Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College Mission Statement Research Questions Needs Analysis Solution Description Solution Criteria Solution Choice Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College Suyapa Amaya Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College This presentation will show the affect of drunk driving in our community. And the affects it has on the families and the youth in our community. Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College How many people say it is bad to drive drunk and still drive under the influence? What can we do to make the streets safer? Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College Suyapa: Mission Statement and Thesis Question Servando: Who/ Where we surveyed and Backgrounds Ivan: Needs Omar: Resources and Solutions Javier: Goals and Outcomes Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College Servando Mendoza Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College Total Number of Surveys: 100 Number of Spanish Surveys: 50 Age Range: 10 years old or less 15 years old or less 20 years old or less 21+ years old Don’t drink 8% 28% 36% 6% 18% Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College Cabrillo College both Aptos and Watsonville Campus’ Renaissance High School Downtown Santa Cruz Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College Gender Women 49% Men 50% Transgender 1% Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College Ethnicity 62% Hispanic/Latino 28 % White 2% Asian 4% African-American 5% other Do you have any children? Yes 23% No 77% 81% of parents that see drunk drivers on the road are scared, angry and panic for the safety of their children. Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College Ivan Ibarra Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College Who Is in need? The Community. Drivers/ Drunk Drivers. Family/Children. Underage Drinkers. Police Force. Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College What are the needs. Higher Consequences (Fines/Tickets/Jail Time) Have a SOBER Driver. More Checkpoints. More Outreach Programs. Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College More outreach programs to educate adults and children about the dangers of drunk driving. More checkpoints will bring awareness into drunk drivers which will reduce drinking and driving. Raising the fines on tickets would put fear into drunk drivers. Because sober drivers keep the roads safe and reduces the number of drunk drivers on Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College Adolescents think their invincible. Last resort for getting home. “Last Time I do it.”/ “Only One Time.” Not caring what the outcome is. Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College When there are drunk drivers on the road. When drunk driving accidents occur regularly. When innocent pedestrians are ran over. When people think its ok to drink and drive. Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College Omar Contreras Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) :1-877-MADD-HELP (877-623-3435) Alcoholics Anonymous 1302 Lincoln St Watsonville, Phone: (831) 722-7304] Santa Cruz 740 Front Street, Suite 130 (To schedule an appointment in Santa Cruz call 831-423-2003) Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College Not drunk driving Having a breathalyzer in cars Having more checkpoints Raising fines Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College Never Drink and Drive Our criteria shows that not drunk driving would definitely save money, help the community and help out the safety on the road and in the community. Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College Breathalyzers in cars in order to turn on the car will lower drunk drivers on the road. Will not allow incapable drivers to drive. Will make drunk drivers think ahead and have a sober driver. Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College Having more checkpoints will send fear into drunk drivers eyes. More checkpoints will reduce the chances of drunk drivers crashing. Will increase the safety of driving home safe. Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College Government funding toward programs that have positive effects on the community Supporting A.A. groups and other nonprofits. Funding organizations that promote sobriety. Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Easy to create Meets needs of both youth & parents Effective results Saves money Reduces drunk drivers Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College Never Drink & Drive Breathalyz er in cars More Governm checkpoint ent s funding XXX XX X XXX Communit XXX y XX XXX XXX Safety XX XXX X Money XXX Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College Javier Frias Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College Keep the streets safe from drunk drivers Stop drunk driving completely Make streets safe for all pedestrians and families. Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College Drunk drivers will continue to drive The streets will not be safe Drunk drivers will raise the number of accidents More casualties Children's lives would be left at risk if drunk drivers are not off the road Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College Paying police officers to set up checkpoints. People would have to buy breathalyzers. People are safe. Less deaths and accidents in our community. Fall '08 - Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College