This strategy came into effect on 13 December 2006 by HM Inspectorate of Education after consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management Board. It supersedes all previous versions. Good Practice Strategy 2006-10 1. This good practice strategy has been developed to set out our plans for increasing the impact of HMIE’s dissemination of good practice and activity to promote the adoption of good practice. 2. The strategy has been developed in line with HMIE’s good practice policy and covers the period 2006-2010. It has been informed by: • • • • existing HMIE approaches to sharing good practice; Enabling Dynamic Practice, the report of the van der Kuyl/Gavin review sponsored by Scottish Executive Enterprise Transport and Lifelong Learning Department (SEETLLD) in response to a recommendation of the Smith Group; HMIE internal reflection prior to engagement with the consultants and interaction with them in the course of the review; and discussion in HMIE Senior Management Group and other groups. 3. It will be reviewed and adjusted or extended by end August 2007 as necessary in the light of HMIE’s corporate plan 2007-2010 and in advance of the business planning cycle for management planning (MP) year 2008-2009. 4. The higher-level and corporate objectives in the strategy will be expressed in a management plan task to be added to the 2006-2007 business planning tool and carried forward into 2007-2008 and thereafter. This task will set out responsibilities, performance measures, milestones and dates associated with achieving the objectives. Activity within the task will include co-ordination and monitoring of derivative activity across a range of other business plan tasks. Year 1 – 2006-07 Internal Objective 1: Raise awareness within HMIE of the Enabling Dynamic Practice report and related thinking, and of the response to the report agreed by SMG, and draw upon staff views to refine thinking. We shall provide all lead inspectors with copies of the report and of the associated briefing papers for HMIE Management Board and Management Team. When the intentions of the Smith Group and the Ministerial response become clear, we shall provide summary information to all staff in an HMIE Bulletin or by e-mail, and open an HMIE intranet area with a wider range of information. We shall seek staff responses to the report and take account of them in planning future action. 1 This strategy came into effect on 13 December 2006 by HM Inspectorate of Education after consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management Board. It supersedes all previous versions. Objective 2: For the 2007-08 planning round, secure HMIE SMG agreement on the general expectations of the role of HMIE business plan tasks in disseminating good practice and securing its adoption, and communicate these expectations to task managers. 1 We shall clarify and communicate expectations for task managers to address good practice promotion as a key point of reference in the detailed planning and finalisation of MP 2007-08 tasks. As part of this, we shall provide guidance around the planning of publications, events and other arrangements for maximum impact. Objective 3: Resolve issues of finance around HMIE good practice activity. We shall establish an HMIE budget line for good practice, agree the kinds of activity that can be funded from it, and devolve appropriate elements of the budget to directorates and Services for Children Unit. Objective 4: Review the good practice area of the HMIE website and specify changes required to increase impact. We shall survey how websites of other relevant educational bodies communicate and promote good practice and evaluate our current approaches in the light of findings. We shall agree specifications for a revised area with additional facilities and contract for the necessary changes. Objective 5: Review presentation of good practice-related HMIE publications and specify changes to increase impact 2 We shall survey practice across directorates, and how publications of similar organisations communicate and promote good practice, and agree action in the light of our conclusions. External Objective 1: Agree with other bodies active in the promotion of good practice how to maximise synergies in our activities. We shall hold discussions with Learning and Teaching Scotland (LTS), Scottish Further Education Unit (SFEU) and other partner bodies, and Scottish Executive Divisions responsible for the content of websites, promotional publications, practitioner networks, CPD and other strategies in key policy areas such as A Curriculum for Excellence and Determined to Succeed, with a view to securing ongoing agreement on how activity in disseminating and promoting good practice can avoid duplication and support overall objectives. As part of this, we shall set out plans for good practice events over the period of our corporate plan in collaboration with the Communications Team 1 2 Objective 2 will be taken forward in collaboration with the Communications Strategy Group. Objective 5 will be taken forward in collaboration with the Communications Strategy Group 2 This strategy came into effect on 13 December 2006 by HM Inspectorate of Education after consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management Board. It supersedes all previous versions. Objective 2: Promote more intensively the use of the existing good practice identified and published by HMIE. We shall promote the use of the range of good practice made available through good practice conferences where these are scheduled, and through district inspector contacts with education authorities and headteachers. HMIE publications such as Briefing will highlight where practitioners can find reported good practice. We shall also explore facilities that might be offered by partner organisations. Objective 3: Establish the views of practitioners and others on new HMIE approaches to good practice. We shall adjust post-inspection and review questionnaires and event evaluation forms, and implement a range of other approaches to capture the views of practitioners and others on the effectiveness and impact of HMIE approaches. Year 2 – 2007-08 Internal Objective 1: Ensure that good practice policy and strategy are consistent with HMIE Corporate Plan 2007-2010. We shall review the good practice strategy and policy in the light of the new HMIE corporate plan agreed for the period 2007-2010 and adjust as necessary to align them with it. Objective 2: Ensure that all HMII and associate assessors have a full understanding of and commitment to the identification and promotion of good practice. We shall provide CPD through SDCORP days and/or HMIE conferences or the national seminar to ensure staff understand that promotion of good practice will be a consistent and conspicuous feature of HMIE activity, including within programmes of general inspection and review, and are able to play a full part within HMIE and in other contexts. Objective 3: Fully harness the role of national specialists We shall set out consistent expectations for national specialists across all directorates to identify good practice, prepare it for dissemination, and promote it. Objective 4: Improve and extend the good practice elements of the HMIE website We shall implement the conclusions of the review in year 1 of the current good practice area of the website by commissioning appropriate design and software. Objective 5: Implement agreed changes to presentation of good practice in published reports. 3 This strategy came into effect on 13 December 2006 by HM Inspectorate of Education after consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management Board. It supersedes all previous versions. We shall implement decisions taken under Objective 5 in Year 1 of the strategy. Objective 6: Mainstream the dimension of planning for maximum impact in securing good practice within all relevant HMIE tasks and activities, specifically including inspection reports and those tasks undertaken by HMII with a liaison role including DII, college HMII, TEI HMII and CLD link inspectors. We shall monitor the implementation of advice formulated and circulated in year 1 and agree any necessary extension or enhancement of activity. This will involve liaison with the Communications Group, and with the Inspection and Reporting group on presentation of good practice in published reports. External Objective 1: Ensure that all key stakeholders have a full understanding of HMIE’s position and practice around disseminating and securing the adoption of good practice. We shall build discussion of good practice and its promotion in to HMIE liaison discussions with all key stakeholders to ensure that they fully understand what we are aiming to do and how they can capitalise upon or align with our activity. Year 3 – 2008-09 Internal Objective 1: Achieve comprehensive coverage of good practice on our website. We shall continue to add material so that we have at least one page on our website related to each area of HMIE national specialism and each major sectoral or cross-cutting area where activity is co-ordinated by lead inspectors. Each of these pages will be populated with current and up-to-date examples of good practice and/or links to sites where we are confident that good practice is held. Objective 2: Establish HMIE as a key point of reference for Scottish practitioners seeking access to descriptions of good practice or engagement with it. We shall publicise the approaches that we have adopted and promote practitioner engagement with them during our fieldwork, through our events, and with our website and publications. External Objective 1: Pilot innovative approaches to working through other agencies to promote good practice. 4 This strategy came into effect on 13 December 2006 by HM Inspectorate of Education after consideration by HMIE Senior Management Group and endorsement by HMIE Management Board. It supersedes all previous versions. We shall pilot and evaluate a range of approaches to enhancing our activities in good practice through franchising or licensing others to deliver or reproduce them. Year 4 – 2009-10 Internal Objective 1: Update HMIE policy and strategy in good practice. We shall review the implementation and impact of the good practice policy and strategy, and take the findings into account in drafting new versions for 2010-11 onwards. External Objective 1: Fully implement approaches piloted in Year 3 for working with other agencies. We shall implement those approaches that are evaluated as feasible and effective. Objective 2: Evaluate the effectiveness of the 2006-10 good practice strategy in achieving its external objectives. The evaluation will help inform the development of the new good practice strategy and inform our future approaches to in this area of our work. 5