Health Care Affordability in Santa Cruz County Craig Johnson – Jerry Peters – Houcine A. Ahmed –Philotheos Allison Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College Health Care in America & Santa Cruz 16% of Americans do not have health insurance ◊ 12% of Santa Cruz Residents do not have health insurance * 34% of people we surveyed do not have health insurance ◊ = U.S. 2007 Census Bureau * = from Dominican Hospital fall 2008 community assessment report Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College PROJECT OUTLINE Goal Objectives Research Questions Data Collection Needs Analysis Solution Analysis Solutions/Recommendations Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College Goal Objectives Collect information about the Health Care situation in Santa Cruz Area Report on people’s needs and concerns regarding health care affordability Diagnose health care problems and create a proposal of possible solutions Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College Research Questions 1. What percentage of residents have health insurance ? 2. Who are their health care providers and what is the cost ? 3. What are the obstacles to acquiring health insurance ? 4. Should the government provide and control health care ? 5. What is the impact of health care affordability on our community ? Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College We surveyed 125 people in Santa Cruz County Male 69% English Surveys 99 Female 31% Spanish Surveys 26 Age Ranges 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Ethnicities Ethnicity Percentage 46 White Hispanic Under 15 African American 1% 2%7% Asian 15 to 20 20 15 17 21 to 25 18% 26 to 30 31+ 0 % Data Collection 72% Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College Other What is your primary language ? English 89% Spanish 6% Other 1% Other primary languages were: Arabic Bengali Russian Spanish/ English (Spanglish) Data Collection Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College Are you married ? Yes 30% No 70% Do you have any children ? Data Collection Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College Are you currently attending school ? Yes 31% No 69% Data Collection Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College Are you employed ? Yes 66% No 34% If yes, how many hours per week ? 40+ hours 30% 20-40 hours 42% Under 20 hours 28% Data Collection Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College Are you a U.S. Citizen ? Yes No 87% 13% Did you vote in the last election? Yes No Data Collection 51% 49% Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College The experiences of health care affordability in Santa Cruz County Do you have health care insurance ? Yes 66% Data Collection No 34% Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College People without health care insurance Why don’t you have health insurance ? Cost Availability Don’t know Unspecified Data Collection 62 % 19 % 14 % 5% Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College People with health care insurance Who provides your health insurance ? • • • • • Work Government Private School Unspecified Data Collection 44 % 27 % 20 % 1% 8% Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College What type of insurance plan do you have? Data Collection Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College How much is your monthly premium ? Data Collection Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College What is the best aspect of your health care insurance ? The respondents identified 3 aspects of their health insurance they felt were the best : Good coverage Good choice of services/doctors or hospitals Low cost of coverage and low co-pays Data Collection Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College If you could change one thing about your health insurance, what would it be ? More services and medications covered Cost Wider choice of doctors and hospitals Nothing Full coverage Alternative therapies Better customer service Less paper work Get insurance through employer Data Collection 39% 33% 15% 2% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College How satisfied are you with your health insurance ? Data Collection Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College How secure are you with your health insurance ? Data Collection Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College All people with or without insurance With Without Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College How much do you spend monthly for prescription medications ? Average dollar amount spent on prescription medications monthly 0 to 50 50 to 100 100 to 200 200 to 400 10% 18% 54% 18% Data Collection Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College Can you afford all the prescription medication you need to take ? Yes No Don’t know 56% 17% 27% Do you think the cost of prescription medication is too high ? Agree Disagree Data Collection 92% 8% Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College Should the government regulate... ? A) Medication prices ? Yes No 82% 18% B) Doctors / medical services fees ? Yes No Data Collection 42% 58% Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College Do you think everyone in America should have equal access to quality health care ? Yes – 94% No – 6% Should the government provide and control a National health plan ? Yes – 84% Data Collection No – 16% Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College Do you want a National Health Plan for..? All legally documented persons living in U.S.A. ? 78% agreed All persons in U.S.A. documented or not ? 56% agreed 22% disagreed 44% disagreed All persons in U.S.A. regardless of ability to pay ? 80% agreed Data Collection 20% disagreed Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College What is a realistic amount for each person to pay monthly for National health insurance ? Data Collection Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College What do you think are the biggest obstacles to improve health care affordability ? • • • • • • Affordability Bureaucracy The economy / money Prescription prices Unhealthy lifestyles Inflation / Government Benefits to undeserved Politicians / system Data Collection • • • • • • • • Corporate greed Doctor’s /Nurse’s salaries Education Limited Coverage People’s expression not heard Insurance companies Taxes Eligibility not clear Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College What are the most important steps to improve the overall health care situation in this country ? • Housing the homeless • National Health Plan • Only accept legal citizens • New President/Congress • More affordable • Admit there is a problem • Limit insurance claims • Accessible to everyone • • War vs. Health care Lower Taxes Data Collection • Remove corporate welfare • Passing bills for affordable for health care for the middle class Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College Who is in need ? People without available access to health insurance Individuals who can’t afford insurance People with jobs that don’t have health care benefits Excessive cost of coverage for the insured People who can’t afford necessary medications Needs Analysis Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College What are the needs ? Greater availability & lower cost insurance for the uninsured Lower cost options for health care and medicine Equal access to health care for all people Government or employer-mandated health care coverage More primary care physicians in Santa Cruz County * * from Dominican Hospital fall 2008 community assessment report Needs Analysis Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College Why do these needs occur ? Health services and medicines costs are too high Privatized health care is unequal and costly There is no National health care plan Corporate greed High cost of living in Santa Cruz County Needs Analysis Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College Solutions Analysis Government needs to address health care issue An affordable way of providing health care to all people Tax break for people to use for health insurance Lower cost & affordable prescription medication Higher reimbursements for county doctors More local social activism for health care issues Solutions Analysis Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College Solutions Recommendations Passing laws that promote better health care Create a National health care plan Government regulation and limitation of pharmaceutical medication prices Build more hospitals and health clinics Institute employer-mandated health care Create college club to promote local health care change Solutions Recommendations Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College Final Recommendation Create the “Cabrillo Health Care Reform Club” to : ◦ Brainstorm new ideas for local health care reform and advancement ◦ Increase local community awareness through organized social activism Final Recommendation Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College Brainstorm new ideas for local health care reform and advancement Cabrillo Health Care Reform Club Club Activities to include : ◦ Creating a club interactive website ◦ Publishing a club newsletter ◦ Solicit sponsorship from local benefactors Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College Increase local community awareness through organized social activism Cabrillo Health Care Reform Club ◦ Send club representatives to city council meetings for research and expression ◦ Invite regional medical professionals, health scholars, and hospitals involvement and cooperation ◦ Hold community health care forums ◦ Lobby local lawmakers and politicians to enact new laws which ensure affordable and accessible health care for everyone Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College Health Care Affordability Team Houcine A. Ahmed Philotheos Allison Jerry Peters Craig Johnson Wardrobe provided by Ken Hatfield Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy Cabrillo College