Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Amanda Reeder R d Lucas Dicey y Ana Perez Crystal Coronal Juan Barba Johnny C Campos Rachele Garcia Louis S Sanchez h Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 OUTLINE: Mission Statement Thesis Questions Demographics g p Needs/Problems Solutions Our Goal and Hopeful Outcome of Fulfilled Goals Negative Outcome of Unfulfilled Goals R Resources iin th the community Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 We wanted to study the impact of drug use on the community. We want to research what makes people use. use We want to give the community a new perspective on addicts; They’re people too! Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Thesis Th i Questions What influences people to use? What age do people generally start using? What’ss the most commonly abused drug? What The affect of drugs on children Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Total Number of Survey’s: 100 Number of Spanish Survey’s: 7 6% Were Under the Age of 15 30% Were 16-20 18% Were W 21 21-25 25 9% Were 26-30 37% Were 31+ Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Who Did We Survey? 58% Latino 3% AfricanAfrican American 1% Asian 29% White 9% O Other h Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Do You Have Children? 17% Have 1 child 19% Have 2-3 23 7% Have 4-6 17% have h 7+ 86 % Are U.S Citizens 34 % Voted How Many People Live In the Household? 21% 1-2 people 31% 3-4 p people p 30% 5-7 people 5% 8-10 p people p 7% 11+ people Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Watsonville /Aptos Cabrillo Watsonville Plaza Santa Cruz Co. Co Fellow Addicts Family & Friends Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Who is in Need? Survey Question: How did you get Introduced to drugs? 28% were influenced by family 67% were influenced by friends 14% were influenced by other *Survey Question: i Do you believe addiction is a disease? ~83% of people surveyed say Yes Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 *Survey yQ Question: Do you y know someone who has died from drug use? ? ~73% of people surveyed said yes!!!!! People still suffering in their addiction The growing number of drug related deaths continues to grow!! Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 What are the NEEDS? Drug rehabilitation D h bilit ti programs ffor women to go with their children The need for more rehabilitation of addict, instead of incarceration. Parental Involvement and a better example to be set for children Drug Outreach programs Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Survey question: S i At A what h age did you fi first experiment i with drugs? 57% EXPERIMENTED WITH DRUGS BETWEEN THE AGES OF BEFORE 15 TO 20 YEARS OLD Survey Question: Does drug abuse run in your family? 54% SAID YES 46% SAID NO Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 Lack of communication between parents and their children. Lack of things g for kids to do after school. Negative influences such as….parents, friends,, g gang g members,, older family y members. When children are taken from their mothers while they get help..families are destroyed Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 When all we hear on the news is drug busts. busts When more and more crimes are committed because of nonrehabilitation. When rehabilitation programs are being shut down due to lack of money. Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 45 There needs to be more facilities where women can go to get treatment without being separated from their children. OF THE 45% OF WOMEN SURVEYED, 33% OF THEM LOST THEIR CHILDREN TO THEIR ADDICTION! For parents to be more aware of addiction so they h have h information i f i needed d d to help h l their h i children or themselves if necessary. Number of 40 35 30 25 Series1 20 15 10 5 0 Number of women that th t lost l t their th i kids kid W Women Surveyed S d Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 7% To try to end the vicious cycle that the system pulls addicts through. 93 % off people p p surveyed y said they y thought g addicts should be rehabilitated instead of sent to prison. Possibly change the way people view addicts. 22% of people surveyed said they thought that addicts were bad people. 93% Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 gg barrier for Research shows that the biggest women trying to kick drugs or alcohol dependence is the possibility of separation from their children. children Las Hermanas was the only live-in facility that aimed at Spanish speaking women in the community and it’s now closed down! It also housed pregnant women The best hope for those of us afflicted with the disease of addiction is to find live-in and long term treatment treatment. Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 g ap g p y targets g Design program that specifically youth and parents. Sometimes parents think that their children are just “going through a phase” when in reality their child has a problem. problem Last, there are some parents that are in Last complete denial when they need to step up and support their children as much as possible without ih iignoring i the h problem. bl Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 There is 2.3 million people incarcerated right now. Most are level 1 non-violent offenders. 28% are women felons due to drugs. Like mentioned before we believe that when a addict is sent to prison and the real problem isn’t taken care of, the addict comes out HARD and not rehabilitated. Addi h Addicts have a di disease and d they h need dh help! l ! Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 The community views us as a problem instead of people with a problem. Addiction does not make bad people, drugs do! Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 1. 2. 3. 4. Our first goal is to educate people on the disease of addiction Our second g goal is to show the importance p of recovery centers for women and children in Watsonville. Our third goal is to always set the best example by not glorifying drug use and encouraging i youths h to continue i school. h l Our last goal is to help lower the number of people l experimenting i ti with ith d drugs. Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 For addicts to have full access to p professional help. For women to feel safe enough to go to a recovery center and d get help h l without ih fear f off loosing her children. Kids look up to us and we want to make sure we give out a good message in hopes that kids will want to go to school and get an education rather then experiment with drugs. Lower number of people experimenting=lower number of addicts. addicts Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 The number of drug related crimes will continue to grow The number of incarcerated p people p that are continuously in and out of prison will definitely increase with only negative affects. If we continue to be oblivious to how close drugs are to every one of us, the next generations i to come will ill cultivate li more addicts. Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 To lower the number of incarcerated people and increase the number of rehabilitated addicts. To ensure a better future for children who’s parents are addicts. To reduce the impact of illegal drug usage. We want people to be more aware of how close drug use really is to being right inside of their own homes. Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 In and outpatient treatment centers: AA and NA 12-step meetings throughout Santa Cruz County. Men’s Si Se S Puede P d Teen Challenge New Life of Pajaro j Women's Mondenero Baskin Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009 COED Janus of Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Residential The Camp Providence House New Life Of Santa Cruz Adolescents Tyler House in La Selva Crossroads of Corralitos Digital Bridge Academy - Cabrillo College - Fall 2009