Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College

Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
 Christina/Ignacio-Solutions
 Keren-Mission
 Lizette-
 Veronika/Ferny-Needs
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
 Mission
 Research Questions
 Needs Analysis
 Solution Description
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo
 We
will research the impact on teens who
live in a single parent home whether both
parents or just one are involved in the teens
life. We will also research how common
single parent homes are in our community.
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
How many teens between the ages of 13-19 live
in a single parent home in our community?
Do the teens in our community maintain contact
with the parent who is absent?
Are teens in our community left home alone? If
so, how often and when?
Did teens in single parent homes feel closer to
their parents before, or after their parent
became single or separated from the other
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
Keren & Lizette
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo
 Total
Number of Surveys: 100
 Number
of Spanish Surveys: 5
 Age
 3 % under 15 years old
 91% between 15 – 20 years old
 2% between 21- 25 years old
 0% between 26 – 30 years old
 2% 30+ years old
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
Women 35%
Men 62%
94% Latino
3% Other
2% White
0% Asian
0% African - American
Are You Attending School?
93% Yes
3% No
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
 Renaissance
High School
 New School High School
 Watsonville High School
 Quetzal High School
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
Do you have children?
9% 1 Child
0 % 2-3 Children
0 % 4-6 Children
0% 7+ Children
How many people live in your home?
6 % 1-2
38% 3-4
48% 5-7
5% 8-10
1% 11+
85% Are US Citizens
2% Voted in the last election
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
 The
people we conducted our surveys on
were Hispanic/Latino teens, between the
ages of 15-20 years old.
 We wanted to know how common single
parent homes are in our community.
 We found these people in high schools
around Watsonville.
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
Out of 200 teens..
95 are left alone on
weekdays between 38pm
31 are left alone
weeknights from 812pm
70 are left alone on
The last 4 had no
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
Where do these
teens spend their
unsupervised time?
80 of them spend their
time at home
20 of them spend their
time at a relatives home
85 of them spend their
time in the streets
15 spend time in
recreation areas.
Veronika & Ferny
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo
 Single
parents & the teens of single parents.
Mostly moms because 52 out of the 83 teens
living in single parent homes are living with
their mom.
 The
community because there are more
teens on the streets.
 Teens
because they are being left alone to
often without adult supervision.
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
 Make
more government fee waivers to help
single parents support their children.
 Recreation
centers that will keep teens and
kids out of the streets.
 More
affordable Daycare centers for single
 More positive communication within the
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
 When
single parents are working two jobs to
support their families and the children are
being left alone.
 When less time is spent as a family.
 When
teens are left unsupervised and are
experimenting with drugs/alcohol.
 When
teens are being left alone to take care
of themselves & end up roaming the street.
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
 Lack
of communication between parents and
their children.
 Scarcity of after school activities for students.
 Negative influences such as….parents, friends,
gang members, older family members.
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
Christina & Ignacio
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo
 To
open more
recreation centers &
more programs like
big brothers & big
 More
funding’s or fee
Waivers for single
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
 Counseling
 Encourage & train
parents to have
communication with
their children.
 Greater community
Recreation &
more program
Fee waivers
for kids with
single parents.
parents to have
with their
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
 Open
more recreation centers & more
programs like big brothers & big sisters
so that the children could have someone
who is in a stable state of mind to look
up to.
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
 Fee
waivers for kids with single
parents, it is important that the
government helps single parents
with financial help to support and
maintain a decent living.
 Fee waivers can also be to help
lower the cost of after school sports.
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
 Encourage
parents to have better
communication with they're children, so that
professional help will not be needed. Have
more parent-teacher conferences so parents
can be informed of the kids schooling and
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
 To
help single parents stop struggling.
 To prevent poverty from growing
 More educated members of society.
 Help maintain structure within all families.
 Reduce the number of gang members
 Keep the number of people who use drugs
from growing.
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
 Better
student academic reports
 More family control and stability
 Less gang involvement
 Less use of drugs and alcohol
 More parent and teen communication
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
 The
number or children getting involved with
drugs will continue to rise.
 Since the number of single parents is
growing the number of families in poverty
will rise.
 There will be more gang involvement
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College
BBBS of Santa Cruz County 1500 41st Ave.,
Suite 250 Capitola, CA 95010
Salud Para La Gente, Inc.
204 E. Beach Street Mailing Address: PO Box 1750,
Watsonville, CA 95076
Phone # (831) 728-8250
FAX # (831) 728-8266
email - rcates@saludparalagente.org
home page - http://www.splg.org
Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College