
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plan; but would like to re-visit it each year. Would also like to get an
information report annually to see what progress is being made.
Trustee Ziel stated that the public has a hard time accessing the facility
because of parking issues.
6. Acceptance of SBDC Contract with Humboldt State University
It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the $124,158
contract from Humboldt State University Foundation. It is further
recommended that the Board authorize the Vice President,
Administrative Services to execute and make all necessary arrangements
in relation to this grant agreement and any future amendments on behalf
of the college.
A motion was made (Spencer/Banks) to approve the contract. The
motion carried.
7. Professional Development Leaves 2014-2015
It is recommended that the Governing Board approve the content and
authorize the Vice President, Instruction, to make the final determination
of the 2014-2015 faculty professional development leaves within the
expenditure limit authorized through CCFT negotiations.
A motion was made (Reece/Ziel) to authorize the professional
development leaves. Spencer voted Nay. The motion carried.
Trustee Spencer shared that she is disappointed in both leave requests;
she feels both focus on personal development not student success. Not in
keeping with goals of College.
VP Welch stated that one is for one semester only. She will carry back
the message to the board that reviews the requests.
Trustee Cortez would like to see more details in their report that indicates
what benefit this is to students.
CCFT President Bone stated that instructors need to be strong in their
discipline and students benefit from quality of instructors; sabbaticals
bring much needed skills to students.
G. Information Items: The following items are provided for Governing Board
information. (Staff may be called upon to present)
1. Board Policy Switch to League Numbering System Update
Presentation by Dr. Jane Wright, CCLC
 Dr. Wright highlighted all the hard work that has been done in the
past 6 months to update all Cabrillo’s Policies and Procedures and
align them with the CCLC numbering system. She included the
intent to finish the updates by the end of Spring semester.
2. Cabrillo College Foundation 2013 – PowerPoint presentation
 Melinda Silverstein presented the Foundation’s annual report.
3. SP14 Flex Week Activities
4. Technology Plan Update
The following items are provided for Governing Board information.
No staff report is anticipated.
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5. 2012-2013 Foundation Audit
6. Facility Master Plan Update
7. 2013-14 and 2014-15 Budget Update
8. Financial Reports
9. Cabrillo College Monthly Calendar
10. Agenda for Next or Future Board Meetings
 Trustee Smith asked President Jones to explore the possibility of
having charging staging sessions for electric vehicles.
The Cabrillo College Governing board may discuss items to be placed on
the future board meeting agendas.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30pm.
For ADA related meeting accommodations, contact the Executive Assistant to the President at (831) 479-6306
at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.