Community Homelessness Research Project 1 MARIE ELLIS JAIME GONZALEZ DUSTIN STRONG ISAAC AVALOS KIMBERLY OLSON AVERY PEREZ ANDY BALLESTEROS Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 Presentation Outline 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Executive Summary ~Marie Ellis and Jaime Gonzalez Needs Analysis ~ Dustin Strong and Isaac Avalos Solution Statement ~ Marie Ellis and Kim Olson Solution Choice ~ Andy Ballesteros and Avery Perez Understanding what's Available ~ Marie Ellis Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 Executive Summary 3 MARIE ELLIS JAIME GONZALEZ Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 Project Goal 4 Develop current information of 150-200 surveys about their knowledge and opinions of the local homeless population, and how we need to solve it We want solutions to issues homeless face, whether the cause is personal, mental, physical, developmental, ext. We want everyone to help by just understanding that not all homeless persons are just “lazy” but rather uniformed Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 Team Responsibilities 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Marie Ellis ~ Team Leader and PowerPoint manager Kimberly Olson ~ Asst. Team Leader and Solutions manager Andy Ballesteros ~ Team Developer Isaac Avalos ~ Team developer Avery Perez ~ Survey Results entry and Percentages Jaime Gonzales ~ Research on what's Already Available Dustin Strong ~ Team Developer Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 Where we Surveyed 6 Downtown Watsonville Downtown Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Metro Center Watsonville Cabrillo Campus “There is an estimate of 2,789 homeless people recorded in Santa Cruz” ~ Santa Cruz County Health Services Survey, 2007 Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 Who we Surveyed 7 We ended with 157 Surveys 57% Male 43% Female Ages: 17% Under 15 51% 15-20 19% 21-25 13% 26-30+ Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 Ethnicities: 74% Hispanic 23% White 1% Asian 1% African-American 1% Other Thesis Questions Asked 8 Do you want homelessness to change? Do you think the state should develop more programs? Do you think that being lazy is the prime factor of homelessness? Are you able to see homeless people utilizing standard working conditions? Should children be categorized as homeless? How can homelessness change for the better? Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 Needs Analysis 9 DUSTIN STRONG ISAAC AVALOS Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 Facts From Santa Cruz 10 2.1% of Santa Cruz is Homeless 2. Overall, job loss is the highest reason for being homeless, followed by alcohol and drug use 3. 87% of homeless say they don’t have a job 4. Only a total of 9 homeless persons in the entire county where counted in drug and alcohol rehabilitation in 2007 5. 18% of the homeless persons noted in 2007 where under age 18 6. 35% of the homeless persons said they didn’t have a high school diploma or G.E.D 1. Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 Data from Our Surveys 11 57% thought that homelessness is primarily caused by laziness. 87% said they wanted homelessness to change 89% said they thought the state should develop more programs 35% said children should be categorized as homeless “Get all those homeless off their lazy **** and tell them to get a life” ~ non-homeless Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 What does this tell us about the need? That people don’t know much about the personal lives of the homeless, and don’t understand that some are ill or unable to work That homeless have a “bad rep” and it obviously would be hard for them to get a job People would like the issues around homelessness to change Pro’s and Con’s of Supporting and not Supporting Needs 12 Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 The Solution Statement 13 MARIE ELLIS KIMBERLY OLSON Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 The Three Recommended Solutions 14 1. Awareness Counselors 2. Homeless Community Act 3. Homeless anonymous Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 1:Homeless Awareness Counselors 15 • Our main goal in the (H.A.C) Homeless Awareness Counseling is to show homeless people that they have a voice and there are people in this world that will listen to there problems. Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 2:Homeless Community Act 16 • Consists of large public meetings in Santa Cruz addressing what can we do as a community to help homelessness. • Will directly impact those who live on the streets of Santa Cruz county. • Will inform the community of the new truths behind homelessness as well as recourses that are already available. Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 Resources and On going Homeless Projects 17 • • • • • • • Infant, and Children (WIC) Call: 888-WICWORK • Fed. Housing administration (FHA) 800-225-5342 Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 3:Homeless Anonymous 18 An “AA” type meeting that will address common problems surrounding homelessness Interacting with others “Venting” or talking about problems Handling addiction problems Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 Criteria for Selecting Useful Solutions 19 1. Availability (resources) 2. How long it will take for success 3. Advertizing (how much) 4. How easy it is to organize Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 Criteria Table 20 Availability (resources) How Long it will take Advertizing Organization Needs Totals 1. Awareness Counselors XX XX X XX 7 2. Homeless Community Act XX XXX X XXX 9 (highest ) 3. Homeless Anonymous X XX XX X 6 Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 Our #1 Recommended Solution 21 ANDY BALLESTEROS AVERY PEREZ Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 The Goal of our #1 Solution 22 Increase understanding of homeless populations in Santa Cruz Advise the public to give homeless people a chance Access homeless for personal differences and define individual needs Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 The Objective of our #1 Solution 23 Start a project of interested volunteers to become experts on homelessness, and all the resources available for help Develop group strategies to create movement in the community surrounding homelessness Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 Outcomes of our #1 Solution 24 Higher community support systems Development of an educated community that helps one another Increased amount of job skills for those who are homeless or at-risk Raise in the level of voters A raise in personal self-motivation for those who are homeless Increase in success rates for homeless and at-risk An understanding of what's already available Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 Understanding what's Already Available 25 MARIE ELLIS Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008 For More Information on Local Homelessness Go To: 26 • • • • • • •Infant, and Children (WIC) Call: 888WICWORK •Fed. Housing administration (FHA) 800225-5342 Digital Bridge Academy Spring Semester 2008